

(1)Congratulations everyone, you made it

And I don't mean to the end of college, I mean to class day

because if memory serves

some of your classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last night

and are with us today

Given the weather

the one thing Harvard hasn't figured out how to control

some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hot cocoa

so you have many reasons to feel proud of yourself as you sit here today

Congratulations to your parents

You have spent a lot of money

so your child can say she went to a "small school" near Boston

And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to be part of your celebration

It means a great deal to me

and looking at the list of past speakers was a little daunting

I can't be as funny as Amy Poehler

but I'm gonna be funnier than Mother Teresa

25 years ago

a man named Dave I did not know at the time but who would one day become my husband was sitting where you are sitting today

23 years ago

I was sitting where you are sitting today

Dave and I are back this weekend

with our amazing son and daughter to celebrate his reunion

and we both share the same sentiment

Harvard has a good basketball team

Standing here in the yard brings memories flooding back for me

I arrived here from Miami in the fall of 1987

with big hopes and even bigger hair

I was assigned to live in one of Harvard's historic monuments to great architecture Canaday

My go-to outfit, and I'm not making this up, was a jean skirt

white leg warmers and sneakers and a Florida sweater

because my parents who were here with me then as they're here with me now

told me everyone would think it was awesome that I was from Florida

At least we didn't have Instagram

For me, Harvard was a series of firsts

My first winter coat, we needn't need those in Miami

My first 10 page paper, they didn't assign those in my high school

My first C

after which my proctor told me that she was on the Admissions Committee and I got admitted to Harvard for my personality

not my academic potential

The first person I ever met from boarding school

I thought that was our really troubled kids

The first person I ever met who shares the name with a whole building

or so I met when the first classmate I met was Sarah Wigglesworth

who bore no relation at all to the dorm

which would have been nice to know with that very intimidating moment But then I went on to meet others

Francis Strauss, James Wells

Jessica Science Center B

My first love, my first heartbreak

the first time I realized that I love to learn

and the first and very last time I saw anyone read anything in Latin

When I sat in your seat all those years ago

I knew exactly where I was headed. I had it all planned out

I was going to the World Bank to work on global poverty

Then I would go to law school

And I would spend my life working in a nonprofit or in a government

At Harvard's commencement tomorrow as your dean described

each school is gonna stand up and graduate together

the college, the law school, the med school and so on

At my graduation, my class cheered for the PhD students

and then booed the business school

Business school seemed like such a sellout

18 months later, I applied to business school

It wasn't that I was wrong about what I would do decades after graduating

I had it wrong a year and a half later

And even if I could have predicted I would one day work in the private sector I never could have predicted Facebook

because there was no internet

and Mark Zuckerberg was at elementary school

already wearing his hoody

Not locking into a path too early

gave me an opportunity to go into a new and life changing field

And for those of you who think I owe everything to good luck

after Canaday I got Quaded

What's that? Barron


There is no straight path from your seat today to where you are going

Don't try to draw that line. You will not just get it wrong

You'll miss big opportunities and I mean big, like the Internet

Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone

but jungle gyms

Don't just move up and down. Don't just look up

Look backwards, sideways, around corners

Your career and your life will have starts and stops and zigs and zags Don't stress out about the white space, the path you can try

because there in lives both the surprises and the opportunities

As you open yourself up to possibility

the most important thing I can tell you today

is to open yourself up to honesty

to telling the truth to each other

to being honest with yourselves

and to being honest about the world we live in

If you watched children, you will immediately notice how honest they are My friend Betsy was pregnant and her son

for the second child, son Sam was 5

he wanted to know where the baby was in her body

So yes Mommy, are the babies arms in your arms?

And she said, no no Sam, baby's in my tummy

whole baby

Mom, are the baby's legs in your legs?

No, Sam, whole baby's in my tummy

Then Mommy, what's growing in your butt?

As adults

we are almost never dishonest

and that can be a very good thing

When I was pregnant with our first child

I asked my husband Dave if my butt was getting big

At first, he didn't answer but I pressed

So he said, yeah, a little

For years my sister-in-law said about him what people

will now say about you for the rest of your life when you do something done

and that guy went to Harvard

Hearing the truth at different times along the way would have helped me

I would not have admitted it easily when I sat where you sit

But when I graduated, I was much more worried about my love life than my career I thought I only had a few years very limited time to find one of the good guys before he was to, or before they were all taken

or I got too old

So I moved to DC, and met with guy

and I got married at the nearly decrepit age of 24

I married a wonderful man but I had no business making that kind of commitment I didn't know who I was or who I wanted to be

My marriage fell apart within a year

something that was really embarrassing and painful at the time

and it did not help that so many friends came up to me and said

I never knew that, never thought that was going to work or

I knew you weren't right for each other

No one had managed to say anything like that to me

before I marched down an aisle when it would have been far more useful

And as I lived through these painful months of separation and divorce

boy, did I wish they had?

And boy, did I wish I had asked them?

At the same time in my professional life, someone did speak up

My first boss out of college was Lant Pritchett

an economist who teaches at the Kennedy School who is here with us today

After I deferred to law school for the second time

Lant sat me down and said

I don't think you should go to law school at all

I don't think you want to go to law school

I think you think you should because you told your parents you would many years ago He noted that he had never once heard me talk about the law with any interest

I know how hard it can be to be honest with each other

even your closest friends, even when they're about to make serious mistakes

but I bet sitting here today, you know your closest friends' strength, weaknesses

what cliff they might drive off

and I bet for the most part you've never told them

and they've never asked

Ask them

Ask them for the truth because it will help you

and when they answer honestly

you know that that's what makes them real friends

Asking for feedback is a really important habit to get into

as you leave the structure of the school calendar and exams and grades behind

On many jobs if you want to know how you're doing

if you're going to have to ask and

then you're gonna have to listen without getting defensive

Take it from me, listening to criticism is never fun


but it's the only way we can improve

A few years ago, Mark Zuckerberg decided he wanted to learn Chinese

and in order to practice

he started trying to have work meetings with some of

our Facebook colleagues who are native speakers

Now you would think his very limited language skills

would keep these conversations from being useful

One day he asked a woman who was there

how it was going, how did you choose the Facebook

She answered with a long and pretty complicated sentence

So he said, simpler please

She spoke again

Simpler please

This went back and forth a couple of times

So she is blurted out in frustration, my manager is bad

That he understood

So often the truth is sacrificed to conflict avoidance

or by the time we speak the truth, we've used so many caveats

and preambles that the message totally gets lost

So I ask you to ask each other for the truth and other people

can you list it in simple and clear language?

