

电视台记者年终总结(TV reporter

year-end summary)


确的采访。今天我给大家带来了电视台记者年终总结,希望对大家有所帮助。(As news editors and editors, TV reporters should have strong personal qualities and professional skills. TV reporters must sort out the information they want and conduct accurate interviews. Today I brought you the year-end summary of the TV station reporters, I hope it will help you.)

电视台记者年终总结篇一(TV reporter year-end summary article one)

光阴荏苒,日月如梭,转眼一年的时间就匆匆过去了,记者个人年终工作总结。在这短暂的一年中,由于各位领导和同事的帮助,我圆满完成了自已的本职工作。为了在新的一年里更好地完成任务,我将本年度工作情况总结如下:(The time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, a year has passed in a blink of an eye, and the reporter's personal year-end work summary. In this short year, thanks to the help of leaders and colleagues, I successfully completed my own job. In order to better complete the task in the new year, I summarize the work of this year as follows:)

一、努力提高自身素质与修养。(1. Strive to improve one's own quality and accomplishment.)

作为一名记者,要有宏观意识,要胸怀大局,了解党和政府工作中的新精神和新要求,善于透过事物现象预见其本质和未来,从而挖掘出有社会价值的新闻题材。而要做到这些,就必须不断提高自已的各项素养。(As a reporter, you must have a macro-consciousness, have a big picture in mind, understand the new spirit and new requirements in the work of the party and the government, and be good at predicting the essence and future of things through phenomena, so as to dig out news topics with social value. To do this, you must constantly improve your own qualities.)

为了提高政治素质,我要求自已做到:在思想上和政治上与党中央保持一致,坚持社会主义方向,我认为,记者讲政治最重要最根本的是坚持社会主义方向,还要做到正确宣传党的纲领、路线、方针、政策,加强群众观点,贯彻群众路线,重视政治理论学习。(In order to improve the political quality, I ask myself to do it: ideologically and politically, be consistent with the Party Central Committee and adhere to the socialist direction. I think that the most important and fundamental thing for journalists to talk about politics is to adhere to the socialist direction and to do correct propaganda. The party's program, line, principles, and policies should strengthen the views of

the masses, implement the mass line, and attach importance to the study of political theory.)

记者心理素质包括:好奇心理、竞争意识、冒险精神和坚强的意志。这些心理素质是成为一名记者的必备条件。所以,我始终不忘提高自已的心理素质。(The psychological qualities of journalists include: curiosity, competitive consciousness, adventurous spirit and strong will. These psychological qualities are a prerequisite for becoming a journalist. Therefore, I never forget to improve my mental quality.)

作为一名摄像记者,光有较强的政治和心理素质还远远不够,更要有过硬的业务素质。于是,我常常利用工作之余寻找各种与业务有关的资料,如《新闻学理论》、《采访写作的方法与技巧》等专业书籍,并不断对这些材料进行分析研究,取其精华、去其糟粕。还坚持每天认真观看各大电视台的新闻栏目,边学边实践,使自已学到的每一点先进技术都落到实处。(As a camera reporter, it is not enough to have strong political and psychological qualities, but also to have strong professional qualities. Therefore, I often use my spare time to search for various business-related materials, such as "Journalism Theory", "Methods and Techniques of Interview Writing" and other professional books, and continue to analyze and research these materials, and choose the essence of them. Its dross. I also insist on watching the news columns

of major TV stations every day, learning and practicing, so that every bit of advanced technology I have learned can be implemented.)

在提高自身素质的同时,我还不断加强自身修养,使自已努力做到:重事实,讲真话,主持正义,坚持真理;报道内容健康,有益社会进步;讲究文德,反对以稿谋私;自觉抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义思想侵蚀;处理好与同事间的关系等。(While improving my own quality, I also continue to strengthen my self-cultivation, so that I strive to do: emphasize facts, tell the truth, uphold justice, and adhere to the truth; report content is healthy and beneficial to social progress; pay attention to cultural and morality, and oppose the use of articles for personal gain; Consciously resist the erosion of money worship, hedonism, and individualism; handle the relationship with colleagues, etc.)二、敢于吃苦,勇于实践。(2. Dare to endure hardships and practice.)


