

英文演讲中常使用的12 类过渡词在演讲中,你引导的途径越顺畅,听众的积极性就会越高。过渡是成功演讲的重要环节之一,它可以使讲话顺利向下进行。它是你讲话思路的不断延伸,它帮助你从原有的思想向前推进。同时它还是一盏信号灯,告诉你的听众做好进入下一环节的准备。在英文演讲中,有12 类不同作用的过渡词,你可以花些时间记下来,需要用到的时候才能信手拈来。

What are speech transition words?


Speech transitions are magical words and phrases that help your

argument flow smoothly. They often consist of a single transition word

or a short transition phrase, but occasionally form an entire sentence. In

a written speech, speech transitions are generally found at the start of paragraphs.

Speech transitions smooth over the boundary between two ideas,

and reveal the relationship between the words just spoken and those

about to be spoken. In this way, speech transitions help your audience understand your message.

Types of speech transition words


There are many types of speech transitions. Each type highlights a different verbal relationship. For example, one type of transition highlights the contrast between two different ideas.

Each of these types is cataloged below. For each type, we list just a few of the possible words and phrases. Can you think of others?

1.Transition between Similar Ideas or Points


Likewise …

Similarly …

This is just like …

In a similar way …

We see the same thing if we consider …

“Speech transitions smooth over the boundary between two ideas, and reveal the relationship between the words just spoken and those about to be spoken. ”

2.Transition between Contrasting Ideas or Points


However …

Conv ersely …

On the contrary …

On the other side …

On the other hand …

If we flip that around …

Yet, we cannot ignore …

The opposing argument …

If we examine the opposite side, we see

3.Transition to elaborate upon an idea 转入对观点的详细解释说明Also …

Moreover …

In addition …

Furthermore …

In other words …

Not only that, but …

4.Transition to Numbered Ideas or Points (or Process Steps) 引出多个观点

First … (The first step is …)

Second … (The second step is …)

Third … (The third step is …)

Last … (The last step is …)

5.Transition to show Cause-Effect Relationship


Therefore …

As a result …

Consequently …

For that reason …

This is importa nt because …

6.Transition to a Supporting Example


For instance …

For example …

As an example …

To illustrate this …

What 's an example of this? …

But does this happen in real life? Yes …

7.Transition to a Supporting Demonstration


Now that we 've covered the theory, let 's see it in action … To

reinforce what we 've learned, let 's see a demonstration

I've prepared a demonstration to show how this works.

Let's see a demonstration which applies what we 've learned.

“When executed well, speech transitions help make a speech understandable.

When executed poorly, speech transitions can obscure meaning and frustrate audiences. ”

8.Transition to a Supporting Quotation 转入支撑观点的引用语

X said:…

In 1968, X said:…

This idea was expressed clearly by X who said …

9.Transition from Introduction into Speech Body 从引入语过渡到演讲正题Let 's begin …

To get started, let 's examine …

Let's get started talking about …

Now that we 've given an overview, let 's start with …

10.Transition from Speech Body into Conclusion


For a short speech, you might conclude with a single statement:

In short …

In summary …

In conclusion …

In a longer presentation, your conclusion might include a review of a the key points:

Let's summarize the key lessons …

Let's recap what we 've covered today …

11.Transition to Another Speaker


In a team presentation, it is necessary to transfer control between speakers.

The abrupt way to do this is to simply have one person stop talking, and then have the other person start talking. It is much smoother, however, to pass the verbal baton to the next speaker (X):

