高级口译翻译十大经典句 成语

高级口译翻译十大经典句 成语
高级口译翻译十大经典句 成语

高级口译翻译十大经典句表示真题例句2表示模拟例句1. leave sb the choice of …or …要么…,要么…★(选择类经典句) Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。2 The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。 2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事★(使动类经典句) The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。2他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台。The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall. 2能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 3. it was the memories of 追溯到…★(回忆类经典句) Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations’development.追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。

4. on the premise/ground/prerequisite/proposition/hypothesis/presupposition that 基于一个前提…★(假设类经典句)中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。The Chinese proclaimed/declared to adopt/implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China. 2 Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.对投资者的建议是以利率会继续下跌为根据的。

5. be bound to 必定…;一定…★(意愿类经典句)西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。The Great Western Development is bound to be a bridge between China and the rest world, promoting the common economic development and prosperity of China and the world at large. 2 Just wars are bound to triumph over wars of aggression.正义战争必然要战胜侵略战争。

6. a matter of sth/doing sth 与……有关的情况或问题★(描述类经典句) Considering the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. “Eventually, being ‘poor’ won’t be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills.”请思考一下同一个人现在及八年前说的话。“说到底,‘贫穷’与其说是生活在贫穷的国家里,还不如说是技艺不精。”2 Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience. 处理这些问题全凭经验。

7. This is the similar case with/when 这恰如;正如;也会★(比较类经典句)这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。This is the similar case when the main melody can evoke a strong echo for us to clap our hands in admiration despite our disability to understand the score of Mozart’s musical pieces.除此以外,老百姓的服务性消费,如教育,信息,旅游等消费也会大量增长。Besides, this is also the case with the citizen’s expenditure such as education, information, traveling.

8. be exemplified by 这一点也证明了…;这点反映在以下事实:…★(举例类经典句) This American desire to keep the children’s world separate from that of the adult is exemplified also by the practice of delaying transmission of the news to children when their parents have been killed in an accident.如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是晚些时候才告诉孩子们,

这一点也证实了美国人想把儿童的世界和成人的世界隔离开的愿望。美国人想把儿童和成人的世界划清界限,这一愿望还反映在以下事实:如果父母在事故中丧生,人们总是设法晚点将消息告诉他们的子女。2 The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. This is partly explained by the fact that people of all income groups go together to the same schools.体力劳动者在任何场合通常都相当自在。收入档次不同的人上同一所学校,这个事实多少说明了这一点。 9. constitute…(不用于进行式)是;认为★(判断类经典句)历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。History has proved eloquently that the division of labor based on equality and mutual benefit between China and USA constitutes the most reasonable and practical international relationship. 2 My decision does not constitute a precedent.我的决定不应视为先例。2 The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy.这一失败是我们外交上的一次较大的挫折。10. witness…见证…★(发生类经典句)a time or event witnesses sth/sb in a particular situation or doing a particular thing. 经过二十多年的快速发展,中国西部地区已奠定了一定的物质技术基础,社会保持稳定,市场经济体制正在逐步建立和完善,为西部经济持续快速增长创造了有利的市场环境。The rapid development in the past 20-plus years witnesses a relatively solid foundation in terms of material wealth and technology in the western region of China 2在下一轮的会谈中,我们将宣布中东地区永久停火协议,对此我抱有乐观态度并充满希望。I am optimistic and hopeful that the next round of talk will witness a permanent cease-fire in the Middle East.