于火热的社会生活实践中,积累了丰富的新闻素材,进行了艰苦的调查研究和思考分析才完成的。因此,我要求自已做到"三勤"、"两不怕",即"脑勤、腿勤、耳勤"和"不怕苦,不怕累"。对得到的新闻素材去粗取精、去伪存真,直到捕捉到有价值的新闻内容为止。(Journalism is a highly practical job. People who lack a basic understanding of society are not qualified to be excellent journalists. Reporters must go deep into reality, the masses, and life. For the same news subject matter, some reporters are vividly shooting, while others are boring. The fundamental reason lies in whether they really go deep into reality, life, and the masses. "Practice brings true knowledge", "Those who wade in shallow waters get fish and shrimps, those who wade in deep waters get fish and dragons" are this truth. Some news works with great influence and far-reaching historical significance are all the authors devoted to the hot social life practice. We have accumulated a wealth of news materials, and completed arduous investigations, studies and analysis. Therefore, I ask myself to do "three work", "two not afraid", that is, "brain work, leg work, ear work" and "not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired." Roughly extract the details of the news materials obtained, remove the false and preserve the truth, until the valuable news content is captured.)

三、一分耕耘、一分收获。(3. No effort, no gain.)

XX年春天,是我们台管理机制改善的春天,改变了我台以往等新闻、派新闻的被动局面,给所有人创造了一个又一个平等竞争、平等提高的良好机会。今年八月份,我代表镇妇联参加了市妇联、市建设局联合举办的"建设杯学长霞做时代女性"演讲比赛,并取得了第二名的好成绩,为我镇和台里争得了荣誉。同时,也提高了我的心理素质和应变能力。通过学任长霞,我认识到只有树立优良的职业道德和职业精神,才能做一名称职的记者,任长霞精神不仅作为一句口号,更作为一种信念渗透到我的头脑中,所以XX年也是我收获最多的一年。(The spring of XX year was the spring when our station’s management mechanism improved. It changed our station’s passive situation of waiting for news and sending news, and created good opportunities for everyone to compete equally and improve equally. In August of this year, on behalf of the Town Women’s Federation, I participated in the "Construction Cup Senior Xia Being a Woman of the Times" speech contest jointly organized by the Municipal Women’s Federation and the Municipal Construction Bureau, and won the second place, winning honors for our town and Taili. . At the same time, it also improved my psychological quality and adaptability. Through learning Ren Changxia, I realized that only by establishing good professional ethics and professionalism can I be a competent

reporter. The spirit of Ren Changxia not only serves as a slogan, but also penetrates into my mind as a belief, so XX year is also my harvest The most year.)

今年五月,我经过拍摄、收集了大量镜头和资料,精心策划了《我镇非公企业工会工作开展有声有色》的系列报道,为我镇非公企业工作发展提供了翔实的材料,得到了许多企业的好评,也为我镇经济建设起到良好的促进作用。(In May of this year, after shooting and collecting a lot of footage and materials, I carefully planned a series of reports on "The Development of Trade Union Work in Non-public Enterprises in Our Town", which provided informative materials for the development of the work of

non-public enterprises in our town, and obtained many The high praise of the enterprise also played a good role in promoting the economic construction of our town.)


为我台打出了更响亮的好声誉。(On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, Taili is expected to hold a rice dumpling competition to enrich the cultural life of the people. In order to find

suitable venues and sponsors, I have repeatedly braved the heat to contact the Huaxing Hotel. The effort paid off, and the contest was finally held in a festive and joyous atmosphere as scheduled and ended successfully. This event not only won the unanimous praise of the general public and all the staff of Huaxing Hotel, but also won the XX yuan feature film production fee for Taili, and also created a better reputation for our station.)

今年夏天,接到群众反映,我镇中亭街企业路段雨后积水很深,严重影响了附近居民出行。于是,我们毫不犹豫冒着小雨及时赶到现场拍下了珍贵的镜头,并对附近居民进行了采访。随后,《雨后天晴行路难》真实、客观的报道,带着居民们的呼声播了出去了。让人倍感欣慰的是,没过多久,企业路路基垫高了,水流畅通无阻了,路面平坦好走了,居民们幸福地笑了。(This summer, I received reports from the masses that there was a lot of water in the enterprise section of Zhongting Street in our town after the rain, which seriously affected the travel of nearby residents. Therefore, we did not hesitate to brave the light rain and rush to the scene in time to take precious shots and interview the nearby residents. Subsequently, the truthful and objective report of "Difficulty on the Road After Raining Sunny Days" was broadcast with the voices of the residents. What is gratifying is that

it didn't take long for the embankment of the enterprise road to be raised, the water flowed unimpeded, the road was smooth and easy to walk, and the residents smiled happily.)