To talk about our next topic, we have X …

I' II pass the microph one to X who will describe …

To guide us through a dem on strati on of this, we have X …

12.Tran siti on Back to an Earlier Point


There are many occasi ons whe n you n eed to jump back to an earlier idea


在演讲中,你引导的途径越顺畅,听众的积极性就会越高。过渡是成功演讲的重要环节之一,它可以使讲话顺利向下进行。它是你讲话思路的不断延伸,它帮助你从原有的思想向前推进。同时它还是一盏信号灯,告诉你的听众做好进入下一环节的准备。在英文演讲中,有12类不同作用的过渡词,你可以花些时间记下来,需要用到的时候才能信手拈来。 What are speech transition words? 什么是演讲中的过渡语? Speech transitions are magical words and phrases that help your argument flow smoothly. They often consist of a single transition word or a short transition phrase, but occasionally form an entire sentence. In a written speech, speech transitions are generally found at the start of paragraphs. Speech transitions smooth over the boundary between two ideas, and reveal the relationship between the words just spoken and those about to be spoken. In this way, speech transitions help your audience understand your message. Types of speech transition words 演讲过渡语的类型 There are many types of speech transitions. Each type highlights a different verbal relationship. For example, one type of transition highlights the contrast between two different ideas. Each of these types is cataloged below. For each type, we list just a few of the possible words and phrases. Can you think of others? 1. Transition between Similar Ideas or Points 过渡到相似的观点 Likewise … Similarly … This is just like … In a similar way … We see the same thing if we consider … “Speech transitions smooth over the boundary between two ideas, and reveal the relationship between the words just spoken and those about to be spoken.” 2. Transition between Contrasting Ideas or Points 过渡到相反的观点


李娜:(Good afternoon,leaders ,teachers,boys and girs,thank you for coming to this competition.today I ’m very glad to stand here to be the little host.I’m Li na )云博:尊敬的各位领导,老师,亲爱的同学们, 大家上午好。感谢大家参与次演讲赛的现场 非常荣幸能够作为本次活动的小主持,我是吴云博。 云博:在这初冬的时节我们迎来了又一届英语演讲比赛,大家知道阳历新年马上就要到了,我们即将迎来2016年,在此提前祝大家新年快乐。也希望借此演讲比赛为我们2015年的学习生活画上一个完美的句号。 李娜:下面由我为大家介绍一下出席本次活动的评委老师,他们是。。。。 云博:下面我为大家介绍本次活动的评分标准 1.比赛内容应该健康积极, 2.参赛者口齿清楚,语音标准,声音洪亮 3.参赛者仪表端正,大方得体。 4.可以有适当的肢体语言,增强表现力 李娜活动开始前,请大家用最热烈的掌声有请校长为本次活动致开幕词,大家掌声欢迎! 云博:本次活动共有五六年级8个班参与,首先进行六年级组,六年级共八位同学,分为两队,分别是和阳光校园队和青春飞扬队。我作为青春队队长,我们的队员有武艺蕊,李毅丹,刘益培,

范怡珂,不得不说她们可个个都是顶呱呱的 李娜:我代表我们阳光队,队员有李艺田,黄静琳,任蕊馨,武艺佳,她们的实力也不容小觑哦 云博:李娜,你看只有我俩说好可不行啊,得让大家说是不是啊。李娜:是啊,你看我们作为大章一中的一员,已经在大章一中学习生活了一年多了,你觉得我们的学校怎么样呢? 云博:我们的学校有参天大树,环境优雅,是学习的好地方啊。李娜:那么接下来要首先有请我们阳光校园队的李艺田一起听听他眼中的大章一中是什么样的 有请-李艺田---my school, 我想每个人眼中的学校都是不一样的,接下来让我们看看任蕊馨眼中的学校吧。掌声欢迎 前两位参赛者演讲结束,李艺田同学的得分到底怎么样呢?让我们有请评委老师亮分。还不错的分数哦 有请黄静琳,(宣布任蕊馨的分数) 武艺佳(宣布黄静琳的分数) (宣布武艺佳的分数) 云博:李娜,最近你有没有经常在电视上听到这样一个词,梦想,比如说梦想秀,梦想星搭档,那到底什么是梦想呢? 乙:我觉得梦想应该是目标,是我努力达到的一个点。 甲:那你的梦想是什么呢? 乙:恩。。我的梦想是做一名医生,医生可以救死扶伤。


英语比赛主持词 女:Dear teachers 男:Dear students 合:Good fternoon! Welcome to the English Speaker Contest of Dongshahe primary school。 女:为了丰富校园文化生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,展示我校学生的英语口语水平,提高学生口语交际能力,促进学生开口学英语良好氛围的形成,特组织这次比赛。 男:First, Let me introduce today’s, today’s judge,… 女:(今天,我们请到的评委有。。。)Miss, Mr 女:Today, there are all together 9 tellers to compete here. Let’s welcome them all here. 男:今天,我们共有9位参赛选手。现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们。 女:在比赛之前,请允许我想在坐的各位评委老师。他们是 Now, let’s welcome our teller No.1from Class . Contestant NO.2 please get ready. 男: thank you,------let’s welcome NO.3----------from