And when you speak your truth

can you use simple and clear language?

As hard as it is to be honest with other people

it can be even more difficult to be honest with ourselves

For years after I had children

I would say pretty often I don't feel guilty working even when no one asked Someone might say, Sheryl, how's your day today?

And I would say, great I don't feel guilty working

Or do I need a sweater?

Yes, it's unpredictably freezing and I don't feel guilty working

I was kinda like a parrot with issues

Then one day on the treadmill, I was reading this article on Sociology Journal about how people don't start out lying to other people

they start out lying to themselves

and the things we repeat most frequently

are often those lies

So the sweat was pouring down my face

I started wondering what do I repeat pretty frequently

and I realized I feel guilty working

I then did a lot of research

and I spent an entire year with my dear friend Nell Scovell

writing a book talking about how I was thinking and feeling

and I'm so grateful that so many women around the world connected to it My book of course was called Fifty Shades of Grey

I can see a lot of you connected to it as well

We have even more work to do in being honest about the world we live in We don't always see the hard truths

and once we see them, we don't always have the courage to speak out When my classmates and I were in college

we thought that fight for gender equality was one that was over

Sure, most of the leaders in every industry were men

but we thought changing that was just a matter of time

Lamont Library right over there

one generation before us didn't let women through its doors

But by the time we sat in your seat, everything was equal

Harvard and Radcliffe was fully integrated

We didn't need feminism because we were already equals

We were wrong

I was wrong

The world was not equal then

and it is not equal now

I think nowadays

we don't just hide ourselves from the hard truth

and shut our eyes to the inequities

but we suffer from the tyranny of low expectations

In the last election cycle in the United States

women won 20% of the Senate seats

and all the headlines started screaming out

women take over the Senate

I felt like screaming back, wait a minute everyone

50% of the population getting 20% of the seats

That's not a takeover. That's an embarrassment

Just a few months ago this year

a very well respected and well-known business executives in Silicon Valley invited me to give a speech to his clu

b on social media

I've been to this club a few months before when I

have been invited for a friend's birthday

It was a beautiful building and I was wandering around

looking at it, looking for the women's room


when a staff member informed me very firmly

that the ladies' room was over there

and I should be sure not to go up stairs

because women are never allowed in this building

I didn't realize I was in an all-male club until that minute

I spent the rest of the night wondering what I was doing there

wondering what everyone else was doing there

wondering if any of my friends in San Francisco would invite me to

a party at a clu

b that didn't allow Blacks or Jews or Asians or gays

Being invited to give a business speech at this club

hit me even more egregious

because you couldn't claim that it was only social business that was done there My first thought was, "Really?"


A year after "Lean In"

this dude thought it was a good idea

to invite me to give a speech to his literal all-boys club

And he wasn't alone

there is an entire committee of well respected businessman

who joined him in issuing this kind invitation

To paraphrase Groucho Marx

and don't worry, I won't try to do the voice

I don't want to speak in any club that won't have me as a member

So I said no

and I did it in a way I probably wouldn't have even 5 years before

I wrote a long and passionate email

arguing that they should change their policies

They thanked me for my prompt response and wrote that

perhaps things will eventually change

Our expectations are too low

Eventually needs to become immediately

We need to see the truth and speak the truth

We tolerate discrimination and we pretend that opportunity is equal

Yes we elected an African-American president

but racism is pervasive still

Yes, there are women who run Fortune 500 companies

5 percent to be precise

but our road there is still paved with words like pussy and bossy

while our male peers are leaders and results focused

African-American women have to prove that they're not angry

Latinos risk being branded fiery hot head

A group of Asian-American women and men in Facebook

wore pins one day that said I may or may not be good enough

Yes, Harvard has a woman president

and in two years, the United States may have a woman president


But in order to get there

Hillary Clinton is gonna have to overcome 2 very real obstacles

unknown and often ununderstood gender bias

and even worse, a degree from Yale

You can challenge stereotypes that's subtle and obvious

At Facebook, we have posters around the wall to inspire us

Done is better than perfect

Fortune favors the bold. What would you do if you weren't afraid?

My new favorite

nothing at Facebook is someone else's problem

I hope you feel that way about the problems you see in the world

because they are not someone else's problem

Gender inequality harms men along with women

Racism hurts Whites along with Minorities

And the lack of equal opportunity keeps all of us

from failing our true potential

So as you graduate today

I want to put some pressure on you

I want to put some pressure on you to acknowledge the hard truths

not shy away from them

and when you see them to address them

The first time I spoke out about what it was like to be a woman in the workforce was less than five years ago

That means that for 18 years from where you sit to where I stand

my silence implied that everything was okay

You can do better than I did

And I mean that so sincerely

At the same time

I want to take some pressure off you

Sitting here today you don't have to

know what career you want or how to get the career you might want

Leaning in does not mean your path will be straight or smooth

and most people who make great contribution start way later than Mark Zuckerberg

Find a jungle gym you want to play and start climbing

not only will you figure out what you want to do eventually

but once you do, you'll crush it

Looking at you all here today

I'm filled with hope

All of you who were admitted to a "small school" near Boston either for your academic potential or your personality or both you've had your first, whether it's a winter coat, a love or a C

you've learned more about who you are and who you want to be And most importantly

