

Absent-minded, are very forgetful because they are too busy thinking about other things.

Adventurous, are daring and always ready to take risks Amusing, are very funny and make you laugh

Bashful, are shy and feel uncomfortable in social situations Boastful, like to say how good they are at something

Bright, are very clever and learn things quickly

Calm, don’t get excited or nervous about things

Conceited, have a high opinion of themselves

Confident, are sure of themselves and their abilities

Creative, find it easy to produce new and original ideas and things Domineering, are always trying to control others without worrying or caring about how they feel

Down-to-earth, are very practical and honest

Emotional, have strong feelings and are easily moved by things Enthusiastic, are very interested and exited about something and this shows in the way they talk or behave

Hospitable, are always friendly and welcoming towards guests Impatient, hate having to wait for things and are not very tolerant of other people’s w eaknesses, etc

Narrow-minded, find it hard to accept or understand new or different ideas

Aggressive, 有进取心的,攻击性的 are always ready to quarrel or attack

Articulate, are able to express clearly and effectively their thoughts and feelings

Broad-minded, are ver y tolerant of other people’s opinions even if very different from their own

Competitive, hate to lose at anything

Considerate, 体贴周到的

Courageous, are very brave and not afraid to do dangerous things Humble, 卑微的 have a very low opinion of themselves and a high opinion of others

Modest, 谦虚的 tend to hide their abilities or have a lower opinion of themselves than is deserved

Obstinate, 顽固的 refuse to change their opinion or behavior in spite of attempts to persuade them to do something else or to see another point of view

Rash, 鲁莽的are very impulsive and don’t think enough about the consequences of their actions

Self-centered, are very selfish and only interested in themselves Self-confident, are usually sure of their own ability to do things Sensible, are people with a lot of common sense

Strong-willed, know what they want and usually get it

Versatile, have lots of different skills and abilities and can easily change from one kind of activity t another

Well-mannered, are polite people

Witty, have quick minds and can express things in a clever and amusing way

Cocky, Conscientious, Impressionable, Level-headed, Loyal, Neurotic,

Open, Practical, Prejudiced, Pushy, Ruthless, Secretive, Shrewd, optimistic乐观 independent独立的

out-going外向的 active 活泼的

able 有才干的,能干的;

adaptable 适应性强的

active 主动的,活跃的;

aggressive 有进取心的

ambitious 有雄心壮志的;

amiable 和蔼可亲的

amicable 友好的;

analytical 善于分析的

apprehensive 有理解力的;

aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的

audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的;

capable 有能力的,有才能的

careful 办理仔细的;

candid 正直的

competent 能胜任的;constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的;creative 富创造力的dedicated 有奉献精神的;dependable 可靠的

diplomatic 老练的,有策略的;disciplined 守纪律的

dutiful 尽职的;

well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的;energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达;faithful 守信的,忠诚的

frank 直率的,真诚的;generous 宽宏大量的

genteel 有教养的;

gentle 有礼貌的

humorous 有幽默;

impartial 公正的

independent 有主见的;

industrious 勤奋的

ingenious 有独创性的;

motivated 目的明确的

intelligent 理解力强的;

learned 精通某门学问的 logical 条理分明的;methodical 有方法的

modest 谦虚的;

objective 客观的

precise 一丝不苟的; punctual 严守时刻的

realistic 实事求是的; responsible 负责的

sensible 明白事理的; porting 光明正大的

steady 踏实的; systematic 有系统的

purposeful 意志坚强的; sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的; tireless 孜孜不倦的Personality 性格

able 有才干的,能干的

active 主动的,活跃的

adaptable 适应性强的

adroit 灵巧的,机敏的

aggressive 有进取心的

alert 机灵的

ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的

amicable 友好的

analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的argumentative 好争辩的

aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的attractive 有魅力的

audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的bigmouth 多嘴多舌的

bland 冷漠的

bossy 专横跋扈的

brave 勇敢的

brilliant 有才气的

capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的

caring 有同情心的

candid 正直的

clever 机灵的,聪明的

charitable 宽厚的

cheerful 开朗的

childish 幼稚的

comical 滑稽的

competent 能胜任的

conceited 自以为是的

confident 有信心的

conscientious 认真的,自觉的



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不少漂亮的女孩子都是到高中毕业后才真正开始蜕变成天鹅。这里的"tomboy" 指的是行为举止都比较像男孩子的女孩子。"tomcat" 则是「雄猫」的意思。

第一句里的"single"其实就是前面的"a" (one的意思, 放在这里只是用来更强调"one"字, 好象是中文里的「连一个都没有」的「连」字的作用是一样的。

24. wet blanket 扫兴的人

A: I can't go with you guys. I've really got to hit the books.

