

荆轲刺秦王The man wants to kill the king









荆轲:Do you know why we are sent to meet the king of Qin?

秦舞阳:Our king of Yan told us to find a chance to kill the king of Qin when we meet him!

荆轲:That's right! Are you scared? It's a dangerous task, we will die whenever we kill him or not!

秦舞阳:I am Qin Wuyang, I had killed someone when I was just 8 years old. There is nothing that I will be scared of in the word.

荆轲:You are really brave! I trust we can make it with your help! Let's go to meet the king of Qin.


宦官:My lord, the messengers of the country-Yan want to meet you, they are outside. 秦王:Just let them in! I just want to occupy the small country, I want to know what they want to do or give in.


秦舞阳小声:I am so scared. I want to go home and find my mother.

荆轲:Are you kidding? You just say you are a brave man.

秦舞阳:I am so sorry. I will keep calm down.

荆轲上前:My lord, I am Jingke, the represent of my country,Yan. I am sent to make peace with you.

秦王:You think too much. I can occupy your country whenever I want.

荆轲:That's not benefit to you because a lot of your soldiers will die or bleed. But if you could make peace with us, we will give one state of our country to you without any money.

秦王:Let me think twice. Oh! It's a good idea. But what state will you give me? 荆轲:I take a map of my country. I can show you the state in this map. And here is the map。(拿出地图)

秦王:Oh! Go ahead and show me.

荆轲上前,并在秦王面前慢慢展开地图:My load, please look here.


秦王大惊:Oh! Shit! You want to kill me. Help me! Help me!



太医大叫(一直坐在观众席):My lord, take your sword behind your back. take your sword!Quickly!


荆轲:Wuyang, Go ahead and kill him for our country,Quckily!


荆轲:Oh! You betray me, you betray our country.

秦舞阳:Sorry, in fact I am the soldier of Qin. I am a secret agent. You just don’t know.

荆轲:Oh! Shit! I am so stupid.(荆轲卒)

秦王:Qinwuyang, good soldier, you helped me.

秦舞阳:It is my honor to sever you, my king.

秦王:I will show the thing to the world, I will occupy the country in the least time. I am so angry! (愤然离场)

太医在台下旁边:T hat’s all! Thank you!



五人英语话剧剧本-The Silber Swindle 5人 Actors: Tavern Keepe:(男主角) Young Man Keeper's Wife(女主角) Young Man Old Man Summary: Once upon a time, there was a tavern. Travelers and hunters would exchange silver ingots for copper coins and eat some food there. The tavern keeper and his wife were very greedy. They always played tricks on the scales and cheated their customers. One day they played a trick on an old man as usuaL They were so happy. They thought they made a big fortune. Th their surprise, a young man in the tavern began snickering. "It looks like you've been cheated this time." He told them that the silver ingots had lead in them. The old man was a con artist in fake silver for years. How could it be this way? A smart money changer ilke the tavern keeper was outwitted by an old man! Narrator: Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I will tell you a story. Once upon a time somewhere at the foot of the Changpai mountain, there was a tavern at which travelers and hunters exchanged money to be used inside and outside the small town. Most people knew that the keeper of the tavern and his wife were very greedy. They cheated people by playing tricks on the scales and even charged additional fees for no reasons. One day~ Scene I (Customers are talking, laughing and drinking in the tavern. A traveler just comes in, finds a seat and sits down.) Hunter 1: We hunted many animals today. (laughing) Let's have some more drink.