结束: 女:Students and teachers, after our judge’s discussion, the most exciting moment is coming. 男:亲爱的老师们,同学们,经过我们评委们的公正评判,最激动人心的时刻到来了。 女:Let me announce the list of third prize,They are ,Congratulations! 男:Let’s invite our director Mr. to give a prize. 女:有请给他们颁奖。 男:Let me announce the list of second prize。They’re,,Congratulations! 女:Let’s invite Mr. to give a prize 男:有请给他们颁奖。 女:At last, the first prize. They’re,Congratulations! 男:Let’s invite our headmaster Mr. to give a prize. 女:有请给他们颁奖。 合:Congratulations Our contest has come to an end! Thank you! Our leaders, judges, English teachers and the tellers. Thanks for your coming! Good bye!


1.常用于文章开始的过渡词语和句子 (1)To begin with首先 例:To begin with, smoking should be banned in public areas.”首先,公共场所禁止吸烟。” (2)Generally speaking一般地说,总体上说 例:Generally speaking, it is the best policy to spend more money on libraries.”总的说来,加大图书馆的投资是良策。” (3)First of all第一,首先 例:First of all, many people in remote areas still live in poverty.”第一,居住在边远地区的许多人仍生活在贫困之中。” (4)With (the development/progress/growth) of(economy/society)…随着(经济、社会)的(发展、进步、增长)… 例:With the development of society, women’s role has become more imp ortant than ever before in daily life.”随着社会的发展,妇女在社会生活中比以往发挥着更加重要的作用。” (5)Recently近来 例:Recently,the problem (conflict, production) of grain shortage has become the world focus.”近来粮食短缺问题已成为全球关注的焦点。” 2.常用于文章结尾的过渡词和句子 (1)In conclusion最后,在结束时 例:In conclusion, the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from war.”最后,应达成国际协定使世界避免战争。”


英语作文常用8种过渡语 导语:过渡语是承接上下文的用语。可用在导语与主体文,主体文与尾语,段与段,层次与层次之间。下面是yuwenmi 小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 1. 表起始的过渡语 first of all, to begin with, in my opinion, according to, so far, as far as等. 2. 表时间的过渡语 first, at first, then, later, in the end, finally, afterwards, after that, since then, for the first time, at last, as soon as, the next moment, meanwhile, later on, soon, finally等. 3. 表空间的过渡语 on the right/left, to the right/left of, on one side of… on the other side of…, at the foot/top/end of, in the middle/centre of, next to, far from, in front of等. 4. 表因果的过渡语 for, because of, one reason is that…another reason is that…, thus, so, as a result (of)等.

5. 表转折的过渡语 but, yet, however, after all, in fact, while, on the contrary, instead of, unlike, although, otherwise,nevertheless, in spite of, after all等. 6. 表列举的过渡语 for example, such as, that is, like, as follows, in other words, and so on等. 7. 表推进的过渡语 what’s more, on one hand… on the other hand…, in addition to, as well, still, also, in other words, not only…but also…, besides, furthermore, moreover 等. 8. 表总结的过渡语 in short, in a word, in general, in brief, in all, on the whole等.


本科毕业论文指导老师致谢词3篇 为大四本科学员开设科技论文写作课程是提高军校本科毕业论文 质量的有效途径之一.本文是本科毕业论文指导老师的致谢词,仅供参考。 本科毕业论文指导老师致谢词一: 致谢 时间飞逝,大学的学习生活很快就要过去,在这四年的学习生活中,收获了很多,有欢笑有泪水。而这些成绩的取得是和一直关心帮助我的人分不开的。一路走来总是磕磕碰碰不断,还好周围一直有一群时刻关心我照顾我的人。首先衷心感谢对在编写过程中周一老师以及助教江俊本着诲人不倦、认真细致、严谨求实的态度给及我极大的关怀和帮助,并竭尽所能的给我提供论文所需要的相关资料,对于在论文中所遇到的问题也给予了很多宝贵的意见,对我论文的写作提供了很大的帮助。在此我表示深深的敬意。 其次,我要感谢王平辉、全亮等同学所提供的论文所需要的资料,同他们的讨论也让我受到了很大的启发,他们的开放和严谨的思维方式让我受益匪浅。感谢他们在我论文期间给予的关心和帮助。 最后感谢所有关心、支持和帮助我的朋友和老师。 本科毕业论文指导老师致谢词二: 致谢 首先,我要感谢武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院,感谢邮科院校区电信系通信工程对我四年的培养,让我学到了许许多多的知识,感谢各

