


September 10 airline rates 30-day advance higher available 29th London Round trip go back to live in west coast culturally university border holiday Unspoilt vivid real subtle stay with back about changes affect awareness decisions segment events movement struggle slavery segregation unequal southern states citizen frustrating


It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you on behalf of De Beers to the “China Diamond Day” in beautiful Dalian .


We De Beers will provide you with an introduction into who we are and how we envision our role in the market.


I am confident that both De Beers, you, and we members of the DJ industry will benefit from the time we spend together over the next day and a half.



Here I’d like to thank all the gentlemen who had given speeches at the conference .


The conference will play an active role in promoting the communication, understanding and cooperation between the ports of Pacific regions, ports of shipping company, ports of other fields.

According to the UNDP Human Development Report, 1.3 billion people do mot have access to clean water and the same numbers of people live on less than one dollar a day. What we are witnessing is nothing less than the massive urbanization of poverty.


Homelessness –a severe manifestation of poverty –prevents the poor from exercising rights, which should be taken for granted, including the right to privacy and family life.


Laws and regulatory mechanisms in some countries effectively deny women ownership of property and housing.


One of the most debilitating forms of exclusion is political. Combined with lack of access to education, political exclusion prevents the poor from actively participating in decisions that affect their lives.


You here in the Northeast have taken this responsibility seriously and have demonstrated a sincere desire to cooperate in environmental cleanup.


As a heavy industry hub of China, Shenyang has already taken significant steps to protect the environment.


These steps include putting anti-pollution facilities into operation, cleaning up the Southern Canal, increasing the forest coverage, and instilling the concept of environmental protection among city residents.


Because of this long experience, we co-sponsor this symposium in the hopes that by sharing what we have learned and transferring technologies we have developed, we can realize our mural desire to leave a clear sky, clean rivers and plenty of natural resources for future generations.


These people lead insecure lives, and have little or no say in decisions that shape their lives.


As the Habit A genda tells us, these are important tools for building better lives in the city.


Countless examples show that when people are given security of tenure, they are more likely to invest in creating better homes, better neighborhoods and ultimately, better communities, and that when local governments work in genuine partnership with civil society – including the urban poor – the entire environment thrives.


The contemporary symbol of Geneva’s international role is the Palace of Nations (Palais des Nations), which houses the United Nations Office at Geneva.


Singapore became a British colony in 1826 and an independent republic in 1965. Modern Singapore is a product of its heritage of commerce and immigration.


Singapore has many names. According to legend, a prince visiting the island saw an animal that looked like a lion.


The tree-lined streets, green parks and lush nature reserves show how Singapore got this name. Perhaps the name that best describes Singapore is Instant Asia.


Many multiethnic countries study Singapore as an example of how many races can live together harmoniously.


Singapore is a favorite with serious shoppers, because Singapore is a duty-free port, many goods are cheaper there than in their country of origin.


For history lovers, Fort Siloso has a wax museum commemorating the colonial days of Singapore. 对于历史爱好者来说,希拉索堡拥有纪念新加坡殖民地时期的蜡像馆。

Singapore is a crossroads for people from all over the world.


Singapore are proud of their tidy, prosperous city. They work hard to make sure that everyone fells welcome.



Museums are bridges connecting the present with the past.


The National Museum of Chinese History houses 300,000 collections, the oldest of which has a history of 1.7 million years.


In the new future, the museum will hold exhibition over which the visitors can speed several hours finishing glancing.


In the near future, we’ll start a new exhibition in the museum, similar to the concentrate edition of the Chinese history, over which visitors spend only 2 or 3 hours finishing glancing.


The museum boats a powerful archaeological rank composed of 40 specialists engaged in unearthing and on-the-spot investigation, including the sea-floor survey along the ccoastline.


We must preserve and take care of lots of ancient relics carefully and skillfully in order to display them in the most attractive way.


Although we cannot get ride of damages of culture relics, we can make use of scientifical method to reduce damage to the minimum.

The Great Lakes are the largest group of lakes in the world, covering 95,170 square miles in surface, draining an area of 295,200 square miles and flowing to the sea at a rate of 240,000 cubic feet per second-more than the Seine, Thames and Danube combined.



One year later, the crisis is still depth effects, it not only cost serious economic difficult to some area countries and spread to the entire world economic.

经济全球化趋势是当今世界经济和科技发展的产物,给是巨额各国带来发展的机遇,同时也带来严峻的挑战与风险,向各国特别是发展中国家提出了如何维护自己经济安全的新课题。The trend of economic, globalization is the product of today’s development of world economy, science and technology. It not only brings the opportunity of country, but also severe challenges and risks. This put forward a new problem to every country.

但各国在扩大开放是应根据本国的具体条件,循序渐进,注重提高防范和抵御风险的能力。When expanding the opening-up, all the countries should adopt step-by-step manners, according to the concrete conditions of their own countries. They should pay attention to strengthening the ability of perverting and withstanding the crisis.


The trend of economic globalization occurred and developed under the condition that old international economic order was not radically changed. So it certainly will widen the gap between the poor and the rich countries.