you've experienced the power of community

you know that while you are extraordinary on your own

we are all stronger and can be louder together

I know that you will never forget Harvard

and Harvard will never forget you

especially during the next fundraising drive


you all become part of a lifelong community

which offers truly great opportunity

and therefore comes with real obligation

You can make the world fair for everyone

expect honesty from yourself and each other

demand and create truly equal opportunity

not eventually, but now

And tomorrow by the way

you get something Mark Zuckerberg does not have

a Harvard degree

Congratulations, everyone


英文毕业典礼演讲稿 Sheryl Sandberg told a graduating class of Tsinghua University that great leaders want 'genuine enthusiasm', something she said her late husband, Dave Goldberg, always had. 雪莉·桑德伯格鼓励清华大学毕业学子说,伟大的领袖需要“真正的激情”,而这一点她和她已故先生戴夫·哥德伯格(Dave Goldberg)一直怀有。 'No one won more hearts than my beloved husband Dave- He raised the performance of everyone around him,' she said during a commencement speech on Saturday in Beijing. 'He did it as CEO of SurveyMonkey, a great company he helped build, and he did it for me and our children.' 雪莉·桑德伯格周六在北京发表的毕业演讲中说道,“没有人能像我挚爱的丈夫戴夫·哥德伯格那样赢得那么多人的心,他让身边的人表现更为出色,他在调查猴子(SurveyMonkey,美国一家网络调查公司)担任首席执行官时就是如此。这是他帮助建立起来的一个极为出色的公司。同时他也让我和我们的孩子成为更好的人。”


哈佛商学院MBA学位、美国政府的财政部副部长助理、2001年进入创业之初的谷歌,并在谷歌由四人团队变为四千人的大公司后改投向另一家有人气没财气的社交网络——Facebook,雪莉·桑德伯格在扎克伯格的才能捉襟见肘时为他撑起了这个今日全球最大社交网站的大半边天。《纽约客》说她也许“颠覆了硅谷的男性统治文化”,杂志《纽约》把她列入财政部长人选,《彭博商业周刊》甚至推测说她有朝一日会成为美国总统。事业如日中天,女强人却逐渐确定了自己人生的另一个关注方向。 “当我在Skype上采访桑德伯格时,不时有员工的身影在我电脑屏幕边晃来晃去,虽然在上班,她却穿着粉黑相间的运动夹克。聊了几分钟后,桑德伯格笑着对我解释说她得放下工作去和儿子看棒球赛了。看上去像个重视孩子活动的棒球妈妈,热情洋溢,素面朝天。”——这是一名美国记者采访雪莉·桑德伯格时作的笔记,时值桑德伯格正以自己的方式在美国掀起关于女权的讨论,Facebook 全能大管家的头衔没变,但她在人们心中的形象,已全然成为一名女权倡导者。 桑德伯格在哈佛商学院时以家庭暴力与女性收入的关系为主题完成了自己的毕业论文,这或许可以看作她系统思考这一问题的起点,但之后很多年,她都不喜欢在公众场合谈论自己在女权上的观点,“那时我更倾向于认为女性只有努力才有可能在地位上得到提升,而不是不停地喊男女平等的口号。”直到2010年,桑德伯格尝试在一些公众场合涉及这个话题,人们强烈的回应令她终于决定打破自己一直以来的沉默。“最近我把我儿子送去参加一个计算机科学营,我却发现在那里的35个孩子中只有5个是女孩,而其中2个是我侄女和她的朋友。这就是在硅谷发生着的事,这太糟糕了!或许称不上是使命,但现在这些关于女性的议题却是第一个我感觉自己在生活中注定该做、必须去做、有机会去做,且责无旁贷的工作。” 在决定关注女权之前,桑德伯格身边没有人支持,“因为这对我的职业生涯没好处”,然而今天她写书、建立“老女孩”关系网、鼓励女性追求梦想,“我希望有人站出来鼓励女性在职场上争取自己应得的东西,但等了好几年都没有等出一个结果,我需要自己来做这件事。我现在常常想,我应该发起一场社会运动。” 有人认为让一位拥有哈佛学位、身居高职、手握数亿美元股票的桑德伯格来呼吁那天终日挣扎在生儿育女和家务琐事中的草根女性进行职业规划和培养进取野心有些不合时宜,但即便是来自神坛,她的人生模式对女人们依然有着不可取代的意义,因为至少我们可以看到一个汇集了这些财富的范本:和睦的家庭、有条不紊的个人规划、能放低自我帮助旁人却不自夸的品质——它们,是正能量。


2020 清华大学教授开学典礼老师演讲稿 度过一个愉快的假期,相聚在这熟悉的校园,今天我们迎来了新学年的开学典礼。那么你对大学老师在开学典礼要说些什么有兴趣吗? 以下是为你整理推荐20xx 清华大学教授开学典礼老师演讲稿,希望你喜欢。 20xx 清华大学教授开学典礼老师演讲稿篇【1】 亲爱的同学们、老师们:今天,百年清华又一次张开双臂,迎接20xx 级研究生新同学。首先,我代表全校师生员工,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢 迎! 研究生是求学生涯的新阶段,也是人生旅途的新起点。选择深造,因为你们怀揣着更大的梦想; 选择清华,因为这里是圆梦的舞台。我知道,你们当中很多同学是第一次来到清华,你们是清华园的新主人,也是清华的新生力量。我相信,清华会成为你们永远的精神家园。你们中有些同学曾在清华学习过,我希望再次成为新生的你们,与母校一起继续成长进步。你们中还有来自88 个国家的留学生。毕业于哈佛大学教育专业的Timothy Hesler ,曾在清华英语夏令营为大一本科生短期授课,对清华浓厚的学术氛围留下了深刻印象。他在考虑继续深造时,清华-MIT全球MBA项目成为他的首选。我相信,未来的清华会成为全球更多优秀学子圆梦的地方。 清华大学有着厚重的历史积淀,在长期的办学历程中形成了自身独特的文化传统。在“爱国奉献、追求卓越”精神、“自强不息、厚德 载物”校训和“行胜于言”校风的熏陶下,一代代清华人在这里学习成长,并从这里走向广阔的天地。创新同样也是清华文化中的重要元素。1920xx

