








1.常用表达翻译。(10题,每题4分, 共40分)

2.阅读短文回答问题。(5题,每题6分, 共30分)

3.短文翻译。(1题,每题1分, 共30分)




《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao ’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder. The reform will take effect in two directions. State —financed students will begin


全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学一考试大纲 高等数学一、函数、极限、连续 考试内容:函数的概念及表示法函数的有界性、单调性、周期性和奇偶性复合函数、反函数、分段函数和隐函数基本初等函数的性质及其图形初等函数函数关系的建立 数列极限与函数极限的定义及其性质函数的左极限与右极限无穷小量和 无穷大量的概念 及其关系无穷 小量的性质及无 穷小量的比较 极限的四则运算 极限存在的两个 准则:单调有界 准则和夹逼准则 两个重要极限:, 函数连续的 概念函数间断 点的类型初等 函数的连续性 闭区间上连续函 数的性质 考试要求 1.理解函数的概 念,掌握函数的 表示法,会建立 应用问题的函数 关系. 2.了解函数的有 界性、单调性、 周期性和奇偶 性. 3.理解复合函数 及分段函数的概 念,了解反函数 及隐函数的概 念. 4.掌握基本初等 函数的性质及其 图形,了解初等 函数的概念. 5.理解极限的概 念,理解函数左 极限与右极限的 概念以及函数极 限存在与左、右 极限之间的关 系. 6.掌握极限的性 质及四则运算法 则. 7.掌握极限存在 的两个准则,并 会利用它们求极 限,掌握利用两 个重要极限求极 限的方法. 8.理解无穷小 量、无穷大量的 概念,掌握无穷 小量的比较方 法,会用等价无 穷小量求极限. 9.理解函数连续 性的概念(含左 连续与右连续), 会判别函数间断 点的类型. 10.了解连续函 数的性质和初等 函数的连续性, 理解闭区间上连

续函数的性质(有界性、最大值和最小值定理、介值定理),并会应用这些性质. 二、一元函数微分学 考试内容:导数和微分的概念导数的几何意义和物理意义函数的可导性与连续性之间的关系平面曲线的切线和法线导数和微分的四则运算基本初等函数的导数复合函数、反函数、隐函数以及参数方程所确定的函数的微分法高 阶导数一阶微 分形式的不变性 微分中值定理 洛必达法则函 数单调性的判别 函数的极值函 数图形的凹凸 性、拐点及渐近 线函数图形的 描绘函数的最 大值和最小值 弧微分曲率的 概念曲率圆与 曲率半径 考试要求 1.理解导数和微 分的概念,理解 导数与微分的关 系,理解导数的 几何意义,会求 平面曲线的切线 方程和法线方 程,了解导数的 物理意义,会用 导数描述一些物 理量,理解函数 的可导性与连续 性之间的关系. 2.掌握导数的四 则运算法则和复 合函数的求导法 则,掌握基本初 等函数的导数公 式.了解微分的 四则运算法则和 一阶微分形式的 不变性,会求函 数的微分. 3.了解高阶导数 的概念,会求简 单函数的高阶导 数. 4.会求分段函数 的导数,会求隐 函数和由参数方 程所确定的函数 以及反函数的导 数. 5.理解并会用罗 尔(Rolle)定理、 拉格朗日 (Lagrange)中值 定理和泰勒 (Taylor)定理, 了解并会用柯西 中值定理. 6.掌握用洛必达 法则求未定式极 限的方法. 7.理解函数的极 值概念,掌握用 导数判断函数的 单调性和求函数 极值的方法,掌 握函数最大值和



《英语报刊阅读》试题(A 卷) Part I Reconstruct the messages of the following stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italia n Ex-Mayor Murdered headli nes of news ............. . : 号 学 ... ....................... ? .;名 :级班 :级年 :点学教 ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit 2. Rubin________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors _______ flocking to Mao ' birth place. 4. sports store. Tibet issue. man ________ q uizzed after _______ wife is knifed in Part n Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuiti on Reform for Higher Educati on Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and importa nt part of the reform. Schools which once admitted stude nts almost exclusively accord ing to state pla ns are beco ming more accepti ng of stude nts sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 perce nt over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 perce nt, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non —— compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school