We are deepening the reform, adopting active financial policies, increasing the investment of infrastructure, widening domestic demand and exerting to achieve the objective of economics and society development.

In the five states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas, crude oil production almost doubled from 1, 272,782,000 barrels between 1950 to 2,480.764,000 barrels in 1972.


Some economists hold that Asia has begun what will be a lengthy journey to stability and recovery, a process which will last for at least the next year.


Before I came here, I learned from a TV program that China’s foreign trade has developed remarkably and the kinds of export goods have much increased.


Although we are keen to meet your requirements, we regret that we are unable to comply with your request to reduce the prices as our prices are closely calculated.



Although we are satisfied with the past trade cooperation, there is still possibility of expanding bilateral trade. The purpose of my visit is to inquire into the prospect of bilateral trade development and to discuss some problems appearing in the past.


We believe that the competitive price, perfect design and the supreme quality of the products will ensure the stable increase of sales volume.

In addition to test scores, university officials also consider applicants’high school grades and other activities.


The American style of education, compared to that of other countries, is quite informal. In fact,

the casual atmosphere often amazes international students. American teachers encourage students to think for themselves. Instead of grading students only on test scores, teachers evaluate papers, group projects and class participation, as well.


In this way, classrooms illustrate the American emphasis on individual responsibility.


Freedom of choice is another American value not absent from school life. In addition to their required course, high school and college students may choose elective course.


The American system of education is far from perfect. Teachers in America fight to control cheating and plagiarism. Drugs, violence, sex and peer pressure interfere, with students’education. Test scores are declining. In light of these issues, American teachers have an important and challenging job. They must instill cultural and moral values, as well as knowledge, in young American citizens.


In university course selections, women are entering some professional programs in increasing numbers, but their participation remains low in fields traditionally chosen by men: engineering, mathematics and sciences.


Education is compulsory from ages five to sixteen and public education is free to all children in the elementary and secondary grades.


Public schools ,which provide education for about 88% of American children, have brought the American ideals of universal education and equal opportunity for all closest to realization.


Experts say that private consultants are gaining in popularity because more high school students want go to college and feel they need a completive edge to help them get in.


Oxford University attracts scholars from many parts of the world to join its teaching and research

staff, and also values important role of overseas graduate students in providing intellectual stimulation and creating and maintaining academic links with colleges abroad.



It is a key national university whose broad campus is located near the bank of Nan River. Admission depends on the applicants’ test scores and their personal qualifications.


Education development should be oriented around modernization, world and future. We should concentrate our efforts on promoting quality education and encouraging the students’ all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique and aesthetics.


To meet the requirements of economic and social development of the educational system, optimizing the organization of specialties, and utilizing new books. Meanwhile, we should reform the curriculum system, test evaluation system and teaching methods for the purpose of upgrading the quality of teaching and studying.

America’s responsibility now, as we mark the first Earth Day of a new millennium, is to bring these lessons to bear against new, more profound environmental challenges.


Promising new technologies, and others just over the horizon, can power our homes, factories and cars with cleaner, more efficient energy-cutting emissions while strengthening our economy. 有发展前途的新技术以初露端倪的新技术,可以为我们的家园,工厂,汽车提供更捷径高效的能源。

People worry that due to heat accumulation in the atmosphere as a result of ever-increasing carbon dioxide and other pollutants released to the atmosphere, the ice field covering Antarctica and Greenland will ultimately dissolve, causing the sea level to rise by more than 200 feet and flood large tracts of land where human inhabit.


In the international meeting held in Kyoto, Japan recently, advanced nations from the EU, the US and Japan were reported to have temporarily agreed to cut down their carbon dioxide emissions by a few percent based on the 1990 amount.


Our goal is that when you walk into every grocery-store, every mass merchandiser all over the country, you have a choice between environmentally safe, recycled, non-toxic products, and regular protects.


As the American economy grew into the world’s largest, our environmental problems mounted until in 1963, we passed the Clean Air ACT, and two years later the Water Pollution Control Act.



Guilin, the scenic spot of southern China, is world famous for its Clear River and magnificent mountains. Recently, it has launched a movement of solicit contribution to protect Lijiang, its main river.

国家环保局最近的一次调查表明华东主要湖泊太湖的严重污染问题已初步得到了控制。The sate Environmental Protection Administration has recently released research finding that showed serious pollution of Taihu Lake had been preliminary controlled.


Intellectual plays more and more important role in the international arena.


Intellectual property includes intentions, exterior designs, trademarks, books, music and movies.


With close cooperation of the all member countries, our organization is confident of facing these challenges.


Since the declaration was adopted fifty years ago, the world situation has seen dramatic and profound changes.

These women are engaged in battle that has been waged for most the past decade. It concerns a major question of public policy. Whether to add an amendment to the US Constitution guaranteeing women legal equality with men.


Public interest groups have come to play an important role in American political process. Although most of these citizen advocacy groups are concerned with consumer and environmental affairs, other work in such diverse areas as defense spending, welfare reform, and civil liberties.



