

Part 13 Job Hunting

Now you are ready to find a job. In the U.S. after graduation you are entitled to work as practical training for one year, without applying for a working visa. You should start looking for jobs half a year before graduation. It is rewarding both professionally and personally to find a good job.

Topic 89 Writing a Resume


Amy: I got my resume done.

Brian: Ready to go job hunting?

Amy: I think so. But I want you to go through my resume for me. Brian: Let me take a look.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Why do you put your age and sex on it?

Amy: Why not? We all do it in China.

Brian: Oh. This is America. If you do that, it can cause problem with age and sex discrimination.

Amy: Wow, I didn’t know that.

Brian: Take them off. They will know you are female as your first name is Amy.

Amy: Right. What else?

Brian: Write your name, address, phone number and e-mail address. Amy: I have got all those.

Brian: Then your work experience, if any.

Amy: I do have some experience.

Brian: Summarize what you have accomplished with bullets.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Use verbs to start your sentences, such as “Developed methods for process improvement”.

Amy: I should be consistent with all past tense to start my bullets. Brian: Yes, unless it’s something you’re d oing now.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Then write your education, graduation year degree, major and thesis.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Put down any awards, honors, publications and presentations. Amy: I get the idea. Thanks a lot, almost made a big mistake.

Brian: You are welcome. Call me anytime if you have questions. Amy: Okay.

New Words and Expressions:

discrimination: 歧视

bullets: 用圆点类符号排列分段major: 专业degree: 学位resume: 简历



Additional Expressions:

I see. 我明白了。I understand. 我懂了。I got it. 我知道了。So do I. 我也是。So am I. 我也一样。Yes, please. 好的,请便。Yes, of course. 当然了。Yes, I’d love to. 是的,非常乐意。Yes, I’d be happy to. 是的,我很乐意。Yes, I’d be glad to. 是的,我很乐意。Yes, I’d be pleased to. 是的,我很乐意。Yes, with pleasure. 是的,我很乐意。Sure, go ahead. 当然了,尽管去做。Sure, no problem. 当然了,没问题。

Topic 90 Preparing for a Job Interview

Dialogue 1

Amy: Brian, a company called me for an interview.

Brian: That’s great! You need to prepare for it.

Amy: How?

Brian: Get your hair done at a good hair saloon. Tell them you are

going for a job interview.

Amy: Okay.

Brian: Buy an expensive suit.

Amy: How expensive?

Brian: The more expensive, the better.

Amy: I can’t afford too expensive. Maybe $300 to $400?

Brian: That’ll do it. The best way is to find the dressing color code of the company.

Amy: How?

Brian: If you know somebody at the company, ask them. If not, dark colors will be fine.

Amy: Is a white blouse okay?

Brian: Yeah, fine. And dressing shoes.

Amy: Black?

Brian: Black is good.

Amy: White pantyhose?

Brian: No. Dark or skin colored.

Amy: Jewelry?

Brain: Necklace, ring and earrings are all fine. But don’t wear too many pieces of jewelry.

Amy: How about make up?

Brian: Not much make up.

Amy: Perfume?

Brian: Yes, some. But be aware that different people may like different scents. So try not to use too much perfume.

Dialogue 2

Amy: Brian, the company is sending the tickets to me.

Brian: They usually do, with express mail.

Amy: What should I take with me?

Brian: Your resume, transcripts, diplomas and research papers, anything you want to show them.

Amy: How do I get to the company from the airport?

Brian: They might’ve reserved a car for you. Ask them.

Amy: They reserved a hotel room for me, I know.

Brian: Look at the local newspaper and find out the housing expenses.

Figure out what salary you are expecting.

Amy: It’s hard to figure out. I’m afraid if I ask too much, they won’t like it. If I ask too little, I’ll be undersold.

Brian: It’s hard to figure out the salary. Let them to come up with the number first.

Amy: What if they want me to give a number?

Brian: Give a range, say upper 40’s or low 50’s.

Amy: That’s a good idea.

Brian: Take garment bag with yo u so you won’t mess up your suit. Amy: Thanks.

