


焊接欠缺welding imperfection

焊接缺陷weld defect

气孔blowhole/ gas pore





表面裂纹surface crack




烧穿burn through

塌陷excessive penetration

未焊透incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration

未熔合lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion 未焊满incompletely filled weld

根部凹陷root concavity

电弧擦伤arc scratch

夹渣slag inclusion


夹钨tungsten inclusion

白点fish eye/ flake

错边misalignment/ dislocation


试件test piece

试样test specimen

无损检验nondestructive test

破坏检验destructive test

外观检查visual examination

超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection

直射法超声波探伤straight beam method

斜射法超声波探伤angle beam method

液浸法超声波探伤immersion method

射线探伤radiographic inspection/ radiography

X射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspection γ射线探伤gamma-ray inspection

X射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection

磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspection

电磁探伤electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test

探伤灵敏度flaw detection sensitivity

渗透探伤penetration inspection 荧光探伤flurescent penetrant inspection 着色探伤dye penetrant inspection

密封性检验leak test

气密性检验air tight test

枕形气密检验pillow test

耐压检验pressure test

水压检验hydraulic test

气压检验pneumatic test

液晶检验liquid crystal test

声发射检测acoustic emission testing

面弯试验face bend testing

背弯试验root bend test

侧弯试验side bend test

横弯试验horizontal bend test

纵弯试验axial bend test

压扁试验squeezing test

actual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度

all-around weld整周焊缝

all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝

angle butt weld斜对接焊

angle weld角焊

appearance of weld焊缝成形

arc-seam weld电弧缝焊

arc-spot weld电弧点焊


aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数

at weld edge在焊缝边上

attachment weld连接焊缝

automatic spot weld自动点焊法

automatic weld自动焊接

axis of a weld焊缝行南? 焊接轴线

axis of weld焊缝轴线; 焊接轴线

back of weld焊缝背面

backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口backing weld底焊; 底焊焊缝

bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊

bead weld珠焊; 堆焊

bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝

beading weld凸焊

beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接; 梁式引线焊接block sequence weld分段多层焊

bond weld钢轨接头焊接

bridge seam weld桥缝焊接; 桥线焊

brize weld硬焊

butt weld对接焊缝

butt weld ends对头焊接端

butt-weld碰焊; 平式焊接; 对头焊接

butt-weld in the downhand position对接平焊

butt-weld joint对头焊接

butt-weld pipe mill对焊管轧机

button spot weld按电钮点焊

cap weld最后焊层; 盖面焊缝

carbon content of weld materials焊接材料的碳含量

cast-weld construction铸焊结构

caulk weld填缝焊

caulking weld密实焊缝

chain intermittent fillet weld链式分段角焊; 并列间断角焊缝

chain intermittent weld并列焊接

circular weld环形焊缝

circumferential weld环缝; 环焊缝

cleft weld裂口焊

closed weld底边无缝焊; 无间隙焊缝

closed-chamber fusion weld闭室熔焊

cluster weld丛聚焊缝

coil weld卷板对接焊; 卷板对接焊; 板卷焊cold weld冷压接

commutator-controlled weld换向控制焊接complete penetration butt weld贯穿对焊composite weld紧密焊缝; 强度密封焊缝concave filled weld凹形角焊缝

concave filler weld凹角焊

concave fillet weld凹面填角焊

concave weld凹焊缝; 凹面焊; 凹形焊缝; 轻型焊

connective weld联系焊缝

continuous butt-weld mill连续式炉焊管机组continuous fillet weld连续(填)角焊缝; 连续角焊缝; 连续贴角焊

continuous weld连续焊缝

continuous weld process连续式炉焊管法contour weld特形焊接

convex fillet weld凸角焊缝; 凸形角焊缝convex weld凸焊缝; 凸形焊缝

copper weld wire包铜钢丝

corner flange weld单卷边角焊缝

corner weld角焊

corner-flange weld卷边角焊缝; 卷边角焊缝crack of weld焊部裂纹

cross weld十字交叉焊缝; 横向焊缝

cross-wire weld十字焊

crotch weld楔接锻接; 楔接焊接

cup weld带盖板焊缝

depth of weld焊接深度

dissimilar weld metal不同的焊接金属; 不同金属的焊接

distance between the toes of a weld焊缝宽度

double groove weld双面坡口焊缝

double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊

double-flanged butt weld双弯边对接焊缝double-V groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝; 双斜坡口焊

downhand weld平焊缝

duplex spot weld双点点焊接头

edge joint weld边缘焊

edge weld端接焊; 端接焊缝; 端面焊缝; 对边焊

electric resistance weld mill电阻焊管机electric weld-pipe mill电焊管机


acetylene 乙炔 ampere 电流安培

angle welding 角焊 arc 电弧

argon arc welding 氩弧焊接 bare electrode 光熔接条

butt welding 对接焊接 camber 电弧弯曲cascade 阶叠熔接法 clad weld 被覆熔接crator 焊疤 excess metal 多余金属

filler rod 焊条 fillet weld 填角焊接

gas shield 气体遮蔽 groove welding 起槽熔接

hand face shield 手握面罩 hard facing 硬表面堆焊

jig welding 工模焊接 laser beam welding 雷射光焊接

metal electrode insert gas welding MIG熔接nugget 点焊熔核

overlaying 堆焊 peening of welding 珠击熔接法

plug welding 塞孔熔接 positioned welding 正向熔接

pressure welding 压焊 propane gas cutting 丙烷气切割

pure nickel electrode 纯镍熔接条reinforcement of weld 加强焊接

resist 抗蚀护膜 root running 背面熔接seam 焊缝 seaming 接合

seam welding 流缝熔接 series seam welding 串联缝熔接

skip welding process 跳焊法 spark 火花spot welding 点焊接 stitch welding 针角焊

stud arc welding 电弧焊接 under laying 下部焊层

void 焊接空隙 weld flow mark 焊接流痕

weld flush 焊缝凸起 weld line 焊接纹

weld mark 焊接痕 weld penetration 熔接透入weld zone 焊接区 welding 焊接

welding bead 焊接泡 welding direction 焊接方向

welding distortion 焊接变形 welding flux 焊剂

welding ground 电熔接地 welding interval 焊接周期

welding stress 熔接应变 welding torch 熔接气炬

welding electrode production line 电焊条生产线

welding electrode 焊条

welding fixture 焊接夹具

welding generator 电焊机

welding goggles 焊工护目镜

welding gun 焊枪

welding helmet 电焊帽

welding inspection ruler 焊接检验尺welding machine 焊接机

welding mill 焊管机

welding motor generator 电动焊接发电机welding nozzle 焊嘴

welding paste 焊接药膏

welding pipe 焊接管

welding powder 焊粉

welding rectifier 焊接整流器

welding robot 焊接机器人

welding rod extrusion press 焊条挤压机welding rod with acidic coating 酸性焊条welding rod with alkaline coating 碱性焊条welding rod 焊条