The Asian people know fully well the importance for all countries to treat each other as equals, conduct mutually beneficial cooperation and live with each other in peace and harmony. They strongly believe that peaceful co-existence among countries with different traditions, cultures and social systems is an important political condition for closer friendly relations and cooperation.


China will continue to develop its foreign trade vigorously. It will more effectively implement the strategy of diversifying market and expanding trade on the strength of quality and through science and technology, so as to increase import and export of both goods and services.


口译与听力杨俊峰答案 【篇一:口译与听力考试大纲】 >本课程的指定教材为《口译与听力教程》。该教材共分三个部分, 第一部分主要为听力训练,并附有单词、练习和听力原文。第二、三部分主要为口译训练,包括课文、单词、解说、练习等。 第一部分听力 课程内容 a. 劳动市场 1.工作面试 2.找工作 3.劳动市场的变化 b. 职业及社会角色 1.工作中的女性 2.家庭主妇 3,人工智能 c. 国际大都市 1,美国城市旧金山 2,英国城市伦敦 3,国外旅行 d. 思维与创新 1,美丽的梦幻 2,做梦与创新 3,梦中惊醒 e. 社会与文化 1.重要历史事件 2.不同国家的风俗 3.文化与产品 考核目标 听懂并能理解英语国家的人正常语速的交流(120~150 单词/分钟),掌 握教材内出现的词汇、语法项目、常用的口语表达方式等, 能回答(包括口头和笔头回答)就课文内容提出的问题。 第二部分口译:常规部分 课程内容 1.开幕式 2.闭幕式 3.欢迎词 4.祝酒词 5.大会宣言

考核目标 掌握一般会议的口译程序,各种会议礼节性讲话,如开幕式、闭幕式、欢迎词、祝酒词、大会宣言等的常见格式及口译技巧。能迅速、流 利、准确地转达发言人的讲话内容,语气、语调基本正确, 用词基本得当,句法规范。 第三部分口译:专题部分 课程内容 1,旅游2.经济3.政治4.教育 5.科技 6.体育 7.环保 8.工业 9.农业10.社会问题 11.人居、环境与持续发展 考核目标 每个专题都有自己的特点,如旅游专题介绍与旅游有关的内容,其中包括历史知识、地理知识、旅游资源等。专题类的内容一般专有名词 如人名地名出现频繁,学习时要有的放矢,根据不同专题的不同要求,掌握教材中所出现的词汇、固定用法以及有关知识。能比较流利、基 本准确地转达发言人的讲话内容,语气、语调基本正确,用词基本得当, 句法不出现大错误。 三、考试大纲实施要求 高等教育自学考试是一种国家考试。它既是对社会自学者进行的学 历考试,也是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的一种新 5.关于命题考试的若干规定 a: 听力考试 a)考试形式:闭卷,笔试,满分50 分。 b)考试时间:25~30 分钟。 c)题型及其他:正误题10 题,每题1 分(共10 分), 题干长度控制在40 个单词以内,听力原文形式或为独白或为对白, 总长度控制在400 一500 个单词之间, 正常语速听一遍,之后留出100 秒的时间做答; 三选 一10 题,每段5 题(共2 段),每题1 分(共10 分), 题干长度控制在35 个单词以内,听力原文形式或为独白或为对白, 每段总长度控制在400 一600 个单词之间,正常语速听一遍,每段之后留出75 秒的时间做答; 四选一20 题,每段5 题(共4 段)每题1.5 分(共30 分), 题干长度控制 在35 个单词以内,听力原文形式或为独白或为对白,每段总长度控制 在400 一600 个单词之间,正常语速听一遍,每段之后留出75 秒的时 间做答。


高等教育自学考试英语专业口译与听力教程模拟 试卷答案 (B卷) Part One Listening ( 1’*20=20’ marks) 1. C 2. A 3.D 4.A 5.D 6 A 7.D 8. C 9.B 10. D 11. intelligent 12. interesting to talk with 13. loves kids 14. too sensitive 15. not good at managing money 16. bad-tempered 17. bright 18. has a great sense of humor 19. not easy to talk to 20. doesn’t care much for kids Part Two Interpretation (2’*20=40’ marks) 21. 土地保有权有利于保障社会稳定,改善生活条件,促进对住房、社会基础设施以及商业的投资。 22.在这次研讨会上,来自世界各地的水资源领导者们提出了一项改进水资源管理政策的建议,以防止水缺乏影响城市人口并减少城市水资源的浪费。 23. 当然,除了这些严格的规则,全世界的珠宝零售商店还必须遵守政府部门所制定的当地法规和贸易标准。 24. 现在,欧盟十一国中官方贸易货币——欧元,在2002年1月1日前将不会在那些国家中成为官方货币。 25.如果要列举出普林斯顿大学的强项,就不能不提到以下几点:高质量的学术工作,作为世界级研究机构的突出地位,对于独立工作的重视,积极参与广泛的课外活动的学生群体,以及它强烈的集体意识。26. 世界野生动物保护基金是专门从事动物保护的非政府组织,但它也致力于保护野生动植物以及一切与自然环境相关的事物。 27. 我在这一战斗中的各个阵线都加强了力量——拘捕各处的恐怖分子并将他们绳之以法。 28.我们想告诉娱乐业,希望他们能对其投放市场的娱乐项目负责。 29. 至于随着卫星定位技术的日臻成熟,它又会有哪些五花八门的应用,我们只能借助于想象了。 30. 尽管网络电话是只有三年历史的新兴技术,可它未来发展的潜力非常巨大。 31. Since Han Dynasty, Xi’an has been a very important city in the international exchange of China and foreign countries. The famous ancient Silk Road started here. 32. The mission of the World Bank is to establish a kind of framework to provide long-term foreign exchange for economic recovery and development.