注册会计师全国统一考试大纲——专 业阶段考试 (2011年度) 注册会计师作为向社会提供审计、咨询等专业服务的执业人员,应当具备与其执行业务相适应的专业知识与职业技能。注册会计师全国统一考试的目的就是选拔和培养适应我国社会主义市场经济发展需要的专业人才。 一、考试目标和科目 注册会计师全国统一考试划分为专业阶段和综合阶段。专业阶段主要测试考生是否具备注册会计师执业所需要的 专业知识,是否掌握基本技能和职业道德规范;综合阶段主要测试考生是否具备在职业环境中运用专业知识,保持职业价值观、职业道德与态度,有效地解决实务问题的能力。 专业阶段考试设会计、审计、财务成本管理、公司战略与风险管理、经济法、税法六个科目;综合阶段考试设职业能力综合测试一个科目。 本大纲规定了专业阶段6个科目的测试目标、测试内容与能力等级、参考法规。 二、能力等级 (一)专业知识理解能力 要求考生掌握构成注册会计师知识主体的基本原理和 内容。 (二)基本应用能力 要求考生在职业环境中,合理、有效地运用专业知识,保持职业价值观、职业道德与态度,能够解决基本的实务问题。 (三)综合运用能力 要求考生综合运用专业知识和职业技能,保持职业价值观、职业道德与态度,能够解决较为复杂的实务问题。 三、特别说明 鼓励具有一定英语基础的考生,进一步学习会计、审计、财务、经济等方面的专业英语知识,以处理英文环境下的实务问题。 财务成本管理 1.了解财务管理的内容、目标、原则以及金融市场的有关知识; 2.了解财务报表分析的内容、依据、评价标准和局限性,能够运用趋势分析法、比率分析法和因素分析法等基本方法,分析企业财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,获取对决策有用的信息; 3.了解长期计划和预测的概念和程序,掌握预测的销售百分比法,能够运用其原理预测资金需求; 4.理解资金时间价值与风险分析的基本原理,能够运用其基本原理进行财务估价; 5.理解债券和股票现金流量的特点,能够估计债券和股票的价值和收益率; 6.理解资本成本的概念,能够估计普通股成本、债务成本以及企业的加权平均资本成本; 7.掌握企业价值评估的一般原理,能够运用折现现金流量法和相对价值法对企业价值进行评估; 8.理解资本预算的相关概念,掌握各种投资评价的基本方法,能够运用这些方法对投资项目进行评价;.掌握项目现金流量和风险的估计项目资本成本的估计方法,能够运用其评估投资项目; 9.理解期权的基本概念和估价方法,能够运用其对简单的金融期权和投资项目期权进行分析评价; 10.掌握杠杆原理和资本结构原理,能够运用其改善企业的资本结构; 11.了解利润分配的项目、程序和支付方式,掌握股利理论和股利分配政策的主要类型,能够运用其改善企业的股利决策; 12.了解企业股权筹资和长期债务筹资的种类和特点,掌握其筹资程序和方法; 13.理解租赁、优先股、认股权证和可转换债券的特征、筹资程序和优缺点,能够用运其进行有关筹资决策分析; 14.了解营运资本投资政策的主要类型,掌握现金、有价证券、应收账款和存货的决策和控制方法; 15.了解营运资本筹资政策的主要类型,掌握商业信用和短期银行借款的决策和控制方法; 16.了解成本的概念和分类,掌握成本的归集与分配方法,能够运用品种法、分批法和分步法计算企业产品成本; 17.掌握变动成本法的主要特点,掌握变动成本计算的基本方法; 18.理解作业成本法和作业成本管理的基本原理,掌握作业成本的计算方法;


英语报刊选读参考答案英语报刊选读 Journalistic Reading 教师用书 Teacher’s Book 总主编王嘉褆 主编林玫刘雁

BOOK ONE (2) UNIT 1 Campus (2) UNIT 2 Entertainment (5) UNIT 3 Entertainment (9) UNIT 4 Food (12) UNIT 5 Crime (15) UNIT 6 Disaster (19) UNIT 7 Sports (23) UNIT 8 Art (28) UNIT 9 Economy (31) UNIT 10 Ecology (36) UNIT 11 Health (39) UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (43) UNIT 13 Quality problems (48) UNIT 14 Shopping (52) UNIT 15 Gun control (56) UNIT 16 Psychology (59)

