

高级英语(二) 期末考试复习资料

Unit 1 Pub Talk and the King's English


1. And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.

2. Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.

3. In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.

4. People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other's lives.

5. The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.

6. These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields; but when we sit down at the table to eat, we call their meat beef.

7. The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the、 rulers.

8. The English language received proper recognition and was used by the King once more.

9. The phrase, the King’s English, has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes. The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.

10. There still exists in the working people, as in the early Saxon peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.

11. There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent. For example, the word “dog” is a symbol representing a kind of animal. We mustn’t regard the word “dog” as being the animal itself.

Ⅱ . Translation

1. 动物之间的信息交流,不论其方式何等复杂,也是称不上交谈的。

2. 闲聊中常常会有争论,不过其目的并不是为了说服对方。闲聊之中是不存在什么输赢胜负的。

3. 或许是由于我从小混迹于英国小酒馆的缘故吧,我觉得酒吧里的闲聊别有韵味。

4. 我记不起她那句话是在什么情况下说出来的--她显然不是预先想好把那句话带到酒馆里来说的,那也不是什么非说不可的要紧话--我只知道她那句话是随着大伙儿的话题十分自然地脱口而出的。

5. 每当上流社会想给“规范英语”制订一些条条框框时,总会遭到下层人民的抵制。

6. 词语本身并不是现实,它不过是用以表达现实的一种形式而已。标准英语就像诺曼底人的盎格鲁法语一样,也是一个阶级用来表达现实的一种形式。

7. 让人们学着去讲也许不错,但既不应当把它作为法令,也不应当使它完全不接受来自下层的改变。

8. 要是有谁闲聊时也像做文章一样句逗分明,或者像写一篇要发表的散文一样咬文嚼字的话,那他讲起话来就一定会极为倒人胃口。

9. 看到 E?M?福斯特笔下写出“当今这个时代的阴森可怖的长廊”时,其用语之生动及由其所产生的生动有力、甚至可怖的形象令我们拍案叫绝。

10. 那天晚上,如果我们当场弄清了“标准英语”的意义,也就不可能再有那一场交谈论辩。

Unit2 Marrakech


1.The buying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland

of mounds of earth, looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on which a building was going to be put up.

2.All the colonialists build up their empires by not treating the

people in the colonies as human beings.

3.They are born, and they work very hard and starve for a few years.

Finally, they die and are buried in graves without a name.

4.Sitting with his legs crossed and using very old-fashioned lathe,

a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is


5.Immediately, from their dark hole-like cells everywhere, a great

number of Jews, many of whom were old grandfathers with flowing grey beards, rushed out wildly excited, all loudly demanding a cigarette.

6.…everyone of those poor Jews regards cigarette as a piece of luxury

which they could not possibly afford.

7.However, white-skinned people are always quite noticeable.

8.If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you

see everything but human beings.

9.No one could think of organizing cheap trips to visit the poor slum

areas(for these trips would not be interesting.)

10.One could probably live there for years without noticing the fact

that the life is very hard for ninety percent of the people, and they can produce a little food on the poor soil only with very hard and tiring work.

11.She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in

the community, and that she was only fit for doing heavy work like animals.

12.People with brown skins almost cannot be seen.

13.The Senegalese soldiers were wearing second-hand ready-made khaki

uniforms which hid their beautiful, well-built bodies.

14.How long before they turn their guns around and attack the

colonialist rulers?

15.Every white man there had this thought hidden somewhere or other

in his mind.


















Unit 3 Inaugural Address

Ⅰ . Paraphrase

1. Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been decided in many countries around the world.

2. This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.

3. United and working together we can accomplish a lot of things in a great number of joint undertakings.

4. The United Nations is our last and best hope of survival in an age where the instruments of war have far surpassed the instruments of peace.

5. We pledge to help the United Nations enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force.

6. Before the terrible forces of destruction, which science can now release, overwhelm mankind; before this self-destruction, which may be planned or brought about by an accident, takes place

7. Yet both groups of nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power which restrains each group from launching mankind's final war.

8. So let us start once again (to discuss and negotiate) and let us remember that being polite is not a sign of weakness.

9. Let both sides try to call forth the wonderful things that science can do for mankind instead of the frightful things it can do.

10. Americans of every generation have been called upon to prove their loyalty to their country (by fighting and dying for their country's cause).

11. Let us led the country we love, knowing our sure reward will be a good conscience and history will finally judge whether we have done our task well or not.

