上海市世界外国语中学2019学年初二第一学期12月月考卷 (无听力部分,无答案)

上海市世界外国语中学2019学年初二第一学期12月月考卷 (无听力部分,无答案)
上海市世界外国语中学2019学年初二第一学期12月月考卷 (无听力部分,无答案)


Vocabulary and Grammar (50%)

I. Choose the best answer. (10%)

1. Boys and girls, you should write a no less than__________ composition.

A. three thousand word's

B. three-thousands-word

C. three-thousands word

D. three-thousand-word

2. Tom, together with her parents__________ to the zoo this time yesterday.

A. is going

B. are going

C. was going

D. were going

3. I hope__________ a letter from my pen friend Lydia soon. My favorite hobby is__________ letters to her.

A. receiving, writing

B. to receive, write

C. receiving, write

D. to receive, writing

4. Tom still remembered__________ by the river when he lived in the village.

A. fishing

B. fished

C. to fish

D. to fishing

5. __________ exciting songs the "Super Girls'" sang in the concert last month!

A. What

B. What a

C. What an

D. How

6. I'm sorry. I have__________ my suitcase at home.

A. missed

B. left

C. put

D. forgot

7. It is the first time in 36 years Japan__________ to top the list of Australia's trading partners.

A. failed

B. failing

C. has failed

D. has been failed

8. You__________ return this book right now. You can__________ it till next Wednesday.

A. needn't, borrow

B. don't need to, keep

C. needn't to, keep

D. don't need to, borrow

9. The book that was used to__________ belongs to Dina.

A. read

B. reading

C. being read

D. for reading

10. __________ is exciting__________ the children to go on a picnic on top of the hill.

A. It, for

B. That, of

C. It, of

D. That, for

11. __________ Jim__________ Kate broke the glass. Mum criticized them.

A. /, and

B. Both, and

C. Either, or

D. Neither, nor

12. Rock’s roll sounds__________, but many young people like it. When they hear it, they feel__________ excited.

A. terrible, terribly

B. terrible, terrible

C. terribly, terribly

D. terrible, terribly

l3. How to read (21-9) ×4 =48?

A. Twenty-one minus nine multiply by four is forty-eight.

B. Four multiplied by twenty-one minus nine equals forty-eight.

C. Twenty-one minus nine multiplied by four equals forty-eight.

D. Four divided by twenty-one minus by nine is forty-eight.

14. There are thirty-two clerks in this office. Two of them are having their holidays,

and__________ thirty are busy dealing with some affairs.

A. the others

B. others

C. the other

D. other

15. There's__________ "h" in__________ word "hour" and__________ hour has sixty minutes.

A. the, the, an

B. an, the, an

C. a, an, an

D. an, an, a

16. Liu Xiang is one of__________ around the world.

A. the talented athlete

B. a most talented athletes

C. the most talented athlete

D. the most talented athletes

17. He told me that he__________ in the lab for two more months.

A. had worked

B. would work

C. had been working

D. must have worked

18. I hope you will stay with us for__________ next summer.

A. some time

B. sometime

C. some times

D. sometimes

19. Which of the following sentences is correct?

A. Subtract 2 by 4.

B. Multiplied 3 by 4.

C. 12 minus 3 equal 9.

D. 64 divided by 8 is 8.

20. The navigator asked the captain__________.

A. what's going on

B. what was happening?

C. what has happened

D. what has gone on

II. Complete the sentence with the given words in their proper forms. (10%)

1. The students took a trip to some remote areas and saw the problems__________. (they) (themselves)

2. At the__________ of the lesson, the teacher showed us some beautiful pictures.(begin) (beginning)

3. Dad tried to sway me from my__________ of quitting school and taking up smoking, as any good father would. (decide) (decisions)

4. It is conspicuous (明显的) that smoking is__________ to health. (harm) (harmful)

5. Those buildings are designed by very famous__________. (architecture) (architects)

6. The__________ dictionary is a birthday present from my father. (electron) (electronic)

7. Diogenes was one of the most famous__________ lived in Greece. (think) (thinners)

8. Computer can do__________ like lightning. (calculate) (calculations)

9. The book How A Child__________ involves learning and mastering skills like sitting, walking,

talking and skipping. (development) (Develops)

10. __________ parks and theme parks are terms for a group of rides and other entertainment attractions. (amuse) (Amusement)

III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs. (16%)

1. Since the Iraqi War__________ (break) out several years ago, many people__________ (lose) their homes. (broke, have lost)

2. __________ Harriet__________ (finish) __________ (recite) the text yet? (Has, finished)

3. I__________ (mean) to review my lesson last night, but the sudden visit of my class

teacher__________ (destroy) my plan. (meant, destroyed)

4. I wonder why Jenny__________ (not write) to us recently. Do you know what__________ (go) on with her? (hasn’t written)

5. My grandfather once__________ (fight) in the World War II and he enjoys__________ (tell) us his life in the army. (fought, was shopping)

6. When he__________ (wait) anxiously outside the house, his wife__________ (shop) in the grocery store. (waiting, was shopping)

7. You'd better__________ (not throw) away the old magazines just in case mom__________ (read) them some day. (not throw, reads)

8. The canteen__________ (be) crowded with students at lunch time, so the teacher on duty

suggested they __________ (queue) in line patiently. (was, queue)

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (14%)

1. I liked pop music better than classic music when I was young. (保持句意不变)

I__________ pop music__________ classic music when I was young. (preferred, to)

2. My son is 6 years old. (保持句意不变)

I have a__________ son. (6-year-old)

3. Peter doesn't know what to do with the green-eve monster. (保持句意不变)

Peter doesn't know__________ __________ __________with the green-eye monster. (how to deal)

4. Sam is interested in reading stories of adventures. (保持句意不变)

Sam is__________ __________ reading stories of adventures. (fond of)

5. Jason and Peter don't finish reading the story book borrowed from the library. Mary doesn't,

either. (保持句意不变)

__________ Jason and Peter__________ Mary__________ reading the story book borrowed from the library. (Neither, nor, finishes)

6. If you aren't quick, you'll miss the concert. (保持句意不变)

__________ __________ , or you'll miss the concert. (Be quick)

7. They are amazed that there is nobody injured in the car accident. (保持句意不变)

__________ __________ __________ there is nobody injured in the car accident. (To my amazement)

8. Their pens don't write as smoothly as mine. (保持句意不变)

My pen writes__________ __________ than __________. (more smoothly, theirs)

9. The wounded soldier had to stay in hospital until recovery.(改成否定句)

The wounded soldier__________ __________ to stay in hospital until recovery.