Unit six Lesson one 1.Over the next day and a half we will have the opportunity to get to know one another and discuss relevant issues affecting the diamond industry. 在随后的一天半的时间里,我们将有机会互相了解,并就影响钻石业的相关问题进行讨论。 2.We will also present updated research results on the world DJ (diamond and jewelry) market and more importantly just recently released research findings on the state of the Chinese DJ industry. 我们还将向你们介绍有关世界钻石珠宝市场的最新调查结果。更为重要的是介绍最近发布的有关中国钻石珠宝业状况的最新调查结果。 3.The impressive economic growth and sound management of the economy in the past few years are very encouraging. 在过去几年,中国的形势令人鼓舞,经济发展显著,管理良好。 Lesson two https://www.360docs.net/doc/cf1102692.html,merce between our two countries is growing rapidly, although it is unbalanced. 两国间的商务虽然发展还不大平衡,但增长迅速。 Lesson four 1.当然,我们还不应当忘记为会议提供了各方面周到服务的各界朋友,他们的辛勤工作确保 了会议的顺利进行。 Of course, we should not forget our friends from all walks of life who have provided the smooth running of the conference. 2.我衷心祝愿我们的事业蒸蒸日上,我们的友谊地久天长。我们热切期待着当新的千年到来 的时候,我们在墨尔本港再次相聚。 I sincerely wish our career would bloom and our friendship would last forever. We’re eagerly waiting to see each other in Melbourne when the new millennium comes. Unit seven Lesson one 1.This city and his country embody the forward-looking spirit, the commitment and the energy that are required to meet the challenges facing our rapidly changing and urbanizing world. 这个城市和这个国家体现的进取精神,奉献精神和一种活力,来应对不断变化,不断城市化的世界所面临的挑战。 2.This Urban Revolution promises to be one of the greatest opportunities of our time. 这次城市革命注定为我们这个时代提供了最大的机遇。 3.The urban poor are the end result of a process of economic exclusion. 城市的贫穷是经济隔离过程的最终结果。 Lesson 4 1.请允许我代表大连市人民政府对各位朋友的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 Please allow me, on behalf of the People’s Government of Dalian, to extend our warmest


1701 Education Lesson One p194 p153 American children start their education in elementary school. Most youngsters enter first grade at around six years of age. Children can prepare for this step by attending preschool and kindergarten from ages three to five. Young learners finish elementary school in fifth or sixth grade. From there, students go on to junior high school until eighth or ninth grade. Americans complete their required education in high school. They graduate and receive a diploma after twelfth grade. Beyond high school, Americans have many chances for further education. In contrast to other countries, the U.S. has no national college entrance exam.

Instead, private companies give exams to students. Universities decide which test students must take. In addition to test scores, university officials also consider applicant’s high school grades and other activities. Universities give scholarships and financial aid to help many who cannot afford the high tuition costs. Students with less academic goals may enroll in vocational school or community colleges. The American style of education, compared to that of other countries, is quite informal. In fact, the casual class atmosphere often amazes international students. American teachers encourage students to think for themselves. Instead of grading students only on test scores, teachers evaluate papers, group projects and class participation, as well.


资料员考核评价大纲 通用知识 一、熟悉国家工程建设相关法律法规(权重0.05) (一)《建筑法》 1.从业资格的有关规定 2.建筑工程承包的有关规定 3.建筑工程监理的有关规定 (二)《安全生产法》 1.生产经营单位的安全生产保障的有关规定 2.从业人员的权利和义务的有关规定 (三)《建设工程安全生产管理条例》、《建设工程质量管理条例》 1.施工单位的安全责任的有关规定 2.施工单位的质量责任和义务的有关规定 (四)《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》 1.劳动合同和集体合同的有关规定 2.劳动安全卫生的有关规定 二、了解工程材料的基本知识(权重0.03) (一)无机胶凝材料 1.无机胶凝材料的种类及特性 2.通用水泥的品种及应用 (二)混凝土 1.普通混凝土的种类及应用 2.普通混凝土的组成材料及混凝土配合比的概念 3.常用混凝土外加剂的品种及应用 (三)砂浆 1.砂浆的种类及应用 2.砌筑砂浆的组成材料及砂浆配合比的概念 (四)石材、砖和砌块 1.砌筑用石材的种类及应用