Ⅱ . Translation

1. 我们今天举行的不是一个政党的祝捷大会,而是一次自由的庆典。这是一个承先启后、继往开来的大事件。

2. 此时此地我谨向我们的朋友,同时也向我们的敌人宣告: 火炬已传到我们新一代美国人手中。这一代人在本世纪成长起来,经受过战火的锻炼,经历过冷峻的和平的考验,以珍视古老的传统而自豪,又决不愿坐视或容许人权逐渐遭到践踏。美国对这些人权一向负有责任,今天我们也正在本国及全世界范围内为之奋斗。

3. 必须让每一个友邦和敌国都知道: 为维护自由,使其长存不灭,我们将会不惜付出任何代价,肩负任何重担,迎战一切困难,援助一切朋友,反击一切敌人。

4. 只要我们团结起来,我们在许多合作性事业中就会无往而不胜。

5. 而一旦彼此分裂,我们就会无所作为。因为我们之间若起争端,彼此离异,便难以与我们面临的强大对手抗衡。

6. 一个自由社会如若不能帮助众多的穷人,也就无法保全少数的富人。

7. 我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。因为只有当我们有了无可置疑的足够的武力时,我们才能有无可置疑的把握避免使用武力。

8. 同胞们,我们事业的成败关键不仅仅是握在我的手中,更大一部分是握在


9. 如今那号角又在召唤我们了。它不是在号召我们扛起武器一一尽管我们也需要武器,不是在号召我们去参战--尽管我们也准备应战,而是在号召我们肩负起一场长期的艰苦斗争的重任,年复一年,“忍受困苦,向往未来”,为反对人类共同的敌人--暴政、贫困、疾病以及战争本身--而斗争。

10. 良心是我们唯一可靠的报酬,历史是我们所作所为的最后裁判。让我们迈步向前,去领导我们所热爱的国家吧,我们祈求上帝的保佑和帮助,但我们知道,上帝在人间的工作就是我们自己的工作。

Unit 4 Love is a Fallacy

Ⅰ . Paraphrase

1. He is a nice enough young fellow, you know, but he is empty-headed.

2. A passing fashion or craze, in my opinion, shows a complete lack of reason.

3. I should have known that raccoon coats would come back to fashion when the Charleston dance, which was popular in the 1920s, came back.

4. All the important and fashionable men on campus are wearing them. How come you don't know?

5. My brain, which is a precision instrument, began to work at high speed.

6. Except for one thing (intelligence) Polly had all the other requirements.

7. She was not as beautiful as those girls in posters but I felt sure she would become beautiful enough after some time.

8. In fact, she went in the opposite direction, that is, she was not intelligent but rather stupid.

9. If you were no longer involved with her, others would be free to compete to get her as a girlfriend.

10. His head turned back and forth (looking at the coat and then looking away from the coat). Every time he looked his desire for the coat grew stronger and his resolution not to abandon Polly became weaker.

11. To teach her to think seemed to be a rather big task.

12. One must admit the outcome did not look very hopeful, but I decided to try one more time.

13. There is a limit to what any human being can bear.

14. I planned to be Pygmalion, to fashion an ideal wife for myself, but

I turned out to be Frankenstein because Polly ultimately rejected me and ruined my plan.

