
























2015年4 月25日制表:李铁治








学士学位证书及毕业证英文翻译模板 BACHELOR’S DE GREE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Ms. Wang Danli, born in October 1977, has studied in the Department of Law, xxx University with a specialty of Law from September 1996 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. In accordance with the academic degree act of the People’s Republic of China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Law. xxx Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee of xx University June 30, 2000 Certificate No.: 103354003888 [ Last edited by rachel4176 on 2005-6-22 at 21:14 ] 毕业证书翻译模板 DIPLOMA This is to certify that Ms. Wang Lan, born on February 29, 1980, has studied in the Department of Foreign Languages,xxxUniversity with a specialty of English from September 1997 to June 2000. Upon completing and passing all the required courses of the 4-year undergraduate program, she is granted graduation. xx President of xx University Registration No.: 298168015 Date Issued: June 30, 2000


Household Register Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P. R. C. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorney ship of a citizen and the

relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the householder and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The householder shall take the household register in safekeeping; the household register is prohibited to be altered, transferred and leased. When the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority; any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the household register shall be turned in and cancelled. Record of Dwelling Address Alteration


2015年30个网络流行词标准法文翻译 1.神曲un tube de l’été// une chanson entra?nante 2.越过运营商(通信行业中的专有词汇,指的是互联网公司越过运营商,发展基于开放互联网的各种视频及数据服务业务,强调服务与物理网络的无关性)service par contournement // OTT(over the top) (service de livraison d’audio, de vidéo et d’autres médias sur Internet sans la participation d’un opérateur de réseau traditionnel) 3.呆萌(être)mignon // (avoir)un air innocent/adorable 4.断(不买、不收取不需要的东西)舍(处理掉堆放在家里没用的东西)离(舍弃对物质的迷恋,让自己处于宽敞舒适、自由自在的空间)s’abstenir d’acheter, se séparer de l’inutile et renoncer à l’obsession matérialist e // abstention, séparation et refus 5.脑洞大开être plein d’imagination // faire preuve d’imagination 6.暖男un mec très attentionné / le mec parfait 7.“快闪”舞蹈une flash mob 8.小鲜肉chair fra?che (pour parler d’une personne) 9.也是醉了(无语、无力吐槽)être sans voix 10.低头族un accro qu smartphone 11.接地气accessible à tous 12.群租客colocataires // locataires trop nombreux // mal-logement //(logement proposé par un marchand de sommeil) 13.说走就走的旅行sastifaire ses envies de vovayge// partir en vovage quand on veut// partir en voyage sur un coup de tête// partir en voyage sans rien prévoir 14.APEC蓝bleu APEC 15.透出浓浓的中国味儿fortement marqué par la culture chinoise// imprégné d’une forte identité chinoise // qui bénéficie d’une forte résonance chinoise 16.立领西服costume à col Mao 17.政府购买服务marchés publics de services 18.另起炉灶recommencer à zéro / prendre un nouveau départ 19.纯洁的冰雪,激情的约会? Neige pure, rendez-vous passionnant ? 20.毯星starlette de tapis rouge 21.颜值note de beauté 22.海淘achats en ligne de produits étrangers 23.弹幕système d’affichage en temps réel de commentaires sur écran// bulletscreen 24.打酱油Ce n’est pas mes affaires. // ?a ne me regarde en rien.// Ce n’est pas mes oignons. 25.朋友圈moments 26.自拍杆manche/perche/stick à selfie 27.禁烟手势les trois gestes anti-tabac // les affichettes/panonceaux des gestes anti-tabac 28.十面霾伏sévère pollution de smog/atmosphérique 29.喜大普奔Les nouvelles sont si réjouissantes que tout le monde les partage. //



各种奖项、证书(七大类) 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生 Merit Student 学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者 Excellent staff 优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体 Advanced Class 优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖 Ethic Award 精神文明奖 High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution


ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Household register has the legal validity that certifies the attorneyship of a citizen and the relationship of family members, and it is the main reference for the censor and checkup of domiciliary register which is undertaking by the household registration authority. When the functionary of household registration authority censor and verify the household register, the familia and members of this family shall take the initiative in presenting the household register. 2.The familia shall take the household register in safekeeping, the household register is prohibited to be alterred, transferred and leased. In case of that the household register is lost, the household registration authority should be informed. 3.The right for registering the household register shall be performed by the household registration authority, any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the booklet. 4.The member of this family shall go to the household registration authority for transacting the declaration and registration, applying bring with the booklet, in case of the increase and decrease of the members and the alteration of registration items. 5.In case of that the whole family moves out of the residency, the Household register shall be turned in and cancelled.