welding simulator 焊接模拟器

welding stainless electrode 不锈电焊条welding steel tube 焊接钢管

welding tin billet 焊锡棒料

welding tongs 焊接夹钳

welding torch 焊炬

welding transformer 电焊变压器

welding unit 焊机

welding wire machine 焊线机

welding wire 焊丝

welding-cutting hose 熔焊及切割胶管welding-cutting tool 焊割具

welding-rod core 焊条芯

welding-seam cleaner 焊缝清理机

weldless pipe 无缝管

weldless steel tube 无缝钢管

well borer 凿井机

well counter 井式计数器

well deck vessel 井形甲板船

well drill 钻井机

well platform 钻井平台

well rig 钻井机

well testing truck 试井车

well thermometer 井温计

well tube filter 井管滤管

well type tempering electric furnace 井式回火电炉

well winch 矿井绞车

well-logging probe 测井探头

well-type counter 井型计数器

Wella Balsam Conditioner 威娜宝护发素Wella Balsam shampoo 威娜宝香波

Wellene 韦纶聚酯短纤维

wellhead acid preventer 井口防酸器wellington 惠灵顿防雨呢

Wellingtons 长筒皮靴

Welltite 韦纶泰特聚丙烯和聚乙烯单丝Welsbach's alloy 韦尔斯巴赫发火合金Welsh flannel 威尔士法兰绒

Welsh wool 威尔士粗羊毛

welsh-onion stalk 葱白

welsh-onion 葱

welt cementing machine 贴边粘合机

welt coloring machine 贴边染色机

welt cutting machine 切沿条机

welt fitting machine 贴边机

welt footwear 加贴边的鞋

welter screen 翻滚筛

welter 镶边机

Wepsin 三唑磷胺

Werlisa 威里沙牌照相机

Werner 维尔纳牌手表

weskit 紧身背心

Wessel silver 韦塞尔铜镍锌合金

West cigarette 威狮牌香烟

West ginseng 西洋参

West Lake Dragon Well tea 西湖龙井茶West Lake silk umbrella 西湖绸伞

West Lake silk 西湖丝绸

West Lake water shield 西湖莼菜

Westeeco 韦斯蒂科镍铬铁耐热合金

Western king prawn 宽沟对虾

Western saddle pants 西式马裤

Western sand cherry 沙樱桃

Western shirt 西式衬衫

western style bed sheet 西式床单

Western style hat 西式呢帽

Western style pajamas 西式睡衣裤

Western style pants 西裤

Western style shirt 西式衬衫

Western style shirt-waist blouse 西式衬衫上衣

Western style suit 西服

western tie 西式领带

Western wool 美国西部羊毛

Western-made shirt in plaid gingham 长方格贞咸布西式衬衫

Westinghouse alloy 西屋镍铜热磁补偿合金wet spinning frame 湿纺细纱机

wet air compressor 湿空气压缩机

wet air pump 湿空气泵

wet and dry bulb hygrometer 干湿球湿度计wet and dry bulb recording hygrometer 干湿球自记湿度计

wet and dry bulb thermometer 干湿球温度计wet ball mill 湿式球磨机

wet blue goat leather 山羊蓝湿革

wet blue goat skin 蓝湿山羊皮

wet board machine 湿式纸板机

wet brush 湿刷

wet chrome goat skin 铬湿山羊皮

wet cleaner 湿法清洗器

wet cloth 湿光布

wet clutch 湿式离合器

wet collector 湿式除尘器

wet condenser 湿式冷凝器

wet crude 含水原油

wet crushing mill 湿粉碎机

wet cylinder liner 湿式气缸套

wet drill 湿式风钻

wet dust collector 湿式收尘器

wet dust separator 湿式除尘器

wet electro-magnet 湿式电磁铁

wet electrolytic capacitor 电解液电容器wet feeder 湿式给料机

wet fiber filter 湿式纤维过滤器

wet filter 湿式过滤器wet fourdrinier board machine 长网湿抄机wet frame 湿纺机

wet furfural condenser 含水糖醛冷凝器

wet gas meter 湿式气量计

wet gas scrubber 湿法气体洗涤

质量合格证书certification of fitness


底板 bottom plate

垫层 cushion

侧壁 sidewall

中心线center line

条形基础 strip footing

附件 accessories

型钢 profile steel

钢板 steel plate

熔渣 slag

飞溅 welding spatter

定位焊 tacking

引弧 generating of arc

熄弧 quenching of arc

焊道 welding bead

坡口 beveled edges

外观检查 visual inspection

重皮 doubleskin

水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction 成型 molding

直线度 straightness accuracy

焊缝角变形 welding line angular distortion 水平度 levelness

铅垂度 verticality

翘曲变形 buckling deformation

角尺 angle square

对接焊缝 butt weld

母材 parent metal

法兰密封面 flange sealing surface


表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration

挠曲变 bending deformation

超声波探伤 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination

压力容器 pressure vessel

预制下料prefabrication baiting

排版直径 set-type diameter

焊缝 welding line

中幅板 ? center plate

测量方法 measuring method

基准点 datum mark

跳焊 skip welding

允许偏差 allowable variation

补强板 stiffening plate

开孔 tapping

对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing

角钢 angle iron

安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle 吊装立柱 hoisting upright column

焊接钢管 welded steel pipe

向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope 带板 band plate

槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring

环口 collar extension

局部变形 local distortion

环缝 circumferential weld

顶板 top plate

拱顶 vault

顶板加强肋 stiffening rib

对接 butt joint

胎具 clamping fixture

卷板机 plate bending rolls

中心支架 center bearing bracket

椭圆度 ovality

等分线 bisectrix

搭接宽度lap width

点焊spot welding

搭接焊 overlap welding


螺旋爬梯cockle stairs

放料阀baiting valve

液位计 content gauge

充水试验 filling water test

错边量 unfitness of butt joint

底圈 foundation ring

真空度检漏 vacuum degree leak test

丁字焊缝 tee welding

渗透探伤 oil whiting test

充水试验 filling water test

内侧角焊缝接头 interior angle welding line joint

foundation settlement 基础沉降

测量基准点 datum mark


稳定性试验 stability test

排气阀 outlet valve

角钢 angle steel

构件 component part

机械损伤 mechanical damage 缩孔 shrinkage cavity

enfoldment 折迭

碳钢管 carbon steel tube

公称直径 nominal diameter

预埋件 embedded part

轴测图 axonometric drawing

布置图arrangement diagram

氧乙炔气割 oxyacetylene gas cutting

低合金钢管low alloy steel

热影响区 heat affected area


砂轮片grinding wheel

等离子plasma panel

重皮 coldlap


缩口necking down

端面 head face

倾斜偏差 dip deviation

外径 external diameter

砂轮grinding wheel

管件 pipe casting

单线图single line drawing

平齐parallel and level

两端 two terminals

满扣 buckle

螺栓紧固 bolton

周边 periphery

附加应力 additional stress

同轴度 axiality

平行度 parallelism

随机 stochastic

允许偏差 allowable variation


水平度 levelness

隔离盲板 blind plate

氩弧焊argon arc welding

压盖螺栓 gland bolt


有效期 period of validity

担任 take charge of ;undertake

焊条 welding rod

碳钢焊条carbon steel

焊丝 welding wire

熔化焊 melting

钢丝 steel wire

气体保护焊 gas shielded arc welding 烘干drying



焊接工艺welding procedure


手工电弧焊manual electric arc welding 手工钨极 manual tungsten electrode


电源power source

交流alternating current

焊件 weldment

管壁厚度 pipe thickness

对接焊缝 butt weld

工件壁厚 workpiece

飞溅物 splash沾污 smirch

油污 oil stain

细锉 smooth file

铣刀 milling cutter

氧化膜 oxide film

脱脂处理 ungrease treatment]

棉质纤维 cotton fibre


硫 sulfur

焊剂 welding flux

钢板 steel plate

纵向焊缝 l0ngitudinal weld l0ngitudinal seam

筒节 shell ring

封头 end socket

卷管 reelpipe

强度试验strength test

起弧arc starting



反面reverse side


封堵block up

焊口 weld bond

医用胶布medical proof fabric

高频 high frequency

焊炬welding torch

送气air supply


熔接fusion welding

压接pressure welding

焊接过程welding process

焊接技术welding technique

焊接工艺welding technology/procedure

焊接操作welding operation 焊接顺序welding sequence

焊接方向direction of welding

焊接位置welding position

熔敷顺序build-up sequence

deposition sequence

焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis 焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation

平焊位置flat position of welding

横焊位置horizontal position of welding

立焊位置vertical position of welding

仰焊位置overhead position of welding

平焊downhand welding/flat position welding 横焊horizontal position welding

立焊vertical position welding

仰焊overhead position welding

全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position

向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position

倾斜焊inclined position welding

上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position

下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position

对接焊butt welding

角焊fillet welding

搭接焊lap welding

船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position 平角焊horizontal fillet welding

立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position

仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position

坡口焊groove welding

I形坡口对接焊square butt welding

喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding

卷边焊flanged edge welding

纵缝焊接welding of l0ngitudinal seam

横缝焊接welding of transverse seam

环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential

螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam

环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam

定位焊tack welding

单面焊welding by one side

双面焊welding by both sides

单道焊single pass welding/single run welding

多道焊multi-pass welding

单层焊single layer welding

多层焊multi-layer welding

分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding 分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding

连续焊continuous welding

断续焊intermittent welding

打底焊backing weld

封底焊back sealing weld

盖面焊cosmetic welding

深熔焊deep penetration welding

摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding

前倾焊 foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国)

后倾焊 backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国)

分段退焊backstep welding

跳焊skip welding

对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence

左焊法leftward welding forehand welding 右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding 挑弧焊whipping method

自动焊automatic welding

手工焊manual welding/hand welding

车间焊接shop welding

工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国)

拘束焊接restraint welding

堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying


端部周边焊boxing/end return


补焊repair welding

塞焊plug welding

槽焊slot welding

衬垫焊welding with backing

焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing

窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding

强制成形焊enclosed welding

脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding 电弧点焊arc spot welding

螺柱焊stud welding

热风焊hot gas welding

高能焊high grade energy welding

固态焊接solid-state welding

单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation

焊接条件welding condition

焊接工艺参数welding parameter


正接electrode negative/straight polarity 反接electrode positive/reversed polarity 运条方式manipulation of electrode

焊接电流welding current

焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time

焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time

电流密度current density

短路电流short circuit current

脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level

脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude

基值电流background level

脉冲频率pulse frequency

脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration

电弧电压arc voltage

再引弧电压reignition voltage

焊接速度welding speed

行走速度rate of travel/travel speed

送丝速度wire feed rate

线能量heat input/energy input

热输入heat input



焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment

预热温度preheat temperature

层间温度interpass temperature

焊接终了温度finishing temperature

后热温度postheating temperature

焊丝伸出长度wire extension

弧长arc length

熔化速度melting rate

熔化时间melting time

熔化系数melting coefficient

熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate 熔敷系数deposition coefficient

熔敷效率deposition efficiency

损失系数loss coefficient


飞溅率spatter loss coefficient

融合比fusion ratio


稀释率rate of dilution

合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element)


坡口面groove face

坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)

坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove


坡口高度groove depth

钝边root face

钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face

根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国) 根部半径root radius/groove radius

根部锐边root edge

卷边高度height of flange

卷边半径radius of flange

单面坡口single groove

双面坡口double groove

坡口形式groove type

I形坡口square groove

V形坡口single V groove

Y形坡口single V groove with root face

双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face

带钝边U形坡口single U groove

带钝边双U形坡口double U groove

VY形坡口single compound angle groove

带钝边J形坡口single J groove

带钝边双J形坡口double J groove

单边V形坡口single bevel groove

双V形坡口double V groove

不对称双V形坡口 asymmetric double V groove 双单边V形坡口 double bevel groove/K groove 带垫板V形坡口 V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing

喇叭形坡口flare groove

锁底坡口single bevel groove with backing locked

坡形板边 tapered edge

焊缝 weld 接逢 seam

焊缝符号 welding symbol

焊缝金属 weld metal

填充金属 filler metal

熔敷金属 deposited metal

焊缝表面weld face/ face of weld

焊缝背面 back of weld

焊缝轴线axis of weld

焊缝尺寸 size of weld

焊缝宽度weld width/ width of weld

焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld

焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld

焊缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness

焊缝计算厚度theoretical throat

焊缝实际厚度actual throat

熔深penetration/ depth of penetration

焊缝成形appearance of weld

焊缝成形系数form factor of weld

余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal

背面余高root reinforcement

削平焊缝flush weld/ weld machined flush

对接焊缝butt weld


焊脚leg/ fillet weld leg

角焊缝断面形状profile of fillet weld

平形角焊缝flat fillet

凸形角焊缝convex fillet weld

凹形角焊缝concave fillet weld


侧面角焊缝side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear

正面角焊缝front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear

立角焊缝fillet weld in the vertical position 横角焊缝fillet weld in the horizontal position