10. Jessica plays the piano best in her class. (保持句意不变)

Jessica plays the piano better than __________ __________ in her class.

11. He was an accurate translator.(改成感叹句)

__________ __________ he__________! (How accurately, translated)

12. Do you like to use abacuses or computers?

__________ do you like to use, abacuses__________ computers? (Which, or)

Part Three Reading and Cloze (30%)

I. Reading comprehension (20%)

(A) True or False (5%)

A great man died today. He wasn't a world leader or a famous doctor or a war hero or a sports star. He was not a rich businessman, and you will never see his name in the front pages. But he was one of the greatest men who ever lived. He was my father.

I guess you might say he was a person who was never interested in getting money or receiving honors. He did ordinary things like paying his bills on time, going to church on Sunday and serving as an officer in his company. He helped his children with their homework and drove his wife to do shopping on Thursday nights.

Tonight is my first night without him. I don't know what to do myself. I am sorry now for the times I didn't show him the proper respect. But I am thankful for a lot of other things.

I am thankful that God let me have my father for fifteen years. And I am happy that I was able to let him know how much I loved him. That wonderful man died with a smile on his face and fulfillment in his heart. He knew that he was a great success as a husband, a father, a brother, a son and a friend. I wonder how many millionaires can say that.

1. The writer thinks his father was a great man.

2. The writer loves his father for everything except that he was not rich.

3. The Writer was fifteen years old when his father died.

4. In the writer's opinion, many millionaires can say that they are successful husbands, fathers,

brothers, sons and friends.

5. The writer felt sorry but thankful to his father.

(B) Choose the best answer (5%)


East England, North East England: Mostly rather cloudy at first, although it will be dry. Bright or sunny spells are expected in many places by the afternoon. Light southwest winds.

North West Scotland, Northern Ireland: A lot of cloud is expected. Western coast will also see

some light rain at times. Light southwest winds.

South Wales, West Scotland: Cloudy at first but bright or sunny spells should develop away from western coasts, by the afternoon. Light west winds.

Edinburgh, North East Scotland:A dry day with some pleasantly warm sunshine by the afternoon, especially around Edinburgh. Light west or southwest winds.

Outlook: Dry, bright and warm once again in central and eastern parts. Western coasts will be still rather cloudy with the chance of a little rain.


1. What day is it today?

A. Friday

B. Thursday

C. Tuesday

D. Monday

2. Which of the following cities is the warmest these days?

A. Birmingham

B. London

C. Newcastle

D. Glasgow

3. The weather in__________ will get worse.

A. North East England

B. Northern Ireland

C. West Scotland

D. North East Scotland

4. There are southwest winds in some parts of Britain EXCEPT __________.

A. East England

B. North West Scotland

C. South Wales

D. Edinburgh

5. The underlined word "outlook" in this passage means__________.

A. attitude

B. coast

C. scenery

D. expectation

(C) Choose the best answer (5%)

Last year, I was invited to attend a party for "Tuesday's Child". an organization that helps children with the AIDS virus. I was asked to attend because I am on a TV show. I went there because I care.

At the party, they had all kinds of small rooms. I went into a special one. In this room, anyone could paint a square. They gave everyone paints in bright, beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something beautiful. As I looked around at all the squares, I saw the pictures were all bright, except one.

The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was dark, empty, and lifeless. It lacked the bright colors that other children used.

At first I thought maybe he took the only paint that was left and it just happened to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his heart was that color because his own heart felt dark. I asked him why and he told me that he was very sick and his mother was very sick, too. He said that his sickness was not ever going to get better and neither was his mother’s. He looked straight into my eyes and said, "There is nothing anyone can do to help."

I told him I was sorry that he was sick and I could certainly understand why he was so sad. I could even understand why he had made his heart a dark color. But I told him that it isn't true that there is nothing anyone can do to help. Other people may not make him or his mother better but we call do things like giving him or her hugs. Then I

hugged him for a long time. I thought my own heart would burst with the love I felt for this sweet little boy. After that, I asked him if he felt any better. He said he did, but he was still sick and nothing would change that. I walked away felling sad.

As I was getting ready to head home, I fell a tug on my jacket. I turned around and the little boy was standing there with a smile on his face. He told me, "My heart is changing colors. It is getting brighter. I think those hugs really work."

On my way home, I felt my own heart had changed into a brighter color.

1. "Tuesday's Child" was__________.

A. the name of a TV show

B. the name of a party

C. the name of an organization that helps cure the AIDS virus

D. the name of an organization that helps children with the AIDS virus

2. The sick boy painted a dark heart because__________.

A. he is not good at painting

B. he as well as his mother was seriously ill

C. his mother was dying

D. he took the only paint that was left

3. After a long hug, __________.

A. nothing happened

B. the writer felt her heart had changed brighter

C. the boy felt better

D. the boy wasn't sick any more

4. The underline word "burst" in paragraph 5 means__________..

A. be filled

B. come into

C. beat suddenly

D. feel

5. The best title of the passage is__________.

A. Tuesday's Child

B. Bright Heart

C. Heart Trouble

D. The AIDS Virus

(D) Answer the following questions. (5%)

This letter was sent to a newspaper in Germany.

