



说明:1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。

2. 本试卷包括必做题(100分)和附加题(20分)。

3. 请将多选题答案涂在答题卡的七选一位置。(6-10 涂在71—75

位置;附加题部分的阅读涂在76—80 位置)。




1.skim A. inspiration B. organization C. institute D. possible

2. expand A. race. B. decade C. mineral D. bacteria

3. worth A. thus B. there C. thunder D. though

4. hunger A. underline B. circulate C. argue D. super

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c612292550.html,ment A. reduce B. focus C. circulate D. audience


根据会话情景和内容,从对话所给定选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项----What is on at the Capital Theatre tonight?

---- 6 Let’s look at the evening newspaper on page 14.

----Oh, I’ve got it. Tonight is Sister Carrie, and tomorrow is Tea House. Which play do you like best?

---- 7 How about you ?

---- 8 , so I like to see the new play Sister Carrie. By the way, when does it start? ---- At 8:00 p.m.

---- Good, we have two hours then. How can we get there?

---- 9

----It will take us one and a half hours, 10 How about by taxi?

----I’m afraid there might be a heavy traffic jam.

A.I’ve seen Teahouse many times.

B.We can take the bus.

C.I like both of them.

D.So we w on’t have much time to buy tickets.

E.I know it very well.

F.I’m not sure.

G.I like neither of them.


11.--I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday.


A. Oh, no, let’s not

B. I’d rather stay at home

C. I’m very sorry, but I have other plan

D. Oh, no. That’ll be too much trouble.

12. _____ of the land in that district _______ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth; is

B. Two fifth; are

C. Two fifths; is

D. Two fifths; are

13. Nobody but us _____ the secret.

A. know

B. knows

C. have known

D. is known

14. Not only I but also Jane and Mary ____ tired of having one examination after another.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

15. Every means _____ prevent the water from _____.

A. are used to; polluting

B. will be used to; polluting

C. is used to; polluted

D. is used to; being polluted

16. She is one of the few girls who _____ in the kindergarten.

A. is well paid

B. are well paid

C. is paying well

D. are paying well

17. China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific _______

in the world.

A. campaigns

B. surprises

C. achievements

D. discoveries

18. We ________ the problem for a long time, but we didn’t reach any agreem ent.

A. argued

B. explained

C. shared

D. communicated

19. Only after the woman had her own child ______how difficult it was to be a mother.

A. she realized

B. had she realized

C. she had realized

D. did she realized

20.If I ruled the world,I would________ the world________ everything that is bad.

A.get rid of;by B.be rid of;by C.rid;of D.get rid;of

21.At times the balance in nature is____, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A.confused B.puzzled C.disturbed D.troubled

22.—Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

—Thank you,________.

A.it couldn’t be better B.of course you can

C.if you like D.it’s up to you

23.You’d better go there by train. The train ticket is________ the airplane ticket.

A.as cheap three times as B.as three times cheap as

C.three times cheaper than D.cheaper three times than

24.There was a________ look on his face when he met with the________ problem.

A.confusing;confusing B.confused;confused

C.confusing;confused D.confused;confusing

25.Lots of waste has been dumped into the river,which has led to________.

A.lots of fish having been killed B.kill lots of fish

C.lots of fish being killed D.lots of fish to kill

第四节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)



It is interesting how NASA(美国航空航天管理局)chose their astronauts for landing them on the moon. They chose men 26 the age of twenty and thirty-five. There were about fifty of them, Many were 27 air pilots. 28 were scientists with two or three degrees. NASA telephoned each man they were going to choose; told him the plans and the 29 they might get in. They then asked him if he was willing to be trained as an astronaut. “How could any man 30 such an excit ing job?” One of them said, “Dangerous? Of course. It’s dangerous 31 most exciting”

The health and physical condition of 32 was, of course, very necessary. 33 those in very good health and physical condition were chosen.

While being trained to be astronauts. They went through many 34 . They studied the star and the moon, and they also studied geology, the science of rocks. This was necessary 35 astronauts would have to look for rocks on the moon. They would try to find rocks which might help to tell the 36 of the moon. They were all 37 to fly in helicopters (直升飞机)。These helicopters landed 38 down to give them some experience of the way the spaceship would 39 land on the moon , They were also taught the 40 facts about the conditions in space. They learnt all the technical details of the spaceships and rockets. They visited the scientists and engineers who 41 them. They visited the factories where they were 42. They learnt how every 43 of a space-ship and its instruments work. They also learnt every detail of ground-control 44 .

In a word, to be chosen as an astronaut. One must be in good health, 45 in science and good at piloting

26.A.at B.between C.of D.on 27.A.experienced B.old C.trained D.young 28.A.None B.Few C.Others D.They 29.A.dangers B.sadness C.hardship D.troubles 30.A.accept B.receive C.offer D.refuse 31.A.but B.if C.though D.however 32.A.the scientists B.men C.pilots D.Young people 33.A.As B.Only C.If D.Or 34.A.jobs B.places C.courses D.ways 35.A.for B.because C.since D.So that 36.A.story B.Background C.Age D.name 37.A.shown B.trained C.told D.let 38.A.straight B.straightly C.indirectly D.directly 39.A.possibly B.likely C.actually D.really 40.A.not known B.well-known C.unknown D.known 41.A.drew B.produced C.designed D.made 42.A.repaired B.built C.developed D.fixed 43.A.part B.movement C.machine D.body

44.A.house B.stop C.system D.station 45.A.well-done B.well-fed C.well- kept D.well-informed




Today many people say that women have the same chance as men in society. But this was not always so. In the past, women all over the world had to fight to get the same chance as men in education and jobs. Many people said that women should not receive much education because they would not do as well as men when they went to work..

