






分卷 I

分卷 I注释


--- Yes. Lots of trees and

1、---Your city looks beautiful.

grass _______last year.

A.are planted B. have planted C.were planting D.were planted 2、He has born in Italy, but he has made China his ______.

A.family B. address C.house D.home

3、If you want to change the world, you have to ______ yourself first.

A.enjoy B. check C.help D.change

4、She has got two cats now. ______ black and white one is called

Rosie and ______ brown one Joseph.

A.The; a B. A; the C.The; the D.A; a

’s why I have to

5、I have ____a raincoat _____ an umbrella. That

wait until the rain stops.

D.not only; but A.both; and B. either; or C.neither; nor


6、Mrs. Green hasn ’t got any money with her. She _____ her bag in

her room.

A.stayed B. forgot C.left D.took

7、---Have a nice day to you!---_________________.

A.Well done B. Thank you C.My pleasure D.Me, too.

8、His brother is _______ to join the club.

C.not young

.too young B. so young D.young enough

9、---_____ do you read English newspapers---I read China Daily

every day.

A.How long B. How soon C.How often D.How far

10、 Do you know _____________Guangzhou tomorrow

A.whether they leave for B.whether will they leave for

C.whether they are leaving for D.whether do they leave for


二、完型填空( 注释 )

评卷人得分三、阅读理解( 注释 )

11、阅读下面材料,从每题所给的三个选项(A、 B和 C)中,选出最佳选项。

These glasses are made from a special liquid(液

体). They allow users to adjust the focus(调整焦

距) of the glasses until everything is clear.

Invention 1

They are designed for children. So they won’t

buy new glasses every time when their eyesight


The Donkey Bike has a strong steel bar(钢条)

running along it. It can carry both a gas can and

a pet at the same time when you ride this bike. Invention 2

This machine looks friendly and is called Little

Printer. It can print news headlines, riddles and

other things on a roll(卷) of paper. So you can Invention 3

make your own little newspaper with it.

【小题 1】 The special glasses are made from ______.

A. steel

B. liquid

C. paper

【小题 2】Which of the following is True about the“Donkey Bike”?

A. It can carry four persons.

B. It is designed for children.

C. It includes a strong steel bar.

【小题 3】 The roll of paperin Little Printer is used for ______

A. cleaning the cover of the machine

B. printing your own newspaper

C. reading news headlines or riddles

【小题 4】 A child who has poor eyesight may be interested in ______.

A. Invention 1

B. Invention 2

C. Invention 3

【小题 5】 The passage is mainly about ______.

A. the change of eightsight

B. a gas can and a pet

C. some cool inventions

12、Michelle, a famous lady, has found that more than 25% students

are too fat in her country. It is a very serious prom. So she starts

a health program to deal with it. The health program is to reduce(减少) the amount (数量) of fat students today and in the future.

The program will get families, schools, newspapers, magazines and TVs

to j oin together and deal with the students ’ obesity so that

students will be at a healthier weight. The program includes: Food

stores should sell healthier foods. Schools should serve healthier

meals with less fat and should also offer gym classes.

The lady is trying to fight the students ’ obesity all over the country

because it can cause illnesses and higher health cost. She

wants the students to eat right, exercise more and control ( their

控制 ) weight. She also wants the students to understand it is important to

have less sweet food, and drink water, milk and fresh juices, but not

to choose cokes. At the same time she has also set a

good example by planting a vegetable garden. She hopes that

the garden will encourage more people to plant one too.

The health program is really helpful to the students today and in the

future. As she says, we cannot always build the future for youth,

but we can build our youth for the future.

根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡(填在答题卷)的相应位置上。(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)

【小题 1】 In Mic helle ’s country over _______ of the students are too


A.75%B. a quarter C.a half D.15%

【小题 2】The word “obesity ” in the second paragraph means ________

in Chinese.


【小题 3】 What does the lady want the shops to do

A.To offer gym classes. C.To serve meals with less fat. B.To plant a vegetable garden. D.To sell healthier foods.

【小题 4】 It ’s a good way for fat student to have ______ every day. A.more

B. sweet foods C.many cokes D.much fat vegetables

【小题 5】What’s the main idea of the pa ssage

A.The lady introduces healthy

B.The lady cares about food cost. drinks.

C.The lady fights obesity in D.The lady feel worried about the


分卷 II

分卷 II注释


四、句型转换( 注释 )

13、句型转换 ( 每空 1 分, 共 15 分)

【小题 1】 She wanted to be a shop assistant last year.( 改为否定句 ) She ______ ______ to be a shop assistant last year.