荆轲刺秦王英语搞笑剧本 The man wants to kill the king 旁白:It was war periods time, the war among different countries seemed endless. Every kings or ministers tried to find some supermen to work for them——to be the killing tools for their political purposes. As time goes by, it was becoming a fashion to feed so me good men at home…… This is a crazy world. In the crazy world, there are the crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by the crazy way. 第一幕:Conspire(密谋) 太子丹(上,叹气):Ying Zheng,that bad guy,treats me even worse than before.Resorts to lots of persons in his hand,he never cares about me ---the most sensible prince under the sun.Recently,he has got much more cities from my hands.How can I live if these things happen again(急)。Hey!! I must think out a good idea. I must make him know who I am.(向幕里大叫)Where is my minister? (大臣阿三上)Indeed, tell me what shall we do now? 阿三:(毕恭毕敬)Just keep calm,please!Let me see!(盘坐在地。两手在头上画画如一休)(旁外音:当当当,砰!!)(阿三起)Ok,I get one,we can sent a hero to put Ying Zheng to~~~(作杀状)Then, all the beauties,jewelries and cities in Qing is ours~~~ (淫笑)太子与阿三作流口水状. 太子:Ha, ha~~~. Good idea,Good idea!But do you think who we can sent? 阿三:I have thought about it, we can send Xi Men Chui Xue .He is traveling in our country these days. I think we can’t lose the chance. We must employ him quickly. 太子:Well, deal with the things as soon as possible. 第二幕:tournament (比武) 西门吹雪(上台,摆出一幅酷式,手一张,一条纸带随风而下) 西门吹雪 (Xi Men Chui Xue) 身高:190cm Height: 190cm 最爱干的事情:聊qq Favorite doing: chatting 战斗力:无限War power: endless 最爱的颜色:黑色Favorite color: black 武器:长剑Weaponry: long sword 最爱喝的饮料:啤酒Favorite drinks: beer 血型:O Type of blood: O 最崇拜的人:小燕子,****** Favorite idol: Xiao Yanzi Mao Zedong Today I came here for the fighting, who is the unwanted-life guy. Stand out. 荆轲(抖嗦而上)站在一边,不敢出大气。 旁白:Competition begins. 荆轲(带剑冲向西门吹雪,半途停住)Are you really Xi Men Chui Xue? 西门吹雪:Just come on. 荆轲:(又冲,停在西门吹雪面前)Are you sure you are really the Xi Men Chui Xue in the story? 西门吹雪:(不耐烦)what a boring man! How dare you ask me such a stupid question?

多人剧英语剧本 五人英语话剧剧本-除夕

英语话剧剧本 New Year’s Eve 除夕的传说,一个很优秀的剧本,讲述了除夕的传说,就是有一个怪物叫“夕",每到腊月的最后一天会出来害人... Characters Monster who likes to eat people, espec ially on Chinese New Year’s Eve() Old lady A whose husband and children were eaten by the monster ( ) Old lady B who comes to help old lady A to fight with the monster ()Neighbors C () Neighbors D () Neighbors E ()

Scene I SETTING: C、D、E and old lady A are in the village. AT RISE: C、D、E are talking to one another. C: Tomorro w is Chinese New Year’s Eve. D: Oh, my god!It’s Chinese New Year’s Eve again. E: We must run away today or we will be eaten by the terrible monster. C: Yes, I remember it comes to the village every year. D:And eat all the people. E: That’s terrible!Old lady A’s husband and children were eaten by the monster last year. C: Oh, that poor lady who lost her family. She must be very sad. D: We must tell her to run away with us. E: Yes, don’t let the tragedy happen again. CDE: (Run to the old lady A’s home) Old lady, Old lady, you must run away with us now. C: Yes, take your baggage and go with us. D: Hurry up, we have no time to waste. A: No, I want to stay here. E: Why? A: I want to fight with the monster!It killed my family. I need to take revenge on it. C: No, No, No, it’s not safe. D: You won’t win by yourself! E: And you will be eaten, too. CDE: You must go with us!! A: I’m too old, and I don’t want to keep living without my family. I must kill it before I die. CDE: You are a crazy woman. Just suit yourself. (C, D, E run away)

