

Tasting and smelling

The first period


Knowledge objectives:

to learn the new words

e.g. sweet(n)sweet (adj),lemon,sour ,salt ,salty ,coffee,bitter Skill objectives:

Using imperatives to give simple introductions

e.g. Taste the lemon .

using adjectives to describe how the food items smell or

taste :

e.g. it’s very sour .


warming up

say a rhyme:

Rough,rough,what is rough?

Bag,bag,a bag is rough.

Smooth,smooth,what is smooth?

Glass,glass ,a glass is smooth.

Soft,soft,what is soft ?

Bread,bread,a bread is soft .

Hard ,hard ,what is hard ?

Desk, desk,a desk is hard .


using a story about

review the five senses

e.g.:My eyes are bright ,my ears are big …

My Hands are strong .

review the abilities of the five senses.

e.g.: My eyes can see and find the sheep .

My ears can hear the sheep.

My hands can catch the sheep.

have the students introduce themselves using the sentence just like Hui Tailang.



The family of Hui Tai lang is siting in the grass .suddenly they hear the sheep .they see the sheep are eating food .so Xiao Hui hui changes very hungry.at the same time ,Xi Yangyang go away .so xiao hui hui and xiao hong hong go and taste.


Importation ‘sweet’. the sweet is covered ,so XiaoHuihui opened it .

‘Teaching the word’

Listen it .Tweet and sweet find the same letter and fill in the blanks.And spell it .

‘teaching sentences’


Sweet , sweet

Taste the _____.

How does it ____?

It’s very _____.


And a melon for comparison,listen read it and spell it. Use smell say the sentence ,


Melon, melon. ______,______.

Smell the______. Smell the______.

How does it _____? How does it _____?

It’s very _____. It’s very _____.

Use ‘taste ’say the sentence.


Melon, melon. ______,______.

Taste the______. Taste the______.

How does it ____? How does it ____?

It’s very _____. It’s very _____.


a. Spell and read

b. Say the sentence about salt salty



Taste the______.

How does it _____?

It’s very _____.


a..Guessing a riddle about coffee

b..listen and read it

office 办公室

c_ _ _ee 咖啡

_________,________ _________,________

Smell the ________. Taste the ________.

How does it ______? How does it ______?

It’s very _______. It’s very _____.



1 .say a rhyme Rhyme

Sweet sweet sweet, what is sweet?

Sweet sweet sweet, the sweet is sweet

Sour sour sour ,what is sour ?

Lemon lemon lemon, the lemon is sour.

Salty salty salty, what is salty ?

Salt salt salt, the salt is salty.

Bitter bitter bitter, what is bitter

Coffee coffee coffee, the coffee is bitter.

2. Go back to the story about Xiao Huihui and Xiao Honghong .fill in the blanks about talking e.g.:

Xiao Honghong:_____is very ______.

I like it.

Xiao Huihui : But Coffee is very _____.Salt is very _____.

_______ is too sour.T hey are not yummy.Hmm! let’s go.

3.do a survey

4.teaching the text .



1. 看见___________

2. smell ________

3. hear ___________

4. 尝___________



7.柔软___________ 8. rough ________

9. smooth ________ 10.坚硬_________





1.粗糙且柔__________ 3.柔软且漂亮__________

2.光滑且柔软________. 4.摸这个杯子___________

The second period

Knowledge: using adjectives to describe how the food items smeel or taste e.g.:it’s nice/ sweet / sour/ salty/ bitter .

using imperatives to give simple instructions

e.g.: close your eyes .Smell this .

Using Wh-questions to find out how the food items smell and taste .

e.g.: How does it smell/ taste ?


1. Flash the cards for the words sweet/ sweet, lemon/sour ,salt/salty and coffee/bitter and ask the students to respond quickly .


T: (Flash the cards for sweet/ sweet)

Ss:It’s a sweet . It’s sweet .

Then take away one card and ask the students which one is missing .

While-task procedures

1.write the key patterns how does it smell?How does it taste ? on the blackboard .Ask the students to read after you .Then ask them some questions.


T: How does the lemon smell?

S1: It’s nice .

T:How does it taste ?

S2: It’s very sour .

Then practice the dialogue with the students.


1. have the students practice dialogue with more food items ,such as a cake a biscuit , some juice and jelly . invite a student to come to the front and close his /her eyes . Have him / her smell a food item and answer your questions .


