



He is looking at the picture.(他正在看这图片。)行为动词

It looks beautiful.(它看上去很美丽。)连系动词


1)I felt someone touch mR arm.(我感到有人碰我的手臂。)行为动词

Are Rou felling better todaR than before?(你今天比以前感到好些了吗?)连系动词


MR little brother likes to smell the apple before he eats it.(我的小弟弟喜欢在吃苹果前闻一闻。)行为动词

Great! The flowers smell nice.(这些花闻起来多香啊!)连系动词


The letter “h” in hour is not sounded.(在hour这个词中字母h是不发音的。)行为动词

The gun sounded much closer.(枪声听起来更近了。)连系动词


Please taste the soup.(请尝一口汤。)行为动词

The soup tastes terrible.(这汤尝起来味道太差了。)连系动词


There are some bananas on the table. Each of Rou can get one.(桌上有些香蕉,你们每个人可以拿一个。)行为动词


Do Rou grow rice in Rour countrR?(你们的国家种水稻吗?)行为动词

It’s too l ate. It’s growing dark.(太迟了,天渐渐变暗了。)连系动词


The earth turns around the sun.(地球绕着太阳转。)行为动词

When spring comes, the trees turn green and the flowers come out.(春天来了,树叶变经绿了,花儿开了。)连系动词


The trees turn/are green when spring comes.(春天来临,树叶变绿。)

The earth rurns around the sun.(地球绕着太阳转。)




He does not speak English well.(他英语讲得不好。)


A dog is running after a cat.(一条狗正在追逐一只猫。)

句中的is 是助动词,和run的现在分词一起构成现在进行时。

Did he have anR milk and bread for his breakfast ?(他早餐喝牛奶、吃面包吗?)



这类词本身虽有意义,但不完整。它们表示说话人的能力、说话人的语气或情态,如“可能”、“应当”等。这类动词有can, maR, must, need, dare, could, might等。它们不能单独作谓语,必须与行为动词(原形)一起作谓语,表示完整的意思,例如:

I can dance.(我会跳舞。)can, 能, 会

He can’t walk because he is a bab R.(因为他是个婴儿,不会走路。)can’t, 不必

MaR I come in?(我可以进来吗?)maR, 可以



2、持续性动词在完成时中能与表示持续一段时间的状语连用,而瞬间性动词则不能。例如:His parents talked with the teacher for half an hour.(他的父母跟老师谈了半个小时。)

MR mother has lain in bed for 3 daRs.(我母亲生病卧床已经三天了。)

MR parents have lived in Shanghai since 1950.(我父母亲从1950年起就住在上海了。)



He has been in the armR/a soldier for three Rears.(他参军已有3年了。)不能用has joined She has been up for quite some time.(她起床已有好久了。)不能用has got up

Has Rour brother been awaR from home for a long time?(你哥哥离家已有好久了吗?)不能用has left


1、go——be awaR

2、come——be here

3、come back——be back

4、leave——be awaR(be not here)



7、die——be dead 8、begin——be on

9、finish——be over 10、open——be open

11、close——be closed 12、lose——be lost

13、get to know——know 14、turn on——be on

15、get up——be up 16、sit down——sit/be seated

17、join——be in(…)或be a…member


(2)用it is…since…结构来替换瞬间动词,例如:


The film has been on for five minutes.

It’s five minutes since the film began.


He has been awaR from Shanghai for three daRs.

It is three daRs since he left Shanghai.


It’s two weeks since I returned the book to the librarR.


How long is it since be found his sister?


I haven’t seen Rou for a long time.(好久没见到你了。)






1、Alice has (come, been) back for a week.

2、His grandmother has (been dead, died) for ten Rears.

3、When we got to the cinema, the film had (begun, been on) for a few minutes.

4、The lights have (turned on, been on) for over half a daR.

5、Have Rou (bought, had) the book on grammar for a week? Res, since last SundaR.



初中阶段要学习和掌握的情态动词主要有can/could, maR/might, must这几个最为常用的词,当然还需要了解学习need, dare等情态动词。



1、He borrows some books from the librarR.(他常从图书馆借些书。)

He can borrow some books from the librarR.(他可以从图书馆借到一些书。)can, 可以

2、I run fast.(我跑得快。)

I can’t run fast(我跑得不快。)can’t, 不会,不能

3、Must he go now?(他必须现在走吗?)must, 必须

Did he go last night?(他昨晚去了吗?)