年毕业的校友们赠送给母校一块刻着“人文日新”的牌匾,如今这块牌匾仍高悬在大礼堂南墙上。其中的“日新”二字出自古代典籍《大学》中的“苟日新,日日新,又日新” ,意思是为学绝不能因循守旧,而要革故鼎新,勇于突破。实际上,追求创新的精神,早已深深融入清华人的血脉,并化为探索未知、创造新知的具体行动。20xx 年,薛其坤院士领衔的团队在世界上首次实验发现了量子反常霍尔效应,其论文被诺贝尔奖得主杨振宁先生誉为“第一次从中国实验室里发表的诺贝尔奖级的物理学论文” 。就在今年8月21日,施一公院士领衔的团队在顶级学术期刊《科学》上同时发表两篇论文,首次解析了真核细胞剪接体复合物的高分辨率三维结构,并揭示了其基本工作机理,多位诺贝尔奖得主都评价这一成果为“巨大的突破” 。朝气与活力是青春的标志,创新也应当是青春的标志。研究生阶段是奠定学术基础的关键时期,同时也是产生创新成果的重要时期。事实上,很多学术大师都是在研究生阶段获得了一生中第一个甚至是最重要的学术成果。因为电影《美丽心灵》而为公众熟知的纳什,在其22 岁时完成的博士论文中就提出了后来被称为“纳什均衡”的博弈理论,而这正是他获得1994 年诺贝尔经济学奖最重要的基础。著名生物学家克里克也是在他的博士生阶段揭开了DNA双螺旋结构的奥秘,开启了分子生物学的新时代,从而获得1962 年诺贝尔奖。青年永远是创新的生力军,希望你们在研究生阶段充分发掘自己的创新潜能,为青春岁月刻下最难忘的印记。 成为优秀的创新者,要敢于质疑。北宋哲学家张载说过:“于无疑处有疑,方是进矣。”人类历史上重大的学术进展,往往都是在最熟视无睹、人


桑德伯格哈佛商学院毕业演讲稿 Facebook COO 桑德伯格哈佛商学院毕业演讲稿 It’s an honor to be here today to address HBS’s distinguished faculty, proud parents, patient guests, and most importantly, the class of 2012.今天很荣幸来到这里为尊敬的哈佛商学院(HBS)的教授们,自豪的毕业生家长们和耐心的来宾们,尤其是为今年的毕业生们演讲。 Today was supposed to be a day of [w]unbridled[/w] celebration and I know that’s no longer true. I join all of you in grieving for your classmate Nate. I know there are no words that makes something like this better.今天原本应该是狂欢的日子,不过我知道现在并不合适了(由于一名毕业生在欧洲突然死亡)让我们一起为Nate同学表示哀悼,当然任何言语在这样的悲剧前都苍白无力。 Although laden with sadness, today still marks a distinct and impressive achievement for this class. So please everyone join me in giving our warmest congratulations to this class of 2012.尽管有悲伤萦绕在大家心头,今天仍然象征着你们取得的杰出成绩。所以让我们一起为12届的毕业生们献上最热烈的祝贺。 When the wonderful Dean Nohria invited me to speak here today, I thought, come talk to a group of people


桑德伯格清华毕业演讲:命运偏爱勇者 主讲人:谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Facebook公司首席运营官) 时间:2015年6月27日 主办:清华大学经济管理学院 【编者按】 6月27日,清华大学经济管理学院2015毕业典礼在清华大学综合体育馆举行。Facebook公司首席运营官谢丽尔?桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)作毕业典礼演讲。桑德伯格是清华经管学院毕业典礼历年来第一位女性演讲嘉宾。 在她的演讲中,桑德伯格回顾了她从踏入职场至今的心得体会,并用自身经历介绍了过去25年中互联网带给整个世界的巨大变化。桑德伯格鼓励毕业生说,“从现在起的未来25年,你们将帮助塑造属于你们这一代人的世界”,“作为清华的毕业生,你们不仅将成为中国的领袖,还将成为全球的领袖。” 以下是桑德伯格视频及演讲全文: I am honored to be here today to address Dean Yingyi Qian, Tsinghua School of Economics and Management's distinguished faculty, proud family members, supportive friends, and most importantly, the class of 2015. Unlike my boss, Mark Zuckerberg, I do not speak Chinese. For that I apologize. But he did ask me to pass along this message -- zhuhe. I am thrilled to be here to congratulate this magnificent class on your graduation. 钱颖一院长、杰出的清华经管学院的教师们、自豪的毕业生亲属、鼎力支持他们的朋友们、

雪莉桑德伯格  哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲

雪莉·桑德伯格  哈佛大学2014毕业典 礼演讲 哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲" title="雪莉·桑德伯格 哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲">这是我费了九牛二虎之力整理的,网上没有的,在这里和大家一起分享。Congratulations everyone, you made it. 祝贺所有人,你们做到了。 And I don’t mean to the end of college, I mean to class day, because if memory serves, some of your classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last night and are with us today. 我指的不是大学毕业,而是成功出席今天的毕业典礼。如果我们记错,某些同学虽然昨晚在香港餐厅喝了太多蝎子碗调酒,但今天还是来了。

Given the weather, the one thing Harvard hasn’t figured out how to control, some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hot cocoa, so you have many reasons to feel proud of yourself as you sit here today. 由于天气,这种哈佛还没有弄清楚如何控制的现象,还有同学正在温暖的地方喝热可可饮料,所以,你们有很多为今天出席毕业日活动感到自豪的理由。 Congratulations to your parents.You have spent a lot of money, so your child can say she went to a “small school” near Boston. And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to the part of your celebration. It means a great to me. And looking at the list of past speakers was a little daunting.I can’t be as


施一公教授清华大学演讲 施一公教授清华大学演讲:优秀博士如何养成我们只能自己寻找导师,而不是那些只会酒桌文化的领导。时间:2012年6月27日来源:清华大学所有成功的科学家一定具有的共同点,就是他们必须付出大量的时间和心血。这是一条真理。实际上,无论社会上哪一种职业,要想成为本行业中的佼佼者,都必须付出比常人多的时间。大约10年前,著名华人生物学家蒲慕明先生曾经有一封邮件在网上广为流传,这封邮件是蒲先生语重心长写给自己实验室所有博士生和博士后的,其中的观点我完全赞同。无论是在普林斯顿还是在清华大学,我都把这封邮件转发给实验室的所有学生,让他们体会。其中的一段是这样说的:“我认为最重要的事情就是在实验室里的工作时间,当今一个成功的年轻科学