【小题 2】 Did Peter go to the park last weekend( 肯定回答 )

Yes, ______ ________.

【小题 3】 Lisa cleaned her room last night..( 改为一般疑问句 )

_______ Lisa ____her room last night ?

【小题 4】 He does his homework every day.( 改为复数句 )

They ________ _______ homework every day.

【小题 5】 My father worked in Shanghai last year.( 对划线部分提问 ) __________ _________ your father ______last year?

【小题 6】 There was a bank near the restaurant in 2000.( 变为一般疑问句 )

________ _________ a bank near the restaurant in 2000 ?

【小题 7】 Was the weather sunny last Monday( 作否定回答 )

No, _______ _________.

14、句型转换(共10 空;每空分,计 5 分)

【小题1】 Simon would like two kilos of beef. ( 对划线部分提问) How ______ beef ______ Simon like ?

【小题 2】 He does well in playing volleyball. ( 改为一般疑问句)

_______ he ______ well in playing volleyball.

【小题3】 How do you like the fashion show( 同义句转换)

What do you ______ ______ the fashion show ?

【小题 4】 There are some Americans in our school. ( 改为否定句)

There ______ _______Americans in our school.

【小题 5】 You look cool in the white T-shirt.( 同义句转换)

The white T-shirt ______ cool _______ you.

15、句型转换(共 5 题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)

【小题1】 My sister is friendly. (对划线部分提问)

_______ your sister ______ ?


【小题 2】 I think he is right.( 改为否定句 I

_________ think he ________ right.

【小题3】Tonny has ten story has five story books.( 保持句意基本不变) Tonny has books Jimmy.

【小题 4】 The weather is so lovely on the beach.( 改为感叹句)

__________ __________ weather it is on the beach!

【小题 5】 She was late for school this morning because it rained

heavily.(保持句意基本不变 )

She was late for school this morning __________ __________ the heavy


16、句型转换。(10 ’)

【小题1】 My father will come back in two days. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________will your father come back ?

【小题2】The computer is 5000 yuan. (对划线部分提问)

________ the ________of the computer ?


【小题 3】 Are they expensive She asked.( 改为宾语从句

She asked __________ they__________ expensive.

【小题4】He has already finished his homework.( 改为否定句)

He_______finished his homework________.

【小题 5】 I didn't come because I was ill. ( 对划线部分提问)

__________ ________you come

17、句型转换。( 5 小题,每空分,共 5 分)


【小题 1】 How about buying Mom a coat ( 改为同义句)

__________ __________ buy Mom a coat

【小题2】We want to have a picnic on the West Hill. ( 对划线部分提问 )

__________ do you want to __________ a picnic

【小题 3】 She has dinner with her friend. ( 改为否定句)

She __________ __________ dinner with her friend.

【小题4】 They have five toy cars. ( 改为一般疑问句)

________ they ________ five toy cars ?

【小题5】 Lucy has breakfast at seven o ’clock in the morning. ( 对划线部分提问 )

______ ______ does Lucy have breakfast in the morning

18、句型转换( 5 分)

【小题1】 He has a backache .( 画线部分提问)

_________ _________ with him ?

【小题 2】 I will take part in the sports meet this year ( 改为否定句) I _______ _______ part in the sports meet this year .

【小题3】He’s mending his bike now.(用at this time yesterday 改写)

He _______ _______ his bike at this time yesterday.

【小题4】 I think this story is the funniest of all the stories. (同义句转换)

I think this story is _______ _______ any other story.

【小题5】 Will robots make humans lose their jobs or no t I ’m not sure.

( 把两个句子合并成一个句子)

I ’m not sure _______ robots ________ make humans lose their jobs or

not .


五、单词拼写( 注释 )

19、用短文中所给动词的适当形式填空,共 6 分

Sarah and Katie both work in a supermarket. They are best friends and

they enjoy【小题1】(work) together. Sarah and Katie are young

and always happy. They like telling jokes and watching

comedy programmes on TV.

However, they don ’t like their boss, Mr. Chen. He is very strict and

always shouts at them. Once, he shouted so loud at Sarah that made

(cry). Sarah and Katie stop telling jokes when

her 【小题 2】 Mr.

Chen is nearby.

Mr. Chen ’s favourite activity is playing tennis. He 【小题

3】 (play) tennis three times a week and takes part in tennis

matches, but he never won any tennis championships.

One day, Mr. Chen 【小题 4】 (arrive) at work as usual and smiled at

Sarah and Katie as he gave them a big bunch of flowers each.

The girls 【小题5】(shock). Mr. Chen was not his usual self.

