


1. out of spite 出于怨恨

spite sb. 欺负某人

2. be primarily concerned with 主要有关···

3. plea for sth. 恳求···

4. decent behavior 高雅的行为

a decent salary 相当不错的薪水

5. authorize sb. to do 授权某人做···

6. instruct sb. in sth. / doing sth. 指导,教导某人做

7. have a consensus on··· 在···上达成一致意见

8. sponge off 依赖他人生活

sponge away sth. 用海绵擦掉···

9. strike a chord 激起共鸣,触动心弦

eg. The speaker obviously struck a chord with his audience.


10. sparkle with··· 闪烁着···

11. the repression of desire 克制欲望

12. ensue from··· 因···而产生,由···引起

13. a sprinkle of(salt)一点点(盐)

14. have a(great)faculty for doing 对···有(很强的)能力

15. clutch at 企图抓住

16. reclaim sth. from sb. 从某人那里收回···

17. deviate from 背离,偏离

18. discriminate between A and B 区分A和B

discriminate against 歧视

19. a touch of glamour 几分魅力

20. stab in the back 背后中伤,背叛

eg. True heroes never stab in the back.


21. have an objection to(介)反对;不喜欢

22. presume on (不正当地)利用

23. be plagued with 患有···;受···困难

24. in essence 本质上,基本上

of the essence 极其重要的,必不可少的

25. complain of / about 抱怨···

complain to sb. 向···抱怨

26. endow with 给予,赋予

eg. For God didn’t endow her with wisdom.


27. be prone to(介)易于(有)···

28. be inclusive of 包括···

29. be eloquent of 显示出···

30. smash the stereotype 打破惯例

31. correlate with / to(介)与···相关,关联

32. take in(one’s)stride 轻而易举地应付,胜任

33. scheme against sb. 谋反

34. grope / feel one’s way 摸索前进

grope for 探索

grope around 搜索,暗中摸索

35. descend from 起源于;是···的后裔

descend on 袭击


36. stumble across on 偶然遇到;碰巧找到

37. differentiate between A and B 区分A和B

38. be subordinate / inferior to(介)次于···;(级别)比···低

39. in collaboration with 与···合作,勾结

40. rein in 严格控制,严加管束

give(free)rein to(介)对···不加约束;放任;给···自由

41. a(huge)heap of 一堆;大量

42. hold(sb.)in contempt 轻视,对(某人)不屑一顾

one’s contempt for 对···的蔑视

43. suffice it to say(that)只要说···就够了

eg. Suffice it to say that the manager is pleased with the work.


44. behave oneself 检点自己的行为,做好自己

45. be immune to(介)不受···的影响

be immune from 免除···

46. summon / keep up(courage)鼓起(勇气)

47. be notorious for 因···臭名昭着

48. inspire sb. with sth. 以···激励某人

inspire sth. in sb. 激起某人的···

49. in the interim 在这期间

eg. Little seems to have happened in the interim.


50. dine out 外出进餐(尤指餐馆)

51. be susceptible to(介)易受···影响,过敏

52. sue for 请求,要求

53. peg away at 坚持不懈

54. preside at / over 主持,主管

55. in all probability 【状】十有八九,很可能

56. in hot pursuit 穷追不舍

in pursuit of 追求

57. in light of 根据

58. be adjacent to(介)与···邻近的,毗邻的

59. gain / gather momentum 发展加快,势头增大

60. feast on 尽情地吃

61. diagnose sb. with sth. 诊断某人患某病

62. be implicit in 内含的,固有的

eg. Her shyness is implicit in her. 她生性羞怯。

63. pore over 仔细阅读

64. interpret···as··· 把···理解为···

65. tangle with 与···争吵 / 打架,有纠葛

66. culminate in 以···告终

67. by analogy 用类推的方法

68. cater for sb. / sth. 迎合某人 / 某事

cater to sth. 满足某种需要

69. pour scorn on 以鄙夷的口气说

eg. Why do you always pour scorn on my suggestion?


70. heap praise upon 对···大加赞扬

71. give vent to(介)发泄,表达

eg. This time ha had a good chance to give vent to his anger.


72. cast light upon 使···清楚;对···有了解

eg. Recent research has cast new light upon the causes of the disease.


73. be indicative of 标志,象征

74. assert oneself 坚持自己的权利(意见);显示自己的权威

eg. I don’t like to assert oneself. 我不想过于显示自己的权威。

75. be immersed / absorbed / buried / lost in 沉浸于,专心于

76. be flush with 与···齐平,同高

77. scrape by 勉强度日

eg. They could just scrape by on very small wages.


