


1.absolutely ad. completely;without conditions 完全地;绝对地

2.abundance n. a great quantity; plenty 丰富;充裕;大量

3.abundant a. plentiful; more than enough 丰富的;充足的


5.accountant n. 会计师

6.accustomed a. regular; usual 惯常的,通常的

7.acute 剧烈的,激烈的;深切的(思想或感官)敏锐的;灵敏的3. 尖的,锐的;成锐

8.admiralty n.(英)海军部

9.afford vt. 买得起担负得起(损失、费用、后果等)

10.alarm vt. excite with sudden fear or anxiety 使惊恐;使忧虑惊恐;忧虑警报

11.alas int. a cry expressing grief, sorrow or fear 唉(表示悲伤、忧愁、恐惧等)


13.amateur 业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等)

14.amid prep.in the middle of, among 在…之中

15.anonymous a.名字不详的;匿名的



18.approve . (of) agree (officially) to 同意,批准

19.artistic a. 1. of. concerning art or artists 艺术的;艺术家的富有艺术性的

20.attention span a length of time over which one can concentrate 注意力的持续时

21.awaken vt. 1. (to) cause to become conscious of 使意识到唤醒

22.bachelor n. an unmarried man 未婚男子;单身汉

23.ballet n. 芭蕾舞(剧)

24.barren. (of land) unproductive (土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的

25.battery n. 2. 电池(组)

26.bean n. 豆;蚕豆

27.behavio(u)r n. manner of acting 行为;举止

28.beloved a. much loved; darling 深爱的;亲爱的

29.beneficial 有益的;有帮助的

30.blank a. 1. without writing, print or other marks 空白的,无表情的;茫然的

31.bloody a. 血腥的,血污的

32.bond 联结;联系2. 公债,债券3. 合约

33.bound a准备到…去的2. very likely; certain 一定的;注定的

34.breakdown崩溃;衰竭2. (关系、计划或讨论等的)中断

35.campaign n. 战役,运动

36.canvas 帆布画布,油画

37.central a. 1. chief, main, of greatest importance 主要的,最重要的(位居)中心的


https://www.360docs.net/doc/c612876441.html,panion n. mate; one who associates with or accompanies another 同伴;伴

https://www.360docs.net/doc/c612876441.html,plex 错综复杂的2. (词或句子)复合的,复杂的综合体;复合体;群落

41.conflict 抵触;争论战争;战斗;冲突vi. (with) 冲突;抵触

42.consolation prize安慰奖


44.curriculum n. the program of study offered in a school, college, etc. 课程,大纲

45.damage 损害;损失损害;损坏;毁坏

46.departure n. 1. the act of leaving a place 离开;启程背离;违反

47.destructive 破坏(性)的

48.device n.. 策略;手段装置;设备

49.disaster n. (a)sudden great misfortune 灾难,天灾;祸患

50.disastrous a. extremely bad; terrible 灾难性的,糟透的

51.discriminate 有差别地对待区别,辨别,区分

52.discrimination n. 1. the practice of unfairly treating sb. or sth. 区别对待;歧视识


53.disqualify vt. 取消…的资格;使不适合;使不能

54.distinguish 使出众2. recognize 辨别;区分

55.distract vt. (from) take (one's mind, sb.) off sth. 转移(注意力); 使转移注意力

56.distrust v. lack trust in; mistrust 不信任;怀疑

57.disturb vt. 1. break the peace or order of 扰乱;打扰使心神不安;使烦恼

58.disturbance 打扰;扰乱2. sth. that disturbs 造成干扰的事物

59.disturbing a. causing worry or fright 令人不安的;令人烦恼的

60.downhill 走下坡路的(地)向坡下(的):向下(的)