A: 我不能跟你们去。我真的必须K书。

B: Come on! Don't be a wet blanket. Everybody's going. You can study after we come back.

B: 好啦! 别这么扫兴了! 大家都要去。你可以等我们回来再看书嘛!

"blanket" 的原意是「毯子」的意思。美语里面有用"a wet blanket"(湿毯子来形容「扫兴的人」。我并不清楚为什么, 是因为湿的毯子盖了很不太舒服吗? 不知道! 我乱想的!

"hit the books" 在【道地土美语】第八页第四十句里也出现过, 是「念书」的意思。

25. workaholic 工作狂

A: My wife has been very upset about my bad habit of staying late at work.

A: 我太太对我喜欢晚下班的坏习惯很不开心。

B: I've been there. My husband used to be a workaholic until I gave him an ultimatum. His work addiction almost ruined our relationship.

B: 我是过来人。我先生以前一直是个工作狂, 直到我向他下了最后通牒。他的沉迷于工作基乎毁了我们的感情。

对于「沉迷于酒」的人我们叫他"an alcoholic", 对于放不下工作的人呢, 美语就叫"a workaholic"「工作狂」, 蛮好玩的吧!


"I've been there."(原意:我到过那里在口语里有「我是过来人」的意思。

26. bully 恃强欺弱; 恃强欺弱的人

A: Why do you always seem to get mad every time Meg is around? A: 为什么每次Meg 在的时候你就好象很生气?

B: She used to bully me in high school.

B: 初(高中时她常常欺负我。

也许你会记得小学时, 班上总有一、二个学生也许因为自己块头大一些, 也许朋友多一些, 专业喜欢挑一些同学来欺负, 这

种行为和这样的人都算是"bully" 。有些"bullies" 长大后还是喜欢找人家的麻烦的。

27. airhead 笨蛋

A: Don't bring this up to him again, airhead. How can I get this through your thick head?

A: 不要再跟他提起这件事了。我要怎么样才让你这个又硬又厚的头搞懂呢?

B: Hey! Don't call me an airhead. That's rude.

B: 嘿! 别叫我「笨蛋」啊! 很没礼貌ㄝ!

美语里面用来骂人家「笨蛋」的字好象还不少哩! 除了"airhead" (头壳空空外, 也有人用"meathead" (肉头, 听懂就好了。

28. knockout 绝色美女; 极出色的东西

A: How do I look?

A: 我看起来怎么样?

B: You know, you're a knockout.

B: 你知道你是个绝色美女。

虽然形容漂亮的字眼不少, "knockout" 却只用来形容非凡的美, 可以用来形容女孩子或物品。

"knockout" 原来是指拳击里的「击倒」的动作, 常作"K.O."。喜欢玩电玩的朋友可能会看过。像「铁拳」(Tekken 就有。29 psycho 疯子

A: I've had enough of that psycho. I don't want to deal with her any more.

A: 我受够那个疯子了。我不想再跟她有任何瓜葛。

B: Please, Ryne. I believe it's only a misunderstanding.

B: 不要这样子, Ryne。我相信这只是一场误会罢了。"psycho" 和"psychopath"、" nut" 等都是「疯子」的意思。就

是中文一样, 被形容成疯子的人也许只是一时对一些事情反应激烈, 而不见得是真正的精神病患。"psycho" 本身也是形容词, 同样有「疯了」或「精神病的」的意思。

30. plain Jane 外表平凡的女孩子

A: I can't believe he married that plain Jane when he could have any girl he wanted.

A: 我不敢相信他娶了那个长相如此平凡的女孩子。他可以要


B: Looks aren't everything. Maybe it's her heart of gold that he fell

in love with.