15. Desperately I tried to stop the feeling of panic which was overwhelming me.

Ⅱ . Translation

1. 我的大脑像发电机一样发达,像化学家的天平一样精确,像手术刀一样锋利。

2. 见到一种新鲜的东西就跟着学,以为别人都在那么干,自己也就卷进去傻干--这在我看来,简直愚蠢至极。

3. 我要特别说明的是,我想得到这妙龄少女并不是由于感情的驱使。

4. 使一个漂亮的笨姑娘变得聪明比使一个聪明的丑姑娘变得漂亮毕竟要容易些。

5. 他神情不安,用面包店窗前的流浪儿那种馋涎欲滴的神情望着那件皮大衣,接着扭过头去,坚定地咬紧牙关。

6. 说不定她头脑里的死火山口中的什么地方,还有些火星会喷射出来呢。

7. 毕竟,外科医生在做手术时可以看 X 光片,律师在审案时可以看案由,木匠在造房子时可以看蓝图。

8. 如果居里夫人不是碰巧把一张照相底片放在装有一块沥清铀矿石的抽屉里,那么世人今天就不会知道镭。

9. 突然,一道智慧的光芒--这是我从未看到过的一一闪现在她的眼中。

10. 看到波利并不那么傻,我的劲头上来了。于是,我便开始把对她讲过的一切,长时间地、耐心地复习了一遍。

Unit 5 The Sad Young Men

Ⅰ . Paraphrase

1. At the very mention of this post-war period, middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly.

2. In any case, an American could not avoid casting aside its middle-class

商务英语翻译复习题 英汉段落翻译

Passage 1 This trend is likely to persist, in part because it isn’t just wealth that’s moving from West to East. Each time manufacturing and services are outsourced to Asia, knowledge, technology and skills are also transferred. Professor Richard Smalley, a Nobel-Prize-winning chemist at RiceUniversity, estimated that by 2010, 90% of all Ph,Ds in physical science and engineering may be living in Asia. With economic prowess comes geopolitical power. For many countries, exports to China have replaced exports to the U.S. as engines of growth—one reason why a long-time U.S. ally likeSouth Korea is cozying up to China. Moreover, China’s appetite for raw materials is shifting political power from industrialized countries to resource-rich ones. 这一趋势很可能会持续下去,部分原因是它不仅仅是财富的由西向东流动。每次生产和服务外包到亚洲的时候,知识,工艺和技能都会随之得到转移。莱斯大学的化学家,诺贝尔奖获得者,理查德·斯麦利估计到2010年,90%的物理学和工程学可能都住在亚洲。随着经济威力的出现,地理政治力量也出现了。对于许多国家来说,对中国的出口已经取代了对美国的出口,成为其增长发动机—这也是一些美国的长期同盟国,如韩国,开始奉承中国的原因。而且,中国对原料的需求正在将政治力量从工业化国家像资源丰富的国家转移。 Passage 2 There is no 1 best corporate culture. An optimal culture is one that best supports the mission and strategy of the company of which it is a part. This means that, like structure and staffing, corporate culture should support the strategy. Unless strategy is in complete agreement with the culture, any significant change in strategy should be followed by a modification of the organization’s culture. Although corporate culture can be changed, it may often take a long time and it requires much effort. A key job of management involves managing corporate culture. In doing so, management must evaluate what a particular change in strategy means to the corporate culture, assess if a change in culture is needed, and decide if an attempt to change the culture is worth the likely costs. 最好的企业文化是不存在的。一个理想的文化对所在公司的任务和策略能够给予最好的支持。也就是说,企业文化像公司的组织机构和职员一样能支撑其策略的实施。除非策略与文化达到完全统一,否则在策略上所做的任何重大改变都会导致组织文化的变化。虽然企业文化可以改变,但这可能需要很长的时间,也要花费大量的精力。管理的一个重要工作就是管理企业文化。这就是说要评价一个特定的策略改变对企业文化意味着什么,评估文化是否也需要改变,并且决定是否值得做这样的改变。 Passage 3 Many investment managers devote their time and energy to seeking out profitable investments from which they hope to earn more than the equity premium return offered by the overall market. They operate on the belief that they know more than the sellers from whom they buy—and therefore will be able to buy low. Or when they are selling, they will know more than the buyers to whom they sell—and therefore will be able to sell high. This may have been realistic for numerous investors many years ago, but it is a more questionable strategy in today’s market where the prices of stocks are set by the trading of sophisticated, informed, professional investors managing the funds of large institutions. 许多投资经理人将自己的时间和经理投入与寻求有利可图的投资,从中他们希望获得比整个市场提供的股权溢价回收更多的利润。他们相信自己比那些向他们卖出东西的卖方了解更多,因而他们可以低价购进。或者,当他们在卖东西的时候,他们会比买方了解得



商务英语翻译试题(二) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) promote A. to encourage the popularity, sale or development B. to change or vary C. to act as judge in an argument D. to speak or write to someone (2) to address A. to speak or write to someone, or to direct information at someone. B. to offer, supply C. to stipulate D. to come up with ideas (3) to indemnify A. to pay for the damage B. to state something officially C. to suggest an idea D. to use something instead of another (4) to cancel an order A. to confirm an order B. to deliver a letter C. to recommend a candidate D. to make void or of no effect (5) ceiling A. upper limit B. cancellation C. bottom D. the lowest point (6) tide over A. to help sb. during a period of difficulty B. to spend a lot of time doing C. to tie to sth. D. to try one’s best (7) carry out A. to take away B. to perform or complete C. to give or offer something D. to suggest an idea (8) to complicate A. to finish something B. to be dissatisfied with something C. to make something more difficult to deal with D. to compare with something (9) to put on an event A. to come up with ideas B. to come on for sth. 2


