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2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 4. A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B) Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C) He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D) Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) Achievements of black male athletes in college. B) Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C) High college dropout rates among black athletes. D) Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes. 6. A) They display great talent in every kind of game. B) They are better at sports than at academic work. C) They have difficulty finding money to complete their studies. 7. A) About 15%. B) Around 40%. C) Slightly over 50%. D) Approximately 70%. 8. A) Coaches lack the incentive to graduate them. B) College degrees do not count much to them. C) They have little interest in academic work. D) Schools do not deem it a serious problem. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose


2017年大学英语六级考试真题及答案详解 Part I Writing (30 minutes) Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前高校排名相当盛行; 2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一; 3. 在我看来…… My Views on University Ranking Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Into the Unknown The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope? Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a “world assembly on ageing” back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable. For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare. Since then the debate has become less emotional, not least because a lot more is known about the subject. Books, conferences and research papers have multiplied. International organisations such as the OECD and the EU issue regular reports. Population ageing is on every agenda, from G8 economic conferences to NATO summits. The World Economic Forum plans to consider the future of pensions and health care at its prestigious Davos conference early next year. The media, including this newspaper, are giving the subject extensive coverage. Whether all that attention has translated into sufficient action is another question. Governments in rich countries now accept that their pension and health-care promises will soon become unaffordable, and many of them have embarked on reforms, but so far only timidly. That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on the next election will hardly rush


【课后练习】 1.樊迟、仲弓问仁 孔子如何解释仁 1).仁体现了人与人之间彼此相爱的伦理关系——“爱人”。2). “仁”也是儒家所提倡的一切美德的集中表现,比如“恭”、“敬”、“忠”。体现在人类的所有社会活动之中。3).孔子的仁还包括“己所不欲,勿施于人”的忠恕之道。孔子的仁学思想具有很强的实践性,但是他从未给仁一个固定不变的定义,而是在不同场合,针对不同对象,结合具体事例谈论仁的具体表现形式。 2.《老子》二章: 道家主要思想为道文中“天道”“人道”是什么? 天道指自然规律人道指人类社会的规则 你自己对其怎么看? 3、秋水: 本文揭示什么道理,有何意义 主要揭示了宇宙无穷、认识无止境的哲理。同时也给我们更多的启示:不要受制于个人见闻而固步自封,要保持谦虚;人贵有自知之明;只有站得高才能看得远;知耻近乎勇,自大是由于无知。只有不断超越自己,才会有所发展;要有广阔的胸襟和远大的志向;个人的见识是有限的,人外有人天外有天。这些道理能够启示我们正确认识自己,正确地认识和处理事物。 怎样将抽象哲理具体化、 通过寓言形式揭示道理,虚构了一个河神与海神的对话的故事,以此展开说理,阐明文章主旨。通过援譬设喻的手段来解释所欲阐述的深微玄奥的哲理,而且所用比喻往往连类而及,层见叠出,是抽象的结论寓于形象的比喻之中,引人联想,发人深思。 举了哪些例子?打哪些比方? 用了井蛙、夏虫、曲式三个比喻来说明人的认识受客观条件的制约、本文援譬设喻往往连类而及,如用小石小木之在大山、似磊空之在大泽,稊米之在大仓乎、毫末之在于马体这样的连类的比喻将其要阐述的这理论述的十分清楚。 援譬设喻的特点:层次迭出,连类生发,由大到小连类比喻。 4、容忍与自由: 为何引用李、王以及四诛?四诛是诛杀的什么?文章的论点是什么? 1 让人们看清封建专制的不容忍必然导致灭亡的历史事实; 2析言破律,乱名改作,执左道以乱政,杀;作淫声异服奇技异器以疑众,杀;行伪而坚,言伪而辩,学非而博,顺非而泽以疑众,杀;假于鬼神时日卜筮以疑众,杀 3 通过对“四诛”的现代阐释巧妙的阐明了自己的容忍比自由更重要的思想。 为什么将四诛与西方宗教破坏并举为例 说明了无论西方还是东方,人类共同的习惯都是喜同而悲异的,因此容忍的态度是最难得、最稀有的态度 5、段太守逸事状: 如何塑造段太守的人物形象: (1)三件事、三个品格特征“勇”服郭晞、仁愧焦令谌、节显治事堂,突现其刚勇、仁义及气节凛然(2)用人物的对比方式以白孝德之怯懦、焦令谌之暴横及朱泚之奸诈作对比衬托,是段秀实的形象倍添光彩(3)用倒叙的手法凸显个性段太尉性格的三个方面“勇”、“仁”、“节”,勇是基础,是根本,“勇服郭晞”故事性强,使人印象深刻,后再写他的仁爱之心,使文章张弛有度 (4)详略得当段太尉为人最被大家称颂的应是“节显治事堂”、“以朝笏击朱泚”等事,但这些故事也最为大家熟知。既是“逸事状”,这个内容反而变成了最简短的故事,几笔带过,大写特写别人所不知道的其“勇”及“仁爱”之事。