B: 外貌不是一切。或许他爱上的是她的一颗美丽的心。"plain Jane" (平凡的珍是用来形容外貌不出众的女孩子。

"heart of gold."(原意: 金做的心是「内心良善」的意思。

嗯...这好象又是一篇骂人篇。不知道为什么, 常常在整里这些东西的时候会觉得好象找骂人的字比找赞美人的字容易些。写这么多负面的字眼真是都不太好意思...

31. brown-noser 奉承/巴结的人

A: Hmmm... Do you think Professor Covington will like this perfume?

A: 嗯...你觉得Covington 教授会不会喜欢这个香水呢?

B: You're such a brown-noser!

B: 你真是个马屁精!

在「流行酷语」第一页里曾经提到过一个叫"kiss ass" 的俚语, 意思是「拍马屁」的意思。这里的"brown-noser"也跟「亲屁屁」有关。它的动词"brown-nose", 是形容一个人爱巴结讨好人家, 甘愿爱亲人家的屁屁, 亲到鼻子都变咖啡色了。为什么呢? 嗯...这个应该是不必多解释的吧! ^_^

美语里形容奉承巴结的词语除了"brown-nose" 外, "kiss someone's feet" 「亲某人的脚」和"lick someone's boots" 「舔某人的靴」等也都是蛮常用的。

32. sell-out 出卖人家的人

A: I can't believe Dan, the person I trusted so much turned out to


描写人物性格,品质的英文单词able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 apprehensive 有理解力的 capable 有能力的 careful 办事仔细的 competent 能胜任的 confident 有信心的 considerate 体贴的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的 disciplined 守纪律的 earnest 认真的 well-educated 受过良好教育的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)坚强的 frank 直率的,真诚的 friendly 友好的 generous 慷慨的 gentle 有礼貌的

hard-working 勤劳的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humorous 幽默的independent 有主见的intelligent 有智慧的inventive 有发明才能的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的loyal 忠心耿耿的modest 谦虚的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的punctual 严守时刻的patient有耐心的rational 有理性的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的 self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sincere 真诚的 smart 精明的straightforward 坦率的strict 严格的conservative保守的 self-important自以为是的tough 粗野的


able 有才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的 aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的 bigmouth 多嘴多舌的 bland 冷漠的 bossy 专横跋扈的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的 capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的 cooperative 有合作精神的 caring 有同情心的 clever 机灵的,聪明的 charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的 childish 幼稚的 comical 滑稽的 conceited 自以为是的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的creative 富创造力的 cultured 有教养的dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的 well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的expressivity 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默感的impartial 公正的 independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的motivated 目的明确的intelligent 理解力强的 learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的 modest 谦虚的 objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的;punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的;responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的; porting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的;


Writing Practice with a Focus on a Human Face Hair:thin, sparse, thick, straight, black, jet-bla ck, pitch-black, oily, dry, soft, curly, wavy, wit h natural curls, light-brown, stand on end, with some hair turning gray, parted in the middle, c ombed to one side, combed into a knot/a brus h at the back, with hair let down to the eyebro ws/shoulders, butch平头的,bobbed hair短发, with luster; pigtail, braid, plait辫子hoary 灰白的 Forehead:smooth, broad, narrow, wide, bright , tanned, winkled, temples, protruding slightly, receding slightly, withdrawn slightly Eyebrows: Thick, heavy, sparse, thin, light-colored, darke r than one’s hair, short, long, thick in the front part, sparse toward the end, curved like willow s, shaped like swords, narrow, neatly-cut, with two eyebrow coming close, knit one’s eyebrow s,willowy brows, shapely brows