经过不懈努力,虽然今年我在工作上取得了一点成绩,但是,成绩只属于过去,将来还需要继续努力,学海无涯,工作无止境,我会永远牢记屈原的那句话"路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索",为我台新闻工作做出更大贡献。(After unremitting efforts, although I have achieved some results in my work this year, the results belong only to the past, and I will need to continue to work hard in the future. There is no limit to learning and work. I will always remember Qu Yuan’s wor ds "The road is long." Xiu Yuanxi, I will search up and down" to make greater contributions to our news work.)

电视台记者年终总结篇二(TV reporter year-end summary chapter 2)

来报社差不多一年多的时间,从学生过渡到一个真正的社会人,是记者这个职业的特殊性,让我更快地成长了。(I have been in the newspaper for more than a year, and I have transitioned from a student to a real social person. It is the special nature of the journalist profession that has allowed me to grow faster.)现在,可以说,我熟悉酉阳比熟悉黔江多。虽然在黔江生活了20xx 年,但是一直是两耳不闻窗外事,对她知之甚少。但是,酉阳于我而

言,并不是一个工作的地方那么简单。每天,她的大大小小的事情,需要报道,需要关注。无论是一个人,还是一个地方、一件事,关注得多了,自然,就有了感情。这个职业,让我能够更快地熟悉酉阳、了解酉阳,关注着她的每一步成长,每一个细小的变化。刚来的时候,说的是"你们酉阳",现在,已经习惯了说"我们酉阳"。(Now, it can be said that I am more familiar with Youyang than Qianjiang. Although she has lived in Qianjiang for 20xx years, she has always been deaf to her and knows very little about her. However, to me, Youyang is not as simple as a place of work. Every day, her big and small things need to be reported and paid attention to. Regardless of whether it is a person, a place, or a matter, the more you pay attention to, naturally, there will be feelings. This profession allows me to get acquainted with Youyang and understand Youyang more quickly, paying attention to her every step of growth and every small change. When I first came, I said "You You Yang", but now I am used to saying "We You Yang".)一年时间以来,熟悉了这个城市,融入了她的生活。但是,因为努力不够,学习不够。一直对她了解得不深,不透。对工作,同样。以前,为了鞭策自己,所以告诉自己,"要将工作当作事业,将事业当作人生。"可是,惭愧的是,我没有做到。记者这个称呼,有的时候,感

觉是辜负了的。(For a year, I have been familiar with the city and integrated into her life. However, because of insufficient

effort and insufficient study. I have never understood her deeply or thoroughly. For work, the same. In the past, in order to spur myself, I told myself, "Take work as your career and career as your life." But, ashamed, I didn't do it. The term reporter sometimes feels disappointed.)

到目前为止,工作上,谈不上什么成绩。从一开始,就定位为时政记者。如何将时政新闻做好,一直在寻找,但是,一直也没做好。缺乏一双发现新闻的眼睛,缺乏对大局的判断力,把握不住"势"的走向,决定了我发现不了好新闻。(So far, there are no achievements in work. From the beginning, he was positioned as a current affairs reporter. I have been looking for how to do a good job in current affairs news, but I have never done a good job. The lack of a pair of eyes to discover news, a lack of judgment on the overall situation, and the inability to grasp the trend of the "potential" determine that I cannot find good news.)

记忆犹新的是那次开全县的安全生产工作会,回来之后,我只按照常规写了一篇会议报道,对会议中的许多新闻点却视而不见。最后,在熊老师的提点下,才将安全生产有奖举报机制和聘请100名安全生产信息员另写了两篇新闻。从那以后,每次开会的时候,总要先问自己,这次会议有没有别的新闻点。希望能够通过这种有意识的训练,逐渐让自己能够跳出会议写会议。(What is still fresh in my memory is the county-wide safety production work meeting. After

returning, I only wrote a report on the meeting as usual, but turned a blind eye to many news points in the meeting. Finally, after Mr. Xiong’s suggestion, he wrote two news articles about the rewarded reporting mechanism for safety production and the hiring of 100 safety production informants. Since then, every time I have a meeting, I always ask myself if there are any other news points in this meeting. I hope that through this kind of conscious training, I can gradually get out of meetings and write meetings.)