位老师在这四年里对我的关怀与照顾,在此致以我深深的谢意。 本论文从选题到最后定稿成文,本校李文耀老师一直给予了悉心指导,李文耀老师那种严谨求实的作风,孜孜不倦的开拓精神和敬业精神令我深受启迪和教益,谨向我的指导老师李文耀老师致以深深的谢意。 在本课题进行期间,本人根据实际工作和从网上积累的资料整理出了本篇论文,加之3G产业在国内处于刚起步阶段,更由于笔者水平有限,故在理论的描述、资料的运用等方面难免有不当、不深、不周之处,有些观点也尚欠成熟,敬请各位老师批评指正。 最后,我还要向所有曾经帮助过我的同学和朋友们致敬。你们的鼓励和帮助是我永远前进的动力,真心的谢谢你们。 本科毕业论文指导老师致谢词三: 致谢 感谢在大学四年中各位老师的指导,尤其是我的导师任海兰教授,现在终于完成了毕业论文,这也标志着大学的学习阶段即将告一段落。 感谢在过去的四年中,陪我一起在邮科院走过的所有朋友们,在我困难的时候帮助过我的热心人们。 感谢在我生活最缺乏光彩的时候陪伴我一起走过的未名网友,感谢带给我无数欢乐的通信0704男同胞们,在一些方面提点过我的郭连波老师,张金桃老师和卢文婷老师,感谢一直支持我的赵明璐学姐,感谢那么些个人们:YX,Venky, Nan, Yang...... 最后感谢我的父母,我的所有力量来自于你们。


英文演讲比赛主持词 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Speaking Competition in Mathematic DPT. First, let me introduce the hostefor today, a pretty young lady her name is… Who is from Class_3 Grade 2019. Standing here beside me is JACKY, He is also from Class_3 Grade 2019. There are all together 17 contestants to compete in today’s English speech competition all form mathematic DPT I hope we can exchange of how to learn English better.These experiences will be very useful for the students in our DPT.So I hope we’ll make good use of this opportunity. At first,with great honor,we’d like to introduce the guests at present.They’re Mr****,Miss***,,welcome! We are honored to have you here,and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today. Now I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges. L and G,Miss*** ,Mr***, ,welcome . Thank you for being a part of the competition. Now let’s welcome professor Tang to give us the openi ng address. Than you professor Ok,now let’s go over the rulers of the competition. There are 2 parts in today’s competition, the 1st is prepared speech,each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech. The 2ed part is unprepared speech,each of the contestants has 2 minutes to present your unprepared speech,after your speech,you have 2 minutes to answer questions raised by the judges.


第一部分 一、开场问候: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon, my dear students! Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the first Oral English Competition of Kuangqu No.1 Primary School . (今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行第一小学首届英语口语大赛。) 二、比赛性质: Thiscompetion is a good opportunity for all the English learners to show themselves. (本次英语比赛为同学们提供了展示自己英语水平的机会。)In today's show, there are 21 contestants. They come from different classes of Grade 5. While they have the same goal, that is to practice our oral English. (今天的参赛选手共有21名,他们来自五年级不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学会运用英语表达与交流。)三、比赛规则: Now let me introduce the rules of the competition for you. In today’s competition, we have 3 Parts,including Word-Part, Sentence-Part and Utterance. For every part,you will solve 3-4 questions, pay attention, you have only 20 seconds to give the answer. May you good luck! (现在我来给大家介绍一下本次比赛的规则。本次比赛包括三个环节:分别是“单词篇”、“句意篇”和“话语篇”,在每一个环节选手要解答3-4个问题。请注意,你只有20秒的时间作出回答。祝大家好运!) 四、祝愿语: At last, I would like to take this opportunity to wish this Oral English Competition be perfectly successful. (在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。) 1:Next,let me introduce our judges. They are ________.Welcome! 第二部分