下午茶 high tea 微博 Micro blog 裸婚 naked wedding 亚健康 sub-health 愤青 young cynic 灵魂伴侣 soul mate 小白脸 toy boy 人肉搜索 flesh search 公司政治 company politics 剩女 3S lady(single,seventies, stuck)/left girls 山寨 copycat 异地恋 long-distance relationship 钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 时尚达人 fashion icon 御宅 otaku 上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 脑残体 leetspeak 学术界 academic circle 哈证族 certificate maniac 偶像派 idol type 熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 挑食者 picky-eater 伪球迷 fake fans 紧身服 straitjacket

团购 group buying 家庭暴力 family/domestic violence 炫富 flaunt wealth 决堤 breaching of the dike 上市 list share 赌球 soccer gambling 桑拿天 sauna weather 自杀 Dutch act 假发票 fake invoice 二房东 middleman landlord 入园难 kindergarten crunch 生态补偿 ecological compensation 金砖四国 BRIC countries 笑料 laughing stock 泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice 学历造假 fabricate academic credentials 泄洪 release flood waters 狂热的 gaga e.g.: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 暗淡前景 bleak prospects 惊悚电影 slasher flick 房奴车奴 mortgage slave 上课开小差 zone out 万事通 know-it-all 毕业典礼 commencement


FINANCIAL INNOV ATION Like other industries, the financial industry is in business to earn profits by selling its products. If a soap company perceives that there is a need in the marketplace for a laundry detergent with fabric softener, it develops a product to fit the need .Similarly, in order to maximize their profits, financial institutions develop new products to satisfy their own needs as well as those of their customers; in other words, innovation-which can be extremely beneficial to the economy-is driven by the desire to get (or stay) rich. This view of the innovation process leads to the following simple analysis: A chance in the financial institutions for innovations that are likely to be profitable. Starting in the 1960s, individuals and financial institutions operating in financial markets were confronted with drastic changes in the economic environment: Inflation and interest rates climbed sharply and became hard to predict, a situation that changed demand conditions in financial markets. Computer technology advanced rapidly, which changed supply conditions. In addition, financial regulations became especially inconvenient. Banking institution discovers many old ways of doing business being able to not have earned money again; they provide the masses finance with service and financial products sale neither well. Many financial intermediary is discovered they have no way to raise having arrived at a fund, but these self that will not a suspense of business right away with original tradition finance implement. For existing under new economy environment, research and development puts up banking institution be obliged to being able to satisfy customer need moreover the new product being able to gain a profit of and serving, this process is called financial engineering. In their case, necessity was the mother of innovation. Our discussion of why financial innovation occurs suggests that there are three basic types of financial innovations: Escapism to responding to needing condition change, to the small advantages supplying with condition change and to controlling. We have had one now understandable that banking institution is innovative for instance the cause institutions, let’s look at examples of how financial institutions in their search for profits have produced financial innovations of the three basic types. 1


Engineering Design Qualification Certificate License Registration Number: 注册号Expiry Date: 有效期至 Company Name :公司名称 Qualification Grade: Class A in Construction Engineering Available to undertake construction decoration, engineering design, building curtain wall engineering design, light steel structure engineering design, intelligent building system design, lighting engineering design, fire control facilities engineering design, and the corresponding design business within the qualification certificate scope. Available to undertake the construction of a plant and general contracting business and that is related to technology and management services of project management within the qualification certificate scope.