荆轲刺秦王 课本剧 剧本

演员:太子丹秦王荆轲樊将军高渐离秦舞阳三(记者)众侍卫导演兼旁白 剧情:黑板上由导演按时写上“幕名ing”。 导演(上):大家好!祝大家十一以及之后的月考快乐!哈!我就是咱剧组大导演兼荆轲牌匕首的代言人是也。本剧演员均为铜鸡奖提名未得奖演员,档期排了很久的呢!接下来就请大家欣赏他们的表演! 第一幕设谋 【幕启。荆轲正在家中练武,太子丹在台下喊“荆轲---”急匆匆上】 荆轲:(停止练武,恭敬地点头致意)太子早上好! 太子丹(十分焦急地):好啥子好?秦国已经占领了赵国的都城邯郸,快要打到我们燕国了。我们根本不是秦国的对手啊! 荆轲:太子您有什么高见啊? 太子丹:我想派你打扮成使者去见秦王,接近秦王身边,逼他退还诸侯的土地。不答应就把他刺死!你看行不行? 荆轲:您就是不说我也准备采取行动了,但要接近秦王身边,总不能空着手去啊,要让他们相信我们是求和的。听说秦王最想得到我们燕国最肥沃的土地督亢,并且重金求秦国叛逃到我国的将军樊於期首级。如果我能把督亢的地图和樊将军的头献给秦王,他一定会接见我。这样,我就可以刺杀他了。 太子丹:(为难地)督亢的地图好办;樊将军受秦国迫害来投奔我,我下不来这个手啊!(双手摊开,两人下台) 第二幕自刎 【幕启。樊於期正在偷菜,荆轲上】 樊於期:哇,升级了! 荆轲:慢着,樊将军,我有件重要的事儿和你商量。 樊於期:您请讲。 荆轲:我有一个主意,能帮助燕国解除祸患,还能替将军你报仇,可就是说不出口啊! 樊於期:什么主意,你快说啊。 荆轲:我决定去行刺秦王,就怕见不到他的面。你也知道现在秦王正在悬赏通缉你,我若能够带着你的头颅去献给他…… 樊於期:(伸出手掌打断)i know,i know(悲伤又慷慨地握住手腕拊住胸口走上前)这是让我日夜的痛心的事,到现在才能够听说!我的密码是12345,记得以后帮我偷菜” (停顿几秒,提剑自刎) 【太子丹赶到】 扶尸痛苦道,“将军,我对不起你呀!拜托你的冤魂别来找我,我也不想这样子啊!来人,你以后去机房工作,专为樊将军偷菜。 第三幕怀疑 【幕启。 (第一天)“哎,他怎么还没来?我等到花儿都谢了。”荆轲踱步叹息。 (第二天) (第N天) 太子丹走来说:“时间不早了,您难道不想去吗?那我就先打发秦武阳动身了!”


The Tale of Aladdin Characters: Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine, and Sultan Scene 1 旁白: Welcome to my store. What are you in need of today? What about this (Hold up a strange item) Or this? (Holds up another item) Or look at this… (Holds the third item) Wait don’t go… I can see that you are only interested in special things. Why not co nsider this? (He pulls out the magic lamp) This… this is no ordinary lamp! It once changed a young man's life. His name was Aladdin. SCENE 2(白 when Aladdin is on the way home) Aladdin:(Notices the lamp) Hey wh at’s this? (He picks it up) W o w… it’s so dirty. (He rubs the lamp clean) Genie: (Genie appears. Aladdin is astonished.后退,倒下,惊叫,向门外逃被无形的 力量牵住) Who are you and why call me from my lamp? Aladdin: please don’t kill me,I’m Ala ……Aladdin. Ah… I am sor ry to disturb you(Genie interrupt Genie: (Bows to Aladdin) I am the genie of the lamp and I will obey you. I will do anything you ask. What is your command?