BOOK ONE UNIT 1 Campus I.Vocabulary Builder 1.Definition 1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3)seduce: attract; tempt 4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5)reluctant: unwilling 6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention 7)reveal: show; indicate 8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary 9)critical: important; crucial 10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus


2018年春旅游英语报刊选读第二次作业 你的得分: 完成日期:2018年07月12日 15点42分 说明:每道小题选项旁的标识是标准答案。 一、单项选择题。本大题共15个小题,每小题分,共分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.According to WTO''s definition of tourism, outbound tourism refers to __B__. A.visits to country by nonresidents B.visits by residents of a country to another country C.visits by residents of a country to their own country D.internal tourism plus outbound tourism 2.As the domestic tourism industry ____,competition will become increasingly __C__. A.grows, intent B.develops, intent C.matures, intense D.strengthens, intense 3.Tourism contributes to both ___D___ of the world''s cultural heritage. A.knowledge B.preservation C.development D. B and C 4.In 1981 the WTO has urged national tourism organizations ____A__ foreign nationals in their country as domestic travelers. A.to include B.included C.not to include D.including


英语报刊选读试题3 I. Translate the following items into Chinese. (2 points for each from 1 to 15; 5 points for 16 and 17 respectively; 40 points in total) 1. as a tribute to a distinguished graduate 2. three years in a row 3. a double-digit cut in critical defense research programs 4. political lobbying 5. electoral college 6. harmless entertainment 7. have a real problem separating reality from fantasy 8. capital punishment 9. cram for an exam 10. Higher Education Act 11. a fellow student of Fisher’s 12. the give-and-take of the traditional classroom 13. a standard brick-and-mortar university 14.Predicting the future takes insight and dedication. 15. worth a lot of money for a lot of people 16. Don Wise wandered into the living room of his home in Leewood one evening last Semptember. His ten-year-old son, Mike, and a 12-year- old friend were sitting in front of a large-screen television set. They were playing a vedio game they had rented called 007. 17. Ms. Stuart says her experience with online learing was wonderful but also served to challenge one of the false ideas about Internet study: the notion that it doesn’t require as much commitment and discipline as conventional classroom courses. If anything,


2018高考全国统一考试大纲(总纲) 总纲 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(以下简称“高考”)是合格的高中毕业生和具有同等学力的考生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,高考应具有较高的信度、效度,必要的区分度和适当的难度。 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(以下简称《考试大纲》)是高考命题的规范性文件和标准,是考试评价、复习备考的依据。《考试大纲》明确了高考的性质和功能,规定了考试内容与形式,对指导高考内容改革、规范高考命题都有重要意义。《考试大纲》根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质和能力的要求,参照《普通高中课程标准》,并考虑中学教学实际而制定。 《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》明确提出深化高考考试内容改革,依据高校人才选拔要求和国家课程标准,科学设计命题内容,增强基础性、综合性,着重考查学生独立思考和运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题的能力。高考考试内容改革注重顶层设计、统筹谋划,突出考试内容的整体设计,科学构建了高考评价体系。高考评价体系通过确立“立德树人、服务选才、引导教学”这一高考核心功能,回答了“为什么考”的问题;通过明确“必备知识、关键能力、学科素养、核心价值”四层考查内容以及“基础性、综合性、应用性、创新性”四个方面的考查要求,回答了高考“考什么”和“怎么考”的问题。《考试大纲》是高考评价体系的具体实现,也体现了高考考试内容改革的成果和方向。 《考试大纲》是教育部考试中心和各分省命题省市在命题中都应当严格遵循的,是制定《考试说明》的原则依据。各分省命题省市在《考试大纲》的基础上,可以结合本省市高考方案和教学实际制订《考试说明》。 本《考试大纲》的解释权归教育部考试中心。


《英语报刊阅读》试题(A卷) Part Ⅰ Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories: (1% for each, 10%) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. ________ US ________ told not exploit ________ Tibet issue. 2. Rubin ________ Greenspan ________ at odds. 3. Visitors ________ flocking to Mao’s birth place. 4. ________ man ________ quizzed after ________ wife is knifed in ________ sports store. Part Ⅱ Read the following passage and answer the Questions A 5-34 (1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%) A Tuition Reform for Higher Education Chinese institutions of higher learning have quickened their pace of reform in recent years. Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition fees constitute and important part of the reform. Schools which once admitted students almost exclusively according to state plans are becoming more accepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who pay their own fees. Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year, up 158 200 or 25 percent over last year's figure. Of these, 216 000, or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way. In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students, a matter of policy since New China was established in 1949. Although this practice guaranteed the supply of qualified personnel, it brought a heavy burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since higher education is non—compulsory education in China, to charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilities and expedite the development of education in this stage. As an added benefit, paying their own way will encourage students to study harder.