人物荟萃 Describing people 点拨:人物主题训练为主题之榜首,可见它的重要性。在这个主题训练中,学生可以向各行各业的成功人士和周围熟悉的人物学习,并撰写有关的小作文。很明显,榜样力量、人物奋斗等话题都可以从此主题的训练中得到启示。 主题词汇: Appearance:good-looking,pretty,beautiful,lovely,medium,height/build,of average height(中等身材),well-built,overweight, slim,middle-aged,very fit, a fair complexion, long wavy black hair, wear glasses, always smile Character: brave, self-confident, honest, patient, easy-going,outgoing, energetic, forgetful, generous, talented, hard-working, helpful, selfless, punctual, humorous, optimistic, help sb. with sth., get along well with, learn from, help each other, reasonable, good-tempered, get rid of bad habits, straightforward, considerate, insist on, never give up 常用句型: 1.Mr. Green is a reporter who... 2.He’s kind and polite. 3.I like/enjoy doing...I’m good at... 4.I’m interested in... 5.My favorite subject is... 6.She will have challenges, but life can still be good. 7.She is a strong-willed person. She never gives up on anything. 8.He is a little shy. His fave goes red when the teacher asks him a question. 9.My mum has a hot temper. I dropped a cup this morning and she exploded. 10.She is a very merry girl. Her cheeks are always rosy and she skips more than she walks. 11.When he fails, he will insist on practising again and again and get ready for another match. 12.I like my English teacher because whenever students ask her questions, she’s always ready to help them. 13.After class, she likes teaching us English songs to make us more interested in English. 模拟试题: The person I admire most is...


形容人物性格的英语单词 optimistic乐观 independent独立的 out-going外向的 active 活泼的 able 有才干的,能干的;adaptable 适应性强的 active 主动的,活跃的;aggressive 有进取心的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的; amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的; analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的;aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的;capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办理仔细的; candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的; constructive 建设性的cooperative 有合作精神的;creative 富创造力的 dedicated 有奉献精神的;dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的;disciplined 守纪律的 dutiful 尽职的; well--educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的; energetic 精力充沛的 expressivity 善于表达; faithful 守信的,忠诚的 frank 直率的,真诚的; generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的; gentle 有礼貌的 humorous 有幽默; impartial 公正的 industrious 勤奋的 ingenious 有独创性的; motivated 目的明确的

intelligent 理解力强的;learned 精通某门学问的logical 条理分明的;methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的; objective 客观的 precise 一丝不苟的;punctual 严守时刻的 realistic 实事求是的;responsible 负责的 sensible 明白事理的; porting 光明正大的 steady 踏实的; systematic 有系统的purposeful 意志坚强的;sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的; tireless 孜孜不倦的Personality 性格 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 alert 机灵的 argumentative 好争辩的attractive 有魅力的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的bigmouth 多嘴多舌的 bland 冷漠的 bossy 专横跋扈的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的 caring 有同情心的 clever 机灵的,聪明的charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的 childish 幼稚的 comical 滑稽的 conceited 自以为是的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的contemplative 好沉思的courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的


课题:人物外貌描写指导 课型:写作指导课 教学目标: 1、掌握描写人物外貌的要求及方法,能抓住人物特征进行较准确、具体地描述人物的外貌。 2、能够通过人物的外貌描写表现人物个性。 3、懂得外貌描写应该为刻画人物性格,表达中心意思服务。 教学重点:目标1,2 教学难点:目标3 教学过程: 一、游戏导入: 同学们,我们先来做个游戏。请同学描述班级一位同学的外貌,大家猜猜他是谁?为什么能够猜中呢?(抓住人物外在特征)那么人物的外貌描写都应该注意什么问题,又有哪些方法技巧呢?今天,就让我们一同走进“人物的外貌描写”。 二、明确什么是外貌描写 (一)请同学举例:留给自己印象最深的文学作品中人物的外貌描写,并说明为什么会印象深刻。 (二)多媒体展示人物外貌描写的范例 1、一个凸颧骨、薄嘴唇,五十岁上下的女人站在我面前,两手搭在髀间,没有系裙,张着两脚,正象一个画图仪器里细脚伶仃的圆规。(杨二嫂) 2、头发花白,脸上瘦削不堪,黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;只有那眼珠间或一轮,还可以表示她是一个活物。(祥林嫂) 3、孔乙己是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人,他身材高大,青白脸色,皱纹间时常带一些伤痕;一部乱蓬蓬的花白胡子。(孔乙己) 这些外貌描写中,作者都抓住了哪些内容进行描写的? 明确: 五十岁上下——年龄 凸颧骨、薄嘴唇;头发花白,脸上瘦削不堪;清白脸色,乱蓬蓬的花白胡子——容貌 两手搭在脾间,张着两脚,正象一个画图仪器里细脚伶仃的圆规——姿态。 黄中带黑,而且消尽了先前悲哀的神色,仿佛是木刻似的;————神情身材高大————体形 穿长衫————衣着 归纳:外貌描写也称肖像描写,即是对人物的外貌特征(包括人物的容貌、衣着、神情、体形、姿态等等)进行描写,以揭示人物的思想性格,表达作者的爱憎,加深读者对人物的印象。 这么多的内容,我们在进行外貌描写时,是不是都要面面俱到呢? 三、第一招:要抓住主要的特征 (一)外在特征: 1、多媒体出示:猜猜他是谁? 只见他黑脸短毛,长嘴大耳,圆身肥肚,穿一件青不青、蓝不蓝的梭布衣服,提一柄九齿钉耙。(猪八戒) 他有三头六臂,脖子上套着乾坤圈,脚踏风火轮,威风八面。(哪吒)