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


商务英语翻译课程教学大纲 课程编码:课程性质:专业方向课 课时: 36(20+16)学分:2 开课学期:第5学期先修课程:基础英语 适用专业:商务英语专业 课程简介: 《商务英语翻译》课程是为培养“英语+专业”的应用型涉外人才而设置,从英汉两种语言在表达上的差异入手,旨在通过向学生传授基本的翻译理论和技巧,并结合大量的实践训练,培养学生的翻译能力,从而提高其英语综合运用能力,并使学生能够胜任国际贸易中出现的各类实用文体以及简单的文字翻译工作。 一、课程教学目标 本课程以培养学生的翻译能力为目标,旨在使商务英语专业学生掌握和运用一些基本的翻译理论;能够在一些参考书的辅助下,熟练翻译名片、商标、标识、公司简介、产品说明、广告等商务英语方面的资料;能够掌握常见的组织机构的翻译方式;能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练翻译各类公关文稿;能够正确翻译商务信函和单证材料;能够正确熟练翻译各种常见商务报告,译文达意,格式恰当;能够辨识一些商务文本存在的翻译问题和错误。在大量实例训练中锻炼学生在商务语境下有效进行英汉、汉英互译、正确传达信息、顺畅开展交流的能力。 二、课程重点、难点 该课程教学重点是英语商务文本汉译的基本知识、理论和方法,难点是专业外贸知识及专业术语;跨文化交际理论与实践 三、整体课时分配

四、课程内容安排 (一)Unit1 Business Cards 主要内容:英汉名片的互译、设计和正确运用中英文商务名片、商务英语翻译中遵循正确的翻译原则 教学要求:帮助学生初步了解商务名片的互译特点与原则 其它教学环节:案例教学 (二)Unit 2 Signs 主要内容:商务环境中的常见中英文标识、中英文标识的语言特点及其常见翻译技巧 教学要求:帮助学生了解商务环境中的常见中英文标识,掌握常见翻译技巧 重点、难点:商务环境中的直译法和意译法 其它教学环节:情景教学 (三)Unit 3 Trademarks 主要内容:识别中英文商标、商标的翻译、转译法 教学要求:帮助学生了解中英文商标的翻译 重点、难点:商标翻译中的转译法 其它教学环节:案例教学 (四)Unit 4 Organizations 主要内容:识别组织机构名称、外来词翻译法 教学要求:帮助学生了解商务环境下常见的组织机构名称与外来词翻译 重点、难点:织机构名称 其它教学环节:交互教学 (五)Unit 5 Company Introductions 主要内容:公司简介翻译 教学要求:帮助学生掌握被动语态、名词从句、定语从句、状语从句和长句的拆合、转译。 重点、难点:长句的拆译,各类从句的转译 其它教学环节:案例教学 (六)Unit 6 Product Descriptions & Advertisement 主要内容:产品介绍的翻译和广告 教学要求:帮助学生掌握运用反译法进行英汉互译 重点、难点:反译法 其它教学环节:案例教学 (七)Unit 7 Business Contracts 主要内容:商务合同的翻译 教学要求:帮助学生掌握商务合同常见术语和句式、正确翻译常见合同文本、长句的处理 重点、难点:商务合同常见术语和句式 其它教学环节:案例教学 五、教材与学习资源 1. 教材: 谢金领.《世纪商务英语翻译教程》.大连理工大学出版社,2009. 2. 主要参考资料: 张新红等.《商务英语翻译》.高等教育出版社,2004.


商务英语翻译测试题及 答案 集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]

I. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meanings of words italicized.(15%) 1. The above quoted are the articles in great demand, which have won a high reputation in various markets. 2. The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended

without the agreement by the both parties. 3. However, the tariff should not be greater in amount than the margin of price caused by dumping. 4. As usual, the lion’s share of the budget is for defense. 5. He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.

II. Translate the following sentences with extension.(15%) 1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in the character of Hitler. 2.China, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is Asia’s new star performer. 3. John took to his studies eagerly, and proved an adept pupil.