荆轲刺秦王 时间:战国。 地点:燕都蓟,秦都咸阳。 人物: 荆轲、嬴政、太子丹、高渐离、樊於期、秦舞阳、蒙嘉、夏无且 第一幕 (旁白:秦国猛将王翦攻破赵国,俘虏了赵王,将赵国领土全部纳入秦国版图。然后又向北进军,直逼燕国南部边界。)(同时,王翦正一脚踩赵王身上,然后抬头很狂地看着太子丹) 燕国太子丹恐惧(丹来回踱步,神色焦急),于是请来荆轲(荆轲上),说:秦兵早晚会渡过易水,这样的话,燕国不保啊! 荆轲:就算太子没有说这些话,臣也是要自请行动的。而现在行动的话,没有什么信物,是无法接近秦王的。但是眼下,秦王以千斤金万家邑悬赏樊将军的人头。如果得到樊将军的人头和燕国督亢一带的地图,献于秦王,秦王必定会很高兴接见臣,然后。。。(笑) 太子:你的意思是? 荆轲:(很邪恶一笑,手中拿出一张牌:杀)杀! 太子:樊将军陷入困境而投奔燕国,丹不忍心以一己之私利辜负了长者的情意,希望你重新考虑一下吧。(拜) 第二幕 (旁白:荆轲知道太子心软,于是私下里单独去见了樊於期。) (樊於期在房中,荆轲上。)(与旁白同步) 荆轲:秦国对将军实在残忍,杀将军全家,购将军人头,将军您咋办? 樊於期(很重很重一叹):我每次想到这些,痛都深入骨髓,不知。。奈何!(做思考着状,然后慢慢抬头)(注意表情) 荆轲:现在有个办法可以解决燕国的困境,又可以报将军的深仇,您觉得怎么样? 樊於期(瞪眼,疾步走上前去,一掌拍过去):啥? 荆轲:若得到将军的首级进献给秦王,秦王必定高兴而宣见我。我就用左手抓他袖,右手裖他胸,然后将军的仇也报了,燕国被羞辱的耻辱也没了,将军觉得怎么样?(说完后再把那个抓修刺胸的动作很夸张的来一遍) 樊於期(头一甩,很潇洒):大爷的我天天在想这件事!小子,说的好!(刎颈自杀特技)(旁白:太子丹听说了这件事,立刻赶了过去。) 太子丹(与上面的旁白同步,冲进房间,看到地上的尸体,趴在上面,痛哭失声直到下面的旁白结束):将军! (旁白:事情已经发生,太子丹无可奈何,于是吩咐安放好樊於期的头颅,用匣子装好。) 第三幕 (旁白:太子丹预先征集世上最锋利的匕首,得到了赵国徐夫人的匕首,用一百金将它买了下来,让工匠用毒药淬炼。用此匕首试人的时候,鲜血渗透衣服,没有不立即死去的。)(与上面旁白同步:龙套用刀试几个人,死法各异) (旁白:燕国有一勇士名叫秦武阳,十三岁就杀了人,人们都不敢与他对视。于是太子丹令秦武阳做荆轲的副手。) (与上面的旁白同步:1.秦舞阳很狂地抱胸,眼神吓人来个龙套被吓着。2.太子丹端坐于大殿中,秦武阳单膝跪地接受命令。)


小学生英语话剧小剧本(小红帽) 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来) Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy. Mum:Bye-bye. Darling.

第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks. Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后)


The man wants to kill the king 旁白:Long, long ago , it was Warring States Period, the war among different countries seemed endless. Every king or minister tried to find some supermen to work for them——to be the killing tools for their political purposes. As time went by, it was becoming a fashion to feed some good men at home…… This is a crazy world. In the crazy world, there are the crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by the crazy way. 第一幕:Conspire(密谋) 太子丹:(上,叹气)Ying Zheng, that bad guy, treats me even worse than before. Resorts to lots of persons in his hand, he never cares about me ---the most sensible prince under the sun. Recently, he has got much more cities from my hands. How can I live if these things happen again(急)。Hey!! I must think out a good idea. I must make him know who I am. (向幕里大叫)Where is my minister? (大臣阿三上)Indeed, tell me what shall we do now? 阿三:(毕恭毕敬)Just keep calm, please! Let me see! (盘坐在地,两手在头上画画如一休)(旁外音:当当当,砰!!)(阿三起)Ok, I get one, we can sent a hero to put Ying Zheng to~~~(作杀状)Then, all the beauties, jewelries and cities in Qing is ours~~~ (淫笑)太子与阿三作流口水状. 太子:Ha, ha~~~. Good idea, Good idea! But do you think who we can sent? 阿三:I have thought about it, we can send Xi Men Chui Xue. He is traveling in our country these days. I think we can’t lose the chance. We must employ him quickly. 太子:Well, deal with the things as soon as possible. 第二幕:tournament (比武) 西门吹雪(上台,摆出一幅酷式,手一张,一条纸带随风而下) 西门吹雪(Xi Men Chui Xue) Height: 190cm Favorite doing: chatting War power: endless