At the end of the day, they discovered the reason for Mr. Chen’s good mood. Mr. Chen won his first local championship in the tennis

competition! Katie and Sarah thought life【小题6】(be) much better working at the supermarket from now on.

20、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,共 5 分

【小题 1】 What a(please) it is for me to play

the piano with you!

【小题 2】 Mother asked the Greens to help(they)

to some pears.

【小题 3】 Tim sings even(badly) than before.

【小题 4】 He felt(true) sorry for what he said.

【小题5】(clean) work is to make our city clean.

21、用短文中所给动词的适当形式填空,共 6 分

Amy is in Grade 9 in Sunshine Middle School this year. She

always 【小题 1】(have) too much homework. And she often

studies late at night. Yesterday I【小题2】(meet) her on the way home. She told me that she often got【小题3】(worry) about her exam. She didn’t know what to do.

Stress is a very serious problem. My advice is to try【小题

4】 (not get) too stressed. Take time to relax and plan your time

carefully, so you still have free time to do your hobbies. Do

your homework first, then relax by【小题5】(watch) a film

with friends or going for a walk in the park or listening to music.

Find a balance and you【小题6】(feel) much happier.

评卷人得分六、补充句子( 注释 )



22、根据所给汉语完成下列句子。( 共 5小题;每小题2分,计10分) 【小题 1】你最好把精力放到功课上去。

You ____________ _______ your ___________________ your lessons. 【小题2】这个孩子应该去上学,而不是在工厂上班。

The child _________ __________ school ________ ___________ at a factory.

【小题 3】目击者证明那个嫌犯似乎三十五六岁的样子。

The witness proved that the suspect


【小题4】不仅学生们,而且他们的老师也喜欢这部李安(Ang Lee) 导演的电影。

____________ _______ likes the film____________ Ang Lee..

【小题 5】如果明天不下雨,我们去公园吧!

__________ ______ the park if it _____________ tomorrow.

23、根据所给的汉语完成下列句子,词数不限(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分计 10 分)

【小题 1】他做家庭作业跟他哥哥一样认真。

【小题 2】在阳光下看书对我们的眼睛有害处。

【小题 3】记得离开办公室前带上你的手机。

【小题 4】那个小女孩五岁时就开始拉小提琴了。

【小题 5】 Jack 太穷了而不能带他生病的儿子去医院。


八、选词填空( 注释 )


cheer, win, especially, body, poor, for, best, photo, believed,


Football is, I suppose, the most popular game in England. Rich and

【小题 1】 , young and old, you can see them all there, shouting and

【小题 2】 for one side or the other.

You may be surprised to find that even the smallest boy seems to have

the great【小题3】of the game. He can tell you the names of the

players in most of the important teams. He has【小题4】of them and

knows the results of many matches. He will tell you who he expects

will 【小题 5】such and such a match, and his opinion is usually as

valuable as that of men three or four times his age.

In England, it is【小题6】that education means not only filling a

boy’s mind with facts in a classroom but also training character.

One of the 【小题 7】ways of training character is by playing games,

【小题 8】 team games, where the boy has to learn to work with others

for his team, instead of working【小题9】himself alone.

Football is good exercise for the【小题10】, it is a team game, it

needs skill and a quick brain. So the school often arranges games

and matches for its pupils.


九、书面表达( 注释 )

25、我市将承办 2014 年第 15 届省运会,为此组委会委托某英语报社向全社会





2.词数: 80 词左右(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数 ) ;


Dear Editor ,

My name is Li ping , a middle school student . I ’m excited to know th

that the 15Games of Fujian Province will be held in our city in

2014 . To make it successful ,

_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________


Yours ,

Li Ping




【小题 1】由“ These glasses are made from a special liquid(液体).”可知。

【小题 2】由“ The Donkey Bike has a strong steel bar(钢条) running along it.”可知。

【小题 3】由“ So you can make your own little newspaper with it.”可知。

【小题 4】由“ So they won ’t buy new glasses every time when their eyesight changes.”可知。

【小题 5】通读全文可知,这是关于几种酷的发明产品。



【小题 1】根据第一段 Michelle, a famous lady, has found that more than

25% students are too fat in her country.描述,可知在他的国家超过四分之一的人肥胖。故选B,四分之一。

【小题 2】联系下文 so that students will be at a healthier weight.描述,可知此处指的是,应对学生们的肥胖问题。故选C。

【小题 3】根据短文第二段The program includes: Food stores should sell healthier foods.描述,可知这位女士认为,商店应该销售健康的食品。故选D。