T: Close your eyes . Smell this . How does it smell ?

S1: It’s nice .

T:Yes, it is .Now open your eyes and taste it . How does it

Taste ?

S1: it’s sweet .

Then divide the class onto small groups to play the game . Remind them to use the key patterns .


Knowledge:using imperatives to give simple instructions

e.g.: Taste this apple .

using wh-questions to find out how the food items taste


How does this apple taste ?

Skill objectives:

Using adjectives to describe how the food items taste .

e.g.: It’s sour .

pre task

1.have the students listen to the recording for ‘Listen and enjoy’on page 13 of the Student’s Book .

2. show the students the flashcard for the different fruits they have learned . Ask them some questions.


T: What is it ? What colour is it ?How does it taste ?

Do you like it ?


1. Show the picture of a fruit shop and have the students make a new dialogue in groups of three following ‘Say and act’


s1: Gooding morning

s2 &s3:Good morning .

s1: Can I help you ?

s2: May I have some peaches , please ?

s1: taste this peach . How does it taste ?

s3: It’s hard and sour .

s1: Taste this peach

s2: How does it taste .?

s3: It’s soft and nice .

post –task

have the students do part ‘Listen choose and complete ’on page 13 of three . Then invite several groups to act out in front of the class .


s1: Good afternoon

s2: Good afternoon.

S1: Can I help you ?

S2: Some apples and bananas please .

教学反思:通过本单元的学习,同学们掌握住了身体五官单词smell taste及一些味道的单词,例如:sour salty....和简单生活用语句型Smell/Taste, how does it ....?也扩充了一些描述物体的形容词。70%的同学掌握住了单词背诵和课文背诵,课堂作业完成教认真,练习册完成较好,上海新卷A卷完成较好,B卷只有部分同学掌握较好,所以应多加有难度试题的联系。对于不会背诵单词和课文的同学还应加大力度督促。


Unit 1 My classroom Period One Teaching contents: L et’s act ( Page 2) Teaching aims: 1. 知识目标:能用祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.给出简单指令。 2. 能力目标:能听懂简单指令并作出反应。 3. 情感目标:激发学生学习的兴趣,使学生寓教于乐。 Difficult and key points:能用所学的命令相互交流。 Teaching aids: cassette, book, bag. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Two Teaching contents: let’s talk ( page 3 ) Teaching aims: 4. 知识目标:学会问候语How are you?及回答Fine, thank you.学会Good morning.问候早上好。 5. 能力目标:熟练运用句子交流。 6. 情感目标:教育学生做到礼貌待人。 Difficult and key points: How are you? Good morning.的问候语。Teaching aids: Cassette, a puppet. Teaching procedure:

Unit 1 My classroom Period Three Teaching contents: let’s learn ( page 4 ) Teaching aims: 7. 知识目标:学会pencil, pen, ruler, rubber, bag等学习用品。 8. 能力目标:运用各种方法简单描述物品。 9. 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习。 Difficult and key points:单词的发音和识记。 Teaching aids:Cassette1A, picture cards and word cards. Teaching procedure:

牛津英语上海版六年级 6A Unit 10教案设计(4课时)

Module 3 Food and drink Unit 10 Healthy eating First period Teaching aims: Learning adjectives to express quantities Reading about the food pyramid Talking about good diets Language focus: Using the simple present tense to express needs Using adjectives to express quantities Asking How questions to find out quantities Teaching procedures: Pre-task preparation: Do a brainstorming: Think about what healthy food is, as much as possible. While-task procedure: 1. Look and read: Look at the pictures. a. Learn adjectives to express quantities: a little, some, a lot of, plenty of. b. Practise the pattern drills: What kind of food do we need every day? We need 2. Read and learn some new vocabularies: pyramid, fat, salt, sugar, yogurt. 3. Look and read: Look at the picture, read after the tape sentence by sentence. Then Ss read by themselves and T invites some Ss to read. healthy/an unhealthy diet. 5. Look and say: Read the dialogue after the recording, and then read in pairs. S1: How much fruit do we need every day? S2: We need plenty of fruit every day. S1: How much sugar do we need every day? S2: We need a little sugar every day. Post-task activity:


学员编号: 年级:课时数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:英语学科教师: 授课类型TUnit6(牛津7上)同步梳理 教学目标1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津7年级上册Unit1中的基础词汇及重要句型; 星级★★★★ 授课日期及时段 议2-5分钟) Hello, XXX Greeting and warm-up 批注:孩子一般在日校很少有机会开口说英语,在上课前给孩子制造一些机会给孩子开口锻炼口语表达,同时也提高孩子学英语的兴趣和信心。 (建议20-25分钟) 一起回忆一下第六单元的内容 T同步-U6基础知识梳理

一、词汇Words 练一练: Words: 词性意思 1. 平静的 2. 方便的 3. 街区,城区 4. 底部 5. 陡的 6. 台阶 7. 吵闹的,吵杂的 8. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的 9. 令人愉快的 10. 令人放松的 11. 金融的,财政的 12. 教堂 13. 雕塑,雕像 14. 喷泉 15. 儿童故事书,童话书 16. (分手指的)手套 Phrases: 意思 1. 一周一次 2. 在--- 底部 3. 居住 4. 乘公交车/地铁 5. 筑巢 6. 起床 批注:让孩子回忆一下学校里上课的内容。检测孩子掌握情况。 Keys: Words: 词性意思 1. peaceful adj. 平静的 2. convenient adj. 方便的 3. neighborhood n. 街区,城区 4. bottom n. 底部 5. steep adj. 陡的 6. step n. 台阶

7. noisy adj. 吵闹的,吵杂的 8. exciting adj. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的 9. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 10. relaxing adj. 令人放松的 11.financial adj. 金融的,财政的 12. church n. 教堂 13. statue n. 雕塑,雕像 14. fountain n. 喷泉 15. storybook n. 儿童故事书,童话书 16. glove n. (分手指的)手套 Phrases: 意思 1.once a week 一周一次 2. at the bottom of 在--- 底部 3. live in 居住 4. by bus/ underground 乘公交车/地铁 5. make nests 筑巢 6. get up 起床 1. peaceful adj. 平静的 {联想} peace n. 和平 批注:先让学生回顾课文中的平静的是哪个单词(peaceful),然后在原有单词上变形引出peace,让学生留意这里的-ful,是形容词的后缀,可以多举例子如careful hopeful colorful....。 2. convenient adj. 方便的 {反义词} inconvenient adj. 不方便的 {联想} convenience n. 便利 批注:让孩子注意convenient 不能用人做主语,这样的词有impossible, proboble,....但是likely 可以用人做主语。 3. neighbourhood n. 街区;城区 批注:让孩子注意neighbourhood 与neighbour(n.邻居)的区别 4. bottom n. 底部 {反义词} top 批注:让孩子注意词的联想,比如说它的反义词,做到举一反三 5. *steep adj. 陡的 {反义词} gentle adj. 缓和的 批注:让孩子注意词的联想,比如说它的反义词,做到举一反三 6. step n. 台阶


Module 2 Places and activities Unit7 Rules around us Exercise 1 I. Choose the proper word or expression to complete each sentence.(从括号内选择合适的单词或词组完成句子) 1.Look at the ______________.It says no smoking.(sign/sing) 2.Don’t ____________ late for school.(being/be) 3.Let me ___________ you .(help/to help) 4. We must use ____________on the left.(the one/one) 5.We need _____________ more chairs.(a few/ few) II. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案) ( )1.. Joan is always late ____ school. Her teacher tells her to get up early. A. for B. with C. to D. on ( )2. I don’t like eating apples or bananas, ____ please don’t give them to me. A. and B. or C. so D. because ( )3. — Is the woman over there ____ teacher? —Yes, she is Miss Green. She teaches ____ English. A. you; our B. your; ours C. your; us D. you; us ( )4. If you want to go upstairs, you can use the ____ on the left. A. bicycle B. door C. car D. escalator ( )5. Do you know where you can ____ the sign? A. mean B. find C. look D. hear ( )6. We must speak ____ in the library. A. quickly B. loudly C. quietly D. slowly ( )7. You ____ walk across the road when the light is red. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. won’t D. may not ( )8. Kate tells me ____ Bill at the bus station at eight o’clock. A. wait for B. waiting for C. to waiting for D. to wait for ( )9. — ____ can you find this sign? —We can find it on the road. A. What B. Which C. Where D. Why ( )10. — ____ going to the Central Park tomorrow? —Great. A. How often B. Why do we C. Where are you D. What about ( )11. — Would you like to go shopping with me? —____. My sister will come today. A. I’m afraid not. B. Great C. I’d love to D. You’re welcome III. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词) 1. My brother studied in Britain a long time ago. (改为一般疑问句) ___________ your brother __________ in Britain a long time ago? 2. You can use the escalator in the middle. (改为否定句) You __________ ___________ the escalator in the middle. 3. We can find this sign on the road. (对画线部分提问) __________ can you ___________ this sign?