78. dwell on / upon 老是想着;详述

79. mediate···in / between 调解···的···

80. give a retort to sb. 反驳,回嘴

81. have an insight into sth. 对···有深入了解

82. be instrumental in 对···有帮助,起作用

83. testify to(介)表明,说明,证明

84. mingle with 与···相融合

85. in the aggregate 总共,作为总体

86. eliminate sb. / sth. from sth. 从···中除去···

87. brood on / over / about 考虑,沉思

88. a chunk of(bread)一大块(面包)

89. on the threshold of ···即将开始

eg. Mr. Brown is certainly on the threshold of a brilliant career.


90. tick by / away (时间一分一秒地)过去

91. at full tilt 全速地,全力地

92. be dismayed at 对···感到失望

93. in(full)blossom 正开着花;绽放

blossom out / into 发展成,长成

94. in tow (被)拖着,陪伴着

95. carve up 分割,瓜分

96. in transit 在运输中,在途中

97. permeate through 渗透到···去

98. linger on 继续存留

99. inflict sth. on / upon 把···强加于,使···承担

100. gleam with(amusement)流露着(愉悦)

101. G iven the circumstances, ··· 在这种情况下,···102. in the vicinity of 在···周围,附近

103. in accordance with 根据···

104. trifle with sb. 嘲笑,轻视;敷衍

a trifle 【副】有点,稍微

eg. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle.


105. hinge on / upon 依···而定,以···为转移

106. multitudes / a multitude of 许多,大量

107. tuck away 把···隐没在,把···藏起来

tuck up 把···折起来

108. tumble to(介)陷入···;(突然)明白,领悟

109. confer + 职位 + on sb. = confer on sb. + 职位授予某人某职位

confer with sb. 与某人交谈

110. deprive sb. of 使某人丧失···,剥夺某人的···

111. be identical to / with sb. / sth. 与···完全一样

112. in default of 因缺少···,在缺少···的时候

113. impose sth. on / upon 把···强加于

114. buck up (使)振奋,(使)打起精神

115. to perfection 完美地,尽善尽美地

116. snatch up 一把抓住,突然拿起

snatch at 抓住

117. catch on 理解,明白;变得流行;钩住

118. orient to / toward(介)以···为方向,目标

eg. The man took a moment to orient himself to the new environment.


119. enroll in / on 加入;入学

eg. enroll in the courses 报名参加课程

120. by courtesy of 蒙···的好意 / 准许 / 赠送

121. with one accord 一致地

in accord / accordance with 按照,根据;与···一致122. to all intents and purposes 几乎在一切方面,实际上be intent on doing 专心做,急于做

123. on the brink of 濒临,处于···边缘

124. on the blink (机器等)坏了,出故障了

125. comply with 遵从,服从

126. blaze a trail 开拓道路,做先导

127. be incompatible with 与···矛盾,不可调和

128. be irrespective of 不考虑···

129. on the verge of 接近于,濒临于

verge on doing 接近,濒临于做某事

130. be crucial to(介)对···是至关重要的

131. rig up (用临时替代材料)迅速搭建

132. lash out(at)猛烈抨击

133. poke around / about 查询,探查

poke fun at 拿···开玩笑,取笑···

poke one’s nose into 探问,干预

134. be ideal for sb. / sth. 适合···

135. adhere / clling / stick / keep to(介)坚持,遵守

136. I t is no coincidence that··· 并非巧合···

137. conform with / to(介)遵守,适应

138. shed light on sb. 使某事清楚地显示出来

139. rap out 突然厉声说出···

140. be indispensable for / to(介)是···不可缺少的,必须有···

141. be exclusive of 不包括···,除···之外

142. fall prey to(介)成为···的牺牲品

prey on 捕食···

143. ascribe sth. to(介)把···归因于···

eg. Many great scientists ascribe their success to hard work.


144. sniff out 发现,发觉

145. sober(sb.)out (使)清醒

146. be destined for 以···为目的

147. foul up 把···搞乱,弄糟

148. consist in 在于(=lie in),存在于

eg. Real courage doesn’t consist in overwhelming everthing but in not being overwhelmed by everything.


149. convert defeat into victory 反败为胜

150. peel off (···)脱落;脱去···;从···脱落

151. reside in 存在于,在于

eg. No one would be able to explain why we reside in a three-dimensional universe.


152. overflow with 充满,洋溢着

153. reel off 一口气说完;重复···

eg. Jack reeled off a list of names.


154. exempt(sb.)from sth. 免除(某人的)···

155. flatter oneself 自以为是,自鸣得意

eg. I cannot flatter myself that I’m better than him.


156. weary of doing 厌烦···,对···不耐烦

eg. You would weary of nursing a sick man.


157. be compelled to do 被迫做···

158. be reluctant to do 勉强做···;不情愿做(=be not about to do)

159. moan about(doing)sth. 抱怨,发牢骚

160. job one’s memory 唤起某人的记忆

161. avail oneself of 利用

eg. He was glad to avail oneself of any means to succeed in life.


