
怎样 里昂?Hao about,Leon?
.来谈谈正事吧Let's talk business.
这下流的死胖子一直想This fat bastard is moving in
.介入马利吉欧先生的地盘on Morizio's business.
你也知道 马利吉欧先生是个明理的人You know Morizio is a reasonable guy.
他只想和对方谈谈He just wants a little conversation.
但这个死胖子 就是不买他的帐But this guy, he don't wanna hear about it.
我想他也许会听你的Maybe he'll listen to you.
他每周二都会来这儿He comes to town every Tuesday.
你星期二有空吗?Are you free Tuesday?
是的 我星期二有空Yeah, I'm free Tuesday.
很高兴又看到你 琼斯先生Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones.
记住 把数目弄清楚你有半个小时时间Remember, neatness counts.You got one half hour.
嗯 一个小时One hour.
我是楼下的 陶图It's Tonto, downstairs.
这里有个家伙要找你There's a guy wants to talk to you.
看起来怎么样?What's he look like?
告诉他我要上去了Tell him I'm coming up.
他要上去了He's coming up.
有人来了 来者不善Somebody's coming up. Somebody serious.
招子放亮点 有人来找碴了open your eyes. We got company.
有人来找碴了We got company.
来吧Come on.
停下来Stop, man!
叫司机把车开到后面等我们 快点Tell the driver to wait for us out back, and hurry up.
亲爱的 发生什么事了?Sweetie, what's going on?
别担心 宝贝 没事的 小睡一下吧Don't worry, baby.It's cool. Take a nap.
噢 我的天啊Oh, my God.
那些混蛋把两个出口都挡住了Those fuckers blocked both the exits.
去阳台看看Check the terrace!
紧急报案处 emergency.
快救我 有人要杀我I need help.Somebody's trying to kill me.
好 先别挂断 我帮你转接Just stay on the line.I'll just be off a moment.
先生 我帮你接到警官那里去I'm gonna connect you with an officer.
杰弗生警探 你好 你需要帮助吗?DetectiveJefferson. May I help you?
我再打给你I'll call you back.
放松点 兄弟Relax, man.
那边皮箱里的毒品 可以买下半个玻利维亚I got half of Bolivia sitting in them suitcases.
还没有混过水 纯度很高Hasn't even been cut yet.
去吧 拿去吧 全是你的Go ahead, take it.It's yours.
拨这个号码Dial this number.
我们再联络 亲爱的 好吗?I'll talk to you later, sweetie, okay?
我是马利吉欧 记得我吗?It's Morizio. Remember me?
我看到你又回来了I see you're back in town.
是的 不 我是说 没有 只是今天刚好回来Yeah. I mean, no.Just for today.
所以我是不是可以说 今天是你在这里的最后一天So it's safe to say today's your last day in town...
以后在这个城市 我就再也看不到你那张肥猪脸了?and we'll never see your fat fucking face again.
是 是的Yeah. Right.
让我跟我们的朋友说话Let me speak t

o our mutual friend.
他要跟你说话He wants to talk to you.
确定他搞清楚了再放他走Make sure he understands, and let him go.
你搞清楚了吗?Do you understand?
说啊So say it.
我搞清楚了I understand.
照常是两罐牛奶吗?Two milk as usual?
为什么要把烟藏起来?Why did you hide the cigarette?
这栋建筑物到处是老鼠This building's full of rats.
我不想被我老头子发现I didn't want my old man to find out.
麻烦已经够多了Got enough problems.
发生什么了?What happened?
我从脚踏车上摔了下来I fell off my bike.
不要告诉我爸有关烟的事 好吗?Don't tell my dad about the cigarette, okay?
-你为什么这么做? -我不知道-Why are you doing this to us? -I don't know...
这几天有很多金钱纠纷People got memory problems these days.
一定是那小子干的It must be the sun.
你知道那小子什么时候出去的?Know when to come out of the sun.
我不知道事情是怎么发生的I don't know how it happened.
我能怎么样? 我只是个托管人What's my job? I'm just a holder.