5人英语话剧剧本-Yes Means No(似是而非) Teddy Lawson is going to marry Edith Merrill and he asks his father, Mr. Lawson, to finance his honeymoon. However, Teddy's father wants him to learn to say NO first because Teddy always says YES to everyone who makes a request. They make a deal that Mr. Lawson will give Teddy one hundred dollars for every time Teddy says NO in half an hour, but if Teddy says YES just once, Teddy forfeits every NO-Mr. Lawson's secretary, Miss Collins, will make the strict account of every NO. In order to have a nice honeymoon, Teddy tries hard to carry out his father's orders and answer NO as many as possible to everything asked, even though he is running the risks of breaking his father's deal with T. J. Morgan and losing his own sweet heart,Edith Merrill... TEDDY: (Coming to his father's desk L.) Dad, there's something I want to tell you. LAWSON: Oh, is that so! What is it? TEDDY: Well, Dad, I've just proposed to Edith Merrill and she's accepted me. LAWSON: Going to get married, eh? When do you intend doing this? TEDDY: Right away. That's why I wanted to see you, and of course I know you'll finance the honeymoon. LAWSON: Oh... I will, will I? (Pounds desk, rises and comes to Teddy C.) I'll tell you that I'm ashamed of you. You haven't any backbone... you can't say NO! I left you in charge of my business last week just to see how you'd conduct it. And you did great. Ha!... If I'd stayed away another week, you'd have ruined me (Strolls up C.) TEDDY: I did the best I could! LAWSON: Then you'd make a fine business man. (Coming down C.)The most essential thing in a business man's life is to be able to say "NO." At all times NO. Especially in a credit business like mine. But you said YES to everyone who asked for extra time. (Takes a few steps L.) TEDDY: But they always cried to me and I just couldn't say "no." LAWSON: Well, you'll learn to say "no" before I finance any honeymoon. (Lawson is below desk L. Phone rings, Lawson turns to his desk, grabs phone quickly and sits down.)Lawson talking...! (Listens a second.) NO!!!I... said...NO. (Listens again.)Then I'll foreclose. That's final.. NO! (Lawson hangs up receiver. Turns to Teddy.)That's how I make my money.. being able to say NO.. NO.. NO. (Pounds desk with each "No!" Rises and comes to Teddy C.) And that's the way I want my son to be before he shoulders the responsibility of marriage. TEDDY: Well, give me another chance, Dad... and I'll try to make good. LAWSON: (He sneers the last word and takes a stroH up C.) Do you mean it? TEDDY: You betl do LAWSON: (Coming down L of Teddy.) TEDDY: All right... I'll give you another chance. You want money for a honeymoon?.. .Very well! You take charge of this office while I go to lunch and I'll give you one hundred dollars for every time you say NO. LAWSON: One hundred dollars? TEDDY: Right! Do you think you can do it?



