


1.Nice to do/doing...很高兴……


①如果是初次见面,就说:Nice to meet you.(很高兴认识你。)

②如果是见过面的,则可以说:Nice to see you again.(很高兴再次见到你们。)


Good to see you again.

Glad to see you again.

Great to see you again.

Pleased to see you again.


Nice to be back home again.(又回到家了,真是高兴。)

Nice to see some friendly and familiar faces.(很高兴看到几张友好和熟悉的面孔。)

Kim’s Note:

These are two sentences to use when you have returned from a trip.I always feel this way when I return from Hong Kong,even though it is not that far away!


④道别时,最好说一声:Nice meeting you.(认识你很高兴。)

⑤结束谈话时,说一声:Nice talking to you.(跟你谈得很开心。)

这句话相当于It’s been nice talking to you.




A:Excuse me.I have to go to the library.Nice talking to you.

B:Me too.See you later!

A:See you!





现在我们回过头来看看Nice to do…….和Nice doing……的用法区别,其实很简单,Nice to

do……是见面时说的,而Nice doing…….是将要分别时说的.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.How is/was...?……怎么样?


第一节How is…?(现在时状态)

A:How’s/How is your family?

B:Everyone is doing great.How about yours?



A:How’s/How is your girlfriend?

B:Didn’t you hear?We broke up a week ago.



A:How’s/How is your work?

B:I’m really busy.I barely have time to sit down.



A:How’s/How is your English study?

B:Terrific.I’m really making a lot of progress.It’s amazing.



A:How’s/How is everything?

B:Couldn’t be better!





A:How’s it going?

B:Everything is going just great.And you?



A:How’s your new project going?

B:It’s a disaster!We are so far behind,I doubt we’ll ever finish!





A:How’s your sister doing?

B:She’s doing great.Thanks.



第二节How Was..?(过去时态)

A:How was your trip?

B:It was fantastic.I really had a great time.



A:How was your vacation?

B:Awful.It rained every day and my wife got sick.



A:How was your interview?

B:My interview was super.I think I spoke better English than the man who interviewed me! A:你的面试怎么样?


A:How was your TOEFL exam?

B:Damn hard!I’m just glad it’s over.




How was...?实在是太有用了,我们天天都离不开:

How was your meeting?


How was your day?


How was your date?


How was your test?


How was your party?


How was your dinner?


How was your nap?


How was your picnic?



句型也像人一样,有的是独生子女,有的是双胞胎,有的却有好几个兄弟姐妹,How is…..?/How was…..?/How’s…..going?/How’s…..doing?就是这种兄弟姐妹关系。

How is可以缩写成How’s

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Let me...我来……

“Let me...”是英语中最简单也是最常用的句型,通常用于你想做一件对对方有利的事,请求对方同意时,如“Let me show you the way.”



Top1:Let me help you.


Top2:Let me show you how to do it.


Kim’s Note:

This sentence is one of the most useful sentences to offer assistance.It is always easier to show someone how to do something than it is to tell him.

这个句子是向人提供帮助时最有用的句子。演示给人家看总比告诉别人如何做要简单一些。Top3:Let me give you some advice.



Let me hold this for you.


Let me introduce myself.


Let me drive you home.


Let me tell you the truth.


Let me get the doctor.


“Let me...”的其它用法:


Let me think.


Kim’s Note:

This sentence is great when you aren’t sure what to say next,or you can’t think of the right word

in English.It makes you sound intelligent and deep.It’s much better than“I don’t know.”当你不知道接着说什么或者想不出一个正确的英文单词时,这个句子就很有用。它会使你听起来很有头脑,很深沉。比“I don’t know”可要好几倍!


Let me see.



Let me have a look.



Let me check.



Let me try.


Kim’s Note:

If you don’t want to tell someone“no”or“I can’t”just use this sentence instead.



Let me hear from you.



Let me see if I will have time.


⑧“Let me...”有时还可用于警告,如:

Let me catch you bullying my brother again.


Kim’s Note:

This is a classic threat sentence!It’s usually said with a fist raised in the air!


⑨“Let me...”后面除了跟动词,还可与副词或介词连用,如:

Let me alone.


Let me in.


Let me out of here.




Let’s go.


Kim’s Note:

You can make this sentence an automatic part of your English by blurting it out after you say“走吧!”

在说完“走吧!”之后,将这个句子脱口而出,以后你就可以很自然地说出这个英文句子了。Let’s stop here and have lunch!


Let’s的否定句型“let’s not”也可以用来提出建议。

Kim’s Note:

The following sentence pattern is most commonly used all by itself.When someone is too enthusiastic about a bad idea,it is common to hear someone say coldly“Let’s not!”