英语四级写作翻译常用过渡词 1. 文章及段落起始常用的过渡词语to begin with (首先); generally speaking (总体上讲); first of all (第一,首先); in the first place (首先) 2. 文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词语therefore, thus (因此); in conclusion (最后); in brief, in a nutshell (简言之); to sum up (总而言之); in a word (总之) 3. 常用表示先后次序的过渡词语first (第一);second (第二);next (其次,然后); eventually (最后,最终) since then (自此以后); afterward (以后,随后); meanwhile (同时) therefore (因而); immediately (立刻); finally (最后,最终) 4. 常用表示因果关系的过渡词语Accordingly (于是); for this reason (由于这个原因); as a result of (由……的结果); in this way (这样); consequently (结果,因此); due to(由于……);Therefore (因而); because of (因为); thus (这样) 5. 常用表示比较和对比的过渡词语In contrast with (和……成对照); similarly (同样); whereas (然而); on the contrary (相反); different from (与……不同); likewise (同样); equally important (同样重要); on the other hand (另一方面) 6. 常用表示举例的过渡词语 A case in point (恰当的例子); for example (举例); namely/that is (即,这就是说); for instance (举例)


英语作文的连接词和过渡词 一) 作文连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。 (2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, meanwhyle, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。 (4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。 (6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。 二)作文过渡词 1、表示时间的 af first 起初 next 接下来 then 然后 after that 那以后 later 后来 soon 不久 soon/shortly after ……之后不久 finally 最后 in the end 最后 eventually 最终 at last 终于 lately 近来 recently 最近 since then 自从那时起 after that 那以后 in no time 不一会儿 after a while 一会儿 afterward 后来 to begin/start with=in the first place 首先、第一点 immediately 立即、马上 meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same time 在此期间、同时 earlier, until now 直到现在


夏日狂欢夜主持稿 1:2:3:4: 一.ADY: 英语海洋,魔耳领航。各位大朋友,小朋友们,欢迎来到魔耳英语—夏日狂欢夜。 现在有请魔耳宝贝们,为大家带来集体舞“魔耳之光”。 “魔耳之光” ADY旁白:英语是全世界使用最广泛的语言,作为一项重要的沟通工具,我们可以借由它来获取更多来自世界的讯息,3-5岁是孩子的语言敏感期,尽早学习英语,不仅 为孩子打下坚实的语言基础,更有助于孩子的大脑开发,研究表明,接受过第 二语言系统学习的孩子,大脑的反应速度明显优于只接触一种语言的孩子。 谢谢我们的魔耳宝贝们。魔耳英语夏日狂欢夜主题晚会包括我们的集体节目,个人展示,还有我们大家都很期待的抽奖环节。所有舞台前的家长和小朋友们,均可以领到魔耳英语为大家精心准备的小礼物,我们的咨询台设在舞台的右侧,礼物数量有限,欢迎到魔耳英语咨询台进行领取。 ADY :谢谢我们的魔耳宝贝们,我们有一位家长,说她想在这个庄重的场合跟大家聊几句她的心里话,下面我们有请Cathy妈妈。 Cathy妈妈讲话 谢谢Cathy妈妈的分享,魔耳英语“夏日狂欢夜”主题晚会即将开始,首先感谢中国电信对我们的大力支持,为回馈我们的新老家长,只要是魔耳英语家长们,使用电信支付平台—翼支付进行学费缴纳,均可获得一定比例的学费优惠。并且中国电信为参与本次晚会的所有家长和同学们提供一元购的优惠活动,一元购礼物将会在晚会结束之际,即晚上九点左右开始就正式发放。 二.开场白: ADY:Dear babies, 1.2:dear mommy and daddy 3.4: dear uncle and aunts ADY:可爱的宝贝们 1.2:亲爱的爸爸妈妈们 3、4:尊敬的叔叔阿姨们 齐:大家晚上好。 ADY:I am teacher Ady, welcome to Mover English. Cathy: Hello everyone, My name is Cathy. I am in Grade six. English is my favourite subject. Michael:,Good evening, My name is Michael. I am in Grade 2. I have learned English for one year. Shawn: Hello everyone, My name is Shawn. I am in Grade… I like English very much. Sukie: Good evening, My name is Sukie. I am six years old. Nice to meet you. 1.2:暑期是一支热情的歌,我们迈着喜悦的步子 3.4:驱走夏日的酷暑,迎来了魔耳国际英语专程为小朋友们举办的“夏日狂欢夜”。 齐:英语海洋,魔耳领航。 ADY:现在我宣布,魔耳国际英语“夏日狂欢夜”主题晚会 齐:现在开始。