荆轲刺秦王 时间:战国。 地点:燕都蓟,秦都咸阳。 人物:荆轲、嬴政、太子丹、高渐离、樊於期、秦舞阳、蒙嘉、夏无且 第一幕 (旁白:秦国猛将王翦攻破赵国,俘虏了赵王,将赵国领土全部纳入秦国版图。然后又向北进军,直逼燕国南部边界。)(同时,王翦正一脚踩赵王身上,然后抬头很狂地看着太子丹) 燕国太子丹恐惧(丹来回踱步,神色焦急),于是请来荆轲(荆轲上),说:秦兵早晚会渡过易水,这样的话,燕国不保啊! 荆轲:就算太子没有说这些话,臣也是要自请行动的。而现在行动的话,没有什么信物,是无法接近秦王的。但是眼下,秦王以千斤金万家邑悬赏樊将军的人头。如果得到樊将军的人头和燕国督亢一带的地图,献于秦王,秦王必定会很高兴接见臣,然后。。。(笑) 太子:你的意思是? 荆轲:(很邪恶一笑,手中拿出一张牌:杀)杀! 太子:樊将军陷入困境而投奔燕国,丹不忍心以一己之私利辜负了长者的情意,希望你重新考虑一下吧。(拜) 第二幕 (旁白:荆轲知道太子心软,于是私下里单独去见了樊於期。) (樊於期在房中,荆轲上。)(与旁白同步) 荆轲:秦国对将军实在残忍,杀将军全家,购将军人头,将军您咋办? 樊於期(很重很重一叹):我每次想到这些,痛都深入骨髓,不知。。奈何!(做思考着状,然后慢慢抬头)(注意表情) 荆轲:现在有个办法可以解决燕国的困境,又可以报将军的深仇,您觉得怎么样? 樊於期(瞪眼,疾步走上前去,一掌拍过去):啥? 荆轲:若得到将军的首级进献给秦王,秦王必定高兴而宣见我。我就用左手抓他袖,右手裖他胸,然后将军的仇也报了,燕国被羞辱的耻辱也没了,将军觉得怎么样?(说完后再把那个抓修刺胸的动作很夸张的来一遍) 樊於期(头一甩,很潇洒):大爷的我天天在想这件事!小子,说的好!(刎颈自杀特技)(旁白:太子丹听说了这件事,立刻赶了过去。) 太子丹(与上面的旁白同步,冲进房间,看到地上的尸体,趴在上面,痛哭失声直到下面的旁白结束):将军! (旁白:事情已经发生,太子丹无可奈何,于是吩咐安放好樊於期的头颅,用匣子装好。) 第三幕 (旁白:太子丹预先征集世上最锋利的匕首,得到了赵国徐夫人的匕首,用一百金将它买了下来,让工匠用毒药淬炼。用此匕首试人的时候,鲜血渗透衣服,没有不立即死去的。) (与上面旁白同步:龙套用刀试几个人,死法各异) (旁白:燕国有一勇士名叫秦武阳,十三岁就杀了人,人们都不敢与他对视。于是太子丹令秦武阳做荆轲的副手。) (与上面的旁白同步:1.秦舞阳很狂地抱胸,眼神吓人来个龙套被吓着。2.太子丹端坐于大殿中,秦武阳单膝跪地接受命令。) (旁白:荆轲在等人,想要同他一起去,但因为此人住得太远,很久都还没到。太子丹认为他在推迟,怀疑他有所迟疑,于是再一次请他。) 太子丹:日子已经不多了,荆卿还有意去刺杀吗?我想先派遣秦武阳去。


英语五人话剧剧本 < Beauty and the Beast(美女与野兽)>修改版 Play characters: 旁白(旁白):A Beauty father(美女的父亲):B Beauty sister(美女的姐妹):C Beauty(美女):D Beast (野兽):E ----------------------------- 剧本: ------------------------------ 旁白:Hello, everybody. I am aside. (每个人依次介绍自己的角色:I am ……) 旁白: Today I will tell you an incredible story~ 旁白:Action 1 (出场人物:美女的父亲、美女的姐姐、美女) 旁白:One day,beauty’s fatherlearned that all his ships had been lost i n a storm. He was penniless and would have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods. 美女父亲(依依不舍的):I’m sorry,but all my ships had been lost in a st orm, we have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.My dear daughters,I must go to find another job. 美女:Everything will be alright,daddy.