13 October 26. 2008

Dear Editor,

I am writing to ask what has happened to our youth. They axe not as polite, hard-working or clever as my generation. I will give you two examples.

Last Friday, I got on the underground at 9:15am.It was very busy so there were no free seats. There were some teenagers sitting on the seats nearest me. I don't know why they were not at school. They were talking loudly and laughing. It was difficult to read my newspaper with all the noise. A heavily pregnant woman and her daughter got on at the next stop, with lots of shopping bags. I expected the teenagers to let them sit down. They saw the woman but did nothing. I had to ask them to give her a seat. They reluctantly did so but gave me a rude look. I got off at the next stop and was glad that the teenagers didn't follow me.

Last Saturday, I had dinner with my friend's family. I expected to meet his children, who I hadn't seen for ten years. During dinner, we started talking about world politics. It soon became clear that they didn't know much. They couldn't tell me the name of the King of Spain or the President of Italy. All they knew about was the internet and which

singers were the most beautiful. In my day, students knew the kings, queens and presidents of every country in Europe.

I worry about the future of Germany. How could these young people become reliable workers and parents? They sit around McDonald's after school instead of going to the library as I did at their age. Maybe they have too much money. Perhaps another reader can give us an idea about what to do with this "lost generation"

Franz Vogts,


1. In what three ways does Mr. V ogts think young people today are worse than young people before?

2. What were the teenagers near Mr. V ogts doing?

3. What did Mr. Vogts think should happen when a pregnant woman got on the train?

4. How do you know the teenagers were not satisfied with Mr. Vogts?

5. Why was Mr. Vogts disappointed at the dinner?

II. Cloze (10%)

(A) Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (5%)

Dreams may be more important than sleep. Some people don't need_____1_____ sleep. But we all need to dream, scientists say.

Dreams take up about one quarter of sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams_____2_____ short films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the_____3_____ is worrying about something. Dreaming_____4_____a way of trying to find an answer.

Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They could have been thinking about their work all day. These thoughts can carry over into dreams.

Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we

can't_____5_____the dream. Dreams can disappear quickly from memory.

1. A. much B. many C. few D. little

2. A. like B. is like C. are like D. look like

3. A. man B. woman C. teenager D. dreamer

4. A. maybe B. may be C. perhaps D. may possibly

5. A. remember B. forget C. feel D. talk

(B) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words: (5%)

Most people work or study from Monday to Friday. The weekend is usually a time of rest.

As the saying goes, "all work and no play m_____1_____Jack a dull boy." But today's Chinese teenagers can hardly rest during the weekends.

According to a recent survey, 24 percent Of the Junior 2 students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 40 percent of the junior students have less than eight h_____2_____sleep each night because of study.

And this isn't o_____3_____in Beijing. Ji Chunying is a Junior 3 student in Guangzhou. The 14-year-old has to get up at 6:45 a.m. on Saturday. Then she has a whole day of classes. On Sunday, she goes to extra classes for maths and p_____4_____.

But Ji doesn't complain. She says her classmates all work very hard.

"We'll have entrance exams for senior high school very s _____5_____just in five months." says Ji. "I'll have time to play when I grow up."


河北省衡水中学2019届高三下学期一调考试 文科综合 注意事项: 1.本试题卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和本试题卷上。 2.回答选择题时,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试题卷和草稿纸上无效。 3.回答非选择题时,用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将答案按题号写在答题卡上。写在本试题卷和草稿纸上无效。 一、选择题:本题共35小题,每小题4分,共140分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 秋台风通常是指9—11月份生成的台风,其成员不如夏台风那样多,但威力却不容小觑。据报道,秋季强台风“山竹"向西北方向移动,于2018年9月16日登陆我国广东,对相关地区居民生产、生活造成严重影响。下表为1949-2014年西北太平洋和南海生成台风个数统计数据。据此完成1?2题。 1.统计数据显示,我国秋季台风强度大于夏季。其主要原因是 A.低纬海区海水温度较髙 B.地表摩擦力减小 C.副热带高气压增强 D.副热带高气压减弱 2.与“山竹”向西北方向移动登陆联系最密切的是 A.低纬东北信风椎动 B.赤道低气压带吸引 C.副热带髙气压推动 D.副极地低气压吸引 小明于北京时间6月18日从我国上海出发赴美国纽约参加会议,会议结束后于当地时间6月23日从纽约返回。小明乘坐某直飞航班往返两地。下图为小明乘坐航班路线图。下表为两次航班信息。据此完成3?4题。

3去程时,小明想靠窗欣赏景色,但不想被阳光照射;返程时,小明想欣赏我国北方地区的日落景色。他应该分别选择飞机飞行方向哪一侧的靠窗座位() A.去程选择左侧,回程选择右侧 B.去程选择右侧,回程选择左侧 C.去程、回程都选择右侧 D.去程、回程都选择左侧 4.下列选项中的情形可能发生在小明旅途中的是() A.去程时都是白天,全程艳阳高照 B.去程到达肘间为纽约时间6月19日 C,返程时,可俯瞰北冰洋漂浮的大量浮冰 D.返程时,所经北极地区能欣赏到极光景色公交覆盖度,即公交的空间覆盖广度,用公交实际覆盖祐积与建成区面积的比值表示,用来反映公交公平性。公交覆盖度越大,说明越多的地区能够被公交覆盖,公交的公平性也越好。下图示意1954—2011年广州市公交覆盖度变化情况。据比完成5?6题。 5. 1954—201.1 年,广州市 A.公交公平性逐渐变好 B. 公交公平性持续变差 C.公交实际覆盖面积总体增加 D.建成区面积~直增加缓慢 6. 1995年,广州市公交覆盖度最小。其主要原因是 A.公交实际覆盖面积减少 B.城市快速发展 C.道路规划不合理 D.私家车数量增多 科任村位于福建沿海地区。该村分布着一种偏红色的细砂沉积物,俗称;老红砂。老红砂主要是由海滩沉积砂经风力搬运、堆积形成的,其发育过程受到环境.变化的彩响”下图示意不同地质时期科任村附近海平面位置。海平面T1时科任村老红砂普遍发育,T2时較发育,T3时发育受限。据此完成7?8题。 7.老红砂堆积的主要季节是() A,春季 B.夏季 C.秋季。冬季’ 8. 科任村老红砂在不同地质时期发育存在明显差异,其直接影响因素是() A.年均温高低 B.降水量大小 C.距海岸带远近D,海平面高低