学员编号:年级:课时数:学员姓名:YYY 辅导科目:英语学科教师: XX 授课类型T Unit9(牛津7上)基础知识梳理 星级★★★ 1、使学生能够基本掌握牛津7年级上册Unit9中的基础词汇及重要句型; 教学目标 T同步-U9基础知识梳理 (建议2-5分钟) 1

It was a sunny day. We decided to have a picnic outside the city. In the morning, we took an early bus to a mountain. It was quite a colorful world. There were green trees, orange leaves,red peach blossoms. At noon, we reached the place.we sat by the river bank and took out a lot of things, such as bread, orange juice, apples, cakes, eggs and so on. But all of a sudden, it began to rain. Unluckily there was no shelter nearby. We had to take a bus to go back home in a hurry. What an unforgettable picnic it was! 批注:通过图片及这篇小文章来引出今天的主题,同时可以和学生进行对话,询问学生最想在食物节上吃到什么,引起学生对于本课的兴趣。 (建议20-25分钟) 一、词汇Words 1. homeless:adj. 无家可归的 【知识拓展】home:n.家,家庭& adj. 家用的,国内的& adv. 在家,在国内 2

上海版 小学牛津英语 4BM1U3教案

Oxford English 4B Module 1 Unit 3 Look at my shadows! (3 periods) 一、课时划分 Period 1: The tree’s shadow < Look and learn& Look and say & Make and say > Period2: Alice’s shadow Period3: A story about the shadow--- Henry the dog 二、单元整体教学目标: (一) 知识目标: 1、在语境中,学习、理解、运用本单元核心词汇:hill, lawn, path, bench, sun, moon, shadow, rise, go down, at noon等单词和词组。并在语境中正确运用所学词汇。 2、在语境中,学习、理解、运用主语是第三人称单数时的一般现在时表达: It …(does) 3、在语境中,运用所学单词,结合句型,对某事物的方位进行正确描述。 4、正确掌握元音字母组合―-ee, -ea, -eer, -ear‖的发音。 (二)能力目标: 1、学生能掌握一般现在时(主语是第三人称单数时)的表达It …(does). 2、学生能在语境中正确运用所学单词、句型,以一般现在时对某事物的方位进行正确描述。 3、学生能运用所学句型简单描述在不同时刻,影子的方位变化。 4、运用字母组合--ee, -ea, -eer, -ear发音规则进行语音训练。 (三)情感目标: 培养学生细心观察身边事物,探索大自然的奥妙。


苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案2011 6A Unit6 教学方案 (第一课时) 第一部分简要提示 一、年级:六年级 二、单元:Unit6 三、课题:Holidays 四、课型:新授课 五、教学内容:Part A 六、教学目标: ⒈掌握单词、词组:Christmas, Halloween, New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, people, didn't, had, relative, delicious, favourite, dress up, went, moon cake. ⒉能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Christmas is coming. What's your favourite holiday? My favourite holiday is Halloween. 七、重点、难点:初步了解并掌握句型:When's ...? It's in ... What do people usually do at/on ...? They ... Did you ... last...? Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. 第二部分教学过程 第一步:重难点突破 T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 同学们,你们好。Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Holidays. 今天我们将共同学习第六单元—节日。Let's begin our class, OK?Which holiday do you know? 你所了解的节日有那些?(稍停)好,我们先来认识一下这几个常见节日。(PPT图片) What holiday is this? It’s New Year's Day. New Year's Day春节。(拿出卡片)Now please look and read after me. 请看卡片,并且主义我的口型,跟我模仿。(慢读2遍)again (快读一遍) (PPT图片,同样方法学习新词Halloween, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival,教授。每词三遍。)