(be of)no avail 无用,毫无效果

162. at a premium 奇缺的,难得的;以高价

put / place a premium on 高度评价,重视

163. in the midst of 在···之中;正当···的时候

164. a cluster of 成群的,成串的

165. yield to(介)屈服于

eg. Jimmy began to yield to her persuasion.


166. in defiance of 违抗,无视

167. dole out (少量)发放,分发

168. fall out of favor 失宠,失去优势

169. leave aside(sth. / that)搁置,不考虑

170. emanate from 起源于,来自

171. exceedingly = extremely 非常,极其,极度地

172. deviate from 从···背离;违背,偏离···

173. go bust 完蛋,失败,破产

174. be apt at = be good at = do well in 善于,长于···175. carve out 开拓,创业(a career);留出(time)

eg. Carve out some time to work. 留出些时间来工作。

176. drift off 慢慢入睡;慢慢走动

eg. They drifted off as the music played.


One by one the lovers drifted off into the moonlight.


177. crank up 启动,发动;加速(=speed / step / pick up)178. freak(sb.)out 使(某人)失去镇静;使不安;激怒;崩溃eg. You’d better sit down, the news will freak you out.


make you freak out about your future 让你对你的未来感到崩溃179. dumb down 简化,降低···的难度

eg. dumb down the curriculum 简化课程

180. phase out 使逐步淘汰,逐渐停止

eg. The company has phased out the production.


181. be tempted to do 忍不住做,受诱惑做···

182. embrace on 着手,从事;登上船

eg. embrace on a business career 开始经商

183. far and few between 【表】稀少

eg. All people go through stages in their lives when their friends seem far and few between.


184. cast a shadow on / over 在··上蒙上阴影

185. thaw out (使)缓和,(使)不拘束;解冻

eg. A couple of wines thawed out the guests.


The ground has thawed out. 地面的冰已经融化了。

186. filter out 过滤掉;不察觉;泄露

eg. filter out solids 过滤固体

filter out the noise 没有注意到吵闹声

filter out the news 泄露消息

187. to the marrow / bone / core 彻骨地,彻底地

eg. The reality of the Great Depression chilled the nation to the marrow. 经济大萧条的现实彻底袭击了这个国家。

188. have no relish for 不喜欢···,对···不感兴趣

eg. I have no relish for seeing animals being butchered.


189. across the board(,) 全面地;普遍地

eg. Apply that question across the board and you will know what and who is sapping your energy so you can avoid them.



190. beyond / without controversy 无可争议,无疑


大学英语六级考试高频短语及固定搭配一、固定搭配 hardly … when 刚…就… come to a conclusion 得出结论 avoid doing sth. 避免干某事 decline invitation 辞谢邀请 agree on / upon 取得一致意见 may (might) as well 还是…好 argue about 争论 take (make) a stand for 捍卫 take (make) a stand against 反对 come after 跟随 in support of 支持 lie up 躺着休息 beside the question 离题 refresh one’s memory 使人记起 bring to mind 使人想起 compile dictionary 编字典 present sb. with sth. 送给某人某礼物 indifferent to 不在乎 go on strike 罢工 against one’s will 违心地

in one’s will在…遗嘱中 of one’s free will 出于自愿 with ease 容易,不费力 prepare for 准备 get to 开始;到达 fall off 下降 fall away 背离 televise live 实况转播 by the moment 到…时 have intention of 有意,打算 no intention of 无意,不打算 have not the least idea of 不知道have no desire for 对…没有欲望have desire to do sth. 想做某事have sth. in stock 有现货 be particular about 讲究 the key to …的答案(线索、办法)carry about 随身携带 pass through 通过,经过 pass for 被认为(当作) be of little value 没什么价值 cure sb. of 治好某人…


英语六级词汇词组(2018年) abbreviation n.节略,缩写,缩短 abide vt.遵守 vt.忍受 abolish vt.废除,取消 absent a.不在意的 absorption n.吸收;专注 abstract a.理论上的 n.抽象 absurd a.不合理的,荒唐的 abundance n.丰富,充裕 accessory n.同谋 a.附属的 accord n.调和,符合;协议 acknowledge vt.承认;告知收到 acquaint vt.使认识,使了解 action n.作用;情节 adhere vi.粘附;追随;坚持 adjacent a.毗连的;紧接着的 adjoin vt.贴近,毗连;靠近 adjustable a.可调整的,可校准的administration n.局(或署、处等) admiration n.钦佩;赞美,羡慕 adoption n.收养;采纳,采取 adore vt.崇拜;很喜欢 advantageous a.有利的,有助的advertise vt.通知 vi.登广告 advocate n.辩护者 vt.拥护

a.空气的;航空的aerospace n.航空和宇宙航行空间affirm vt.断言,批准;证实agitation n.鼓动,煸动;搅动agreeable a.惬意的;同意的 alas int.唉,哎呀 album n.粘贴簿;相册;文选alert a.警惕的;活跃的algebra n.代数学 alien a.外国的 n.外国人alignment n.队列;结盟,联合allied a.联合的;联姻的allowance n津贴,补助费alongside prep.在…旁边 ally n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴alteration n.变更,改变;蚀变alternate vt.使交替 a.交替的amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambassador n.大使,使节ambient a.周围的,包围着的ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的ample a.足够的;宽敞的amplitude n.广大;充足;振幅amusement n.娱乐,消遣,乐趣