62.edit(为出版、广播等而)编辑,编选;剪辑2 主编;充任(报纸等的)编辑


64.editorial a. of or done by an editor 编辑的,编者的

65.editor校订者;(文字)编辑2. 编辑;主编


67.emotional (令人)情绪激动的感情(上)的;情绪(上)的


69.ensure vt. (esp. BrE) make (sth.) certain to happen 保证,担保

70.entry n. 参赛一员2. entrance; the act of entering or the right to enter 进入;进




73.Excel v. (at) be the beat or better others (at sth.) 胜过他人

74.exclaim (由于惊讶、痛苦、愤怒、高兴等而)叫嚷,叫喊

75.exclude vt. keep out from a place or an activity 阻止…进入;把…排斥在外

76.exclusion n. the act of excluding or fact of being excluded 拒绝;排斥

77.exclusive a. (of) not taking into account;without;excluding 不算;不包括;把…


78.exclusively ad. only;and nothing/no one else 排斥其他地;专有地;单独地


80.existence n. the state of existing 存在;实有

81.expertise 专门知识(或技能、意见等),专长

82.extreme 极端的;极度的;最大的末端的;尽头的n. 极端;极度(状态)



85.fascinating a. having great attraction or charm 吸引人的;迷人的

86.fierce a. 1. angry, violent and cruel 暴怒的;凶猛的;残酷的强烈的

87.flop 失败(者)笨重地行动;沉重地落下

88.foster a. 收养孩子的;寄养的vt. 收养;照料

89.fury n. 1. a wildly excited state (of feeling or activity) 狂热;激烈狂怒


91.glamo(u)r 魅力;迷人的力量

92.glamo(u)rous 富有魅力的;令人向往的

93.glow n. a feeling of warmth or pleasure 热烈发光


95.grieve v. suffer from grief or great sadness (为…而)悲伤;伤心

96.grind n美)[常贬义]用功的学生,书呆子vt. 磨;磨碎

97.guilt n. 1. the feelings produced by knowledge or belief that one has done

wrong 内疚罪(行)

98.haste n. quick movement or action 急忙,匆忙

99.hastily 匆忙地;草率地;性急地

100.haunt [常被动](思想、回忆等)萦绕;缠扰;常去

101.heartbreaking a. which causes great sorrow 令人悲痛的,令人心碎的

102.heritage 继承物,遗产;传统

103.heroism n. the quality of being a hero; great courage 大无畏精神;英勇104.hesitantly ad.犹豫不决地

105.historian n. a person who studies history and/or writes about it 历史学家

106.honor roll(美)光荣榜(指优秀学生名单、当地服兵役公民名单等)

107.horrify vt. shock greatly;fill with horror 吓;使感惊骇


109.horsemanship n. the practice or skill of horse-riding 马术;骑术

110.ill ad. 不恰当地;拙劣地不利地;恶劣地;冷酷无情地3. hardly 几乎不;困难地111.ill-chosen a. not well chosen 选择不恰当的


113.immigrant n. a person who has come to live in a country from abroad 移民;侨民

114.impulse(一时的)冲动2. 冲力;脉冲;神经冲动

115.infinite a. extremely great in degree or amount; without limits or end 无限的;极大的

116.ingredient n. 1. one of the essential parts of a situation 因素;要素2. 成分117.inherit继承(金钱、财产等);经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等)


119.inquire, enquire询问;查问

120.inquiry, enquiry n. (into, about) an act of inquiring 询问;查问


122.installation n. 1. 安装;设置2. 装置;设备

123.joint venture n. 合资企业

124.Joint 共享的;共有的;共同做的


126.justify 证明…正当(或有理)


https://www.360docs.net/doc/c612876441.html,bel vt 把…称为;把…列为2. 加标签于;用标签标明n. 标签


130.lord n. (in Britain) title of some officials of very high rank(英)大臣;大人,阁下

131.loyal a. faithful 忠诚的,忠实的


133.magic n. 魔法,法术a. 有魔力的

134.management管理层;管理部门2. 管理;经营

135.mat 地席;席子2. 垫子

136.menace n. a threat or danger 威胁

137.minor a. 较少的,较小的


139.misplace vt. 1. lose (sth.),usu. for only a limited time (暂时)丢弃把…放错地方

140.mission n.[常指军事]任务,天职,使命

141.motivate vt. [常被动] 激发…的积极性2. 使有动机

142.motorcar n. a car 汽车

143.multitude n. a large number of 大批;大量

144.naivea. 1. too willing to believe or trust 轻信的幼稚的;天真的


146.nervous breakdown 精神崩溃


148.obligation n. sth. that one must do out of a duty or promise 义务;责任149.obsess [常被动]使着迷