《荆轲刺秦王》搞笑版 人物(初步设定,按出场顺序): 旁白 燕 燕国樊於期 荆轲 徐夫人(男) 高渐离(男) 秦王宠臣 下人 秦王政 第一幕燕国大难将至 (旁白:“历史背景:秦将破赵,虏,尽收其地,进兵北略地,至界。燕国大难将至,举国上下陷入混乱。第一幕,太子丹找来樊於期商量对策。”) 樊於期:“大王,微臣惶恐,自从秦氏房地产将赵氏万科收购后,实力大增,已经将咱们燕南界那块地买下来了,恐怕很快就要威胁到我们燕氏集团了,您一定要想想有什么应对之法啊。” 太子丹来回踱步,焦虑状:“秦王真是欺人太甚,之前每次说要请客吃饭都是我付的钱也就算了,现在直接把马桶按到我头上来啦!哼,你占我地,我要你命!来人呐,把荆轲叫来。” 荆轲上:“大王,您call我啊” 太子丹:“荆轲,现寡人有一重任要托付于你,普天之下,恐怕只有你能胜任。帮我把秦王。。坷!” 荆轲:“坷” 太子丹:“拿依做掉(上海话讲)”

荆轲吓得跪地说:“哇,老大,这么危险的任务还是让猎头部去吧,我其实不是什么特种兵,我是个杀猪的。。。” 太子丹:“哦,原来如此啊,那我看你申请的那个员工住房和公积金,还有今年的年终分红问题,我得找李锦涛好好商量商量啊,哦,对了,还有,夏主任上次飞鸽传书给我,说你老婆在人才市场好像干的不踏实啊。。。” 荆轲:“禀大王,微臣刚才认真的想过了,时下正值燕氏集团的生死关头,这项任务我是当仁不让的。此次刺杀行动自当竭尽全力,万死不辞!” 太子丹:“好!好!荆卿果然是忠君爱国,侠骨丹心呐!” 荆轲:“可是大王,我这身子骨好久不练啦,怎么着也得配一副紫菱冠、玄武甲、青龙胯、登云靴、鱼肠剑、赤兔马和50名随从吧。” 太子丹:“我听说你儿子的幼儿园好像近期要分班了吧” 荆轲退步:“大王,荆轲只需一件利器即可。” 太子丹:“这个可以有!可是,到哪里去寻这件刺杀的利器呢” 樊於期:“太子,我知道有一人有这样一件宝贝,取之百金,使工以药淬之。以试人,血濡缕,人无不立死者。” 荆轲:“你是指。。。徐夫人的那把“玄铁匕首” 樊於期:“哈哈,正是。” 太子丹:“速速取来!” (旁白:樊於期找到徐夫人,说明了来意,问其借匕首) 徐夫人大方的表示:“借,当然要借,这可是国之大事,倘若这把匕首真能派上用场,那也是我徐家木业,额,不是,徐家兵业的光荣啊。” 樊於期激动说道:“徐夫人,当真” 徐夫人点头,樊於期上前握住徐夫人的手,激动的说:“党和人民会感谢你的!”徐夫人不以为然的说:“应该的应该的。反正是淘宝上买的,不值几个钱。”樊於期顿时尴尬:“淘。。淘宝。。。呦,您也淘宝,够时尚的啊!额。不是。那这匕首。。。”