2.砖的种类及应用 3.砌块的种类及应用 (五)钢材 1.钢材的种类 2.钢结构用钢材的品种及特性 3.钢筋混凝土结构用钢材的品种及特性 三、熟悉施工图识读、绘制的基本知识(权重0.05)(一)施工图的基本知识 1.房屋建筑工程施工图的组成、作用及表达的内容 2.建筑设备工程施工图的组成、作用及表达的内容(二)施工图的图示方法 1.房屋建筑工程施工图的形成及图示特点 2.建筑设备工程施工图的形成及图示特点 (三)施工图的识读 1.施工图识读的步骤 2.施工图识读的方法 四、了解工程施工工艺和方法(权重0.03) (一)地基与基础工程 1.岩土的工程分类 2.基坑(槽)开挖、支护及回填的主要方法 (二)砌体工程 1.砌体工程的种类 2.砌体工程施工的主要工艺流程 (三)钢筋混凝土工程 1.常见模板的种类 2.钢筋工程施工的主要工艺流程 3.混凝土工程施工的主要工艺流程 (四)钢结构工程 1.钢结构构件的主要连接方法 2.钢结构安装施工的主要工艺流程


怎样快速通过英语考试 总的来说,自考英语专业是一门很基础的专业。我觉得,如果不提高自己的英语水平,很难有捷径走。同样,如果把基础打好,别的科目就相对轻松很多。我没有参加任何学习班或者辅导班,事实证明,自学是完全可行的,也很少出现自己解决不了的问题。 决定了报考英语专业后,首先要安排考试的科目。其实我是有什么科目就考什么,否则也很难快速考完。但是我认为,有些科目是另一些的基础,还是有计划学习起来比较系统。在专业课里,首先要考的当然是高级英语。“翻译”要放在“口语与听力”之前。还有,选修课建议选与英文相关的。虽然中文的相对容易过,但读过一遍英文课本,哪怕是和中译本对照着看,对于自己的阅读和语感也是有很大好处的。至于公共课,就放在最后或者什么时候有空就顺便过了吧。 下面分别说一下我在各科目学习中的体会。基本上还是以快速通过考试为目的的,而不是谈英语学习方法。如果是热爱英语热爱钻研不太在意考试的同学,这些是没有太大用处的。 首先是高级英语。无论是词汇、语法还是语感,高级英语就是打基础的。我建议这一科认真学,而不是仅仅以通过为目标。词汇要背过(“白喉”之类的词就算了),语法用法要掌握,课文要弄通。虽然现在麻烦,但想到如果这些词在以后的学习中还要一遍一遍查字典甚至如果有精力的话,选文里大牛牛们阐述问题的方法,精妙的话语,如能尽力记下来的话,对日后的写作等科目是非常有益的。 英语写作。如果你的中文写作基础好的话,这一科应该不费什么劲。我只看了一个星期书。事实上,课本中的各种修辞方法的应用,论文的写法等等,在本科的考试中几乎没什么用。看课本学习大纲的写法,以及议论文的条理和逻辑(和汉语中略有不同),找些历年考题看看题型、范文以及评分方法,就差不太多了。网上有一些英语写作的套话,找出来记住是很有用的。考试时注意主题明确条理分明逻辑清晰一目了然等等,还有注意开头结尾和书写。考过高考的同学知道,这些和高考作文的要求差不多。 英语翻译。这一科我建议也认真些学,因为对于实践课“口译与听力”是有帮助的。重要的是自己要先试着翻译,再看标准译文。自己不动手翻译只是看书有些地方是很难体会的。考试有很多课本上的东西,也包括练习题里,建议练习不要完全扔掉,至少要看过。课本上的总结理论要认真看,考试时的选择题等都是有考点的,大多是总结中的这些规则。 英美文学。这是很多人头疼的一科,学习起来也比较费劲。但网上有很多资料。我的方法是,每章前的介绍对着中文看(网上有中文),甚至完全看中文也没有大问题。但是选读作品还是应该自己看过原文,不明白的地方再看解释。有些小说还是很好看的)看到实在看不下去了,就跳到下一篇吧,回头精神好了再补上。(我到最后还有两篇没看完,写得实在太烦了,呵呵,考了85分)。开始看的时候会很头疼,因为开篇是中古英语,很多拼写都和现在不同。不要着急,对着解释看也不是太难,实在看不明白就先放一放。因为越往后越是现代英语,到了美国文学,就更加容易看了。这门课看完书后需要系统地复习,网上的那些资料这时可以派上用处。历年试题和模拟题很重要,因为有“大题潜力”的文章就是那么几篇,没准就碰上了。 其次,这个我只能说一下我这里的情况。我选的是法语,并且用学位考试来免考的。在河北,学位法语比自考法语难得不是一丁点儿。就法语学习而言,入门是比较难的。建议找一个附近大学的英语大三去蹭他们的二外课。一星期两次课,跟一两个学期,《简明法语教程》学完一册应付自考应该没问题了。但学位考试还得多学点。 口译与听力。这个的口译是很难的,听力是简单的,课本是很难的,考试是简单的。所以如果听力不拿分,就没戏了。考试时就尽力抓听力分吧,好在也挺容易。至于口译,尽量听吧。说实话,很难完全顺利地掌握。一开始听不懂可以一句一句听,重复听,或者作听写,都是练习的方法,坚持下去就会有提高。考前再练习段落翻译好了,因为考试时不会有太长