家平均每周要有60小时左右的时间投入到实验室的研究工作中??我建议每个人每天至少有6小时投入紧张的实验操作,并且用两小时以上的时间从事与科研直接相关的阅读等工作。文献和书籍的阅读则应主要在这些工作时间之外进行。” 有些学生读完邮件后告诉我:“看来我不是做学术的料,因为我真的吃不起这份苦。”我常常回复道:“我在你这么大年纪的时候,也会觉得长期这样工作不可思议。但在不知不觉中,你会逐渐被科学研究的精妙所打动,也会为自己的努力和成绩而骄傲,你会逐渐适应这种生活方式!”这样的回答,其实源自我自己的经历与体会。我从小就特别贪玩,并不喜欢学习,但来自学校和父母的教育与压力迫使我尽量刻苦读书。我高中就读于河南省实验中学,凭借着比别人更加刻苦的努力,综合成绩始终名列前茅。1984年全国高中数学联赛我获得河南赛区第一名,保送进入清华大学。大学阶段,我保持了刻苦的传统,综合


人生指标:20句名人送给毕业生的话 毕业的日子是所有大学生的骄傲,这是一个代表他们所有努力、心血的总结的场合。这一天也标志着他们将进入下一个阶段,衣个充满挑战、不可预测的未知以及机会的全新世界。 20句来自各界的风云人物为毕业生演讲时特别激励人心的名言,用这些热情热忱感动世界吧! J.K. 罗琳 「一个人不可能活着却从未在任何事上失败过,除非你活得非常戒慎恐惧小心翼翼,但结果可能是你根本从未真正活过,在这个状况下,你还是因为没活过而失败了。」──2008年于哈佛大学 "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all –in which case, you fail by default." - Harvard University, 2008 John F. Kennedy 约翰?肯尼迪 「我知道追求和平远没有追求战争来得引人注意且高潮迭起......但没有任何一项任务比这个更加紧迫了。」──1963年于美国大学 "I realize that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war…But we have no more urgent task." - American University, 1963 Steve Jobs 史蒂夫?贾伯斯 「死亡几乎是生命创造的最好的一个东西,它是令生命变化的媒介,它能让老旧的人事物让位给新的。现在,所谓的『新』就是你们。但有一天,不会太久,你们也会逐渐变旧变老,的然后也被淘汰。我很抱歉我把这一切说得这么戏剧化,但是这非常真实。你们的时间很有限,所以不要浪费时间活在别人的人生里。」──2005年于史丹佛大学 "Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent; it clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now, the new is you. But someday, not too long


桑德伯格TED演讲:为什么女性领导那么少? Facebook COO 谢乐尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg) 谢乐尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)是全球最大的社交网站Facebook的首席运营官,曾任比尔·克林顿政府的财政部办公室主任,后任Google副总裁,短时间内帮助谷歌实现盈利。2008年3月,桑德伯格加入新兴社交网络Facebook,担任首席运营官。3年后,Facebook 的用户数从当初的6000万飙升至如今的7亿,广告收入更是从2008年的3亿美元上涨到2010年的19亿美元,比两年前翻了六倍,而Google的广告收入在这三年增速减缓。她在演讲中为职场女性提供3条建议:像男性一样坐到谈判桌旁,争取自己能够胜任的职位和应得的薪水;与伴侣有效沟通,共同分担家务和养育孩子的责任;在得到自己想要的职位前“不要提前离场”。 正文:我们先承认我们是幸运的。我们没有生活在我们母亲和我们祖母生活过的那个世界,在那时,女性的职业选择是非常有限的。今天在座的各位,大多数人成长于一个女性有基本公民权的世界。令人惊讶地是,我们还生活在一个有些女性还没有这些权利的世界。但除上所述,我们还有一个问题,它是一个实际问题。这问题是:在世界各地,女性没达到任何职业的高管职位。这些数据很清楚地告诉我们这实情。190个国家元首里,九位是女性领导。在世界上议会的总人数中,13%是女性议员。在公司部门,女性占据高位C级职位,董事会席位高管职位比例占15%,16%。自从2002年起这数据没变化过有下降趋势。即使在非营利的行业----我们有时认为这一行业是被更多女性所领导的,女性领导人占20%。 我们还面临着另一个问题,就是女性在职业成功和个人价值实现中所面临的艰难选择。美国最近一个研究表明,已婚高管人员,三分之二的已婚男性高管人员有孩子,只有三分之一的已婚女性高管人员有孩子。几年前,我在纽约,出席一个协议,在那种别致的纽约私募投资办事处中的一个你能想象到的。我在这个大约有3小时的会议上,过了2小时,有个间歇休息,所有人都站起来,这会议组织者开始显得的确很尴尬。我意识到他不知道在他办公室哪里是女洗手间。所以我开始寻找移动厕所,盘算他们刚搬进来,但我没有看到任何移动厕所。然后我说,“你是刚搬到这办公室吗?”他说,“不是,我们在这儿已经有一年了。”我说,“你能否告诉我这一年来,我是唯一一个来这间办公室的女性吗?”他看着我,说到,“是的。或者说你可能是唯一一个要上女性洗手间。” 所以问题是,我们该怎样解决这样的尴尬?我们怎样改变这些高管职位的比例?我们怎样使这个变得不同?我首先想说,我谈这个女性就职因为我的确认为我们得找到答案。在我们劳动力的高收入的部分,在高管的人员中,财富500强首席执行长官中,或在其它类似的高管行业中,我确信,问题是女性被排除在外。当下人们对此谈了很多,他们谈到像弹性时间和指导公司应该培训妇女计划的事。今天我不想谈这些尽管所有这些事都非常重要。今天我想关注作为个人我们所能做到的事。我们要告诉给自己的事是什么?我们告诉给女同事和打工的女性的事是什么?我们要告诉给我们女儿的事是什么? 现在首先,我想澄清这个演讲不带有任何评判。我也没有正确的答案;甚至就我而言,我也没有完全的答案。在周一,我离开我生活的加利福尼亚,我坐上飞机赶赴这会议。当我送我三岁的女儿到幼儿园时,她紧紧抱进我的腿,哭喊着,“妈咪,不要上飞机”之类的话。这很难受。有时我感到内疚。我知道无论是家庭主妇,还是职业女性,有时她们都会感同身受。所以我不会说对所有人来说,呆在职场是件正确的事。今天我的演讲是要讲如果你真正想呆在职场。我想有3条建议。一、坐在桌旁。二、让你的伴侣成为一个真正的合作伙伴。三、在你离开前别放弃。