以下这个句型常常可以独立使用。当有人对一个坏主意很执著时,常常会听到有人冷冷地说“Let’s not!”

Young New Employee:“Let’s all work late tonight and share our ideas with each other after work。”

Old Tired Employee:“Let’s not!”



Let’s not forget the reason for this meeting.


Let’s not make a big deal out of this.


Let’s not keep the good news a secret.


Let’s not take a break until we finish.


Let’s not let our country down.


顺便再学一个成语“let down”:辜负,使失望,做对不起……的事

Don’t let me down.I need you.【恋人用语】


I’m counting on you to support me––don’t let me down.



4.I’d like to...我想……


Top1:I’d like to talk to you for a minute.


Top2:I’d like to introduce myself.


Top3:I’d like to see you again.



I’d like to buy a ticket to Beijing.


I’d like to make an appointment with Mr.Green.


I’d like to have dinner with you.


I’d like to know more about China.



A:I’d like to go out with you this weekend.

B:Really?I’d love to go out with you this weekend!



Kim’s Note:

This sentence pattern is more mannerly and sophisticated than“I want”.If you tell someone you WANT to have dinner with them/see them again/go out again this weekend etc.,you sound a little too much like a desperate psycho!Remember,the key to dating is to play it cool!

这个句型比“I want”显得更加得体,更加圆滑。如果你告诉别人你“要”和他们一起吃饭,再见到他们或者这个周末再和他们约会,你给人的感觉就会像一个傻蛋。记住,约会的关键就是要玩得“酷”一点。


5.I need...我需要……

I need后面可以跟名词,也可以跟不定式。


Top1:I need your help.


Top2:I need more time.


Top3:I need more money.




I need an assistant.


I need your support on this matter.



A:I need a vacation.I’m really stressed out.

B:Yeah,you look awful.You do need to relax a little.




I need to finish my paper tonight.


I need to go to the post-office to send a package.


I need to upgrade my computer.


I need to think about it before I make a decision.



A:I need to find a part-time job to supplement my meager salary.

B:Your English is so good,you should be able to find a great job!




6.I want to...我想……


Top1:I want to be somebody.


Top2:I want to thank you for everything.


Top3:I want to go to America.



I want to take a rest.


I want to buy a ticket to Beijing.


Kim’s Note:

Notice that sentence patterns with“I want”don’t usually involve people.When you are dealing

with people,“I’d like”is usually a better choice.

请注意,“I want”这个句型通常不牵涉到别人。如果要牵涉到人,则用“I’d like”会好一些。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.May I...?我可以……吗?



Top1:May I help you?


Top2:May I sit down?


Top3:May I be excused?



May I sit here?


May I ask you a question?


May I speak to Linda,please?



A:May I come in?

B:https://www.360docs.net/doc/cb12351028.html,e on in.



A:May I help you?

B:No,I’m just looking./No,not right now,thanks.



Kim’s Note:

This is the most common conversation heard when shopping.Don’t be afraid of this question.It’s fine to say“no”.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.Can you...?你能……吗?



Top1:Can you wait a minute?


Top2:Can you help me?


Top3:Can you call me back later?



Can you lend me your car?


Can you give me some money?


Can you share your house with me?



A:Can you do me a favor?

B:Sure.What is it?Just ask.



Kim’s Note:

If you are a generous and helpful person,this will be your first response.If you are a more cautious type,you may want to say“That depends.”The following sentences are good examples of why a cautious response is sometimes a better idea!

如果你是一个慷慨大方,乐于助人的人,这将是你的第一反应,反之,如果你做事比较谨慎,你可能会说“That depends.(这得看情况而定。)”有时候,谨慎一点的回答会好一点,以下这几个句子将告诉你这个道理。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.Would you please...?请你……好吗?



Top1:Would you please give me a ride?


Top2:Would you please calm down?


Top3:Would you please give me a chance to explain?



A:Would you please give me a hand?

B:Sure.What can I do for you?



A:Would you please speak a little more slowly?

B:Sure,I’m sorry.Let me repeat what I just said.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.That sounds...听起来……



Top1:That sounds great.


Top2:That sounds like a good idea.


Top3:That sounds like a lot of fun.



A:I was thinking of taking you somewhere special for dinner tonight.

B:That sounds nice!



A:Let’s take that Crazy English class together.We can help each other study.

B:That sounds like a great idea!



A:I am thinking of becoming a professional tour guide and traveling around the country.

B:That sounds interesting.



Kim’s Note:

“That sounds interesting”is an all-purpose answer to anything.You can never go wrong with this sentence.No matter what someone says,if you say it sounds interesting there will be no bad feelings.Be sure to practice using these handy,ambiguous sentences.They will definitely be useful.Even if someone says something incredibly stupid,you will be prepared.