2019年全国高三统一联合考试 理科综合能力测试(生物部分) 1.下列关于人体内细胞分化的叙述,错误的是 A.细胞分化是基因在不同时间或空间选择性表达的结果 B.细胞分化使细胞功能专门化,提高了各项生理功能的效率 C.细胞内合成了血红蛋白是造血干细胞分化为红细胞的标志 D.胚胎干细胞、成肌细胞及造血干细胞的分化程度依次降低 2.将同一部位的紫色洋葱外表皮细胞分别浸在甲、乙、丙3种溶液中,测得原生质层的外界面与细胞壁间距离变化如图所示,下列相关分析错误的是 A.实验开始时,甲、乙溶液的浓度均大于洋葱表皮细胞细胞液浓度 B.与t0时相比,t2时乙溶液中洋葱表皮细胞的细胞液浓度未发生变化 C.实验过程中,丙溶液中有水分子进出洋葱表皮细胞 D.实验结束时,甲、乙溶液的浓度有所下降 3.将某小鼠的皮肤移植给多只同种小鼠后,将受皮鼠分成甲、乙两组。甲组小鼠注射一定剂量的环孢霉素A,乙组小鼠注射等量生理盐水,并每天统计植皮的存活率,结果如图。下列分析错误的是 A.受皮鼠与供皮鼠的细胞表面抗原不完全相同 B.甲组小鼠对外源供皮的免疫排斥强度大于乙组小鼠 C.环孢霉素A可能通过抑制T细胞增殖从而减弱免疫应答 D.使用环孢霉素A有可能提高人体器官移植患者的存活率 4.在植物叶肉细胞的叶绿体基质中有R酶,既能与CO2结合,催化CO2与C5反应生成C3,也能与O2结合,催化

C5的分解。CO2和O2在与R酶结合时具有竞争性相互抑制。下列分析正确的是 A.植物叶肉细胞内CO2的固定发生在叶绿体内膜上 B.R酶催化CO2与C5反应时需要[H]和ATP C.增大CO2浓度后,植物叶肉细胞内的C3/C5比值增大 D.增大O2/CO2的比值,有利于提高植物的净光合速率 5.将生理状态相同、大小相似的多只家兔均分为甲、乙2组,2组家兔分别注射一定浓度的胰岛素溶液和肾上腺素溶液,一段时间后检测发现甲组家免血糖浓度下降,乙组家兔血糖浓度升高。下列分析错误的是A.因缺少对照,该实验不能得出血糖浓度受激素影响的结论 B.实验开始前,应分别测量甲、乙两组小鼠的初始血糖浓度 C.实验过程中,甲组家兔可能会出现行动迟缓甚至昏迷等症状 D.肾上腺素可能具有促进肝糖原分解,升高血糖的功能 6.正常人16号染色体有4个A基因(基因型为AA/AA),均能独立编码正常肽链,a基因则编码异常肽链。每个血红蛋白分子均有2个上述肽链参与构成(异常肽链也能参与)。研究表明,当体内缺少1~2个A基因时无明显贫血症状,缺少3个A基因时有溶血现象,无A基因时,胎儿因无正常的血红蛋白造成胚胎致死。一对无明显贫血症状的夫妇婚后先后怀孕二胎,头胎胚胎致死,第二胎完全正常。下列分析错误的是 A.这对夫妇的基因型均为AA/aa B.这对夫妇的血红蛋白有2种类型 C.血红蛋白结构异常时可造成红细胞破裂 D.这对夫妇再生育完全正常孩子的概率为1/4 7.草莓在大棚内种植受光质影响较大。在大棚内总透射光照强度、温度、CO2浓度和湿度等相同的条件下,科研人员测得某品种香草莓在不同农膜(白膜为自然光质,对照组)大棚内,3个月后草莓叶片和果实的部分数据见下表,请回答下列问题: (1)与对照组相比,蓝膜、红膜大棚内草莓叶片细胞内色素含量对环境的适应性表现分别是 ______________________;依据表中数据,对蓝膜大棚内草莓叶片适应性变化的解释是_______________________。(2)依据表中光补偿点和光饱和点的数据分析,草莓在___________(填“白膜”蓝膜”或“红膜”)大棚中的生长反应是耐阴生性增强;为提高冬季大棚草莓的产量,除了选择适合的农膜颜色外,还可适当补充___________光源。


绝密★启用前 河北衡水中学2019届全国高三第一次摸底联考 理科数学 本试卷4页,23小题,满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上的相应位置。 2.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔在答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用0.5mm 黑色笔记签字笔写在答题卡上。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一.选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.复数(34)z i i =--在复平面内对应的点位于 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 2.已知全集U R =,2{|2}M x x x =-≥,则U M =e A .{|20}x x -<< B .{|20}x x -≤≤ C .{|20}x x x <->或 D .{|20}x x x ≤-≥或 3.某所高中2018年高考考生人数是2015年考生人数的1.5倍.为了更好的对比该校考生的升学情况,统计了该校2015年和2018年的高考各层次的达线率,得到如下柱状图 则下列结论正确的是 A .与2015年相比,2018年一本达线人数减少 B .与2015年相比,2018年二本达线人数增加了0.5倍 C .与2015年相比,2018年艺体达线人数不变 D .与2015年相比,2018年未达线人数有所增加 4.已知等差数列{}n a 的公差为2,前n 项和为n S ,且10100S =,则7a = A .11 B .12 C .13 D .14 5.已知()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,若0x >时,()ln f x x x =,则0x <时,()f x = A .ln x x B .ln()x x - C .ln x x - D .ln()x x -- 6.已知椭圆C :22 221(0)x y a b a b +=>>和直线l :143x y +=,若过椭圆C 的左焦点和下顶点的直线与直线l 平行,则椭圆C 的离心率为