英语六级高频词汇汇总 考过四次的 1.obscure(99-12,02-12,03-6,05-6 2.transition(00-6,01-6,03-6,05-6) https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc904535.html,patible(01-6,02-12,02-12,05-6) 4.cherish(03-6,04-12,05-6,05-12) 考过三次的 1.dominate(99-12,04-6,05-6) 2.ascribe(99-12,03-12,05-12) 3.mingle(99-12,00-6,05-6) 4.dilemma(99-12,01-12,05-6) 5.allege(00-6,02-6,03-6) 6.conform(00-6,00-12,02-12) 7.hamper(00-12,02-6,03-9) 8.assurance(00-12,01-12,03-9) 9.ambiguous(01-6,03-9,05-12) 10.explicit(01-6,03-12,04-12) 11.acknowledge(01-6,02-6,04-6) 12.absurd(01-12,02-6,05-12) 13.coincide(03-12,03-9,05-6) 14.impose(03-12,04-12,05-12) 考过两次的 1.anticipate(99-12,03-12) 2.feasible(99-12,03-12) 3.respectable(99-12,00-12)

4.revenge(99-12,03-12) 5.haul(99-12,03-12) 6.negligible(99-12,03-6) 7.ambitious(99-12,00-12) 8.trivial(99-12,03-6) 9.intuition(99-12,04-12) 10.facet(99-12,03-12) 11.threshold(99-12,03-6) 12.decent(99-12,05-12) 13.extinct(99-12,00-12) 14.indignant(00-6,01-12) 15.eternal(00-6,03-12) 16.simultaneously(00-6,05-6) 17.expenditure(00-6,04-12) 18.deprive(00-6,00-12) 19.provoke(00-6,01-12) 20.jeopardize(00-6,04-6) https://www.360docs.net/doc/cc904535.html,pensate(00-6,04-6) 22.illusion(00-12,02-6) 23.obedient(00-12,03-12) 24.increasingly(00-12,01-6) 25.gloomy(00-12,05-6) 26.enhance(00-12,03-12) 27.defy(00-12,05-12) 28.collide(00-12,03-12) 29.recession(01-6,05-12) 30.analogy(01-6,05-12) 31.enrol(01-6,01-12) 32.immerse(01-6,05-6)


be able to[] abound in[] be about to[] above all[] by accident[] 按照,根据 according as[] according to[] account for[] on account of[] on no account[]事) 开始了解 act for[]代理 act on[]按照… act out[]演出 take action[] 讼 adapt to[]适应 add up[] add up to[] in addition[] in addition to[] adhere to[] 某事 admit of[] admit to[]承认 涨中 in advance[] in advance of[]过 take 利用 不管怎样,反正 不管怎样 再 再;较多些 …以外任何事(物) 除…之外(别无) (或要求等) …应用于 致力于 赞成,满意 手挽手地 在备战状态中 起来进行武装斗争 (某地) (说来) …一样 不如…那样 …而论,据… …方面说 几乎(实际)已经 只要 除…之外)也,既… 还是…的好 美)除…以外 (做某事) 帮助某人做 of sth.[]使(某人)确 依附;参加党 附属于;喜爱; 认为重要 (理想的状态) 照顾,侍候 注意;重视 1 / 19

be attentive to[] on an average[]说来 be aware of[] 识到 right away[] 往返 back away[] back of[]在… get back at[] go back on[] go back to[] back up[] 平衡 心慌意乱 off balance[] on balance[] based on[]以… bear away[] bear on[]对… bear out[] bear with[] beat down[] beat off[] begin with[]以 to begin with[] on behalf of[] believe in[] make believe[] for the best[]( at best[] best of all[]最( at one‘s best[] do one‘s best[] get the best of[] had best[] make the best 间等) 带回来,使恢复 降低(温度等);使倒 提出(建议等);显 (庄稼等);生产 …显示出来;公布 救活(病人) 使…团结起来 (供讨论) 走在最后面 扫除(障碍等),无 逐步建立;增大 烧尽,筋疲力尽 )烧旺起来 突然笑起来 突然笑起来 因事,因公 是当真的 忙于… 扣,扣紧钮扣 )急忙离去 不久以后,将来 总的来说,大体上 单独;独自,自行 …的后面叫喊 收回(错话等) (某物) (服役),动员 不得不,不会不 不得不;忍不住 不得不(接动词 越…越好 of[]有做出(某事)倾 2 / 19