商务英语翻译课程教学大纲 课程编码: 03050262406课程性质:专业方向课 课时: 36(20+16)学分:2 开课学期:第5学期先修课程:基础英语 适用专业:商务英语专业 课程简介: 《商务英语翻译》课程是为培养“英语+专业”的应用型涉外人才而设置,从英汉两种语言在表达上的差异入手,旨在通过向学生传授基本的翻译理论和技巧,并结合大量的实践训练,培养学生的翻译能力,从而提高其英语综合运用能力,并使学生能够胜任国际贸易中出现的各类实用文体以及简单的文字翻译工作。 一、课程教学目标 本课程以培养学生的翻译能力为目标,旨在使商务英语专业学生掌握和运用一些基本的翻译理论;能够在一些参考书的辅助下,熟练翻译名片、商标、标识、公司简介、产品说明、广告等商务英语方面的资料;能够掌握常见的组织机构的翻译方式;能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练翻译各类公关文稿;能够正确翻译商务信函和单证材料;能够正确熟练翻译各种常见商务报告,译文达意,格式恰当;能够辨识一些商务文本存在的翻译问题和错误。在大量实例训练中锻炼学生在商务语境下有效进行英汉、汉英互译、正确传达信息、顺畅开展交流的能力。 二、课程重点、难点 该课程教学重点是英语商务文本汉译的基本知识、理论和方法,难点是专业外贸知识及专业术语;跨文化交际理论与实践 三、整体课时分配

四、课程内容安排 (一)Unit1 Business Cards 主要内容:英汉名片的互译、设计和正确运用中英文商务名片、商务英语翻译中遵循正确的翻译原则 教学要求:帮助学生初步了解商务名片的互译特点与原则 其它教学环节:案例教学 (二)Unit 2 Signs 主要内容:商务环境中的常见中英文标识、中英文标识的语言特点及其常见翻译技巧 教学要求:帮助学生了解商务环境中的常见中英文标识,掌握常见翻译技巧 重点、难点:商务环境中的直译法和意译法 其它教学环节:情景教学 (三)Unit 3 Trademarks 主要内容:识别中英文商标、商标的翻译、转译法 教学要求:帮助学生了解中英文商标的翻译 重点、难点:商标翻译中的转译法 其它教学环节:案例教学 (四)Unit 4 Organizations 主要内容:识别组织机构名称、外来词翻译法 教学要求:帮助学生了解商务环境下常见的组织机构名称与外来词翻译 重点、难点:织机构名称 其它教学环节:交互教学 (五)Unit 5 Company Introductions 主要内容:公司简介翻译 教学要求:帮助学生掌握被动语态、名词从句、定语从句、状语从句和长句的拆合、转译。 重点、难点:长句的拆译,各类从句的转译 其它教学环节:案例教学 (六)Unit 6 Product Descriptions & Advertisement 主要内容:产品介绍的翻译和广告 教学要求:帮助学生掌握运用反译法进行英汉互译 重点、难点:反译法 其它教学环节:案例教学 (七)Unit 7 Business Contracts 主要内容:商务合同的翻译 教学要求:帮助学生掌握商务合同常见术语和句式、正确翻译常见合同文本、长句的处理


试卷号: ********学院20**学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语翻译出卷老师 ***** 试题号一二三四总分 得分 一请将下列合成词译成汉语:(1* 15=15) 1. free-spender 2. good--to—excellent care 3. office-bearer 4 . character-building 5 Bad news travels quickly. 6 knock-out system 7 marriage lines 8 nest egg 9 off-hour hobby 10 off-the-job training 11 on-the-job training 12 on-the-spot broadcasting 13 pension insurance

14 red-hot news 15 red-letter day 二下面的句子可采用增减词法来翻译,请写出具体的增词法或具体的减词法:(2*5=10)1.Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes. 2. I could knit when I was seven. 3. The day when he was born remains unknown. 4.We live and learn. 5.Once you are in , you wouldn't be allowed to get out. 三写出下列每组分别属于何种合译:(2*5=10) 1.to and from here and there off and onup and down 2.often and often by and by men and men hours and hours 3.thick and thin within and without off and on fair or foul 4.forgive and forget now or never high and dry mend or end 5.bread and butter pick and steal odds and ends house and home 四. 按要求用所学过的翻译技巧翻译下例句子:(3*5=15) 1.我没注意到这一点.(用正译法) 2.你的工作令人满意.(用反译法) 3.我们不应该听闲话.(用正译法)