One woman who showed that women should have the same chance was Marie, a scientist. In the 1800s scientists knew that a metal, uranium, gave off radiation. They also knew how much radiation came from his element. But they didn’t know what this radiation was like; they wondered why and how uranium gave off radiation. Marie Curie set out to answer these questions. In one of her experiments she was studying a certain material which, she knew, contained uranium, But it gave off 4 times as much radiation as usually does. What could explain this fact? Marie Curie thought that there must be another source of radiation in this material. In 1898 Marie Curie set out to find out this new source of radiation, which she named “radium”. Her husband, who was also a scientist, helpe d her. They set up a laboratory in an old building behind a school. For four years Curies searched, doing many experiments, And one morning in 1902 Marie found the source of the radiation.

Marie Curie proved to the world that there was element that gave off radiation. And she also proved to the world that, if women are given truly equal chance, they can really help society.

46.The scientists of Marie Curie’s day knew .

A. that uranium gave off radiation

B. that radium gave off radiation

C. that there was some radium in uranium

D .that uranium and radium both gave off radiation

47.The Curies found the element radium .

A. with other scientists’ help

B. by asking some famous scientists

C. by doing many experiments D .with their teache rs’ help

48 .In the past many people thought .

A. that women must get the same chance as men in education and jobs

B. that women should receive much education

C. that women should get good jobs

D. that women could not do the work well

49.Marie Curie proved to people .

A. that there was a new element uranium

B. that there was a new element radium

C. that women could do their work as well as men if they were really given the same conditions

D. both B and C


Any mistake made in the printing of a stamp raises its value to stamp collectors. A mistake on one inexpensive postage stamp has made the stamp worth a million and a half times its original value. The mistake was made more than a hundred years ago in the British colony of Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. In 1847 an order for stamps was sent to a London printer-Mauritius was to become the fourth country in the world to issue stamps.

Before the order was filled and delivered, a ball was planned at Maur itius’ Government House, and stamps were needed to send out the invitations. A local printer was instructed to copy the design for the stamps. He accidentally inscribed the words “Post Office” instead of “Post Paid” on the several hundred stamps that he printed.

Today there are only twenty-six of these misprinted stamps left fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds and twelve Two Penny Blues. Because of the Two Penny Blue’s rareness and age, collectors have paid as much as $16 800 for it.

50. Over a century ago, Mauritius ________.

A. was an independent country

B. belonged to India

C. was one of the British colonies

D. was a small island in the Pacific Ocean

51. The mistake on the stamps was made ________.

A. in Mauritius

B. at Mauritius Government House

C. in a post office

D. in London

52. Stamp collectors have paid 16 800 for ________.

A. fourteen One Penny Orange-Reds

B. twelve Two Penny Blues

C. one One Penny Orange-Red

D. one Two Penny Blue


Personal computers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time. Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most

about. I know this from personal experience.

E-mail makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before electronic mail became such a practical tool.

The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you

do something fun see a great movie perhaps-and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may tire of telling the story.

With E-mail, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and address it

to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.

E-mail is also an inexpensive way stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use E-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college.

We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of

staying in touch. They don’t take th e place of any of the old ways.

53. The purpose of this passage is to ________.

A. explain how to use the Internet

B. describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology

C. tell the merits(价值) and usefulness of the Internet

D. introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and

the Internet

54. The use of E-mail has made it possible for the writer to ________.

A. spend less time working

B. have more free time with his child

C. work at home on weekends

D. work at a speed comfortable to him

55. According to the writer, E-mail has an obvious advantage over the telephone because the former helps one ________.

A. reach a group of people at one time conveniently

B. keep one’s communicatio n as personal as possible

C. pass on much more information than the later

D. get in touch with one’s friends faster than the later

56. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Computer: New Technological Advances

B. Internet: New Tool to Maintain Good Friendship

C. Computers Have Made Life Easier

D. Internet: a Convenient Tool for Communication


As people slowly learn to cure diseases, control floods, prevent hunger, and stop wars, fewer people die every year. As a result, the population of the world is becoming larger. In 1925 there were about 2 billion people in the world; today there are over 6 billion.

When the number rises, extra mouths must be fed. New lands must be brought under development, or land already farmed must be made to produce more crops. In some areas the land is so over-developed that it will be difficult to make it provide more crops. In some areas the population is so large that the land is divided into too tiny units to make improvement possible with farming methods. If a large part of this farming population went into industrial work, the land might be farmed much more productively (多产地) with modern methods.

There is now a race for science, technology, and industry to keep the output of food rising faster than the number of people to be fed. New types of crops, which will grow well in bad weather, are being developed, so there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle in Siberia and North America. Irrigation (灌溉) and dry-farming methods bring poor lands under the plough. Dams

hold back the waters of great rivers, which can provide water for the fields in all seasons and provide electric power for new industries. Industrial chemistry provides fertilizer to suit different soils. Every year, some new methods are made to increase or to protect the food of the world.

57. The author says that the world population is increasing because _____.

A. there are many rich valleys and large fields

B. farmers are producing more crops than before

C. people are living longer due to better living conditions

D. new lands are being made into farmlands

58. The author says that in areas with large populations, land might be more productively farmed if _____.

A. the land was divided into smaller pieces

B. people moved into the countryside

C. industrial methods were used in farming

D. the units of land were much larger

59. We are told that there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle. This has been made possible by _____.

A. growing new types of crops

B. irrigation and dry-farming means

C. providing fertilizers

D. destroying pests and diseases

60. Why do some people use dams to hold back waters from great rivers?

A. To develop a new kind of dry-farming methods.

B. To prevent crops from floods.

C. To provide water and electricity in all seasons.

D. To water poor lands in bad weather.



第一节:根据句意和括号内的汉语提示,写出下列各句中所缺单词,共10 分;每小题1分.


1.She doesn’t know how to ______________(举止得体)in public.

2.When we were young, we often sat in the ____________阴凉处)of a big

tree, listening to an old grandpa telling us stories.

3.The patient was ______________(观察)over a period of several months.

4.He is a much loved and highly ______________(尊敬)teacher.

5.The star left the hotel surrounded by _____________(人群) of journalists.

6.She’s very ________________(谦虚)about her success.

7.The United States _______________(出口)soybeans.

8.It is to be _____________(遗憾) that so many young people leave school

without qualication.