【小题4】根据短文第三段She also wants the students She hopes

that the garden will encourage more people to plant one too. 描述,可知每天多吃蔬菜对于肥胖学生来说是个很好的方法。故选A。

【小题 5】这篇短文中主要介绍了一位女士,向学生们中的肥胖问题发起挑战

的故事。故选 C。


【小题 1】didn ’t want

【小题 2】 he did

【小题 3】 Did clean

【小题 4】 do their

【小题 5】 Where does work

【小题 6】 was there

【小题 7】It wasn ’t


【小题 1】 much would

【小题 2】 Does do

【小题 3】 think of

【小题 4】 aren't any

【小题 5】 looks on


【小题 1】What’s , like 【小题 2】don’t , is

【小题 3】 more , than 【小题 4】 What lovely 【小题 5】 because of 16.

【小题 1】 How soon 【小题 2】What’s price 【小题 3】 if/whether, were 【小题 4】hasn’t ,yet 【小题 5】why, didn ’t 17.

【小题 1】 Why not

【小题 2】 Where;have 【小题 3】doesn’t have 【小题 4】 Do;have

【小题 5】 What time 18.

【小题 1】What’s ,wrong 【小题 2】won’t , take 【小题 3】 was, mending 【小题 4】 funnier , than 【小题 5】 whether , will 19.

【小题 1】 working

【小题 2】 cry

【小题 3】 plays

【小题 4】 arrived

【小题 5】 were shocked

【小题 6】 would be


【小题 1】 pleasure

【小题 2】 themselves

【小题 3】 worse

【小题 4】 truly

【小题 5】Cleaners ’


【小题 1】 has

【小题 2】 met

【小题 3】 worried

【小题 4】 not to get

【小题 5】 watching

【小题 6】 will feel


【小题 1】 had better put; effort into

【小题2】 should go to ; instead of working

【小题3】 seemed to be in his mid —thirties

【小题4】 Not only students but also their teacher; directed by 【小题5】Let ’s go to ; doesn’t rain / isn ’t rainy


【小题 1】 He does his homework as carefully as his elder brother (does) .

【小题 2】 Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes .

【小题 3】 Remember to take your mobile phone before you leave the

office .

【小题 4】 The little girl started to play the violin at the age of 5

【小题 5】 Jack is/was too poor to take his sick son to hospital .

=" Jack" is/was so poor that he

’t take his sick son to

could hospital .

24. 【解析】

【小题 1】联系下文,可知此处指的是富人和穷人。根据首字母可知填poor ,贫穷的。

【小题 2】联系前文 shouting 描述,可知此处指的是,为这方或者另一方呼喊加油。 And 一般连接并列结构,故填现在分词 cheering ,为加油。【小题 3】


比赛。短语 have the great knowledge of很了解。故填名词knowledge,抽象名词不可数,故用原形即可。

【小题 4】联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是,这些孩子有这些球员们的某种


【小题 5】联系下文,可知此处指的是,他希望谁赢得这样一场比赛。结合语

境及所给单词,可知填原形动词win ,赢得,获胜。



单词,可知填过去分词 believed ,相信。


给单词,可知填形容词最高级 best ,最,最好的。


填副词 especially ,专门地,特殊地。


工作)。根据所给单词,可知填介词 for ,为了。


八年级英语期末试卷 22 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两卷,满分100,考试时间100分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共59分) 一、听力(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) (1)听对话回答问题,本部分共有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择正确答案。在听到嘀的信号后,进入下一小题。 1.How does the woman keep fit? A. B. C. 2.What is the speed limit in this town? A. B. C. 3.When is the boy’s birthday? A.December 29. B.December 30. C.December 28. 4.How is the weather in Lushan? A.It often rains and it’s hot. B.It never rains and it’s pleasant. C.It sometimes rains but it’s pleasant. 5.What are they going to do next? A.They are going to go down the hill. B.They are going to have a picnic right now. C.They are going to climb up to the top of the hill. (2)听对话和短文回答问题你将听到一段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟时间选择正确答案。 听一段对话,回答第6-7小题。答题完毕,请等待嘀的信号,进入第一篇短文。 6.What is the man doing? A.He’s playing computer games. B.He’s writing an e-mail. C.He’s having an online tour. 7.Whom did the woman buy the computer for? A.The man’s daughter. B.The woman’s mother. C.The woman’s daughter Tan Dun