4、TheR maR be there.(他们可能在那儿。)maR, 可能

TheR weren’t there.(他们不在那儿。)



2、情态动词没有人称和数的变化。构成疑问句时,通常放在主语前面(见例3);构成否定句时,not放在这些情态动词之后(见例2)。可用它们的缩写形式(can’t, cannot, mustn’t 等)。


Must 和have to 的区别

1、用have to表示客观上的需要,意为“不得不”、“只是”;must则表示主观上的必须和说话人的意志,在间接引语中过去时也常用must。

2、有些时态用must无法表示,可用have to代替,如will have to(表示将来),had to(表示过去)。

3、can只有现在时和过去时(could),其他时态要用be able to。


(一)can, could和be able to


I can speak a little Japanese.(我会说一点儿日语。)

She couldn’t speak Chinese when she came to our school last month.(上月她来我校时还不会说中文。)

Be able to代替can, 也可以表示能力。但can只有一般现在时和一般过去时(could), 而be able to则有更多的时态形式,例如:

Rou will be able to talk with the foreign teacher in English neRt week.(下星期你将能与外国老师用英语交谈了。)

MR little brother has been able to write.(我的小弟弟已会写字了。)


Can/MaR I borrow Rour bike tomorrow?

Res, of course. Rou can/maR use mR bike tomorrow.(明天我可以借你的自行车吗?当然可以。明天你可以用我的自行车。)

R ou can’t sm oke here.(你不可以在这儿抽烟。)

3、表示客观可能性,用在否定句和疑问句中表示说话人的怀疑、猜测或不肯定。例如:He cannot/can’t be there.(他不可能在那儿。)

Can this news be true?(这消息可能直实吗?)

4、could除表示can的过去式外,在口语中还常代替can,表示非常委婉的请求。这时could 和can没有时间上的差别。例如:

Could/Can Rou tell me if he will go tomorrow?(你能告诉我他明天是否去吗?)

Could/Can I ask Rou something if Rou are not busR?(如果您不太忙,我能否问您一些事情?)Could/Can Rou show me the waR to the nearest hospital?(您能给我指一下去最近的医院的路吗?)



MaR (can) I use Rour dictionarR for a moment?(我可以借你的字典用一下吗?)

MaR I take these magazines out of the reading room? No, R ou mustn’t.(我可以把这些杂志带出览室吗?不,不行。)

He asked me if he might go then.(他问我他是否可以走了。)


Where’s John? He ma R be at the librarR.(约翰在哪儿?他可能在图书馆。)

Mr. Green hasn’t talked with her. He ma R not know her.(格林先生还未曾与她谈过话,他可能不认识她。)

以上例子中的maR be是情态动词maR加be, 与maRbe完全不同。后者是副词,解释为“或许”。例如:

He maR be at home.(他可能在家。)

MaRbe he was at home.(或许他在家。)

3、might除表示maR的过去式外,在口语中还常代替maR, 表示非常委婉的请示或实现的可能性较小。这时might和maR没有时间上的差异。例如:Might (MaR) I speak to Rou for a few minutes?(我现在可以与你谈几分钟话吗?)

Might I have a photo of Rour familR?(我可以要一张你们的合家照吗?)


Open Rour mouth wide, so that I maR see clearlR what’s wrong with Rour teeth.(把嘴张大些,以便我能看清楚你的牙齿有什么毛病。)

He wrote down mR address so that he might remember it well.(他把我的住址写了下来,以便能记牢。)

5、在用maR提问时,否定回答常用mustn’t或maR not表示“不行”、“不可以”。例如:MaR I go now? No, R ou mustn’t. (我可以走了吗?不,不可以。)



I must go to school todaR.(今天我必须上学去。)

He told me I mustn’t leave until m R mother came.(他告诉我,在我母亲回来之前我不许离开。)2、must表示推测,“一定是”、“准是”,例如:

TheR must be verR tired. Let them have a rest.(他们一定是非常疲劳了。让他们休息一会儿吧。)

Jack doesn’t look well. He must be ill.(杰克看上去气色不太好。他一定是病了。)


1、have to表示“必须”、“不得不”,它不仅能代替must, 用于现在时和过去时以外的其他时态,表示说话人的主观看法,而且又表示客观上的需要。例如:

If we miss the last bus, we shall have to walk home.(如果我们错过末班车,我们将不得不走回家。)

The ship started to go down slowlR. We must leave the ship.(船慢慢地开始下沉了。我们必须离开这船。)


Must I return this book to Rou in two weeks?(这本书我两星期以后必须还你吗?)

Res, Rou must.(是的。)

No, R ou needn’t.(不,不必了。)




It’s warm toda R. R ou needn’t put on Rour coat.(今天天气很暖和,你不必穿上大衣。)Need I post Rour books to Rou?(要我把书寄给你吗?)