超详细上海各区国际学校一览表看看哪个区的国际学校最 多 上海国际学校有哪些?最近很多家长表示想让孩子到国外去接受更加开放和先进的大学教育,因此为了让孩子能够更好地适应国外大学的教育理念和生活方式,从高中、初中甚至是从幼儿园到小学就开始接受国际学校的教育方式,选择国际学校就成为必然。那么上海各区国际学校有哪些呢?小编整理一份详细一览表,一起来看看吧。 上海各区国际学校一览表城区 学校名称 学校简介 学费 开设课程 办学层次

国籍要求 主要留学方向浦东新区上海光华学院剑桥国际中心 2008年创建,民办学校,经上海市教委批准,获得英国剑桥大学考试委员会授权;剑桥大学授权考点。 美国高中课程12.8万元/学年、A-Level课程12万元/学年 美国高中课程、A-Level课程 初中、高中 无国籍要求 英国、美国上海市金苹果双语学校国际部 2000年创办,民办学校。上海市文明单位、全国民办教育白强学校、全国最具创新力榜样学校。 小学6.8万元/学年、初中7.8万元/学年、高中9.8万元/学年

A-Level课程、美国高中课程 小学、初中、高中 无国籍要求 英国、美国上海交大集团剑桥A-Level国际课程中心 2008年创建,公办学校。剑桥大学国际考试委员会(CIE)授权的考试中心。 10.8万元/学年 A-Level课程 高中 无国籍要求 英国上海师范大学附属第二外国语学校国际部 2011年成立,民办学校。

8万元/学年 美国高中课程 高中 无国籍要求 美国美国佛蒙特州国际学校2011年成立,民办学校。12万元/学年 美国VIA高中课程 高中 无国籍要求 美国上海澳大利亚国际高中


2019届衡水中学全国高三统一联合考试 化学试卷 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 B-11 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 P-31 S-32 Ca-40 Fe-56 Ba-137 Pb-207 一、选择题:本题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分。在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的。 7.以铜银合金(含少量铁)废料为原料回收银和铜的工艺流程如下: 下列说法正确的是 A.粗铜溶于过量稀硝酸,过滤、低温干燥得纯铜 B电解时用粗银作阴极,硝酸银溶液为电解质溶液 C用稀硫酸处理渣料时主要发生了氧化还原反应 D从滤液B中可以提取绿矾(FeSO 4·7H 2 O) 8资料显示:一定条件下NH 3 能还原CuO。为了证明资料的真实性,利用下列装置(含药品)进行实验,其中错误的是 9.有机物 Urolithin A常用于合成某药物,其结构简式如图所示。下列说法错误的是

A. Urolithin A分于中苯环上的一氯代物有6种 B. Urolithin A分子中所有原子不可能共平面 C. Urolithin A能发生加成、取代和氧化反应 D. Urolithin A在稀硫酸中的水解产物含2种官能团 10国际计量大会第26次会议新修订了阿伏加德罗常数(N A =6.02214076×1023mol- 1),并于2019年5月20日正式生效。下列说法正确的是 A.56g聚乙烯分子中含碳碳双键的数目为2 N A B2 mol NH 3和3molO 2 在催化剂和加热条件下充分反应生成NO的分子数为2 N A C铅蓄电池放电时负极净增质量比正极净增质量多16g时转移电子数为N A D.1L0.5mlol·L-1Al 2Fe(SO 4 ) 4 溶液中阳离子数目小于1.5 N A 11某化工厂排放出大量含硫酸铵的废水,技术人员设计如图所示装置处理废水中的硫酸铵,并回收化工产品硫酸和氨水,废水处理达标后再排放。下列说法错误的是 A.离子交换膜1为阳离子交换膜,Y极发生氧化反应 B.a口进入稀氨水,d口流出硫酸 C.阳极的电极反应式为2H 2O-4e-=4H++O 2 ↑ D.对含硫酸铵较多的废水处理过程中若转移0.2mol电子,则可回收19.6gH 2SO 4 12.W、X、Y、Z为原子序数依次增大的四种短周期元素,其中两种为非金属元素。W的气态氢化物遇到其最高价氧化物对应的水化物产生“白烟”,Z的最外层电子


2016上海外国语大学英语翻硕考研-近义词辨析 词语辨析一: ascribe,attribute,contribute,owe"归因于..." ascribe和attribute差别不大,都可以解释为"(中性)把...归因于,(褒义)把...归功于,(贬义)把...归咎于",也可以解释为"把...归属于,认为...归属于...",基本可以互换 contribute(to)有助于,促成... owe(to)把...归功于(褒义) 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes____to the increase of cancers. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li____his success to his mother. A.owns B.ruins C.owes D.roars 3.We____Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work. A.subject B.attribute C.owing D.refer 4.The discover of America is usually____to Columbus. A.ascribed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not____one's error to objective conditions. A.apply B.owe C.contribute D.ascribe 6.I___it to you that I finished my work in time. A.owe B.contribute C.award D.give 7.The exchange of goodwill missions greatly____to a better understanding between the two countries. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 8.This poem is____to Homer. A.owed B.ascribed C.contributed D. belong 1.Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes__C__to the increase of cancers.医学研究表明人们普遍吸烟导致癌症患者人数增加. A.ascribe B.attribute C.contribute D.owe 2.Professor Li__C__his success to his mother.李教授把他的成功归功于他母亲. A.owns B.ruins(破坏) C.owes/ascribe/attribute D.roars(吼叫) 3.We__B__Edison's success to his intelligence and hard work.我们把爱迪生的成就归因于他的聪明才智和辛勤工作. A.subject to服从 B.attribute/ascribe C.owing to由于 D.refer to参阅,涉及 4.The discover of America is usually__A__to Columbus.美洲大陆的发现通常被归功于哥伦布. A.ascribed/attributed/owed B.gave C.rewarded D.contributed 5.One should not__D__one's error to objective conditions.一个人不应把自己的错误归咎于客观条件.