9.There is still much to discuss, we shall ___________(所以),return to this

item at our next meeting.

10.Do you have your milk _________________( 递送) ?



1. 学习时间;

2. 安全;

3. 自由性;

4. 与同学交往;

5. 学习效果。




第一节: 短文改错:(共10小题;共10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When Jack bowed to someone,he always did much too quickly. You needn’t wait any longer after he finished nod his head. So he was blamed for no manner. One day a warm-hearted man has taught him,“When you bow to somebody next time,you can count January,February,March,until December. Then you could lift your body up. Thus the ceremony will be very perfect.”

The next day,he met his uncle. He did as the men told .The bow was too long that it made his uncle escape away soon with a surprising look. When Jack looked down,he found his uncle gone. So he asked the passers-by,“In what month did he go away?



The people below are all looking for a course on Chinese to study. Read the following information about the six courses. Decide which course would be the most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 1~5 and then mark the correct letter (A~F) on your answer sheet. You can choose any letter more than once,and some of the letters may not be chosen.

1.________Mathew majors in media and hopes to understand Chinese broadcasting and TV News and communicate with the Chinese people.

2.________Sarah is a learner of Chinese with a fairly good knowledge of basic Chinese grammar and a vocabulary of 2,500,hoping to improve her Chinese ability in speaking,reading and writing.

3.________Lois majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and hopes to improve her ability in translation.

4.________Dennis once has taught himself Chinese and can speak a little Chinese but with poor pronunciation and grammar,hoping to meet the needs of everyday life and study,and understand each other in basic communication through training.

5.________Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average. He plans to have a tour in China.

A.Comprehensive language skill training

100 lessons in total focusing on pronunciation,grammar and discourse (语段).To enable the learner to master the basic knowledge of the Chinese language,to have the basic ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing,so that they are able to communicate with others and to meet the needs of everyday life,study and sociality. This will lay a foundation for further study of Chinese.

B.Intermediate (中等) Chinese Comprehensive Course

40 lessons in all,focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening,speaking,reading and writing of intermediate Chinese. To enable the students to recognize,understand and use the active and less active words,to improve their ability of expressing themselves in paragraphs and discourse,to master the new words,patterns,grammatical structures,paragraphs and discourse and means of connections so as to express the meaning of the texts correctly and fluently in paragraphs and discourse.

C.News Listening

Based on frequently used words,typical sentences and information and concentrating on improving the ability of listening comprehension. To improve the ability of collecting information,to grasp the knowledge and skills they have learned and to understand the broadcasting and TV news of similar themes and relevant level of difficulty with the correctness of 80%.To build up the foundation for further study.

D.Elementary English-Chinese Translation

25 classes in total,including various styles such as poems,popular science,political comments and news,about every aspect of everyday life. The texts vary from easy to difficult and combine theory with practice as well as translation and interpretation. About 185 hours are needed. To familiarize the learner with the equivalent (对应的) Chinese expressions of English. To enable them to know usage of Chinese and English words and sentences,cultural differences and the background knowledge.

E.Elementary Spoken Chinese in Business

24 units in all. Chinese words and expressions in business and trade are introduced in the form of vivid situational dialogues,notes and exercises. To enable the learner to master the words and expressions of elementary spoken business Chinese and to communicate with others in trade and business.

F.Chinese Human Geography

Introduction to geographic environment and cultural phenomena in various parts of China,such as natural features,historical backgrounds,religious sites,ancient battle fields,dramas and arts,traditional products,and special food,etc. Through the introduction to historical and cultural sites and scenery,the learner will have a general view about Chinese geography,history,culture and regional features.

Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea—until you have to pack. But packing won’t be a problem if you keep in mind one simple rule. Whether you’ll be sleeping overnight at a friend’s house,or visiting a relative for a week,the rule is:pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.





完形:26-30 BBCAD 31-35ACBCB 36-40 CBDDC 41-45 CBACD


单词:1.behave 2. shade 3. observed 4. respected 5. crowds

6. modest

7. exports

8. regretted

9. therefore 10. delivered


1. did 后加it

2. nod 改为nodding

3. manner后加-s

4. 去掉has

5. Thus改为So

6. men 改为man

7. too 改为so 8. surprising改为surprised 9. down改为up

10. what 改为which


One possible version:

Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dorm can increase friendship and cooperation between classmates. And of cause it is safer.

A dorm is more like a society, which enables students to learn to adapt to each other, thus preparing for the social life later. As for renting houses to live alone , it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others.

As a result, you can have more time and devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly. But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.

Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dorm.



关于开学典礼的新闻 关于开学典礼的新闻1 求实发展,乘风破浪 ——XX中学开学典礼新闻报道 200X年X月X日,XX中学彩旗迎风招展,8点30分,全体师 生精神抖擞的整齐汇聚于学校操场。随着鼓号队热情洋溢的乐曲演奏,XX中学200X年第X学期开学典礼拉开了帷幕。 首先,XXX校长代表学校党政为新学期典礼致辞,她在讲话中高度赞扬了XX中学全体师生上一学期中表现出的甘于奉献、勇于拼搏 的精神,并强调XX中学新的一年要夯实基础、求实发展。接着她用 精妙的譬喻诠释了文化立校与科研兴校内涵意义。她说中国文化尤如参天大树,民族传统文化则是它的根。“溯”与“寻”的过程则是科研实践的过程,她希望全体XX教师继续发扬敬业、奉献精神,积极 参与、认真投入,明确理解“科研兴校,文化立校”的学校办学思路,寻求教学新突破口,为学生、为自己、为学校的稳定发展贡献自己的力量。之后年级组长代表与学生代表讲话充满了对学期的憧憬。 整个典礼过程热烈、庄重,掌声不断,最后典礼在全体师生排 山倒海般的校训“我行,我能行;你行,我更行”的宣誓声中结束。 从退场时XX中学全体师生那闪亮的眼光里,我们看到了他们新学期 昂扬斗志的火焰,看到了一幅“乘风破浪济沧海”的思源未来图景关于开学典礼的新闻2