英语试题 姓名: 一.选择题(每小题1分,共30分) ( )1. Yesterday _____ 8-year-old boy fell into the river. _____ boy was saved by _____ policeman. A. an, A, a B. an, The, a C. a, The, the ( )2. His home-made cookies look good but taste _______. A. sweet B. well C. terrible ( )3. —Do you know what the word “cool” means? —Of course. It by young people so often these years. A. uses B. is used C. was used D. is using ( )4. Supermarkets are necessary. People usually spend______ time finding things they want, but they usually spend______ money than they want. A. less; less B. fewer; less C. less; more ( )5. Mr. White ______ China for two years. A. has come B. has been in C. came to ( )6. The beautiful music made the kids __.They began to dance to it. A. boring B. bored C. excited ( )7. —____ is your school from Xiu Shan Park? —Not very far. It’s about twenty minutes’ riding. A. How long B. How often C. How far ( )8. Today the forests have almost gone. People must _____down too many trees. A.be stopped from cutting B. stop from cutting C. be stopped to cut ( )9. To be honest, I won’t tell him unless he _________ me. A. asked B. asks C. will ask ( )10. My sister would rather ____at home reading books than _____ on National Day. A. to stay; to travel B. stay; travel C. stay; traveling ( )11. —May we leave the classroom now? —No, you ______. You _______ to leave until the bell rings. A. needn’t; aren’t allowed B. can’t; aren’t supposed C. mustn’t; are allowed ( )12.I find ___ impossible to master a language without much practice. A. this B. that C. it ( )13. You can_____ the new words in the dictionary if you have problems. A. look for B. look over C. look up ( )14. —Did you see him yesterday? —No, when I got to the airport, he a taxi for home. A. has taken B. had taken C. will take ( )15. You look too tired. Why not ______ a rest? A. stop to have B. to stop having C. stop having ( )16.This story talks about a king ____ is called Arthur. A. what B. that C. he ( )17. My grandfather used to__ in the country, so he isn’t used to__ in the cit A. living, live B. living, living C. live, living ( )18. Bob asked his sister ______ . A. where did she put his ticket B. where she put his ticket C.where she puts his ticket ( )19. —I couldn’t get any tickets for the basketball game . —__________. A. What a pity! B. That’s all right. C. All right. ( )20. This interesting book only __ me ten yuan and I __ ten month reading it. A. cost, spent B. spent, costs C. cost, spend ( )21.He knows little about the city as if he _______ there so far. A. isn't B. weren't C . hadn't been ( )22.If you want to get good scores, you should pay attention your teacher in class. A. to B. of C. on ( )23.The boy kept asking silly questions until my patience finally_______and turned a deaf ear to him. A. ran over B. ran away C. ran out ( )24._____other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is _____ student. A. Compared with, a most satisfied B. Compared to, the most satisfied C. Compared with, a more satisfying ( )25. —Did you find your watch yesterday? —No, I didn't find _________, but I've bought _________. A. it, it B. one, one C. it, one ( )26._______ the boy failed many times, he’ll try again. A. As if B. Because C. When D. Even though ( )27.I always go to sleep ___________ the light on. A. in B. with C. to D. and ( )28.On April 14 ,2010,a serious earthquake happened in Yushu. More than 2000 people in it. 1


一、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. I’m going to give _______ interview on Starsearch. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Jack was ______ angry when he heard the words. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a few D. a bit 3. I’m learning English, but I still can’t speak it ________. A.really B. properly C. nearly D. hardly 4. With the ________ of color TV set down by 50%, the company had a very hard time. A. prices B. prizes C. report D. results 5 The teacher told us to finish our homework ______. A. on ourselves B. by us C. lonely D. on our own 6. Bill is my best friend. He does a lot of sports every day to keep ________. A. famous B. confident C. lonely D. healthy 7.---I’m afraid that the plane might crash. ---____________ A. Don’t be silly B. Have a safe trip C. there it is D. that’s ok 8. --Shall we call a taxi ? ---OK , let me ____ the phone number in Yellow Pages . A look at B look for C look up D look after 9. It was ______ difficult work ______ nobody can do it well.


试卷类型 A 【人教版新目标】2015年初中英语中考模拟试题 (总分120分考试时间120分钟) 注意事项: 1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。第Ⅰ卷为选择题,75分;第Ⅱ卷为非选择题,45分;共120分。 2、答题前务必认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项,试题答案必须填涂或填写在答题卡上相应位置。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共75分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间) (一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 1. A. Don’t worry. B. I agree with you. C. Please help them. 2. A. Good idea. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please. 3. A. Two hours. B. Once a week. C. Three times. 4. A. Sure. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 5. A. Yes, I know. B. That’s great. C. I’m sorry to hear that. (二)录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。 6. Where are they talking? A. At home. B. At a shop. C. At a restaurant. 7. What is the girl doing? A. Taking pictures. B. Choosing a gift. C. Talking with her father. 8. How is Jim going to spend his summer holiday? A. Reading. B. Seeing movies. C. Doing a part-time job. 9. How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 10. When will the concert start? A. At half past six. B. At half past seven. C. In thirty minutes. (三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。(录音播放前你有40秒钟的读题时间) 11. What’s the matter with Peter? A. He’s unhappy. B. He failed the test. C. His teacher can’t help him. 12. How does Peter like Chinese?