151.odd a. 常用以构成复合词]…以上的;…出头的奇特的;古怪的奇数的,单数的152.offspring子女;后代

153.orientation n. a direction or position 取向;方位;定位

154.outstanding a. 杰出的;优秀的2. easily seen, important 显要的;重要的155.overcome [常被动](感情等)压倒,使受不了克服;战胜

156.owe vt. (to) 1. have sth. (usually sth. good) because of 把…归功于欠157.owing a. (to) still to be paid 未付的,欠着的


159.partner n. a person who shares (in the same activity) 合伙人;合作者;伙伴160.party n (条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人

161.pastime n. hobby;sth. done to pass time in a pleasant way 消遣,娱乐162.payroll工资表;在职人员名单

163.peak 达到顶峰;达到最大值n. (山)峰;顶峰;尖顶

164.personnel人事部门2. [总称]职员

165.philosophy n. 哲学

166.plunge vi. (into, in) 1. rush suddenly and deeply into sth. 投身于纵身投入;



168.positive a. 1. (of people) sure, having no doubt about sth. 无疑问的;确定的肯定的正面的

169.practically 几乎,差不多实际上;从实际角度

170.precaution n. 1. carefulness 防备,预防预防措施

171.preclude vt. (fml.) (from) make impossible; prevent 妨碍,阻止;排除;防止172.predict预报;预言;预告


174.prestige 声望;威望;威信

175.primary a. 1. chief, main 主要的2. earliest in time or order of development 最初的


177.privately ad. 1非公开地在涉及私(个)人方面;秘密地


179.probable a. likely 很可能发生的



182.promising 有前途的;有希望的

183.promotion 提升,晋级促销;宣传

184.prompt vt. 促使;推动;激励迅速的;及时的

185.prone a. (to) habitually likely to do sth. (usu. undesirable) 有…倾向的,易于…的


187.propose 建议;提出提名,推荐


189.qualified 胜任的;合格的

190.qualify (使)取得资格

191.reaction n. response or change caused by the action of another 反应;感应192.recommendation n. 1. suggestion, piece of advice 建议2. 推荐信

193.refuge n.避难(所);庇护(所)

194.refugee n.难民;流亡者

195.rejection (遭到)拒绝;摒弃

196.rely vi. 信任;信赖2. depend with full trust or confidence 依赖

197.repay vt. reward;pay back 偿还;回报

198.repetition 重复;反复

199.represent 代表2. 象征;体现

200.rescue 救助;救援vt. 救助;救援

201.Resent vt. feel anger and dislike about sth. 对…表示愤恨

202.retreat n. 1 隐居处,撤退;避难vi. 撤退;退避

203.reverse discrimination 逆向歧视,反其道而行之的歧视

204.revive (使)复苏;(使)重振活力恢复生机;复兴;重新流行

205.risk 危险;风险使遭受危险;冒…的风险

206.sacrifice n. loss or giving up of sth. of value, esp. for what is believed to be

a good purpose 牺牲

207.sage 圣贤;哲人

208.savings n. money saved, esp. in a bank 积蓄;存款

209.scholarship n. 1. 奖学金2. 学识;学术成就

210.sensible 合情合理的;明白事理的2. (of) knowing;aware 知道的;意识到的211.series 系列;连接2. 丛书;广播(或电视)系列节目


213.shield 保护;庇护n. 盾,盾牌

214.sketch 素描,速写

215.slash n. a long sweeping cut or blow 砍;挥击砍,砍击;猛挥

216.span 持续时间2. 跨度;跨距


218.stereotype n.固定形式,老套

219.stock. 库存物;储备树桩;树干备货;储备

220.succession (前后相接的)一系列,一连串;连续

221.successive a. following each other closely 接连的,连续的,相继的

222.surge vi. (如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾n. (感情等的)洋溢或奔放

223.surpass 超过;超越

224.terrify vt. fill with terror or fear 恐吓,使惊吓

225.terror 恐怖;引起恐怖的人(或物)