! 2017年六年级下册语文期末考试卷及答案 2017年六年级下册语文期末考试卷及答案 一﹑查字典填空。5分 “鼎”按部首查字法,应先查___目__部,再查 ____爿_画;按音序查字法,应先查大写字母__d___,再查音节__ing___ 。“鼎”字有如下解释:①古代蒸煮用的器物;②三方并立;③大;④正当,正在。在下列词语中,“鼎”字应选择的解释写在词语后面的( 1)里。钟鸣鼎食( 4)鼎鼎大名( 2)三足鼎立(3 )鼎盛(5 )。你还能写出两个含有“鼎”字的成语 吗?_____________ _______________ 二、读拼音写词语。5分 jùn 严( 军) ( )工 ( )马英( ) ( )俏 jí编( ) 书( ) 聚( ) 荆( ) 狼( ) 三、按一定顺序,重新排列下面各组词语。3分

1、元宵节除夕重阳节清明节春节中秋节_ 春节 ___________________________________中秋节___ 2、小肠胃大肠嘴肛门食道 ______________________________________________ _ 3、宋词唐诗汉赋明清小说元曲 ____ 四、选择题。5分 1、词语中错别字最多的一组是:( ) A、杂伴截然荒乱坐无虚席 B、尖税演绎锻炼肃然起敬 C、幢憬敦厚蒜瓣万丈更新 D、和睦旷野爆竹蜂拥而至

2、下面加点的汉字的部首和音序都正确的一组是( ) A、蒸(灬 z)容 B、瞅(目 Q)见 C、豁(谷 H)达 D、优雅(隹 Y) 3、下面加点字注音完全正确的一项是( ) A、头涔涔(cén) 空地(k?ng) 屏(bǐng)息 B、徘徊(huí) 汲(xī)水膝(qī)盖 C、鼻涕(tì) 一摞(lu?)碗哲(zhě)理 4、依次填入文段空缺中,正确的一项是( ) 黄河,中华民族的母亲河。五千多年的华夏文明史,与黄河有着血肉相连的关系。黄河流千古,流出了___________, 流出了___________, 流出了 ___________。 ①生生不息的炎黄子孙②灿若明珠的黄河古文化③漫无边际的黄土地 A、③②① B、①③② C、③①② D、①②③ 5、下列句子词序变化后差别最大的一句是哪一句?( )