用英语描述人物Personality descriptions

Personality descriptions: I do not have a good imagination. I am full of ideas. I am quick to understand things. I pay attention to details. I get chores done right away. I follow a schedule. I leave my belongings around. I (don't) like being the center of attention. I start conversations. I don't talk a lot. I am quiet around strangers. I don't like to draw attention to myself. I feel others' emotions. I make people feel at ease. I have a sharp tongue(毒舌). I am easily disturbed. I get upset easily. I often/seldom feel blue. I worry about things. I am relaxed most of the time. I have a bit sense of humor. I have a strong sense of responsibility. I’m a good team wo rker. I always tell the truth. I have good communication skills. I have a broad range of interests. I have strong determination to succeed. ? Mature, dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 ? A stable personality and high sense of responsibility. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 ? Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际交往技巧。 ? Highly-motivated and reliable person with pleasant personality. 上进心强,为人可靠,性格开朗。 ? Active, creative and innovative. 思想活跃、有首创和革新精神。 ? Young, bright, energetic with strong career ambition. 年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。 1. Is your friend good-natured? ---- Yes, she is a good-natured person. She is so kind with everyone and polite. 2. Has your father a pleasant temperament? ----Yes, he has pleasant temperament. I think I have his personality. 3. You aren't quick-tempered, are you? ---No, I am not quick-tempered, I am usually reserved and well-balanced. I take my time to make decisions and always think all the details through before finally agreeing to something or making up my mind about anything. 4. Are you forgetful? ----I guess sometimes. I always leave umbrellas/ glasses/ keys somewhere I stay. 5. Do you usually speak your mind when you disagree with something someone said or you let it go? --- Usually I try to speak my mind when I disagree with something someone said because it makes me feel like I am an individual and I am not a dumb person. Whenever I have my strong opinion I will voice it. 6. Do you have reliable friends? ---Yes, I do. I can always trust them and rely on them. 7. Is your sister/brother boastful? ---My sister was boastful as a child but not anymore. She used to go around and show everyone her good grades or boast about how smart she was. 8. Who is a superficial person? ---A superficial person is the person who does not show any intellectual depth. It's a shallow person in the other words. 9. Are you a moody person? ---Yes, I can be a bit moody sometimes. I may change quickly from a good temper to a bad temper. 10. What are the features you want to have in your husband/wife-to-be? ---I want my h/w-to-be have strong will power and sense of humor, be wise beyond his years and witty, and care about me and our children. 11. Is your friend nosy? ---Yes, she is really nosy. She's always asking about everybody's love life. 12. Do you quickly/ easily become mad? ---No, I don't become mad quickly. As I told you before I am a well-balanced and patient person, and it's not easy to get me mad. 13. Are you a dependent person? Why? ---I guess, I am not a dependent person, I got used to being on my own and never was dependent on someone in anything whether it concerns making up my mind or my financial situation except for the childhood when my mother was the one who I depended on in everything. 14. Are you confident enough in your abilities, skills and knowledge to quit your present job or to change it for a new one? ---I consider I am confident enough in my... but I wouldn't risk it for all the gold of the world to change my present job. It's not because I lack confidence in myself rather that it can take a long time to find a good job in here. Besides, I am more than satisfied with what I have. 15. Are old people usually energetic as they used to be? ---No, old people aren't as energetic as they used to be. Age takes what belongs to it. These days, due to the extensive nature pollution and chemical radiation around us, people experience premature aging. 16. Did your mother fly into rage when you used to do something bad as a child? ---Sometimes she flew into rage when ... but it wasn't her habit for she understood that I was young and she needed to teach me many things.