平角焊缝fillet weld in the flat position 斜角焊缝oblique fillet weld

连续焊缝continuous weld

断续焊缝intermittent weld

连续角焊缝continuous fillet weld

断续角焊缝intermittent fillet weld

交错断续角焊缝staggered intermittent

fillet weld

并列断续角焊缝chain intermittent fillet weld

端接焊缝edge weld

卷边焊缝flanged edge weld

塞焊焊缝plug weld

纵向焊缝l0ngitudinal weld

横向焊缝transverse weld


环行焊缝girth weld/ circumferential weld 螺旋形焊缝spiral weld/ helical weld

密封焊缝seal weld

承载焊缝strength weld

联系焊缝connective weld

定位焊缝tack weld

焊道bead/ run/ pass


焊根weld root/ root of weld

焊趾weld toe/ toe

封底焊道sealing run (after making main weld)/ back weld

打底焊道backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld

根部焊道root pass/ root run

填充焊道filling bead

盖面焊道cosmetic bead/ cover pass

回火焊道temper bead/ annealing bead

熔透焊道penetration bead

焊层 layer

焊接接头welded joint

接头形状joint geometry

等强匹配接头equalmatching weld joint

低强匹配接头undermatching weld joint

超强匹配接头overmatching weld joint

接头根部root of joint

对接接头butt joint

I形对接接头square butt joint

V形对接接头single V butt joint

U形对接接头single U butt joint

J形坡口接头single J butt joint

双V形对接接头double V butt joint

双单边V形对接接头double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint

带钝边U形对接接头double U butt joint

带钝边J形坡口接头double J joint

角接接头corner joint

T形接头T joint

斜T形接头inclined T joint

十字接头cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint 三联接头joint among three members

搭接接头lap joint

套管接头muff joint/ sleeve joint

双盖板接头double strapped joint 盖板接头strapped joint

端接接头edge joint

卷边接头flanged edge joint

锁底对接接头lock butt joint

斜对接接头oblique butt joint

混合接头mixed joint/ composite joint

有间隙接头open joint

无间隙接头closed joint

焊接电弧welding arc

电弧形态arc shape

电弧物理行为arc physics behaviour

引弧striking arc

引弧电压striking voltage

电弧气氛arc atmosphere


热阴极hot cathode

冷阴极cold cathode

阴极斑点cathode spot

阴极区cathode region

阴极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the cathode region

阴极压降cathode drop


阳极斑点anode spot

斑点压力spot pressure

阳极区anode region

阳极区电场强度intensity of the electric field in the anode region

阳极压降anode drop

弧柱arc column/ arc stream

弧柱压降voltage drop in arc column

弧柱电位梯度potential gradient in the arc column

弧焰arc flame

弧心arc core

硬电弧forceful arc/ hard arc

软电弧soft arc

旋转电弧rotating arc

脉冲电弧pulsed arc

脉冲喷射电弧pulsed spray arc

起皱现象puckering phenomena

起皱电弧puckering arc

起皱临界电流 puckering critical current

间接电弧 indirect arc

压缩电弧 compressive arc

磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc

电弧力 arc force

电磁力 electromagnectic force

电磁收缩效应 pinch effect

电弧飘移 wandering of arc

电弧稳定性 arc stability

电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc

电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc 最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度arc stiffness

电弧偏吹 arc blow

磁偏吹 magnetic blow

阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节 arc self-regulation

挖掘作用 digging action

极性效应 polarity effect

熔滴 droplet

熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet 熔滴过渡metal transfer

过度频率 transition frequency

粗滴过渡globular transfer; drop transfer 短路过渡short circuiting transfer

喷射过渡spray transfer

旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer

脉冲喷射过渡 pulsed spray transfer

爆炸过渡 explosive transfer

渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer

熔池 molten pool

沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool



渣系 slag system

渣系相图 slag system diagram

碱性渣 basic slag

酸性渣 acid slag

碱度 basicity

酸度 acidity

长渣 l0ng slag

短渣 short slag

粘性熔渣 viscous slag

氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting slag

盐型熔渣 salt melting slag

盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag

熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag; slag fluidity

熔渣solidified slag

多孔焊渣 porous slag

玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag

自动脱落焊渣 self-releasing slag

脱渣性 slag detachability

焊接设备 welding equipment; welding set 焊机 welding machine; welder

电焊机 electric welding machine; electric welder

焊接电源 welding power source

焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle

焊接温度场 field of weld temperature; weld temperature field

准稳定温度场 quasi-stationary temperature field

焊接热源 welding heat source

点热源 point heat source

线热源 linear heat source

面热源 plane heat source

瞬时集中热源 instantaneous concentration heat source

热效率 thermal efficiency

热能集中系数 coefficient of heat flow concentration

峰值温度 peak temperature

瞬时冷却速度 momentary cooling rate

冷却时间 cooling time

置换氧化 substitutionary oxydation

扩散氧化 diffusible oxydation

脱氧 desoxydation

先期脱氧 precedent desoxydation

扩散脱氧 diffusible desoxydation

沉淀脱氧 precipitation desoxydation

扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen

初始扩散氢 initial diffusible hydrogen 100℃残余扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃

残余氢 residual hydrogen

去氢 dehydrogenation

去氢热处理 heat treatment for dehydrogenation

脱硫 desulphurization

脱磷 dephosphorization

渗合金 alloying

微量合金化 microalloying

一次结晶组织 primary solidification structure

二次结晶组织 secondary solidification structure

联生结晶 epitaxial solidification

焊缝结晶形态 solidification mode in


结晶层状线 ripple

多边化边界 polygonization boundary

结晶平均线速度 mean solidification rate

针状铁素体 acicular ferrite

条状铁素体 lath ferrite

侧板条铁素体 ferrite side-plate

晶界欣素体 grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite 粒状贝氏体 granular bainite

板条马氏体 lath martensite

过热组织 overheated structure

魏氏组织 Widmannst?tten structure

M-A组元 martensite-austenite constituent 焊件失效分析 failure analysis of weldments 冷裂判据 criterion of cold cracking

冷裂敏感系数 cold cracking susceptibity coefficient

脆性温度区间 brittle temperature range

氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement

层状偏析 lamellar segregation

愈合 healing effect


断口 fracture

延性断口 ductile fracture

韧窝断口dimple fracture

脆性断口 brittle fracture

解理断口 cleavage fracture

准解理断口 quasi-cleavage fracture

氢致准解理断口 hydrogen-embrittlement induced

沿晶断口 intergranular fracture

穿晶断口 transgranular fracture

疲劳断口 fatigue fracture

滑移面断口 glide plane fracture

断口形貌 fracture apperance

断口试验 fracture test

宏观断口分析 macrofractography

放射区 radical zone

纤维区 fibrous zone

剪切唇区 shear lip aone


使用焊接性 service weldability

工艺焊接性 fabrication weldability

冶金焊接性 metallurgical weldability

热焊接性 thermal weldability

母材 base metal; parent metal

焊接区 weld zone

焊态 as-welded (AW)

母材熔化区 fusion zone

半熔化区 partial melting region 未混合区 unmixed zone

熔合区 bond area

熔合线 weld junction (英);bond line (美) 热影响区 heat-affected zone (HAZ)

过热区 overheated zone

粗晶区 coarse grained region

细晶区 fine grained region

过渡区 transition zone

硬化区 hardened zone

碳当量 carbon equivalent

铬当量 chromium equivalent

镍当量 nickel equivalent

舍夫勒组织图 Schaeffler's diagram

德龙组织图Del0ng’s diagram

连续冷却转变图(CCT图)continuous cooling transformation

裂纹敏感性 cracking sensibility

焊接裂纹 weld crack

焊缝裂纹 weld metal crack

焊道裂纹 bead crack

弧坑裂纹crater crack

热影响区裂纹 heat-affected zone crack

纵向裂纹 l0ngitudinal crack

横向裂纹 transverse crack

微裂纹 micro-crack; micro-fissure

热裂纹 hot crack

凝固裂纹 solidification crack

晶间裂纹 intercrystalline crack

穿晶裂纹 transcrystalline crack

多边化裂纹 polygonization crack

液化裂纹 liquation crack

失延裂纹 ductility-dip crack

冷裂纹 cold crack

延迟裂纹 delayed crack

氢致裂纹 hydrogen-induced crack

焊道下裂纹 underbead crack

焊根裂纹 root crack

焊趾裂纹 toe crack

锯齿形裂纹 chevron cracking

消除应力处理裂纹 stress relief annealing crack (SR crack)

再热裂纹 reheat crack

焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercryctalline corrosion

刀状腐蚀 knife line attack

敏化区腐蚀 weld decay

层状撕裂 lamellar tearing

焊接性试验 weldability

裂纹试验 cracking test

IIW裂纹试验 IIW cracking test

Y形坡口裂纹试验 slit type cracking test

分块形槽热裂纹试验 segmented circular groove cracking test

H形裂纹试验 H-type cracking test

鱼骨形裂纹试验 fishbone cracking test

指形裂纹试验 finger (cracking) test

T形裂纹试验 Tee type cracking test

环形槽裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test

可调拘束裂纹试验 varestraint test

BWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel

圆棒裂纹试验 bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test

里海裂纹试验 Lehigh restraint cracking test 圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-path cracking test

十字接头裂纹试验 cruciform cracking test Z向窗口拘束裂纹试验 Z-direction window type restraint cracking test

G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验 G-BOP weld metal crack test

巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 Battelle type underbead cracking test

U形拉伸试验 U-tension test

缪雷克期热裂纹试验 Murex hot cracking test 菲斯柯裂纹试验 FISCO (type) cracking test CTS裂纹试验 controlled thermal severity

拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验)tensile restraint cracking test

刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验)rigid restraint cracking test

插销试验 implant test

Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验 Tigamajing thin plate cracking test

焊道纵向弯曲试验 l0ngitudinal-bead test

柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 Kommerell bead bend test 肯泽尔弯曲试验 Kinzel test

缺口弯曲试验 notch bend test

热朔性试验 hot-ductility test

热影响区冲击试验 impact test of HAZ

热影响区模拟试验 synthetic heat-affected zone test

最高硬度试验 maximum hardness test

落锤试验 NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) 测氢试验 Hydrogen test 焊接材料