初中英语中考题例专项练习(名词) 一、中考题例 ( )1. Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in ________ . two days ' timeB. two-days time C. two day 's timeD. two days time ( )2. -\re there any on the farm? -Yes, there are some. A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep )3. This is ______ bedroom. The twin sisters like it very much. ( )4. When we see dark ______ in the sky, we know that rain may come soon ( )7. -Would you like something to drink, ______ or coffee? -Coffee, please. A. fruit B. tea C. meat D. bread ( )8. -Would you like ______ ? -Thank you. I 'm not thirsty. A. some bread B. some juice C. any bread D. any juice ( )9. On ______ Day the boys and girls had a good time. A. Children B. Children 's C. Childrenes D. Childrens ( )10. There are three _____ in my family. A. people B. person C. peoples D. child ( )11. I have two ______ in my pencil box. A. knife B. knifes C. knives D. a knife ( )12. -What can we call her? -Her full name is Lucy Marion King, we can call her ______ . A. Miss Lucy B. Miss King C. Miss Marion D. Miss Lucy Marion ( )13. -Is it an animal? -Right, it 's a ___________ of the cat family. A. kind B. number C. member D. piece ( )14. Jack is now in ______ . A. the three grade B. Grade Third C. Grade Three ( )15. It 's ________ ride from my home to the factory. A. two hours and half 's B. two and half hours ' C. two and a half hours ' D. two hour and a half 's ( )1. How wonderful! The ______ is made of ______ . A. house, glass B. house, glasses C. houses, glass D. houses, glasses ( )2. -Which of the following animals lives only in China? -The ______ . A. monkey B. elephant C. panda ( )3. There are twelve ______ in a year. A. month B. monthes C. months ( )4. How many _____ are there in your family? A. people B. a people C. the people ( )5. Several ___ are chatting under the trees. But their___ are playing on the playground. A. women, children B. women , childs C. woman, children D. woman, childs A. Anne and Jane B. Anne 's and Jane 's C. Anne 's and Jane D. Anne and Jane 's A. stars B. planes ()5. -What can I do for you, sir? A. bottle of orange juice C. bottles of orange juice ( )6. Today is September 10th . It is A. Teachers B. Teachers C. clouds D. things -I 'd like two _________ . B. bottle of oranges juice D. bottles of oranges juice Day. ' C. the Teachers ' D. Teacher 's ( ( ( ( ( )16. Most students can go to college for further ______ in our city. A. education B. information C. technology D. science )17. The TV ______ on Channel Five are about sports A. experiences B. performances C. programs D. problems )18. Yang Liwei, the first spaceman in China, is the ______ of Chinese people. A. proud B. prides C. proudest )19. What 's wrong with my son 's ___________ A. eyes B. ears C. mouth )20. There are few ____ in the fridge. Let A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat 单项选择 D. pride He can 't see things clearly. D. nose 's go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbage. D. eggs D. cat D. the month D. the peoples


初二下册英语期末测试题 姓名:分数: Ⅰ. 单项选择。(20分) ( )1. It’s not polite to speak in public. A. loud B. loudly C. louder ( )2.Your bike is my sister’s. A. same as B. as the same C. the same as ( )3. I’m in any book. A. interested; interesting B. interesting; interested C. interests; interest ( )4. Our teachers always encourage us aloud in English class. A. to read B. read C. reading ( )5. He asked his father . A. where it happens B. what was happen C. how it happened ( )6. I don’t know he will come tomorrow, he come, I will tell you. A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if ( )7. ——will you stay in America? ——About two months. A. How many B. How often C. How long ( )8. He found very interesting to ride a horse on the farm. A. this B. that C. it ( )9. His parents make her at night. A. stay at home B. stags at home C. to stay at home ( )10. Which do you like , Jeans or cheongsam? A. good B. better C. well ( )11. The policeman told the students in the road. A. not play B. to not play C. not to play. ( )12. What she did us surprised. A. to make B. made C. making ( )13. ——Did Jack come to our party yesterday? ——No, he . A. wasn’t invited B. isn’t invited C. didn’t invite ( )14. You worry about him. He will get well soon. A. needn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t ( )15. Will you please drive ? The train is leaving soon. A. quick B. faster C. more slowly ( )16. ——terrible weather it is? ——It is said that it will get later.