2017年6月英语六级真题 作文一:国内国外上大学 Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考答案 Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion as to a better choice between attending college at home and abroad. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that it is a better choice to study in domestic colleges, but others consider it better to study abroad. I totally agree with the latter idea for the reasons presented below. To begin with, it harms the society in that the greater the competition is, the higher the recruitment requirements will become. Therefore, with experiences of studying abroad, graduates will become more competitive in job hunting. Furthermore, it is beneficial to the students themselves to study abroad. Without the choice to pursue overseas study, many great scholars today would never have achieved such great success. From my perspective, it is crucial that the government should encourage people to pursue overseas study. Also it is crucial that people should understand the meaning and value of attending college abroad. Only in this way can we achieve greater success. 作文二:文科还是理科 Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in humanities or science, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 参考范文: Living in a world which is full of changes and challenges,we are confronted with new problems every single day. Of all the issues, one might concern the high school graduates the most, and it is if there are two options: to major in science or humanities. As for me, I prefer the latter. Why,you may wonder, should I prefer to major in humanities. The reasons responsible for it can be listed as follows . Among the most important reasons cited by people is that to major in humanities,directly or indirectly,can not only enrich our basic knowledge about the diversified culture but also sharpen one’s insight in daily routine,which is of great importance in one’s growth. What’s more, to study humanities can give us an independent personality and a deeper vision towards the world, if it were not for those two attributes, how could we achieve great goals in this dog-eat-dog world. Above all, in such a society where emphasis,more often than not,is laid on the depth of one’s thought, to choose humanities as one’s major, must be the best way .


2017年12月英语六级考试真题及答案(第三套)“考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对。” Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying "Help others,and you will be helped when you are in need "you can cite examples to ilustrate your views. you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200。 Part II Listening comprehension(30miutes) Section a Section a Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1、a)they forbid business produce more foods than needed b)they facilitate the donation of unsold foods to the needy c)they prohibit the sale of foods that have gone stale d)they reward businesses that eliminate food waste 2、a)it passed a law aiming to stop overproduction b)it prohibited the promotion of bulk food sales c)it voted against food import from outside europe d) imposed penalties on businesses that waste food 3. a)it has penalized businesses that keep overproducing foods b) it has started a nationwide campaign against food waste c) it has warmed its people against possible food shortag d) it has banned supermarkets from dumping edible foods 4. a)americans habit of buying food in bulk. b)a lack of regulation on food consumption.


最新版大学语文—自考复习资料 一.《寡人之于国也》 第一部分,作家作品。 本文选自《孟子。梁惠王上》,孟子,名轲,战国中期邹国人。他是孔子之后儒家学派的主要代表,主张施行仁政和王道,倡导“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”的民本思想。孟子散文善于“欲擒故纵,引君入彀”的论辩手法。善用比喻,富有感情色彩与充沛的气势,《孟子》兯七篇。 第二项,文体知识。 本文是一篇以对话形式展开的论说,是一篇论辩性议论文。 第三项,主旨。 本文中心论点是“王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉”。全文表现了孟子王道,仁政的政治思想,批评统治者在灾荒年景归罪于年成不好的态度,在一定程度上揭示出战国时期社会不平,阶级对立的实质。 第四项,层次、段落。全文围绕“民不加多”和“如何使民加多”的问题展开论述。全文可分四个部分。第一部为第一自然段。梁惠王提出在灾荒之年,移民移粟,但民不加多的疑问。 第二部为二、三、四段。孟子以战为喻,说明梁惠王移民移粟的办法,依然与邻国无本质区别,介而指出了民不加多的原因。 第三部为第云、第六自然段。孟子兲体而详细地阐明了王道仁政的主张,指出要使民加多,就要有新举措,要不违农时,发展生产,是使民养生丧死无憾也,要使民老少的衣、食、住均能受益,同时在德教方面也受教育,这样则不王者,未之有也。民便可以加多了。 第四部为第七自然段。先揭示灾荒之年,社会贫富悬殊,阶级对立的现状。然后以杀人为喻,指出只要梁惠王不把过失归罪于年成,那么“斯天下之民至埃”的良好愿望就会实现。 全文到此归结到总的论点。全文的结极特色以“民不加多”为线索,展开了论述。 第云项,学习要点。 第一点、本文体现的孟子王道政治的主要内容就是富民、爱民,以民为本的思想。 富民,就要反对战争,使民安居乐业,发展生产,正如课文中的第云段提出的要不违农史,要数罟不入夸池,要斧斤以时入山林,以达到谷不可胜食也,鱼鳖不可胜食也,材木不可胜用也,这样的鱼粮丰收,万木繁茂的景象,使民养生丧死无憾也。 爱民,体现在第六段,就是要使民确实受益。孟子兲体提出,要给民以云亩之宅,百亩之田。要使云十者可以衣帛矣,七十者可以食肉矣,数口之家,可以无饥矣,黎民不饥不寒,使民确实丰衣足食。 富民、爱民,以民为本,这样作为一国之王,才能受到万民的拥戴,才能做到国富民强,这是孟子王道政治的主要内容。 第六项,写作特点。 写作特点有三点: 第一点、说理抑扬兴施、循循善诱。文章开头写梁惠王自以为治国比邻国君主尽心,孟子利用梁惠王好战的心理,以云十步笑百步的比喻,辛辣地讽刺了梁惠王的小恩小惠,这里运用了比喻的方法。逼使自矜共功的梁惠王意识到自巬和邻国国君并无本质的不同。至此,孟子巭掌握了论辩的主