焊接材料welding consumables


熔化电极consumable electrode

不熔化电极nonconsumable electrode

钨电极tungsten electrode

焊丝welding wire. Welding rod

实心焊丝solid wire

渡铜焊丝copper-plating welding wire

自保护焊丝self-shielded welding wire

药芯焊丝flux-cored wire

复合焊丝combined wire

堆焊焊丝surfacing welding rod

填充焊丝filler wire

焊条electrode/ covered electrode

焊芯core wire

药皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)

涂料coating flux/coating material

造气剂gas forming constituents

造渣剂slag forming constituents

合金剂alloying constituent


稳弧剂arc stabilizer


水玻璃water glass

水玻璃模数modules of water glass

酸性焊条acid electrode

高钛型焊条high titania (type) electrode

钛钙型焊条lime titania type electrode

钛铁矿形焊条ilmenite type electrode

氧化铁型焊条iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode

高纤维素型焊条high cellulose (type) electrode

石墨型焊条graphite type electrode

碱性焊条basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode

低氢型焊条low hydrogen type electrode

高韧性超低氢焊条high toughness super low hydrogen electrode

奥氏体焊条austenitic electrode

铁素体焊条ferritic electrode

不锈钢焊条stainless steel electrode

珠光体耐热钢焊条pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode

低温钢焊条low temperature steel electrode/

steel electrode for low temperature

铝合金焊条aluminum alloy arc welding electrode

铜合金焊条copper-alloy arc welding electrode

铜芯铸铁焊条cast iron electrode with steel core

纯镍铸铁焊条pure nickel cast iron electrode 球墨铸铁焊条electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron

铸芯焊条electrode with cast core wire

镍基合金焊条nickel base alloy covered electrode

蒙乃尔焊条Monel electrode

纯铁焊条pure iron electrode

渗铝钢焊条alumetized steel electrode

高效率焊条high efficiency electrode

铁粉焊条iron powder electrode


气焊gas welding

氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene welding

氢氧焊 oxy-hydrogen welding

空气乙炔焊 air-acetylene welding

氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene flame

氢氧焰 oxy-hydrogen flame

氧煤气焰 oxy-coal gas flame

焊接火焰 welding flame

混合比 mixing ratio

混合气体可燃范围 inflammable limit of the gaseous

一次燃烧 primary combustion

二次燃烧 secondary combustion

燃烧速度 combustion rate

燃烧强度 combustion intensity

火焰热效率 flame heating efficiency

焰芯 inner cone; flame cone

内焰 internal flame

外焰 flame envelope

中性焰 neutral flame

氧化焰 oxidizing flame

碳化焰 carburizing flame

回火 flashback

逆火 backfire

回烧 flashback

气体发生速度 gasification speed

焊炬 torch; blow pipe

等压式焊炬 balanced pressure torch 射吸式焊炬 injector torch

氧乙炔焊炬 oxy-acetylene torch

焊割两用炬 combined cutting and welding torch

混合室 mixing chamber

喷射器 injector

焊嘴 welding nozzle; welding tip

液氧气化器 oxygen evaporator

气瓶 gas cylinder

乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder

阀罩 cylinder cap

气瓶阀 cylinder valve

汇流排 cylinder manifold

减压器 pressure regulator; gas regulator 单级减压器 single stage regulator

两级减压器 two stage regulator

回火防止器 flashback arrestor

干式回火防止器 dry flashback arrestor

水封式回火防止器 water-closing type arrestor

净化器 purifier

乙炔发生器 acetylene generator

低压乙炔发生器 low pressure acetylene generator

热剂补焊 thermit repair welding

钢轨热剂焊 thermit rail welding

热剂 thermit powder

热剂钢水 thermit steel

热剂反应 thermit reaction

热剂溶渣 thermit slag

热剂铸模 thermit mold; mold for thermit weld 热剂坩埚 thermit crucible

焊筋 collar

水下焊 underwater welding

水下气体保护电弧焊 underwater gas shielded arc welding

水下等离子弧焊 underwater plasma arc welding

温式水下焊wet method underwater welding

干式水下焊 dry method underwater welding 局部干式水下焊 local dry underwater welding 水帘局部干式水下焊 water curtain type dry underwater welding




烙铁钎焊iron soldering

火焰钎焊torch brazing/ torch soldering

热风钎焊hot gas soldering

感应钎焊induction brazing

电阻钎焊resistance brazing

接触反应钎焊contact-reaction brazing

电弧钎焊arc brazing

浸渍钎焊dip brazing/ dip soldering

盐浴钎焊saltbath dip brazing (soldering) 金属浴钎焊molten metal bath dip brazing

炉中钎焊furnace brazing/ furnace soldering 保护气氛钎焊brazing in controlled atmosphere

真空钎焊vacuum brazing

蒸气钎焊vapor phase soldering

超声波钎焊ultrasonic soldering

扩散钎焊diffusion brazing

波峰钎焊flow soldering/ wave soldering

分级钎焊step brazing/ step soldering

红外线钎焊infra-red brazing (soldering)

光束钎焊light soldering (brazing)

激光钎焊laser brazing (soldering)

电子束钎焊electron beam brazing


钎料brazing filler metal/ solder

硬钎料brazing filler metal

软钎料solder (m)

自钎剂钎料self-fluxing brazing alloy/

self-fluxing filler metal

活性钎料active filler metal/ active metal brazing alloy

成形钎料preformed filler metal/ solder preform

非晶态钎料amorphous filler metal

粉状钎料powdered filler metal

钎料膏braze cream/ braze paste/ solder cream/ solder paste

药皮钎料 flux coated brazing(soldering)rod 层状钎料 sandwich filler metal

药芯钎料丝 flux-cored colder wire

敷钎料板 clad brazing sheet

钎剂 brazing flux; soldering flux

气体钎剂 gas flux

反应钎剂 reaction flux

松香钎剂 colophony flux; rosin flux

钎剂膏 flux paste

阻流剂 stopping-off agent

钎剂活性 flux activity

钎剂活性温度范围 activation temperature range of flux

钎剂热稳定性thermal stability of flux

3 钎焊工艺

钎焊过程 brazing (soldering) process

钎焊操作 brazing (soldering) operation

工艺镀层 technological coating

钎焊面 faying face

钎焊参数 brazing process variables

钎焊温度 brazing temperature

钎焊时间 brazing time

钎焊保温时间 holding time of brazing

钎缝 brazing seam; soldering seam

钎缝界面区 interfacial region

钎缝金属 brace metal

钎角 fillet

钎焊接头 braced joint; soldered joint

平面搭接头 joggled lap joint; flush lap joint

搭接对接接头 butt and lap joint

搭接T形接头 lapped T-joint; flanged


锁缝接头 folded joint

平面锁缝接头 lick side seam joint; flat lock seam joint

锁缝角接接头 lock corner joint; corner double seam

嵌入T形接头 inset T joint

T形管接头 branch T saddle joint

套管接头 socket joint

外喇叭口套管接头 flare tube fitting

扩口套管接头 spigot joint

钎焊性 brazability; solderability

润湿性 wettability

润湿角 wetting angle; contact angle

铺展性 spreadability

铺展系数 spread factor; coefficient of spreading

钎着率 brazed rate

脱钎 de-brazing; de-soldering

润湿称量试验 wetting balance test

铺展性试验 spreadability test

填缝性试验 clearance fillability test

未钎透 incomplete penetration

虚钎 cold soldered joint

钎料熔析 liquation of filler metal

溶蚀 erosion

钎料流失 brazing filler metal erosion

钎剂夹杂 flux inclusion



波峰钎焊机 wave soldering machine

冷壁真空钎焊炉 cold wall type vacuum brazing

热壁真空钎焊炉 hot wall type vacuum brazing furnace

钎焊盒 brazing retort

钎剂涂敷器 fluxer

钎炬 brazing (soldering) blowpipe

喷灯 brazing lamp

烙铁 solder iron


热喷涂 thermal spraying

火焰喷涂 flame spraying

电弧喷涂 electric arc spraying

等离子喷涂 plasma spraying

高频感应喷涂 high frequency spraying

金属喷涂 metal spraying; metallizing

塑料喷涂 plastic spraying

陶瓷喷涂 ceramic spraying

喷熔 spray-fusing

表面粗糙化处理 surface roughening

电火花拉毛 electrospark roughening

抛锚效应 anchoring

喷涂层 spray-fused coating

喷熔层 spray-fused coating

结合层 bond coating; under coating

工作层 work coating

结合强度 adhesive strength

涂层强度 strength of coating

封孔处理 sealing

封孔剂 sealant

喷涂率 spray rate

沉积效率 deposition efficiency

孔隙率 porosity

喷涂材料 spraying material

自熔剂合金粉末 self-fluxing alloy powder 喷炬(枪)spray torch;


热切割 thermal cutting (TC)

气割 gas cutting; oxygen cutting

氧溶剂切割 powder cutting

氧-石英砂切割 quartz powder cutting

电弧切割 arc cutting

氧气电弧切割 oxy-arc cutting

空气电弧切割 air arc cutting

等离子弧切割 plasma arc cutting (PAC) 空气等离子弧切割 air plasma arc cutting

氧等离子切割 oxygen plasma arc cutting

水再压缩空气等离子弧切割 air plasma water injection arc cutting

双层气流等离子弧切割 dual gas plasma arc cutting; shielded gas plasma arc cutting 激光切割 laser cutting(LC); laser beam cutting

电子束切割 electron beam cutting

喷气激光切割 gas jet laser cutting

碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting

水下切割 underwater cutting

喷水式水下电弧切割 waterjet method underwater arc cutting

氧矛切割 oxygen lancing; oxygen lance cutting

溶剂氧切割 powder lancing

手工气割 manual oxygen cutting

自动气割 automatic oxygen cutting

仿形切割 shape cutting

数控切割 NC (numerical-control) cutting

快速切割 high-speed cutting

垂直切割 square cut

叠板切割 stack cutting

坡口切割 beveling; bevel cutting

碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging

火焰气刨 flame gouging

火焰表面清理 scarfing


氧熔剂表面修整powder washing

预热火焰preheat flame

预热氧preheat oxygen

切割氧cutting oxygen/ cutting stream

切割速度cutting speed

切割线lone of cut/ cut line

切割面face of cut/ cut face


切口上缘cutting shoulder

切口宽度kerf width


切割面平面度evenness of cutting surface/ planeness of cutting surface

割纹深度depth of cutting veins/ stria depth 切割面质量quality of cut face

上缘熔化度shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder

切口角kerf angle


挂渣adhering slag


割炬cutting torch/ cutting blowpipe/ oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch

割枪cutting gun

割嘴cutting nozzle/ cutting tip

快速割嘴divergent nozzle/ high-speed nozzle 表面割炬gouging blowpipe

水下割炬under-water cutting blowpipe

水下割条electrode for under-water cutting 粉剂罐powder dispenser

数控切割机NC cutting machine

门式切割机flame planer

光电跟踪切割机photo-electric tracing cutting

火焰切管机pipe flame cutting machine

磁轮式气割机gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels


电阻焊 resistance welding (RW)

点焊 spot welding; resistance spot welding 凸焊 projection welding

缝焊 seam welding

滚点焊 roll-spot welding

连续点焊 stitch welding

多点焊 multiple spot welding

手压点焊 push welding; poke welding

脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding;

multiple-impulse welding

双面点焊 direct spot welding

单面点焊 indirect spot welding

串联点焊 series spot welding

多点凸焊multiple projection welding

频道进缝焊 step-by-step seam welding

压平缝焊 mash seam welding

串联缝焊 series seam welding

对接缝焊 butt seam welding; foil-butt seam 电阻对焊 upset butt welding

闪光对焊 flash butt welding (FBW)

储能焊 stored energy welding

电容储能点焊 condenser discharge spot welding

高频电阻焊 high frequency resistance welding

冲击电阻焊 percussion welding

胶接点焊 spot weld-bonding; weld-bonding 闪光 flashing; flash

过梁 bridge; lintel

顶锻 upsetting; upset

夹紧力 clamping force

顶锻力 upsetting force; upset force

电极压力 electrode force; electrode pressure

电极滑移 electrode skid

焊接循环 welding cycle

预压时间 squeeze time

锻压时间 forge-delay time; forge time

焊接通电时间(电阻焊)welding time (resistance welding)

预热时间 preheat time

加热时间 heat time

冷却时间 cool time

间歇时间 quench time; chill time

回火时间 temper time

维持时间 hold time

休止时间 off time

闪光时间flash time; flashing time

顶锻时间 upset time; upsetting time

有电顶锻时间 upset current time

无电顶锻时间 upset current-off time

闪光速度 flashing speed

闪光电流 flashing current; flash current 顶锻电流 upset current

预热电流 preheat current

回火电流 temper current

调伸长度 initial overhange; extension

闪光留量 flash allowance

顶锻留量 upset allowance

顶锻速度 upset speed

电极接触面 electrode contact surface

贴合面 faying surface

焊点 welding spot

熔核 nugget

熔核直径 diameter of nugget

塑性金属环区corona bond

焊透率penetration rate


压痕深度depth of indentation

压深率indentation ratio

翘离sheet separation

缩孔shrinkage cavity


电极粘损electrode pick up

喷溅splash/ expulsion


飞边upset metal/ fin

焊点距weld spacing/ spot weld spacing

边距edge distance

分流shunt current

接触电阻contact resistance

电阻焊机resistance welding machine

点焊机spot welding machine

多点焊机multiple spot welding machine

移动式点焊机portable spot welding machine 缝焊机seam welding machine

纵横两用缝焊机universal seam welder

对焊机butt resistance welding machine

凸焊机projection welding machine

三相低频焊机three phase low frequency welder

二次整流电阻焊机direct current resistance welder secondary rectification

电容储能电阻焊机condenser discharge resistance welder

电容储能点焊机condenser type spot welder/ capacitor spot welding machine

工频电阻焊机mains frequency resistance welding machine

低频电阻焊机frequency converter resistance welding machine

高频焊机high frequency induction welder

逆变式电阻焊机inverter type resistance welding machine

全波阻焊电源full wave resistance welding power source

斩波阻焊电源chopped wave resistance welding power source

旋转焊接变压器rotary welding transformer C形点焊钳C-type welding head/ C-type gun X形点焊钳pincer spot welding head/ pliers spot welding head


同步断续器synchronous contactor

异步断续器non-synchronous contactor


程序时间调节器sequencer timer


电极握杆electrode holder

电极台板backup die/ bolster

电极水冷管electrode cooling tube

电极头electrode tip

电极帽electrode cap 锥头电极truncated tip electrode

平头电极flat tip electrode

尖头电极pointed tip electrode

球面电极radius tip electrode

偏心电极offest electrode

直电极straight electrode

弯电极cranked electrode

双弯电极double cranked (swannecked) electrode

滚轮电极circular electrode/ welding wheel 斜棱滚轮电极bevelled wheel

顶锻机构upsetting mechanism

电极总行程total electrode stroke

工作行程operational stroke

辅助行程electrode travel/ electrode stroke 臂间距离horn spacing/ throat opening

电极臂伸出长度arm extension

摩擦焊friction welding (FW)

转速friction speed

摩擦压力friction pressure/ heating pressure 摩擦时间friction time

摩擦变形量burn-off length

摩擦变形速度burn-off rate

停车时间stopping time

顶锻变形量forge length

顶锻变形速度forge rate

摩擦表面friction surface

储能摩擦焊fly-wheel type friction welding 径向摩擦焊radial friction welding

扩散焊diffusion welding (DW)

过渡液相扩散焊transient liquid phase diffusion welding

热等静压扩散焊hot isotatic pressure diffusion welding

热轧扩散焊roll diffusion welding

扩散缝焊seam diffusion welding

超塑成形扩散焊supperplastic forming diffusion bounding

隔离剂buttering material

爆炸焊explosive welding (EW)

爆炸点焊explosive spot welding

爆炸线焊explosive line welding

多层板爆炸焊explosive welding of multiplayer plates

多层管爆炸焊explosive welding of multiplayer tubes

覆板(覆管)cladding plat (tube)/ flyer plate (tube)

基板(基管)base plate(tube)/ parent plate (tube)

保护层buffer/ protector


预置角preset angle

间距initial stand-off/ spacing

装药量explosive load

装药密度charge density/ loading density

质量比mass ratio

平行法parallel plate configuration

角度法preset angle configuration

均匀布药average arranging explosive

梯形布药gradient arranging explosive

爆炸焊参数explosive welding parameters

初始参数initial parameters

动态参数dynamic parameters

界面参数interface parameters

爆轰速度detonation velocity

覆板速度cladding plate velocity

碰撞点impact point

碰撞点速度velocity of the impact point

弯折角bending angle

碰撞角collision angle

碰撞压力impact pressure

格尼能Gurney energy

垂直碰撞normal impact

倾斜碰撞oblique impact/ inclined impact

对称碰撞symmetrical impact

来流upper stream

出流down stream

再入射流re-entrant jet

自清理oneself cleaning

结合区bond zone

平面结合plane bond

波状结合wave-like bond

界面波长length of the interfacial wave

界面波幅amplitude of the interfacial wave 熔化层molten layer

熔化袋molten pocket

雷管区detonator zone

边界效应edge effect

焊接性窗口weldability windows

焊着率ratio of welding area

内爆法internal explosion process

外爆法external explosion process

半圆柱试验法semi-cylinder experiment method

超声波焊ultrasonic welding (UW) 超声波点焊ultrasonic spot welding

超声波缝焊ultrasonic seam welding

超声波点焊机ultrasonic spot welder

超声波缝焊机ultrasonic seam welder

冷压焊cold pressure welding (CPW)

热压焊hot pressure welding

热轧焊hot roll welding

旋弧压力焊rotating arc pressure welding 埋弧压力焊submerged arc pressure welding 电渣压力焊electroslag pressure welding

气压焊gas pressure welding

锻焊forge-welding/ blacksmith welding

磁力脉冲焊magnetic-pulse welding


焊接烟尘weld fume

焊接发尘量total amount of fumes

焊接烟尘浓度weld fume concentration

焊接烟尘容限浓度threshold limit values of weld fume (TLV)

焊接发尘速率weld fume emission rate

焊接有害气体welding toxic gases/ weld harmful gases

标定卫生空气需要量nominal hygienic air requirement

焊工尘肺pheumocomsis of welder

焊工锰中毒chronic occupational manganese poisoning of welder

焊工氟中毒fluorosis of welder

焊工金属烟热metal fume fever of welder

电光性眼炎eye-flash (arc eye)

电光性皮炎electro-photo dermatitis

电弧紫外线灼伤ultraviolet ray burn

防电击装置voltage reducing device

除尘装置dust collection device

焊工手套welding gloves

护脚welding spats

防护鞋shielding shoes

full fillet weld 满角焊缝; 全角

angle weld 角焊

full penetration butt weld 满对接焊

angle butt weld 斜对接焊

front(al) fillet weld 正面角焊

all-around weld 整周焊缝

all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝

arc-seam weld电弧缝焊

arc-spot weld 电弧点焊

熔接fusion welding

压接pressure welding

焊接过程welding process

焊接技术welding technique

焊接工艺welding technology/procedure

焊接操作welding operation

焊接顺序welding sequence

焊接方向direction of welding

焊接位置welding position

熔敷顺序build-up sequence

deposition sequence

焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis

焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation

平焊位置flat position of welding

横焊位置horizontal position of welding

立焊位置vertical position of welding

仰焊位置overhead position of welding

平焊downhand welding/flat position welding

横焊horizontal position welding

立焊vertical position welding

仰焊overhead position welding

全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接

向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position

向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position

倾斜焊inclined position welding

上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position

下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position

对接焊butt welding 角焊fillet welding

搭接焊lap welding

船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position

平角焊horizontal fillet welding

立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position

仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position

坡口焊groove welding

I形坡口对接焊square butt welding

喇叭形坡口焊flare groove welding

卷边焊flanged edge welding

纵缝焊接welding of longitudinal seam

横缝焊接welding of transverse seam

环缝焊接girth welding/ circumferential

螺旋缝焊接welding of spiral seam/welding of helical seam

环缝对接焊butt welding of circumferential seam

定位焊tack welding

单面焊welding by one side

双面焊welding by both sides

单道焊single pass welding/single run welding

多道焊multi-pass welding

单层焊single layer welding

多层焊multi-layer welding

分段多层焊block sequence/ block welding

分层多道焊multi-layer and multi-pass welding

连续焊continuous welding

断续焊intermittent welding

打底焊backing weld

封底焊back sealing weld

盖面焊cosmetic welding

深熔焊deep penetration welding

摆动焊welding with weaving/weave bead welding

前倾焊foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国) 分段退焊backstep welding