六年级下册英语教案- Unit 1 Great cities in Asia |牛津上海版

第一讲Unit1 Great cities in Asia 上海牛津沪教版六年级(下)同步讲义 Unit1 Great cities in Asia 适用学科初中英语适用年级初中六年级 适用区域上海课时时长(分钟)120分钟(一对一) 知识点知识点1:本单元词汇 知识点2:词组 知识点3:句型 知识点4:how引导的特殊疑问句知识点5:数词的用法 教学目标知识:学生能够基本掌握6年级下册Unit1中的词汇、词组、句型及语法。 方法:牢记各个知识点的用法,归纳总结异同点,通过习题加强巩固。 能力:熟练掌握各种词汇的用法; 具备准确判断词性及转换的能力; 熟练掌握现在完成时的运用能力; 熟练运用现在进行时表将来的能力。 教学重点词性转换;how引导的特殊疑问句;数词的用法教学难点how引导的特殊疑问句 教学过程 一、课堂导入

教师讲述一个与本节课题目有关的英文小故事,引出今日所要讲解的知识点,然后让学生简单梳理一下所涉及的问题,带着问题学习本节课的内容。 二、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课学的重点内容,检测单词的用法,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过英文小故事导入本节课所要学习的新知识。 三、知识讲解 1. 知识点一:重点单词 1)Asia [ 'ei??] 【词性】n. 【词义】亚洲 【易混淆点】Asian 亚洲的;亚洲人 【经典例句】 Miss Guo and her students are at an exhibition about great cities in Asia. 郭女士和她的学生们在一个关于亚洲主要城市的展览会上。 2)Japan [d??'p?n] 【词性】n. 【词义】日本 【易混淆点】Japanese 日本的;日本人 【经典例句】


初一年级英语学科教案 总课题Unit1 This is me!总课时8 第 1 课时课题Comic strip and welcome to the unit课型New 教学目标知识目标To grasp the words : e-dog, master, look after, good night 能力目标To learn how to greet with each other in English. 情感目标To train the Ss’ love to each other and respect each other 教学重点To learn how to greet with each other. 教学难点The same as the above. 课前预习Preview the new words. 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1 Revision Step2 Presentatio n Free talk Ask the Ss to greet their partners. 1)Show Ss a clock and say: At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner? 2)Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. This is their first English class. Open your books at Page 7 and read aloud what the Ss say. Show Ss a picture & say: Look! I have two new friends. Point to Eddie, say: It’s a dog. Then Hobo: It’s an e-dog. Ask: Do you want to know his name? Say: I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day. Who is his master? Ss greet with each other. Ss read and find what the Ss say. listen and say 通过这样一 个情境的设 置,可以激发 学生的学习 动机,更好地 参与到课堂 中来。 教学环节教学过程学生活动备课札记


上海牛津英语6A-Unit9P63教案六年级英语教案 teaching design for oxfordEnglish 6a - unit 9 picnics are fun contents: page 63 topic: why do you like…? aids: tape-recorder &PPT learners: class 2-4, grade 6 ******************************** targets: help students 1. talk about picnic. 2. learn and use the words: salty, spicy 3. learn and use the structure: because… classroom activities

i. talk about the food they are going to eat tonight: teacher: do you like ….? why do you like? students: because it … ii. look and learn: 1. cakes 2. nuts 3. spicy 4. bitter iii. read and learn (p63). let’s go to the supermarket. we need to buy… shall we…? why not…? assignments:

1. workbook p .56 2. recite the dialogue. reflection on teaching:

牛津上海版3BM4U2 教案

Module 4 Unit 2 Children’s Day 一、单元目标与内容 单元目标 1、正确朗读、拼写文具类单词:p a r k,c i n e m a,z o o, our, class, party, take a photograph, parent。 2、初步使用序数词表达日期:T o d a y i s t h e f i r s t o f J u n e. 3、能灵活运用句型:W h a t d o y o u d o o n C h i l d r e n’s D a y?D o y o u…o n C h i l d r e n’s D a y?来进行问答与描述。 4、正确使用H a p p y C h i l d r e n’s D a y!问候。 5、能正确朗读短文,熟练表演对话。 6、能阅读理解短文,了解不同国家不同的儿童节。 单元内容 语言知识 功能 ●学会表达日期。 ●学会询问与回答儿童节做什么事。 语言点 (Language) ●T o d a y i s t h e f i r s t o f J u n e. ●W h a t d o y o u d o o n C h i l d r e n’s D a y?D o y o u…o n C h i l d r e n’s D a y? 词汇 (New words and expressions) ●p a r k,c i n e m a,z o o, our, class, party, take a photograph, parent 听 (Listening) ●Identifying the key words by listening to the pronunciation ●U n d e r s t a n d i n g f o r m u l a i c e x p r e s s i o n s g r e e t i n g c h i l d r e n o n C h i l d r e n’s D a y ●U n d e r s t a n d i n g w h-q u e s t i o n s a s k i n g f o r s p e c i f i c i n f o r m a t i o n ●U n d e r s t a n d i n g y e s/n o q u e s t i o n s 语 言技能 说 (Speaking) ●Pronouncing the key words correctly. ●Using wh- questions to find out specific information ●U s i n g f o r m u l a i c e x p r e s s i o n s t o g r e e t c h i l d r e n o n C h i l d r e n’s D a y