陕西省延安市实验中学,于20XX年09月15日举行了庄重而热烈的开学典礼。上午10:00点,全体师生齐聚一堂,在学校操场,拉开了20XX-20XX年度第一学期开学典礼的序幕。 首先,兰校长就上个学期的工作做了重要讲话。他的淳淳教导和亲切问候使实验子弟倍感温馨。虽然天气很热,同学们也苦不堪言,但在校导主任的讲话后,马上信心大振。随后,学校又宣读了上学期七、八年级获奖的先进集体,老师,以及学生名单,颁发了多个奖项。使大家信心百倍。最后,开学典礼在热烈的掌声中画上了完美句号。 在这次开学典礼中,无论是得奖还是没得奖的,脸上都洋溢着同一种表情:永不言弃! 相信,良好的开端必定能带来巨大的成功,在全体实验人不懈的努力下,实验中学一定会赢得更加灿烂辉煌的明天。 关于开学典礼的新闻3 中学开学典礼新闻报道 开学典礼由彭超明副校长主持,首先介绍主席台的领导,参加开学典礼的领导有,回马镇分管教育的领导夏莉华(政协主席),漆明智校长,法制副校长何毅等。随后举行了庄严的升旗仪式;接着由漆明智校长为开学典礼致辞,漆校长对同学们的寒假生活作了总结,肯定了上期学校取得的成绩,对全校师生提出了新的目标与希望:希望同学们学会做人,学会学习,要拥有强健的体魄和良好的心理素质,掌握基本的生活技能,培养健康的审美情趣,发展特长,为 将来的发展打下良好的基础;要团结友爱,遵纪守法;要学会讲卫生、


人教版高一物理第二学期第一次月考测试卷含答案 一、选择题 1.如图所示,一块橡皮用细线悬挂于O点,用铅笔靠着线的左侧水平向右匀速移动,运动中始终保持悬线竖直,则橡皮运动的速度 A.大小和方向均不变 B.大小不变,方向改变 C.大小改变,方向不变 D.大小和方向均改变 2.如图所示,一个物体在O点以初速度v开始作曲线运动,已知物体只受到沿x轴方向的恒力F的作用,则物体速度大小变化情况是() A.先减小后增大B.先增大后减小 C.不断增大D.不断减小 3.甲、乙、丙三船在同一河流中渡河,船头和水流方向如图所示,已知三船在静水中的速度均大于水流速度v0,则 A.甲船可能垂直到达对岸B.乙船可能垂直到达对岸 C.丙船可能垂直到达对岸D.都不可能垂直到达对岸 4.下列四个选项的图中实线为河岸,河水的流速u方向如图中箭头所示,虚线为小船从河岸M驶向对岸N的实际航线,已知船在静水中速度大于水速,则其中正确是() A. B.

C . D . 5.如图所示,在一次救灾工作中,一架沿水平直线飞行的直升机A ,用悬索(重力可忽略不计)救护困在湖水中的伤员B .在直升机A 和伤员B 以相同的水平速度匀速运动的同时,悬索将伤员吊起,在某一段时间内,A 、B 之间的距离以l =H -t 2(式中H 为直升机A 离地面的高度,各物理量的单位均为国际单位制单位)规律变化,则在这段时间内 A .悬索的拉力等于伤员的重力 B .伤员处于失重状态 C .从地面看,伤员做速度大小增加的直线运动 D .从地面看,伤员做匀变速曲线运动 6.质量为2kg 的物体在xoy 平面上运动,在x 方向的速度—时间图像和y 方向的位移—时间图像如题图所示,下列说法正确的是: ( ) A .前2s 内质点做匀变速曲线运动 B .质点的初速度为8m/s C .2s 末质点速度大小为8m/s D .质点所受的合外力为16N 7.如图,斜面与水平面之间的夹角为45°,在斜面底端A 点正上方高度为6 m 处的O 点,以1 m/s 的速度水平抛出一个小球,飞行一段时间后撞在斜面上,这段飞行所用的时间为 (210/g m s ) ( )


2017-2018下学期昆明黄冈实验学校期中考试 高一地理试卷 考试范围:必修二;考试时间:90分钟; 第I卷(选择题,每题2分共50分) 本地农民工是指在户籍所在乡镇地域以内从业的农民工。下图为2 010~ 2014年全国农民工总量增速、外出农民工增速以及本地农民工增速统计图。读图回答下列各题。 1、下列叙述,正确的是 A.201O年农民工总量和外出农民工总量相等 B.2011年外出农民工增速降低值等于本地农民工增速上升值 C.2010--2014年农民工总量增速低于外出农民工增速 D.2010~2014年外出农民工以及本地农民工数量逐年增加 2、该图表明我国农村 A.常住人口持续增加 B.未出现人口老龄化现象 C.居民收入增速变慢 D.劳动力回流现象明显 3、从20世纪40年代起,墨西哥城市化进入加速发展阶段。1950年墨西哥的城市化率为42.6%,1970年增长到66.3%。欧洲城市人口比重从40%提高到60%经过了50年,墨西哥用了不到20年。2008年墨西哥城市化率增长到77. 2%。这可能会导致墨西哥 A.贫富差距明显缩小 B.工业化快于城市化 C.交通拥挤和环境污染 D.目前城市化水平迅速提升

改革开放后,由于外来人口大量涌入,北京市、上海市、广州市三个城市的人口规模持续快速增大。为了进一步促进珠江三角洲地区的发展,2017年上半年粤港澳大湾区概念横空出世。下图为2010年北京市、上海市、广州市三个城市外来人口统计图。读图,完成下面小题 4、图示三个城市外来人口来源的共同特点是 A大多数来自西部省份 B均来自内陆省份 C均来自经济落后省份 D来自其邻近省份的较多 5、粤港澳大湾区发展的区位优势有 ①粤港澳港口群是世界上通航能力最大、水深条件最好的港口群②优惠的国家政策 ③人口最多,人口红利丰厚④便捷的交通,“一小时城轨交通圈”建立 A.①③ B.②④ C.①② D.③④ 2010年5月,喀什设立经济特区。读下图回答6~7题。 6.与图中城市最初的形成关系最密切的自然条件是( ) A.气候条件优越 B.河流提供水源 C.矿产资源丰富 D.河流提供水运 7.近几年来,喀什市发展较快,关于其影响因素说法正确的是( ) A.石油资源的开发 B.军事地位突出 C.逐渐成为宗教中心 D.政治因素