英语作文常见过渡词 (1)表并列关系的过渡词: and, not only…but also, both …and, either …or, neither…nor (2)表递进关系的过渡词: besides, in addition(加之,除……之外), moreover(此外,而且), what’s more (3)表转折对比的过渡词: but, however, although, on the one hand …on the other hand, some…others… (4)表原因的过渡词: because, because of, thanks to, due to(由于) (5)表结果的过渡词: so, therefore, as a result, so that, so…that, such…that (6)表条件的过渡词: if, unless, as/so long as (7)表时间的过渡词: when, after, before, until, as soon as, later, from then on, at the same time, finally, at last, form now on, at present (8)表特定的顺序关系的过渡词: first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, above all,

first of all, then, next, finally, in the end, at last (9)表换一种方式表达的过渡词: in other words, that is to say (10)表进行举例说明的过渡词: for example, like, such as (11)表陈述事实的过渡词: in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth (12)表强调的过渡词: above all, most important, in fact, no doubt, without any doubt, obviously (13)表目的的过渡词: for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order to, so as to (14)表总结的过渡词: in a word(总之,简言之), in conclusion, in summary


大学论文致谢词范文3篇 大学论文则最后一段写一份致谢词,本文是我为大家整理的大学论文的致谢词范文,仅供参考。 大学论文致谢词范文篇一: 致谢 经过儿个月的努力,毕业论文即将完成,回想论文全程,琐碎而平淡的工作,每一个细节,每一处字斟句酌,原本以为会轻松的我,却没想到过程是如此的艰辛,借此机会,我要对四年来帮助过我的人表示深深的感谢。 感谢我的父母,可爱的父亲,可敬的母亲,你们的爱是我最大的财富,伴随我走过四年求学之路。 设计期间,指导老师认真负责的工作态度、严谨的治学风格,使我深受启发,今后,无论做人还是做事,都要保持一颗积极进取的心,乐观向上的态度,永不放弃的决心;同时,同学们之间的相互探讨,不仅增加了友谊和了解,也使我获益匪浅。再次向所有在我设计过程中给予过我帮助与关怀的朋友表示深深的感谢! 感谢老师们对我的悉心指导,是您们的指点才让我高质量地完成了毕业论文。感谢邮电与信息工程学院的所有老师,感谢他们的谆谆教诲,是他们的兢兢业业才让我如此圆满地完成大学学业,开辟人生新的篇章。 再一次感谢我的同学和学长学姐们,你们给了我论文很多的启发和建议,也给了我很多信心。最后,祝愿所有老师和同学工作顺利、事业有

成!祝愿母校武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院明天更美好! 大学论文致谢词范文篇二: 致谢 大学其实过得很平淡,只是到了快要毕业时才感到了的它飞快。大学四年有艰难险阻有酸甜苦辣,有无奈有感慨。可是无论如何都有同学和老师和我们在一起,一起走过这段难忘的岁月。这篇论文的完成是跟导师和助教的指导和帮助是分不开的,感谢导师和助教!致谢时间飞逝,大学的学习生活很快就要过去,在这四年的学习生活中,收获了很多,而这 些成绩的取得是和一直关心帮助我的人分不开的。 大学论文致谢词范文篇三: 致谢 通过这一阶段的努力,我的毕业论文《宽带接入组网方案研究》终于完成了,这意味着大学生活即将结束。回首既往,自己一生最宝贵的时光能于这样的校园之中,能在众多学富五车、才华横溢的老师们的熏陶下度过,实是荣幸之极。在这四年的时间里,我在学习上和思想上都受益非浅。这除了自身努力外,与各位老师、同学和朋友的关心、支持和鼓励是分不开的在本论文的写作过程中,我的导师何舟老师以及副抬导沈宜老师倾注了大量的心血,从最初的选题,到资料收集,到写作、修改,到论文定稿,严格把关,循循善诱,在此我表示衷心感谢。同时我还要感谢在我学习期间给我极大关心和支持的各位老师以及关心我的同学和朋友。正是由于他们,我才能在各方面取得显著的进步,在此向他们表示我由衷的谢意, 并祝所有的老师培养出越来越多的优秀人才,桃李满夭下!也祝愿我的同学的在以后