跳焊skip welding

对称焊balanced welding/ balanced welding sequence

左焊法leftward welding forehand welding

右焊法rightward welding/backhand welding

挑弧焊whipping method

自动焊automatic welding

手工焊manual welding/hand welding

车间焊接shop welding

工地焊接site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国)

拘束焊接restraint welding

堆焊surfacing/building up/overlaying


端部周边焊boxing/end return


补焊repair welding

塞焊plug welding

槽焊slot welding

衬垫焊welding with backing

焊剂垫焊welding with flux backing

窄间隙焊narrow-gap welding

强制成形焊enclosed welding

脉冲电弧焊pulsed are welding

电弧点焊arc spot welding

螺柱焊stud welding

热风焊hot gas welding

高能焊high grade energy welding

固态焊接solid-state welding

单面焊双面成形one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件welding condition

焊接工艺参数welding parameter


正接electrode negative/straight polarity

反接electrode positive/reversed polarity

运条方式manipulation of electrode

焊接电流welding current

焊接电流增加时间welding current upslope time

焊接电流衰减时间welding current downslope time

电流密度current density

短路电流short circuit current

脉冲电流pulse level/pulse current level

脉冲电流幅值pulse current amplitude

基值电流background level

脉冲频率pulse frequency

脉冲焊接电流占空比duty cycle of pulse duration

电弧电压arc voltage

再引弧电压reignition voltage

焊接速度welding speed

行走速度rate of travel/travel speed

送丝速度wire feed rate

线能量heat input/energy input

热输入heat input



焊后热处理posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度preheat temperature

层间温度interpass temperature

焊接终了温度finishing temperature

后热温度postheating temperature

焊丝伸出长度wire extension

弧长arc length 熔化速度melting rate

熔化时间melting time

熔化系数melting coefficient

熔敷速度rate of deposition/deposition rate

熔敷系数deposition coefficient

熔敷效率deposition efficiency

损失系数loss coefficient


飞溅率spatter loss coefficient

融合比fusion ratio


稀释率rate of dilution

合金过度系数transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口groove

坡口面groove face

坡口面角度angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国)

坡口角度included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国)

坡口高度groove depth

钝边root face

钝边高度thickness of root face/width of root face

根部间隙root gap(英国)/root opening (美国)

根部半径root radius/groove radius

根部锐边root edge

卷边高度height of flange

卷边半径radius of flange

单面坡口single groove

双面坡口double groove

坡口形式groove type

I形坡口square groove

V形坡口single V groove

Y形坡口single V groove with root face

双Y形坡口double Vgroove with root face

带钝边U形坡口single U groove

带钝边双U形坡口double U groove

VY形坡口single compound angle groove

带钝边J形坡口single J groove

带钝边双J形坡口double J groove

单边V形坡口single bevel groove

双V形坡口double V groove

不对称双V形坡口asymmetric double V groove

双单边V形坡口double bevel groove/K groove

带垫板V形坡口V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing


专业音频术语中英文对照 A AAC automatic ampltiude control 自动幅度控制 AB AB制立体声录音法?Abeyancd 暂停,潜态 A-B repeat A-B重复?ABS absolute 绝对得,完全得,绝对时间 ABSamerican bureau ofstanda rd 美国标准局?ABSS autoblank secrion scanning 自动磁带空白部分扫描Absti me绝对运行时间?A、DEF audio defeat音频降噪,噪声抑制,伴音静噪 ADJ adj ective 附属得,附件?ADJ Adjust 调节 ADJ acousticdelay line声延迟线 Admission 允许进入,供给 ADP acousticdata processor音响数据处理机 ADP(T) adapter 延配器,转接器ADRES automaticdynamic range expansion system?动态范围扩展系统 A DRM analog todigital remaster 模拟录音、数字处理数码唱盘 ADS audio distribution system 音频分配系统 A、DUB audio dubbing配音,音频复制,后期录音 ADV advance 送入,提升,前置量?ADV adversum对抗 ADV advance r 相位超前补偿器?Adventure惊险效果 AE audio erasing 音频(声音)擦除 AE auxiliary equipment 辅助设备Aerial天线 AESaudio engineering society美国声频工程协会AF audio fidelity 音频保真度?AF audio frequency音频频率 AFC active field control自动频率控制?AFC automaticfrequency control 声场控制 Affricate 塞擦音?AFL aside fade listen 衰减后(推子后)监听 A-fader 音频衰减 AFM advance frequency modulation 高级调频 AFS acoustic feedback spea ker 声反馈扬声器 AFT automatic fine tuning 自动微调 AFTAAS advancedfast time acousti canalysis system?高级快速音响分析系统 After 转移部分文件 Afterglow余辉,夕照时分音响效果 Again st 以……为背景 AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制AHDaudiohigh density音频高密度唱片系统 AI advanced integrated预汇流AI amplifier input 放大器输入 AI artificial intelligence 人工智能AI azimuth indi cator 方位指示器 A-IN 音频输入 A-INSEL audio input selection 音频输入选择 Alarm 警报器 ALC automatic level control自动电平控制?ALC automatic load control自动负载控制


机械——焊接专业术语中英文对照 (郭运)整理 1Single 单面的 2V—groove V型坡口 3Joint 焊接接头 4Edges overlap 接头形式 5Butt 对接 6T T型焊接 7Fillet 角焊缝 8Edge 端接 9Corner 角接 10Radius 半径 11Joint root 焊接根部 12Bevel angle 削边角度 13Groove angle 坡口角度 14Root face 根部钝边 15Groove face 坡口面 16Plug weld 塞焊 17Spot weld 点焊 18Seam weld 缝焊 19Slot weld 槽焊 20Double—flare—bevel—groove K型坡口焊缝

21Single—flare—V 单面V型22Edge flange 翻边端接 23Corner flange 卷边端接 24Flange weld 卷边焊缝25Flare weld 扩口焊缝26Fillet weld 角焊缝 27Slot weld 槽焊缝 28Spot weld 点焊缝 29Surfacing weld 堆焊焊缝30Melt—through weld 熔透焊缝31Backing weld 打底焊缝32Back weld 背面焊缝33Root weld 根部焊缝34Crown weld 隆起部分35Weld reinforcement 焊缝加强36Weld face 焊缝表面37Cap pass 盖面焊道38Weld edge 焊缝边缘39Leg 焊脚 40Toe 焊趾 41Buildup 堆焊 42Weld reinforcement 焊缝加强高


汽车音响中常用的词汇 汽车音响中常用词汇的中英文对照表 A A (Ampere)安培,电流单位 A.S.D 自动设定 AC(Alterating Current)交流电 Accessories 附件 ACC 控制信号线 Acoustic Absorption 声吸收 Acoustical 音响 Acoustic 听觉 A/D(Analogic/Digital)模拟/数字转换 AF(Analogic/Digital)音频 AFC(Auto Matic Freguency Control) 自动频率控制 AGC(Auto Matic Gain Control)自动增益控制 ALC(Auto Matic Level Control)自动电平控制 Ambient 回声 AMP(Amplifier)功率放大器 Amplitude 振幅 AMS 预造电台自动储存 AM/FM(Amplitude Modulation/Freguency Modulation)调幅/调频(无线电)ANRS(Auro Nois Reduction System) 自动降噪系统

ANT(Anrenna)天线 ASSY(Assembly)组件 Attenuator 衰减器 Audio Sound 汽车音响 Audio System 音响系统 Audio Amplifier 音频放大器 Audio Seletion 音色选择 Audio 音频 Auto Antenna 自动天线 AUTO 自动 AUX IN 辅助输入 AUX OUT 辅助输出 AUX/VTE/CD 辅助设备/录像机/激光唱盘 AVC(Auto Matic Volume Control)自动音量控制AWG 线材型号 B B(Base)基极 BAL(Balance)左右声道平衡 Bandwideh 频带宽度 BARO(Barometric Pressure)气压 BAS(Bass)低音 Basket 扬声器架


常用焊接术语中英文对照 焊接Welding 10.1 焊接种类Varieties of Welding 电弧焊arc welding 电熔焊electric fusion welding (EFW) 气熔焊fusion gas welding (FGW) 电阻焊electric resistance welding (ERW) 有保护的金属电弧焊shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) 手工或自动隋性气体保护钨极电弧焊manual and automatic inert gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) 自动埋弧焊automatic submerged arc welding 金属极隋性气体保护电弧焊gas metal arc weiding (GMAW) 氩弧焊argon-arc welding, 气体保护电弧焊gas-shielded arc welding 气焊gas welding; flame welding 等离子焊plasma welding 硬钎焊braze welding 电渣焊electroslag welding 爆炸焊explosive welding 10.2 焊接形式Type of Welding 角焊fillet welding 间断焊intermittent welding 点焊spot welding 对焊butt welding 搭焊lap welding 塞焊plug welding 珠焊bead welding 槽焊slot welding 堆焊build up welding 垫板焊backing weld 坡口groove V形坡口V groove 单面U形坡口single U groove K形坡口double bevel groove X形坡口double V groove 双面U形坡口double U groove U-V组合坡口combination U and V groove 根部间隙root gap 焊接符号symbol of weld 错边量alignment tolerance


1、the airframe 机身,结构 2、The front (fore) part 前部 3、The rear (aft) part 后部 4、port 左旋(舵) 5、starboard 右旋(舵) 6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机 7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机 8、the nose 机头 9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮 11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼 13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖 16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼 18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼) 19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) 20、slats 缝翼 21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片) 22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)