英语中描述人品质、性格的形容词 able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的 candid 正直的 charitable 宽厚的 competent 能胜任的 confident 有信心的 conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 creative 富创造力的 dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的 devoted 有献身精神的

dependable 可靠的 diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的 discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的 well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful (性格)坚强的 frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的 hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的


英语人物描写 一、相貌体型 1. 外貌Physical Appearance 1)在描述身材常用的形容词有: tall, small, short, of medium height… 2)描述体型的有: fat, thin, slim, big ,small, of medium build, strong. 3)描述相貌的有: beautiful, pretty, good-looking, charming, sweet, handsome, funny, ugly, peculiar, rough, ill-looking 2. 体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built 身材魁梧身高(height)medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; 1.78 meters 身高1.78米。 二、五官 1. 脸型(face): round 圆的; thin 瘦的; long 长的; square 方的。She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。

2. 头发(hair): 1) 发型(hair style): straight 直的; curly 卷发的; pigtails 辫子; crew cut 平头; bald秃头的;bobbed短卷发的Her hair is brown and curly. 她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发。 2) 发色(hair color): jet-black 乌黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黄色的; golden 金黄色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 浅黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的. 3. 眼睛(eye): deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked till midnight for a long time. 他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen. 她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛。 4. 鼻子(nose): long 长的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 钩状的. He was born a hooked nose. 他天生是鹰钩鼻。His nose is very big, so he doesn';t like it. 他的鼻子很大,所以他不喜欢它。 5. 嘴部(mouth): tooth 牙齿; even 整齐的; uneven 不整齐的; chin下巴。When he laughs,


公开课教案 作文教学之——人物的外貌描写 执教班级:八(3)班 执教时间:2013年10月8日 执教人:李璋璋 教学目标: 1、知识目标:了解什么是人物的外貌描写以及外貌描写应该注意的事项。 2、能力目标:掌握人物外貌描写的方法并在课堂上应用。 3、情感态度、价值观:学会从日常生活中发现美甚至创造美,热爱平凡的生活。 教学过程: 一、导入 作文,不论是记事还是写人,总离不开人物描写。同学们回忆一下,常见的人物描写方法有哪些?(提示:外貌描写、神态描写、语言描写、动作描写、心理描写)在这么多描写中,首要的是对人物外貌的描写。因此,学会观察和描写人物外貌是写记叙文的一项不可忽视的基本功。下面我们就来学习外貌描写。 二、什么叫人物的外貌描写? 一双黑亮的大眼睛,秀丽的长发,樱桃般的嘴巴,身高中等,学习却很好。 她皮肤黑黑的,笑出月牙一般皎洁的牙齿,整整齐齐地立在牙龈上,像一个个将要出战的士兵。昂首挺胸的精神面貌,像要征服所有人。一头乌黑的头发高高扎起,看起来气质非凡;大而水灵的眼睛,如一汪泉水摸不到底,清澈纯洁;长长的睫毛像一把蒲扇,那嘴巴更是“力大无穷”,轻轻一张就能涌出泉水一般教育人的大道理。她平时再平常不过的穿着:白短袖、牛仔裤、运动鞋,在我看来却如女神般漂亮。 这两个片段同是对我班英语课代表的描写,你更欣赏哪个?为什么? 明确:第二个,写得更生动形象 (小作者从哪些方面来写人物的外貌的呢?)学生回答:五官、穿着 教师引出外貌描写的定义: 外貌描写是指对人物的容貌、身材、衣着打扮等进行的描写。 三、对人物进行外貌描写时要注意什么问题呢? (一)进行外貌描写时要有一定的顺序。(一般从整体到局部,局部描写时从上到下)(二)请看例子:撑船的是一个将近六十岁的老头子,船是一只尖尖的小船。老头子只穿一条蓝色的破旧短裤,站在船尾巴上,手里拿着一根竹篙。 老头子浑身没有多少肉,干瘦得像老了的鱼鹰。可是那晒得干黑的脸,短短的花白胡子却特别精神,那一对深陷的眼睛却特别明亮。很少见到这样尖利明亮的眼睛,除非是在白洋淀上。 选段是我们非常熟悉的《芦花荡》中关于老头子的描写,你认为这段文字怎样体现了有一定顺序的要求?对于局部描写的刻画,作者描写了哪些内容? (二)抓住人物外貌的特点进行描写。 猜猜他们是谁: 做游戏:猜猜他们是谁: 1、只见他黑脸短毛,长嘴大耳,圆身肥肚,穿一件青不青、蓝不蓝的梭布衣服,提一柄九齿钉耙。(猪八戒) 2、他有三头八臂,脖子上套着乾坤圈,脚踏风火轮,威风八面。(哪吒) 3、他身穿金光闪闪的战袍,头戴金冠,手持从东海龙宫掠来的金箍棒,显出一副威武霸气的样子。一对火眼金睛炯炯有神,透露出铲除一切妖魔的决心。浑身透露出一种天不怕、地