英语演讲比赛主持稿范文(精选3篇)英语演讲比赛主持稿范文(精选3篇) 主持稿要尽量增加文化内涵、寓教于乐,不断提高观众的文化知识和素养。现今社会在不断向前发展,各种场合可能都需要主持人,一起来参考主持稿是怎么写的吧,以下是小编为大家整理的英语演讲比赛主持稿,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语演讲比赛主持稿1A: Good Morning, ladies, gentlemen and my fellow students: I’m very pleased to be the hostess for todays competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody. Now you are watching the “My college and my Dream” Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In todays show. There are 17 contestants coming from different classes. All of them are freshmen. I hope you can have a good day!B:女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是“我的大学我的梦”杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。我希

望大家能在这儿过得愉快。 A: Now, I will tell you something about this contest in general. Today’s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers, Impromptu speech and Talent show. The judges will judge you by substance style, delivery and pronunciation of your speech. The rewards contain a First winner, two Second winners, three Third winners and five Excellent winners B:现在我将简要的介绍一下比赛规则,本次比赛分为主体演讲,现场提问,即兴演讲和才艺展示四个部分。评委将从演讲内容,演讲风格,个人形象,发音等方面进行打分。本次比赛奖项设置为:一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名,优秀奖五名 A:In Prepared contest,you have about four minutes to take your speech. Something important is you have to speech without draft,then,you will face the Impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have 40s to prepare, 2 minutes to answer. And judges may raise questions according to your speech. B:在主体演讲中,你有大约四分钟的时间进行演讲,值得一提的是必须脱稿。接下来你将迎来即兴演讲,当你抽完选题后有四十秒的准备时间,然后做一个两分钟左右


英语口语比赛主持词 英语口语具有很强的实践性,英语口语比赛作为重要的实践途径之一,越来越受到教育组织机构和广大师生的重视和认可。下面是小编给大家整理的英语口语比赛主持词范文,仅供参考。 英语口语比赛主持词范文 开场白: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, fellow students. Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition. 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行多多乐首届英语口语风采大赛。 English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world. 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们

在想什么,讨论什么? In today’s show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English. 今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。 为了体现比赛的公平性,今天的比赛总共分为3组,一二年级为一组,三四年级为一组,五六以及初中为一组。按每个组的人数比例,一二年级组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军;三四年级组将设有一个冠军,一个亚军,三个季军;五六初中组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军。 比赛分为有3个环节。 第1环节是一分钟自我介绍 第2环节是单词认读比赛。会由评委老师计时,1分钟之内看哪位选手认读单词最多最准确。 第3个环节是评委将对每个选手提问。 在此,我预祝本次英语口语比赛圆满成功。 Next,let me introduce our judges. 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师, They are...... Welcome! 让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 My friends, It’s time for our players to have their performance. 亲爱的家长朋友们,下面我们将正式进入今


高分英语作文必备 过渡词 同义高级词汇表达 过渡词在写作中起着承上启下的作用,它的恰当使用让文章 内容更流畅,条理更清晰,结构更合理。同时高考英语写作满分 的评判条件就是,是否有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文 结构紧凑。据此过渡词的使用在写作中起着至关重要的作用。我 们在选用过渡词的时候, 尽量做到 无痕化 ,达到启承转合的效果。 衔接要“巧”, 过渡要“妙” 类别 1:良好的启下开端 It's said that... 据说 ?? As we all know that... It's well known that... As/So far as I know... It is clear/obvious that... Nowadays , At present, Knowing /Seeing that ? 听说, With the development of ?随着什么的发展 With the Spring Festival approaching/around the corner/ ?随着什 么临近 类别 2:自然的承上拓展 first/firstly 第一 first of all 首先 to begin/start with in the first place second/secondly next 其次;然后 and then 于是;然后 类别 3:详细的并 列补充 also/too/as well 也;同样;而且 both...and... ??和 ?? either...or... 要么 ??要么 ?? neither...nor... 既不 ??也不 ?? not 我们都知道 ?? 众 所周知 ?? 据我所 知 ?? ??是显而易见 的 现在 首先 首先 第二