2010陕西省全国高校招生考试 英语 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. 【略】 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项 Jerry: Hi , Mike. Look like you‘ve got some sun . Mike: I guess so. I spent the weekend on the beach. Jerry: Really? That sounds exciting. __6__ ( C ) Mike:At my friend‘s house .He invited me to stay there for as long as I wanted . Jerry: __7__ (G ) Mike: Oh, I have a paper to work on. Jerry: _8__ I mean besides lying out in the sun. ( E ) Mike: I play some volleyball . I never realized how hard it is to run on sand. Jerry: _9__ Did you go swimming? ( B ) Mike: I intended to . __10__So I just went fishing. ( F ) Jerry: All sounds so relaxing. A. What a pity! B.It must be cool. C.Where did you stay ? D. But how did you get there ? E.So what else did you do out there ? F.But the water wasn‘t warm enough G..Then why not stay there for a longer time? 第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. 11.The old temple _______ roo f was damaged in storm is now under repair. ( D ) A. where B. which C. its D. whose 12. The cost of renting a house in central Xi‘an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city. A.that B. this C. it D. one (A ) 13. –What‘s the noise ? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs. --______ .It must be the window-cleaner working , next door. (D) A.I‘m not sure B. I hope not C.I‘d rather not D. I don‘t think so 14. You look well . The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you , I suppose. (A ) A.agree with B.agree to C. agree on D. agree about 15.If we ___ the other road ,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. (B) A.take B.had taken C.took D. have taken 16._____ from the top of the tower ,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees . (A ) A.Seen B.Seeing C.Have seen D. To see 17.John opened the door . There _____ he had never seen before. (D) A.a girl did stand B. a girl stood C.did a girl stand D. stood a girl 18.It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. (D)


一、单选题 1.已知,,则= A. B. C. D. 2.已知点,,则直线的斜率是() A.1 B.-1 C.5 D.-5 3.函数的定义域为() A. B. C. D. 4.函数f(x)=(m2-m-1)x m是幂函数,且函数f(x)图象不经过原点,则实数m=()A. B.1 C.2 D.或2 5.已知函数,则() A. B.8 C. D. 6.已知函数f(x)=3ax-1-2a在区间(-1,1)上存在零点,则() A.或 B. C.或 D. 7.空间直角坐标系中,点关于平面的对称点为点,关于原点的对称点为点,则间的距离为( ) A. B. C. D. 8.圆:和圆:=0交于A,B两点,则AB的垂直平分线的方程是( ) A.x+y+3=0 B.2x-y-5=0 C.3x-y-9=0 D.4x-3y+7=0 9.一个多面体的三视图如图所示,其中正视图是正方形,侧视图是等腰三角形,则该几何体的表面积为()

A .168 B .98 C .108 D .88 10.直线与 、 为端点的线段有公共点,则k 的取值范围是 A . B . C . D . 11.已知函数且在上为减函数,则的取值范围为( ) A . B . C . D . 12.已知为定义在上的奇函数,,且对任意的 时,当 时, 则不等式 的解集为( ) A . B . C . D . 二、填空题 13.若函数 ,则________. 14.已知一圆经过两点,且它的圆心在直线 上,则此圆的方程为 ______。 15.若关于的方程 有两个不相等的实数解,则实数的取值范围是__________. 16.设点P 是函数y =点()(),3Q a a a R -∈,则PQ 的最小值__________.


高一第三次月考测试卷生物 考试时间:60分钟分值:100分 一、单选题(每题2分,共60分) 1.下列细胞中,同时含有叶绿体和中心体的是( ) A.心肌细胞 B.团藻细胞 C.青菜叶肉细胞 D.洋葱根细胞 2.能体现细胞膜具有流动性的实例是( ) ①高尔基体膜形成的小泡与细胞膜融合②吞噬细胞吞噬病毒 ③小肠绒毛上皮细胞吸收K+ ④核糖体上合成的蛋白质进入细胞核 ⑤变形虫伸出伪足运动 A.①②③ B.①②⑤ C.②③④ D.①④⑤ 3.在细胞的生命历程中,会出现分裂、分化等现象。下列叙述错误的是( ) A.细胞的有丝分裂对生物性状的遗传有贡献 B.哺乳动物的造血干细胞是未经分化的细胞 C.细胞分化是细胞内基因选择性表达的结果 D.通过组织培养可将植物叶肉细胞培育成新的植株 4.下列与细胞相关的叙述,正确的是( ) A.核糖体、溶酶体都是具有膜结构的细胞器 B.酵母菌的细胞核内含有DNA和RNA两类核酸 C.蓝藻细胞的能量来源于其线粒体有氧呼吸过程 D.在叶绿体中可进行CO2的固定但不能合成ATP 5.脂质在细胞中具有独特的生物功能,下面有关脂质的生物学功能中,属于磷脂的是( ) ①是生物膜的重要成分②是储能的物质③构成生物体表面的保护层 ④是很好的绝缘体,具有保温作用⑤具有生物学活性,对生命活动起调节作用 A. ①③ B. ⑤ C. ① D. ②④ 6.如图表示动物肌肉细胞细胞膜转运部分物质示意图,与图中信息不相符的是( ) A.甲侧为细胞外,乙侧为细胞内 B.图示中葡萄糖跨膜运输方式与细胞吸收甘油相同 C.图示中葡萄糖跨膜运输的直接驱动力不是ATP D.Na+既可顺浓度梯度运输也可逆浓度梯度运输