多人剧英语剧本 4-5人英语话剧剧本-英汉双语

第一幕: Bill and Marry are all students, they have fallen in love with each other for nearly 2 months. The class is over, Bill promised to meet Marry after class. 女生跑出教学楼,男生迎了上去。 男:你下课了?我等了你一个小时。 B:Darling, the class is so long, I have waited for you for nearly one hour. 女:对不起,那个数学老师拖堂了四十分钟。 G:Sorry, Bill, the mathematics teacher has runned overtime for nearly 40 minutes. 男:没事的。(变出一个橘子来,女生表示很开心)看,多漂亮的橘子。 B:That’s all right. Haha, look, how beautiful a Orange it is. 女:你对我真好。 (男剥了橘子,要喂给女生吃,女生不吃。) G:You are so nice to me. 女:我们分着吃吧。 G:Let us eat it together , ok? 男:我吃过了。(喂给女生吃了。) B:Baby, I have ate it, This Orange is special for you. 女:真好吃,我们一起去图书馆看书吧。 G:It tastes so delicious. Let’s go to the library and read books. 男:好的,走吧。 B:Ok, let’s go. 第二幕: After one year, the two students graduate from school, they work at different corporation. They rent a small house far away from their work places, for the rent cost is mach small. 两个人都毕业了,分别在两家公司上班。在租住的小出租屋里。

课本剧 荆轲刺秦王

课本剧荆轲刺秦王 荆轲刺秦王 时间:战国末期秋。 地点:燕国京都蓟城和秦国都城咸阳。 人物: 太子丹——燕王喜之子,曾做为人质出使赵国和秦国,因不忍秦王的侮辱而逃回燕国。 鞠武——太子丹的老师。 樊於期——秦国将领,因得罪了秦王而逃到燕国。 荆轲——卫国人,善于击剑、唱歌,为反抗秦国吞并诸侯而周游列国。 高渐离——燕国人,以宰狗为业,擅长击筑(即古筝之类的弦琴)。 秦舞阳——年仅15岁,善于击剑,因年龄小而略显怯懦。 秦王——嬴政,后为秦始皇。 蒙嘉——秦王的宠臣,官拜中庶子(即在朝中管理车马的小官人)。 夏无且——秦王的侍医。 燕国、秦国文武官员、随从若干人。 第一幕 太子丹正厅,太子丹正与老师鞠武议事。 太子丹:(叹气)自我从秦国回来后,嬴政的气焰更嚣张了,天天出兵山东,攻打齐、楚和三晋,像蚕吃桑叶一样,逐渐侵吞各国。眼下战火将及燕国,身为太子我却毫无办法。鞠武:殿下,嬴政暴虐,只顾满足吞并天下的野心,不知害了多少百姓。但秦国的实力委实强大,它的土地遍天下,(拿地图铺在桌上,以手指之)背面有甘泉、谷口坚固险要的地势,南面有泾河、沩水流域肥沃的土地,据有富饶的八郡、汉中地区,右边有陇、蜀崇山峻岭为屏障,左边有函谷关做要塞。他们人口众多而且士兵训练有素,武器装备绰绰有余。如果秦国来攻打燕国,恐怕…… 太子丹:所以我们不能坐以待毙…… 鞠武:但如果主动出击,我们几乎没有胜算。他们的地形易守难攻。如果隐忍一下说不定还会有变数。 太子丹:(怒)忍,忍可以解决问题吗?秦如虎豺,他早晚会毁了燕国。 随从报:有人求见 樊於期上 樊於期:太子丹救我! 太子丹:(惊讶,纳闷)阁下是…… 樊於期:(抬头)太子丹不记得在下了吗? 太子丹:(恍悟,惊讶,慌忙上前扶起)樊将军!快快请起,你怎么如此打扮? 樊於期:(叹气)因我一次战斗失利,秦王便要赐死我,适我在外有人及时通知了我,我才得以逃出,但我的父母家人都已经……咳! 太子丹:(愤怒,以掌击桌子)真岂有此理,樊将军鞍前马后,兢兢业业,衷心为秦国立下了不少功劳,仅一次失利,便要诛族。(鞠武以目示意太子丹,太子丹不加理会)将军不用担心,你就暂住在燕国。 樊於期:(跪地,叩头)我得罪了秦王,眼下的形势已是穷途末路,我曾投奔多处,都因惧