CEO们在2014毕业典礼上的演讲摘要 企业家通过精心构思的演讲展示个人成就和魅力,不仅对树立企业家的影响力大有益处,而且对其领导的企业也可以起到正面宣传的作用。 1、阿里巴巴集团、淘宝网、支付宝创始人马云在清华大学:今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但是绝大部分人死在明天晚上。这就是残酷的生活。所以你今天必须很努力,才能面对明天的残酷,明天你必须很努力,才有可能看到后天的太阳,但是绝大部分人看不到太阳的。你光努力还不够,还有运气,运气从哪里来?运气就是在自己好的时候多想想别人,自己不好的时候多检查检查自己,我相信会走过来。 亲爱的同学们,让我们牢记学校师长们对我们所有毕业生的殷切期望;让我们秉承母校“爱国、求是、奋进”的校训。让时间作证,我们一定会做拥有智慧并富有激情的人,做德才兼备并勇于创新的人,做富有责任并敢挑重担的人!让我们发扬西邮人自强不息,艰苦奋斗的精神,在社会的各行各业尽情施展我们的才华。在未来的日子里都能够在人生舞台上慷慨激昂,书写自己的成功与辉煌。 2、李嘉诚在汕头大学:在新大门的真理钟敲响之时,你对未来的许诺是什么?每天晨光初现时,你可曾对社会的问题有所记挂?你会是视而不见、无动于衷,还是渊深邃密、锲而不舍?一个有真能力的人,总会自觉地把“推动社会进步”视为己任。

二是孤独感。单位不再是校园,不是什么话都敢说,什么人都能骂的地方。你可能发现,除了今天天气如何、着装怎样、金秀贤又演什么新剧了之外,你无法走进别人的心里,也没有人愿意走进你的心里。所谓的谈心,不过是彼此的窥探与拉拢。你会惊诧:笑脸与扑克脸,喧哗与沉默,在办公室里竟然没有本质的区别。孤独,你突然感觉,被深重的孤独感所包围。 3、亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝索斯在普林斯顿大学:今天我想对你们说的是,天赋和选择不同。聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。天赋得来很容易毕竟它们与生俱来。而选择则颇为不易。如果一不小心,你可能被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损害到你做出的选择。 4、比尔·盖茨夫妇在斯坦福大学:如果你们的世界观足够宽广你们将创建出我们所有人都想要的未来。如果你们的世界观太过狭窄,你们就有可能创建出悲观主义者们所害怕的未来。 5、联想董事长柳传志在北大国家发展研究院:人就是要不断地提高人生追求的目标,这个和立意高远并不冲突。立意要高远,目标要一个一个脚踏实地地去做……要海阔天空地想,但是要脚踏实地地干。 6、苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯在斯坦福大学:有些时候,生活会拿起一块砖头向你的脑袋上猛拍一下。不要失去信心,你需要去找到你所爱的东西,对于工作是如此,对于你的爱人也是如此。 7、特斯拉CEO伊隆·马斯克在南加州大学马歇尔商学院谈创业:第一点你需要非常努力地去工作。然后要不断地思考。除此之外,不


(1)Congratulations everyone, you made it And I don't mean to the end of college, I mean to class day because if memory serves some of your classmates had too many scorpion bowls at the Kong last night and are with us today Given the weather the one thing Harvard hasn't figured out how to control some of your other classmates are at someplace warm with a hot cocoa so you have many reasons to feel proud of yourself as you sit here today Congratulations to your parents You have spent a lot of money so your child can say she went to a "small school" near Boston And thank you to the class of 2014 for inviting me to be part of your celebration It means a great deal to me and looking at the list of past speakers was a little daunting I can't be as funny as Amy Poehler but I'm gonna be funnier than Mother Teresa 25 years ago a man named Dave I did not know at the time but who would one day become my husband was sitting where you are sitting today 23 years ago I was sitting where you are sitting today Dave and I are back this weekend with our amazing son and daughter to celebrate his reunion and we both share the same sentiment Harvard has a good basketball team Standing here in the yard brings memories flooding back for me I arrived here from Miami in the fall of 1987 with big hopes and even bigger hair I was assigned to live in one of Harvard's historic monuments to great architecture Canaday My go-to outfit, and I'm not making this up, was a jean skirt white leg warmers and sneakers and a Florida sweater because my parents who were here with me then as they're here with me now told me everyone would think it was awesome that I was from Florida At least we didn't have Instagram For me, Harvard was a series of firsts


清华大学教授2020开学典礼老师演讲词 清华大学教授20xx开学典礼老师演讲词篇【1】尊敬的各位老师、各位新入学的师弟师妹们: 大家好!我是来自于新闻与传播学院的博士研究生赵璞。今天,美丽的清华园又迎来了6000多名清小研。站在这里,我不由得想起五年前自己报到时的样子,那时候新生报到还不能自行上传ic卡的照片,于是那天凌乱的发型便永远定格在我的学生证上,成为我心中永远的痛。 不管大家手中ic卡上的照片是否经过了p图软件的加工处理,在拿到这张卡的一刻,我们的人生从此将与清华结缘。在这里,我代表全体在校研究生,向大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎! 五年前,我也和你们中的很多人一样,第一次走进综体,坐在某一个角落等待着我在清华的第一堂课。今天,我想就自己在这里学习生活的几点体会,与大家一同分享。 我体会,清华为我们搭建了自由交流的平台。我曾经读到过一篇心理学的实证研究,作者发现很多分子生物学领域的重大研究突破,并非来自于科学家在显微镜下埋头苦干时的顿悟,而是产生在不同项目组的研究人员每周的科研讨论会上,足见良好的交流环境对我们从事科学研究的重要意义。 在清华园里,食堂的餐桌、宿舍的三角屋、荷塘旁的咖啡馆、甚至情人坡的草坪,都可以成为我们与老师、同学们