描述人的personalities的一些词 cynical(愤世嫉俗的,玩世不恭的)Adj. seeing little or no good in other people, believing that people do good things for bad reasons eccentric(古怪的;偏执的)Adj. having strange, unusual or abnormal habits or tastes (This term is less insulting than strange, weird or bizarre.) egotistical(自我本位的, 任性的)Adj. thinking too highly of oneself, considering oneself better than others imaginative(富于想象的)Adj. creative, having much imagination indecisive(优柔寡断的)Adj. unable to decide quickly, not knowing what choice to make picky(过分讲究的,吹毛求疵的)Adj. hard to please, too careful in choosing something

sensible(明智的;有判断力的)Adj. practical, reasonable, something that makes sense sensitive(敏感的,感情脆弱的;易受伤害的)Adj. easily feels emotion, easily hurt emotionally (can be positive or negative) sophisticated(老练的, 久经世故的)Adj. representing high culture, very experienced in life thoughtful(有思想性的, 体贴的)Adj. often doing things to make other people feel good Positive(褒义): warm and friendly nice, pleasant generous(happy to give/share) optimistic(=think positively) cheerful(happy and smiling) relaxed and easygoing sensitive(敏感的) kind honest


描写外貌的有beautiful(漂亮的) handsome(帅气的)cool ugly(丑陋的)short 矮tall 高 overweight 胖plump 丰满thin 瘦skinny太瘦了slim 苗条medium height 不胖不瘦 tubby 矮胖muscular 强壮elegantly 优雅good-looking 长的好看plain 长的一般 smartly dressed 穿着得体well dressed 穿的漂亮 neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁 描写性格的有lazy 懒的punctual 守时的kind 善良的efficient 办事高效率的strict 严厉的 generous 慷慨的,大方的patient 有耐心的forgetful 健忘的reliable 可靠的 boring 无聊的open-minded 思想开放的traditional 思想保守的,传统的 Hair:thin, sparse, thick, straight, black, jet-black, pitch-black, oily, dry, soft, curly, wavy, with natural curls, light-brown, sta nd on end, with some hair turning gray, parted in the middle, combed to one side, combed into a knot/a brush at the back, w ith hair let down to the eyebrows/shoulders, butch平头的,bobbed hair短发, with luster; pigtail, braid, plait辫子hoary灰白的 Forehead:smooth, broad, narrow, wide, bright, tanned, winkled, temples, protruding slightly, receding slightly, withdrawn sli ghtly Eyebrows: Thick, heavy, sparse, thin, light-colored, darker than one’s hair, short, long, thick in the front part, sparse toward the end, cur ved like willows, shaped like swords, narrow, neatly-cut, with two eyebrow coming close, knit one’s eyebrows,willowy brows, shapely brows Eyes: Big, small, bright, beady, round, slanted, deep-set, protruding, fringed with short/long eye-lashes, piercing, sharp, near-sight ed, with weather-beaten look 饱经风霜的眼神, like deep/profound sea像大海一样深邃, charming, smiling, with tranquil look, kind eyes,double-lid, single-lid, eyes that indicate wisdom, crystal-clear eyes水