“That sounds interesting”可以用来回答任何事情。你永远都不会用错地方,不管别人说什么,只要你说“That sounds interesting”,别人怎么也不会感觉不好。一定要多练习使用这些方便而又模棱两可的句子,绝对有用!即使别人说一些愚蠢得不可救药的事,你也可以拿这句话来应付。

A:I was thinking about shaving my head,getting a tattoo,opening a bakery where they play rock music and charging people just to come inside.

B:(Says)That sounds interesting.(Thinks)You are a jerk.





A:Hello,Christopher.Nice to see you again.

B:Nice to see you too!

A:How’s everything going?How was your trip?

B:It was fantastic.Let me show you some pictures.

A:I’d like to see them,but I don’t have much time.

B:Oh,that’s too bad.Why are you in such a hurry?

A:I need to pick up my son from school and I need to stop at the supermarket and I need to go to the bank.I really want to get finished with all my errands before it starts to rain.

B:I want to get home before this storm too.

A:May I take a look at them some other time?

B:Sure,can you come over to my house tonight?I am having some friends over.

A:That sounds great.Would you please call me and remind me later this afternoon?

B:Sure,I’d be glad to.

A:OK,I’ll talk to you later then.


















1.I am honored to...我很荣幸……



Top1:I am honored to have a chance to speak to you today.


Top2:I am honored to be here on such a special occasion.


【编者注】这个句型也可以说成“It’s my(great)honor to...”

Top3:I am honored to introduce the fuonder of Crazy English,Mr.Li Yang.



2.Words can’t express...言语表达不了……


Words can’t express how lucky I am.


Words can’t express how thankful I am.



3.Today I want to talk to you about...今天我想跟你们谈谈……




Today I want to talk to you about a very important subject.


Today I want to talk to you about the future of business in China.



4.I sincerely hope...我衷心希望……


I sincerely hope that you will take a minute to think about the future.


I sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight.



5.I ask all of you present to...我要求在座各位……


I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to our everlasting friendship.


I ask all of you present to join hands in the battle against corruption.



6.I know I speak for...我知道我在为……说话。


I know I speak for the president and all the employees.


I know I speak for several people in this room when I say that we are thankful for the improvements in the company.



7.I want to remind...我想提醒……


I want to remind you that it’s never too late to learn.


I want to remind you all that we share the responsibility.



8.I wish you the best of luck in...我祝你……好运




I wish you the best of luck in your new business venture.


I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.



9.Ask not what...can do for you,ask what you can do for...


【疯狂短评】肯尼迪总统的那句“Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country.”成了千古绝唱,为世人广为传颂。我们可以将他这个句子中的鱼骨抽出来,造出不少同样铿锵有力,同样震撼人心的句子。


Ask not what China can do for you,ask what you can do for China.


Ask not what society can do for you,ask what you can do for society.


Ask not what others can do for you,ask what you can do for others.



10....means a great deal to...对……意义重大。


This project means a great deal to our company.


Our company’s success means a great deal to China.





Ladies and Gentlemen:


[1]Good morning!It’s my great honor to be elected as the chairman of the Green Earth Society. Words can not express how much I appreciate this honor.Thank you all for your support and for your confidence in me.As I take this position,I’ll do my best,together with all our volunteer members of this organization,to promote environmental protection locally and globally,and to make more and more people become eco-conscious.


[2]“Why should I be eco-conscious?”you ask.There is a very simple reason:We live on one earth,and this is the only place we can live right now.We can't live in space,we don't have the food growing capacity out there yet for lots of people to survive.If we treat the earth like the city dump it becomes dirty and unlivable.If we treat it well by being eco-conscious,the earth stays a clean place,perfect for living,for ourselves and for our children.


[3]We are now living in a highly industrialized world.The expanding industries are providing us with more and more convenience and comfort.But I want to remind you that,owing to overdeveloping of natural resources,our earth is facing a disaster.Our air is being poisoned everyday by car fumes,our oceans polluted with toxic wastes,and our beautiful rainforests are being destroyed.


[4]We all moan and groan about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our ecology,and yet each one of us,in our own little comfortable ways,contributes daily to that destruction.It's time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our beloved mother deserves.


[5]So,I ask all of you present to join hands in finding ways to make the earth a better place to live. Let’s work hard to improve our society.Ask not what our society can do for you,ask what you can do for our society.


[6]I sincerely hope that,with our joint effort,we will start our days differently––we wake up in the morning with the sun shining,trees bursting with strength,and flowers smiling at us.And when I say this,I know I speak for every human resident on this planet.


[7]Thank you for your support and effort.Your contribution means a great deal not only to this organization,but also to the whole world.


[8]Finally,I wish you the best luck in everything you do!