中高口笔译十大成语、俗语(请考生自己对齐)1. 铁石心肠 2. 置死地于后生3. 千秋功业4. 安居乐业5. 骨肉分离6. 各得其所7. 众议纷纭8. 岁月不居,来日苦短9. 夜长梦多10. 时不我与11. 依时顺势12. 日渐没落13. 鹬蚌相争14. 浩然之气15. 凤毛麟角16. 望而生畏17. 敬而远之18. 众矢之的19. 毫无瓜葛20. 尔虞我诈21. 备受推崇22. 善有善报,恶有恶报23. 其乐融融24. 义无反顾25. 物美价廉26. 源源不断27. 滚滚不息28. 福祉29. 精华30. 阴霾31. 势不两立32. 打折扣33. 大展宏图34. 重整旗鼓35. 不谋而合36. 染指37. 博大精深38. 源远流长39. 诸子百家40. 天下为公41. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责42. 吃苦耐劳43. 勤俭持家44. 尊师重教45. 当务之急46. 遭受重创47. 先见之明48. 奇园古宅49. 衣食住行50. 信誓旦旦cruel and unrelentinga vigorous and manly exertiona great undertaking of lasting importancelive in peace and work happilyfamily separationbe properly provided fordisagree onTime does not stay is brief is the day.A long delay may mean trouble.Time and tide wait for no man.keep up with the tidebeing pushed out of businessplay A off against Bnoble spirita rarity of the raritiesstand in awe beforekeep respectfully aloof fromin the dockbe divorced fromsheer cunning and falsehoodbe rewarded and respectedthe good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punishedsweetness and lightfeel obliged toattractive in price and qualitykeep flowing in a steady streampour intowell-beingquintessencespecterpit sth against sthwear thin / water downscore big pointsshock sth back to lifecoincide withdip one’s finger in both extensive and profoundlong-standing and well-establishedthe masters’ hundred schoolsAll under heaven are equal.Everybody is responsible for the fate of his country.bear hardshipsfrugality in household managementrespect teachers and value educationhighest prioritytake a heavy tollprescient moveexotic gardens and old mansionsclothing, food, shelter and transportationbe poised to


Unit1 1.欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海。 Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill. 2.请允许我做自我介绍。 Please allow me to introduce myself. 3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。 My name is Jianxin Hong. I am deputy managing director of t he Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. 4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。 It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted to make your acquaintance . 5. 我们去取行李吧。 We wil go there and pick up the luggage . 4.久闻先生大名, 我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。 I have long heard of you,and as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies. 6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人深感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。 It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months.


2020年翻译资格考试英语高级口译指导 译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!故信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达上焉。...易曰:“修辞立诚。”子曰:“辞达而已!”又曰:“言而无文,行之不远。”三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模。故信、达而外,求其尔雅...——严复《天演论.译立言》 1. 原文:All around was open loneliness and black solitude,over which a stiff breeze blew。(Thomas Hardy:Tess of the d'Urbervilles) 译文:周围一切,仅仅一片空旷的荒寒,一团漆黑的僻静,一股 劲风,在上面吹动。(张谷若译) 赏析:“一片”、“一团”、“一股”,量词的准确使用增强了 疑问的表现力。 2. 原文:She denied it,denied everything,bone and stone. 译文:她矢口否认,死不认账。 赏析:原文中的"bone and stone"形象生动,但将其直译成“语 气硬得像骨头和石头”,去不一定能为我国读者所接受,改译成“死 不认账”,就自然、生动的多。翻译本来就是一个有得有失的过程, 完全传达原文的意义、精神、意韵、形象实不可能,好的译者总是善 于抓住原文的精髓,在译文中尽力将其传达出来,而将原文那些相对 来说不甚重要的且又无法传达的割舍开去,借用依据哲学的术语,就 是“抓住要矛盾或矛盾的主要方面”,至于哪些是“主要矛盾或矛盾 的主要方面”,哪些是“次要矛盾或矛盾的次要方面”,取决于翻译 的目的、翻译语境以及译者的理解水平。