人物外貌描写精彩段 人物外貌描写--胡须、胡子 他穿一身旧制服衣裳,高大的身板有些单薄。一张瘦条脸上,栽着一些不很稠密的胡须,由于脸色显出一种病容似的苍白,那胡须看起来倒黑森森的。他实际上除过气管有些毛病外,身体并没有什么大病。只是因为多年来体力劳动少此,身板才显得单薄了一些。 作者:路遥 关键词:胡须 大类:外貌 出处:《平凡的世界》 打那以后,他就将黑得像中国墨一般的一脸大胡子修剪得短短的,像公园里的黄杨木一样。他的嘴巴很大,高兴时张嘴一笑,嘴就大得从这边的耳根咧到那边的耳根。也不知是什么原因,每当这个时候人们便能理解贝尔穆德斯为什么老是说自己肠胃不好,消化不良,便秘严重。他一笑起来,便满脸堆起皱纹,模样很像肚子痛时做出的苦脸。 作者:克拉林 关键词:胡子 大类:外貌 出处:《庭长夫人》 这样想着,我侧过脸去看我左边的一个人头。这是满腮长着黑森森的胡子根的中年汉子的强壮的头。他挺起了眼睛往上瞧,似乎颇有心事。 作者:茅盾 关键词:胡子 大类:外貌 出处:《速写一》 人物外貌描写--害怕 少校上了年纪,身材高大威壮,五官粗犷强悍,一副磐石模样。但尽管如此,他的仇人还是找到了动摇他的手段。此刻他脸色煞白如死尸,比死尸更骇人。宽大的额头痛苦地紧抽,两条眉毛拧成一条灰白的直线,眼睛充血,目光狂乱,颤抖的唇边挂着白色的口水,浑身激动得抖个不停,就连处于压倒一切的羞辱之中,也竭尽自尊想镇定下来。 作者:霍桑 关键词:害怕 大类:外貌 出处:《我亲戚莫利纽克斯少校》 人物外貌描写--肤色 他的肤色像大理石一样洁白,这使热情的南方民族看来更加光辉灿烂,更加崇高。他矫健的身材穿了一件棕色的紧身短上衣,一把精工雕镂的匕首挂在他左边屁股上。他转动一双多愁善感的眼睛,同时露出了一口白牙齿。 作者:福楼拜 关键词:肤色


身高 矮short 高tall 体型 皮包骨skinny 中等身材medium-buit 超重overweight 苗条slender,slim 身材适中average weitht 丰满plump 壮stocky 头发 头发多thick-hair 头发少thin-hair 秃头bald 直发straight 卷发curly 波浪的头发wavy 马尾tie one's hair in a pony tail 金发blond hair 刘海bangs 脸型 方脸square face 圆脸round face 椭圆形脸oval face 鼻子 扁鼻子flat nose 鹰钩鼻hooked nose 有伤疤的with scars 有皱纹的with wrinkles 有雀斑的with freckles 宽额头 a high forehead 窄额头 a narrow forehead

方颚square-jawed 浓密的眉毛bushy eyebrows 高颧骨high cheek-boned 外貌Physical Appearance 对人物外表描写。同时,肖像的描写并不是一次性的,注意人物经过时间的推移、环境的变迁,或与人接触后,其外貌可能发生的转变。 例文1 Robert is 21 years old. He is about 5 feet ,9 inches tall . His face is long and narrow . His eyes are green. His hair is light brown. He doesn't look very Italian. He smiles a little and usually has a friendly look on his face . He isn't fat and he isn't thin. His build is average. 译文 罗伯特21岁了,他身高大约英尺,脸瘦瘦长长的,绿眼睛。浅棕色的头发,看起来不大像意大利人。他总是面带微笑,非常友好。他不胖也不瘦,中等身材。 注释1 当我们描写一个人的体型的时候,我们也可以分为以下两个部分:(1) 体格(build): fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗条的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧。 A. She is a slim girl, while her boyfriend is well-built. 她很苗条,她的男朋友很魁梧。 B. She is a little overweight, so she decided to lose weight. 她有一点超重,所以她打算减肥。 (2) 身高(height) medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低于平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材; meters 身高米. A. He used to be middle-sized, but when he is getting old , he is becomeing short. 他原本是中等身材,但随着年龄的增长,她变矮了。