2011年陕西高考英语试题分析 2011年的高考落下帷幕,在这里首先向所有的学员表示祝贺,你们又迈过了人生中了另一个坎,希望你们能取得自己理想的成绩。 第一部分:语音辨析 2011年的语音辨析试题依然呈现出往年的命题特点,元音字母的考察2个,元音字母组合1个,单个辅音字母s的考察1个,辅音字母组合th的考察1个,五个考点全部在冲刺班讲义中得以体现。第一题again在冲刺班讲义第7页,考查元音字母a的发音。第二题中的measure和sugar分别出现在日新冲刺班讲义的11页和答案解析第8页中出现。第三题中A选项machine也同样在答案解析第8页,invite, terrible, bitter也分别冲刺班13页和第8页。第四题trouble, shoulder, group同时出现在了冲刺班讲义第9页,最后一题north,worthy, clothes都出现在冲刺班讲义12页,neither在答案解析第7页。如此看来,只要日新学员认真复习冲刺班讲义,相信拿下这开始的5分应该不成问题。 第二部分:补全对话 此题延续了以往的风格,4问3答的形式,题目是一个比较简单的两人对话。话题也是考生常见的生活话题,此题应该来说难度不大。 第三部分:单项选择 今年单项选择试题难度和去年难度保持一致,考点分布如下,定语从句1道(11题),考察where关系副词的用法,动词的时态语态1道(12题),考察since引导的主句现在完成时的用法,冠词1道(13题),考察专有名词中华人民共和国以及形容词最高级前加定冠词the的用法;非谓语动词试题2道(14和20题),分别考察学生对非谓语动词做宾语补足语和状语的考察,名词性从句1道(15题) 以及状语从句1道(19题),强调句1道(23题),代词1道(16题),比较级1道(17题),情态动词和虚拟语气各1道题目,情景交际2道(18和24题),最后一题高考take 动词短语的用法。总体来看,试题难度适中,都考察的是各个语法点的主干知识和常规考点,没有任何的偏题和难题。在的讲义中,成功命中15道试题。 第四部分:完形填空 完形填空还是秉承一贯的风格,记叙文体。本文选自一个短篇故事‘ A Village on the Road'(沿途上的村庄)中的前5段。和2008年陕西高考完形风格类似,不断出现角色呼应等结构。咱们日新学员只需用课堂上讲过的技巧,抓住首


陕西省延安市实验中学大学区校际联盟2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试语文(A)试题 (解析版) 一、语言文字应用 1.下列加点字的读音全都正确的一项是() A.饯.别zhàn 馔.玉zhuàn 金樽.zūn 千金裘.qiú B.老妪.shù 夷.歌yí 溽.暑rù 霁.寒宵jì C.赂.秦luò 草芥.jiè 伶.官líng 暴.霜露bào D.病偻.lǚ 鸡豚.tún 喟.然kuì 硕.而茂shùo 【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:A饯别jiàn,B老妪yù,C赂秦lù、暴霜露pù。 2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用正确的一项是() A.旅游业已成为当地经济发展的支柱产业,这里巧夺天工 ....的自然美景闻名天下,每年都吸引大量游客前来观赏。 B.持续多日的强降雨导致部分地区山洪暴发,农田被淹,房屋倒塌,灾情扣人心弦 ....,相关部门正全力以赴组织救灾。 C.两位多年未见的战友在火车上意外相逢,他们一见如故 ....,回忆起一同出生入死的战斗经历,不禁感慨万千。 D.没有强大的创新设计、生产制造能力,国家实力的提升就无从谈起,民族复兴的宏 伟蓝图也只能是空中楼阁 ....。 【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:本题考查正确使用成语。成语的错误类型主要有内涵不明,感情色彩失当、对象 的战友”的人物关系。D项空中楼阁:多用来比喻虚幻的事物或脱离实际的理论、计划等。 考点:正确使用词语(包括熟语)。能力层级为表达运用E。 3.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.自从我国第一颗人造卫星“东方红一号”成功发射,成为世界上第五个把卫星送上天的国家以来,我国的航天事业取得了巨大的突破。 B.国务院近日发布盐业体制改革方案,提出不再核准新增食盐定点生产批发企业,取消食盐批发企业只能在指定范围内销售,允许它们开展跨区域经营。


2019-2020年高一下学期第一次月考(语文) 一、基础知识(每小题2分,共12分) 1、下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是 A、后裔.(yì)汨.(mì)罗江枷.(jiā)锁溘.(hè)然长逝 B、旌.(jīng)旗抛锚.(máo)殷.(yīn)红自怨自艾.(yì) C、谥.(yì)号逡.(qūn)巡取缔.(dì)刚愎.(bì)自用 D、猝.(cù)发肇.(zhào)锡缇骑 ..(tíjì)否.(Pǐ)极泰来 2、下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是 A、迟暮僵硬斡旋迁移默化 B、逡巡户牖骷髅舐犊情深 C、滞笨苍穹庚寅直接了当 D、撕打枷锁招展沁人肺腑 3、下列各句中加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是 A、要更好地理解肖邦音乐同波兰风光的联系,可以说任何地方也无法同这朴素的马佐夫 舍的村庄——热那佐瓦沃拉相比了。乍一看,这种说法或许显得有些荒诞不经 ....。 B、尤其是黄昏时分,水面散发出阵阵幽香,宛如船歌的一串琵音,而那银灰、淡紫的亭 亭玉立的树干,排列得整整齐齐,有条不紊 ....,宛如f小调叙事曲开头的几节。 C、清风徐来,树影婆娑,花园里充满了簌簌的声响。这簌簌声,这芬芳的香味,使我们 心荡神驰,犹如是在聚精会神地倾听这匠心独运 ....的音乐的悠扬的旋律,清丽的和声。 D、上有危崖如欲倾坠,下有深潭不可逼视。轰隆的巨响,震耳欲聋 ....,游人打着手势在夸张地交谈,却好像失去了声音。 4、下列各句中,没有 ..语病的一句是 A、语文课堂其实就是微缩的社会言语交际场,学生在这里学习将来步入广阔社会所需要的言语交际本领与素养。 B、王夫人丧子后好不容易再次得子,无论从母性本能还是从自身权益出发,王夫人对宝玉都弥足珍贵。 C、几天前,他刚接待过包括省委书记在内的一批省市领导来到县里,专门调研返乡农民工问题。 D、现代科学技术发展日新月异,研究领域不断拓展;科学无禁区,不过并非没有科学伦理的规范。 5、依次填入下列各句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①毋庸____________,法兰西优秀的民族文化是人类历史上的一笔宝贵财富。 ②小男孩一下子___________索然了,站在那里没有目标地东张西望。 ③当浮力大于物体所受重力时,物体上浮,_____________-物体下沉。 A、置疑兴味反之 B、质疑趣味反之 C、质疑趣味否则 D、置疑兴味否则 6、下列有关文学常识的表述的不正确的一项是A、一般墓碑记通常记述死者的姓氏籍贯、生平事迹、生卒年寿等大概情况,但是《五人墓碑记》站在历史的高度,突出赞颂五位义士强权英勇不屈的反抗精神,深刻阐发“匹夫之有重于社稷”的重大意义。通过这篇碑记,作者也表明了自己的政治立场和历史观。B、《离骚》是屈原的诗歌总集,由西汉刘向编辑,东汉王逸作章句。C、艾青,原名蒋海澄,其成名作是长诗《大堰河——我的保姆》。D、普希金,俄罗斯人诗人,俄罗斯近代文学的奠基者和俄罗斯文学语言的创建者。 二、现代文阅读(共16分) (一)阅读下面一段文字,完成7-9题。