3. 原文:The reverberation of fighting between the forces of India and Pakistan are reaching us in increasing volume. 译文:印度和巴基斯坦两国部队的杀伐声一阵紧似一阵传到我们这里来。(黄邦杰:《译艺谭》) 赏析:黄邦杰先生说:“对一个译者来说,译一个词,不但要准确的把词义译出,而且要把这词所具有的特色、词义的细微差别以及作者褒贬的态度和正反的说法,不温不火、不多很多地加以体现。”"The reverberation of fighting"译为“杀伐声”,"in increasing volume"译为“一阵紧似一阵”,绘声绘色,活灵活现,让人不能不佩服。 4. 原文:The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back China's progress.(Lin Yutang:Moment in Peking) 译文:那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了十九世纪后五十年,使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。(张振玉译) 赏析:“她可算是功劳第一”,反语的使用,辛辣无比。 本期练习:翻译下列句子 His discourse,says Speidel,"become lost in fantastic digressions." 答案: 译文:斯派达尔后来说,他的的谈话“越说越远,越说越离奇,最后不知说到哪里去了。”


0903高口英译汉 1.In-state tuition. 州民学费 背景补充:美国的州立大学的学费往往有两种:In-state tuition,州民学费,针对本州居民的学费,条件是学生自己必须是本州的居民,至少是美国公民,其学费相对是较低的。这种低廉的学费非常有助于州立大学吸引成绩优异但家境不够富裕的学生。Out-of-state tuition,非州民学费,针对本州居民以外,往往是in-state tuition的三至四倍。 2.Ivy League:长春藤盟校 背景补充:Ivy League:通常译为“长春藤盟校”,除了著名的Harvard哈佛和Yale耶鲁外,还包括Princeton University普林斯顿大学、University of Pennsylvania 宾西法尼亚大学、Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院、Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学、Cornell University 康乃尔大学和Brown University布朗大学。这些大学都是私立的名校,以高质量的教学和高昂的学费而著称。 0903高口汉译英 好听的话=奉承的话:flattery 赞美/恭维话:compliment 拂耳之言:offensive words/criticism 不悦:unhappy; displeased 愠怒:be angry; be irritated 身居要职: occupy an important position; hold an important post 心悦诚服: be gladly/completely convinced 雅量:(宽宏的气度)magnanimity; generosity;(大的酒量)great capacity to drink 心性:disposition; temperament 修养:self-cultivation 缺陷:flaw; defect 花言巧语:blandishments; fine rhetoric; deceiving words 投其所好:hit on what one likes; cater to another’s pleasure 可乘之机:Loophole: (法律上的)漏洞、空子 忠诚:loyal; faith 直言不讳:speak out frankly without reserve 在理智上:in reason 伟大哲学家老子:Laozi, the great philosopher 兼听则明,偏信则暗:listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted; benighted (being misled) by one-sided opinion, enlightened by difference voices. 忠言逆耳利于行: Honest advice, though unpleasant to the ear, benefits your conduct./ Truth hurts, but helps. 美言不信,信言不美: Beautiful words are truthful; truthful words are not nice to hear./ Embellished words are not true while true words are not embellished. 背离:go against; betray 古训:old teaching


2020年英语翻译资格考试高级口译模拟试题(1) Mass urbanization of the world’s population is an unprecedented trend worldwide. The most important reason why people are moving to cities is economic. People are moving to the cities because that’s where they can find jobs and earn money. Until the 20th century, the major source of employment, full and part-time, was farming. Now, according to recent statistics, no more than 15 percent of all jobs are connected to farming. Jobs now are being created in information technology, manufacturing and service areas, such as tourism and financing, and all of these new jobs are in or around major cities. 译文:世界人口大规模的城市化在世界范围内达到史无前例的规模。驱使人们持续涌向城市的最重要原因是经济因素。人们都涌向城 市是因为在城里能够找到工作和挣钱。在20世纪以前,就业的主要途径,不管是全职还是兼职,一直都是农耕。而现在,根据最近的统计 数据,只有不到15%的工作是和农业相关的。越来越多的工作产生于信息技术产业、制造业和服务行业,如旅游业和融资,而所有这些新兴 工作都在大城市及其周边地区。 评析:本题是高口热点话题“城市化”,在07年9月的高口NTGF 部分也涉及到过城市化的问题,前一题的句子翻译S2也提到了“人们 搬进大城市的原因,是追求高品质的生活”,而这里主要围绕工作展开。考查词汇都在大纲范围内,像urbanization, manufacturing等 都属于常见热词,考生在平时对这些词汇有所积累,翻译起来并不难。相对passage 2, 这段话稍微有点长,这也提醒考生注意平时多练习听写记笔记,熟悉常考话题,这样在考试时才能拿高分。