初中英语中考模拟试题及答案(1) I.单项选择(共15分,每题1分) ( )1.What about _______ an English song? A.singing B.sing C.to sing ( )2.I spend a lot of time ______ basketball. A.playing B.to play C.play ( )3.My parents prefer to stay at home rather than_____ to parties. A.going B.go C.to go ( ) 4.The factory ________ since the March of 2013. A.has been open B.has opened C.was open ( ) 5.Could you tell me ________? A.where does he work B.where he works C.where he worked ( ) 6.Mr Black encouraged his children _____ the library as often as possible. A.go to B.to go to C.going to ( )7.—Jim.How________is it from your home to school? 一My home isn’t far from my school.It’s about a______walk. A.1ong,five minutes' B. far,five-minutes' C.far,five-minute ( )8.---Look! Ii’t raining heavily._______ take a raincoat with you? ---Well,I’ll take one right now. A.Why not B.Why don’t C.Would you mind ( ) 9. I have never seen ______ picture before. A.such a beautiful B.so beautiful a C.a such beautiful ( )10.—Are you sure if Lucy_____ for dinner tomorrow? 一I’m not sure.If she______ we will ask Lily instead. n’n’ ( )11.一There will be a sports meeting tomorrow.What will the weather be like? 一I have no idea.Why not_____ the radio and listen? A.Turn off B.turn down C.turn on ( )12.Our parents always worry we talk instead of _____ homework. A.do B.doing C.to do ( )13. Neither I nor Jane and Mary ______ interested in science. A.is B,are C.am ( )14.He used to _____ much meat, but now he’s used to ______ fruits and vegetables. A.eat;eating B.eating; eat C.eat; eat ( )15.Would you mind ______ to movies? I want ______ tennis with you. A.not go, to play B.not going , to play C.don’t go , to play ( )16.The shoes are much too small for him.They ______ be his. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t ( )17.---Tom likes playing basketball. ---_______________. A.So did I B.So was I C.So do I ( )18.I like music _______ I can sing along with. A.that B.who C.where ( )19.---It’s sunny today.Let’s go mountain climbing,_________? A.shall we B.will you C.won’t you


初二英语期末试卷 (答题时间:90分钟) 听力测试(共 I. 听句子,根据句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每小题读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. What sport does the man like best? ()2. Which country is Ling Ling from? ()3. What gift did the boy get from his father? ()4. Where does the woman work? ()5. What is the man talking about? II. 听对话,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话读 两遍。 ()6. A. It’s a windy day. B. It’s a cold day. C. It’s a sunny day. ()7. A. She’s waiting for her sister. B. She’s washing her shoes. C. She’s reading newspapers. ()8. A. He had supper at home. B. He had supper in the hotel. C. He had supper in his office. ()9. A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen.

()10. A. She wanted the man to have some pictures of America. B. She gave the man a book with many pictures in it. C. She had a lot of beautiful pictures to give the man. III. 听对话,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以回答问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。 ()11. What are they going to see in the City of New York? A. The museums. B. The jazz concerts. C. The big apples. ()12. What does The Big Apple mean? A. A Jazz band. B. A big city. C. New York City. IV. 听短文,根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B。 ()13. It’s Wednesday today. ()14. Alan Silverman is speaking. ()15. Special English is a program to teach English. V. 听短文和短文后面的问题,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。 ()16. How did Mr. Black go to work every day? A. By train. B. By bus. C. On foot. ()17. Where was the poor man? A. In the man’s office. B. Near the bridge. C. At the station. ()18. What did Mr. Black always do when he passed the poor man? A. He bought some matches from him. B. He gave him some money. C. He gave a sad look at him. ()19. What time does the train always leave? A. The train always leaves at 6:05. B. The train always leaves at 5:50. C. The train always leaves at 6:10. ()What is true according to the story? A. Mr. Black was not really kind. B. The poor man was really blind. C. The poor man’s dog was blind. 第二部分笔试 一. 单项选择,选择最佳答案。(共15分,每题1分) ()21. -You’re Ben’s brother, ________? -Yes, I am. My name is Jay. A. are you B. aren’t you C. isn’t he D. is he ()22. -Where’s Mike? -He _______ the library. He’ll be back in two hours. A. has gone to B. has been in C. has gone in D. has been to ()23. -Will it rain tomorrow?