Unit 6 Opening and closing ceremonies Lesson Three Translation for the text (All those on the rostrum and those present took their seats.) Good afternoon, representatives, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! The 1999 global celebration ceremony of World Habitat Day formally opens. Please rise for the National Anthem. Sit down, please. Now , allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests present on the rostrum: Acting Executive Director of UNCHS(United Nations Centre for Human Settlement )…Mr. xx; Minister of China Construction Department, Mr. xx; Mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx; Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee, Mr. xx; Coordinator of UNCHS, Mr.xx Let’s welcome the mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx to give the welcome speech. (The mayor gives the welcome speech.) Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Annan has sent his greeting speech to the Habitat Day. Please project his speech. (Secretary General Annan’s speech is projected.) Welcome the Minister of Construction Department, Mr. xx to give his speech. (The minister makes his speech.) Welcome the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to give his World Habitat Day address.( The Director addresses.) It is time for the Award Ceremony of the 1999 UN Habitat Prize which is set by UN as the highest honor prize for the governments, organizations, individuals all over the world that have made remarkable contributions in habitat field. Let’s welcome the coordinator of UNCHS to announce and introduce the list of prize winners. (The list is announced.) Let’s invite the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to present the award.( Music is played.) Welcome the Egyptian prize winners to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Dalian Mayor…to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome the Indian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Colombian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Slovakian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome American representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Ghanaian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Kenyan representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize (The music comes and ends Let’s welcome the Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee to announce and introduce the 1999 Habitat Prizes for individuals. (The list is introduced and announced.) Welcome Mr. xx and Mr. xx from Britain to come to the rostrum to receive your prizes. Let’s invite the Minister of China Construction Department to present the award. (Music is played.) Today, we observe the grand global celebration ceremony of 1999 World Habitat Day in Dalian, which has achieved complete success under the instruction of UNCHS and with the help


2002 Lesson Two p286 p228 Traffic congestion is becoming serious problem worldwide, and the pace of road-widening projects is unable to keep up with growing transportation needs. Therefore, the only solution has been to create intelligent traffic management system, combining GPS(Global Positioning System) and GIS(Geographic Information System) technology to bring greater convenience to drivers and increase efficiency in transportation industries. During the decade from 1987 to 1997, GPS matured rapidly, becoming a system with many practical applications. But what advantages can this system, which is supported by 26 satellites, bring to transportation users and car owners. Installing a GPS navigation system in each bus would enable drivers to know their exact location, direction and speed at any time. Moreover, the GPS wireless modem system would send this information to


1. It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Chinese Trade Delegation. 我怀着十分愉快的心情向中国贸易代表团表示热烈的欢迎。 2. But there’s n o better place for your money than in your wallet or bank account. 没有把你的钱放进你的皮夹或是银行更好的地方了。 3. We gather here at a moment of great challenge and great change. 我们聚集在这里,正值一个充满巨大挑战和巨大变化的时刻。 4. From our point of view, this is a perfect moment for Europe to focus attention on its eastern neighbors. 在我们看来,目前正是欧盟将注意力转移到其东部近邻身上的最佳时机 5. It would exclude from interdependence between the united states and the soviet union.它排除了过去美苏之间战略相互依赖的(情况)。 6. A declining population would result in economic stagnation. 人口数量逐渐下降可能导致经济停滞。 7. This means that across the country, all students have access to and can use computers daily in their classrooms. 这意味着在全国,所有学生都能够在他们的教室中每天接触和使用电脑。 8. All of us should try to keep fit and prevent from eating too much. 我们大家应该努力保持健康,避免吃得过多。 9. Participation is a way for young people to improve their status, exercise their rights and promote common development. 世界各国青年要通过参与提升地位,实现权力,推动共同发展。 10. The experiences taught him to value what others might take for granted. 那段经历使他学会珍惜在其他人看来也许是理所应当的东西。 11. His enemies are spreading rumors to undermine his authority. 他的敌人在散布谣言来暗中破坏他的威信。 12. Nations are ultimately more successful when all of their citizens can reach their full potential, including women. 当包括妇女在内的所有公民能够充分发挥其潜力时,国家最终会更加成功。 13. He hopes China to continue to actively participate in the international affairs and work with the UN more closely. 希望中国继续积极参与国际事务,同联合国更加紧密合作。 14. She wants to see more women involved in decision making... 她希望看到有更多的女性参与决策。 15. To address climate change within the framework of sustainable development. 在可持续发展的框架内应对气候变化。 16. All of the work we do is based on science. 我们所做的一切都是在科学的基础上完成的。 17. In B2B projects, different business partners join forces to improve their competitiveness by using technology more effectively. 在B2B 项目中,不同的业务伙伴通过更有效地使用技术联合它们的力量以提高自身的竞争力。 18.This intervention in another nation's affairs has set a precedent which we hope other countries will not follow. 对别国事物的这种干涉开了一个先例,我们希望其他国家不要模仿。