Kim’s Note:

If you want to show off your English.Sentence patterns are a great place to start.These patterns are challenging.But,they leave a very deep impression!


1.You might as well...你还不如……为好。


“might as well”是个惯用语,意为“还是……好;不妨”,后面接动词原形使用。用这个句型劝说别人比“You’d better”来的婉转。


You might as well sit down.It’s going to be a while.



A:My son dropped out of school and I just don’t know what to do to change his mind!

B:You might as well give up trying to convince him.He’s just too stubborn.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.What it boils down to is...总而言之……

【疯狂讲解】“boil down”的愿意是煮掉一些水分,这让我们想起了一个化学实验:在烧杯

里放一些盐水,然后用酒精灯加热,煮啊煮啊,水煮干了,烧杯底下出现白色的氯化钠。这样一比喻,你就知道这个句型中的“boil down to”是怎么回事儿了。如果长时间的讨论或争论最后只证明一件事情或一个问题,则我们就可以用这个句型。


A:I just don’t understand why my idea was rejected.It really is a terrific opportunity for the company.

B:What it boils down to is we don’t have enough money.



A:Why do those two have such a difficult marriage?

B:What it boils down to is culture differences.



A:How did the company lose so much of the market?

B:What it boils down to is too much talk and not enough action.



A:I can’t believe they can’t find a leader for the environmental protection committee.

B:What it boils down to,is that no-one is willing to take on that kind of responsibility.




3.When it comes to...谈到……;涉及到……


A:Why don't you just install the software yourself?

B:When it comes to computers,I’m hopelessly lost.



A:Why do you trust his opinion so much?

B:When it comes to English,he’s an expert.



------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.I hate to disagree with you,but...我很不想跟你有不同意见,但是……



A:I hate to disagree with you,but I think Shenzhen is cleaner than Beijing.

B:You obviously haven’t been to Beijing lately!



A:I hate to disagree with you,but English is not that easy to learn.

B:You just don’t know the secrets of Crazy English.




5.What I’m getting at is...我的意思是……


A:What I’m getting at is,I think we should break up.

B:Good,I think so too.Thank you for not beating around the bush!



A:What I’m getting at is,you are fired.

B:What?Just like that?After all my hard work and devotion to this damn place?




“get”是个简单却非常神奇的动词,它跟某些介词一组合,就能表达成千上万种意思,光是以上的“get at”就有六七种意思,现在我们来将它们一网打尽。


*Put the medicine somewhere where the children can’t get at it.



*It’s no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom in English.


*What I’m trying to get at is whether you want to marry Susan for her father’s money or because you love her.



*What exactly are you getting at,David?


*I don’t see what you’re getting at?


*If I correctly understood what she was getting at,it seems to be a good idea.



*She’s always getting at her husband for not helping with the housework.


*I can’t think why Erika’s always getting at me.



*I hope I have time to get at my homework tonight.



*Someone appears to have been trying to get at the jury.



6.I’m getting a little concerned about...对……有点担忧


A:I’m getting a little concerned about Tom’s drinking.

B:I know.He really seems to have a problem.



A:I'm getting a little concerned about my son’s grades.

B:A“B”average is nothing to worry about!




7.Let me fill you in on...我来告诉你……


A:Let me fill you in on what’s been happening here.

B:Please do!I’m dying to know what’s going on.



A:Let me fill you in on results of yesterday’s meeting.

B:Maybe later.I’m in a hurry now.




李阳疯狂英语口语速成文本 A: How are you felling today? B: I fell a lot better. Thanks for asking. The Chinese are a great people. I completely agree with you. She gives me a big headache. I know. It’s really annoying. What’s wrong with you? I feel a little sick today. Everything is so expensive in Japan. I can’t even afford to go there for a week. Who is that girl you were with last night? She is my best friend. I have a very happy family. You’re a lucky man. I lost my job yesterday. That’s too bad. I love money. Everyone loves money. How did you become so successful? I’m just lucky. Did it work? I’m not sure yet. You made a mistake! Nobody’s perfect. What’s the matter? Nothing is the matter. Everything is fine. Our English teacher is great. You’re so lucky to have a good teacher. I’m sorry I’m late. Forget about it. China and America should work together. You’re exactly right. My father has never traveled abroad.轻读卷舌音 My father lived in America for three years. Keep calm; it’s nothing serious. But I’m so worried. I don’t know what to do. How about the day after tomorrow? I’m busy then. How about Friday? You’ve made the same mistake as last time. I’m sorry. I’m still learning. Who’s in charge here?Our manager is in charge of this department. What makes you work so hard?舀水 I am determined to succeed. What do you think of Bill Clinton? He has a lot of confidence. It’s impossible for me to speak English. Nothing is impossible. I need to talk to you. Sure. Do you want to talk now? I will call you later. OK. I’ll be waiting for your call. The traffic is terrible in Beijing. Yeah, I really can’t stand it any more. I’m looking for Mr . Li. Oh, he’s just over there. My mother is a good cook.短音 My mother is a terrible cook. You look great today.一口气训练法,把声音押到腹部。深呼吸,后30遍 I’m flatte red. Thanks. I want to improve my poor English. Then you should study Crazy English. You must tell the truth.舌头伸出来,没声音But I’m afraid to tell the truth. You have to work long hours to make money. You’re right. No pain, no gain. I made a mistake./d/ Everyone makes mistakes. I’m so afraid to speak English. Don’t be shy, just try. Do you mind if I smoke? No, not at all. Go a ahead. Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. That boy looks so lonely sitting there by himself. Ask him to join us for lunch. Enjoy your stay here. Thanks, I’m sure I will. I hope I can see you again. Then let’s get together again soon. I don’t know what to do?“挖” Don’t worry. Everything will work out. China will host a great Olympics? No doubt about it.毫无疑问。口头禅,超夸

疯狂英语口语情景对话: 道歉

疯狂英语口语情景对话:道歉 General apologies 一般道歉用语 1. Excuse me. 请原谅. 2. I’m so sorry. 很抱歉. 3. I’m awfully sorry. 非常抱歉. 4. I’m terribly sorry about that. 为此我非常抱歉. 5. I apologize. 我道歉. 6. My apologies. 我道歉. 7. Please forgive me. 请原谅. 8. I hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原谅我. 9. It seems I owe you an apology. 好像我该向你道个歉. 10. You have my sincere apology. 我诚心诚意向你道歉. 11. Please accept my sincere apology. 请接受我诚心诚意的道歉. 12. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. 我真的是很抱歉. 13. You cannot believe how sorry I am. 你不知道我感到多么抱歉. 14. Words cannot describe how sorry I am. 语言无法描述我对你的歉意. 15. I just don’t know what to say. 我真不知该说什么好. 16. I really feel bad about it. 我真的感到很内疚.

Apologizing for bothering someone 因打扰对方而致意. 1. Sorry to be a bother. 不好意思打扰你. 2. Sorry to be a pest. 不好意思打扰你. 3. Sorry to disturb you again. 抱歉, 又来打扰你. 4. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you. 对不起,真不想打扰你. 5. I’m afraid I’ve brought you a lot of trouble. 恐怕我给你带来了很多麻烦. 6. My son must have put you to a lot of trouble. 我儿子一定给你带来很多麻烦. 7. I’m sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience. 给你造成诸多不便,我很抱歉. 8. Sorry about the inconvenience. 对不起添麻烦了. Apologizing for one’s mistake 因自己的过失而道歉. 1. I’m sorry for what I’ve done. 我为我的所作所为向你道歉. 2. I shouldn’t have done that. 我不该那么做. 3. I should have asked you first. 我应该先征得你的同意. 4. I honestly didn’t mean it. 我的确不是故意的. 5. I didn’t mean to do that. 我并不想要那么做. 6. I didn’t mean it that way. 事情闹成那样并非我的本意. 7. I don’t know haw that could have happened. 我不知道怎么会发生那样的事.


李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

[[ [[[[ [[i[[[u [[ [[ [ [ 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


李阳英语228句口语要素 “口语要素”是李阳疯狂英语突破法的一个重要概念,就是特别地道,含含糊糊,一闪而过,听起来像一个单词一样的口语单位!李阳.克立兹要求学员必须首先掌握一定数量的口语要素,打好坚实的口语和听力基础,增强交流的信心,达成说一句顶十句的疯狂境界和自信。 最好的验证是否掌握的方法是看着汉语脱口而出英文,或由别人说汉语,你立刻翻译成英文!不要只是反复地、机械地、大脑几乎麻木地读! 一定要把这些句子变成你的拿手好戏,随时随地脱口而出,并经常用自言自语来保持口腔肌肉的高度灵活! 1. It's up to you.(由你决定。) 2. I envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。) 3. How can I get in touch with you? 4. Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?) 5. What's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?) 6. Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?) 7. I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。) 8. What do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?) 9. It’s a small world.(世界真小!) 10. It’s my treat[请客、款待] this time.(这次我请客!) 11. The sooner the better. (越快越好。) 12. When is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time for you? 12. Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。) 14. I'm mad about Bruce Lee.(我迷死李小龙了。) 15. I'm crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。) 16. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?) 17. What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?) 18. Would you care for[喜欢] a cup of coffee?(要被咖啡吗?) 19. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。) 20. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。) 21. It drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼疯了。) 22. She never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直没有出现。) 23. That's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。) 24. I couldn't get through.(电话打不通。) 25. I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。) 26. Be my guest.(请便、别客气) 27. Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?) 28. Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。) 29. Let's call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)]. 30. I couldn't help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。) 31. Something's come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了) 32. Let's get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。) 33. Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。) 34. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发)


阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

三思而后行。 ??舌尖齿龈含糊旁流音coo l That’s a cool car. 那辆车很酷。 w w 圆唇突出短“我”音wh y Why did you do that? 你为什么那样做? j j 双唇扁平短“爷”音y esterday Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪? 48个国际音标表 元音12个单元音 长元音[i:][][][u:][a:] 短元音[i][][][u][][e][] 8个双元音[ai][ei][i][i][][][u][au] 辅音 10 对 清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][][ ∫ ][][tr][ts] 浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][][ ][][dr][dz] 3个鼻音[m][n][] 3个似拼音[h][r][l] 2个半元音[w][j] 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前 部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


Spoken English Crash Course (1) Hello,English learners;英语学习者们,你们好! This is Kim and I'm happy to present you with a very special project--;我是Kim,很高兴带给你们一个特别的项目--- 111 sentences created just for you.;专为你们量身订做的111句话. We have pronunciation, special conversation,;我们有发音篇, 有专门的对话, and finally passages and cracking examination.;最后还有短文和突破考试. We're sure that this book will help you learn English;我们相信,本书一定会帮助你们学好英语, better than you ever have been able to learn before.;让你们比以往任何时候都学得更好. Thank you. Hello,everyone!;谢谢你.嗨,各位好! These sentences were writen especially for English learners in Hainan.;这些句子是专门为海南的英语学习者们编写的. They're designed to be useful for every person of every age and every occupation.;对于任何年龄,任何职业的人都会很有用. If you can master these 111 sentences;如果你掌握了这111句话, you will find yourself able to communicate in most situations with ease.;你会发现,在大部分场合你都可以轻松地与人交流 We give you the Chinese translation, the phonetic notation,;我们提供了中文翻译及其拼音, and the special added feature of Chinese sound equivalents.;还有特别的相应中文注音 These features, combined with Crazy English's special methods,;这些特色加上疯狂英语的特殊方法, make learning easier than ever before.;让学习比以往任何时候都容易. Chapter I Pronunciation;第一章发音篇


李阳疯狂英语口语句型入门与提高第128讲 Whether ...or not...不管... 用法透视“whether or not”除了能够表示“是否”之意,还能够引导让步状语从句,表示“不管是否......”。 支持范例 1. We’ll go on with the work, whether we can find the necessary tools or not. 我们会继续这件工作不管能否找到必须的工具。 2. I show everything on my face, whether I am angry or pleased. 不管是生气还是高兴,我的心情都写在脸上。 3. They’ll find out the truth, whether or not you tell it to them. 不管你是否告诉他们,他们都会查明真相的。 会话记忆 A:I don’t like this movie. It’s a bomb. 我不喜欢这部电影。这是部烂片。 B:Look, I’ve already paid for the tickets, so wheth er you like it or not we’re going to finish watching it. 哎,我已经付了票钱,所以不管你喜欢不喜欢,我们得看完它。 A:Well, give me the walkman. I’ll listen to the music then. 好吧,给我随身听,我听音乐好了。

B: Come on. Give it a chance. The movie just started.别这样。试一下吧,电影才刚开始。


《李阳国际口语教程》第一级Reciting Passages Is the Best Way to Master English! 背诵短文是精通英语的最佳方法 Passages contain beautiful words! 短文包含了优美的词藻! Passages contain practical grammar rules! 短文包含了实用的语法! Passages are full of amazing ideas! 短文充满了奇思妙想! Passages carry deep thoughts! 短文蕴含了深刻的思想! Reciting passages helps you remember thousands of words! 背诵短文有助你记忆万千单词! Reciting passages helps you master grammars rules! 背诵短文有助你掌握语法! Reciting passages helps you broaden your knowledge! 背诵短文有助你拓展知识!Reciting passages helps you become an international communicator! 背诵短文有助你成为国际交流高手! Reciting passages gives you confidence and advantages! 背诵短文给予你信心和优势!Reciting passages increases your fluency! 背诵短文使你的语言更加流利! Reciting passages helps you improve your personal life and career! 背诵短文有助你个人生活和事业的提升! Reciting passages is the best, most efficient, and the easiest way to master English! 背诵短文时攻克英语最好的、最有效的、最容易的方法! Start reciting passages right now! 立刻开始背诵短文吧! ------------------------------ Lesson 1:I’m Li Yang 我叫李阳 Hi, I’m li Yang./ I’m from Guangzhou./ It’s a very beautiful city./ I like listening to music and I also like swimming./ And I like English very much./ I’m happy to meet you all./ Thank you! 大家好,我叫李阳。/我来自广州。/那是一个非常漂亮的城市。/我喜欢听音乐,我也喜欢游泳。/我还非常喜欢英语。/非常高兴认识你们。/谢谢!------------------ Lesson 2:My Friend Carol 我的朋友卡罗尔This is my friend Carol./ She comes from Chicago, USA. Now she lives in Shenzhen./ She teaches English in a college./ She is a good teacher./ She loves her students./ And all her students love her. 这是我的朋友卡罗尔。/她来自美国芝加哥。/她现在住在深圳。/卡罗尔在一所大学教英语。/她是一个很棒的老师。/她很喜欢她的学生。/她的学生也很喜欢她。 ---------------- Lesson 3:I Have a Happy Family 我有一个幸福的家 I have a happy family./ There are three people in my family./ They are my parents and myself./ I am a student./ My dad is a great policeman./ My mom is a wonderful English teacher./ We love each other very much. 我有一个幸福的家庭。/我家里有三个成员:我父母和我。/我是一个学生。/我爸爸是一名优秀的警察。/我妈妈是一名非常棒的英语老师。/我们一家相亲相爱。 -------------------- Lesson 4:Jeff and His Family 杰夫和他的家人 My best friend is Jeff./ He has a sister named Mary./ We attend the same school./ And we live on the same street./ Jeff likes dogs./ He has a pet dog./ His name is Ben./ Jeff’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Brown./ They are very nice to me./ I like them very much. 杰夫是我最重要的朋友。/他有一个妹妹,名叫玛丽。/我们在同一所学校上学。/我们还住在同一条街上。/杰夫喜欢小狗。/他有一只宠物狗,名叫本。/杰夫的爸爸妈妈是布朗先生和布朗太太。/他们对我很好。/我很喜欢他们。 ------------------------ Lesson 5:My Hometown 我的家乡 I was born and live in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan./ Chengdu is wonderful city./ There are many beautiful parks and big shopping malls./ It also has some historic spots./ Chengdu is famous for its food and local snacks./ But I don’t like the summer here./ It’s too hot. 我出生并生活在四川的省会成都。/成都是一座迷人的城市。/这里有很多美丽的公园和大型的购物商场,还有一些历史古迹。/成都以它的美食和小吃闻名。/但是我不喜欢这里的夏天,实在太热了。----------------


疯狂英语100句 不断的小成就感。“量变”(一个句子一个句子地积累)肯定是痛苦的,但每当你脱口而出一个句子的时候,你应该感到很自豪,因为很多英语学了十多年的人还说不出几句象样的句子。不要急!记住:学一句算一句,说一句顶十句。 1.How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2.I'm doing great.(我过得很好。) 3.What's up?(出什幺事了/你在忙些什幺/怎幺了?) 4.Nothing special.(没什幺特别的。) 5.Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。) 6.So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。) 7.Things couldn't be better.(一切顺利。) 8.How about yourself?(你自己呢?) 9.Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。) 10.Are you making progress?(有进展吗?) 11.May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?) 12.I've heard so much about you.(久仰大名。) 13.I hope you're enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。) 14.Let's get together again.(改天再聚聚。) 15.That's a great idea!(好主意!) 16.Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。) 17.I'm glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。) 18.Don't forget us.(别忘了我们。) 19.Keep in touch.(保持联系。) 20.I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。) 21.Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。) 22.Same to you.(彼此彼此。) 23.Nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。) 24.Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。) 25.Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26.Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。) 27.I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。) 28.You're always welcome.(别客气/不用谢) 29.Forget it.(算了吧) 30.It was my pleasure.(不用谢。) 31.I made a mistake.(我弄错了。) 32.I'm terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。) 33.I must apologize!(我必须道歉!) 34.I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。) 35.It's not your fault.(那不是你的错。) 36.Sorry to bother /have bothered you.(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。) 37.What do you do?(你做什幺工作?) 38.How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39.I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。) 40.I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。)


李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材(一定要大声的朗读出来才有用) 1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

48个国际音标表 [[] [[[] [i][i[[[u [[ [][ [ 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。


李阳疯狂英语口语速成文本1 A: How are you felling today? B: I fell a lot better. Thanks for asking. The Chinese are a great people. I completely agree with you. She gives me a big headache. I know. It’s really annoying. What’s wrong with you? I feel a little sick today. Everything is so expensive in Japan. I can’t even afford to go there for a week. Who is that girl you were with last night? She is my best friend. I have a very happy family. You’re a lucky man. I lost my job yesterday. That’s too bad. I love money. Everyone loves money. How did you become so successful? I’m just lucky. Did it work?

I’m not sure yet. You made a mistake! Nobody’s perfect. What’s the matter? Nothing is the matter. Everything is fine. Our English teacher is great. You’re so lucky to have a good teacher. I’m sorry I’m late. Forget about it. China and America should work together. You’re exactly right. My father has never traveled abroad.轻读卷舌音My father lived in America for three years. Keep calm; it’s nothing serious. But I’m so worried. I don’t know what to do. How about the day after tomorrow? I’m busy then. How about Friday? You’ve made the same mistake as last time. I’m sorry. I’m still learning. Who’s in charge here? Our manager is in charge of this department. What makes you work so hard?舀水


李阳疯狂英语口语版 说起李阳,相信很多人都不陌生。他是疯狂英语的创始人。他教英语的疯狂方式让无数学生为之倾倒,最近李阳的“疯狂”再次成为舆论焦点,而这次疯狂不是因为英语,而是因为家庭暴力。 疯狂英语的李阳可以说是不折不扣的工作狂,他的最高记录是一天飞六个城市,连续几场激昂地演讲。很多年来,他的公司一直依靠他的出场费、讲课收入等维持运转。 李阳承认,他的公司正处在转型期,希望不久的将来能够上市,引进风险投资。从xx年开始,李阳开启了新的事业,从事家庭教育。然而,具有讽刺意味的是,给众多父母上课的李阳爆出家庭暴力丑闻。李阳毫不讳言地说,看太太发布的照片,他首先想到的是家庭暴力事件对自己和疯狂英语产生的负面影响。 家庭暴力事件之后,李阳除了演讲又多出了一项工作就是接受媒体采访,他希望恢复自己的形象。事业高于家庭,对于李阳来说是不能改变的。清官难断家务事,李阳夫妻之间的恩恩怨怨、是是非非没人弄得清楚。但是,英语可以疯狂,拳头和巴掌无论如何都不能面向妻子疯狂。 也许人们想不到,李阳曾经是一个英语不及格的学生,他曾害羞内向,甚至不敢接电话,但后来却成为演讲台上的“高喊者”。“大喊”让李阳从英语差生到英语高手,讲座让李阳从内

向小子到演讲狂人;“坚持”让李阳从电子研究员到万能翻译机。 听过李阳演讲的人,一定听过他用那略带沙哑的嗓音极具震撼力地喊出:“疯狂英语!疯狂生活!疯狂工作!疯狂学习!每天都疯狂!每时!每地!我喜欢这疯狂游戏!我们一起参加这疯狂游戏!” 李阳说过,成功就要有疯狂的人生观。那么,李阳的“疯狂”品牌是如何打造的? 两个品牌相互促进 1994年,李阳成立了“李阳·克立兹国际英语推广工作室”,开始了苦行僧般的“传道”生涯。迄今为止,他向中国100多座城市的数千万人送去“疯狂英语快速突破法”…… 为吸引人们进入“疯狂英语”课堂,李阳不断地把“爱国主义”、“感恩教育”、“成功学”、“心灵训练”作为造势的精神武器。 从来没有哪位英语老师像李阳这样把英语和爱国主义教育拧在一起。当然,李阳自己承认,这些爱国主义口号只不过是演讲现场造势的手段,不是目的。不仅如此,“疯狂+感恩”也是李阳演讲时常用的策略。李阳之所以融入感恩教育,就是要号召更多的人为了使命和责任去学习英语。


疯狂英语口语之精华 第一拿手好戏:社交性寒暄的全面总结 1.A:How are you doing? B:I'm doing fine/OK/pretty well/great/super/terrific/so-so.或:Not bad./The same as ever./I can't complain too much.(我不能太抱怨。/还不错。) B:Terrible.I've had a headache all morning. 2.A:How's it going?B:Fine./Pretty good. A:How's everything with you/going? B:Well,I'm still alive and kicking./So far so good. 3.A:How've you been?(你近来怎么样?) B:All right.或:Not much lately. 4.A:How are things with you/going?B:Great. 或:I'm just taking one day at a time.(我只是过一天算一天。) 5.A:What's happening? (原意为"有什么事",现在已演变成"你好吗?" A:What's happening with you these days? B:Nothing much.(没什么。) 6.A:What's new?/What's up? B:Not much./Nothing in particular./Nothing special. 7.A:Anything interesting happening? 8.A:How are you(are they/is she/is he)getting along? (近来如何?)包括事业、健康状况等等! B:Keeping busy.Yourself? 9.A:How do you feel today?B:I feel like a new man. 还有两个特别地道的问候是*What's going on?和*What are you up to?都表示"你在忙些什么?",在美国电影中常听到。 ★下面提供大量实用"废话",让你成为人际交往公关大师! Are you making progress? Did you sleep soundly last night.