大学英语六级翻译高频词汇词组知识点整理缓和悲伤to ease (alleviate) the sorrow 承受负担to bear the responsibility 考虑到to make allowance for 把握机会to seize the opportunity 跑腿to run an errand 树立楷模to set a good example 接受教育to receive education 提升生活的水平to raise the standard of living 告辞to take one's leave 有很深的了解to have a deep understanding of 跟随流行to follow the fashion 提钱to withdraw money 存钱to deposit money 良心不安the conscience stirs 自立to be independent; to stand on one's own 英文很好to have a good command of English 有广泛的知识to have a wide range of knowledge 喜爱艺术to have a great liking for arts 扮演重要角色to play an important role in 聊天to have a chat with 有……才能to have a talent for 选择to make a choice 有很大的影响to have a great influence on 予人……很深的印象to make a deep impression on


大学六级必背词组 be able to[]能,会 abound in[]盛产,富于,充满 be about to[]即将(做) above all[]首先,首要,尤其是 be absorbed in[]专心致力于… be abundant in[]…富于,…丰富 by accident[]偶然 in accordance with[]与…一致;按照,根据 according as[]根据…而… according to[]根据…所说;按照 account for[]说明(原因等);解释 on account of[]因为,由于 on no account[]决不 take into account[]考虑;重视 accuse sb. of sth.[]控告(某人某事) be accustomed to[]习惯于 be acquainted with[]开始认识;开始了解 act for[]代理 act on[]按照…而行动 act out[]演出 bring into action[]使行动起来 put out of action[]使失去效用 take action[]采取行动;提出诉讼 adapt to[]适应 add up[]加算,合计 add up to[]合计达,总计是 in addition[]另外 in addition to[]除…之外(还有) be adequate for[]适合 adhere to[]粘附在…上;坚持 admire to do sth.[](美口)很想做某事 admit of[]容许有,有…余地 admit to[]承认 be on the advance[](物价)在上涨中 in advance[]在前面;预先 in advance of[]在…的前面;超过 take advantage of[]趁…之机,利用 advertise for[]登广告征求(寻找)某物 affect to[]假装 afford to[](买)得起(某物) for ages[]长期 agree on[]同意,赞成 agree to[]同意,商定 agree with[]同意,与…取得一致 ahead of[]在…前面,先于;胜 过 get ahead[]进步,获得成功 go ahead[]前进;干吧 aim for[]力争…,针对 by air[]通过航空途径 in the air[]在空中;未定 be alike to[]与…相同,与…相似 after all[]毕竟,终究;虽然这样 all along[]始终,一直,一贯 all but[]几乎,差一点 all in all[]总的说来;头等重要的 all out[]竭尽全力 all over[]到处,遍及;全部结束 all right[]行,可以;顺利;确实 at all[]完全,根本;到底 in all[]总共,共计 not at all[]根本不;一点也不 allow for[]考虑到,估计到;体 谅 allow of[]容许(有…),容得 leave alone[]听其自然,不要去 管 along with[]同…一道(一起) amount to[]总共达到;实际上是 feel amused at[]以…自娱,逗… 笑 and all that[]诸如此类 and so forth[]等等,如此等等 and that[]而且 and what not[]诸如此类,等等 and then[]于是,然后 one after another[]一个接一个 地,依次地 one another[]互相地 answer sb. back[](与某人)顶 嘴,回嘴 answer for[]对…负责;符合… answer up[]应对迅速 at any rate[]不管怎样,反正 if any[]若有的话 in any case[]不管怎样 any longer[]再 any more[]再;较多些 anything but[]除…以外任何事(物) apart from[]除…之外(别无) appeal to[]上诉 apply for[]提出申请(或要求等) apply...to[]把…应用于 apply oneself to[]致力于 approve of[]赞成,满意 arm in arm[]手挽手地 under arms[]在备战状态中 up in arms[]起来进行武装斗争 arrive at[]到达(某地) as a rule[]通常,一般(说来) as...as...[]象,如同,与…一样 not as...as...[]不如…那样 as for as[]就…而论,据… as for[]至于,就…方面说 as good as[]几乎(实际)已经 as if[]好象,仿佛 as long as[]只要 as to[]至于,关于 as well[]也,又 as well as[](除…之外)也,既… 又 may as well[]还是…的好 aside from[](美)除…以外 ask after[]询问,问候 ask for[]请求,要求,寻求 assist in[]帮助(做某事) assist sb. with sth.[]帮助某人做 某事 assure sb. of sth.[]使(某人)确 信(某事) attach to[]使属于,使参加 attach oneself to[]依附;参加党 派 be attached to[]附属于;喜爱; 爱慕 attach importance to[]认为重要 attain to[]达到(理想的状态) attend on[]照顾,侍候 attend to[]专心;照顾,护理 pay attention to[]注意;重视 be attentive to[]对…关怀 be available for[]有效 on an average[]平均起来,一般 1


