

一月January 二月February

三月Marcy 四月April

五月May 六月June

七月July 八月August

九月September 十月October

十一月November 十二月December


公历一年有12个月,但不少人并不知道12 个月的英语名称的来历。公历起源于古罗马历法。罗马的英语原来只有10 个月,古罗马皇帝决定增加两个月放在年尾,后来朱里斯*凯撒大帝把这两个月移到年初,成为1月.2月,原来的1月.2月便成了3月.4月,依次类推。这就是今天世界沿用的公历。





每年2 月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。


3月,原是罗马旧历法的1 月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3 月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。







敬,便把6月奉献给她,以她的名字——拉丁文Junius来命名6 月。英语6月June便由这位女神的名字演变而来。也有学者认为,Junius可能是个代拉丁家族中一个显赫贵族的姓氏。




朱里斯*凯撒死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月。因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8 月授予他Augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2月中抽出一天加在8月上。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。








Friday and the Thirteenth 星期五和13

Friday-the Thirteenth has long been considered extremely unlucky because it has some bad associations which came from mythology,tale of the Bible,and the customs and habits. According to the Bible,the Lord God created the first man,Adam.Then he took a rib from Adam's body and out of it created the first woman, Eve. It was said that Adam was created on a Friday and it was on Friday that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit,and on a Friday they died.

Friday was also the common day in England for executing criminals , for which it was sometimes known as Hanging Day.

From the old Norse myth people got the idea that 13 people sitting at a table to have a dinner was unlucky. And this superstition was confirmed by the last supper of Christ and his disciples. Bible tells us that Christ sat down with his 12 disciples, which made up the number 13, at the last supper when Judas, one of the 12 disciples , sold his master for thirty pieces of silver. Christ was killed by nailing on the cross the following day on a Friday.







Sunday best , Sunday clothes , Sunday togs ,

Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes——高档、漂亮的衣裳;盛装。

Sunday run——长距离。

Sunday painter——业余画家。

Sunday punch——(拳击中)最厉害的一击;(对付对手的)


Sunday saint——伪善者。

Sunday saint and Monday sinner——假道学,伪君子。

Sunday letter——(历书上为表示一年之星期日所用的)主日


Sunday school——(教堂中所设的)主日学校。(美)扑克牌


Sunday school truth——众所周知的道理或事实。

Month of Sundays——很久。

Mid-Lent Sunday , Mothering / Refreshment Sunday——(牛


Low Sunday——业余的;复活节后的星期日。

To look two ways to find Sundays——斜着眼看。


black Monday——(学俚)放假后的开学第一天;执行死刑之



Blue Monday——沮丧,闷烦(相对于欢乐的周末而言)。

Saint Monday——(特指交易所)懒散,工作很少的星期一。

Mad Monday ——忙乱的星期一。

Monday morning feeling , Monday feeling——美国人在周末


Monday morning quarterback——放马后炮的人。

Monday morning quarterbacking——放马后炮。



Man Friday——男忠仆。

Girl Friday——得力助手(尤指女秘书)。

Pal Friday——极受信赖的女秘书。

Friday face——神色不佳之人。

Black Friday——不幸的礼拜五,即有任何灾难发生的礼拜五;复活节前之礼拜五(神职人员于此日着黑装)。

Good Friday——耶酥受难节;

T.G.I.F ( Thank God it’s Friday )——报纸上刊出招聘一名能干的女职员的广告。



Black Saturday——黑色星期六(指工人已预借工资无钱可领的星期六)。

Saturday night special——便于周末作案的小手枪。Saturday night massacre——星期六夜晚大屠杀(指尼克松任总统期间白宫在1973年10月20日,周六晚上宣布解除水门时间特别检查官考克斯的职务,并解除拒绝把考克斯解职的司法部长理查森和副部长拉克尔职务)。


He that sings on Friday , shall weep on Sunday ; He who laughs on Friday will weep on Sunday .


Choose a wife on a Saturday rather than a Sunday .


Come day , go day , God send Sunday .



1、 Mary , a well-known Sunday painter’s girl Friday , went to the art exhibition in her Sunday best yesterday and made a hit with all the gentlemen there who seemed to have Sunday-go-to-meeting manners .