高一下学期第三次月考数学考试卷 (优秀经典月考卷及答案详解)

1 澜沧拉祜族自治县第一中学 2018-2019学年(下)高一年级(数学)第三次月考测试卷 满分:150分 时间:120分钟 班级: 学号: 姓名: 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分). 1.设集合{}012345U =,,,,,,{}035M =,,,{}145N =,,,则()U M C N ?=( ) A .{}5 B .{}0,3 C .{}0,2,3,5 D .{}0,1,3,4,5 2.计算:98 23log log ?= ( ) A 12 B 10 C 8 D 6 3.掷一枚骰子,则掷得奇数点的概率是( ) A. 61 B. 21 C. `31 D. 41 4.过点P(4,-1)且与直线3x-4y+6=0垂直的直线方程是( ) A.4x+3y-13=0 B. 4x-3y-19=0 C .3x-4y-16=0 D.3x+4y-8=0 5.正方体的全面积为a,它的顶点都在球面上,则这个球的表面积是( ) A. 3 a π; B. 2 a π; C.a π2; D.a π3. 6.下列命题中错误的是( ) A. 如果α⊥β,那么α内一定存在直线平行于平面β; B. 如果α⊥β,那么α内所有直线都垂直于平面β; C. 如果平面α不垂直平面β,那么α内一定不存在直线垂直于平面β; D. 如果α⊥γ,β⊥γ,α∩β=l,那么l ⊥γ 7.cos 2cos sin 2sin 5 5 y x x π π =+的单调递减区间是( ) A 、 5,()1212k k k Z ππππ? ?-+∈??? ? B 、 3,()105k k k Z ππππ? ?++∈???? C 、 55,()126k k k Z ππππ? ?++∈??? ? D 、 52,()63k k k Z ππππ??++∈??? ? 8.直线3440x y --=被圆2 2 (3)9x y -+=截得的弦长为( ) A .22 B .4 C .42 D .2 9.要得到2sin(2)3y x π =- 的图像, 需要将函数sin 2y x =的图像( ) A .向左平移23π个单位 B .向右平移23π 个单位 C .向左平移3π个单位 D .向右平移3 π 个单位 10.已知点(-2,3), ( 2,0 ),则=( ) A 、3 B 、5 C 、9 D 、25 11..已知(,3)a x =, (3,1)b =, 且a b ⊥, 则x 等于 ( ) A .-1 B .-9 C .9 D .1 12.函数)sin(?ω+=x A y 在一个周期内的图象如下,此函数的解析 式为( ) (A ))322sin(2π+=x y (B ))3 2sin(2π+=x y (C ))3 2sin( 2π-=x y (D ))3 2sin(2π - =x y 二、填空题(每小题5分,共20分) 13、函数5()2log (3)f x x =++在区间[-2,2]上的值域是 ; 14.已知向量)6,8(),2,2(-==b a ,则>=


2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(陕西卷) 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15. 1.What does John find difficult in learning German? A.Pronunciation. B.Vocabulary. C.Grammar. 2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Colleagues. B.Brother and sister. C.Teacher and student. 3.Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bank. B. At a ticket office. C. On a train. 4. What are the speakers talking about? A.A restaurant. B.A street. C.A dish. 5.What does the woman think of her interview?

陕西省延安市实验中学大学区校际联盟2020┄2021学年高一上学期期中考试化学试题Word版 含答案

延安市实验中学大学区校际联盟 2020┄2021学年度第一学期期中考试试题(卷) 高一化学(A) 考试时间90分钟满分100分 说明:卷面考查分(3分)由教学处单独组织考评,计入总分。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:27 S:32 Cl:35.5 K:39 Ag:108 Ba:137 第I卷(共60分) 一、选择题(每小题3分,共计60分): 1.要从食盐水溶液中分离得到食盐固体可采用的实验操作是() A、分液B、过滤C、蒸馏D、蒸发 2.下列实验中不需要用到玻璃棒的是() A、配制0.1mol/L食盐溶液500mL B、过滤 C、溶解 D、分液 3.从碘水中萃取碘的实验中,不能用作萃取剂的是() A、四氯化碳(CCl4)B、乙醇(酒精)C、苯D、汽油 4.在0.5molNa2SO4中,含有的Na+离子数是()个。 A、3.01×1023 B、 6.02×1023 C、 0.5 D 、 1 5.在相同条件下,与0.5mol由N2和CO组成的混合气具有相同的体积的是() A、 1gH2 B、10g O2 C、 11g CO2 D、16g CH4 6.下列溶液中c(Cl-)最大的是() A、 65mL1mol/L的KCl溶液 B、 25mL3mol/L的NaCl溶液 C、 20mL2mol/L的MgCl2溶液 D、 10mL1.5mol/L的AlCl3溶液