牛津英语7A全套教案 ________________________________________ Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你 一Greetings问候 ★重点词汇Hello 喂nice 令人愉快的meet 遇见goodbye 再见this 这thank 谢谢 ★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。 课文英汉对照 Look and say Hello, I\'m Ben.你好,我是本。 Hi, I\'m Mark.你好,我是马克。 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.我也是。 This is Kitty. She is my sister.这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。 Hi, Mark.你好,马克。 Hi, Kitty.你好,基蒂。 Goodbye, Mark.再见,马克。 Bye, Kitty. Bye Ben.再见基蒂。再见,本。 Read and Act 读一读,演一演。 Alice: Good morning, Kitty. 艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。 Kitty: Good morning, Alice. 基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。 This is Mark .He\'s my friend. 这是马克。他是我的朋友。 Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克? Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗? Kitty: I\'m fine, too. 基蒂:我也很好。 重点难点解析 1. Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。 ▲hello是英语中使用频率最高的日常用语之一,可用来表示问候、打招呼或引起对方注意,可以用于熟人、朋友之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,可以单独使用,也可加称呼语。在两人见面问候时,意为“你好”,在打电话时,意为“喂”。hi在现代英语中以代替hello,显得更加随和。 【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,”“Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/Very well, thank youhhanks! And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?” 2. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too. too意为“也”,放在句末。 3. This is Kitty.这是基蒂。 ▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如:


上海牛津英语6a教案 【篇一:上海版牛津英语6a-m2u5教案】 module 2places and relatives unit 5open day first period language targets: 1. using simple future tense to talk about future events. e.g. your parents will arrive at two o’clock.2. using adverbs of time e.g. what will they do first? ability targets:1. learners learn to communicate with their parents. 2. learners try to express their ideas in english. emotion targets: students can realize how to show somebody the way and communicate with their parents. language focus:1. vocabulary: entrance, choir, noticeboard, programme, parent, first, next, finally, art, craft. 2. function: 1) using simple future tense to talk about future events. materials: 1. cassette 6a and a cassette player. 2. workbook 6a pages 28 and 29. 3. students’ book 6a page 32 1 2 3 second period using the simple future tense to talk about future events e.g. i’ll be in classroom 6a ability targets:1. learners learn to cooperate with each other. 2. learners try to express their ideas in english. emotion targets: students will welcome their parents on the open day. this activity will make them communicate with each other. language focus:1. new words: the ground floor, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, gym, different. 2. function: 1) using the simple future tense to talk about future events.


牛津英语7A教案全套 ________________________________________ Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你 一Greetings问候 ★重点词汇Hello 喂nice 令人愉快的meet 遇见goodbye 再见this 这thank 谢谢 ★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。 课文英汉对照 Look and say Hello, I\'m Ben.你好,我是本。 Hi, I\'m Mark.你好,我是马克。 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.我也是。 This is Kitty. She is my sister.这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。 Hi, Mark.你好,马克。 Hi, Kitty.你好,基蒂。 Goodbye, Mark.再见,马克。 Bye, Kitty. Bye Ben.再见基蒂。再见,本。 Read and Act 读一读,演一演。 Alice: Good morning, Kitty. 艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。 Kitty: Good morning, Alice. 基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。 This is Mark .He\'s my friend. 这是马克。他是我的朋友。 Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克? Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗? Kitty: I\'m fine, too. 基蒂:我也很好。 重点难点解析 1. Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。 ▲hello是英语中使用频率最高的日常用语之一,可用来表示问候、打招呼或引起对方注意,可以用于熟人、朋友之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,可以单独使用,也可加称呼语。在两人见面问候时,意为“你好”,在打电话时,意为“喂”。hi在现代英语中以代替hello,显得更加随和。 【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,”“Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/V ery well, thank youhhanks! And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?” 2. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too. too意为“也”,放在句末。 3. This is Kitty.这是基蒂。 ▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如: Ii Lei: Mum, this is my teacher, Miss Wang. 李雷:妈妈,这是我的老师,王老师。