我只负责保管东西就好像 你只负责把东西交给我一样I hold the stuff you give to me.
东西我动都没动过I don't look at it or touch it.
我甚至不知道要怎么稀释那东西I don't know how to cut it.
你仔细听好 好吗?Try to follow me.
我们六月把毒品给你的时候In June, we gave you the dope.
纯度还是百分之百It tests percent pure.
现在七月了 我们把那些毒品拿回来Now it's July, we pick up the dope,
但是纯度只剩下百分之九十and it tests percent pure.
在六月至七月这段期间Somewhere between June and July,
有百分之十被偷了ten percent turned to cut!
我不知道 这不关我的事I don't know. It's none of my business.
你把东西给我 我只负责保管You give me the stuff, I hold it.
我知道的就这些That's all I know.
嘿 听好了 我在试着帮你I'm trying to help you out here...
但是如果你硬是不肯说实话but if you're gonna be a hard-ass about it...
我只好去麻烦他了I gotta disturb him.
我告诉你Let me tell you.
当他在听音乐的时候When he's into his music,
他最讨厌有人烦他了he hates being disturbed.
我说的全是实话I'm telling you the truth.
希望是这样I hope so,
因为他有嗅出谎话的能力because he's got a talent for sniffin' out a lie.
很可怕的 简直就像是第六感It's scary.It's almost like a sixth sense.
现在Are you gonna
你是要改变你的说法change your tune
还是要惹他翻脸or I gotta bust into his?
我说的全是实话I'm telling you the truth.
好吧All right.
我很抱歉 你也听到了 他说他没拿I'm sorry. He said he didn't cut the dope.
他当然没拿Of course he didn't.
帮我一个忙 找出来是谁干的Just do me a favor.Find out who did by tomorrow.

马其 等一下Malky, wait.
我没拿你的东西 你们自己去找吧I didn't cut your shit.Find out yourself!
你在这里干嘛?What are you doin' out here?
进去做你的功课Get inside and do your homework.
我已经做完了I did it already.
是吗? 那就进去帮你姐姐Get inside and help your sister...
打扫这该死的房子!clean up the goddamn house!
不许再抽烟!And stop smoking cigarettes!
时间到了 该我看了Time's up. My turn.
你敢换台 我就撕烂你的脸Change the channel, and I'll smash your face.
对不起 亲爱的Sorry, sweetheart.
早安 小睡猪Good morning.
嗨 亲爱的 喂 你们两个Hi, honey,you two.
亲爱的 把电视关掉Sweetheart, turn that down.
妈妈有点头痛Mama's got a headache.
她霸占了我的时间She took my turn.
她只想看那些该死的动画片She wants to watch goddamn cartoons!
动一动她的屁股又不会死It wouldn't hurt her to move her ass.
我又不是那双肥臀的主人I'm not the one with a fat ass around here.
可以请那个整天什么都不干Can someone who's doing nothing all day
只会看动画片的人but watching cartoons...
移动一下她的小屁股去弄点东西来吃吗?move a little ass and go get some food?
有种你就再说一次I dare you to say that again.
马姬 我想我搞砸了Margie, I think I screwed up.
这又不是第一次It wouldn't be the first time.
你总是闯祸 对吧?You always come up with somethin', right?
我想我这次做的太过头了I think I went too far this time.
我想你现在是做的太过头了You're goin' too far right now.
我上班要迟到了I'm gonna be late for work.
今天在家里做 如何?How about workin' at home today?
这下轮到我了Now it's my turn!
爸 她要打我Shit! She's gonna hit me!
妈的 把门关上Shit! Shut the goddamn door!
贱人Fuckin' bitch.
谁来接电话!Can somebody answer the phone?
我在忙I'm busy!
这里是纽泽西州的史宾塞学园This is Marguerite McCallister...
我是史宾塞学园的麦考琳校长headmistress at the Spencer School in Wildwood, NewJersey.
蓝道先生或蓝道太太在吗?Is Mr. Or Mrs. Lando home?
我就是This is she.
蓝道太太 在你先生把玛婷达送来的时候Mrs. Lando, when your husband enrolled Mathilda at Spencer...