英语六级考试听力高频词汇 以下30个词汇都是我的老师精心整理出来的,都是常出现于大学英语六级考试听力题里的高频词汇,希望能对大家的英语学习有所帮助,谢谢大家的支持,希望大家多多提出宝贵意见,以便于我们一起更好的交流与进步。 以下单词均有多种含义,给出的只是最为常见的,未做标注的即为依具体语境而定。 〔.schedule 时间表 2. skip 跳,略过 3. make sen se 讲得通,有意义 4. fall shorts of on e's expectation 出乎某人的意料 5. cater to 迎合,款待 6. supervisor 监督者,管理者 7. speak highly of 评价高

8. a millio n thi ngs to do 许多事情要做 9. discou nt 折扣 10. co undn't have played worse/could n't agree more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了 11.1 un dersta nd the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12. go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出 来 13. distractio ns 分心 14.1 wish I could help 但愿我能帮助 15. submit 屈从,忍受 16. staff/stuff n.全体职员vt.为…配备人员/材料 17. register 登记,注册 18. deadli ne 最后期限 19. be nefit 受益

20. Are you kiddi ng 你在开玩笑吗 21. credit 信用,信誉 22.otherwise 否则 23. budget your money 预算开支 24. put in(a lot hours) 花费,支出 25.it's up to you 取决于你,由你决定 26. deserve(ho nor) 应受,应得,值得 27. ma intenance man 维修工 28. stack of papers 很多文件 29.out of the way(remote) 30.do with/do without abno rmal a. 异常的,反常的 abolish vt.废止 absurd a.荒唐


大学英语六级常用词组 abide by 遵守(法律等);信守 above-mentioned 上述的 access to 接近;通向…的入口 account for 占;打死,打落(敌机) abstain from 戒除,弃权,避开 put on an act 装模作样 be addicted to 沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾adjacent to 与…毗连的 admit to 让…享有 make advances 取得进步;接近;预付agree about 对…有相同的看法 agree on 就…达成协议决定 agree with 与…相一致;适合 leave in the air 搁置,使悬而未决 be alive to 对…敏感,觉察,关心 for all that 尽管,虽然 on the analogy of 根据…类推 make an appeal to sb. 向某人提出呼吁;上诉apply one's mind to 专心于… apply to 向…申请或要求 approach to 接近;约等于 on the average 平均起来,一般说来 back down 放弃,让步,退却 back out of 收回(诺言等) on the basis of 在…的基础上 bear down 压倒,击败,克服 bear down on 冲向;对…施加压力 bear off 赢得;使离开;驶离 bear up 支持,拥护;打起精神 be beneficial to 有利于,有益于 be better off 境况富裕;更富有 be to blame for 对…应负责任 be blind to 不了解,对…是盲目的 turn a blind eye to 对…装作不见 blow over 被淡忘 blow up 发脾气;放大(照片等) make hold to 冒昧地…擅自(做)… bomb out 把(地方等)炸毁 be bound for 准备到…去;开往 by leaps and bounds 飞速地,突飞猛进地know no bounds 无限,极为 with in the bounds of 在…范围内 break in on 打扰;打断 break out into 长出(嫩芽等);迸发出break up 分裂,分解;解散 hold one's breath (由于激动等原因)屏息lose one's breath 喘不过气来,呼吸困难bring forth 使产生;生(孩子) bring forward 使涌现出 bring...into contact 使…和…接触 bring off 救出;成功地做某事 bring on 引导,导致;使发展 bring over 把…带来;使某人转变bring under 镇压;压制;使就范brush off 刷去;掸去;拂去 brush up 擦亮;重新学习;复习 burn down 把…夷为平地 burn oneself out (因过劳而)筋疲力尽burst into 闯入;突然发作 burst up 爆炸;失败;突然发怒 burst upon 突然来到 buy out 出钱使(某人)放弃地位 buy up 全买;尽可能买进 call at 作短暂访问;停(泊) call down 祈求到;招来 the roll call 点名 call...to account 责问,要求…说明理由calm down 平静下来;镇定下来 can do with 满足于;希望得到 cap in hand 恭敬地,谦恭地 be careful of 当心…对…仔细 be careful with 照顾;对…过细地 carry away 运走,使失去自制力 carry forward 推进,发扬 carry into effect 实行,实现,实施catch at 想抓住;立即接受 catch up 赶上;打断…的话 be cautious of 留心…,谨防… stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望in charge 主管;在…掌管之下 in full charge 负全责;勇猛向前 be charitable to 对…慈善 check over 检查;调查 check with 与…相符合