On China’s Entry into the WTO 论中国入世 艰苦努力painstaking efforts 世贸组织新成员new member of the WTO 具有历史意义的一件大事a major event of historic significance 现代化建设modernization drive 产生重要而深远的影响exert important and far-reaching influence on 经济发展economic development 社会进步social progress. 加入世贸组织joining the WTO // accession to the WTO // entry into the WTO // WTO entry 重大战略决策a major strategic decision 改革开放reform, opening up 中国深入参与China's in-depth participation in 经济全球化economic globalization. 最大的发展中国家the largest developing country 不完整的incomplete 普遍性和公正性universality and fairness 多边贸易体制multilateral trading system. 利弊advantages and disadvantages 许多方面many aspects 发展机遇opportunities for development 扩大就业总量expand total employment volume 提高人民生活水平raise people's living standards 更好地利用外资make better use of foreign capital 有利于conducive to 实施“走出去”战略implementing the strategy of "going globe-wide" 参加国际竞争与合作participating in international competition and cooperation 在更广阔的天地in a broader world 利于我国分享……好处advantageous to China's share of the benefits 严峻的挑战grim challenges 从观念上、体制上做必要的调整make necessary conceptual and structural adjustments 经济的管理economic management, 相应的转变corresponding changes 企业的管理方法enterprises' management method 经营机制operational mechanisms 随着……的进入along with the inflow 服务业service trades 中国产业Chinese industries 成本高、技术水平低和管理落后的企业enterprises with high cost, low technical level and backward management 遭受一定的冲击和压力be subjected to certain impact and pressure 迎接这些挑战meet these grim challenges 不失时机lose no time


英语翻译之高级口译技巧 口译是英语翻译的一个重要技能,口译的技巧有句式调整,断句和巧用连词,调整顺序,转换词性等,比如通过转换词性,可以把名词转为动词,或者把被动句调整为主动语态。。下面就和大家分享口译技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 口译技巧 1、句式调整 同传在词语的翻译上可以做到地道和相对准确,但句子结构不可能像交传那样按照中文的句式习惯组织安排,对于英汉传译,往往需要采用英语句式的顺序: 【例】Frankly, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or without our help. 【译】坦率地讲,思想和商品都将会在全球流通,不管有没有我们的帮助。 2、断句和巧用连词 处理长句是同传的基本功之一。翻译长句,除了断成译群外,还有一个关键要掌握,即英文句子之所以长是因为要避免重复使

用同一个词,于是用who、which、that 来代替主语或宾语,使得句子很长,而在中文中就不怕重复使用。 【例】That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next European Union conference. 【译】那就是单一货币政策// 该政策将在下一届欧盟会议上讨论。 为了保证译出语的连贯性和准确性,同传时尽量使用译入语的文法结构,在将其断为多个句群后可以使用一些润滑剂,即连词,将单个的句群联系起来。 3、调整顺序 在一些有after和before的句子中可以将其反说,比如: 【例】I would like to make one point clear before I move on to the next point. 【译】我想先澄清一下,然后再讲下一部分。 【例】I would like to move on to the next part after I clarify one point. 【译】我想谈下一部分,在这之前先澄清一点。 4、转换词性