2019年全国统一高考考试大纲——数学 (文) (必修+选修Ⅰ) Ⅰ.考试性质 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试是由合格的高中毕业生和具有同等学力的考生参加的选拔性考试,高等学校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体、全面衡量,择优录取,因此,高考应有较高的信度、效度,必要的区分度和适当的难度. Ⅱ.考试要求 《2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(文科)》中的数学科部分,根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,依据国家教育部2019年颁布的《全日制普通高级中学课程计划》和《全日制普通高级中学数学教学大纲》的必修课与选修I的教学内容,作为文史类高考数学科试题的命题范围. 数学科的考试,按照考查基础知识的同时,注重考查能力的原则,确立以能力立意命题的指导思想,将知识、能力与素质考查融为一体,全面检测考生的数学素养. 数学科考试要发挥数学作为基础学科的作用,既考查中学数学知识和方法,又考查考生进入高校继续学习的潜能. 一、考试内容的知识要求、能力要求和个性品质要求 1.知识要求

知识是指《全日制普通高级中学数学教学大纲》所规定的教学内容中的数学概念、性质、法则、公式、公理、定理以及其中的数学思想和方法. 对知识的要求,依此为了解、理解和掌握、灵活和综合运用三个层次. (1)了解:要求对所列知识的含义及其相关背景有初步的、感性的认识,知道这一知识内容是什么,并能(或会)在有关的问题中识别它. (2)理解和掌握:要求对所列知识内容有较深刻的理论认识,能够解释、举例或变形、推断,并能利用知识解决有关问题. (3)灵活和综合运用:要求系统地掌握知识的内在联系,能运用所列知识分析和解决较为复杂的或综合性的问题. 2.能力要求 能力是指思维能力、运算能力、空间想象能力以及实践能力和创新意识. (1)思维能力:会对问题或资料进行观察、比较、分析、综合、抽象与概括;会用类比、归纳和演绎进行推理;能合乎逻辑地、准确地进行表述. 数学是一门思维的科学,思维能力是数学学科能力的核心.数学思维能力是以数学知识为素材,通过空间想象、直觉猜想、归纳抽象、符号表示、运算求解、演绎证明和模式构建等诸方面,对客观事物中的空间形式、数量关系和数学模式


智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试答案 第一章 1、The decision choosing a career is very easy, you can just do what you like. A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 2、You can find a satisfied job by listening to your parents advice. A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 3、Your past can provide important clues to your personality and character. A:对 B:错 正确答案:对 4、____jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules. A:Planning B:Sales C:Technologies and research D:Finance 正确答案:Technologies and research 5、___ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation. A:Current job market

B:Economic needs C:Location preferences and family need D:All of the above 正确答案:All of the above 第二章 1、While functional resume places emphasis on career progression, a chronological resume focuses on your abilities and skills. A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 2、You’d better not to use a resume template, you need to make it unique. A:对 B:错 正确答案:错 3、The three forms of resume introduction are_______________. A:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profile B:qualifications and award, career profile, and professional profile C:character profile, career objective, and professional introduction D:qualifications introduction, career objective, and character profile 正确答案:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profile 4、When gather information on the company’s profile and background, you can _. A:visit their website.


BOOK ONE (2) UNIT 1 Campus (2) UNIT 2 Entertainment (3) UNIT 3 Entertainment (5) UNIT 4 Food (6) UNIT 5 Crime (8) UNIT 6 Disaster (10) UNIT 7 Sports (11) UNIT 8 Art (13) UNIT 9 Economy (15) UNIT 10 Ecology (17) UNIT 11 Health (18) UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (20) UNIT 13 Quality problems (23) UNIT 14 Shopping (25) UNIT 15 Gun control (27) UNIT 16 Psychology (28)