New Words and Expressions:

interview: 面试

hair saloon: 发廊jewelry: 珠宝,首饰。perfume: 香水express mail: 快递transcript: 成绩单diplomas: 毕业文凭research paper: 论文figure out: 计算出



Additional Expressions:

Sure, why not! 当然了,为什么不呢!Sure, feel free. 当然可以,别客气。Be my guest. 别客气。Don’t be shy. 别害羞。I think so too. 我也这么认为。I agree. 我赞成。I think you’re right. 你说得对。I suppose so too. 我也这么想。I guess so. 我想是这样的。

I hope so. 我希望如此。I’m afraid so. 恐怕是这样。Unfortunately, yes. 不幸的是,你说对了。Regrettably, yes. 真不幸,这是事实。

Topic 91 Job Interview

Dialogue 1

Receptionist: Hello, may I help you?

Amy: I’m here for a job interview. My name is Amy Zhao. Receptionist: Oh, yes. Could you sign in please? Have a seat. Susan Smith will be right with you.

Amy: Thank you.

Susan: Hello, Amy? I’m Susan.

Amy: Hi, Susan. Nice to meet you.

Susan: Come with me. How was your flight?

Amy: It is fine. The flight was on time.

Susan: You’re lucky. Did you have a chance to look around the area? Amy: Yes. It was still early when I got here yesterday. So I drove around.

Susan: How do you like it?

Amy: It’s a nice little town.

Susan: Would you prefer to live in a small town or a big city? Amy: I like small towns.

Susan: Good. I’m the Human Resources Manager of the company.

Let’s talk about this position you are applying for.

Dialogue 2

Susan: Amy, I’d like you to meet Richard. He is the Engineering Manager. If you are hired, you will be reporting to him. Amy: Nice to meet you Richard.

Richard: Hello, Amy. Have a seat please. I just pulled out your resume.

You worked on the design and testing of an engine

component. Could you talk about that?

Amy: This is a project sponsored by the Ford Motor Company. We redesigned the component to make it more lightweight. Richard: What material did you use?

Amy: We used aluminum alloy 587.

Richard: Did it pass the design verification tests?

Amy: It did. We performed several tests.

Richard: Tell me about them.

Dialogue 3

Susan: You’ve talked to several people on the company. How does this job appeal to you?

Amy: I like the job very much. And the people I meet today are very professional.

Susan: Thank you. We’ll get together and have some feedback from

the people you interviewed with. We’ll let you know as soon

as possible.

Amy: When should I expect to hear from you?

Susan: We still have a couple candidates to interview. So it’s a going to be about two weeks.

Amy: I look forward to hearing from you.

Susan: What salary will you be expecting?

Amy: What range do you have for this position?

Susan: It can be anywhere between 40,000 to 60,000 a year depending on experience and qualification.

Amy: That sounds good to me.

Susan: When can you start it we decided to extend you our offer? Amy: In two weeks.

Susan: Good. Here is the benefit package this company offers, something you can read on the plane. Have a nice trip back


Amy: Thank you for everything. Bye!

Susan: Bye!

New Words and Expressions:

interview: 面试prefer: 更喜欢

Human Resources Manager: 人事

处经理position: 职务

Engineering Manager: 工程部经

理design and testing: 设计和测试engine component: 发动机部件project: 项目

sponsor: 资助

material: 材料

aluminum alloy: 铝合金verification: 验证perform: 执行,进行professional: 职业的feedback: 反馈candidate: 候选人range: 范围

depend on: 取决于,靠…experience: 经验qualification: 能力,资历benefit package: 福利look around: 到处看看extend the offer: 录用



Additional Expressions:

I thought so. 我想也是。I told you so. 我告诉过你。Told you. 我和你说过。No, never. 从来没有过。No way! 没门儿!No,

not at all. 一点也不。No, not a bit. 一点也不。No, not in the least. 一点也不。Not, yet. 还没有。Not really. 不见得/不这么样。Not exactly. 不尽然。Not completely. 不完全是。Not quite. 不完全是。Not 100 percent. 不完全是。Not a chance! 不可能!No chance! 没戏!That’s not likely. 不可能!That’s impossible. 不可能!Of course not. 当然不(会)/当然没有。

Topic 92 Receiving a Job Offer

Dialogue 1 (Telephone Conversation)

Amy: Hello?

