

For policy superposition, Xi’an logistics industry is now in a period of strategic opportunities. A series of policies such as, the "Silk Road Economic Belt" proposal, the pilot city for national modern logistics innovation and development, the establishment of the China (Shaanxi) Free Trade Zone, an important node for the national northwestern energy transshipment and the western seaport logistics major channel, the acceleration of the Xian-Xianyang integration process, and the construction of a national central city have provided a major opportunity for Xi’an logistics industry to become a pivotal logistics point in the Guanzhong plain, the Shaanxi province, the radiating periphery, and the Northwest. On the other hand, the Xi’an logistics industry has outstanding problems, such as, low level, weak strength, small scale, and a big gap with the eastern central cities. The lack of logistics industry planning, especially the lack of logistics node facility planning is one of the most important reasons. Under this context, to provide reference for the decision-making of logistics nodes in Xi’an, comprehensively using qualitative and quantitative research methods, by analyzing the distribution status of Xi’an logistics nodes in-depth, and taking 2022 as the target year, combining the freight volume forecast results and Xi’an relevant industrial layout planning, studying the layout plans of major logistics nodes in Xi’an.

Based on the data obtained from field surveys in Xi’an, through analyzing the node administrative distribution, the node types distribution, the nodes layout, the current construction status of major logistics nodes, and the coordination level with other industries, it is found that logistics nodes in Xi’an have many problems, such as unreasonable distribution of quantity and scale, low logistics aggregation level, deviations between urban development planning, and low level of logistics node information. Using the principal component regression analysis method, it is estimated that the freight volume of Xi’an in 2022 is approximately 3565.977 million tons; based on the freight volume forecast results, using the parameter method and analogy analysis method, the total construction scale of logistics nodes in Xi’an City in 2022 shall be 14.06. km2, including five logistics parks and 15 logistics centers.

Based on the purpose and principles of the logistics nodes spatial distribution, the theoretical basis and practical basis, it is proposed that Xi'an City should build a “2+3+15” logistics node system in 2022, including 2 international logistics parks, 3 regional logistics parks and 15 logistics centers. Comprehensively using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and entropy method to study the location scheme of logistics nodes at all levels, and putting forward the implementation strategy for coordinated development of Xi’an logistics nodes.

Key words: Logistics Engineering, Node Layout, Xi’an, Location of Nodes



第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 选题背景 (1)

1.2 研究意义 (2)

1.3 研究对象界定 (2)

1.4 主要研究内容 (3)

1.5 研究方法与技术路线 (3)

1.5.1 研究方法 (3)

1.5.2 技术路线 (4)

第二章研究综述 (5)

2.1 物流节点内涵 (5)

2.2 物流节点层次 (6)

2.3 物流节点选址 (7)

2.3.1 单个物流节点选址 (8)

2.3.2 多级物流节点选址 (8)

2.4 物流节点建设数量和规模 (9)

2.5 物流节点布局规划 (10)

2.6 研究述评 (11)

第三章西安市物流节点布局现状分析 (12)

3.1 数据来源及处理 (12)

3.1.1 数据来源 (12)

3.1.2 数据处理 (12)

3.2 西安市物流节点布局现状 (13)

3.2.1 物流节点行政区分布 (13)

3.2.2 物流节点类型分布 (15)

3.2.3 物流节点空间布局形态分析 (18)

3.2.4 主要物流节点布局建设现状 (18)

3.2.5 物流节点与其他产业协同分析 (20)

3.3 西安市物流节点布局存在的问题 (21)


3.4 本章小结 (22)

第四章西安市物流节点规模和数量确定 (23)

4.1 货运量预测 (23)

4.1.1 货运量预测模型选取 (23)

4.1.2 货运量影响指标选取 (25)

4.1.3 西安市货运量预测 (27)

4.2 西安市物流节点建设规模和数量确定 (31)

4.2.1 西安市物流节点建设总规模确定 (31)

4.2.2 西安市单个物流节点建设规模确定 (33)

4.2.3 西安市物流节点建设数量确定 (36)

4.3 本章小结 (37)

第五章西安市物流节点布局方案 (38)

5.1西安市物流节点布局的基础 (38)

5.1.1 物流节点布局的目标及原则 (38)

5.1.2 物流节点布局的理论依据 (39)

5.1.3 西安市物流节点布局的现实基础 (41)

5.1.4 西安市物流节点布局总体思路 (43)

5.2 西安市国际物流园区布局 (44)

5.3 西安市区域物流园区布局 (45)

5.3.1 区域物流园区选址布局影响因素 (45)

5.3.2 区域物流园区选址决策模型 (46)

5.3.3 西安市区域物流园区备选方案评价 (47)

5.3.4 西安市区域物流园区布局 (52)

5.4 西安市物流中心布局 (53)

5.4.1 西安市物流中心备选区域物流服务能力综合评价 (53)

5.4.2 西安市物流中心布局方案 (56)

5.5 西安市物流节点协同发展策略 (58)

5.5.1 同一层级物流节点协同发展策略 (59)

5.5.2 不同层级物流节点协同发展策略 (60)

5.6 本章小结 (61)


第六章结论与展望 (62)

6.1 研究结论 (62)

6.2 主要创新点 (63)

6.3 研究展望 (63)

参考文献 (64)

致谢 (68)

攻读硕士学位期间取得的研究成果 (69)