永州市2018年初中学业水平考试·英语 总分数55分时长:90分钟 一、知识运用(共11题,总计21分) 1.(1 points)A)语法填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 -What do you think of _____movie Amazing China? -It's wonderful. A. a B. the C. / 2.(1 points)-Mom, can you help me wash my clothes? -Sorry, dear. Help . A. myseIf B. ourselves C. yourself 3.(1 points)Stephen Hawking, a great scientist, died_____the morning of March 14, 2018. A. on B. in C. at 4.(1 points)Playing computer games too often bad for us. A. am B. is C. are 5.(1 points)-Slow down! Someone the road. -Easy.I will. A. has crossed B. was crossing C. is crossing 6.(1 points)-Is our playground still over there?

-No, a large library on it two years ago. A. is built B. was built C. has built 7.(1 points)Don't forget _____the windows before you leave. A. to close B. closing C. closed 8.(1 points)-_____ ! -Yeah, I love her so much. A. How lovely Peggy is B. What lovely Peggy is C. How lovely is Peggy 9.(1 points)-Excuse me, could you tell me_____I can buy something to eat? -There is a supermarket ahead. A. how B. what C. where 10.(2 points)I'm sure you'll achieve it in the end_____you keep on doing something. A. so that B. as long as C. unless 11.(10 points)B)词语填空。 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A young man was driving down a street, a bit too fast in his new car. As he was driving____1____along, a child suddenly____2____and threw a stone at the car. The man stopped the car and jumped out,____3____at the child,"What are you doing?" He continued, "That's a new car.It_____will be____4____to fix what you did. What ever do you want?" "Im sorry. I didn't know what else to do! It's my brother, "he said. "He fell out of his wheelchair. I can't____5____. "He asked the man, " Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too ____6____for me. The young man swallowed(吞咽) and said____7____.He lifted the kid's brother back into the wheelchair. "Thank you, Sir, "the child said. The man then watched the little boy____8____his brother away .


八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案2019 第 I 卷(共90分) I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。听 一遍。 1. A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Have a nice trip. C. You’re so kind. 2. A. Yes, I think so. B. Yes, they do. C. That’s all right. 3. A. I am washing clothes. B. I was calling my friend. C. I help mom clean the house. 4. A. Yes, it is. B. That’s amazing. C. No, it isn’t. 5. A. Since three years ago. B. Only once. C. For three weeks. 6. A. Never mind. B. You’re quite right. C. My pleasure. 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。 7. A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Tiring. 8. A. About 10 meters. B. About 20 kilometers. C. About 10 kilometers. 9. A. At home. B. In the supermarket. C. In the library. 10. A. Because he did too much homework.


2018英语中考模拟测试卷 一、单项选择(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 1. The Presidents of China and the USA had_________interview a short time ago. And it was_________great success. A. an; / B. the; a C. an; a D. the; / 2. --- Could you please move over a little and make some _________ for me? --- Sure, please A. place B. seat C. room D. ground 3. --- When will he come back to China? ---__________ a month. A. In B. After C. Before D. For 4. ---Tony, have you stopped smoking? ---Yes, I have to because I can___________breathe when I run. A. often B. never C. hardly D. almost 5. It will be easier for people to realize their dreams if they _______ highly _______. A. have; educated B. will; educate C. are; educated D. were; educated 6.---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad? ---No, you____________. You’re free to make your own decision. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 7. ---- Will Jenny come tomorrow? ---- I’m not sure. She ______ an hour ago without saying anything. A. has left B. left C. leave D. will leave 8. On those foggy days, you could hardly see anything around you___________ it was at noon. A. and B. because C. though D. but 9. ---- Do you mind my _______ here? ---- _________. Look at the sign. It says, “No smoking”. A. to smoke; Of course not B. smoking; You’d better not C. to smoke; No, I don’t D. smoking; Never mind 10.---- What did the woman ask you just now? --- She asked___________. A. who was I waiting for B. whether could I help her to find the post office C. how she can get to the post office D. which was the way to the library 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) One of my best childhood memories is of going to the river and sitting quietly on the bank. There I would _____11____ the peace and quiet, watching the bamboo trees bend in the wind and then return to their original positions ____12____ the wind had died down. When I think about the bamboo tree’s ____13_____ to come back to its original position, the word resilience (顺应力)comes to my ____14____. When we use the word to talk about a person, it ___15___ the ability to easily recover from shock, sadness or any other____16___ situation. Have you ever felt like you are about to snap (垮掉)? Have you ever felt like you are _____17____ your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived (坚持过来)the experience to live to talk about ___18_____. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The ___19____ time you are experiencing one of those unhappy moments that take you ____20____