《口译与听力》课程教学大纲 课程名称:口译与听力课程代码:10602 课程类型:专业必修课学分:6 总学时:96 理论学时:96 实验(上机)学时:0 先修课程: 英语语法、英语词汇学等适用专业:英语 一、课程性质和学习的目的 《口译与听力》是全国高等教育自学考试英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是基础科段中口语和听力两门课的综合与继续。本课程将在巩固基础科段所掌握的听说技能的基础上,进一步提高本科段考生的听力、口语及口译能力,以适应和满足实际工作需要。本课程从实际应用出发,紧密结合当今社会与经济发展,重点就政治、经济、社会、环境、文化等方面的内容进行训练,并在此基础上,学习常见的口译技巧和常用的难点处理方法。 语言习得一般强调五种技能,即听、说、读、写、译。五种技能中最难掌握的是“译”,因为“译”不仅对一个人的综合技能(如听说技能)提出要求,还会对一个人的综合知识面提出挑战。口译又不同于笔译,口译不仅对翻译质量有要求,对信息转达的速度也有要求。另外,笔译与口译相比,口译对考生的词汇量和反映能力要求更高,因为在口译过程中不允许译者有更多的时间思考,更没有时间去询问同行或是老师,当然也不会有时间去查阅词典或其他参考文献,因此,词汇量和知识面至关重要。所以说《口译与听力》是一门难度较大的课程。 由于本课程是体现语言综合素质的一门课程,因此又可以说,《口译与听力》是与其他英语专业课程相辅相成的。作为一门实践课程,《口译与听力》有赖于其他如综合英语、高级英语、口语、听力、英语国家概况、大学语文等课程的基本功。只有在掌握一定的词汇量、一定的知识面和较好的综合语言技能的前提下,才有可能具备口译的条件和能力。 本课程的目的在于通过对该课程的系统学习,并通过大量的课堂训练和不间断的社会实践,使考生了解口译的性质,掌握基本的口译技巧,能够担任一般的汉英和英汉口译任务。 二、课程内容与考核目标 本课程的教材共分为三个部分,第一部分主要为听力训练,并附有单词,练习和听力原文。第二、三部分主要为口译训练,包括课文、单词、解说、练习等。 第一部分听力 课程内容 A.劳动市场 1.工作面试 2.找工作 3.劳动市场的变化 B. 职业角色及社会角色 1.工作中的女性 2.家庭主妇 3.人工智能 C. 国家大都市 1.美国旧金山 2.英国轮动 3.国外旅行 D. 思维与创新 1.美丽的梦幻 2.做梦与创新


自考《口译与听力》课程口译试题 Part One Chinese-English Interpretation (25%) Section A Sentences (10%) Directions: In this section, you will hear five sentences in Chinese. After you have heard each sentence, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal (请翻译) and stop it at the signal(叮咚声).You may take notes while you are listening and you will be given 20 seconds for interpreting each sentence. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin with the first sentence. 1.中国在控制人口增长方面取得了巨大的成就,受到了联合国的高度赞赏。(请翻译)(间 隔20秒) (叮咚声) 2.我们坚决反对制造“台湾独立”、“两个中国”、“一中一台”的企图。(请翻译)(间 隔20秒) (叮咚声) 3.中国政府高度重视发展信息产业,正在大力推进国民经济与社会信息化。(请翻译)(间 隔20秒) (叮咚声) 4.石窟最早由印度传入中国,是一种佛教建筑形式。(请翻译)(间隔20秒) (叮咚声) 5.开放的中国需要吸收人类一切优秀文化成果和有益经验,也需要得到各国的最大理解与 支持。(请翻译)(间隔20秒) (叮咚声) 6.我想借此机会向来自全国各地的各位来宾表示热烈的问候和美好的祝愿。(请翻译)(间 隔20秒) (叮咚声) 7.我们应该坚持教育适度超前发展,为国民经济和社会发展服务。(请翻译)(间隔20 秒) (叮咚声) 8.与周边国家积极发展睦邻友好关系是中国外交政策的一个重要组成部分。(请翻译)(间 隔20秒) (叮咚声) 9.深圳经济特区建立以来,创造了全国闻名的“深圳速度”和“深圳效益”。(请翻译) (间隔20秒) (叮咚声) 10.因特网的迅猛发展,对世界经济增长和各国人民加强交往具有重要作用。(请翻译)(间 隔20秒) (叮咚声) 11.旅游也已经成为非贸易外汇收入的一个重要来源。(请翻译)(间隔20秒) (叮咚声) 12.1978年,党中央开始酝酿在全国建设深圳、珠海、汕头、厦门四个经济特区。(请翻译) (间隔20秒)