下半年,希望能够多深入基层,希望报社策划的"青年记者住农家进园区上工地"中有我浓墨重彩的一笔。一直以来,没怎么下过乡,即使去,也不是自己一个人去的。再加上从小的农村生活经历比较少,对于下乡总有一点心理难关没过。但是,通过上个月下大溪、下板溪,虽然大溪是和小欧一块去的,板溪也比较近,但是,采访都转换了一种方式,绕过当地政府,直接和老百姓接触,发现了很多以前没有看见过的东西。比如大溪,一直是和领导一起去看的,台地结构漂亮,现在老百姓的建房积极性表面看起来也很高,但是,和他们接触之后才发现,台地的问题很多,甚至会影响到移民的生命安全。这便是真正的基层。或者政府做事了,但是,老百姓始终是弱者。这一点,应该向欧道路学习。他以专业的态度报道了岩峰村的现状,又以悲悯的情怀为岩峰小学做了实事。(In the second half of the year, I hope to go deeper into the grassroots level. I hope that the

newspaper planned "Young reporters live in the farm and enter the construction site in the park". For a long time, I haven't been to the countryside very much. Even if I go, I don't go there alone. Coupled with the relatively little experience in rural life since childhood, there is always a little psychological difficulty in going to the countryside. However, through Xia Daxi and Xia Banxi last month, although Daxi went with Xiaoou and Banxi is also relatively close, the interviews have changed a way, bypassing the local government and directly contacting the people. , I found a lot of things I haven't seen before. For example, Daxi has always been to see with the leaders. The terraces are beautifully structured. Now the people's enthusiasm for building houses seems to be very high. However, after contacting them, they discovered that there are many problems on the terraces, which may even affect the immigration life safety. This is the real grassroots. Or the government has done something, but the people are always weak. This should be learned from the European road. He reported the current situation of Yanfeng Village with a professional attitude, and did practical work for Yanfeng Primary School with his compassionate feelings.)


下去了,但是我相信,迈出了第一步,后面的路就不会走得那么畏首畏尾,会走的更远、更深层次一些。(These two interviews gave me a new understanding of in-depth interviews at the grassroots level. Although it is not really sinking, I believe that after taking the first step, the road behind will not be so daunting, and will go further and deeper.)

电视台记者年终总结篇三(TV reporter year-end summary chapter three)

大学毕业至今已经有四年的时间了,四年的时间我成长了很多。在大学毕业的时候,我只是一名普通大学中文系的毕业生,工作很难找,还好自己通过不断的努力成为了一名报社记者,我会在今后的工作中继续努力下去的,我相信自己能够做好。四年的时间,我成长多太多,自己都无法具体的说出来,不过总体感觉自己就是变化很大。(It has been four years since I graduated from university, and I have grown a lot in the four years. When I graduated from university, I was just a graduate of the Chinese Department of a general university. It was difficult to find a job. Fortunately, I became a newspaper reporter through continuous efforts. I will continue to work hard in the future. I Believe that you can do well. In the past four years, I have grown so much that I can't say it specifically, but overall I feel that I have changed a lot.)

自从从事新闻工作以来,时间转瞬即逝。尤其是在20xx年的工作中,时间更是过得特别快。回顾这一年的工作,我个人可谓感受良多。在这一年中,我与《新消息报》的同事和领导们,共同经历了很多新闻事件的报道和活动的组织、版面策划以及落实,从中体会到了团队精神的重要性,尤其在领导的部署和指点下,完成了很多意义深远的工作任务。一年来,我本着踏踏实实做事,实实在在做人的原则,认认真真地去从事每一项工作。不论是思想上,还是工作上都有很多的收获。(Since working in journalism, time is fleeting. Especially in the 20xx years of work, time flies extremely fast. Looking back on my work this year, I personally feel a lot. During this year, I and the colleagues and leaders of the "New Izvestia" have jointly experienced the organization, layout planning and implementation of many news events and activities, and realized the importance of teamwork, especially in the leadership. Under the deployment and guidance, many far-reaching tasks have been completed. Over the past year, I have been earnestly engaged in every job based on the principle of doing things

down-to-earth and being a real person. There are many gains in both thinking and work.)