6A Module 1 Unit 1 Family and relatives 语言知识 Period 1(p2-p3)Period 2(p4) Period 3(P5-P6)Period 4 Period 5 A family tree Family and relatives My family 本单元出现在《考纲》上的单词主要词组或短语 (*为《考纲》上的词组) 主要句型和语法点 only adv. member n. classmate n. shop v. else adv. cycle v. relative n. cousin n. *go shopping *go cycling *go swimming *a lot of 1. How many …? 2. What do you do with your …? 3. Pron.: (Personal Pronoun / Possessive Pronoun) 4. always / usually / often / sometimes 5. How often …? 语言技能 语言技能本单元的要求例子或推荐学生阅读的材料或网站 听说1.要求掌握简单的句子来介绍自己的家庭。 2.能听懂关于家庭的句子。 推荐网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ca1201301.html,/q/h/ck/sw-family.html 读能阅读用英语对家庭成员介绍的句子。阅读一些关于家庭的成员的短篇文章。 写能用There are… in my family. He / she usually goes …. with 等句型来描写家庭生活。(要求40个单词以上) I have a lovely family and it is not big. There are 3 people in my family. They’re my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse. Of course, I’m a student. At weekends, my parents go to the park with me. I love my family very much. 教学活动主要组织形式


牛津英语七年级教案(7A+7B) 牛津英语7A全套教案 Starter Unit 1 Getting to know you 逐渐认识你 一Greetings问候 ★重点词汇Hello 喂nice 令人愉快的meet 遇见goodbye 再见this 这thank 谢谢 ★语法聚焦1.一般现在时的用法;2.系动词am, is的用法;3.副词too的用法。 课文英汉对照 Look and say Hello, I\'m Ben.你好,我是本。 Hi, I\'m Mark.你好,我是马克。 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.我也是。 This is Kitty. She is my sister.这是基蒂。她是我的妹妹。 Hi, Mark.你好,马克。 Hi, Kitty.你好,基蒂。 Goodbye, Mark.再见,马克。 Bye, Kitty. Bye Ben.再见基蒂。再见,本。 Read and Act 读一读,演一演。 Alice: Good morning, Kitty. 艾丽斯:早上好,基蒂。 Kitty: Good morning, Alice. 基蒂:早上好,艾丽斯。 This is Mark .He\'s my friend. 这是马克。他是我的朋友。 Alice: How are you,Mark? 艾丽斯:你好吗,马克? Mark: Fine, thank you .And you? 马克:很好,谢谢。你好吗? Kitty: I\'m fine, too. 基蒂:我也很好。 重点难点解析 1. Hello, rm Ben,你好,我是本。 ▲hello是英语中使用频率最高的日常用语之一,可用来表示问候、打招呼或引起对方注意,可以用于熟人、朋友之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,可以单独使用,也可加称呼语。在两人见面问候时,意为“你好”,在打电话时,意为“喂”。hi在现代英语中以代替hello,显得更加随和。 【注〕熟人之间,在说了声“Hi,”“Hello”之后,还会关心地补上一句:“How are you?”(你身体好吗?)对方马上回答说:“Fine/Not bad/V ery well, thank youhhanks! And you?”(很好/不坏/非常好,谢谢。你呢?),以示给对方的回敬。而陌生人之间,在说了声:“Hello”之后,再补上一句“How do you do?”对方跟着重复一句:“How do you do?” 2. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 ▲双方初次见面经介绍后常说的一句话,这是陌生人初次见面的客套话。这句话也可用于双方好久未见,偶然相逢时的场合,表示一种高兴的心情。回答时一般说Nice to meet you, too. too意为“也”,放在句末。 3. This is Kitty.这是基蒂。 ▲在第三者给双方作介绍时,通常用This is+姓名这一句型。在这种场合通常不说He is...或She is...。如:
