读写教程第三册,第一单元测试卷 含答案

读写教程第三册,第一单元测试卷 含答案
读写教程第三册,第一单元测试卷 含答案



I. Understanding Short Conversations

Directions: In this section you'll hear 8 short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

1. B M: I heard that your son is set to graduate from college in the fall. Isn't he only 18?

W: Yeah. And the youngest graduate in his class. I wish I could say I did something to help. But honestly, he did it all on his own.

Q: What does the woman mean?

A. She is not honest.

B. Her son has graduated all on his own.

C. Her son is not honest.

D. She has done a lot to help her son.

2. A M: I believe you have a room to let?

W: That's so. Yes, won't you come in?

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

A. The man is looking for a place to live in.

B. The man has a house for rent.

C. The woman is a secretary.

D. The two speakers are old friends.

3.B W: I told you to wait in line while I bought the tickets! We're never going to get a seat now! What were you thinking?

M: I got hungry and I left to get some food. We'll just wait here for the next show.

Q: Why did the man leave the line?

A. He wanted to see the next show.

B. He began to feel hungry.

C. He wasn't thinking about the show.

D. He wanted to get food for her.

4. A W: Check out that sun! Is there anything as wonderful as a beautiful day?

M: A beautiful day is nothing without someone to spend it with. I hope I remembered to thank you for joining me.

Q: What is the man thankful for?

A. The woman came with him.

B. The day is sunny and beautiful.

C. He remembered to join the woman.

D. He has nothing to do on this day.

5. D W: Slow down, won't you? I can hardly keep up with you, running at 10 miles per hour!

M: Ten? Don't make me laugh, honey. I'm doing only about 8. Try to keep up, or I'll have to leave you behind.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

A. The man doesn't like laughing.

B. The man is trying to slow down.

C. The man is running too slowly.

D. The man is running too fast.

6.A W: My boss thought I should be happy with a 10% raise. Ha! Since the cost of living went up nearly 13%, I'm actually making less!

M: Tough luck, sweetheart. Maybe he wasn't aware. Go in tomorrow and ask for 5% more.

Q: According to the man, what should the woman do tomorrow?

A. Ask her boss for more money.

B. Ask her boss why she's making less.

C. See if her boss knows she's making less.

D. See if the cost of living has changed.

7. D W: Let's see if everyone's present for class. Hmm... we're missing someone. Who's missing from you all?

M: It's that short guy. I don't know his name—you know, the quiet one. He said he was too sick to listen to a lecture. But really, he's just homesick.

Q: Where is this conversation taking place?

A. In an office.

B. At home.

C. In a hospital.

D. In a classroom.

8. B W: This, this is really hard to say. I'm sorry, but I don't think we can see each other anymore. You just aren't right for me.

M: Because of your mother? It's not my fault she doesn't like me. I've tried.

Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.

B. Boyfriend and girlfriend.

C. Mother and son.

D. Daughter and father.

II. Understanding Long Conversations

Directions: In this section you'll hear 2 long conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Recording 1 Transcript:

W: You've been wearing that smile all day in class. What's the special occasion?

M: Oh, nothing special. I was just thinking about things.

W: Don't keep me in the dark. Tell, all right?

M: It's rather silly. And I feel funny talking to my teacher about it. But I was just thinking about my family and everything they've taught me about love.

W: What, they said something to you about love?

M: No. Not said. They DID things. My mother, for one, worked two jobs and always made sure her kids were well fed. And my sister, my sister...

W: Your sister, what?

M: Oh, I don't know. She's just a very kind person. There isn't a thing she wouldn't do for others, you know. So, do you think this is all silly?

W: Not a bit. You've made me think of my own family. I guess they've taught me a lot about treating others with love as well.

M: I was thinking about writing a book that tells their story, maybe something they can read and learn how thankful I am to them.

W: Well, let's think of all the possible ways to say thanks to our parents. A party, a letter, a gift... You know, a book would be an excellent way to show them how much they're appreciated. I'll do that too.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. What are the speakers talking about?

2. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

3. What makes the man's sister so special?

5. What will the woman do for her family?

1. D A. A book that they read about loving one's family.

B. A special occasion that is coming up soon.

C. The ways they want to act toward their own families.

D. The gratitude they have for their family members.

2.A A. Classmates. B. Brother and sister.

C. Mother and son.

D. Father and daughter.

3B. A. She works two jobs. B. She is only too happy to help others.

C. She can be silly sometimes.

D. She knows all about love.

4.B A. She thinks her family is much too silly to love.

B. She thinks her family taught her a lot about love.

C. She thinks the man is silly because of what he says.

D. She thinks the man loves his family more than others.

5. A A. Write a book. B. Give a gift. C. Send a letter. D. Give a party.

Recording 2

M: Smile, and the world smiles with you. Cry, and you cry alone.

W: Huh?

M: It's a saying that I heard this morning.

W: Well, I don't exactly feel like smiling. But I don't really feel like crying either. So what does that mean for me?

M: Maybe you need a friend to talk to. Actually, I'm surprised to see you in the office so late. What's up?

W: My husband—I think he might be having an affair with another woman.

M: Thomas? Come on, he'd never cheated on you.

W: You think?

M: Sure I do! This is all in your imagination. You've got to really think it through. Now, why would you think Thomas was doing something behind your back?

W: I found a new number on his phone. I called the number, and a woman answered.

M: So what did you say?

W: Nothing. I hung up.

M: That doesn't mean anything. Is that all?

W: He's been staying out late. He says he's working, but I...

M: You doubt it. Right? Lots of guys work late.

W: OK. But then there're the love letters.

M: What love letters?

W: When he comes home, he often has a love letter in his shirt pocket. What do you think that means?

M: Um, I, ah... Well, that... Maybe you're right about Thomas. Do you want the number of a good lawyer?

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. What did the man hear this morning?

2. Where is this conversation probably taking place?

4. What did the woman find?

5. What can we infer from this conversation?

1.C A. The woman was not very happy. B. News that the husband was cheating.

C. A saying about smiling and crying.

D. A report that more husbands had girlfriends.

2.B A. In a lawyer's office. B. In a workplace. C. In the woman's home. D. In the man's home.

3. D A. She doesn't feel like smiling. B. She has to stay in the office.

C. Something is wrong with her head.

D. Her husband might have an affair with another woman.

4.D A. A strange shirt. B. A woman in her home.

C. A woman with her husband.

D. A woman's phone number.

5. C A. The man doubts everything the woman says.

B. The man knows many good divorce lawyers.

C. The man finally believes Thomas is cheating.

D. The man is a good friend of Thomas.

III. Understanding Passages

Directions: In this section you'll hear 2 passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Recording 1


A. Discovering bad habits.

B. People not being alone.

C. Couples parting.

D. Finding Mr. Right.

Correct answer: C


A. Exactly 38 percent of people.

B. Exactly 35 percent of people.

C. Exactly 29 percent of people.

D. Exactly 28 percent of people.

Correct answer: B


A. People under 35 years old.

B. People between 35 and 54.

C. People over 55 years old.

D. Women of all ages.

Correct answer: C


A. They found their Mr. Right.

B. They suffered a broken heart.

C. They left their partner.


A. They decided on the breakup.

B. They had a broken heart.

C. They were left by a partner.

D. They agreed upon a mutual breakup.

Correct answer: D


So you finally found Mr. Right. At least you thought you had, until his bad habits and difficult family convinced you otherwise. Don't worry; you're not alone. In an age when half of all marriages end in divorce, breakups are a simple fact of life.

More than one-third (35 percent) of people today say they have been through a breakup at least once in the past 10 years, according to one survey. Some of the other results of the survey are quite predictable. People under the age of 35 are twice as likely as those between 35 and 54, and nearly five times as likely as those 55 and over, to separate from their partners in the past decade.

So who's breaking all the hearts? Although half of women say they were the ones who decided to end their most recent relationships, interestingly, only 32 percent of men say their partner left them. According to the survey, 29 percent of men say that they were the ones who ended their relationship; an additional 38 percent say their most recent breakup was "mutually agreed upon" by both parties. Only 28 percent of women report that their most recent break was mutual.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1. What is a "fact of life"?

2. How many people have been through a breakup during the last decade?

3. What group is least likely to have gone through a breakup recently?

4. According to half of all women, what happened to their latest relationship?

5. According to 38% of men, what happened to their latest relationship?

Recording 2

1. C

A. Few children believed their parents were loving enough.

B. Few parents supported their children in entering Harvard.

C. Children who felt unloved weren't as healthy later in life.

D. Parents aren't warm enough for children to be healthy.

2. C

A. He hardly ever lived past his 50th birthday.

B. He became sick almost all of the time during mid-life.

C. He developed heart, blood, or drinking problems in mid-life.

D. He found relationships that he couldn't enjoy.

3. B

A. Researchers believe it is meaningful.

B. It involves biological, psychological, and social factors.

C. This report claimed that this was the case.

4. A A. Parents. B. Mothers.

C. Society.

D. Psychology.

5.A A. Acting warmly toward children will make them healthier.

B. Getting sick is common for people as they enter mid-life.

C. Participating in surveys is helpful for understanding health.

D. Being loving can help us lead happier lives.


A new research report shows that the lack of parental warmth and closeness earlier in life can negatively affect a person's health status in mid-life, 35 years later.

A new study of participants in a Harvard study begun more than 40 years ago shows that college men who said that they had not enjoyed a close relationship with their mothers had a greater risk of developing certain illnesses by the time they reached mid-life. In fact, 91% of these men had heart disease, high blood pressure, or alcoholism.

In comparison, only 45% of the participants who received their mother's warmth and closeness had been diagnosed with these diseases by the time they reached their 50s.

The researchers note that parental caring may be a powerful predictor of future health because it "involves and integrates so many potential mechanisms"—biological, psychological, and social. "Since parents are usually the meaningful source of social support in early life, the perception of parental love and caring may have important effects on biological and psychological health and illness throughout life," the researchers claim.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1. What is shown in a recent report?

2. What usually happened to a child who didn't feel loved by his mother?

3. Why is "parental caring" so good at predicting future health?

4. What is the most important source of social support in early life?

5. What can we infer from this passage?


Unit 3 Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the

best answer to the questions you hear.


Recording 1

A. In China.

B. In Japan.

C. In Korea.

D. At home.


W: I see you're learning self-defense now. Did you pick that up while in Asia?

M: Yeah. I started in China after I went to Korea but before going to Japan. I liked it so much that I kept doing it after returning home.

Q: Where did the man start learning self-defense?


Recording 2

A. To reduce the size of the head office.

B. To help the company make more money.

C. To try new Japanese techniques.

D. To learn from Japanese companies.


W: I've heard the head office is going to reduce the size of the management team.

M: Yeah. This is a technique learned from Japanese companies to make the company more profitable.

Q: Why is the management team being made smaller?


Recording 3

A. The things the man has learned.

B. The success the man has found.

C. The ways the man has changed his life.

D. The attitude of learning the man has adopted.


W: I've heard you're studying hard now. Can that be true? It's nothing like you!

M: Well, this is the new me—changed by things I've learned at college. Studying is helping me find success in my life. I've made other changes too.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?


Recording 4

A. The man can't make his own interviews.

B. The man hasn't ever worked in business.

C. The man doesn't teach kids about business.

D. The man doesn't want a new job.


W: I've set up an interview for you to get a new job as a sales manager.

M: You should've talked to me first! You know I like my job, working with kids. I learn more from them than I could ever learn in business!

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


Recording 5

A. He only had something to talk about.

B. He missed his home country too much.

C. He only went to one country—Italy.

D. He didn't have enough time.


W: You're back! I missed you so much! Please, tell me what you learned while in Italy!

M: I wish I had something to talk about. I know how you feel about the country. But my trip was so short I didn't have much time to learn.

Q: Why didn't the man learn very much?


Recording 6

A. He believes people work there.

B. He's heard about the school.

C. He has found a friend succeed in it.

D. He's heard that it is an interesting program.


W: There's a school outside of town that offers an interesting language program.

M: Yeah. I've heard about this. A friend of mine entered the program and is now a wonderful English speaker. You know, I'll believe anything I see work.

Q: Why does the man believe in the language program?


Recording 7

A. How to set goals.

B. How to become a teacher.

C. How to understand values.

D. How to develop thinking skills.


W: What do you think you can teach me about becoming a success?

M: Well, I could teach you how to set goals. Then perhaps I can teach values. But I think you'll benefit most if I teach you thinking skills as a beginning.

Q: What will the man teach first?


Recording 8

A. In a post office.

B. In a bank.

C. In a shop.

D. In a school.


M: Here are two small packages. I want to send this one by ordinary mail and the other by air mail.

M: Do you want them insured?

Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?

Unit 3 Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and

choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Recording 1


A. To make students study more.

B. To help students be more successful.

C. To see if classes are being taught well.

D. To make changes to education.


A. To check if changes should be made.

B. To understand more about tests.

C. To compare them with results in other countries.

D. To see if their child is making any progress.


A. 70%.

B. 73%.

C. 85%.

D. 87%.


A. Different countries and their teaching methods.

B. Help for students in getting good grades.

C. Improvements made possible through tests.

D. The purpose of tests and interpretation of grades.


A. Parent and child.

B. Psychologist and patient.

C. Teacher and student.

D. Employer and employee.


M: Why do you think I give you so many tests in class?

W: I suppose you do it to help students learn better, you know, to make us study more and become more successful.

M: Well, that's only part of the story. Tests are also for teachers and schools. When I give you a test, I'm trying to understand how well I'm doing my job. Schools see these results and report them to parents. Then your mom and dad know whether or not to make changes to your education.

W: I've only been in your country and your class for a short time. Really, I don't understand much about tests here.

M: What else do you want to know?

W: You gave me a "B" on the last test. What does this mean?

M: Most American schools give the following marks: A=91-100 percent, B=81-90 percent, C=71-80 percent, D=65-70 percent, and F=below 65 percent. These are the grades I give too.

W: Ah, I got an 87%. That's why I got a B. OK. How many tests will we get this year?

M: Oh, there will be lots. But you will have one big test at the end of the year to find out everything

you've learned.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. Why are so many tests given according to the man?

2. Why do parents look at reports concerning students?

3. Which of the following would be a C grade?

4. What is the conversation about?

5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

Recording 2


A. In a classroom.

B. At an office.

C. At home.

D. On a sports field.


A. She has some questions that she doesn't understand.

B. She is asking an important question concerning sports.

C. Her questions could help the school become better.

D. Her questions might help other students too.


A. 70%.

B. 20%.

C. 30%.

D. 50%.


A. Asking more questions.

B. Taking up sports.

C. Being unique.

D. Making discoveries.


A. Enjoy discovering new things.

B. Try to become a unique student.

C. Try to discover what is most preferred.

D. Focus on all their studies as much as possible.


M: Thank you for listening to my lecture, entitled Entering University Studies. But before you leave for the day, does anyone have any questions? Yes, you in the back, do you have a question?

W: A couple. I hope you don't mind me holding up the class.

M: Not at all. Your questions might help other students understand university studies better.

W: Thank you very much. First, what do you think of sports?

M: Only 20% of students are active in a sport, a small amount. However, more than 50% of those students are among the most successful students. Exercise has many benefits, you know, like increased energy levels for studying. In addition, practicing a sport will be good for your mood.

W: So you think sports would be good for me?

M: What do you think?

W: Sounds like it would. OK. What about my classes? What should I study?

M: That's entirely up to you. Looking around the classroom, I see about 30 different people. Each of

those people should have a course list that is unique to him. I do have one recommendation, though.

W: What's that?

M: Choose many different kinds of classes. At this age, you should discover what you like. Try

different things before you focus on one of them.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. Where is the conversation probably taking place?

2. Why doesn't the man mind the woman keeping the group from leaving?

3. What percentage of students involved in a sport are very successful?

4. What can we infer from the conversation as being helpful to students?

5. Before focusing on a single subject, what should students do?

Unit 3 Part 3 Understanding Passages

Directions: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Recording 1


A. American opinions about schools.

B. The role of parents in American education.

C. Responsibility in American classrooms.

D. American high schools.

Correct answer: D


A. American high schools are public schools.

B. American high schools take their responsibilities very seriously.

C. Education has an honored place in American society.

D. Parents share in the school lives of their children.

Correct answer: B


A. Guidance advisers.

B. Their parents.

C. Their teachers.

D. Their organizations.


A. To give a lesson at school.

B. To make a teaching plan.

C. To share in the school life of their children.

D. To attend a Parent-Teacher Organization.


A. Discussing children's problems.

B. Entering children in lower grade classes.

C. Organizing the work of the school.

D. Working out a plan for the class lessons.


Education has an honored place in American society and, with some exceptions among the wealthy, parents of every kind of background and of all income groups send their children to the local public high schools. It is an article of faith in the American Dream that a good education will enable a child to achieve a higher standard of living than his or her parents.

People have a high opinion of American high schools. This is because the high schools take their responsibilities very seriously—and not only in the classroom. They have guidance advisers to whom children can go privately if they have any special problems, especially about their future careers.

Parents are encouraged to share in the school life of their children. In some lower grade classes they actually go into the class during a lesson and help the teachers with plays and class reading, and most schools have highly successful Parent-Teacher Organizations. Teachers and parents get

together and discuss their children's problems. Between them, parents and the teacher then work out

a plan of action.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1. What is the passage about?

2. Why do people have a high opinion of American high schools?

3. Whom do students turn to for help when they have personal problems?

4. What are the parents encouraged to do?

5. What do teachers and parents get together for?

Recording 2


A. He wants to invite the readers to sit down.

B. He is going to talk about the art of photography.

C. He is going to introduce two men who couldn't stand.

D. He wants the readers to focus on the two famous men.


A. Self-image is something that a disabled man possesses.

B. Self-image has nothing to do with success or failure.

C. Self-image definitely helps a person succeed.

D. Self-image is a picture that a person discovers himself.


A. He lost part of his foot.

B. He cured deafness.

C. He became a football player.

D. He became a great composer.


A. He had a negative self-image.

B. He was missing a part of his foot.

C. He couldn't hear others at all.

D. He was a very poor football player.


A. How to be a professional musician.

B. How to be an excellent football player.

C. The importance of a positive self-image.

D. The importance of having a dream.


Do you have a self-image that can help you succeed or one that can make you fail? Let's discover what self-image is all about. Get a picture in your mind of two empty chairs. In these two chairs let's picture two visitors. In the first chair let's seat a young man who is deaf. In the second chair let's seat

a young boy who was born with part of one foot missing.

The young man we picked for the first chair was a musician. He was a great artist. He composed many great songs. He never gave up, because he had a positive self-image. This man was


The visitor in the second chair was a young boy who was born with part of one foot missing. This young boy loved sports, especially football. He also never gave up, and he too had a positive

self-image. His name is Tom Dempsey.

If you try to find the special strength that turns an ordinary person into a hero it only exists in the heart or soul of man. It is called a positive self-image. A positive self-image is a great belief in yourself and your ideas.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard.

1. Why does the speaker talk about two empty chairs at the beginning of the passage?

2. What can be inferred about self-image?

3. What did the man in the first chair do?

4. What was the difficulty that Tom Dempsey overcame?

5. What is the topic of this passage?

Unit 3 Part 4 Word Dictation

Directions: Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording

twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the

second time.

1.Correct answer: controversy

3.Correct answer: insult

4.Correct answer: optimistic

5.Correct answer: worthwhile

6.Correct answer: faculty

7.Correct answer: admission

8.Correct answer: suspend

9.Correct answer: minority

10.Correct answer: conventional

11.Correct answer: mixture

12.Correct answer: intelligence

13.Correct answer: energetic

14.Correct answer: consult

15.Correct answer: inferior

Part 1 Word Dictation

(Each item: 1)

Directions:Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time.

Part 1 Word Dictation

1. series

2. export

3. commercial

4. tourism

5. arrest

6. interpret

7. classification 8. reverse 9. witness 10. aside

Part 2 DAACC Part 3 BBAAD Part 4 DDBAC

Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations

Directions:In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

11. A. The woman doesn't have a computer. B. The woman isn't in the computer class.

C. The woman won't take the test tomorrow.

D. The woman hasn't studied for the test.

12. A. Get a new computer. B. Replace the microchips.

C. Fry the microchips.

D. Buy an old computer.

13. A. Total safety is impossible. B. Great people aren't careful.

14. A. He feels tired and wants to get home. B. He works all day and wants to get home.

C. He wants the woman to see his dad.

D. He wants to invent something interesting.

15. A. 20. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations

Directions:In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

16. A. In a game production center. B. In an office at Microsoft.

C. At Bill Gates' home.

D. At Paul Allen's home.

17. A. In 1981. B. In 1975. C. In 1976. D. In 1977

18. A. Marketing. B. Production. C. Developing. D. Programming.

19. A. He can learn quickly. B. He has a good background.

C. He has worked with games before.

D. He knows about Microsoft's early years.

20. A. The man has never played a game. B. The man has a background in programming.

C. The man has learned quickly about gaming.

D. The man has gotten the job at last.

Part 4 Understanding Passages

Directions:In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog.

21. A. The Church. B. Emperor Claudius. C. Lovers. D. A religious man.

22. A. He told Valentine he couldn't get married. B. He got married in secret.

C. He made wives and children become soldiers.

D. He ordered soldiers to stay single.

23. A. Romans. B. Christians. C. Young soldiers. D. A young girl.

24. A. Valentine. B. A young girl. C. People in prison. D. Romans.

25. A. Romans preventing love. B. Love in the third century.

C. The origin of Valentine's Day.

D. The history of Valentine's Day.

姓名:___________________________ 班级:____________________________

学号:___________________________ 日期:____________________________


1. verify

2. static

3. adequate


preposition 5. invitation

6-10 CADDA 11-15 BADDB

16-20 AADCD

1. verify

2. static

3. adequate

4. preposition

5. invitation

Part 1 Word Dictation

Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations

(Each item: 1)

Directions:In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.


A. The woman's son is much too young.

B. The woman's son is going to get married.

C. The speakers think the son should marry.

D. The speakers think the son should fix what's wrong.


A. The 24th.

B. The 25th.

C. The 26th.

D. The 27th.


A. The man finding a job.

B. The man working out.

C. Jobs on 3rd Street.

D. Male nannies.


A. The speakers have a child who is sick.

B. The speakers spoke to someone about childcare.

C. The speakers don't want to raise children.

D. The speakers don't know about raising children.


三年级第一单元测试卷<一> 一、填空(20分) 1、2.50读作()五点四二写作() 2、十一点三四写作()。 5.659读作() 3、8.75的整数部分是(),小数部分是() 4、我的同学身高1米4分米,就是()米。 5、一张5元,两张1元,一张2角,共有()元()角,用小数表示是()元。 6、在括号里填上适当的小数。 4元8角2分=() 26分=()元 21元零2分=()元 7、小英和小敏有同样多的彩线,小英用去了3.46米,小敏用去了4.36米,()剩下的彩线多,多()米。 8、在()里填>、<或=。 0.05()0.50 4.59元()4.58元 6.00元()6.0元 0.85()1.0 3.16元()3.1元 二、判断(对的在括号里画“√×”,错的画“×”)(10分) 1、像1. 2、0.56、34.58、……这样的数叫做小数。() 2、16.85 读作十六点八十五。() 3、5.08元是5元8角。() 4、所有的小数都比1小。() 5、2.5与3的和是2.8。() 三、选择(10分) 1、小明有7元钱,买了一个布娃娃用去了5.85元,还剩() A、2.23元 B、1.15元 C、2.05元 2、五十点四零元写作() A、5.41元 B、50.04元 C、50.40元 3、京京有4.75元,东东有7.05元,他们的钱合起来()买一本10.52元的故事书。 A、能 B、不一定能 C、不能 4、用1、2、0、3四个数字及小数点能组成最大的小数是(),最小的小数是()。 A、0.123 B、0.321 C、320.1 D、321.0 5、大于2.4小于2.5的数有()。 A、9个 B、10个 C、无数个 四、计算。(30分) (1)直接写结果。(16分) 0.1+0.5= 2.4+1.2= 4.5-1.5= 1.6-0.4= 17.8-0.5= 5.4+3.2= 1.1+1.2= 6.5-2.4= 1.8-1.1= 4.2+ 2.4= 6-1.5= 2.2+4.6= 4.8-2.3= 7.1+1.1 3+7.4= 6.6-3= (2)竖式计算。(8分) 205+30.5= 100-99.8= 28.7-5.7= 7.3+2.7= (3)计算(6分) 100-27.3-72.7 19.5+0.8+20.8 五、应用题(30分) 1


七年级语文(上学期)第一单元测试卷 一、积累与运用(46分) 1、请将下面一段话正确、端正、整洁地抄写在方格内,标点要占格。(5分) 我提醒自己,不要想着远在下面的岩石,而要着眼于那最初的一小步,走了这一步再走下一步,直到抵达我所要到的地方。 2、根据拼音写汉字。(8分) 诱huò()xuān()腾 chuò()泣 sǒng()立 3、选出注音完全正确的一组是( A )(3分) A 崛(jué)起浊(zhuó)流收敛(li?n) B 竹笠(lì)搔(zāo)耳朵荡涤(dí) C 轧(gá)死背(bèi)风倏(shū)然 D 裤衩(ch?) 哺(f?)育骤(zhòu)然 4、下列词语中,加点的字注音全正确的一组是()(3分) A 诱惑(yòu )藐小(mǎo) B 痴想(chī )凹凸(āo) C 凝成(nínɡ)虾蟆( xiā) D瞬间(shùn)迸溅(bìng ) 5、选出加点字读音完全相同的一组是()(3分) A 着实着急着火 B 弄拧里弄弄虚作假 C 血泊湖泊停泊 D 勉强强迫强词夺理 6、选出不属于比喻修辞方法的一句是() A 没来得及开口,他便像一条快活的泥鳅,一骨碌溜到我面前。 B 那神情,简直像要把宇宙看穿似的。

C 许多人为了个人的升官发财而读书,书不过是他们的敲门砖。 D 啊!黄河!你是中华民族的摇篮。 7、下列句子朗读停顿的地方不正确的一项是()(3分) A.在/不停地/翻过无数座山/后 B.使之/冲烟/而飞鸣,作/青云白鹤/观 C.昂首/观之,项为/之强 D.却/在我的心中/扎下了深根 8、选出下列词语没有错别字的一组是()(3分) A 门楣土墩丰彩惹事 B 包裹山颠打捞灌溉 C 悬崖训斥耽误竞然 D 屏障纳闷干脆倾泻 9.下列各句中所运用的修辞手法不同于其他三句的一项是()(3分) A.……但花朵从来都稀落,东一穗西一串伶仃地挂在树梢,好像在试探什么。 B.每一朵盛开的花就像是一个小小的张满了的帆。 C.花朵儿一串挨着一串,一朵接着一朵,彼此推着挤着,好不活泼热闹。 D.仔细看时,才知道那是每一朵花中的最浅淡的部分,在和阳光互相挑逗。 10、下列句子填空恰当的一项是()(3分) ①我小心翼翼地伸出左脚去_______那块岩石,而且踩到了它。 ②朋友说:“那本来的生活历程就是这样。它为了生命_______,必须好好活着。 ③小时候,我常伏一窗口_______ ——山那边是什么呢? A、①踩②延长③瞎想 B、①探②延续③痴想 C、①探②漫长③畅想 D、①踩②继续③幻想 11、下列各项说法不正确的一项是()(3分) A 《在山的那边》这首诗,诗人用群山和大海的形象来表达人生信念。它告诉我们“海”是“一个全新的世界”。理想的天地。并不是爬了一座山,就能到达目的地,要爬过无数座山才能到达理想的境界。 B “我提醒自己,不要想着远在下面的岩石,而要着眼于那最初的一小步……”这句话告诉我们,走过了最初的一小步,后面的路走起来就非常顺利。 C 《生命生命》一文中作者举的例子都是不起眼的小生命,意在告诉我们,无论怎样卑微的生命都具有令人不可思议的生命力。 D 《童趣》向我们展现了儿童的天真烂漫,富于幻想的生活情趣。 12、默写(6分) (1)__________________,志在千里。__________________,壮心不已。


本章测评(时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1下列说法中不正确 ...的是( ). A.系统抽样是先将差异明显的总体分成几个小组,再进行抽取 B.分层抽样是将差异明显的几部分组成的总体分成几层,然后进行抽取 C.简单随机抽样是从个体无差异且个数较少的总体中逐个抽取个体 D.系统抽样是从个体无差异且个数较多的总体中,将总体均分,再按事先确定的规则在 各部分抽取 解析:当总体中个体差异明显时,用分层抽样;当总体中个体无差异且个数较多时,用系 统抽样;当总体中个体无差异且个数较少时,用简单随机抽样.所以A项中的叙述不正确. 答案:A

2某班的60名同学已编号1,2,3, (60) 为了解该班同学的作业情况,老师收取了号码能被5整除的12名同学的作业本,这里运用的抽样方法是( ). A.简单随机抽样 B.系统抽样 C.分层抽样 D.抽签法 解析:抽出的号码是5,10,15,…,60,符合系统抽样的特点:“等距抽样”. 答案:B 3统计某校1 000名学生的数学测试成绩,得到样本频率分布直方图如图所示,若满分为100分,规定不低于60分为及格,则及格率是( ).

A.20% B.25% C.6% D.80% 解析:从左至右,后四个小矩形的面积和等于及格率,则及格率是 1-10(0.005+0.015)=0.8=80%. 答案:D 4两个相关变量满足如下关系: 两变量的回归直线方程为( ). A.=0.58x+997.1 B.=0.63x-231.2

C.=50.2x+501.4 D.=60.4x+400.7 解析:利用公式==0.58, =- =997.1. 则回归直线方程为=0.58x+997.1. 答案:A 5某市A,B,C三个区共有高中学生20 000人,其中A区高中学生7 000人,现采用分层抽样的方法从这三个区所有高中学生中抽取一个容量为600的样本进行“学习兴趣”调查,则在A区应抽取( ). A.200人 B.205人 C.210人 D.215人 解析:抽样比是=,则在A区应抽×7 000=210(人). 答案:C


三年级上册第一单元测试卷及答案 一、填一填。 1.有些钟面上有3根针,它们分别是( )、( )、( ),其中( )走得最快,它走一圈是( ),( )走得最慢,它走一大格是( )。 2.我们学过的时间单位有( )、( )、( )。计量很短的时间时,常用比分更小的单位( )。 3.秒针走一小格是( )秒,走一圈是( )秒,也就是( )分。分针走一小格是( )分,走一圈是( )分,也就是( )时。 4.秒针从一个数走到下一个数,经过的时间是( )。 5.在括号里填上合适的时间单位。 (1)一节课时长40( )。 (2)爸爸每天工作8( )。 (3)李静跑50米的成绩是13( )。 (4)做一次深呼吸要4( )。 6.体育老师对第一小组同学进行50米跑测试,成绩如下:小红9秒,小丽11秒,小明8秒,小军10秒。( )跑得最快,( )跑得最慢。 二、辨一辨。(正确的画“√”,错误的画“?”) 分=600秒 ( ) 2.分针走一大格,时针就走一小格。 ( ) 3.秒针走一圈,分针走一小格。 ( ) 4.小红每天早晨7:15从家出发,7:35到达学校,她在路上用了20分钟。 ( ) 5.小军早上6:30起床,小强早上6:40起床,小强比小军起得早。 ( ) 三、单位换算。 1时=( )分 5分=( )秒 4时=( )分 3分=( )秒 20分+50分=( )分 24秒+48秒=( )秒 1时-40分=( )分 四、在○里填上“>”“<”或“=”。 6分○60秒 160分○3时 4分○200秒3时○300分 250分○5时60秒○60分 10分○600秒120分○2时

五、我会写。(写出每个钟面所表示的时刻,并算出经过时间) 六、解决问题。 1.火车9:20开,李华从家到火车站要35分,李华至少要在几时几分从家出发才能赶上火车 2.一个钟表显示的时间是11:45,它比准确时间慢了5分,你知道准确时间是几时几分吗 3.小军、小红和小伟三个好朋友住在同一个小区,他们一起去公园游玩。 (1)汽车还有5分钟出发,汽车什么时候出发 (2)他们什么时候到达公园路上用了多长时间 4.一根长24米的木棒,每4米锯一段,锯一次用4分钟。锯完这根木棒用多长时间 参考答案 一、1.秒针分针时针秒针60秒时针1时 2.时分秒秒 60 1 1 60 1


4 2020 人教版一年级数学下册第一单元测试题及答案 [ 时限:60 分钟 满分:100 分] 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 温馨提示:小朋友,经过本单元的学习,你一定积累了很多知识,现在请认真、仔细地完成这张试卷吧。加油! 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 一、填一填。 (45 分) 1、看图填空( 9 分)。 ( 1)( )号飞机在最前面;1 ( )号飞机在最后面2 。 ( 2) 35 号飞机后面是( )号飞机。 4 5 号飞机前面是( )号飞 机。 ( 3)2 号飞机前面有( )号飞机。1 号飞机后面有( ) 号飞机。 2、看图填空: (12 分) (1) 在 的( )面。 (2) 在 的( )面。 (3) 在 的( )面。 (4) 的下面是( )。 (5) 的下面有( )。 (6) 的上面有( )。 3、我会在 的右边画 ○,上面画 □ ,左边画 △,下面画 ◇。( 8 分) 4、请你先看一看,再填—填。 ( 8 分) (1) 在◇的( )面。 (2) 在 的( )面。 (3) ○在◇的( )面。 ○ ◇ □ △ (4) 在 的( )面。 5、我会填。( 8 分) (1) 一共有 ( ) 只动物。 (2) )从左边数起, 排在第( )个, 排在第( )个。

(3))从右边数起,排在第()个,排在第()个。 (4))的前面有()只动物, 后面有()只动物。二、找一找。(13 分) 1、找位置 (1))苹果的位置在第()排第()个。白天鹅在第()排第()个。 (2))第3 排第3 个是()。第1 排第6 个是()。 (3)请在第 1 排第4 个的位置上画一个气球。 2、我会找朋友。(4 分) 小莉 小莉的左边有 5 个小朋友,右边有 4 个小朋友,房子后面有()个小朋友,这一队一共有()小朋友。 三、看图回答。(42 分) 1、小朋友排队做早操,小明的前面有 3 人,后面有 4 人。 (1))队伍中哪个是小明?在他头上“√”。 (2))这一队伍一共有()个小朋友。 (3)前面 3 个和后面 3 个都是 1 班的学生,1 班一共()个。其他同学都是 2 班的,2 班同学一共有()。小明是()班的 学生。 2、看下面的表格,回答下面的问题(一般横为行,竖为列。):(9 分) (1)在第( 1 )行第( 4 )列。 (2)在第()行第()列。

新人教版一年级数学下册第一单元测试卷及答案 (1)

第一单元测试 一年级 班 姓名 一、填一填。(共42分,每空2分,第1小题2、4、5空每空4分) 1、 是长方形, 是正方形, 是圆, 是三角形, 是平行四边形。 2、用( )根小棒可以摆一个长方形;用( )根小棒可以摆一个三角形。 3、硬币是( )形;红领巾是( )形;课桌面是( )形。 4、 ① 从左往右数第( )个是圆形,第( )个是正方形, ② 一共有( )个长方形。 5、用2块完全一样的正方体可以拼成一个( )。 6、 用 做成的正方体,数字“1”的对面是( ); 数字“2”的对面是( );数字“6”的对面是( )。 二、我会连线。(共20分) 1、下面的一块是从上面哪一块中剪下来的,用线连一连。(8分) 2、用下面的长方体、正方体和圆柱可以画出哪些图形?连一连。(6 分) 3、下面右边的图形是左边立体图形的哪个面?连一连。(6分) 三、选择正确的答案。(共8分,每题4分) ① ② ③⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ 下 面 左 面 后 面 第—1—页 第—2—页

1、 像这样先折后剪会得到一个( )图形。 A 、正方形 B 、长方形 C 、平行四边形 D 、圆形 2、下图是小男孩用手中的长方体和笔,最多可以画 出( )个不同的长方形。 A 、6个 B 、4个 C 、3个 四、数一数。(共8分,每空2 1、 2、 五、圈一圈。(请你找出用右侧哪一个物体可以画出左侧的图形,用笔圈出来。)(共8分,每空2分) 六、数一数,填一填。(共8分,每空1分) 七、缺了多少块砖?(共6分,画图4分,填空2分) 缺( )块砖 有( )个三角形拼成 有( )个三角形拼成 有( )个长方形拼成 有( )个正方形拼成 第—4—页 第—3—页


必修三统计试题 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.①某学校高二年级共有526人,为了调查学生每天用于休息的时间,决定抽取10%的学生进行调查;②一次数学月考中,某班有10人在100分以上,32人在90~100分,12人低于90分,现从中抽取9人了解有关情况;③运动会工作人员为参加4×100 m 接力赛的6支队伍安排跑道.就这三件事,恰当的抽样方法分别为( ) A .分层抽样、分层抽样、简单随机抽样 B .系统抽样、系统抽样、简单随机抽样 C .分层抽样、简单随机抽样、简单随机抽样 D .系统抽样、分层抽样、简单随机抽样 2. 某单位有840名职工,现采用系统抽样方法抽取42人做问卷调查,将840人按1,2,…,840随机编号,则抽取的42人中,编号落入区间[]481,720的人数为 ( ) A .11 B .12 C .13 D .14 3从2007名学生中选取50名参加全国数学联赛,若采用下面的方法选取:先用简单随机抽样从2007人中剔除7人,剩下的2000人再按系统抽样的方法抽取,则每人入选的可能性( ) A .不全相等 B .均不相等 C .都相等,且为140 D .都相等,且为50 2007 4. 某大学数学系共有学生5 000人,其中一、二、三、四年级的人数比为4∶3∶2∶1,要 用分层抽样的方法从数学系所有学生中抽取一个容量为200的样本,则应抽取三年级的学生人数为( ) A.80 B.40 C.60 D.20 5.下列数字特征一定是数据组中数据的是( ) A .众数 B .中位数 C .标准差 D .平均数 6.某公司10位员工的月工资(单位:元)为1234,,,x x x x ,其均值和方差分别为x 和2 s ,若从下月起每位员工的月工资增加100元,则这10位员工下月工资的均值和方差分别为 ( ) A.2,s 100x + B. 22+100,s 100 x + C.2 ,s x D.2 +100,s x 7.一组数据中的每一个数据都乘以2,再减去80,得到一组新数据,若求得新的数据的平均数是1.2,方差是4.4,则原来数据的平均数和方差分别是( ) A .40.6,1.1 B .48.8,4.4 C .81.2,44.4 D .78.8,75.6 8.如图所示的茎叶图记录了甲、乙两组各5名工人某日的产量数据(单位:件).若这两组数据的中位数相等,且平均值也相等,则x 和y 的值分别为( ). A.3和5 B.5和5 C.3和7 D.5和7 9.如果在一次实验中,测得(x ,y )的四组数值分别是A (1,3),B (2,3.8),C (3,5.2),


三年级英语单元测试卷 学校班级姓名 一、看一看,连一连。(24分) 1. 2 3 4 book bag crayon pencil-box pen eraser ruler pencil 5 6 7 8 二.选出每组中不同类的那个选项。(10分) ( )1. A. hello B. hi C. name ( )2. A bye B. ruler C. pencil ( )3. A. goodbye B. bye C. hello ( )4. A. book B.ruler C. open ( )5. A Mike B Sarah C eraser 三.单项选择。从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,将其字母代号填入括号内。(10分) ( )1.What’s your name? A.My name’s Zip. B.I’m fine,thank you. C.Sure, here you are ( )2.I have a pencil! A.Me too. B.Goodbye! C. I’m Zoom. ( )3. Goodbye,Zoom! A. Great. B.Bye. C.Me too. ( )4.Hello,Zoom! A.Guess B. Close your book. C.Hi,Miss White

( )5. Good morning! A.I’m fine. B.Good morning! C.Me too. 四、读句子连线。(15分) 1、你好! A.What’s your name ? 2、再见! B.I have a book。 3、你叫什么? C.Hello ! 4、我有一本书。 D.Goodbye ! 5、我的名字是约翰。 E.My name’s John . 五、情景选择。根据上句,选择合适的应答句。(18分) ( )1.你想知道别人的名字,你应该怎么问? A. This is Sarah. B. Bye, Sarah. C. What’s your name? ( )2. –你想和Miss wang告别应该怎么说? A. Hello! B. Welcome. C. -Bye! Miss White. ( )3.你想说我有一块橡皮,应该怎么说? A. OK! B. I have an eraser C. Me too. ( )4. 你早晨遇见了老师,应该怎么说? A.Good morning B.Bye. C. Me too! ( )5.你想说我们一起玩吧,要怎么说? A.Let’s play. B. Hello C. Great! ()6、把你的铅笔给我看看。 A. Show me your book. B. Show me your bag. C. Show me your pencil. ()7、你想自我介绍,你应说: A. Hello. B. Goodbye. C. I’m Mike.


1 青岛版七年级数学第 一章测试题 一、选一选 1.下列说法中错误的是( ). A .A 、 B 两点之间的距离为3cm B .A 、B 两点之间的距离为线段AB 的长度 C .线段AB 的中点C 到A 、B 两点的距离相等 D .A 、B 两点之间的距离是线段AB 2.下列说法中,正确的个数有( ). (1)射线AB 和射线BA 是同一条射线 (2)延长射线MN 到C (3)延长线段MN 到A 使NA==2MN (4)连结两点的线段叫做两点间的距离 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 3.下列说法中,错误的是( ). A .经过一点的直线可以有无数条 B .经过两点的直线只有一条 C .一条直线只能用一个字母表示 D .线段CD 和线段DC 是同一条线段 4.如图4,C 是线段AB 的中点,D 是CB 上一点,下列说 法中错误的是( ). A .CD=AC-BD B .CD= 2 1BC C .CD=2 1 AB-BD D .CD=AD-BC 5.如果线段AB=13cm,MA+MB=17 cm,那么下面说法中正确的是( ). A .M 点在线段AB 上 B .M 点在直线AB 上 C .M 点在直线AB 外 D .M 点可能在直线AB 上,也可能在直线AB 外 6.下列图形中,能够相交的是( ). 7.已知点A 、B 、C 都是直线l 上的点,且AB=5cm ,BC=3cm , 图4

那么点A与点C之间的距离是(). A.8cm B.2cm C.8cm或2cm D.4cm 二、填空 8. 笔尖在纸上快速滑动写出了一个又一个字,这说明了_________;车轮旋转时,看起来像一个整体的圆面,这说明了_________;直角三角形绕它的直角边旋转一周,形成了一圆锥体,这说明了_____________. 9.如图1-4,A,B,C,D是一直线上的四点,则 ______ + ______ =AD-AB,AB+CD= ______ - ______ . 10.如图1-5,OA反向延长得射线 ______ ,线段CD向______ 延长得直线CD. 11.四条直线两两相交,最多有 ______ 个交点. 12.经过同一平面内的A,B,C三点中的任意两点,可 以作出 ______ 条直线. 三.解答题 13、右面是一个正方体纸盒的展开图,请把-10,7,10, -2,-7,2分别填入六个正方形,使得按虚线折成正方体后,相对面上的两数互为相反数。 14.读下面的语句,并按照这些语句画出图形. (1)点P在直线AB上,但不在直线CD上。 (2)点Q既不在直线l 1 上,也不在直线l 2 上。 (3)直线a、b交于点o,直线b、c交于点p,直线c、a交于点q。 (4)直线a、b、c两两相交。 1


青岛七年级上册第一单元测试卷(满分:100分) 一、积累与运用(66分) 1.下列加点字注音或写出汉字(2020 lǎnɡ( ) 润高miǎo( ) 酝niànɡ( ) 竦zhì( ) 水藻.( ) lìn( ) 啬薄.( )雪烘.( )托 唱和.( ) 嘹.( )亮 Iì( )临 duō duō( )逼人花苞.( ) xī( )沥 屋yán ( ) Zhù ( ) 蓄澄.( )清 绿茵.茵( ) 粗犷.( ) 静mì( ) 2.用课文原句填空。(28分) (1)树叶子却绿得发亮,。(朱自清《春》) (2) ,风正一帆悬。(王湾《次北固山下》) (3)夕阳西下,。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) (4) , 山岛竦峙。(曹操《观沧海》) (5) 我寄愁心与明月,。(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》) (6)春天像健壮的青年,,。 (7)坐着,躺着,,踢几脚球,,。 (8)牛背上牧童的短笛,。 (9)“”,刚起头,有的是功夫,有的是希望。 (10) ,小桥流水人家。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) 3.找出句子中的错别字并改正。(3分) (1)鸟儿将窠巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄轻脆的喉咙,唱出宛转的曲子。( ) (2)乡下去,小路上,石桥边,有撑起伞慢慢走着的人;还有地里工作的农夫,披着蓑,带着笠的。( ) (3)总是美丽而使人爱练的雨啊!( ) 4.下列句中加点成语使用不当的一项是( )(5分) A.挑着花篮灯的姑娘们,打扮得花枝招展、艳丽俊俏。 B.下雪了,孩子们呼朋引伴,玩起了打雪仗。 C.那种清冷是柔和的,没有北风那样咄咄逼人。

D.他对自己已取得的那些成就总是津津有味。 5.下列句子有语病的一项是( )(5分) A.为了防止失窃事件再次发生,保安部门采取了切实有效的措施。 B.通过学习学校颁发的《消防安全,关爱生命——致家长的一封信》,使我们家长都受到了一次教育。 C.七年级(5)班的语文成绩是全校最好的。 D.任何人无论说什么、做什么,都动摇不了中国政府和人民捍卫国家主权和领土完整的坚定决心和意志。 6.下列理解有误的一项是( )(5分) A.诗句“秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起”写海面上的秋风和洪波,实写大风大浪的景象,声势令人惊心动魄,显示了大海的辽阔和宏伟气象。 B.诗句“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西”运用拟人,赋予明月有了人的情态,能将“愁心”带给远方的朋友,生动形象地表达了诗人的忧愁和无奈,以及对友人的关切之情。 C.诗句“海日生残夜,江春入旧年”有导出结尾一联的作用,跟诗人的乡愁有关。海日生残夜,将驱尽黑暗;江春,那江上景物所表现的“春意”,闯入旧年,将赶走严寒。给人以悲伤、消极、无助的艺术感染力。 D.诗句“夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯”作者直抒胸臆,道出天涯游子远离家乡,孤独漂泊之悲。 二、阅读理解(34分) 7.说说加点语句的表达效果(12分) (1)小草偷偷地 .......。 ...从土里钻.出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的 (2)看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝 ...........,密密地斜织着,人家屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟。 (二)阅读文章,完成8—10题。(22分) 塞外的春天 ①说到长城外边,古代的诗人们,常常想成永久的荒凉。“春风不度玉门关”“春风疑不到天涯”“三春那得桃杏花”,好像塞外是常冬常寒,除了飞沙飘雪以外,什么都没有。其实塞外自有动人的春天,也绮丽,也温馨,使人热辣辣,软绵绵,所看到听到的充满了生命的愉快、欢欣。


第一单元测试 一、选择题 1.(2013江西上饶模拟)《论语·八佾》:“孔子谓季氏,‘八佾’舞于庭,是可忍,孰不可忍。”材料表明孔子强调() A.仁爱思想 B.忠恕之道 C.等级秩序 D.以德治民 2.孟子把孔子的“仁”发展为“仁政”,特别强调“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”,即主张民贵君轻。这种带有民主色彩的见解,为后世儒家所不及,也为我们留下了珍贵的思想遗产。下列各项对这段话的理解错误的是() A.“民贵君轻”属于史料 B.“民贵君轻”属于史料解释 C.“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻”属于史料 D.“这种带有民主色彩的见解,为后世儒家所不及,也为我们留下了珍贵的思想遗产”属于史料评价 3.春秋战国时诸子百家各自提出挽救时弊的主张:墨子主张国家应节俭;孟子强调划定土地疆界;商鞅主张开阡陌。对于以上三位学者的主张,下列表述正确的是() A.立论相同,都站在维护统治者利益的立场 B.立论不同,但都是以精耕细作的小农经济作考虑 C.立论相同,都是基于维护农民利益的立场 D.立论不同,但都成为当时统治阶级的治国方略 4.胡锦涛在2011年“七一”重要讲话中强调,在前进道路上,我们要继续大力保障和改善民生,坚定不移推进社会主义和谐社会建设。这一指示精神与下列哪一中国古代思想相一致() A.“礼之用,和为贵” B.“仁人无敌于天下” C.“民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻” D.“养心莫善于寡欲” 5) A. C.民本思想 D.重农抑商 6.“从来皇帝的尊号中都有‘奉天承运’‘继天立极’这样的字样。明明是流氓地痞,靠杀人放火、打家劫舍发迹的人,只要一登皇位,就自然而然戴上这样神圣的光环。”曾为皇帝制造神圣光环的历史人物是() A.老子 B.董仲舒 C.李贽 D.梁启超 7.随着董仲舒“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”的建议被汉武帝采纳,儒学在新的历史条件下兴起,逐渐成为封建社会的正统思想。“新的历史条件”主要是指()


三年级上册第一单元测试卷 一、填空题 1、在90后面添( 4)个0是90万,添( 3)个0是9亿。 2、和1000000相邻的两个数是(999999 )和(1000001 )。 3、500005005这个数,在左边的5表示(亿),中间的5表示(千),右边的5表示( 个)。 4、57925680这个数里包括( )级和( )级,它是(8 )位数,最高位是( 千万)位,表示( 五个千)。 5、最小的五位数和最大的五位数的和是(109999 )。 6、用3个5和2个0组成的五位数中,最大的五位数是(55500 ),最小的五位数是( 50055),只读一个零的数是(50055 ),两个零都读出来的数是(505055 )。 7、三个连续自然数的和是231,这个数分别是(76 )、( 77)和( 78)。 8、万位后面一位是( 十万)位,右面一位是( 千)位;十亿位左面一位是( 百亿)位,右面一位是( 亿)位。 二、判断题 1、万位、十万位、百万位和千万位都是计数单位。(×) 2、比较两个数的大小时,首先看最高位上的数。(∨) 3、自然数的个数是无限的,没有最大的自然数。(√) 4、最小的七位数比最大的八位数少1。(×) 5、用5、7、9、0组成的最大的四位数是9705。(×) 6、17500050读作一千万七百五十万零五十。(×) 7、一个数字占有的数位不同,表示的数的大小也不同。(√) 8、一个数四舍五入到万位后是9万,这个数最大是94999。(√) 三、选择题 1、下面各数,只读一个零的是(a )。 A .20600000 B.94000000 C.10600900 D.50220703 2、7( )580≈8万,( )里可填的数字范围是(c )。 A.0~4 B.1~4 C.5~9 D.0~9 3、读两级数时,(c )的0都不读。 A. 每级前面 B.每级中级 C.每级末尾 4、整数最小的计数单位是( 1). A.0 B.1 C.10 5、比最大的七位数多1的是(a). A.10000000 B.10000001 C.100000000 6、最大七位数比最大四位数多(a )。 A.9990000 B.99999 C.9999 D.999 7、最小的九位数是最小的三位数的(a ) 倍。 A.1000000 B.100000 C.10000 D.1000 8、下列各数中,最接近1亿的数是( a)。 A.100000100 B.999999990 C.110000000 D.90000000 四、写出下面个各数。 四亿五千万零六450000006 九千零六万90060000 三十亿零四万七千3000047000四千亿零二千400000002000 五百零八亿50800000000 六百零四万零七6040007 五、用“万”或“亿”作单位求出下列各数的近似数


(部编版)小学三年级语文上册第一单元检测卷 一、汉字积累屋。(12分) 1.看拼音,写词语。(8分) ku áng f ēng y áng q ? shu āng b ì (1) 一阵 起来。 z ? ān y àn f ú zhu ā ng d ? ban (2,同学们穿着 得非常美丽。 2.选字填空。(4分) 【汉 汗】 【荒 谎】 【例 列】 【笛 由】 ( )水 ( )野 ( )车 口( ) ( )字 ( )忙 ( )如 理( ) 二、词语游艺厅。(17分) 1.用“______”画出每组加点字注音错误的一个,在括号里改正。(4分) (1)戒.尺(j èi ) 照例.(l ì) 洁. 白(ji é) ( ) (2)语段.(du àn ) 圈.出(q üān ) 糊涂.(tu ) ( ) (3)厉.声(l ì) 挨.打(āi ) 调.查(di ào ) ( ) (4)描述.(s ù) 衣裳.(shang ) 吓呆. (d āi ) ( ) 2.把下列的四字词语补充完整,并完成练习。(11分) ①绚丽( )( ) ②急急( )( ) ③摇( )晃( ) ④糊( )糊( ) ⑤张牙 ( )( ) ⑥面( )耳( ) ⑦提( )吊( ) ⑧鸦( )( )声 (1)词语④通常用来形容______________________________________。像这样的ABAC 式的词语 我还知道:_________________、_________________。 (2)词语⑥中所填的两个字的意思______________________________,像这样的词语我还知道: _________________、_________________。 (3)节日的广场被无数盆鲜花打扮得_________________。(选词填空) 3.选词填空。(2分) 详细 仔细 (1)做完作业后,我又( )地检查了一遍。 (2)先生讲得很( ),大家听得很认真。 三、句子训练营。(16分) 1. 大家在大青树下做游戏,把许多小鸟招引来了。(改为“被”字句)(3分) __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 他们想在放学以前出来游戏。 他们的老师要罚他们站墙角的。(用恰当的关联词语连成 学校___________________ 班级__________ 姓名______________ 学号___________


高中历史必修三第一单元测试题 时间:90分钟满分:100分 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共48分) 1.西方学者认为,公元前6—公元前3世纪是人类文明的“轴心时代”(Axial Age),“人类意识”首次觉醒,理性思维所创造的精神文化决定着其后诸民族的文化走向。在当时的中国,最具典型意义的现象为【】 A.诸子并立,百家争鸣 B.以法为教,焚书坑儒 C.罢黜百家,独尊儒术 D.崇儒尚佛,兼收并蓄 2.春秋战国时期学派林立,学术观点异彩纷呈,然“天下一致而百虑,同归而殊途”。诸子百家关注的共同点是【】 A.人与自然的和谐 B.关注社会现实 C.人与社会的和谐D.关注人的价值 3.思想家在世时往往是孤独和寂寞的,据《史记?孔子世家》记载,周游列国推销自己思想并“知其不可为而为之”的孔子受到了许多同时代人的嘲笑和讽刺,诸如“四体不勤,五谷不分……自腰以下不及禹三寸。累累若丧家之狗”等。导致扎子如此尴尬结局的主要原因是【】 A.他的宣传方式不得法 B.他的主张不符合当时诸侯争霸的需要 C.他的思想不利于统治阶级稳固统治 D.他的思想观念相对陈旧保守 4.“《礼》者,法之大分,类之纲纪也……隆礼至法则国有常,尚贤使能则民知方……”“君人者隆礼尊贤而王,重法爱民而霸……”下列观点中与材料中所体现的主张符合同一思想家的是【】 A.鸡犬之声相闻,民至老死不相往来 B.民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻 C.君者舟也,庶人者水也。水则载舟,水则覆舟

D.利用权术驾驭大臣,以绝对的权威来震慑臣民 5.“天下之人皆不相爱,强不执弱,众不劫寡,富不侮贫,贵不敖贱,诈不欺愚。凡天下祸篡怨恨,可使毋起者,以相爱生也”。以上言论出自【】 A.孔子 B.墨子 C.孟子 D.老子 6.儒家经典著作之一《尚书》中最早提到“民主”一词,认为:“天惟时求民主,乃大降显于成汤。”含义说暴君夏桀残民以逞;不配做民之主,推翻夏桀的成汤才是民主。对此理解不正确的是【】 A.文中的“民主”,实即作民之主,与君主同义 B.肯定了成汤革命是推翻暴虐之政的正义举动 C.说明早期儒家已经有“天人感应”思想 D.强调“主权在民”,人民有权推翻统治者 7.“万乘之主,千乘之君,所以制天下而征诸侯者,以其威势也。”下列各项中,与这一政治思想属于同一学派的是【】 A.“天地之间人为贵,众人之中王为本” B.“不期修古,不法常可” C.“从道不从君,从义不从父” D.“有力者疾以助人,有财者勉以分人” 8.右图为《三教图》。此图绘佛、道、儒三教的创始人 释迦牟尼、老子、孔子三人于一图之中,似正在辩经论 道,体现了我国古代的一种社会思潮。对这一思潮表述 正确的是【】 A.隋唐时期初露端倪 B.推动了新儒学体系的诞生 C.“三教合规佛”为其核心 D.成为中国古代传统文化的主流 9.西汉中期的汉元帝初元二年,“六月,关东饥,齐地人相食。秋七月,诏日:‘岁比灾害,民有菜色,惨怛于心。已诏吏虚仓廪,开府库振救,赐寒者衣。阴阳不和,其咎安在公卿将何以优之其悉意陈朕过,靡有所讳。”汉元帝下诏罪己的思想因素是【】


高二地理试题(五) (必修一第一章) 一、选择题: 第16届亚运会将于2010年11月在广州举行。据此并结合所学知识,完成1-2题。 1、亚运会期间以下各城市白昼最长的是 A.北京 B 沈阳 C.广州D海口 2、亚运会期间太阳直射点位置及移动方向是 A北半球,向南移动B北半球,向北移动 C南半球,向南移动D南半球,向北移动 读右图“智利大地震震中位置图”。回答: 3.智利发生大地震时,北京时间为2010年2月 A.26日18:34 B.26日16:34 C.27日16:34 D.27日12:34 读图,此图为位于海洋考察船上的人们于12月22日观测到的一天中的太阳高度的变化情况,回答4—6题4、该船这天所处的纬度位置是() A.66°34′S B.23°26′N C.23°26′S D.66°34′N 5、该考察船上的科学家这天还记录到,这一天太阳高度最大的时刻是北 京时间18时,由此判断出该船的经度是 A.120°E B.120°W C.30°E D.30°W 6、根据该船的地理坐标,可知该船在北京的() A.西北方向B.东北方向C.东南方向D.西南方向 图1为“我国南极科学考察站分布示意图”。其中昆仑站于2009年1月27日建成,这是我国在南极内陆建立的第一个科学考察站。图2为“太阳直射点回归运动示意图”。读图完成7~8题。 7.下列四地中,地球自转线速度最大的是 A.昆仑站B.中山站 C.长城站D.南极点 8.我国昆仑站建成时,太阳直射点大致位 于图2中的 A.①B.②C.③D.④ 9.下列有关太阳外部圈层与其活动的组合正确的是 A.日冕层——黑子B.色球层——耀斑 C.光球层——日珥D.光球层——太阳风 2009年3月28目,全球上千个城市,在当地时间 20点30分至21点30分熄灯一小时,以此响应世界自然基金会发起的“地球一小时”活动,结合下图,完成第10题。


双语中学2011——2012学年度第二学期第一次月考 高一语文试卷 第I卷(阅读题71分) 一、阅读下面的文字,完成6—8题。(9分) 神韵说是中国古代的一种诗歌创作理论,为清初王士祯所倡导,在清代前期统治诗坛达百年之久。 王士祯之前,虽有许多人谈到过神韵,但在相当长的一段时期内,神韵的概念并没有固定的、明确的说法,只是大体上用来指和形似相对立的神似、气韵、风神等一类的内容。到王士祯时,他才把神韵作为诗歌创作的根本要求提了出来。王士祯所提出的神韵说的根本特点是,在诗歌的艺术表现上追求一种空寂超选、镜花水月、不着形迹的境界。 神韵为诗中最高境界,王士祯提倡神韵,自无可厚非,但并非只有空寂超逸,才有神韵。严羽在《沧浪诗话》中说:“诗之品有九:曰高,曰古,曰深,曰远,曰长,曰雄浑,曰飘逸,曰悲壮,曰凄婉。”可见神韵并非诗之逸品所独有,而为各品之好诗所共有。王士祯将神韵视为逸品所独具,恰是其偏失之处。 王士祯对严羽的“以禅喻诗”或“借禅喻诗”深表赞许,同时更进一步提倡诗要入禅,达到禅家所说的“色相俱空”的境界。他说:“严沧浪以禅喻诗,余深契其说;而五言尤为近之。”还说:“诗禅一致,等无差别。”他认为根植于现实的诗的“化境”和以空空为旨归的禅的“悟境”,是毫无区别的,而最好的诗歌,就是“色相俱空”“羚羊挂角,无迹可求”的“逸品”。从诗歌反映现实不应太执著于实写这一点讲,他的诗论有一定的合理因素;但从根本上来说,他是以远离现实为旨归的。 关于诗歌风格,王士祯推许“冲淡”“自然”“清奇”三品,而不提“雄浑”“劲健”“豪放”“悲慨”等。他反对诗歌“以沈著痛快为极致”,一再强调严羽的“言有尽而意无穷”和司空图的“不著一字,尽得风流”等,并认为“唐诗主情,故多蕴藉;宋诗主气,故多径露”。最明显的是他对几首咏息夫人的诗的评论,有评论认为杜牧的“至竞息亡缘底事?可怜金谷坠楼人”,是“正言以大义责之”,他颇不赞成;他认为只有王维的“看花满眼泪,不共楚王言”,才“更不著判断一语,此盛唐所以为高”。正因为如此,所以王士祯撰《唐贤三昧集》时,竞不选李白、杜甫的诗。 在王士祯之前,由于明代前后七子的复古主义运动,言必汉、魏、盛唐,造成了诗走向肤廓、貌袭的流弊,而公安派矫正前后七子之失,其弊又流于浅率。王士祯企图矫正两派之失,提倡神韵说,倡导诗应清远、;中淡、超逸,在表现上应含蓄、蕴藉,片面强调诗的空寂超逸、镜花水月的境界,这在当时是有积极意义的。但同时他反对现实性强的诗歌及“沈著痛快”、酣畅淋漓的风格,抹杀了诗歌积极的社会作用,这又导致诗歌走上了脱离生活、脱离现实的道路。 (节选自2012年《诗歌美学》第1期,有删改) 1.下列关于“神韵说”的表述,不符合原文意思的一项是


新人教版三年级(下)第一单元测试卷 二、标题 1.(14分)我会看拼音写词语。 chìbǎnɡwēi fēnɡ zēnɡtiān dào tián ǒu' ěr yǎn zòu zàn ɡēxìyè ɡuānɡjǐnɡbì1ǜ lián penɡpòliè yīshɑnɡwǔdǎo 2.(6分)我会给多音字组词。 佛fúfó 露lòu lù 曲qǚqǖ。 3.(8分)我会比一比。组词语。 稻拢偶符 蹈笼寓附 翩壮裁胀 偏妆载账 4.(8分)我会写反义词。 动得吞攻 进是终略 5.(8分)我会在横线里填上适当的量词。 一歌一微风一羽毛一清泉一翅膀一金光一画面一珍珠6.(13分)我会填 挨挨夺目起舞

吐艳姹嫣落英 郁郁夕阳喷欲 皓月欲滴层峦 7.(6分)读词语,再归类 苍翠欲滴崇山峻岭郁郁葱葱旭日东升喷薄而出层峦叠翠 (1)写日出的词: (2)写植物的词: (3)写山的词:。 三、标题 8.(3分)照样子写句子。 例:小草中夹杂着野花。 绿茸茸的小草中夹杂着五颜六色的野花。 (1)露珠在滚动。 (2)小路穿过树林。 (3)小燕子飞过田野。。 9.(5分)(探究题)判断下面的句子哪些是比喻句,画“√”。 A.像花瓣一般的雪、像羽毛一般的雪在空中飞舞。 B.甜甜的话特别多,叽叽喳喳就像小麻雀一样。 C.她长得真像妈妈。 D.停着的燕子成了音符,谱成了一支正待演奏的春天的赞歌。 E.他好像睡熟了。。 10.(3分)修改病句。 (1)李红同学是我们学习的。 (2)我们要教室的清洁。 (3)妈妈买的菜有肉、鱼、青菜、西瓜等等。。 四、标题 11.(12分)按课文内容填空,并完成练习。 (1)一身的羽毛,一对的翅膀,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了的小燕子。