2009年中国十大网络流行语英文版 这是一个充满无限可能的时代,也是一个网络推动的时代。岁末将至,盘点2009年中出现的每一句网络流行语,无一不与我们的生活息息相关;细读每一个网络流行语诙谐和无厘头的背后,无一不是对现实问题的最理性的思考。 值此之际,特别推出2009年度十大网络流行语的英文版,让我们一起来对刚刚走远的集体记忆温故知新。 1. 不差钱 Money is not a problem. 出处:2009年央视春晚,赵本山、小沈阳等演出了小品《不差钱》。几乎一夜之间,二人转演员小沈阳连同小品中的多句经典台词,红遍大江南北。 入选理由:赵本山的小品历年来都不乏经典台词,这次有了小沈阳的加盟,语录更是经典。春晚过后,老百姓去餐馆点菜,和餐馆服务员之间最常见的对白就是“这个真没有”,“这个可以有”“咱不差钱”。 2. 哥抽的不是烟,是寂寞! What brother is smoking is not a cigarette, but loneliness! 出处:7月初,在百度贴吧里突然有人发了一张一名非主流男子吃面的图片,图片配文“哥吃的不是面,是寂寞”。之后一发不可收拾,有网友相继模仿“哥×的不是×,是寂寞”的句式,“哥上的不是网,是寂寞”、“哥爱的不是你,是寂寞”…… 入选理由:今年,“寂寞体”成为很多人的MSN、QQ签名,仿佛什么事情都可以化作“寂寞”两个字,它折射出现代人需要抚慰的心灵。寂寞是一种病,我们都在寻找治愈它的药片。 3. 贾君鹏你妈妈喊你回家吃饭! Jia Junpeng, your mother wants you to go home to have some food. 出处:贾君鹏只是个网络虚拟人物,但是在2009年7月16日百度贴吧里的魔兽世界吧里,一个只有标题《贾君鹏,你妈妈喊你回家吃饭!》的空帖,短短几个小时就被390617名网友浏览,引来超过1.7万条回复,并在接下来的一天时间内吸引了710万点击和30万的回复。入选理由:相当长一段时间内,“×××,你妈妈喊你回家吃饭!”这种兼具家庭式温馨的调侃语录成了最流行的网络问候语,并影响了社会各界和媒体们对此语录的深度分析。 4. 人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具。 Life is like a tea table, with bitter cups placed all over it. 出处:首先是易中天因为在一期《百家讲坛》中瞪大眼睛感叹了一句“悲剧啊”,结果就被网友截了图并上传到了网上,随即成为无数网友争相引用的签名档。其实,这句流行语的句式模板来自张爱玲笔下的———“人生是一袭华美的袍,上面爬满了虱子。” “杯具”一词诞生后,网上出现了“杯具党”,网友们又创造了“餐具(惨剧)”、“洗具(喜剧)”和“茶具(差距)”。 入选理由:在网友看来,“杯具”这个词比“悲剧”能表现内心的无奈,同时又多了一分自嘲的乐观态度,比之前单纯的悲观也多了一分希望。 5. 不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说。 Don't be obsessed with brother. He is only a legend. 出处:这句话的起源是猫扑大杂烩,由网友“不要迷恋哥”的一个帖子引起的恶搞。


DIPLOMA No.: 105861201405000406 This is to certify that Ms. Yi Xuanting, born on July 19th, 1991 , attended a 4 year course in the Specialty of Fine Arts Education at this university from 2010 to 2014 and has successfully fulfilled all the requirement of the prescribed Bachelor course and passed the thesis defense. Graduation is hereby granted. President of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts : Li Jingkun Issued on July 1st, 2014 Certificate No.: 1058642014000406 Ministry of Education The People’s Republic of China

注意事项 1、请根据实际情况填写,需要毕业证书的原件及复印件一份。 2、Issued on一栏填写毕业证书授予日期;Certificate No.一栏填写证书号码;如毕业证书有两个号码,另外一个号码请填写在右上角的No.一栏,只有一个号码的请填写在Certificate No.一栏,同时把No.一栏删除掉。 3、专业(Specialty)一栏不要忘记填写。 4、下面有研究生院制作好之后的样本。 下图是研究生院制作好之后的样本(复印到防伪纸上)

英文翻译 模板

目录 Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China (2) 住房消费和经济增长在中国 (10) 摘要 (10) 关键词: (10) 一、介绍 (11) 二、方法 (11) c .固定式测试 (12) d .协整检验 (12) E大肠误差修正模型(ECM)[6] (13) f.格兰杰因果关系检验 (13) 三、应用程序和结果 (14) a .数据和变量 (14) b .固定式测试 (14) e系列是平稳序列 (14) d .误差修正模型 (14) 四、结论 (15) 引用 (15)

Housing Consumption and Economic Growth in China Wang XJ (Wang Xijun) School of Economics & Management, Weifang University of China, xjwang69@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ce15452786.html, Abstract: Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving effect on social economic growth always plays the leading role. Housing is the basic living material which is essential for people?s life; housing consumption is the important material condition for the labor force reproduction. This study, based on China?s statistical data from 1985 to 2007,by employing co-integration theory, Granger causality test and error correction model (ECM),respectively investigates the relationship between consumption, housing consumption and economic growth. The empirical result denotes that there exists bilateral Granger causality relationship between consumption and economic growth. For a long period, there exists long term stable equilibrium relationship between GDP, consumption, and housing consumption; consumption and housing consumption both promote the growth of GDP. Housing consumption?s contribution to the growth of GDP is obviously higher than consumption. For a short period, consumption spurs the growth of GDP more than housing consumption. Keywords:Housing consumption; Economic growth; Co-integration ; ECM; Granger causality test I. INTRODUCTION Consumption is a very important part in social reproduction, and its driving