Unit1 1、任何年满18岁得人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote、 2、每学期开学前,这些奖学金得申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester、 3、遵照医生得建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking、 4、公园位于县城得正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town、 5、这所大学提供了我们所需得所有材料与设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire、 1、她们花了多年得时间寻找内心得平静,但就是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success、 2、这种新药得成功研制已经使许多疾病得治疗发生了根本性得变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases、 3、由于这个国家得经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country、 4、大学毕业后她成为了一名护士。她认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college、He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career、 5、她像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it、 Unit2


《商务英语翻译》课程标准 适用专业:商务英语专业课程编码:TA0B28 开设时间:第5学期课时数:72学时 一、课程概述 本课程旨在传授翻译理论知识及实用的翻译方法和技巧,培养学生独立完成英汉翻译任务。课程是翻译理论为基础,结合实际的典型翻译例文向学生传递实用的翻译技巧,与此同时培养学生的举一反三的能力,最后通过实际的翻译任务锻炼学生的实际翻译能力。 课程设计从商务英语教学的实际需要入手,结合基本的翻译理论、方法以及实际外贸业务对英汉翻译的专业知识需要,在比较全面的介绍英汉翻译知识的同时也为学生补充了大量实际有用的专业翻译方法和技巧,使学生不仅对英汉互译有进一步的学习,同时也可以将所学翻译技巧充分运用于实际工作,从而真正做到学有所用。 坚持以高职教育培养目标为依据,遵循“结合理论联系实际,以应知、应会”的原则,以培养锻炼职业技能为重点。注重培养学生的翻译理论灵活运用能力和翻译实践能力。把实践和创新素质的培养贯穿于教学中,采用翻译任务独立完成


二、课程培养目标 1.方法能力目标 (1)熟悉英语翻译的理论知识。 (2)掌握翻译的标准和原则。 (3)熟悉各种商务文体翻译的过程。 (4)了解译者的工作原则和职业操守。 2.社会能力目标 (1)能够处理对外贸易企业的日常涉外文件翻译。 (2)能够对外贸企业各种函电进行专业翻译。 (3)能够做到对外贸易工作过程中的陪同口译。 3.专业能力目标 (1)熟练掌握词义的选择和引申、词类转译法、增词法、省词法、被动结构的译法和正反、反正的译法。

商务英语翻译复习题 句子翻译

1.First, we must examine the skills required by the person who will lead a team of individuals to carry out a carefully coordinated set of activities in an organizational setting seemingly designed expressly to prevent cooperation. 首先,我们必须检验一下这个人所需的技能,此人将领导一个由许多个体组成的团队在表面上明显是为了防止合作而设定的组织环境里去完成一组精心协调好的活动。2.Further assume that the project has some well-defined components or technologies and that the project’s output is being delivered to an arm’s-length client. 再进一步假设项目的各个组成部分和各项技术都很明确,项目的产出正被交付给近在咫尺的客户。 3.The hard part is being surrounded by the chaos of trying to run a project in the midst of a confused mass of activity representing the normal business of the organization. 项目管理难在要努力在令人心烦意乱的一大堆公司常规商务活动中管理该项目。 4.Already the biggest industrial park in the Yangtze River Delta region, it is projected to generate 250 billion yuan (US$30.8 billion) worth of GDP by 2014 with foreign and domestic investments exceeding US$100 billion. 据推测,苏州工业园区作为目前长三角地区最大的工业园区,将在2014年创造2500亿元人民币(约308亿美元)的GDP,并且国内外投资届时将超过1000亿美元。 5.As more and more people shop there, the old downtown will be free of the heavy traffic which will alleviate pressure on historic relics preservation. 随着越来越多的人过去购物,老的商业中心将摆脱交通拥挤的状况,这也将缓解历史遗迹保护工作的压力。 6.Since the late 1990s, the U.S. has been on aborrowing and spending binge, aided by low interest rates and very loose monetary policy. 20世纪90年代末以来,由于低利率和宽松的货币政策,美国一直处于借款和消费的热潮中。 7.Each time manufacturing and services are outsourced to Asia, knowledge, technology and skills are also transferred. 每次生产和服务被外包到亚洲,知识、技术和技能也同时发生了转移。 8.If you don’t have these drafted in, it becomes difficult to overlay the service contracts into the articles and obtain approval for this mechanism. 如果不将上述内容起草进公司章程,那么日后想要将这些服务合同补充进公司章程、以及为这一机制获得批准将变得非常困难。 9.Make their decision final and binding with a time limit for offers to be accepted or bettered, and a mechanism for payment and share transfer itself. 要使他们的决定是终局性和有约束力的,决定中要包含接受或修改出价的时限、以及支付和转让股份的机制。 10.Improved integration of activities across multiple companies sharing components of a supply chain is a concern of increasing interest and importance. 在多家共享供应链成分的公司中提高各环节的一体化水平,是人们日益关心、也是日渐重要的问题。 11.China’s rapid industrialization in the last decades has engendered serious problems of depletion of natural resources, degradation of major ecosystems, and pollution extending far beyond its borders. 中国过去几十年工业化的飞速发展造成自然资源耗尽、主要生态系统退化、环境污染


新视野大学英语课后习 题翻译答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释 How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.

我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们 只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her . 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没有给我打电话作任何解 释。 Mike didn’t come to the party last night , nor did he call me to give an explanation. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但绝不是什么 大作家。 The man sitting next to him did publish some novels , but he is by no means a great writer. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 He is not interested in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.


商务英语翻译试题(一(1-5)BBCCB (6-10)ABAAB 2.(1-5)CBCBD (6-10)BCABA ) Ⅰ词汇测试题:(2题,每题10分,共20分) 1.该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有英文词或词组来进行解释。请将正确的选项标出,要求英英转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。(10分) (1) to conclude A. to give one’s place to each B. to end or judge after some consideration C. to explain D. to contain (2) to enforce A. to break or act against a law B. to cause a law or rule to be obeyed C. to prevent movement from happening D. to direct something into a particular place (3) to appoint A. to take back property B. to meet someone’s needs C. to choose someone officially for a job D. to claim for something (4) to approve A. to abide by B. to comply with C. to have a positive opinion D. to come up with (5) obviate A. to violate B. to remove a difficulty, to avoid C. to allow sb to do D. to be apparent (6) to violate A. to break or act against a law, principle B. to beat or threaten someone C. to obey a law D. to cause a rule to be obeyed. (7) with respect to A. comply with B. in relation to C. conform to D. coincide with (8) to entertain a client A. to cater for B. to treat sb. at the table C. to launch a product D. to shorten a vacation


一、单项选择题 1、在21世纪的今天,国际商务活动日益频繁。这些商务活动的许多领域,如技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际金融、涉外保险,国际旅游、海外投资、国际运输等,所使用的英语统称为()。 A.商务英语B.常用英语C.日常英语D.交际英语2、1898年,清代翻译家严复在《天演论·译例言》中提出 ()的翻译标准。 A.直译B.音译C.信、达、雅D.功能对等3、综观国内外翻译家们的观点,中外翻译标准其实质上有一致性,即() A.不同小异B.信息对等C.兼顾风格D.尊重文化4、翻译是把一种语言的信息用另一种语言表达出来的过程。美国著名翻译理论家奈达将翻译过程分为()四个阶段。 ①理解②分析③转换④归类⑤重组⑥检验A.②③⑤⑥B.①②④⑤C.①④⑤⑥D.①③④⑤5、商务英语语篇指在商务活动中使用的各种正式与非正式文件,具有()的特点。 ①专业性②实用性③丰富性④多样性⑤行业性A.②④⑤B.①②④C.②③④D.①②⑤ 6、在进行商务英语翻译时要考虑语体对等、术语对等和()的翻译原则。 A.语义对等B.忠于原文C.风格相同D.灵活转换7、商务英语语句的最大特点是()和逻辑严密。A.简洁明快B.内容多样C.专业性强D.长句较多8、根据商务英语的特点,常用的翻译有如下几种:拆句法、词性转换法、肯定否定转换译法、语序重组法、以及( )。 ①添词法②增译法③省译法④语境模拟法⑤重复法

A.①②③B.①③⑤C.②③⑤D.②④⑤ 9、商务英语公文中,由于往往有明确的文件写作者和阅读者,很多句子无需说明主动者,因此()出现的频率很高。 A. 被动句 B. 无主句 C.祈使句 D. 简单句 10、祈使句是发出命令、指示、号召,表示要求、建议、忠告的句子,有独特的句式和语法功能,常省略主语,谓语动词为原形。商务英语中很少出现祈使句的()形式。 A. 分词 B.强调 C. 肯定 D. 否定 二、词汇测试题。该组有10个商务英语英文词或词组,下面均有汉语词或词组来进行解释,请将正确项选出,要求英汉转换意义准确,符合商务英语规范。 (1) to prevent A. 遵守 B. 暂缓 C. 删除 D. 阻止 (2) to benefit A . 批准于 B. 签定于 C. 投诉于 D. 得益于 (3) with reference to A. 指定 B. 参考 C. 关于 D. 遵守 (4) interest-free A. 无利率的 B. 漠不关心的 C. 不感兴趣的 D.免息的 (5) to confirm an order A. 批准一个订单 B. 草签一个订单 C. 延续一个订单 D. 终止一个订单 (6) revocation of offer A. 中止发盘 B. 撤回发盘 C. 撤销发盘 D. 发出要约 (7) to deal with complaints