英语作文连词经典汇总 (一)段落开头常用词语 As far as... is concerned 就……而言,就……而论 As the proverb goes 有句谚语说道…… What calls for special attention is that... 值得引起特别注意的是……(二)表示举例常用词语 for instance 例如 for example 例如 An interesting example is that... 一个有趣的例子是…… As is shown by the case of... 正如同……的例子说明,…… (三)表对比和转折 conversely 相反的是 on the contrary 恰恰相反 similarly 与之相似地,…… whereas... 可是…… (四)表因果 Consequently,... 所以,……结果,…… Owing to... 因为…… Thanks to... 因为……多亏 Therefore,... 所以 lead to 导致 lie in 在于 (五)表递进和补充 furthermore 还有in addition 另外 what's more 另外 (六)表强调 more importantly,更重要的是undoubtedly 毫无疑问 (七)表结论 To make (cut) a long story short,... 简而言之 Therefore,we have every reason to believe that... 所以我们有理由相信… To sum up,... 总之 To summarize 总之


六级英语作文常用短语 Prepared on 22 November 2020

六级英语作文常用短语(上) economy and reform经济与改革 gnp (gross national product)国民生产总值 per capita人均 give incentive to鼓励 improve economic environment改善经济环境 rectify economic order整顿经济秩序 control inflation控制通货膨胀 invigorate enterprises搞活企业 poor management/poorly managed管理不善 primary/secondary/tertiary industry第一/第二/第三产业 foreign funded enterprises外资企业 joint venture合资企业 wholly foreign owned funded enterprises独自企业 living standard生活水平 industry 工业 fixed assets固定资产 sino-foreign joint venture中外合资企业 autonomy in operation经营自主 deficit亏空,赤字 economic strength经济实力 total industrial and agricultural output value工农业总产值 national economic system国民经济体系 to work for more and better economic result提高经济效益 national revenue国民收入 consumption level消费水平 foreign trade and special economic zones对外贸易和经济特区 interior areas内地 trading partner贸易伙伴 corporate income tax企业所得税 export/import duty出口/进口关税 to coordinate the development协调发展 to be approved by the state国家批准 balance of payment收支平衡 transnational corporation跨国公司 economic and technological development zone经济技术开发区 utilize foreign investment利用外资 direct foreign investment国外直接投资 to improve investment environment改善投资环境 technology and knowledge intensive project技术密集,知识密集型项目 favorable/unfavorable trade balance 顺差/逆差 education教育


㈠比较 1.The advantages far outweigh(比…重要) the disadvantages. 2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. 3.A may be preferable(更可取的) to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... 4.It is reasonable to maintain that …but it would be foolish to claim that … 5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. 6.A and B has several points in common. 7.A bears some resemblances to B. 8.However, the same is not applicable to B. 9.The same is true of B. 10.Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks. ㈡原因 1.A number of factors are accountable/responsible for this situation. 2.The answer to this problem involves many factors. 3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that... 4. We may blame.. ,but the real causes are... 5. Part of the explanations for it is that ... 6.Another contributing factor (cause) is ... 7.We have good reasons to believe that… ㈢措施 1.Overcome/conquer the difficulties 2.Do our utmost(极限) in doing… 3.Take measures/steps/action/approach ㈣变化 1.A great change will certainly be produced. 2….bring about many changes. ㈤事实、现状 1.We can’t ignore the fact that… 2.No one can deny the fact that… 3.There is no denying that… ㈥后果 1. It may give rise to/trigger a host of problems. 2. The immediate result it produces is ... 3. It will exercise a profound influence upon... 4. Its consequence can be so great that... ㈦批驳 1.It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.(遗漏省略) 2.There is a grain of(一些) truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact. 3.Some people say ..., but it does not hold water(说得通,站得住脚). 4.Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ... 5.Such statements mainly rest/rely on the assumption that ...


英语六级常用词组集锦 A: account for 说明……原因(用途等),占(比重) adequate for 胜任……的adhere to 坚持,粘粘after all 毕竟 ahead of 在……之前along with 与……一起 as usual 与往常一样,如常at a loss 茫然不知所措 at ease 舒适地,自由自在地at hand 在手中,在眼前,即将来临 at random 随机地,任意地at the risk of 冒……危险B: bear upon* 向……施加压力because of 由于 break away 摆脱……逃跑(from) break down (机器)坏掉,(健康)垮掉,分解 break through 突破,突围break in 强行闯入,插嘴,打断break into 强行闯入break off 突然停止(讲话等),暂停工作,结束 break out 爆发,发生break up* 打碎,折散,终止,结束 bring on 引起,导致bring over* 使(在思想,信仰等方面)转变by accident 偶然地,意外地by all accounts* 根据大家所说 by all means 想尽一切办法,千万要,务必by any means* 无论如何 by means of 通过,凭借by no means* 决不 by oneself 单独地,独自地by rights* 按理说,正当地 by virtue of * 通过 C:

care about 计较care for 关心,喜欢 in care of* 由……转交carry off * 夺去(生命),夺得(奖牌) cast light upon* 使人们明白,使真相大白catch on 理解,受欢迎 catch up 赶上(with),把……卷入cling to* 坚持,依附,粘者coincide with 与……相符come off* 发生,举得,成功,脱落come out 出现,出版,发表,结果是come round* 苏醒,复员,顺便拜访come through 经历……仍活着,脱险come up to 达到,符合 come up with 赶上,提出consist in 在于 contrary to 与……相反cope with 处理 count on 依靠,指望cut sb. short 打断某人 D: deficient in* 缺乏depend on 依靠,指望devote to 致力于do away with * 去掉,废除drive up * 抬高 E: engage in 忙于,从事excuse sb from * 同意某人不做……(此处excuse 指:为……免去) F: face up to 勇敢面对fall into 落入,陷入,分成 familiar to 对……是熟悉的fill in 填写,临时代替 fill up 填补,装满for all * 尽管 for the purpose of 为了for the sake 为了……,看在……份上from all accounts 根据大家所说(by all accounts)


2017大学英语六级历年真题常考词组 一 ? 1.Above all:最重要的是,most important of all Above all, they’ll have to discover how much nitrogen it possesses since nitrogen is4/5 of the air breathe.(2002-1) 2.Account for:解释。说明 How do you account for the truth? 3.After all:终究,毕竟 We won’t be laid off after all.(1998-1) 4.Air /car crash:空难,车祸 5.Allergic to:过敏 I’m allergic to beef and mutton. 6.Appeal to:吸引,呼吁。 Could you tell me which position you think most appeals to you?(2002-6) 7.Apply for/to, application letter 申请,求职信 8.At ease:安逸,自由自在 I don’t know why he is ill at ease?心神不宁 9.Back up:支持,援助。 10.Beat the crowd :避开人群,避开高峰 The only to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Sunday is to be here when they open at 9 sharp.(1990-6)


英语六级写作常用词的高级词汇替换 一:许多 一提到“许多”,无数童鞋的脑海中第一时间浮现了一个词:"many",于是,阅卷老师心中可能如千万只神兽奔腾而过,初中词汇拿来糊弄我! 所以,为了避免阅卷老师的愤怒,我们可以用以下的词汇替换。 替换词NO.1:numerous 栗子:Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine. 科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。 替换词NO.2:a host of 栗子:The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles. 新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。 替换词NO.3:a multitude of 栗子:There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along. 有很多可以骑车的宁静小路。

二:不同的 提到“不同的”,别跟小编说你没想到"different"一词。。。这个词无形中把你的词汇量拉低,可能让阅卷老师暗中发出“英语(精品课)智障”的感叹。 所以为了减少阅卷老师对你智商的无限怀疑,请看下列几个替换词。 替换词NO.1:various 栗子:They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups. 他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作。 替换词NO.2:a variety of 栗子:West Hampstead has a variety of good shops and supermarkets. 西汉普斯特德有各种各样不错的店铺和超级市场。 替换词NO.3:diverse 栗子:people from diverse cultures 不同文化背景的人 三:普遍的


英语四六级翻译高频词汇 1. theory [. θi.ri]n. 理论,原理;学说;意见,看法 2. supposed [s..p.uzd]a. 想象的;假定的 3. promote [pr..m.ut]vt. 促进,增进,发扬;提升;宣传,推销 4. abandon [..b.nd.n]vt. 离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃 5. comparison [k.m.p.ris.n]n. 比较,对照;比拟,比喻 6.instinctively [in.sti.ktivli]ad. 本能地 7. passionate [.p...nit]a. 多情的;充满激情的;热切的,强烈的 8. creative [kri:.eitiv]a. 创造(性)的,有创造力的 9. appetitive adj. 食欲的, 有食欲的; 促进食欲的 10. confront [k.n.fr.nt]vt. 遭遇;勇敢地面对,正视;使对质 11. secure [si.kju.]a. 安全的;牢固的vt.得到;保卫;缚牢 12. combination [.k.mbi.nei..n]n. 结合(体),联合(体),化合 13. application [..pli.kei.(.)n]n. 申请(表,书);应用;敷用 14. demonstrate [.dem.nstreit]vt. 论证;说明;显示vi.示威游行(或集会) 15. confess [k.n.fes]v. 坦白,供认;承认 16. neglect [ni.glekt]vt. 忽视,忽略;疏忽,玩忽n.疏忽,玩忽 17. addicted [..diktid] 沉迷的 18. quarrel [.kw.r.l]n. 争吵;失和的原因vi. 争吵;反对,挑剔 19.indulge [in.d.ld.]vt. 沉溺(于);纵容,迁就,肆意从事 21.interfere [.int..fi.]vi.(with ,in)干涉,介入;妨碍,干 扰