人教2017年六年级期末考试卷及答案 (2).docx

2017 年 ** 小学毕业考试 数学试卷 题号一二三四五总分 得分 (全卷共 6 页,满分 100 分,完成时间90 分钟) :卷首语:亲爱的同学 , 六年的小学生活很快就要过去了,你一定掌握了许多知识和本领。 名 ! 祝你成功!姓这儿老师为你提供了一个展示自我的舞台,相信你一定能发挥出自己最好的水平 一、填空:(共20 分每空 1 分) 线 1、读作 () ,改写成用“万”作单位的数是 (),省略万位后面的尾数约是()。 :2、2010 年第 16 届广州亚运会的举办时间为 2010 年 11 月 12 日—— 11 月 27 号 封 考 )个星期还多()天。 日,那么这届亚运会要经历( 3、把 144∶240 化成最简整数比是 () ,比值是 ( 4、3÷()=( () )折。)÷ 24==75% = ( 密() 5、把三角形 ABC沿着边 AB旋转一周,得到的立体图形 ) 。 A A 6 : 级 是(),它的体积是()立方厘米。 班 B 3C (单位:厘米)(第 5 题) 6、 1 千克盐水含盐 50 克,盐是盐水的()%。 7、 78能同时被 2、3、5 整除,个位只能填(),百位上最大 :能填()。 校 学 8、一所学校男学生与女学生的比是 4 :5,女学生比男学生人数多()%。 9、一座城市地图中两地图上距离为10cm,表示实际距离 30km,该幅地图的

比例尺是()。 10、水果店运一批水蜜桃,第一天出批水蜜桃的1 ,第二天出余下的3 60% ,第三天全部完。如果第三天比第二天少80 千克,那么批水蜜桃共()千克。 二、判断:(共5分每 1 分) 11、自然数( 0 除外)不是数,就是合数。() 12、小于4 而大于 2 的分数只有 3 。()555 13、一个柱与一个等底等高,他的体和是36 立方米,那么的体 是 9 立方米。() 14、生的 90 个零件中,有 10 个是品,合格率是90%。() 15、“一只青蛙四条腿,两只眼睛,一嘴;两只青蛙八条腿,四只眼睛,两 嘴,三只青蛙??那么青蛙的只数与腿的条数成正比例关系”。() 三、:( 10 分每 2 分) 16、2008 年的 1 月份、 2 月份、 3 月份一共有() A.89 B .90 C.91


文档编号:YLWK239517 2017 年6 月大学英语六级考试真题(第1 套) Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part ⅡListening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions : In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 2.A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C)They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3.A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B)He writes several books simultaneously. C)He draws on his real-life experiences. D)He often turns to his wife for help. 4.A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B)Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C)He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D)Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5.A) A chievements of black male athletes in college. B)Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C)High college dropout rates among black athletes. D)Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes. 6.A) They display great talent in every kind of game. B)They are better at sports than at academic work. C)They have difficulty finding money to complete their studies. D)They make money for the college but often fail to earn a degree. 7.A) About 15%. B) Around 40%. C)Slightly over 50%. D) Approximately 70%. 8.A) Coaches lack the incentive to graduate them. B)College degrees do not count much to them. C)They have little interest in academic work. D)Schools do not deem it a serious problem. Section B