湖北省建设行业关键岗位培训抽考试卷 科目:《材料员专业基础知识》卷号:2012C 题号一二三四总分 得分 阅卷人签名 一、判断题(每小题1分,共20分,正确的请在后面的括号内打“√”,错误的打“×”) 1、贮存期超过三个月的水泥,不得在工程使用。() 2、U—PVC给水管的给水温度不超过45℃。() 3、当砼搅拌时,流动性太小时,应通过啬用水量来调整。() 4、砖墙每天砌筑高度不应超过1.8m。() 5、当砌体材料为粗糙多孔且吸水较大的块材时,应选用稠度较大的砂浆。() 6、屋面与山墙,女儿墙,烟囱等交接处,须做泛水处理。() 7、一般屋面用沥青材料的软化点应比本地区屋面的最高温度高20℃以上。() 8、建筑物的耐火等级是由组成建筑物的构件的燃烧性能决定的。() 9、由于木材纤维结构及年轮影响,木材力学强度及纹理方向的关系,受力最不利 的是横纹抗拉强度。() 10、低碳钢的延伸率为最终长度与原长度的差值。() 11、为防止建筑因温度变化而产生热胀冷缩,在结构内部产生温度应力,应设置抗 震缝。() 12、砂浆强度用符号MU表示。() 13、砖墙水平灰缝的砂浆饱满度至少要达到80%以上。() 14、配制砼时,对砂的选择主要考虑其粗细。() 15、有主次梁的楼盖结构,施工缝应留在次梁跨中部位。()16、碳化会导致砼的抗压强度啬,碱度降低同时收缩增加。() 17、在建筑设计中,平台板代号是TB。() 18、钢材外观质量检查时,允许个别部位有凸块。() 19、分层度为“0”的砂浆,干缩较大。() 20、闪点是表示沥青湿度敏感性的指标。() 二、单选题(每小题1分,共30分。每题备选项中,只有1个正确选项。请将正 确选项的题号填在括号内。) 1、材料在外力作用下产生变形,外力取消后变形即消失,材料能够完全恢复到原 来形状的性质,称为材料()性质。 A、弹性 B、塑性 C、脆性 D、韧性 2、平屋顶为解决排水问题,常做成()%的坡度。 A、0.5 B、1~5 C、5-6 D、3~15 3、生石灰加水后制得的石灰浆应()使用。 A、马上 B、放1天后 C、放3~5天后使用 D、放两周后使用 4、预制钢筋混凝土板在内墙上的搁置长度应不小于()。 A、50mm B、80mm C、100mm D、120mm 5、建筑石膏遇水生成水石膏,逐渐失去流动性,此时称为“初凝”,其“初凝” 时间 为()。 A、15分钟 B、30分钟 C、6分钟 D、10分钟 6、构造柱施工时应做到。() A、后砌墙 B、先砌墙 C、墙柱同时进行 D、无先后次序规定 7、对高温车间工程施工,最好选用()水泥。 A、矿渣 B、火山灰 C、硅酸盐 D、普通 8、按力的传递方式,桩有()和摩擦桩二种。 A、端承桩 B、抗拔桩 C、抗剪 D、抗倾覆


1-2 Not long ago, the secretary general of the World Tourism Organization said. "The Asian financial crisis has slowed down the development of world tourism, but the Chinese tourism industry has maintained a high growth speed.” He predicted that by 2020, China will become the largest tourism country in the world.// The secretary general was attending the '98 China International Tourism Fair, held in Shanghai. At the fair, he quoted a survey report as saying: Due to the financial crisis is Asia, the number of tourists coming and going between the Asian countries has dropped by a large margin since summer 1997. The growth speed of world tourism decrease from 5.5 percent in 1996 to 3.8 percent in 1997. // From January to August 1998, the number of tourists entering China totaled 41.3284 million people times, or an increase of 12.22 percent over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. Foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism reached 8.198 billion US dollars or an increase of 5.55 percent over those of the corresponding period of last year. The number of overseas tourists coming to China has kept growing, except from the other Asian countries, the number of whose tourists has shown a slight reduction.// The secretary general pointed out that China's tourism industry has shown a rising trend during the Asian financial crisis, and the Chinese people should be proud of this, he said. In 1990, the number of foreign tourists entering China ranked 12th in the world and in 1997, the sixth; and its foreign exchange earnings generated from tourism ranked 25th in the world to 1990, and the eighth in 1997. The constant deepening of China's reform and opening to the outside world has greatly promoted the development of China’s tourism. It is predicted that by 2020, the number of tourists worldwide will be about 1.6 billion, of whom 137 million will come to China.// The secretary general said that he likes China very much, because China is a "very lovely country”. It has beaches, plains and mountains, as well as one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, he pointed out. He is right: China’s 5,000-year history of civilization is an invaluable tourism resource which is attracting more and more tourists from all over the world. 世界旅游组织秘书长弗朗加利日前认定,亚洲金融危机使世界旅游业放慢了增长速度,而中国旅游业却继续保持着强劲增长势头。他预测,到2020年,中国将有望成为世界第一旅游大国。// 弗朗加利去年出席了上海’98中国国际旅游交易会,他援引世界旅游组织一份分析报告说,由于金融危机的影响,亚洲各国之间出入境旅游人数从1997年夏季开始大幅度减少,