1.其实,全球后工业化过程中,看看上海浦东、吉隆坡双子塔和美国世贸废墟等为“第一高楼”争得打破头,看看一幢楼里一模一样的房子高一层即贵一万元,便可明白人类这种登高望远的野心。即使“上九天揽月”也不再是嫦娥或库布里克的奥德赛之梦了,从加加林的首航和阿姆斯特朗的“一小步”,到美国富翁狄托那次昂贵却货真价实的太空旅游,人类才花了二十几年。据说两年内将启动的Sub-Orbital Flights子轨道飞行,每人只需5万美金就可以预定座位了。如果张雨生还活着的话,想去月球他就去吧。《不远行者没有未来》 译文:In fact, it is quite easy to understand the wish of human being “to be the highest” when we see the fierce competition for the “highest one” among the high buildings in Pudong, the Twin Tower in Kuala Lumpur, and the ruins of the World Trade Center, or when we are shocked by the sharp increase in price for the same houses at different stories in a building. To travel in the outer space is not longer

something absolutely impossible--- it only after 20 years later since Gagarin’s first navigation in the outer space and Armstrong’s “little step” there that Ditto, an American rich man, took his expensive but real travel in space. It is said the Sub-Orbital Flights Subtrack Flight to be launched within 2 years will only charge 50 thousand dollars for the reservation from each passenger. If Zhang Yusheng, a famous singer in China, was still alive, he could realize his dream of visiting the moon. 2.有观点就必然有差异,即使是不同的声音在媒体中也都拥有了发表的空间(凤凰卫视的《时事辩论会》节目中,拥战派和反战派的嘉宾就吵得不亦乐乎)。这充分证明适当地拓广舆论空间,并不会打破一个社会的秩序和稳定。相反恰恰是在不同观点的冲撞中,使得公众得以从不同的角度接受信息、思考问题,而一种平衡的舆论机制正在潜移默化中自发形成。《海湾大战中的传媒较量--薇露的血为谁而流》


1. leave sb the choice of … or …要么…,要么… ★(选择类经典句)Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.敌人冷酷无情/铁石心肠,我们要么顽强抵抗,要么屈膝投降。2 The age of 30s leaves you the choice of marriage or remaining a bachelor.年过三十,要么成婚,要么单身。 2. be the instrument of sth 引来某事物的人或事 ★(使动类经典句)The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have the blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.全国同胞都在关注我们,如果我们有幸能够拯救他们脱离强加于身的暴政/把他们从强加于身的暴政中解救出来,那将得到他们的祝福和赞颂。2 他所建立的组织最终使他垮了台。The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall. 2 能够让你幸福,我愿意付出我的一切。If I can be the instrument of your happiness, I will sacrifice all my belongings. 3. it was the memories of 追溯到… ★(回忆类经典句)Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations? development.追溯到1964年东京及1988年汉城举办的奥运会,可能分别被视为日韩两国发展的转折点。 4. on the premise/ground/prerequisite/proposition/hypothesis/presupposition that 基于一个前提… ★(假设类经典句)中国政府在宣布实行和平统一的方针时,是基于一个前提,即当时的台湾当局坚持世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。The Chinese proclaimed/declared to adopt/implement the policy of peaceful reunification on the premise that the then Taiwan authorities maintained that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is only one part of China. 2 Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.对投资者的建议是以利率会继续下跌为根据的。 5.be bound to 必定…;一定… ★(意愿类经典句)西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展,共同繁荣。The Great Western Development is bound to be a bridge between China and the rest