2017年6月大学英语六级真题试卷及答案 (一) Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend a Vocational College or a University? It’s an undisputable truth that virtually all high school graduates will encounter the choices between a vocational college and a university. And when it comes to this question, students’ ideas are not cut from the same cloth. In point of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, my advices are as follow. In the first place, we should be conscious of the fact that both of the two choices have its own superiorities. For instance, a vocational college specializes in cultivating human resources with practical capabilities; while a university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different fields. Then it does follow that high school graduates should have a clear picture of themselves. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses. In addition, interest is the best teacher and it’s also the premise of learning on one’s own initiative. Thus interest must be taken into account because it can not only decide how far one can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled one will be. In brief, all above just goes to show that there really is no one-size-fits-all answer for the question. The key lies in a clear cognition, accurate self-positioning and the interest of oneself. Only then can every one find a right path that works best for us. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)


大学语文试题及参考答案 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题中的括号内。每小题1分,共8分。) 1、《战国策》一书的整理编订者是() A、郭茂倩 B、刘向 C、司马迁 D、班固 2、王昌龄最擅长的是() A、七言律诗 B、七言歌行 C、五言绝句 D、七言绝句 3、我国古代最伟大的现实主义诗人是() A、屈原 B、白居易 C、杜甫 D、辛弃疾 4、在中国现代文学史上,属于“文学研究会”成员的著名作家是() A、巴金 B、郁达夫 C、老舍 D、朱自清 5、诗集《女神》的作者是() A、闻一多 B、戴望舒 C、郭沫若 D、冰心 6、冰心《往事》(——之十四)借助对大海的描绘。来抒写自己的主观情志,这叫做() A、铺张扬厉 B、托物言志 C、映衬对比 D、渲染烘托 7、屠格涅夫《门槛》的基本表现手法虽() A、比喻 B、拟人 C、象征 D、夸张。 8、在一篇文章中,记述两件或多件同时发生的事件,就是() A、顺叙 B、倒叙 D、插叙 D、平叙 二、多项选择题(在每小题五个备选答案中选出二至五个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填人题中的括号内,错选、多选、漏选均不得分。每小题1分,共6分。) 1、下列诗作属于七言律诗的是() A、王维《山居秋瞑》 B、李白《送盂浩然之广陵) C、王昌龄〈从军行》 D、社甫《登高》 E、李商隐《无题(相见时难别亦

难)》 2、下列作品集属于朱自清创作的有() A、《踪迹》 B、《风景谈》 C、《背影》 D、《欧游杂记》 E、《闲书》 3、巴金在《爱尔克的灯光》中指出长辈对子女的关怀应体现在() A、给他们一个生活技能 B、向他们指示一条生活道路 C、让他们睁起眼睛去看广大世界 D、让他们走一条既走的生活道路 E、培养他们崇高的理想和善良的气质 4、屠格涅夫《门槛》通过一组象征性形象,()。 A、反映俄罗斯人民为争取民主自由而英勇斗争的情景 B、赞颂革命者的献身精神 C、揭露专制社会对革命者的迫害 D、表现了对“圣人”的崇拜 E、斥责诬蔑革命事业的庸人和帮凶 5、构成完整的小说世界的要素有() A、人物 B、时间 C、地点 D、情节 E、环境 6、培根在《论学问》中指出,治学的目的是() A、幽居养静 B、权衡轻重 C、善于辞令 D、变化气质 E、审察事理 三、填空题(每小题1分,共4分) 1、“_________,悠然见南山”是陶渊明《饮酒》(其五)中的名句。 2、王昌龄《从军行》:“___________,孤城遥望玉门关。” 3、辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》:“___________。休去倚危栏,斜阳正在,烟柳断肠处。” 4、元散曲有小令和 _____________之分。 四、词语解释题(解释下列各句中加横线的词。每小题1分,共10分。)