226.the basic point 基本要点

227.the bottom line

228.therapy n. the treatment of mental or physical illness (心理或生理)疗法,



230.toe n. 脚趾;足尖

231.toe shoe 芭蕾舞鞋


233.tumble 摔下;跌倒;倒塌,坍塌


235.unaccustomed a. not used (to sth.); not usual (对某物)不习惯的;不寻常的236.unequipped 未配备所需物品的;无准备的

237.unhealthy a. 有碍健康的体弱多病的,不结实的,不健康的

238.vacation n. (esp. AmE) holiday 假期;休假

239.vast a. 1. very large and wide 广阔的;广大的2. great in amount 大量的240.vastly ad. 1. very greatly 非常大地2. 广阔地

241.victim n.牺牲者,受害者;牺牲品

242.viewpoint. 观点;看法

243.Vote 推选2. 投票选举(或制定、决定、赞成、支持、通过

244.watercolo(u)r n. 水彩(颜料);水彩画

245.whereas 反之,然而

246.wretched a. very unhappy or unfortunate 不幸的;可怜的



Phrases and Expressions

overwhelmed by 被……所困惑

pay the price

experience sth. unpleasant because one has done sth. wrong, made a mistake, etc. 付出代价

come to sb.'s rescue

help sb. when he/she is in danger or difficulty 解救某人,救助某人

chance upon

meet by chance; find by chance 偶然碰见;偶然发现

try one's hand

attempt (to do sth.), esp. for the first time 尝试

plunge into

begin to do sth. suddenly; enter without hesitation 突然或仓促地开始某事;突然冲入before one knows it

before one has time to consider the course of events 转眼之间,瞬息之间

fall upon

attack fiercely 猛攻,猛扑

take refuge

seek protection from danger or unhappiness 避难

rely on

trust, or confidently depend on 依赖,依靠fall from office

lose a position of authority to which sb. was elected or appointed 离位,下台

awaken to

cause to become conscious of 使意识到

bear fruit

produce successful results 结果实;有成果date from

have existed since 始自

keep sb. company

stay with sb. so that he/she is not alone 陪伴某人


Phrases and Expressions

make it (to) (a place)

succeed in getting (to) (a place) 成功抵达某地

owe to

have (sth. good) because of 把…归功于…imbue with

(use. pass.) fill (sb), with (sth.), esp. a strong feeling or opinion [常被动] 向…灌输…

by contrast

very differently (from sth. previously mentioned);on the other hand 对比之下

get ahead

be successful in one's career 获得成功;出头have what it takes

(infml.) have the qualifications necessary for success 具备取得成功的必要条件

spring from

be a product or result of;originate from 发源于;来自

can't wait (for sth.)

be excited about and eager (for sth.) 迫不及待,等不及


Phrases and Expressions

run into

unexpectedly begin to experience; meet by chance 意外遇到;偶然遇到

a multitude of/multitudes of

a very large number of 许多,众多

due to

because of; caused by 由于,因为

by name

with the name of 名叫

get into the habit of

develop a regular way of doing (sth.) 养成…


come to an end

(of sth. which goes on for a while) finish, stop 结束;终了

pick up

acquire without effort 获得;学会

be faced with

be confronted with 面临着(某种情况)

at times

sometimes; once in a while 有时;间或

keep sb. on the payroll

keep sb. employed 使某人留任

somehow or other

in one way or another 以某种方式

go along with

agree with; accept; support 同意;接受;支持

the other way around

in the opposite way 相反地;倒过来;以相反方式

thanks to

owing to, because of 幸亏;由于;因为smooth over

make (problems or difficulties) seem less serious and easier to deal with 缓和;减轻leave in sb.'s hands

give sb. the responsibility for dealing with sth.



Phrases and Expressions

place/lay/put emphasis on/upon

give sth. special force or attention to show that it is particularly important 强调;把重点放在,着重于

in the long run

after enough time; in the end 从长远观点来看;终究

a world of

a lot of 大量的,无数的

be brilliant/best at sth.

having or showing great skill at sth. 在某一方面极为出色

at the cost of 以…为代价

branch out 扩大(兴趣、活动、业务等的)范围

count on/upon

expect; depend on 指望;料想;依靠

turn down 拒绝(某人或其请求、忠告等)take stock 作出判断,进行评估