他跟我们说她有一些"问题"he told us she had "problems."
如你所知 我们以感化无数问题少女As you know, we pride ourselves on
成为一个健康 正常的女性为傲turning troubled girls into healthy, productive young women.
但如果不把她送到这里 我们所能做的就很有限But if they are not here, there is very little we can do.
现在玛婷达擅自离校将近两个星期了Mathilda left school without permission nearly two weeks ago.
我知道你先生预付了一年份的学费I know your husband paid tuition in advance for a year...

if you will refer to the rules and regulations manual we sent you...
您就知道无正式的理由而长期缺席you will see that unless there is a valid excuse
所缴的学费将会被没收for prolonged absence your tuition will be forfeit.
她已经死了She's dead.
叫那个该死的小鬼做点事Tell that fuckin' kid to do a little work around here!
打扫一下 我已经受够这么乱的地方了Clean up! I'm tired of this fuckin' mess.
快点Hurry up!
为什么当一切看起都很不乐观的时候Why am I feeling When things could look black
我却仍然觉得一切都很美好呢That nothing could possibly go wrong
这是最特别的一天This has been a most unusual day
是爱情使一切看起来都不一样Love has made me see things In a different way
人生总是这么痛苦吗?Is life always this hard,
还是只有小时候是这样?or is it just when you're a kid?
总是如此Always like this.
留着吧Keep it.
我要去杂货店买点东西 要我帮你买点牛奶吗?I'm going grocery shopping. You want some milk?
一个还是两个? 是两个 对吧?One quart or two? It's two, right?
我喜欢这种暴风雨前短暂的平静I like these calm little moments before the storm.
这让我想到了贝多芬 (暴风雨奏鸣曲)It reminds me of Beethoven.
你能听到吗?Can you hear it?
这就像是 你把头贴在草地上It's like when you put your head to the grass...
你可以听到它们在生长 你可以听到昆虫的声音you can hear it growin'.You can hear the insects.
你喜欢贝多芬吗?Do you like Beethoven?
还好Couldn't really say.
我改天弹给你听I'm gonna play you some.
贝尼 留在这儿You better stay here.
爸 爸Daddy
我们说好中午的We said noon.
我的表已经过一分钟了I've got one minute past.
你一定不喜欢贝多芬You don't like Beethoven.
你不知道你错过了多美好的东西You don't know what you're missing.
他的开场总是令我通体舒畅Overtures like that get my juices flowing.
多么有力啊!So powerful.
但过了开头那一小段之后 说真的But after his openings, to be honest...
他的音乐就开始变的他妈的无聊he does tend to get a little fucking boring.
这就是为什么我现在还不杀你That's why I stopped!
把房子给我砸了Toss the apartment.
你是莫扎特迷 我也喜欢他You're a Mozart fan. I love him too.
我喜欢莫扎特I love Mozart!
你也知道 他是奥地利人He was Austrian, you know.
但他的作品 有点太清淡了But for this kind of work, he's a little bit light.
我比较喜欢热情的作曲家So I tend to go for the heavier guys.
你他妈的在干嘛?Dude, what the fuck are you doing?
闭上你的鸟嘴Man, keep your bombacut mouth shut.
改天听听布拉姆斯 他也很不错Check out Brahms. He's good too.
你根本不懂音乐What the fuck do you know about music?
你闭嘴Man, knock it off!

check the mattress?
他妈的!Oh! Fuck! He's dead.
看你干的好事Jesus. Look what you did.
史丹 你没事吧?Stan, you all right?
看你干的好事!Look what you did.
嘿 史丹 史丹!你在干嘛?What are you doin'?
你干嘛? 他已经死了He's dead!
但是他弄坏了我的衣服But he ruined my suit.
我知道 但是他已经死了Yeah, I know, but he's dead.
他现在只是一块肉了 算了吧 冷静点He's a piece of meat. Forget about it. Calm down.
我很冷静I'm calm.
待在这儿 好吗?Stay there, all right?
真他妈该死!贝尼Jesus fuckin' Christ, Benny!
我是马其和史丹!It's Malky and Stan!
放松 好吗? 过来 过来Take it easy, all right?Come on.
过来 抽根烟 好不好?Come on, let's get a cigarette.
贝尼 我们要出来了Benny, we're comin' out!
贝尼 不要开枪Benny, don't fire!
进去 该死的混蛋 贝尼Get in there!Jesus fuckin' Christ, Benny!
你穿了新西装所以才You wear somethin' new and... Got a light?
放松点Take it easy.
这里发生了什么事啊?What's happening out there?
没事的 夫人 进屋子里去 警察办案It's all right, ma'am. D.E.A. Police.
为什么不饶了这可怜的一家?Leave that poor family alone.
一切都没事了 冷静点Everything's all right. Just calm down
我很冷静 我很冷静I am calm. I'm calm.
为什么不放过他们?Why don't you leave them alone?
他说进屋里去He said go back inside.
史丹 我想我们还是进去好点Stan, I think it's better if we go inside.
贝尼 把厨房翻个底朝天也要找出来Benny, turn that kitchen upside down! Find that shit!
血腥维利 看你干了什么好事!Willy Blood, look what you did!
你杀了一个四岁的小孩You killed a -year-old kid!
真的有必要这么做吗?Did you really have to do that?
拜托 开门Please open the door.
贝尼 这家有三个小孩Benny, there are three kids here.
我想史丹杀的是这个女的I think Stan killed this girl.
而维利那个混蛋杀的是这个小男孩Willy, that asshole, shot the little boy.
没见到第三个 把她找出来The third one's missing. Find her.
妈的 有一个小女孩跑掉了Shit. We missed the little girl, man.
我要在这栋该死的公寓把她找出来I'm gonna find the fuckin' super in this goddamn building.
我找到了Yo! I found it!
史丹 我们找到了They found it
我知道I know.
这就是了There it is.
警察来了 我们最好离开There's cops outside. We better go.
警察来了 我们要走了 你留在这儿It's the cops outside. We better go. You stay here.
你要我怎么跟他们讲?What do I say?
告诉他们Tell them...
我们是在做 我们份内的工作we were doing our job.
你叫什么名字?What's your name?
很遗憾你父亲死了Sorry about your father.

不杀他 总有一天If somebody didn't do it one day or another,
我自己也会动手I would have probably done it myself.
你母亲 她Your mother, she...
她不是我妈She's not my mother.
我姐 她整天只想着减肥My sister wanted to lose some weight.
但她从没好看过Bet she never looked better.
她也不完全是我亲姐She's not even my real sister.
她是我同父异母的姐姐Just a half sister.
她身上另一半的血也不怎么好Not a good half at that.
既然你无法忍受他们 那你为什么哭?If you couldn't stand them, why are you crying?
因为他们杀了我弟弟They killed my brother.
他做了什么? 他才四岁What the hell did he do? He was four years old.
他从来都不爱哭He never used to cry.
他只喜欢坐在我旁边抱我He just used to sit next to me and cuddle.
我比那只该死的母猪I was more of a mother to him
更像他妈妈than that goddamned pig ever was.
不要那样形容猪Don't talk like that about pigs.
它们通常都比人还友善They're usually nicer than people.
但它们闻起来很臭But they smell like shit.
不是那样的Not true.
其实 现在我的厨房里就有一只猪As a matter of fact, right now
它很干净而且闻起很香I have one in my kitchen that's very clean...
你的厨房里没有猪You don't have a pig in your kitchen.
有的Yes, I do.
我刚刚在那里并没有看到什么猪I was just in there, and I didn't see any goddamned pig.
不要动 我把它抓来给你看Don't move. I'll get him.
小猪? 小猪? 你在哪里?Piggy, where are you?
啊 你在这儿There you are.
嗨 玛婷达Hi, Mathilda.
嗨 小猪Hi, piggy.
你今天好吗?How are you today?
愈来愈好了I've seen better days.
你叫什么名字?What's your name?
好听的名字Cute name.
你有其它地方可以去吗?You have anyone to go to,
有其它亲戚或其它房子吗?any family anyplace else?
我再去倒一些牛奶I'm gonna get some more milk.
哇靠Holy shit.
请不要动它Don't touch that, please.
里昂? 你到底是做什么的?What do you do for a living?
你是说你是个杀手?You're a hit man?
你什么人都杀吗?Do you clean anyone?
不杀女人 不碰小孩 这是规矩No women, no kids. That's the rules.
雇杀手去杀那些坏人要花多少钱?How much would it cost to hire someone to get those dirtbags...
杀了我弟弟的who killed my brother?
一个人五千Five grand a head.
那这样吧How about I work for you...
我帮你工作 报酬是你教我杀人and in exchange, you teach me how to clean?
怎么样?What do you think?
我可以帮你打扫房子 购物I'll clean your place. I'll do the shopping.
我还会洗衣服I'll even wash your clothes.
成交?Is it a deal?
不行No, it's not a deal.
那你要我怎么办? 我没地方可去What do you want me to do? I've got no place to go.

had a rough day today.
先去睡一觉 明天再说 好吗?Go to sleep, and we'll see tomorrow.
你对我真好 里昂You've been really great with me, Leon...
而且将不会只是这样而已and it's not always like that.
你知道吗?You know?
晚安Good night.
睡的好吗?You sleep well?
很好 早餐之后 你就离开这里Good.After breakfast you gotta take off.
去那里?Where to?
与我无关Not my problem.
读一下Read it.
你不识字You don't know how to read.
我在学 但最近工作很多 所以I'm learning, but I've had a lot of work lately...
进度有点落后 上面写什么?so I'm a little behind.What's it say?
我已经决定好我以后的人生了I've decided what to do with my life.
我想当一个杀手I wanna be a cleaner.
你想当一个杀手 好 拿去You wanna be a cleaner. Here.Take it.
这是送别礼物 去杀吧It's a good-bye gift. Go clean,
但是不要跟着我 我一向独来独往 明白吗?but not with me. I work alone. Understand?
邦尼和克雷是搭挡Bonnie and Clyde didn't work alone.
席马和刘易斯也是搭挡 而他们都是最好的Thelma and Louise didn't work alone. They were the best.
玛婷达 你为什么要这样逼我?Mathilda, why are you doing this to me?
我已经对你够好的了I've been nothing but nice to you.
我昨天救了你一条命 就在门口I saved your life yesterday, right outside the door.
没错 所以你有责任Right. Now you're responsible for it.
如果你要救我 你必须要救得有意义If you saved my life, you must've saved it for a good reason.
如果你现在要丢下我不管If you throw me out now,
就跟你昨天没有开门是一样的it's like you never opened your door like you
跟让我死在你面前一样let me die right there in front of it.
但你开了门But you did open it.
如果你不帮我 我今晚就会死 我感觉的到If you don't help me, I'll die tonight. I can feel it.
但我不想今晚就死I don't wanna die tonight.
玛婷达 你还只是个小女孩 所以You're just a little girl,So,
不要这么悲观 不过 我想你不适合Don't take it badly, but I don't think you could do it.
我很抱歉I'm sorry.
怎么样How's that?
不要再做这种蠢事 否则我打爆你的头Don't you ever do that again or I'll break your head.
听到了吗?You got that?
是我就不会那么做 那不专业I don't work like that. It's not professional.
这行是有游戏规则的There is rules.
还有不要总是说"好"And stop saying "okay" all the time!
你打算在旅馆里练习小提琴吗?You expect to use that in this hotel?
先生 我必须这么做 因为Mister, I have to use it...
我下个月在茱莉亚音乐学院有一场试听会because I have an audition at Juilliard next month
而我必须练习and I have to practice.
好吧 不过不能超过晚上十点Okay, but not after :.
好的 我保证I promise.

我把你的房间安排在走廊的最里面All right.I'll put you at the end of the hall...
这样你就不会打扰到其它客人了so that you don't disturb anyone.
请你填一下这张表格Fill those out, please.
可以让我填吗?can I please fill them out?
你知道我最喜欢做这个了I like to check in to hotels.