BOOK ONE UNIT 1 Campus I.Vocabulary Builder 1.Definition 1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3)seduce: attract; tempt 4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5)reluctant: unwilling 6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention 7)reveal: show; indicate 8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary 9)critical: important; crucial 10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus 2)high school diploma 3)drop-out rate 4)college wage premium 5)the K-12 system 6)more academically rigorous 7)well-rounded citizens 8)certification tests 9)career and technical education 3. Blank filling 1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere 6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure 11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassured II.Translation 1.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不 是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。 2.《人类进化》这门课本来是我迫于学校规定选的,但它却成了我所有课程中最大的亮点,


2019高考全国统一考试大纲 总纲 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(以下简称“高考”)是合格的高中毕业生和具有同等学力的考生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,高考应具有较高的信度、效度,必要的区分度和适当的难度。 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(以下简称《考试大纲》)是高考命题的规范性文件和标准,是考试评价、复习备考的依据。《考试大纲》明确了高考的性质和功能,规定了考试内容与形式,对指导高考内容改革、规范高考命题都有重要意义。《考试大纲》根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质和能力的要求,参照《普通高中课程标准》,并考虑中学教学实际而制定。 《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》明确提出深化高考考试内容改革,依据高校人才选拔要求和国家课程标准,科学设计命题内容,增强基础性、综合性,着重考查学生独立思考和运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题的能力。高考考试内容改革注重顶层设计、统筹谋划,突出考试内容的整体设计,科学构建了高考评价体系。高考评价体系通过确立“立德树人、服务选才、引导教学”这一高考核心功能,回答了“为什么考”的问题;通过明确“必备知识、关键能力、学科素养、核心价值”四层考查内容以及“基础性、综合性、应用性、创新性”四个方面的考查要求,回答了高考“考什么”和“怎么考”的问题。《考试大纲》是高考评价体系的具体实现,也体现了高考考试内容改革的成果和方向。 《考试大纲》是教育部考试中心和各分省命题省市在命题中都应当严格遵循的,是制定《考试说明》的原则依据。各分省命题省市在《考试大纲》的基础上,可以结合本省市高考方案和教学实际制订《考试说明》。 本《考试大纲》的解释权归教育部考试中心。 英语 考核目标与要求 一、语言知识 要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录1至附录5),要求词汇量为3500左右。 二、语言运用 1.听力 要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短独白和对话。考生应能:


练习参考答案 UNIT ONE Exercises Ⅰ. Translate the following institution names into Chinese and explain their basics to your classmates in your own words. 1. World Trade Organization __世界贸易组织_____________ 2. International Chamber of Commerce __国际商会_____________ 3. United Nations Conference on Trade & Development _联合国贸易和发展会议________ 4. World Bank __世界银行__________ 5. International Monetary Funds __国际货币基金组织_____________ 6. The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China ___中华人民共和国商务部___ 7. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade __中国国际贸易促进委员会___ 8. General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国海关总署 9. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China _国家质量监督检验检疫总局____ Ⅱ.Judge whether the following statements are true or not through


英语报刊选读--参考答案 UNIT 1 THE MAINSTREAM NEWSPAPAERS AND MAGAZINES 1. 1)T 2)T 3)T 4)T 5) F 6)F 7)T 8)T 9)F 10)T PART TWO NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES BY SUBJECT UNIT 2 POLITICS Section B Text 1 1. 1)C 2)C 3)B 4)C 5)D Text 2 1. 1)B 2)D 3)E 4)F 5)A 6)C 7)H 8)G 9)I Text 3 1. barring serving ahead authorizing repeal 2. 1)B 2)C 3)A 4)D UNIT 3 ECONOMICS Section B Text1 1. 1)F 2)T 3)F 4)F Text 2

1. 1)T 2)F 3)F 4)T 5)T UNIT 4 MILITARY AFFAIRS Section B 1. 1)A 2)D 3)B 4)D Text 2 2. 1)B 2)B 3)A 4)A Text 3 3. 1)D 2)D 3)B 4)B UNIT 5 ENVIRONMENT Section B Text 1 1. 1)B 2)C 3)D Text 2 1. 1)i 2)g 3)m 4)k 5)j 6)d 7)b 8)c 9)a 10)l 11)f 12)e 13)h Text 3 1. 1)T 2)T 3)T 4)F 5)T 6)F 7)T UNIT 6 EDUCATION Section B Text 1 Section B Text 1 1. 1)B 2)D Text 2 1. 1)C 2)A Text 3 1. 1)F 2)T 3)T 4)F UNIT 7