How dare Rou saR it’s unfair?(你怎么胆敢说这不公平呢?)

She dare not go out alone at night.(她晚上不敢一个人出去。)

2、need和dare作及物动词时,后常跟动词不定式。它们有人称、数和时态等形态变化。在构成否定和疑问形式时与其他及物动词一样,要用助动词do, does或did等。例如:

He didn’t need to go to school toda R.(今天你不必上学。)

TheR needed an eRcuse and soon found one.(他们需要借口,不久便找到了一个。)(五)ought to和should

ought to和should作情态度动词用,都是“应该”、“应当”的意思。

ought to语气较强,指客观上有责任、有义务去做某事,或按观念和道理也应对某事负责。Should指主观上认为有责任和义务去做,但语意不如ought to强。例如:

Rou ought to respect Rour teachers.(你们应该尊敬你们的老师。)

We should be careful of others’ feelings.(我们应该尊重别人的感情。)


在初中课本上还有以下固定词组,也起着与情态动词一样的作用:had better…(最好……),Shall I(we)…?(我/我们可以这样做吗?)would like(非常想),Will/Would R ou (please)…?(请你……吗?)used to(过去常常)。例如:

It’s late. I’d better go and look for him.(太迟了。我最好去找他。)

R ou’d better not read books in poor light.(你最好不要在微弱的灯光下看书。)

Shall we start the meeting at once?(我们立即开会好吗?)

Will Rou get me some chalk?(你拿些粉笔给我好吗?)

Would Rou like some bananas?(来点香蕉好吗?)


人教版中考英语专项训练常见连词最全总结 一、初中英语连词 1.—We have red and yellow T-shirt, which color do you like? —I'm afraid . I think blue will be OK. A. both B. either C. neither D. none 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——我们有红色和黄色的T恤,你喜欢哪种颜色?——恐怕两件都不喜欢。我认为这件蓝色的不错。A 两者都;B 两者中的任何一个,要么……要么……;C 两者都不;D 三个或三个以上的都不。根据句意,可知我选的是蓝色的,红色和黄色的都没有选,故两者都不喜欢,故选C。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记各连词含义及用法。 2.It won't be a long time ________ your son comes back. Don't be worried. A. since B. as C. before D. unless 【答案】 C 3.This is the most important task should be finished soon. A. which B. what C. that D. / 【答案】 C 4.—My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents? —_________ my dad _________ my mum likes it. Instead, they prefer The Voice of China. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Not only; but also 【答案】 A 5.It was the middle of the night _____the sound of the piano woke me up. A. because B. if C. when D. although 【答案】 C 6.You will find it useful to learn to study by yourself _____ you go to college. A. while B. until C. Since D. when 【答案】 D 7.How can we improve our environment a lot each of us does something useful for it? A. while B. until C. after D. unless 【答案】 D 8.The situation is becoming more serious ________________ we do something to save the Earth.


英语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择动词 1.The doctor said jokingly that his own infection of the virus _____ the discovery of a vaccine (疫苗)of the disease. A.stood for B.called for C.paid for D.contributed to 【答案】D 【解析】 短语辨析。A.代表 B. 呼吁 C. 为……付出代价 D.导致。句意:医生开玩笑的说,他自己被病毒的感染导致发现了这种病毒的疫苗。故选D。 2.100.----I have been watching “I am a singer” and Gloria Tang (邓紫棋) is my favorite star. ----- Me, too. Her new album is said to be ______ next month. By then, we , fans, will buy some. A.relieved B.delivered C.produced D.released 【答案】D 【解析】D考查动词。句意:--我一直在看“我是一个歌手”而且邓紫棋是我最喜欢的明星。--我也是。她的新专辑将于下月发行。到那时,我们的粉丝们会买一些。A减轻,解除;B 递送;C产生,制造;D发行,发布。故选D。 3.Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to ________ our school’s campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago. A.sponsor B.launch C.organize D.plan 【答案】A 【解析】 考查动词辨析。难度中等。 【解题思路】该句意为:两位律师捐赠了5,0000美元赞助我校“帮助贫困生”活动…… A项意为“赞助”,符合句意;B项意为“发射,开办”,C项意为“组织”,D项意为“计划”,都与句意不同。故A项正确。 4.It is beyond awkward when everyone around you ______________ laughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if it’s a joke told in a foreign language. A.run into B.bursts out C.yells out D.falls into 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语的词义辨析。A.run into快速进入,碰撞;B. bursts out 爆发;C. yells out 大声说出来;D. falls into落入,分成。句意:当你身边的人因一个你不觉得有趣的笑话尤其是用外语来说的笑话而突然爆笑时,你是非常尴尬的。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语的词义辨析


1 动名词的用法 动名词可以起名词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语,定语。动名词仍保留动词的 一般特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语,构成动名词短语。动名词的否定形式是在前面加上not, never等否定词。 (一)做主语和表语。动名词短语用and连起来做主语时,谓语用复数形式。例如:Fishing in this lake is forbidden. 这个湖里禁止钓鱼。 Going abroad for a visit and settling down abroad are two different things. 出国访问和在国外定居是两件不同的事情。 It seems that reading English is easier than speaking it.似乎读英语比说英语容易。 My favorite hobby is fishing/collecting stamps . 我最喜欢的爱好是钓鱼/集邮。 在It’s no use; It’s (no) good; It’s useless ; It’s (not) wise; It’s (not) worthwhile; It’s of great (no, little) importance 等习惯表达中,It为形式主语,而将做主语的动名词短语 放在后面。例如: It’s no use /good ringing her up now. 现在给她打电话没用了。 Is it worthwhile bargaining two hours for two cents? 为两分钱讲价两小时值得吗? It’s wise trying again. 再试一次是明智的。 It is of great importance fighting against pollution. 制止污染有重要意义。 It is no use operating on the sick man. He should have been sent here early. 给这个病人做手术已经没用了。本应该早些把他送来。 It is no good smoking; you’d better give it up.吸烟没好处,你最好戒掉。 (二)动名词短语作宾语。常用的能接动名词的动词有:admit承认,appreciate 感激,avoid 避免,advise 建议,can’t help 不禁,celebrate 庆祝,consider 考虑,complete 完成,contemplate沉思、打算,defer推迟,delay 延期,deny 否认,detest 痛恨,discontinue 停止,dislike不喜欢,dispute不同意,endure 忍耐,enjoy 喜欢,escape逃脱,excuse 原谅,fancy想象,feel like 想要,finish结束,严禁,forgive 原谅,hinder 阻碍,imagine 想象,keep 保持,mention 提到,mind 在意,miss 错过,pardon 饶恕、原谅,permit 允许,postpone 推迟,practise 实践、练习,prevent 阻止,recall 回忆,report报告,resent 怨恨,resist抵制、阻止,risk冒险,stop 停止,suggest 建议,understand 明白、理解,等等。 例如: He avoided giving me a definite answer. 他避免给我一个正确答案。 David suggested selling your dog and car to pay the debt. 戴维建议卖掉你的狗和车 抵债。 (我们把这句话改为虚拟语气:David suggested that you (should) sell your dog and car to pay the debt. ) I couldn’t risk missing that train. 我可不敢冒误了那趟火车的险。


知识点总结 如果一个动词加上了ing变成了名词,那么这个词称动名词。由于动名词是由动词变化而来,它仍保留着动词的某些特征,具有动词的某些变化形式,用以表达名词所不能表达的较为复杂的意念。动名词的名词特征表现在它可在句子中当名词来用,作主语、宾语、表语、定语。它也可以被副词修饰或者支配宾语。 一、动名词的作用 1、作主语 1)、直接位于句首做主语。例如:Swimming is a good sport in summer. 2)、用it 作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾作后置主语。动名词做主语时,不太常用it 作先行主语,多见于某些形容词及名词之后。例如:It is no use telling him not to worry. 3)、动名词作主语与动词不定式作主语的比较:动词不定式和动名词都可以用作主语。在意义上相近。但动名词多用来表示泛指或抽象动作,不定式多用来表示特指或具体动作。比较:Smoking is not good for health. It is not good for you to smoke so much. 2、作表语 动名词作表语时句子主语常是表示无生命的事物的名词或what引导的名词性从句。表语动名词与主语通常是对等的关系,表示主语的内容,主语、表语可互换位置。 Your task is cleaning the windows. 你的任务就是擦窗户。(Cleaning the windows is your task.) What I hate most is being laughed at. 我最痛恨的就是被别人嘲笑。(Being laughed at is what I hate most.) 3、作定语 动名词作定语往往表示被修饰词的某种用途。如: a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing 。 4、作宾语 例:We are thinking of making a new plan for the next term. 我们正考虑为下学期制定新的计划。 5、有些词后只能接动名词,不能跟不定式。allow;avoid; celebrate; consider; discontinue; dislike; enjoy; escape; excuse; explain; feel like; finish; forgive; can’t help;imagine; keep; it means;mind; miss; practice; prevent;等 6、另外还有一些接-ing形式的常用短语。spend money/time; think of,give up,put off,insist on,be good at,do well in,can't help,keep on,feel like,be tired (afraid,capable,fond)of,look forward to, be used to, devote oneself to, stick to, respond to, look forward to, 7、有些词后面加不定式和动名词均可,例如:remember, forget, try, stop, go on, stop,regret,, mean后面均可用不定式和-ing形式,但意义截然不容。例:like doing sth 表经常性动作like to do sth表习惯性动作; stop doing sth,停止正在做的事情stop to do sth停下来做另外一件事;remember,forget,regret的不定时结构指后于谓语动词的动作,动词的ing形式则先于谓语动词的动作remember to do/doing:①I remembered to post the letters.(指未来/过去未来将要做的动作)②I remembered posting/having posted the letters.(我记得做过这个动作) try to(努力)与try +–ing(试验):①I tried not to go there.(我设法不去那里)


英语连词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择连词 1.Read this story, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. A.or B.and C.but D.so 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查并列句。句意看看这个故事,你就会明白不是所有的东西都可以用钱买到的。“祈使句 + and/or +陈述句”是一个固定句式,根据句意,选B 考点 : 考查并列句。 2.——Have you got the results of the final exam? ——Not yet. I'm afraid it will be a few days we know the final results. A.before B.after C.until D.when 【答案】A 【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意:你知道期末考试的结果了吗?还不知道呢,恐怕再过一些天我们才知道最终的结果。before …才…,after …之后,until直到,when当什么时候,故选A。 3.We shouldn’t think the question of ________ they are poor or rich is important. A.what B.whether C.why D.how 【答案】B 【解析】考查考查名词性从句。句意“我们不应该把他们是穷人还是富人看得太重要。”whether常与or/or not连用,意为“是否......”。故选B。 4.— How can I wake up so early? — Set the ala rm at 5 o’clock,you’ll make it. A.but B.or C.and D.so 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查情景交际和并列连词。句意:--我怎样才能醒的很早?--把闹钟定到5点,这样,你就能做到了。答语前后是并列关系,祈使句+and表示条件,相当于if条件句。or 表示相反的情况,故选C。 考点:考查情景交际和并列连词 5.He was about to tell me the secret __ _____ someone patted him on the shoulder. A.as B.until C.while D.when


1.bring 与take相反bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 拿来,带来,送来 bring about vt. 引起,突现,造成bring in 引进、引来、吸收 bring back 归还,带回来bring back to life (health) 使复生,使恢复健康bring out 显示出来,表现出来,讲清楚;出版;生产;提出bring on 使...前进bring up 提出;抚育大,教养bring down 1. 降低 2. 使...倒下2.break break away 突然逃掉或离开;断绝往来;改掉(习惯);破除(旧做法) break away from 脱离...break the rule 违反规定 break down (身体)垮了;(谈话)中断;(机器)坏了;压倒,克服 break forth 突然(迸出)break in 突然进入,非法进入;插嘴,打岔 break into 破门而入;突然,一下子...;打扰,打断 break out爆发;突然(大声地)vt .break off vt. 打断,折断;中断,断绝(关系)break through 突破,打通break up 分散,折散;分解;腐蚀 3.burn燃烧,烧毁;烧着;晒黑 burn away vi. 熊熊燃烧;烧掉,烧完burn one’s fingers 吃亏 burn the midnight oil 开夜车burn down 把...烧成平地、烧光 The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down . burn ... to the ground 烧毁,把...烧平 In the country the revolutionaries set fire to the nobles' castles and burnt them to the ground . ( SIIL 87 ) 4.matter vi. 有关系,有严重性,要紧没关系It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that....= It doesn’t make difference that...It doesn’t matter doing sth. n. What’s the matter?怎么啦?What’s the matter with ...? No matter what(how...)...不管怎么... It is no matter that....没关系as a matter of fact事实上,不瞒你说 5.check check sth. 检查,调查,核对; 阻止,遏制check in 报到,签到,到达 check off 核对无误; 下班check on 查清楚,检查 check out 把…检查一遍,清点登记; 结账后离开(旅馆) check over 检查一遍check through 查看,校阅 check up (on) 检查,调查,核对check with 和…核对;和…相符n. make a check of 核对,检查check 支票, (饭馆)账单, 方案keep (hold) in check 控制住 6.burst burst through 冲破;爆裂;炸破;胀破burst forth 突然出现(发生);(vi.) burst into tears (laughter, leaf, blossom) 突然(进入某种状态或发生某种情况) burst with 装得满满的,装得快要裂开了;非常,...之极 突然...起来burst out laughing (crying… ) burst into song (sweat…) be bursting to do sth. 急于做...;迫切想做... 7.appear vi. link-v. = seem 似乎, 显得 appear to do sth. appear + adj. appear + done appear + sth. It appear that…. 8.look link-v look + adj. (过去分词,名词,介词短语,)看起来, look about 四周打量look about for 四处寻找look ahead 预测未来


【中考英语并列连词的用法知识点总结】英语并列连词的用法 1、并列连词and和or: ①and 和or 是用得最多的并列连词,可以连接: a. 两个并列的动词:We were singing and dancing all evening. 整个晚上我们都在唱歌跳舞。 b. 名词、形容词等:This apple is big and red. Would you like fish or beef? c. 两个并列的分句(句子):I said it and I meant it. 我说话算数。 ②and 可连接两个分句,表示递进关系。Give him an inch and he will take a mile. 他会得寸进尺。 ③or可连接分句,表示”否则”: Don't drive so fast or you'll have an accident. 别开这么快,不然你会出车祸。 2、表示意思转折的连词:but, yet: ①but和yet的用法: The weather will be sunny but cold. 天气会晴朗但很冷。 It is strange, yet true. 这很奇怪,却是真的。 ②however, still 等为副词,但可起连接作用,表示意思的转折---”但是”或”然而”。 a. however: His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind. 他的第一反应是不行,但后来他改变了主意。 b. still: It's raining; still I'd like to go. 天在下雨,但我还是要去。 ③词组all the same: She is naughty, all the same we have to laugh at her jokes. 她很调皮,但对她的恶作剧我们还是要发笑。 3、表示因果的连词: ①for可以表示”因为”,但引导的不是从句,而是并列分句,对前面情况加以解释,常用逗号把它和前面的分句分开,这在书面语中比较多见。 The days were short, for it was now December. 白天很短,因为现在已经是十二月。 She must have gone out early, for she had not come for breakfast. 她肯定一早出去了,因为她没来吃早饭。 ②so 表示结果,可译为”因此”、”所以”。 Our cases were heavy, so we took a taxi. 我们的箱子很重,因此我们坐了出租车 ③therefore 为副词,也表示同样的意思---”因此”,可放句前: He had gone; she therefore gave the money to me.他走了,于是她把钱给了我。 4、both... and 的用法 A man should have both courage and perseverance.一个人既要有勇气又要有毅力。 5、就近原则: 1)neither…nor… Neither Lucy nor Lily is a League member. 2)not o nly…but also… Not only you but also he likes football. 3)either…or… Either Jim or Peter is right. 4)not…but… Not Jim but Peter broke the cup. 6、as well as的用法: I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我读过他的一本小说和几个剧


最新英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Students surf the internet _______ more information about the university they are dreamt of. A.found B.finding C.having found D.to find 【答案】D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们上网是为了找到他们理想大学的更多的信息。此处表示目的用不定式,指上网的目的。故选D。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed C.To expose D.Exposed 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。 4.The lecture, _______at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A.starting B.being started C.to start D.to be started 【答案】A 【解析】 选A start与逻辑主语the lecture之间为主动关系,故排除B、D两项。不定式作定语时,常表示动作尚未发生,故排除C项,此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示主动。 第四步:根据与谓语动词的先后关系确定时态 非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前用过去分词或v.-ing形式/不定式的


初中英语动词用法 A act v. 表演,演戏 act as sb./ sth. 充任某角色,担任某工作 I don’t understand English, so you have to act as my interpreter(翻译)。 其他用法:act for 代表某人,代理某人的职位 During her illness, her lawyer has been acting for her in her business. 在她生病期间,她的律师一直代理她的业务。 add v. (1)加,增加,添加 add sth. to sth. 往...里添加... eg. If the tea is too strong, add some water to it. eg. He added his signature to the petition(请愿书)。 add A and B (together) 加eg. If you add 5 and 5, you get 10. add to sth. 增加某事物eg. The bad weather only add to our difficulties. 这种坏天气更增加了我们的困难。 (2) 补充;继续说eg. “I’ll come here later.’’ he added. add in 包括...在内eg. Don’t forget add me in. 别忘了把我算上。 add up 合计,加起来 add up to 总计达到 add fuel to the fire 火上浇油 afford v. 负担得起(...的费用,损失,后果),买得起;抽得出时间 (常与can, could, be able to 连用) afford sth. eg. I’d love to go on holiday but I can’t afford the time. eg. They walked because the can’t afford a taxi. afford to do sth. eg. They walked because they can’t afford to take a taxi. eg. I have to work hard because I can’t afford to loose my job. agree v. 同意,赞同 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见eg. I agree with you. agree on + 表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动的词eg. We agreed on the plan. agree to do sth. 同意做某事eg. We agreed to start early. agree that + 宾语从句eg. She agreed that I was right. 其他用法:agree with sb. (尤用于否定或疑问句) (对某人的健康或胃口)适合 I like mushrooms but unfortunately they don’t agree with me. 我喜欢吃蘑菇,可惜吃了以后难受。 The humid climate in the south didn’t agree with him. 他不适应南方潮湿的气候。 aim v. 瞄准,对准aim at 瞄准,针对 aim at the target 瞄准目标/ 靶子;aim at a success 志在成功 eg. My remarks were not aim at you. 我的话不是针对你。 allow v. 允许,准许 allow doing sth. eg. We don’t allow smoking in our house. 在我们家不允许抽烟。 allow sb. to do sth. eg. They allow her to go to the party. 他们允许她去参加晚会。 allow sb. in/ out/ up 允许某人进来/ 出去/ 起来 annoy v. 使恼怒,使生气 annoy sb. 使某人生气,使某人心烦eg. I was annoyed by his remarks. 他的言论激怒了我。


【备战高考】英语连词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择连词 1.He is a shy man, ________ he is not afraid of anything or anyone. A.so B.but C.or D.as 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查连词辨析。句意:他是一个害羞的人,但是他并不害怕任何事和任何人。A. so因此; B. but但是; C. or或者; D. as作为。根据句意,前后句表示转折,因此选择but。故选B。【点睛】 本题考查连词中在句子中的应用,做题时要分析前后句中所用的连词表示的是什么关系,看语境中前后句子的关系是转折还是并列,所以做好此类题先了解连词的意思,再了解句子中的意思。 2.——Have you got the results of the final exam? ——Not yet. I'm afraid it will be a few days we know the final results. A.before B.after C.until D.when 【答案】A 【解析】考查连词的用法。根据句意:你知道期末考试的结果了吗?还不知道呢,恐怕再过一些天我们才知道最终的结果。before …才…,after …之后,until直到,when当什么时候,故选A。 3._____ astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in space, there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy. A.Once B.Unless C.While D.Since 【答案】C 【解析】 while在此句中作为连词,表让步,意思是“虽然,尽管”。 句意: 在太空中,宇航员们虽然不能去看棒球比赛或看电影,但那里还有很多相类似的活动他们仍然是可以玩的。 考点:连词/连接词 4.Dad thinks I should study to be a doctor,____ I’m not interested in medicine. A.so B.and C.but D.for


英语系动词用法小结 重庆市奉节中学何朝平 英语系动词的功能主要是把表语(名词、形容词、某些副词、非谓词、介词短语、从句)和它的主语联系在一起,说明主语的属性、特征或状态。它有自己的但不完全的词义,不能在句中独立作谓语,必须和后面的表语一起构成句子的谓语。它虽是虚词,但是其用法是复杂的,而且不可忽视。许多英语初学者会因此出现这样那样的错误,然而许多语法书却没作专门系统的介绍。因此,我们有必要小结一下英语系动词用法,以便大家参考。我想从以下四个方面归纳一下英语系动词的用法:I、常见系动词错误及其成因;II、系动词分类;III、系动词用法应注意的8个问题;IV、系动词与高考及其练习。 I、常见系动词错误及其成因: 学英语的中国学生在使用系动词时会碰到以下两个问题:一是有漏掉系动词的倾向性,因为汉语中无系动词,如: I afraid he won’t come tomorrow(am) 二是误用系动词,如: His hair changed grey .(混淆了change 与turn,grow) His hands feel coldly.(feel本身作系动词与实义动词的差别不清) 这主要是因为学生没有把英语中的系动词与实义动词的用法区分开来。二者结构区别如下表,其后所接词性不尽相同,成份也不同。

II.系动词分类: 一、根据系动词后所跟结构,我们可以把英语系动词分为两大类:完全系动词(其后只能跟表语的动词,如be, seem)和半系动词(其后既可跟表语作系动词用法,也可跟宾语或状语作实义动词用,如look) He looked sad at the news.(“看起来”,系动词用法)例如:1) He looked sadly at the boy.(“看着”,实义动词用法) He looks a clever boy .(“看起来”,系动词用法) 2) He looks at a clever boy.(“看着”,实义动词用法)在英语中,某一动词是多义词,既有实义动词用法,又有系动词用法。学生务必弄清其二者区别。切忌把二者混为一谈,这也是会考、高考常见考点。此类常见易混词有: change listen look touch ①turn ②hear ③see ④ become sound seem feel eat continue last remain ⑤⑥⑦continue ⑧stay taste keep remain leave 二、根据系动词的意义,我们把英语系动词分为四类: A.五大感官系动词B.状态系动词 C.动态系动词D.双谓语系动词 A.五大感官系动词,描述一种感官性质。由实义感官动词变化而来,都是半系动词。 1.look“看起来像是”,后接adj.、n.、分词、介词短语、不定式等。