7.下列有关物质的叙述正确的是() ①酸性氧化物肯定是非金属氧化物;②不能跟酸反应的氧化物一定能跟碱反应; ③碱性氧化物肯定是金属氧化物;④分散系一定是混合物 A、①③ B、①④ C、②④ D、③④ 8.用N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确的是() A.化学反应中1 mol金属镁变成镁离子时失去电子的数目为2N A B.28 g氮气所含有的原子数目为N A C.标准状况下,22.4 L水中含有N A个水分子 D.标准状况下,22.4 L氯化氢所含的原子数为N A 9.胶体区别于其他分散系的本质特征是() A、胶体的分散质能通过滤纸空隙,而浊液的分散质不能 B、产生丁达尔现象 C、分散质粒子直径在1nm~100nm之间 D、胶体在一定条件下能稳定存在10.氧化还原反应与四种基本类型反应的关系如下图,则下列化学反应属于区域3的是() A.2H2+O2点燃2H2O B.2NaHCO3Na2CO3+H2O +CO2↑ C.CuO+CO Cu + CO2 D.Zn +H2SO4 =ZnSO4 + H2↑ 11.下列电离方程式中,不正确的是() A.HCl═H++Cl﹣ B.NH3·H2O═NH4++OH﹣ C.CaCl2=Ca2++2Cl﹣ D.CH3COOH CH3COO﹣+H+ 12.现有三组溶液:①菜籽油和氯化钠溶液②75%的医用酒精③氯化钠和单质溴的水溶液,分离以上各混合液的正确方法依次是()


高一(下)学期英语月考试卷 满分:150分时间:100分钟 第一部分(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卡上 A Ireland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer(征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result is that today there a re two ―Irelands‖. Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country. In the 1840s, the main crop, potatoes,was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger. This, and a shortage (短缺) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851. For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices. Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace. The Irish are famous for being warm-hearted and friendly, Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were ―the greatest talkers since the Greeks‖,Since independence, Ireland has revived(复兴) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments. Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc. 1.What does the author tell us in Paragraph 1? ________ A. How the Irish fought against the English. B. How two ―Irelands‖ came into being. C. How English rulers tried to conquer Ireland. D. How Ireland gained independence. 2.We learn from the text that in Ireland________. A. food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline(下降)in population B. people are moving to the cities for lack of work in the countryside C. it is harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory worker D. different kinds of old Irish songs are all sung with instruments 3. What can be the best title for the text? ________ A. Life in Ireland B. A Very Difficult History C. Ireland, Past and Present D. The Independence of Ireland B When newspapers and radio describe the damage caused by a hurricane named Hazel, girls named Hazel are probably teased(取笑)by their friends. To keep out of trouble, the Weather Station says,‖ Any resemblance between hurricane names and the names of particular girls is purely accidental.‖ Some women became angry because hurricanes are given their names, but many other women are proud to see their names make headlines. They don’t even care that they are the names of destructive storms. Because more women seem to like it than dislike it, the Weather Station has decided to continue using girl’s names for hurricanes. In some ways a hurricane is like a person. After it is born, it grows and develops, then becomes old and dies. Each hurricane has a character of its own. Each follows its own path through the world, and people remember it long after it gone .So it is natural to giv e hurricanes’ names, and to talk about them almost if they were alive. 4. What happens to girls named Hazel according to the passage? ________ A. Others often make fun of them. B. The Weather Station look for them. C. They suffer from hurricanes. D. T hey can’t find boyfriend. 5. The underlined word ―resemblance‖ probably means ______ A. trouble B. difference C. sameness D. success 6. According to the passage, which is more reasonable? ________ A. Some women feel unhappy because hurricanes are given their names. B. A lot of women complain of the Weather Station. C. Many women want to be known. D. All the hurricanes are caused by women. 7. It is natural to give hurricane names because ______ A. they become old and die B. each hurricane has its own character C. each hurricane has its own day to come D. all of them should be remembered C Do you want to improve the way you study? Do you feel nervous before a test? Many students say that a lack of concentration (注意力) is their biggest problem. It seriously affects their ability to study, so do their test results. If so, use these tips to help you. Study Techniques ●You should always study in the same place. You shouldn’t sit in a position that you u se for another purpose. For example, when you sit on a sofa to study, your brain will think it is time to relax. Don’t watch TV while you are studying. Experts warn that your concentration may be reduced by 50 percent if you attempt to study in this way. Always try to have a white wall in front of you, so there is nothing to distract (make less concentrated) you. Before sitting down to study, gather together all the equipment you need. Apart from your textbooks, pens, pencils and knives, make sure you have a dictionary. If your study desk or table is needed when you are not studying, store all your equipment in a box beside it. ●Your eyes will become tired if you try to read a text which is on a flat surface. Position your book at an angle of 30 degrees. ●Be r ealistic and don’t try to complete too much in one study period. Finish one thing before beginning another. If you need a break, get up and walk around for a few minutes, but try not to telephone a friend or have something to eat. Test-taking Skills ●All your hard work will be for nothing if you are too nervous to take your test. Getting plenty of rest is very important. This means do not study all night before your test! It is a better idea to have a long-term study plan. Try to make a timetable for your study which lasts for a few months. ●Exercise is a great way to reduce pressure. Doing some form of exercise every day will also improve your concentration. Eat healthy food too. ●When you arrive in the examination room, find your seat and sit down. Breathe slowly and deeply. Check the time on the clock during the test, but not too often. Above all, take no notice of everyone else and give the test paper your undivided attention. 8. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. You sh ould study in a different place every day, so you don’t get bored. B. Your concentration will improve if you study and watch TV at the same time. C. Check the time during the exam at a certain time. D. Staying up all night and studying is tiring, but you will learn a lot using this method. 9. What does the underlined word ―it‖ in the paragraph3 refer to?