微博Microblog,山寨copycat,异地恋long-distance relationship 剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck/left girls,熟女cougar (源自电影Cougar Club,裸婚naked wedding,炫富flaunt wealth,团购group buying,人肉搜索flesh search,潮人:trendsetter,发烧友:fancier,骨感美女:boney beauty 卡奴:card slave,下午茶 high tea,愤青young cynic,性感妈妈yummy mummy,亚健康sub-health,灵魂伴侣soul mate,小白脸toy boy,精神出轨soul infidelity,钻石王老五diamond bachelor,时尚达人fashion icon,御宅otaku,橙色预警orange signal warning,预约券reservation ticket,上相的,上镜头的photogenic,80后: 80's generation,百搭:all-match,限时抢购:flash sale,合租: flat-share,荧光纹身:glow tattoo,泡泡袜:loose socks,裸妆: nude look,黄牛票:scalped ticket,扫货:shopping spree,烟熏妆: smokey-eye make-up,水货:smuggled goods,纳米技术: nanotechnology 正妹hotty,对某人念念不忘get the hots for,草莓族Strawberry generation,草根总统grassroots president笨手笨脚have two left feet,拼车car-pooling,解除好友关系unfriend v. ;暴走go ballistic,海外代购overseas purchasing,跳槽jump ship 闪婚flash marriage,闪电约会speeddating,闪电恋爱whirlwind romance 刻不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time,乐活族LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability一夜情one-night stand 偶像派idol type,脑残体leetspeak,挑食者picky-eater,伪球迷fake fans 狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy,奉子成婚shotgun marriage 婚前性行为premarital sex,开博 to open a blog,房奴车奴mortgage slave 上课开小差zone out,万事通know-it-all,赌球soccer gambling,桑拿天sauna weather,假发票fake invoice,二房东middleman landlord,笑料 laughing stock,泰国香米


Editorial for IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, January 2013 ORIGINALLY, this editorial was planned to be written in late 2012, but in the last year we have been working intensively with IEEE to reduce time from submission to final publication, and this editorial was written in the summer of 2012, and we are already in the process of finalizing the January issue 2013. This also means that we have two editors for this issue— Prof. B. Lehman, Northeastern University, is fully taking over the duty of Editor-in-Chief as of date January 1, 2013, and Prof. F. Blaabjerg, Aalborg University, is resigning from the job at that date. We have only 100–150 papers waiting for publishing, and keeping in mind 45–50 papers are needed for each issue, this is a short and manageable backlog. By making the electronic versions of manuscripts available so far ahead of time, papers become available for a longer time, and there is a good chance for more citations, which should increase the impact factor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS (TPEL). TPEL remains an outstanding Journal and it contributes dominantly to the power electronics technology and research development globally. The TRANSACTIONS performance is positioned very well in the global Electrical Engineering (EE) journals publications as it is among the top 10 most cited EE journals. In the last year, many indicators of our quality continued to improve: users of the TRANSACTIONS continue to be very satisfied with the paper quality, our reputation in power electronics is rising all over the world by having a fast review process, papers in the TRANSACTIONS are being cited more heavily, and we have continued to print useful future research on important and emerging industrial applications. Our publications are followed very carefully all over the world, and almost every month the TPEL has papers listed between the top 100 downloads from IEEE Xplore registered monthly. It is also worth remarking that the papers are mostly technology papers and not so much review papers. Power electronics has never been as important as it is now. Globally, people talk about global warming and the lack of energy resources. As a result, a number of large R&D programs have been initiated to come up with sustainable solutions based on power electronics. Excellent examples of power electronic emerging research topics and applications include energy effi- ciency, e-mobility and airplanes, micro- and smart-grid, renewable energy, e.g., wind power and photovoltaic, lighting—fields where power electronics are unavoidable. Many companies have had rapid growth because of power electronics technology—in many cases they are called the clean-tech industry. We still see an increased interest in TPEL. In 2011, we received more