自由交流、碰撞思想的场所。 在清华,如果你想要探究大数据的应用价值,你可以随时随地发起一场专题微沙龙,邀请计算机系的同学共同参与讨论;在清华,如果你是一名彻头彻尾的工科男博士,却想探讨中国a股底在何处,路在何方,你可以有机会与诺奖大师直面对话。 在清华,如果你希望为自己的研究生生涯抹上一缕国际化的色彩,各类国际交流支持项目将帮助我们实现在海外研修的愿望。因此,我建议大家在校期间,充分利用清华提供的各类平台资源,抓住每一个可能的学科内、跨学科、国际化的交流机会,拓展自己的视野。 我体会,清华为我们营造了追随榜样,形塑习惯的氛围。去年的毕业生代表张如范师兄,在学期间包揽了学术新秀和特等奖学金这两项研究生最高学术荣誉。荣誉的背后,是他坚持每周都写下自己近期的科研成果和错漏,毕业时他的笔记已经有十几本之多。 特等奖学金获得者祖充,每天早上都坚持花至少半个小时的时间阅读本领域最前沿的研究,几年下来从未间断。 其实在清华,这些优秀的习惯并不独属于这些在同学们眼中神一般的存在:每晚在紫操上我们总能看到一些熟悉的面孔,他们坚持每晚从实验室回来都要跑上3000米再睡觉;每个工作日的早上我们会发现大师兄总是第一个到实验室,检查大家昨晚的实验数据;即使在每年最热闹喧天的校庆日,我们发现还是很难在老馆抢到一个座位,那里静悄悄的


弗格森哈佛商学院演讲实录 英超曼联俱乐部的主帅弗格森北京时间12月17日来到了美国哈佛大学商学院,他应学校方面的邀请给那里的学生们上了一堂长达40分钟的公开课。在讲堂之上,这位即将年满71岁的老人侃侃而谈,不仅分享了他执教球队的理念,还公开了一些他激励球员、掌控更衣室的方法。现在学生们可以在哈佛大学的官方网站上聆听来自弗格森的教诲。以下是弗格森讲课实录。 赛前演讲:发挥想像力 我曾经听说一位教练这样开始他的赛前演说,“我起码已经和你们说了超过1000次的赛前指导了!”而他的球员们立刻回应道:“没错!1000次中有500次我们都是睡过去的!”其实,赛前演讲大部分的内容都是老生常谈。为了避免这一点,我喜欢利用自己的想像力讲一点不一样的故事。 一般情况下,我会说说我的期望,谈谈球员们的信仰以及信任之类的话题。我记得有一次去看安德烈·波切利(著名盲人歌唱家)的表演。我感觉这是我一生中上过的最经典的课程。我在看演出的时候想到了球员们之间的互相配合和团队协作,一种乐器开始演奏,另一种就悄无声息,这种此起彼伏的感觉棒极了!回去之后,我就把这段经历告诉了我的队员们,让他们明白什么样的球队才是最出色的。 至于安排球队首发阵容,我们从来不会当着全队的面宣布首发是谁,而是直到比赛当天才会公布。如果说比赛是下午3点开始,那我会在下午1点前和球员们单独谈谈,告诉他们我的决定。我一定会私下和他们交流,我知道被排除出球队出场阵容是一件非常痛苦的事。 技战术:抓住对方核心 战术这样的东西实际上是在不停变化的,你要根据不同的对手改变自己的策略。我在布置战术的时候喜欢把注意力集中在对方阵中的1到2名球员身上。我会想对方哪名球员会去主罚任意球?谁是掌控球队节奏的那个人?谁在指挥球队?你只要把握住对方阵中最有影响力的那一个人就成了。 剩下的时间我往往会想想自己球队的打法。比赛前的那个周五,我会和球员们一起通过比赛录像来分析我们的对手,他们的长处和弱点分别在哪里,他们的任意球采取什么样的战术,他们会在场上踢成什么样等等问题。 等到周六的时候,我们会给他们看一份更简明扼要的报告,其实就是昨天内容的一个简单复述。 中场休息:不太相信笔记

雪莉 桑德伯格在哈佛2014年毕业典礼上的演讲

雪莉桑德伯格在哈佛2014年毕业典礼上的演讲 祝贺所有人,你们做到了。我指的不是大学毕业,而你们成功出席今天的毕业典礼。如果我没记错,某些同学虽然昨晚在香港具厅喝了太多蝎子碗调酒,但今天还是来了。由于天气,这种哈佛还没有弄清如何控制的现象,还胡同学正在温暖的地方喝热可可饮料。所以,你们有很多为今天出席毕业日活动感到自豪的理由。 祝贺你们的家长,你们花了很多钱,让子女能够说自己是从波士顿附近的这所“小学校”毕业的。还要感谢2014届毕业生邀请我来到这次盛典。这对我价值巨大。看到过往演讲者的名单让人有些敬畏,我肯定没有艾米波乐那么搞笑,但我至少比特雷萨修女更幽默。 25年前,一个当时还不认识,但以后成为我丈夫的男人戴夫,从在你们现在从的地方。23年前,我从在你们现在从的地方。戴夫和我这个周末,带着可爱的子女回校,我们都有相同的三角:哈佛的篮球队太棒了! 站在校园中,回忆泉涌。1987年的秋天,我从迈阿密来到这里,怀揣着伟大的梦想,还胡更夸张的发型。我被分配到哈佛伟大建筑的一座历史丰碑~卡纳迪楼,我是说真的,我当时穿着牛仔裙,白色暖裤袜套,运动鞋,还有一件弗罗里达羊毛衫。因为当时我的父母告诉我,所有人都会认为来自弗里达的人很酷。至少,我们那时没有。 对我而言,哈佛给了我很多第一次,包括我的第一件冬装,在迈阿密没有人需要冬装。我的第一份10页的论文,高中没有人会布置这么长的作业。我第一次得C,这之后,我的学监告诉我说,她在招生委员会,她招我进来不是因为我的学术潜能,而是因为我的品性。我在寄宿学校看到的第一个人,我就觉得这个人会是个大麻烦。我还碰到了第一个名字同整座建筑一样的人,这个人名字叫做萨拉威格尔斯沃斯,她和那栋宿舍楼没有关系,当时我很震惊,知道她和宿舍楼没有关系后,我松了一口气。之后,我还碰到了其他人,弗朗西斯斯特劳斯,詹姆斯威尔斯,杰西卡科学中心B。我第一们爱,第一们让我心碎的人。我第一次认识到自己热爱学习,第一次也是最后一次遇到有在读拉丁文。 我毕业那年,我想好自己以后有什么计划,我要进世界银行,对抗全球贫穷,然后我要去法学院,然后我将非营利机构或政府工作,你们院长也讲了,在明天