2、 Joe slumped into his chair at the breakfast table , “monday morning feeling again , dear ? ” asked his wife .

3、——I know it must be the battery .

——yeah , why didn’t you tell me earlier ? Monday morning quarterback .

4、 Friday , September 24 , the day the financial panic of 1869 began , has since been known as black Friday .

5、 he bought a Saturday night special from a Sunday driver .

6、 on the average they receive about five or six hundred calls a day , but this rises to close to a thousand calls after occasions like Richard Nixon's “saturday night massacre ” .




2000年1月大学英语四级考试试题 试卷一 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes Section A 1. A) The woman is s close friend of the man. B) The woman has been working too hard. C) The woman is seeing a doctor. D) The woman is tired of her work. 2. A) This apple pie tastes very good. B) His mother likes the pie very much C) This pie can’t match his mother’s. D) His mother can’t make apple pies. 3. A) Take a walk. B) Give a performance. C) Listen to the music. D) Dance to the music. 4. A) Read an article on political science. B) Present a different theory to the class. C) Read more than one article. D) Choose a better article to read. 5. A) The woman would understand if she did Mary’s job. B) The woman should do the typing for Mary. C) The woman should work as hard as Mary. D) The woman isn’t a skillful typist. 6. A) He wants to make an appointment with Mr. Smith. B) He wants to make sure that Mr. Smith will see him. C) He wants to change the time of the appointment. D) He wants the woman to meet him at three o’clock. 7. A) He gets nervous vastly. B) He is an inexperienced speaker. C) He is an awful speaker. D) He hasn’t prepared his speech well. 8. A) She didn’t like the books the man bought. B) There wasn’t a large selection at the bookstore. C) The man bought a lot of books. D) She wanted to see what the man bought. 9. A) Buy a ticket for the ten o’clock flight. B) Ask the man to change the ticket for her. C) Go to the airport immediately. D) Switch to a different flight. 10. A) Dr. Lemon is waiting for a patient. B) Dr. Lemon is busy at the moment. C) Dr. Lemon has lost his patience.


【篇一】2020年12月英语四级词汇讲解及归纳 spoil It would spoil my excitement if it turned out I just have a funny wrinkle on thesurface of my brain,which makes me think about the invisible train platforms. 四级词汇讲解: 动词spoil此处意为“破坏,毁掉”。短语turn out后接宾语从句,意为“证明是,结果是”。which引导的是以wrinkle为先行词的非限制性定语从句,是对前文的补充说明,其中think about意为“想起;考虑”。 英语四级考点归纳: 短语turn out在听力中出现时还可能有如下含义: ※ 意为“出席,在场”。如: A record number of people turned out to vote.去投票的人数破了纪录。 ※ 意为“结果……,发展得……”:如: Everthing turned out nice.一切都好。 ※ 意为“关掉”。如: Who turned out the lights?谁把灯给关了? ※ 意为“赶走,驱赶”。如: Her father turned her out of his house.她父亲把她撵出了家门。 【篇二】2020年12月英语四级词汇讲解及归纳 word You will be working with two other head brokers,in other words,you will behandling about a third of our clients. 四级词汇讲解:

英文 月份的由来

公历一年有12个月,但不少人并不知道12个月的英语名称的来历。公历起源于古罗马历法。罗马的英语原来只有10 个月,古罗马皇帝决定增加两个月放在年尾,后来朱里斯*凯撒大帝把这两个月移到年初,成为1月.2月,原来的1月.2月便成了3月.4月,依次类推。这就是今天世界沿用的公历。 January――1月 在罗马传说中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副要眺望未来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月月名,很有意义。英语January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字January演变而来的。 January是以罗马神话中双面神杰纳斯(Janus)的名字命名的。他负责司守门户以及万物的始末——作为一年的开始,他很适合(尽管你会发现,其实并没有那么直观)。事实上,杰纳斯通常以双面孔示人,一面回顾过去,一面注视未来,而这经常被视为新的一年的特征;这也使得它的引申词组“Janus word”(双面词)表示兼有两种相反含义的词。 February――2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 February由拉丁语“februa”的衍生词“februarius”演变而来。可能这样说并没有解释得很清楚,这里再补充一下:“februa”是这个月十五号举行的一场涤罪盛宴的名称。在现代英语(精品课)中,人们对“February”的发音产生了分歧,最常听到的有两种,一种是“Feb-yoo-ary”,还有一种是“Feb-roo-ary”。 March-----3月 3月,原是罗马旧历法的1 月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3 月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。 有哪位神的名字既是一个星球的名字,又是一个月份的名字呢?你们已经猜到了:马尔斯(Mars)。为什么是他?《牛津英语词典》上记载:“在古罗马时期,一些有关于马尔斯的节日都在三月举行,想必是为了战争时期做准备,因为马尔斯是一位战神。” April――4月 罗马的4月,正是大地回春.鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文4月April便由拉丁文April(即开花的日子)演变而来。在古英语中,四月有时也被称为“Eastermonth”,即“复活月”。 May――5月 罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字――拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月May便由这位女神的名字演变而来。


2017年6月大学英语四级真题及答案 (第一套) Part I Writing (25 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an advertisement on your campus website to sell a computer you used at college. Your advertisement may include its brand, specifications/features, condition and price, and your contact should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 2 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1.A) The man in the car was absent-minded. B) The test driver made a wrong judgement. C) The self-driving system was faulty. D) The car was moving at a fast speed.


英文中每个月份的名称来历 As the new year starts you might have recently bought a new diary or calendar and thought ‘Where do these words come from?’ –at least that’s what I did. There is also, of course, also the chance that you have been merrily scheduling in gym appointments and book clubs and all sorts of other details relating to New Year’s resolutions (have you kept yours so far?) but we’ll take the opportunity to add a resolution to your list: learn where we got the names for all the months of the year. Spoilers:it’s a mix ture of gods, rulers, and numbers. 随着新的一年的开始,可能你最近又买了一本新的日记本或日历本,也许你会想:“日历上这些关于月份的词是从何而来的呢?”——至少我有这样的疑问。当然,也有可能你早已兴致勃勃地安排好了你的新年计划:去健身房锻炼,加入读书俱乐部以及其它各类活动(这些活动你现在还有坚持下去吗?)但借此机会,我们要给你的新年计划再加上一项:了解一年十二个月名称的来历。剧透一下:它们与神、统治者和数字都相关系。 January 一月 January is named after the Roman god Janus, who presided over doors and beginnings – appropriately enough, for the beginning of the year (though this is, as you will discover, not as straightforward as it seems). Indeed, Janus was usually depicted with two faces looking backwards and forwards, as is often characteristic of a new year; this also gave rise to the term Janus word for words that have two opposite meanings.


英语四级阅读试题及答案详解1 Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts __1__ questions, and so on. For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times, however, we become __2__ of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between __3__ and meaning. When successful matching is being experienced, our question of the text continues at the unconscious level. Different people __4__ with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page, others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is __5__ in the text. The latter represents __6__ levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers. There is another conversation which from our point of view is __7__ important, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as __8__ to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the __9__ we employ in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a


大学英语四级考试真题及答案 Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes) 注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Creating a Green Campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 建设绿色校园很重要 2. 绿色校园不仅指绿色的环境…… 3. 为了建设绿色校园,我们应该…… Creating a Green Campus Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For question 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Colleges taking another look at value of merit-based aid Good grades and high tests scores still matter—a lot—to many colleges as they award financial aid. But with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in coming years, some schools are re-examining whether that aid, typically known as “merit aid”, is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars. George Washington University in Washington, D.C., for example, said last week that it would cut the value of its average merit scholarships by about one-third and reduce the number of recipients(接受者), pouring the savings, about $2.5 million, into need-based aid. Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa., made a similar decision three years ago. Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether. No current merit-aid recipients will lose their scholarships, but need-based aid alone will be awarded beginning with students entering in fall 2008. Not all colleges offer merit aid; generally, the more selective a school, the less likely it is to do so. Harvard and Princeton, for example, offer generous need-based packages, but many families who don’t meet need eligibility(资格)have been willing to pay whatever they must for a big-name school. For small regional colleges that struggle just to fill seats, merit aid can be an important revenue-builder because many recipients still pay enough tuition dollars over and above the scholarship amount to keep the institution running. But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profits. “They’re trying to buy students,”says Skidmore College economist Sandy Baum. Studies show merit aid also tends to benefit disproportionately students who could afford to enroll without it. “As we look to the future, we see a more pressing need to invest in need-based aid,”says Monica Inzer, dean of admission and financial aid at Hamilton, which has offered merit scholarships for 10 years. During that time, it rose in US News & World Repor t’s ranking of the best liberal arts colleges, from 25 to 17. Merit aid, which benefited about 75 students a year, or about 4% of its student body, at a cost of about $ 1 million a year, “served us well,”Inzer says, but “to be