翻译 高级口译练习

1.中文是世界上最古老的文字之一。传说中的仓颉造字让中国人有了共同的根。从甲骨文到简体汉字,中文伴随着中华民族绵延至今。中文铸造类中华民族的精神品格。比如说,中文书写各笔每画都要伸缩有度,相互映衬,取长补短,以使整个字浑然一体。这体现了中国人谦让包容、合作共赢的处事风格。 中文富有哲理,很多字由意生字,寓意丰富。中文的“信”字由“人”和“言”组成,意思就是“人要言而有信”。这是中国人的做人原则,也是中国与世界各国的相处之道。中文的优美、简练举世公认。中文是从象形字演变而来,逐步发展成一种可以欣赏的书写艺术。这是世界上是独特的。 Chinese language is one of the most time-honored languages in the world. Legend has it that CangJie created the Chinese characters, which formed the common root for Chinese people. Chinese, from the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells in the earliest times to the simplified characters in the present, has been the thread along the progress of Chinese nation. It has forged the common spirit of the Chinese nation. For example, Chinese calligraphy requires every stroke to be flexible and complementary to each other so that in combination these strokes form the harmonious whole. It is a vivid symbol of Chinese people’s modesty and inclusiveness, cooperative and win-win mindset. Chinese is a philosophical language, with many characters entailing profound meaning based on their ingredients of significance. For instance, “integrity”(信)in Chinese is composed of two parts: person (人) and word (言), signifying that a person should be as good as his word. It is the basic principle for Chinese people to conduct themselves and for China to coexist with other nations in the world. Chinese language enjoys worldwide renown of elegance and conciseness. It develops from pictograph to the calligraphic art for general appreciation, which is quite unique in the world. 2. Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to


1.欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海。 Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill. 2.请允许我做自我介绍。 Please allow me to introduce myself. 3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。 My name is Jianxin Hong. I am deputy managing director of t he Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. 4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。 It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted to make your acquaintance . 5. 我们去取行李吧。 We wil go there and pick up the luggage . 4.久闻先生大名, 我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。 I have long heard of you,and as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies. 6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人深感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。 It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months. 7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。必要时我们还想邀请您的一名同事一起参加我们的一项研究工作。


2011年3月高级口译翻译真题及答案(汉译英) 合营企业设董事会,其人数组成由合营各方协商,在合同、章程中确定,并由合营各方委派。董事会是合营企业的最高权力机构,决定合营企业的一切重大问题。董事长由合营各方协商确定或由董事会选举产生。董事长是合营企业法定代表人。董事长不能履行职责时,应授权其他董事代表合营企业。 An equity joint venture shall have a board of directors; the number of the directors thereof from each party and the composition of the board shall be stipulated in the contract and articles of association after consultation among the parties to the venture; such directors shall be appointed by the relevant parties. The highest authority of the joint venture shall be its board of directors, which shall decide all major issues concerning the joint venture. The chairman shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. Should the chairman be unable to perform his duties, he shall authorize another director to represent the joint venture. 董事会会议由董事长负责召集并主持。董事会会议应当有2/3以上董事出席方能举行。董事不能出席的,可以出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。董事会会议应用中文和英文作详细记录,并在会议结束后14日内送交每位董事,由出席董事会会议的各位董事签字确认。 The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. A board meeting requires a quorum of over two-thirds of the directors. Should a director be unable to attend, he may make a proxy authorizing someone else to represent him and vote in his stead. Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting. 2011年3月高级口译翻译真题及答案(英译汉) When President Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community —and a nation —traumatized by Saturday’s shootings rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bush’s speech to the nation af ter the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal office building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995. 本周三,奥巴马总统登台演讲,就上周六亚利桑那州图森市所发生的枪击惨案向饱受心灵创伤的公众及全国发表演讲,人们不禁联想到,布什总统在2001年911袭击之后的演讲、以及1995年克林顿总统为俄克拉荷马州联邦政府大楼爆炸中的168名遇害者举行的追悼会。 But Osama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his


Unit1 1.欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访。 Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill. 2.请允许我做自我介绍。 Please allow me to introduce myself. 3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。 My name is Jianxin Hong. I am deputy managing director of the Sino-Ameri can Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. 4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。 It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted to make your acquaintance . 5. 我们去取行吧。 We wil go there and pick up the luggage . 4.久闻先生大名, 我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。 I have long heard of you,and as a matter of fact, I referred to your resea rch findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies. 6.我为能在接待您和您的家人深感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months. 7.我们将给您配备两名实验助手。必要时我们还想邀请您的一名同事一起参加我们的一项研究工作。


2020英语翻译资格考试高级口译模拟试题翻译段落: 曾几何时,人们还对“80后”评头论足,或感叹他们是“垮掉的 一代”,或认为他们很嫩很青涩。如今,“80后”已经长大了,他们 中将首次出现30岁群体。《论语》说,“三十而立”,而我们却无法 把“80后”与而立画上等号。调查显示,五成以上80后的职场人在工作上力不从心;近五成调查对象无房无车,且处于未婚状态。 “80后”三十难立也不必沮丧,有时需要励志一下,因为要改变 自己的命运,最终靠的是自己,多一些意气风发,多一些愈挫愈勇的 斗志,少一些埋怨,少一些迷失。毕竟,“80后”也不乏成功人士, 他们筚路蓝缕,走出了自己的一片天。 参考译文: There was a time when people loved tocarp and cavil at the post-1980s generation, either referring to them as the “beat generation” or c laiming they were wet behind the ears. Now these post-1980s cohorts have grown up, some of whom have just turned thirty. Analects of Confucius said that “one should plant his feet upon the ground at the age of thirty”. Yet it is hard for us to equate the 20 or 30-somethings with being well-established. Statistically speaking, more than fifty percent of post-1980s generation people feel somewhat inadequate at work and nearly half of the respondents cannot afford a car and a house and are yet to walk down the aisle. In fact, post-1980s guys and gals should be self-motivated, rather than feel disheartened for not getting somewhere. Because after all it falls on oneself to change his/her destiny. Let’s equip ourselves with more vigor,


中高级口译翻译补充练习 一保温瓶的清洁与保养: 第一次使用之前,将保温瓶清洗、冲净并擦干。使用之后,必须将保温瓶倒空。在水中加入苏打粉或洗洁精,用手清洗。使用瓶刷,使保温瓶的里面得到彻底清洁。 二相关提示: 1. 用热水对保温瓶进行预热(或用凉水预凉),可增进保温效果。勿在微波炉、烤箱或冰箱内使用保温瓶。 2. 不可在保温瓶内存放碳酸饮料。因为此种饮料在瓶内会产生压力,将瓶塞顶出。 The rapidly-changing Shanghai is a driving force/propeller/engine of China’s economy. A case in point/a typical example is the Lu Jiazui Finance and Trade Zone in the Pudong New Area which has turned itself to an international financial center represented by Shanghai Securities Exchange and the seats of many international financial institutions, hotels and conference centers since its establishment in the 1990s under the visionary guidance of the Chinese government. With 101 floors above ground level and soaring into a height of 492m, Shanghai World Financial Center is located in the center of the zone. Reflecting a concept of vertical integrated city, SWFC serves as a platform where people can share information and get absolute safety and enjoy warm-hearted service. Key for Reference: Cleaning and maintenance of thermos/vacuum bottle/flask Wash,rinse and dry the vacuum flask before using it for the first time. Always empty the vacuum flask after use. Wash it by hand, adding soda powder or washing-up liquid/detergent to water. Use a bottle brush to make sure the inside is thoroughly cleaned. Good to know/Notice/Tips: 1. Pre-heating the flask with hot water or cooling it with cold water will improve its performance. Never use a vacuum flask in a microwave oven, baking oven or refrigerator/freezer. 2. Do not keep carbonated/soda beverages/soft drinks in the flask, for the pressure it generates can push the cork out. 根据《中华人民共和国物权法》、《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》、《上海市房地产登记条例》等有关法律、法规的规定,为保护土地使用权人、房屋所有权人的合法权益、对权利人申请登记的土地、房屋及其他附着物,经审核,准予登记,颁发此证。 In accordance with/In (the) light of/In reference to/On the principle of/According to/Based on the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China,