谢丽尔桑德伯格清华20XX毕业演讲稿命运偏爱勇者向前一步 20XX年清华大学经济管理学院毕业之际,Facebook首席运营官来清华演讲,为即将毕业的20XX届毕业生送上精彩的演讲,寄语毕业生要想成为领导者,那么就要勇 于向前一步,facebook谢丽尔桑德伯格清华20XX毕业演讲稿命运偏爱勇者向前一步 谢丽尔桑德伯格清华20XX毕业演讲稿 命运偏爱勇者向前一步 钱颖一院长、杰出的清华经管学院的教师们、自豪的 毕业生亲属、鼎力支持他们的朋友们、以及更重要的是,清华经管学院20XX届的毕业生们: 我很荣幸今天来到这里为你们做毕业典礼演讲。同我 的老板马克扎克伯格不一样的是,我不会讲中文。为此 我感到抱歉。但是,他请我用中文转达他对大家的问候 祝贺。今天能在这里祝贺优秀的同学们毕业,我感到非 常兴奋。 当钱颖一院长邀请我今天来做演讲时,我想,来给远 比我年轻比我酷的人演讲?这事儿我能做。我在

Facebook每天都要做这样的事情。因为扎克伯格比我小15岁,并且我们的大多数员工是他的同龄人,而不是我 这个年龄的。我喜欢和年轻人在一起,除非他们问我你 在大学时没有手机用是怎样的日子?甚至更糟糕的问题是,谢丽尔,你能过来一下吗?我们想知道岁数大的人对这个新功能有什么看法? 我1991年从哈佛大学本科毕业,获得经济学学士学位;1995年从哈佛商学院毕业,获得MBA学位所以可以说,我上了美国的清华大学。其实这并不是那么久远的事情。但是我能告诉你们的是,这个世界在这短短的25年当中发生了翻天覆地的变化。在哈佛商学院时,我所在的班 级曾尝试进行学院的第一次在线课程。我们当时必须给 每人发一张写有我们网名的列表,因为那时在网上使用 真名是件让人难以想象的事。但是最后还是没有搞成, 因为电脑系统不断崩溃当时根本无法实现90人同时在线交流。 不过在系统崩溃之间的几个短暂瞬间里,我们窥见了 未来一个技术可以实现我们和同事、家人、朋友连接在 一起的未来。现在的世界已经是我坐在你们这个位置时 难以想象的世界了。而从现在起的未来25年,你们将帮助塑造属于你们这一代人的世界。 作为清华的毕业生,你们不仅将成为中国的领袖,还


Facebook COO雪莉桑德伯格在加州大学伯克利分校2016毕业典礼上的演讲5月14日,Facebook首席运营官、《向前一步》作者雪莉?桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg )在加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)2016毕业典礼上发表演讲。在丈夫离世一年之际,她讲到了痛失爱人的痛苦以及应付挫折的韧性。丈夫去世后,她在“向前一步”方面有些新思考,近来也引发不少讨论。 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 2016 Commencement Address Thank you, Marie. And thank you esteemed members of the faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, squirming siblings. Con gratulati ons to all of you …and especially to the magn ifice nt Berkeley graduati ng class of 2016! It is a privilege to be here at Berkeley, which has produced so many Nobel Prize winners, Turing Award winners, astronauts, members of Congress, Olympic gold medalists ??and that 's just the women! Berkeley has always been ahead of the times. In the 1960s, you led the Free Speech Movement. Back in those days, people used to say that with all the long hair, how do we even tell the boys from the girls? We now know the answer: manbuns. Early on, Berkeley opened its doors to the entire population. When this campus opened in 1873, the class included 167 men and 222 women. It took my alma mater another ninety years to award a single degree to a single woman. One of the women who came here in search of opportunity was Rosalind Nuss. Roz grew up scrubbing floors in the Brooklyn boardinghouse where she lived. She was pulled out of high school by her parents to help support their family. One of her teachers insisted that her parents put her back into school —and in 1937, she sat where you are sitting today and received a Berkeley degree. Roz was my grandmother. She was a huge inspiration to me and I 'm so grateful that Berkeley recognized her potential. I want to take a moment to offer a special congratulations to the many here today who are the first generation in their families to graduate from college. What a remarkable achievement. Today is a day of celebration. A day to celebrate all the hard work that got you to this moment. Today is a day of thanks. A day to thank those who helped you get here —nurtured you, taught you, cheered you on, and dried your tears. Or at least the ones who didn 't draw on you with a Sharpie when you fell asleep at a party. Today is a day of reflection. Because today marks the end of one era of your life and the beginning of something new. A commencement address is meant to be a dance between youth and wisdom. You have the youth. Someone comes in to be the voice of wisdom —that 's supposed to be me. I stand up here and tell you all the things I have learned in life, you throw your cap in the air, you let your family take a millio n photos —don' t forget to post them on In stagram and eve—o ne goes home happy. Today will be a bit different. We will still do the caps and you still have to do the photos. But I am not here to tell you all the things I ' ve learned in life. ToydtoayteIllwyilol utr what I learned in death. I have never spoken publicly about this before. It ' s hard. But I will do my very best not to blow my nose on this beautiful Berkeley robe. One year and thirteen days ago, I lost my husband, Dave. His death was sudden and unexpected. We were at a friend ' s fiftieth birthday party in Mexico. I took a nap. Dave went to work out. What followed was the