高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级) (2015年12月) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: You will read: A. New York City. B. An evening party. C. An air trip. D. The man’s job. From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C. An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D] Now the test will begin. 1.A) The price of the product. C) The delivery of his order. B)The charge of the service. D) The packing of the goods. 2.A) Giving a lecture. C) Preparing a party. B)Taking an interview. D) Having an exam. 3.A) Its food is delicious. C) It is close to his office. B)Its price is reasonable. D) It provides good service. 4.A) By sea. B) By air . C) By train. D) By truck. 5.A) Asking the way. C) Buying air tickets. B) Renting a car. D) Booking hotel rooms. Section B Direction:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions .Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6.A) Open a new shoe store. C) Invite the woman to his company. B) Participate in a trade fair. D) Pace an order with the woman. 7.A) An advertising brochure. C) An invitation letter. B) A price list. D) A few samples. Conversation 2 8.A) At a hotel. C) In a restaurant. B) At the airport. D) In a bank. 9. A) To buy a ticket. C) To place an order.


在记忆“一月到十二月”单词的时候,会有很多学生存在:“你说出来汉语,他想不起来对应的发音或者你说出来发音,他不知道对应哪个月份,拼写起来也有难度的”问题。 避免张冠李戴,提高大脑反应速度,妙记英语给你支招: 妙记方法:1. 把“首字母”和月份联系起来。 2. 区分清楚几组易混月份,如:一月和二月;五月、六月和七月; 十一月和十二月。 一月January 提示:一月和二月后四个字母uary相同,u:字母音“有”,a:一,ry:人妖的拼音首字母, Jan+uary ,J像美术体的数字1 妙记:一月是新年,人妖来表演。 二月February 提示: Febr+uary,反不如(音) 妙记:一月反不如二月好记。 三月March 提示:马吃(音),M竖起来像3. 妙记:三月草青青,马儿吃草忙。 四月April 提示: A像4, p (骗的拼音首字母), ri(日的拼音),l像数字1. 妙记:说到4月就马上想到4月1日愚人节,一个可以“骗人”的日子。 五月May 提示:没(音),“没”即“无”。

妙记:“无”联想到“五”。 六月June 提示:均(音),6是一年12月的平均数。 妙记:“均”联想到“六”。 七月July 提示:聚来(音),“聚来”就是“齐”了嘛。 妙记:“齐”联想到“七”。 八月August 提示:奥克斯(音) 妙记:八月份奥克斯卖得很火。 九月September 提示:Sep+tem+ber, 妙记:九个字母和“九月”照应,中间的元音字母都是e, e反过来像9十月October 提示:首字母O像数字10中的0,奥克投标(音)。 妙记:10月想到国庆节,国庆晚会广告,奥克(啤酒)投标成功。 十一月November 提示:十一月和十二月后五个字母相同,Nov+ember, no(没)完吧(音)。妙记:十一月,一年没完吧(还有十二月呢!) 十二月December 提示:Dec+ember,de发音近似“底”。 妙记:十二月是一年的年“底”。