Susan: Amy?

Amy: Yes, this is Amy.

Susan: This is Susan. I just want to let you know that we made an offer to you. The salary is $48,000 a year. I emailed the offer to you as

well. You can let me know within a week if you accept our offer. Amy: Thank you. I’ll go through it and let you know.

Susan: We hope you get on board with us. Please let me know as soon as possible.

Amy: I will. Thanks for everything.

Susan: You’re welcome! Bye!

Susan: Bye!

Dialogue 2

Amy: Brian! I got an offer!

Brian: How much?

Amy: $48,000 per year.

Brian: What are the benefits?

Amy: Company paid medical and dental insurance, 401k plan, retirement plan, two weeks of paid vacation, 7% target bonus

plan and education assistance.

Brian: Sounds pretty good. Congratulations!

Amy: You helped me a lot. I want to take you for dinner tonight! Brian: Thanks. I’m really happy for you. When do you need to let them know?

Amy: In a week.

Brian: Are you going to take it?

Amy: I think so. This is the only offer I have received.

Brian: If you want, you can bargain with them on salary.

Amy: I can try, but I’m not sure if I will get anywhere.

Brian: If you had two or more offers, or you had a job right now, you’d have some bargaining chips.

Amy: Right. Then it’s easier to bargain with them.

Brian: It’s good. I’ll see you tonight. Amy: See you!

New Words and Expressions:

make an offer to sb: 录用某人education assistance: 教育补助paid vacation: 带薪假

chip: 这里指筹码。

get on board with sb: 与某入加盟bargain with sb. on sth: 与某人在

某事上讨价还价401k plan: 401k退休金(美国的一

种退休金) retirement plan: 退休金计划

7% target bonus: 7%的红利计划



Additional Expressions:

I’d love to, but I can’t/but I have plans.我很乐意,但是不行/但我已经另有安排了。I have no idea. 我不知道。I don’t know. 我不清楚。I have no clue. 我不知道(没线索)。Beats me. 我不知道。I don’t think so. 我认为不是。I disagree. 我反对。I doubt it. 我表示怀疑。I think not. 我认为不是。I suppose not. 我认为不是。

Neither do I. 我也不。Neither am I. 我也不。I’m afraid not. 恐怕不是。Unfortunately, no. 可惜不是。Regrettable, no. 可惜不是。I hope not. 我希望不是/但愿不是。

Topic 93 Relocation

Dialogue (Telephone Conversation)

Susan: Hello, this is Susan.

Amy: Hi, Susan. I have decided to accept the offer.

Susan: Great! We’re thrilled to have you! When do you plan to start? Amy: How about the first of next month?

Susan: That’s good. You can call the 1-800 number on your package to arrange relocation.

Amy: Yes. I have got that.

Susan: The company will pay for transportation of all your household stuff including your car, your air ticket coming to work and your

first month’s livin g expenses.

Amy: That’s very generous. Do I need to pack my stuff?

Susan: No. Just call the 1-800 number and they’ll come and pack everything for you.

Amy: Great! I’ll see you on the first then

Susan: Yes. Call me anytime if you have questions. Amy: Thanks. Bye!

Susan: Bye!

New Words and Expressions:

relocation: 搬迁

thrilled: 特别兴奋

living expenses: 生活费

generous: 慷慨大方

transportation: 运输,搬运



Additional Expressions:

I can’t believe it! 我不相信/简直不敢相信!Unbelievable. 难以置信。Would you believe it? 你会相信吗?Nonsense. 胡说八道。That’s silly. 真蠢。That’s stupid. 真蠢That’s ridiculous. 真荒唐。That’s absurd. 荒唐。That’s garbage. 胡说。That’s horse shit. 胡说/扯淡。Bullshit. 废话。