23、flap angle 襟翼角 24、flap setting 襟翼调整 25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置 26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆 27、the landing gear 起落架 28、stabilizer 安定面 29、the nose wheel 前轮 30、gear locked 起落架锁定 31、the wheel well 起落架舱 32、the wheel door 起落架舱门 33、a tyre 轮胎 34、to burst 爆破 35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎 36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎 37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破 38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼) 39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上) 40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。 41、The flaps are jammed. 襟翼被卡死。 42、the emergency extention system 应急放下系统 43、to crank the gear down 摆动放下起落架 44、the brakes 刹车


房务部:Rooms Division 前厅部:Front Office 客房部:Housekeeping 大堂副理:Assistant Manager 宾客关系主任:Guest Relation Officer 前台:Front Desk 接待处:Reception/Check-in 收银处:Cashier/Check-out 领班:Captain 主管:Supervisor 班次负责人:Shift Leader 商务中心:Business Center 客房服务代表:Guest service agent(接待和收银合并之后的前台人员的称呼)简称GSA 电话总机:Switch Board 接线员:Operator 预订处:Room Reservation 礼宾服务处:Concierge 大厅服务处:Bell Service 金钥匙:Golden Key 行政楼层:Executive Floor 行政酒廊:Executive Lounge 行李生:Bellman 迎宾员:Doorman 夜审:End of Day /Night auditor 2.前厅服务项目专业术语介绍 入住:Check-in 退房:Check-out 外币兑换:Foreign Currency Exchange 问询:Information 接送机服务:Pick up service 叫醒服务:Wake up call 请勿打扰服务:DND Do not disturbed 失物招领:Lost and Found 国内直拨和国际直拨电话:DDD and IDD Domestic Direct Dial and International Direct Dial对方付费电话:Collect Call 3.前厅常用物品术语介绍: 住宿登记单:Registration card 欢迎卡:Welcome card 订房凭证:Voucher 交接本:log book 信封:Envelope 房卡钥匙:Room key 安全保管箱:Safe Deposit Box 客房统计和出售率统计的术语 预离房:Expected Departure 预抵房:Expected Arrival


[ 转帖] 音响名词中英文对照大全 A AAC automatic ampltiude control 自动幅度 控制 AB AB 制立体声录音法 Abeyancd 暂停,潜态 A-B repeat A-B 重复 ABS absolute 绝对的,完全的,绝对时间 ABS american bureau of standard 美国标准 局 ABSS auto blank secrion scanning 自动磁带 空白部分扫描 Abstime 绝对运行时间 A.DEF audio defeat 音频降噪,噪声抑制,伴音静 噪 ADJ adjective 附属的,附件 ADJ Adjust 调节 ADJ acoustic delay line 声延迟线 Admission 允许进入,供给 ADP acoustic data processor 音响数据处理 机 ADP(T) adapter 延配器,转接器 ADRES automatic dynamic range expansion system 动态范围扩展系统 ADRM analog to digital remaster 模拟录音、 数字处理数码唱盘 ADS audio distribution system 音频分配系 统 A.DUB audio dubbing 配音,音频复制,后期 录音 ADV advance 送入,提升,前置量 ADV adversum 对抗 ADV advancer 相位超前补偿器

Adventure 惊险效果 AE audio erasing 音频(声音)擦除 AE auxiliary equipment 辅助设备 Aerial 天线 AES audio engineering society 美国声频工 程协会 AF audio fidelity 音频保真度 AF audio frequency 音频频率 AFC active field control 自动频率控制AFC automatic frequency control 声场控制Affricate 塞擦音 AFL aside fade listen 衰减后(推子后)监 听 A-fader 音频衰减 AFM advance frequency modulation 高级调频 AFS acoustic feedback speaker 声反馈扬声 器 AFT automatic fine tuning 自动微调AFTAASadvanced fast time acoustic analysis system 高级快速音响分析系统 After 转移部分文件 Afterglow 余辉,夕照时分音响效果 Aga in st以 ... 为背景 AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制 AHD audio high density 音频高密度唱片系统 AI advanced integrated 预汇流 AI amplifier input 放大器输入 AI artificial intelligence 人工智能AI azimuth indicator 方位指示器 A-IN 音频输入 A-INSEL audio input selection 音频输入选 择 Alarm 警报器 ALC automatic level control 自动电平控制ALC automatic load control 自动负载控制


焊接专用英文词汇 1.1 焊接方法 焊接方法与设备(Welding process& facility) 手工电弧焊(MAW:manual arc welding) 电弧焊(arc welding)埋弧电弧焊(SAW:submerged arc welding)气焊(gas welding)氩弧焊(argon arc welding) 气体保护电弧焊 CO2保护焊(CO2 shielded arc welding) 熔化焊(GMAW—gas metal arc welding) fusion welding 电渣焊(ESW—electroslag welding) 激光焊(LW—laster welding) 等离子焊(PAW—plasma arc welding) 摩擦焊(FRW—friction welding) 焊接压力焊超声波焊(UW—ultrasonic welding) welding pressure welding 冷压焊(CPW—cold pressure welding)锻焊(FW—forge-welding)对焊butt welding 电阻焊(RW—resistance welding) 缝焊seam welding 点焊spot welding 烙铁钎焊 iron soldering 火焰钎焊 torch brazing/ torch soldering 钎焊炉中钎焊 furnace brazing/ furnace soldering soldering/brazing 盐浴钎焊 saltbath dip brazing (soldering) 真空钎焊 vacuum brazing 堆焊 overlaying welding 平焊 downhand welding/flat welding 横焊 horizontal welding 立焊 vertical welding 仰焊 overhead welding 全位置焊 all position welding/positional welding 半自动电弧焊 Semi-automatic arc welding 钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 (TIG) tungsten inert-gas arc welding 熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊(MIG)metal inert-gas arc welding 1.2 焊接设备 电弧焊机 arc welding machine 直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine 交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine 交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine 氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine 二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine 埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine 焊接机头 welding head 行走机构 traveller 送丝机构 wire feeder 焊丝盘 wire reel


一.电气名词 Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备 Equipments 四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays 五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.接地 Grounding , earthing 八.室、所 Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair 十.材料 Material 十一.图名 Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头 Tables 十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词 Electric items 交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current 短路电流 Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流 Impulse current 稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density 短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压 High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压 Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage 残留电压 Residual voltage 击穿电压 Puncture voltage 脉动电压 Pulsating voltage 供电电压 Supply voltage 电力电压 Power voltage

电影专业术语 中英对照

电影专业术语中英文对照 A Above-the-line 线上费用 A-B roll A-B卷 AC 交流电 Academy ratio 学院标准画框比 Adaptation 改编 ADR editor ADR 剪辑师 Aligator clamp=gaffer grip 固定灯具的弹簧夹,又称鳄鱼夹 Ambient Sounds 环境音 Amp 安培 Amplification 信号放大 Amplitude 振幅 Analog 模拟 Anamorphic lens 变形镜头 Aperture 光圈 Answer Print 校正拷贝 Arc 摄像机的弧度运动 Art director 艺术指导 Aspect ratio 画框比 Atmosphere sound 气氛音 Attack 起音 Audio board 调音台 Audio mixer 混音器,混音师 Automatic dialogue replacement 自动对白补录 Automatic focus 自动对焦 Automatic gain control 自动增益控制 Automatic iris 自动光圈(少用) Axis of action 表演轴线 B Back light 轮廓光 Background light=Scenery light 场景光 Balance 平衡 Balanced 平衡电缆 Barndoor 遮扉(灯具上的黑色金属活动板,遮光用的) Barney 隔音套 Base 片基(用来附着感光乳剂的胶片基底) Base plate 底座(固定灯的) Baselight level 基本亮度 Batch capturing 批次采集 Below-the-line 线下费用 Bidirectional 双向麦克风 Bit depth 位元深度(在数字声音中每次取样的数目,通常是8,12,16)


专业音频术语中英文对照A AAC automatic ampltiude control 自动幅度控制AB AB制立体声录音法 Abeyancd 暂停,潜态A-B repeat A-B重复 ABS absolute 绝对的,完全的,绝对时间ABS american bureau of standard 美国标准局ABSS auto blank secrion scanning 自动磁带空白部分扫描Abstime 绝对运行时间 A.DEF audio defeat 音频降噪,噪声抑制,伴音静噪ADJ adjective 附属的,附件 ADJ Adjust 调节ADJ acoustic delay line 声延迟线Admission 允许进入,供给ADP acoustic data processor 音响数据处理机ADP(T) adapter 延配器,转接器ADRES automatic dynamic range expansion system 动态范围扩展系统ADRM analog to digital remaster 模拟录音、数字处理数码唱盘ADS audio distribution system 音频分配系统A.DUB audio dubbing 配音,音频复制,后期录音ADV advance 送入,提升,前置量ADV adversum 对抗ADV advancer 相位超前补偿器Adventure 惊险效果AE audio erasing 音频(声音)擦除AE auxiliary equipment 辅助设备Aerial 天线 AES audio engineering society 美国声频工程协会AF audio fidelity 音频保真度 AF audio frequency 音频频率AFC active field control 自动频率控制AFC automatic frequency control 声场控制Affricate 塞擦音 AFL aside fade listen 衰减后(推子后)监听A-fader 音频衰减AFM advance frequency modulation 高级调频AFS acoustic feedback speaker 声反馈扬声器AFT automatic fine tuning 自动微调AFTAAS advanced fast time acoustic analysis system 高级快速音响分析系统After 转移部分文件Afterglow 余辉,夕照时分音响效果Against 以……为背景AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制AHD audio high density 音频高密度唱片系统


金属加工专业术语中英对照 砂带磨削,用研磨带磨光 abrasive belt grinding n. 砂带 abrasive belt n. 砂轮切断机 abrasive cut-off machine n. 砂轮修整轮 abrasive dressing wheel n. 磨料粒度 abrasive grain n. 研磨用磨料,铁粒 abrasive grit n. 磨料研磨轮 abrasive lapping wheel n. 位置精度 accuracy of position n. 形状精度 accuracy to shape n. 主切削刃 active cutting edge n. 连接器法兰盘 adapter flange n. 共軛齿廓 adjointing flanks n. 找中(心),找正,对中,对准,找平,调直,校直,调整,调准 align n. 角铣刀 angle milling cutter n. 斜面磨削,斜磨法 angular grinding n. 斜面铣削 angular milling n. 斜向切入磨削 angular plunge grinding n. 斜面车削 angular turning n. 刀杆,心轴,柄轴,轴,辊轴 arbour n. 附件,附件机构,联结,固接,联结法 attachment n. 棒料自动车床 automatic bar machine n. 自动镗床 automatic boring machine n. 自动仿形车床 automatic copying lathe n. 自动双轴铣床 automatic double-head milling machine n. 自动车床 automatic lathe n. 自动转塔车床 automatic turret lathe n. 砂带磨床 belt grinding machine n. 台式车床 bench lathe n. 锥齿轮切削机床 bevel gear cutting machine n. 锥齿轮系,锥齿轮传动系统 bevel gear tooth system n. 斜角,斜面,倾斜,斜切,斜角规,万能角尺,圆锥的,倾斜的,斜边,伞齿轮,锥齿轮 bevel n. 镗孔,镗出的孔,钻眼 borehole n. 镗孔夹具 boring fixture n. 镗床 boring machine n. 镗孔,钻孔,穿孔 boring n. 镗刀 boring tool n. 镗铣床 boring, drilling and milling machine n. 拉床,铰孔机,剥孔机 broaching machine n.