英语中十二个月份名称的来 历

英语中十二个月份名称的来历 公历一年有12个月,但不少人并不知道12 个月的英语名称的来历。公历起源于古罗马历法。罗马的英语原来只有10个月,古罗马皇帝决定增加两个月放在年尾,后来朱里斯*撒大帝把这两个月移到年初,成为1月.2月,原来的1月.2月便成了3月.4月,依次类推。这就是今天世界沿用的公历。 January——1月 在罗马传说中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副要眺望未来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月月名,很有意义。英语January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字January演变而来的。 February——2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 March-----3月 3月,原是罗马旧历法的1 月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。  April——4月 罗马的4月,正是大地回春.鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文4月April便由拉丁文April(即开花的日子)演变而来。 May——5月

罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字——拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月May便由这位女神的名字演变而来。 June——6月 罗马神话中的裘诺,是众神之王,又是司管生育和保护妇女的神。古罗马对她十分崇敬,便把6月奉献给她,以她的名字——拉丁文Junius来命名6月。英语6月June便由这位女神的名字演变而来。也有学者认为,Junius可能是个代拉丁家族中一个显赫贵族的姓氏。 July——7月 罗马统治者朱里斯*凯撒大帝被刺死后,著名的罗马将军马克*按东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的7月,用凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名之。这一建议得到了元老院的通过。英语7月July由此演变而来。  August——8月 朱里斯*凯撒死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月。因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8月授予他Augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2月中抽出一天加在8月上。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。 September——9月 老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文Septem 是“7”月的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。 October——10月 英语10月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思。它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。


大学英语四级考试真题 试卷及答案 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2016年6月大学英语四级考试真题试卷(一)及答案 Part Ⅰ Writing ? ?? (30minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news reports and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) How college students can improve their sleep habits. B) Why sufficient sleep is important for college students. C) Why college students are more likely to have stress problems.


英语12个月份名称的由来 来源:日期:2008-02-29阅读2646 次作者:24EN_WORD 公历一年有12个月,但不少人并不知道12 个月的英语名称的来历。公历起源于古罗马历法。罗马的英语原来只有10 个月,古罗马皇帝决定增加两个月放在年尾,后来朱里斯*凯撒大帝把这两个月移到年初,成为1月.2月,原来的1月.2月便成了3月.4月,依次类推。这就是今天世界沿用的公历。 , , January €€1月在罗马传说中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副要眺望未来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月月名,很有意义。英语January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字January演变而来的。 , , February €€2月每年2 月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 , , March€€3月,原是罗马旧历法的1 月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3 月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。 , , April €€4月罗马的4月,正是大地回春.鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文4月April便由拉丁文April(即开花的日子)演变而来。 , ,


2017年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试A级真题及详解[听力音频] Part ⅠListening Comprehension (20 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) Applying for a visa. B) Making a reservation.

C) Checking out in the airport. D) Filling in an application form. 【答案】A 【解析】题目询问两人在谈论什么事情。录音中男士询问办理去中国的签证要多久,女士回答大概要5到7周。由此可知两人在谈论办理签证的事情。因此答案为A。 【录音原文】 M: Susan, do you know how long it takes to apply for a visa for China? W: 5 to 7 work days, I’m afraid. Q: What are the two people talking about? 2. A) In an office. B) In a club. C) In a hospital. D) In a restaurant. 【答案】D 【解析】题目询问对话发生的地点。录音中男士询问女士点单内容,女士回答要蔬菜汤和北京烤鸭。由此可以推知对话发生地点在餐馆。因此答案为D。 【录音原文】 M: May I take your order, Madam? W: Yes, I’d like a vegetable soup and Peking Duck, please. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?


January——1月 在罗马传说中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副要眺望未来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月月名,很有意义。英语January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字January演变而来的。 February——2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这 一天,人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 March——3月 3月,原是罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3月看做是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的月名。英语3月March,便是由这位战神的名字演变而来的。 April——4月

罗马的4月,正是大地回春.鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文4月April便由拉丁文April(即开花的日子)演变而来。 May——5月 罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字——拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月May便由这位女神的名字演变而来。 July——7月 罗马统治者朱里斯·凯撒大帝被刺死后,著名的罗马将军马克·安东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的7月,用凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名乊。这一建议得到了元老院的通过。英语7月July由此演变而来。 August——8月 朱里斯·凯撒死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月。因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8月授予他Augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2月中抽出一天加在8月上。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。