1、成绩之外少不了不足之处,我作为一个部们的主任,在平时的管理上可能存在一些缺陷,主要是不太适应现在报社的管理体制,有想法不能落实,希望这样的工作环境能够很快得到改善。(1. There are

indispensable shortcomings besides the performance. As the director of a department, I may have some shortcomings in the usual management. The main reason is that I am not suitable for the current newspaper management system. I have ideas that cannot be implemented. I hope such a working environment can be Improved quickly.)

2、在思想、学习方面有了较大提高。我认真深入的学习xx大精神和xx同志的讲话。为了尽快提高自己的理论水平,我还从电视、报纸中了解当今的国际政治形势,社会动态及党中央的指导方针等。积极参加单位组织的各项学习活动,用先进的思想指导自己的日常工作。我深知,平时的勤勉积累对于新闻工作起着至关重要的作用,抓住一切可以利用的时间,广泛涉猎各方面的知识,不断完善自己的知识结构,为做好工作打下了良好的业务基础。(2. Great improvement in thinking and learning. I earnestly and deeply studied the spirit of xx and Comrade xx’s speech. In order to improve my theoretical level as soon as possible, I also learned about the current international political situation, social dynamics, and the guidelines of the Party Central Committee from TV and newspapers. Actively participate in various learning activities organized by the unit, and use advanced ideas to guide their daily work. I am well aware that my daily accumulation of diligence plays a vital role in journalism. I

seize all the time available to study extensively in all aspects of knowledge, constantly improve my knowledge structure, and build a good business for doing a good job. basis.)

3、严于律己,遵章守纪。在单位严格遵守单位的各项规章制度,坚持以诚待人、以信处事。工作兢兢业业,谦虚谨慎,注意向同事们学习,取长补短。(3. Be strict in self-discipline and obey rules and disciplines. In the unit, we strictly abide by the unit's various rules and regulations, and insist on treating people with sincerity and faith. Work conscientiously, modestly and cautiously, pay attention to learning from colleagues and learn from each other.)

4、业务能力不断增强。从踏上记者岗位的第一天起,我就深知"业精于勤荒于嘻"的道理。工作中的"勤"使我能及时洞悉世事变化,而善于"思"则使我源源不断地获得灵感。通过不懈努力,我的一些版面策划在全国获奖。整整8年,在一个岗位上摸爬滚打,在版式设计上也形成了自己的个性和理论水平。可如今很快就要在新的岗位上工作。相信我有这8年的经验和个人的工作能力,下一个8年也许正是我大展宏图时。是金子在任何地方都会发光的。(4. Continuous improvement of business capabilities. From the first day I set foot on the job as a journalist, I knew the truth of "prosperity in diligence and lack of work". "Diligence" at work allows me to keep abreast of changes in the world, and being good at

"thinking" allows me to continuously get inspiration. Through unremitting efforts, some of my layout plans have won national awards. For 8 years, I worked hard in one position, and formed my own personality and theoretical level in layout design. But now he will be working in a new position soon. Believe that I have these 8 years of experience and personal working ability, the next 8 years may be when I am making great plans. It is gold that shines everywhere.)

今后的工作打算(Future work plan)

重视学习,不断汲取知识养分,自觉强化与时俱进的意识,接受新观点、新思想、新理论,力争做一名学习型、专家型新闻工作者,提高创新思维和辨别能力,运用逆向思维和发散型思维,在新的岗位上迎接新的挑战。记者这份工作是我非常喜欢的,我相信自己今后的不断努力中,我可以做的更好。新时期的背景下,对记者的要求也在变化,我相信自己能够做好,最一名最好的记者,这是我一直以来都在不断的前进中得到的经验和能力。20xx年,我会走的更好,我会在我记者的工作上做到最好!(Pay attention to learning, continuously absorb knowledge and nutrients, consciously strengthen the awareness of advancing with the times, accept new ideas, new ideas, and new theories, and strive to be a learning and expert journalist, improve innovative thinking and discernment ability, and use reverse thinking And divergent thinking, to

meet new challenges in new positions. I like this job as a reporter very much. I believe that I can do better in my continuous efforts in the future. Under the background of the new era, the requirements for reporters are also changing. I believe that I can be a good and the best reporter. This is the experience and ability that I have gained in continuous progress. In 20xx, I will go better, and I will do my best in my reporter's work!)