Unit 1 1.从你的简历和应聘申请书来看,你对营销工作已有相当多的经验。 I see from your résumé and application that you’ve had quite a lot of experience in marketing already. 2.如果你处在我的位置,你希望你的雇员应具备哪些素质? If you were in my shoes, what sort of qualities you’d look for in your employees? 3.部门经理应该能够主动处理很多事情。 A department manager has to be able to do a lot of things on your own initiative. 4.作为秘书,我做过大量的文字工作,如拟写报告、作会议记录等,而且似乎我的记忆力比一般人强。As a secretary, I’ve had to do quite a lot of paper work, such as handling report writing, keeping minutes at meetings, and I seem to have a better memory than average. 5.从秘书的角度看,我认为和上司共享一个办公室更好,这样对她的上司不太有可能忘记告诉她一些重要的事情。 From the secretary’s point of view I think it’s better to share an office room with her boss so that there’s not much chance of her superior forgetting to let her know about important matters. 6.我工作过的那家公司是一家做营销和公共关系的公司,主要是为在中国投资的外国公司提供咨询。The company where I worked is a marketing and public relations company and they do consultant work for foreign companies investing in China. 7.我想在贵公司会有更多个人发展的机会,而且这里的工作对于我来说更具挑战性。 I feel that I would have more scope and opportunity for personal development in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me. 8.我主要的工作是协助经理安排访问、会议及介绍,并且替他处理信件。 What I basically do is to assist the manager by arranging visits, setting up meetings and presentations and to deal with his correspondence. 9.申请书和简历一样重要,因为申请书通常是申请者和雇主之间第一次直接的接触。 The application letter can be as important as the CV in that it often provides the first direct contact between an applicant and an employer. 10.有效的申请书能说明你对具体单位兴趣的原因,并且辨认出你最相关的技能或经历。 Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences. Unit2 1.本公司创建于1978年,现在已经成为我国主要的厨房用具出口商之一。 Our company, established in 1978, has now become one of the leading exporters of kitchen appliances in our country. 2.我们在国内有十家专业子公司,在国外有六家常驻办事处。我们在国内还建立了二十多家合资公司。 We have 10 specialist subsidiaries at home and 6 permanent offices abroad. We’ve also set up more than 20 joint ventures in the home market. 3.我们是多元化企业,主要是经营国际贸易、国际运输、劳务输出、房地产等。 We are a diversified company dealing mainly in international trade, international transportation, labor export, real estate and so on. 4.我们从事纺织品经营已经有30多年,并与当地纺织品大厂家及分销商保持密切的联系。 We have been handling textiles for more than 30 years and maintain close contact with large manufacturers and distributors in our area. 5.为了迅速发展,我们组成了多元化战略联盟,使我们能扩大到新的市场领域。 In order to grow rapidly, we’ve formed a diversifying strategic alliance which allows us to expand onto new market areas. 6.我们的目标主要是本地市场,但是我们也在研究进入欧洲市场的可能性。 We mainly target local markets, but we are looking at the possibility of entering the European market. 7.我们公司的领导体系是这样的:首先是合伙人;其次,直接在合伙人之下的是三位合作伙伴,也就是,最上层是两位合伙人和直接在合伙人之下的三个合作伙伴。在合作伙伴之下,我们有高级工程师、初级工程师、绘图员等,一直往下至办公室的勤杂工。 The system of command of our company is that we have the partners, and then we have three associates immediately below the partners, that is, two partners at the top and three associates directly below them. And then below the associate we have senior engineers, junior engineers, drafts-person and so on and so forth, down to the office boy. 8.我们是新成立的公司,只有大约五年的历史。公司共有四十名员工,分布在四个办事处中。 We’re a young company, only about five years old. There are only about 40 people in the company, split amongst four offices. 9. 谈到进口在中国畅销的美国产品,我们作为一家在中国的美国公司,感到比其他公司更有优势。 As an American company in China we find we have an advantage over other companies when it comes to importing American products that are marketable here in China.