【10套打包】上海世界外国语中学中考第一次模拟考试化学试题含 答案 中考化学第一次模拟试卷 一、本大题包括10小题,每小题2分,共20分.每小题的4个选项中只有1个符合题意.1.(2分)化学在生产、生活中应用广泛,下列过程不涉及化学变化的是() A.干冰升华B.燃放烟花 C.松枝烧墨D.菜刀生锈 2.(2分)2019年安徽省《政府工作报告》提出,要打好污染防治攻坚战,让全省人民享有更多青山碧水的美丽、蓝天白云的幸福。下列做法不符合这一要求的是() A.研发易降解的生物农药和塑料 B.固体废物和危险废物倾倒入河流 C.农业生产中合理使用农药、化肥 D.对排入湖泊、河流的生活、工业等用水进行达标处理 3.(2分)化学就在我们身边,生活中处处有化学。根据所学过的知识判断,下列说法错误的是() A.料酒中含有的乙醇属于有机物 B.加碘食盐中含有的碘是指碘单质 C.提倡青少年每天饮用奶制品,可防止缺钙 D.可以采用煮沸的方法降低硬水的硬度 4.(2分)“84消毒液”是一种以次氯酸钠(化学式为NaClO)为主要成分的液体消毒剂,被广泛用于家庭、宾馆、医院、食品加工行业等的卫生消毒。下列有关说法正确的是()A.NaClO属于氧化物 B.NaClO中氯元素的化合价为+1 C.NaClO中含有两种金属元素

D.NaClO中氯、氧元素的质量比为1:1 5.(2分)钾是作物生长必需的营养元素,其在元素周期表中的相关信息如图所示。下列有关钾的说法正确的是() A.原子的核外电子数为19B.原子的质子数为20 C.相对原子质量为39.10g D.属于非金属元素 6.(2分)下列实验操作不正确的是() A.滴加液体B.稀释稀硫酸 C.检查装置气密性D.蒸发食盐水 7.(2分)石墨烯是一种由碳原子组成的六角型呈蜂巢晶格的二维碳纳米材料,碳纳米管主要是由呈六边形排列的碳原子构成数层到数十层的同轴圆管,它们的微观结构如图所示。下列说法正确的是() A.碳元素只能组成碳纳米管和石墨烯两种单质 B.碳纳米管不与其他物质发生反应 C.构成石墨烯的原子间有一定间隔 D.构成碳纳米管的原子不再运动 8.(2分)经过多方努力,安徽省各地市的空气质量有明显改善。造成雾霾的重要原因之一是汽车尾气的排放,汽车加装尾气处理装置可以减少有害气体的排放。在汽车尾气净化装置里,气体在催化剂表面吸附与解吸作区用的微观示意图如图所示。下列说法错误


2018~2019学年度高三年级上学期期中考试 地理试卷 本试卷满分100分,考试时间110分钟。 注意事项:1.答卷Ⅰ前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2.答卷Ⅰ时,每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 3.答卷Ⅱ时,答案一定要答在答案纸上,不能答在试卷上。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共50分) 一、单选题(每题1分,共50分) 读某地区等高线图,完成1~2题。 1.有关图中a、b、c、d四点海拔的比较,正确的是 A.b>a>c>d B. b>a>c=d C. b>d=c>a D. b>d>c>a 2.图中河流的主汛期,最不可能在 A.12月至次年2月 B.3至5月 C. 6至8月 D.9至11月 下图示意我国西部某区域水系图。读图完成3~4题。

3.有关两河流域流经地区的说法最可能是 A.该地区河道弯曲,可推知地势平坦开阔 B.河流以冰雪融水补给为主,由东南流向西北 C.该地地质构造既有断层也有褶皱 D.实施河流综合开发的主要措施是发电和航运 4.计划在MN之间修建一条公路,假设所经河流的水文和地质状况都相同,则四个方案中最合理的是 A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁 随着人口老龄化的加速推进,农村地区应对人口老龄化面临的问题更为严峻。读人口老龄化城乡差异转变模型图(P点对应时间预测在2045年前后),完成5~6题。 5.导致人口老龄化城乡差异变化的主要因素是 A.医疗生活水平 B.人口政策 C.交通条件 D.人口流动 6.下列措施能有效缓解我国农村人口老龄化压力的是 A.加快乡镇企业的发展 B.控制老年人口数量


上海世界外国语中学2020-2021年上册期中化学试题(含答案) 一、选择题(培优题较难) 1.钒被誉为“合金中的维生素”,钒元素的部分信息如下图。下列有关钒的说法正确的是 A.属于非金属元素B.原子序数为23 C.原子核外电子数为28 D.相对原子质量为50.94g 2.石墨烯是一种革命性材料,具有优异的光学、电学和力学特性。图为金刚石、石墨和石墨烯的结构模型图,图中小球代表碳原子。下列说法正确的是( ) ①石墨烯是一种新型化合物 ②三种物质分别在足量的氧气中完全燃烧的产物相同 ③金刚石和石墨烯是组成相同但结构不同的两种物质 ④石墨烯有超强的导电性和导热性,说明石墨烯的化学性质和金属相似 A.①④B.②③C.①③D.②③④ 3.“天宫二号”太空舱利用NiFe2O4作催化剂将航天员呼出的二氧化碳转化为氧气。已知Fe元素的化合价为+3价,则Ni元素的化合价为() A.+1 B.+2 C.+3 D.+4 4.用如图装置测定空气中氧气的含量,下列说法正确的是( ) A.点燃白磷后缓慢将燃烧匙插入瓶中,塞紧瓶塞 B.用细铁丝代替白磷进行实验,不会影响实验结果 C.不打开瓶塞,聚焦太阳光引燃足量白磷,实验效果更好 D.若实验过程中,没有将弹簧夹夹紧,不会影响实验结果 5.化学是在分子、原子的层次上研究物质的性质、组成、结构与变化规律的科学。下图是某化学反应的微观示意图,下列说法正确的是