焊接专业术语中英对照焊接欠缺与检验 焊接欠缺welding imperfection 焊接缺陷weld defect 气孔blowhole/ gas pore 针尖状气孔pinhole 密集气孔porosity 条虫状气孔wormhole 裂纹crack 表面裂纹surface crack 咬边undercut 焊瘤overlap 凹坑pit 烧穿burn through 塌陷excessive penetration 未焊透incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration 未熔合lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion 未焊满incompletely filled weld 根部凹陷root concavity 电弧擦伤arc scratch 夹渣slag inclusion 夹杂物inclusion 夹钨tungsten inclusion 白点fish eye/ flake 错边misalignment/ dislocation 焊接检验 试件test piece 试样test specimen 无损检验nondestructive test 破坏检验destructive test 外观检查visual examination 超声波探伤ultrasonic inspection 直射法超声波探伤straight beam method 斜射法超声波探伤angle beam method 液浸法超声波探伤immersion method 射线探伤radiographic inspection/ radiography X射线探伤X-ray radiographic inspection γ射线探伤gamma-ray inspection X射线工业电视探伤X-ray industrial television inspection 磁粉探伤magnetic particle inspection 电磁探伤electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test 探伤灵敏度flaw detection sensitivity 渗透探伤penetration inspection 荧光探伤flurescent penetrant inspection 着色探伤dye penetrant inspection 密封性检验leak test 气密性检验air tight test 枕形气密检验pillow test 耐压检验pressure test 水压检验hydraulic test 气压检验pneumatic test 液晶检验liquid crystal test 声发射检测acoustic emission testing 面弯试验face bend testing 背弯试验root bend test 侧弯试验side bend test 横弯试验horizontal bend test 纵弯试验axial bend test 压扁试验squeezing test actual weld-throat thick-ness焊缝厚度 all-around weld整周焊缝 all-around weld (整周焊缝)环焊缝 angle butt weld斜对接焊 angle weld角焊 appearance of weld焊缝成形 arc-seam weld电弧缝焊 arc-spot weld电弧点焊 arc-weld电弧焊 aspect ratio of weld焊缝成形系数 at weld edge在焊缝边上 attachment weld连接焊缝 automatic spot weld自动点焊法 automatic weld自动焊接 axis of a weld焊缝行南? 焊接轴线 axis of weld焊缝轴线; 焊接轴线 back of weld焊缝背面 backing groove of weld焊缝反面坡口backing weld底焊; 底焊焊缝 bare metal arc weld裸焊条电弧焊 bead weld珠焊; 堆焊 bead-on-plate weld堆焊焊缝 beading weld凸焊 beam-to-beam weld梁间焊接; 梁式引线焊接block sequence weld分段多层焊 bond weld钢轨接头焊接 bridge seam weld桥缝焊接; 桥线焊 brize weld硬焊 butt weld对接焊缝 butt weld ends对头焊接端 butt-weld碰焊; 平式焊接; 对头焊接 butt-weld in the downhand position对接平焊


专业音频术语中英文对照 A AAC automatic ampltiude control 自动幅度控制 AB AB制立体声录音法 Abeyancd 暂停,潜态 A-B repeat A-B重复 ABS absolute 绝对的,完全的,绝对时间 ABS american bureau of standard 美国标准局ABSS auto blank secrion scanning 自动磁带空白部分扫描 Abstime 绝对运行时间 A.DEF audio defeat 音频降噪,噪声抑制,伴音静噪 ADJ adjective 附属的,附件 ADJ Adjust 调节 ADJ acoustic delay line 声延迟线Admission 允许进入,供给 ADP acoustic data processor 音响数据处理机ADP(T) adapter 延配器,转接器 ADRES automatic dynamic range expansion system 动态范围扩展系统 ADRM analog to digital remaster 模拟录音、数字处理数码唱盘 ADS audio distribution system 音频分配系统A.DUB audio dubbing 配音,音频复制,后期录音 ADV advance 送入,提升,前置量ADV adversum 对抗 ADV advancer 相位超前补偿器Adventure 惊险效果 AE audio erasing 音频(声音)擦除AE auxiliary equipment 辅助设备 Aerial 天线 AES audio engineering society 美国声频工程协会 AF audio fidelity 音频保真度 AF audio frequency 音频频率 AFC active field control 自动频率控制AFC automatic frequency control 声场控制 Affricate 塞擦音 AFL aside fade listen 衰减后(推子后)监听 A-fader 音频衰减AFM advance frequency modulation 高级调频 AFS acoustic feedback speaker 声反馈扬声器AFT automatic fine tuning 自动微调 AFTAAS advanced fast time acoustic analysis system 高级快速音响分析系统 After 转移部分文件Afterglow 余辉,夕照时分音响效果 Against 以……为背景AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制 AHD audio high density 音频高密度唱片系统AI advanced integrated 预汇流 AI amplifier input 放大器输入AI artificial intelligence 人工智能 AI azimuth indicator 方位指示器 A-IN 音频输入 A-INSEL audio input selection 音频输入选择Alarm 警报器 ALC automatic level control 自动电平控制ALC automatic load control自动负载控制 Alford loop 爱福特环形天线Algorithm 演示 Aliasing 量化噪声,频谱混叠Aliasing distortion 折叠失真 Align alignment 校正,补偿,微调,匹配 Al-Si-Fe alloy head 铁硅铝合金磁头 Allegretto 小快板,稍快地Allegro 快板,迅速地 Allocation 配置,定位All rating 全(音)域 ALM audio level meter 音频电平表ALT alternating 震荡,交替的 ALT alternator 交流发电机ALT altertue 转路 ALT-CH alternate channel 转换通道,交替声道Alter 转换,交流电,变换器 AM amperemeter 安培计,电流表AM amplitude modulation 调幅(广播) AM auxiliary memory 辅助存储器Ambience 临场感,环绕感 ABTD automatic bulk tape degausser 磁带自动整体去磁电路 Ambient 环境的Ambiophonic system 环绕声系统 Ambiophony 现场混响,环境立体声AMLS automatic music locate system 自动音乐定位系统


AW——ARC WELDING——电弧焊 AHW——atomic hydrogen welding——原子氢焊 BMAW——bare metal arc welding——无保护金属丝电弧焊 CAW——carbon arc welding——碳弧焊 CAW-G——gas carbon arc welding——气保护碳弧焊 CAW-S——shielded carbon arc welding——有保护碳弧焊 CAW-T——twin carbon arc welding——双碳极间电弧焊 EGW——electrogas welding——气电立焊 FCAW——flux cored arc welding——药芯焊丝电弧焊 FCW-G——gas-shielded flux cored arc welding——气保护药芯焊丝电弧焊 FCW-S——self-shielded flux cored arc welding——自保护药芯焊丝电弧焊 GMAW——gas metal arc welding——熔化极气体保护电弧焊 GMAW-P——pulsed arc——熔化极气体保护脉冲电弧焊 GMAW-S——short circuiting arc——熔化极气体保护短路过度电弧焊 GTAW——gas tungsten arc welding——钨极气体保护电弧焊 GTAW-P——pulsed arc——钨极气体保护脉冲电弧焊 MIAW——magnetically impelled arc welding——磁推力电弧焊 PAW——plasma arc welding——等离子弧焊 SMAW——shielded metal arc welding——焊条电弧焊 SW——stud arc welding——螺栓电弧焊 SAW——submerged arc welding——埋弧焊


焊接用语中英对照 焊接专业英语词汇(熔化焊) 熔接fusion welding 压接pressure welding 焊接过程welding process 焊接技术welding technique 焊接工艺welding technology/procedure 焊接操作welding operation 焊接顺序welding sequence 焊接方向direction of welding 焊接位置welding position 熔敷顺序build-up sequence deposition sequence 焊缝倾角weld slope/inclination of weld axis 焊缝转角weld rotation/angle of rotation 平焊位置flat position of welding 横焊位置horizontal position of welding 立焊位置vertical position of welding 仰焊位置overhead position of welding 平焊downhand welding/flat position welding 横焊horizontal position welding 立焊vertical position welding 仰焊overhead position welding 全位置焊all position welding:熔焊时,焊件接逢所处空间位置包括平焊、横焊、仰焊等位置所进行的焊接。如水平固定管所进行的环缝焊接 向下立焊vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position 向上立焊vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position 倾斜焊inclined position welding 上坡焊upward welding in the inclined position 下坡焊downward welding in the inclined position 对接焊butt welding 角焊fillet welding 搭接焊lap welding 船形焊fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position 平角焊horizontal fillet welding 立角焊fillet welding in the vertical position 仰角焊fillet welding in the overhead position 坡口焊groove welding I形坡口对接焊square butt welding 喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding 卷边焊flanged edge welding 纵缝焊接welding of l0ngitudinal seam