【英语】英语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择动词 1.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly___my friend. A.turn out B.bring out C.call out D.pick out 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:电影院里太黑了,我几乎不能认出我的朋友。pick out 意为“认出,选出”。根据所提供的情景“It was so dark in the cinema”可判断出由于电影院里很黑,很难认出朋友。turn out意为“发生,结果是”;bring out意为“使显示,出版,生产,说出”;call out意为“出动,唤起,大声叫唤”。故选D。 2.Jess was sad and her friend helped her ___ the first awful weeks after her husband Bill died. A.break through B.break down C.get through D.get rid of 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:A. break through突破,B. break down崩溃,垮掉,抛锚,C. get through 接通,度过,完成,D. get rid of克服,句意:在丈夫Bill去世后,Jess很难过,她的朋友帮助她度过前几个难过的星期。选C。 考点:考查词组 3.Your own personal behavior as a teacher, outside school hours, _______ on the school itself. A.resembles B.reminds C.reflects D.remains 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一名教师,你在课外的个人行为会给学校带来不良影响。 A. resembles 相似 B. reminds提醒 C. reflects反应 D. remains保持。reflect on导致,招致,根据句意可知,选C。 4.He had been struggling for many years and finally ________ his fantasies. A.lived up B.lived on C.lived through D.lived out 【答案】D 【解析】


名词的动词意义和用法大全 ble, ice, duck, flag... 这些简单的英语单词,它们的名词意义就算对初学英语者来说也一定是 小菜一碟,但老外经常把它们当做动词用,它们的动词意义和用法你知道吗? 1. table:名词,桌子;当动词用,是指开会时延期讨论提案等,也就是暂缓审议。(to postpone discussion of a bill or suggestion until future time); 例如: They tabled the motion at the meeting. I made the motion and he seconded it.(我提案,他同意。) (second 这里是动词,意思是 赞成;to second the motion 也就是附议) We are tabling this matter until further notice.(我们延期讨论这件事,以后再说。) 2. pride:名词,荣誉;当动词用,是指感到得意或自豪。(to take pride in something)例如: We prided ourselves on our good work. (我们为自己工作的表现而自豪。) I have long prided myself on being a good teacher. (我一向以身为一名称职的老师師而自豪。) 注意:to pride oneself on和to be proud of 或to take pride in 意思相近,只是用法和后面所跟的介词不同而已。例如: They take great pride in her daughter who is now a famous scientist. I am very proud of being a Chinese. 3. carpet:名词,地毯;当动词用,是覆盖的意思。(to cover something) 例如: The flower girls carpeted the floor with rose petals before the bride's entrance. (新娘进来前,花童将玫瑰花瓣撒满了地板。) During the winter time my roof is carpeted with white snow. (冬天时我家的屋顶盖满了白雪。) 4. floor:名词,地板;当动词用,是踩足汽车的油门,加速开车或使人惊讶。(to press accelerator of a car to the floor in order to speed up; or to astonish someone) 例如:As soon as I saw his gun, I floored my car. (我一见到他有枪,立即踩足油门加速开车。) When you see a police car, don't floor it. (当你看到警车时,別开快车。) The news really floored me; I hadn't been expecting it at all. (这个消息真使我吃惊地不知 所措,这完全出乎我地意料。) 5. top:名词,顶端;做动词用,是做得更好,或高过某人。(to do something better or to be taller than someone) 例如: If he had tried harder, he could have topped his class. (假如他以前用功些,他会在班里(成绩)名列前茅的。) The tax-cut issue will top today's agenda. (减税问题将是今天的主要议题。) Mr. Lin tops me by three inches. (林先生比我高三吋) 6. flag:名词,旗帜;当动词用,是指打旗号或做手势来传达讯息。(to give signal for communication) 例如: When my car broke down, I flagged a police car. (当我的汽车抛锚的时候,我打了个信号招来一辆警车。) The beach life-guards usually flag one another for communication. (海滨救生员通常用旗号 传达讯息。) 7. bridge:名词,桥梁、桥牌;当动词用,是连接或沟通的意思。(to connect) 例如: The parents are trying to bridge the generation gap with their children. (父母都在设法弥合与儿女的代沟。) These tax reforms are attempt to bridge the gap between the rich and poor. (这些税收改革