A.反应前后分子的个数不变B.生成物有三种 C.反应前后汞原子和氧原子的个数不变D.是保持氧气化学性质的最小粒子6.电解水实验装置如图所示,下列说法正确的是 A.电解前后元素种类不变 B.实验说明水由H2和O2组成 C.反应的化学方程式为2H2O=2H2↑+O2↑ D.a管收集的气体能使燃着的木条燃烧更旺 7.下列事实不能作为相应观点的证据的是( ) A.尘土飞扬,说明分子是运动的 B.电解水得到氢气和氧气,说明分子是可分的 C.气体被压缩后体积发生了较大变化,说明气体分子间距较大 D.将两个干净平整的铅柱紧压在一起会结合起来,说明分子间存在引力 8.某同学制作的试剂标签如下,其中化学式书写不正确 ...的是( ) A.B. C.D. 9.硼是作物生长必需的微量营养元素,硼元素的相关信息如图所示。下列有关硼的说法正确的是


绝密★启用前 河北省衡水中学2019 届高三第十次模拟考试 理科综合试题 一、选择题 1.下列对组成细胞分子的描述,正确的是 A.各种有机分子都因物种不同而存在结构差异 B.有的 RNA分子能降低某些生化反应的活化能而加速反应进行 C.水稻细胞中由 C、G、 T, U 四种碱基参与合成的核苷酸有8 种 D.激素、抗体、酶、载体蛋白发挥作用后均将失去生物活性 2. 下列关于人体细胞的结构和功能的叙述,正确的是 A.细胞分化、衰老和癌变都会导致细胞形态、结构和功能发生变化 B.细胞间传递信号的分子都是由细胞内的核糖体合成的 3.图甲是将加热杀死的 S 型细菌与 R 型活菌混合注射到小鼠体内后两种细菌的含量变化,图乙是 利用同位素标记技术完成噬菌体侵染细菌实验的部分操作步骤。下列相关叙述中,不正确的 是 A. 甲图中 ab 时间段内,小鼠体内还没形成大量的免疫R型细菌的抗体 B. 图甲中,后期出现的大量S 型细菌是由R 型细菌转化并增殖而来 C.图乙沉淀物中新形成的子代噬菌体完全没有放射性 D.图乙中若用32P标记亲代噬菌体,出现上清液放射性偏高一定是保温时间过短导致 4.水稻体细胞有 24 条染色体,非糯性和糯性是—对相对性状。非糯性花粉中所含的淀粉为直链 淀粉,遇碘变蓝黑色。而糯性花粉中所含的淀粉为支链淀粉,遇碘变橙红色。下列有关水稻的叙 述正确的是 A. 要验证孟德尔的基因分离定律,必需用纯种非糯性水稻(AA)和糯性水稻(aa)杂交,获得F1,F1再自交

B. 用纯种非糯性水稻(AA)和糯性水稻( aa)杂交获得 F , F 再自交获得 F ,取 F 花粉加碘染 1121 色,在显微镜下观察到蓝黑色花粉粒占3/4 C.二倍体水稻的花粉经离体培养,可得到单倍体水稻,稻穗、米粒变小 D.若含有 a 基因的花粉50%的死亡,则非糯性水稻( Aa)自交后代基因型比例是2: 3: 1 5.下列关于生物学实验的描述,正确的是 A.在常温下,双缩脲试剂加入到酶溶液中一定能观察到紫色反应 B.为加速健那绿染液对线粒体染色,可用适宜浓度的盐酸处理细胞 6.下列关于动、植物生命活动调节的叙述,正确的是 A.寒冷环境下机体通过各种途径减少散热,使散热量低于炎热环境 B.肾小管细胞和下丘脑神经分泌细胞能够选择性表达抗利尿激素受体基因 7.化学与生活、生产、环境密切相关。下列说法不正确的是 A.卤水点豆腐、明矾净水的原理都是破坏胶体的介稳性 B.使用含有氯化钙的融雪剂会加速桥梁的腐蚀 C.“山东疫苗案”涉及疫苗未冷藏储运而失效,这与蛋白质变性有关 D.玛瑙、水晶、钻石、红宝石等装饰品的主要成分都是硅酸盐


河北衡水中学2019届全国高三第一次摸底联考 理科数学 本试卷4页,23小题,满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上相应的位置。 2.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题上无效。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案用0.5mm 黑色笔迹签字笔写在答题卡上。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.复数()34z i i =--在复平面内对应的点位于 A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 2.已知全集R ,2 2x x -≥,则 A.{} 20x x -<< B.{} 20x x -≤≤ C.{} 20x x x <->或 D.{} 20x x x ≤-≥或 3.某地某所高中2018年的高考考生人数是2015年高考考生人数的1.5倍,为了更好地对比该校考生的升学情况,统计了该校2015年和2018年的高考情况,得到如下柱状图: 2015年高考数据统计 2018年高考数据统计 则下列结论正确的是 A.与2015年相比,2018年一本达线人数减少 B.与2015年相比,2018年二本达线人数增加了0.5倍 C.与2015年相比,2018年艺体达线人数相同 D.与2015年相比,2018年不上线的人数有所增加

4.已知等差数列{}n a 的公差为2,前n 项和为n S ,且10100S =,则7a 的值为 A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14 5.已知()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函数,若0x >时,()ln f x x x =,则0x <时,()f x = A.ln x x B.()ln x x - C.ln x x - D.()ln x x -- 6.已知椭圆()22 22:10x y C a b a b +=>>和直线:143x y l +=,若过C 的左焦点和下顶点 的直线与平行,则椭圆C 的离心率为 A. 4 5 B. 35 C. 34 D. 15 7.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 交于点O ,且2AE EO =,则 ED = A. 12 33AD AB - B. 21 33AD AB + C.21 33 AD AB - D. 12 33 AD AB + 8.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则此几何体 A.有四个两两全等的面 B.有两对相互全等的面 C.只有一对相互全等的面 D.所有面均不全等 9.赵爽是我国古代数学家、天文学家,大约在公元222年,赵爽为《周碑算经》一书作序时,介绍了“勾股圆方图”,亦称“赵爽弦图”(以弦为边长得到的正方形是由4个全等的直角三角形再加上中间的一个小正方形组成的).类比“赵爽弦图”,可类似地构造如图


上海市世界外国语中学2019学年第一学期期中考试初二英 语试题 Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar I. Translation: 8% 1.因为政治或经济原因永远离开他们的国家。 2.校长现在非常忙。(谚语) 3.找到更好的生活条件和更多的机会。 4.他昨天付了公共事业费。 5.和他的同事们在一家保险公司加班。 II. Choose the best answer: 10% 1. _________ of my sister's income _________spent on clothes. A. Three-fourth...are B. Three-fourths are C. Three-fours... is D. Three-fourths...is 2. Tracy never felt _________ when she was traveling _________ in Europe. A. lonely.., alone B. lonely...lonely C. alone...alone D. alone...lonely 3. Today, there are still a lot of people who prefer to _________ the Huangpu River ferries. A. across...on B. cross...on C. cross… by D. across.., by 4. The police arrested the young man who _________ the old lady _________ her jewelry last night. A. stole ... from B. robbed.., from C. stole.., of D. robbed ... of 5. Jack _________ a screwdriver _________ his landlady to assemble his bike. A. lent ...from B. borrowed… to C. borrowed ... from D.


上海外国语大学2009年英语语言文学英语综合考研试题 英语综合改错 A fairly standard consensual definition is "a relatively permanent change in behavior (sic.; it's American of course) that results from practise." This is of course arguable, particularly the "practice" criterion. Others would accept changes in "capability" or even simple "knowledge" or "understanding", even if it is not manifest in behaviour. It is however an important criterion that "learned" behaviour is not pre-programmed or wholly instinctive (not a word used much nowadays), even if an instinctual drive underpins it. Behaviour can also change as a result of maturation-simple growing-up-without being totally learned. Think of the changing attitude of children and adolescents to opposite-sex peers. Whatever the case, there has to be interaction with the environment. Even if psychologists ever agree about what learning is, in practice educationalists won't, because education introduces prescriptive notions about specifying what ought to be learnt, and there is considerable dispute about whether this ought only to be what the teacher wants the learner to learn (implicit in behavioural models), or what the learner wants to learn (as in humanistic models). 2009英语语言文学完形填空全文 Obtaining Linguistic Data Many procedures are available for obtaining data about a language. They range from a carefully planned, intensive field investigation in a foreign country to a casual introspection about one's mother tongue carried out in an armchair at home. In all cases, someone has to act as a source of language data - an informant. Informants are(ideally) native speakers of a language, who provide utterances for analysis and other kinds of information about the language(e.g. translations, comments about correctness, or judgements on usage). Often, when studying their mother tongue, linguists act as their own informants, judging the ambiguity, acceptability, or other properties of utterances against their own intuitions. The convenience of this approach makes it widely used, and it is considered the norm in the generative approach to linguistics. But a linguist's personal judgements are often uncertain, or disagree with the judgements of other linguists, at which point recourse is needed to more objective methods of enquiry, using non-linguists as informants. The latter procedure is unavoidable when working on foreign languages, or child speech. Many factors must be considered when selecting informants - whether one is working with single speakers(a common situation when languages have not been described before), two people interacting, small groups or large-scale samples. Age, sex, social background and other aspects of identity are important, as these factors are known to influence the kind of language used. The topic of conversation and the characteristics of the social setting(e.g. the level of formality) are also highly relevant, as are the personal qualities of the informants(e.g. their fluency and consistency). For larger studies, scrupulous attention has been paid to the sampling theory employed, and in all cases, decisions have to be made about the best investigative techniques to use. Today, researchers often tape-record informants. This enables the linguist's claims about the language to be checked, and provides a way of making those claims more accurate('difficult' pieces of speech can be listened to repeatedly). But obtaining naturalistic, good-quality data is never easy. People talk abnormally when they know they are being recorded, and sound quality can be poor. A variety of tape-recording procedures have thus been devised to minimise the

上海市世界外国语中学2019年第一学期期中考试六年级英语试卷(无听力 无答案)

上海市世界外国语中学2019学年第一学期期中考试六年级英语 试卷 Part2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法) Ⅰ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共15分) 1.A public bathroom is _____ unusual place for ads. A.a ............................... B. an C. / D. the 2._____ Albert and his friends at the movies last night? A.Did B. Was C. Were D. Had 3.Mrs. Miller bought just _____ groceries at the supermarket. A.few B. a few C. little D. a little 4.There was nothing interesting on TV last night, _____? A.was it B. wasn't it C. was there D. wasn't there 5.A powerful earthquake (地震) hit Japan _____ the afternoon of March 11th. A.at B. in C. for D. on 6._____ Time magazine, you can get some detailed (详细的) information about the latest news around the world. A.In B. At C. On D. At 8.It's really a _____ job to fix our front steps without anyone's help. A.tired B. tiring C. annoyed D. annoying 9.A _____ is a piece of furniture with shelves usually used to store (储存) food. A.Freezer B. closet C. Cabinet D. counter ] 10.How much _____ do we need to make a salad? A.lettuce B. carrot C. potato D. pear 11.When he _____ to the United States, he didn't understand one word of English. A.reached B. got C. arrived D. left