谢谢爸爸 我一会就填好拿过来Thanks, Pop. I'll bring these back in a minute.
在四楼Fourth floor!
谢谢Thanks, mister!
你很幸运 有这么一个You're lucky to have a little girl
对任何事物都很有兴趣的女儿that's interested in things.
我有一个儿子 十七岁 整天无所事事I have a kid, , does nothing all day long.
在我把行李搬上去的时候Can I leave my plant here
我可以把我的盆栽先放在这吗?while I take my stuff upstairs?
当然Of course.
我把我在学校里最讨厌的女生的名字写上去I'm putting in a name of a girl in my class who makes me sick.
出了事的时候 就由她来处理If things get hot, she'll take the heat.
拿去 填好了There. Finished.
你几岁?How old are you?
要看我的身份证吗?Want to see my license?
不用了 只是你看起来有点 太小了No. You just look a little young.
里昂 我希望你教我成为像你一样的人Leon, I want you to teach me how to be like you.
我想要像你一样强壮 像你一样聪明I want to be strong and smart like you.
我知道我还不够强壮I know I'm not strong enough yet...
但我可以从基本理论开始学起but I could learn the basics, the theory.
你觉得怎样 只先学理论What do you think? Just the theory.
我需要这样 我需要时间来整理我的思绪I need this, Leon.I need time to get my head together.
是啊 而我现在需要Yeah, and I need...
来一杯a drink.
不要动 让我来Don't move. I'll go get one.
你知道吗? 当你告诉我你要这种婴儿玩具时When you told me to get this baby out for you...
我还以为我的听力有问题I thought my hearin' was goin'.
我告诉我自己 里昂是专业的I says to myself, " Leon's a pro.
只有初学者才用这种东西Nobody uses that except beginners."
我希望自己还能够成长I like to stay in shape.
永不落人后 就像我Always stay on top of it.It's like me.
我必须随时掌握这一行的最新动态I gotta know where everything is all the time.
那就是为什么我到现在还能待在这儿I never leave this place, except to go from here to there.
心猿意马并不好 里昂 你明白吗?Change ain't good, Leon. You know?
检查一下Check it.
确定这玩意儿没问题Make sure it's the right thing.
我相信你I trust you.
相信别人容易出事One thing's got nothin' to do with the other.
你要记住 里昂Remember that.
我会的I will.
步枪是你要学的第一项武器The rifle is the first weapon you learn how t

o use...
因为它能让你跟你的猎物保持距离because it lets you keep your distance from the client.
你越专业The closer you get to being a pro...
就越能接近你的猎物the closer you can get to the client.
像小刀那种东西The knife, for example,
就是你最后才能学的is the last thing you learn.
不到最后一刻不要把它打开Never take it off until the last minute.
它会反光It reflects light.
它能让对方在一里外就看到你的位置They can see you coming from a mile away.
还有尽量穿着深色的衣服And always dress down.
颜色不能比地板亮 好吗?Never brighter than the floor, okay?
我们来练习吧 这是最好的学习方式Let's practice now. It's the best way to learn.
我应该射谁?Who should I hit?
我等一下就让你们采访好吗?I'll be with you in a second.
先等我几分钟Give me a few minutes.
谢谢 非常感谢Thank you.
你们这些穿西装的给我消失 我不想看到你们You guys get lost. I don't want to see you.
我必须让自己看起来很自然This has to look natural.
不杀女人 不碰小孩 对吧No women, no kids. Right?
那个穿黄橙相间的外套在慢跑的怎么样?Jogger in the yellow and orange?
保持冷静Keep calm.
目光不要离开你的目标Don't take your eyes off him.
轻呼吸Breathe easy.
看着他的动作Watch his movement.
假装自己正在跟他一起跑Pretend you're running with him.
试着感觉他下一个运动Try to feel his next movement.
深呼吸 屏息Take a deep breath. Hold it.
我没事 我很好 我很好I'm all right. I'm fine.
趴下Get down!
一枪毙命 还不错吧?One shot. Not bad, huh?
我现在可以试试真的子弹了吗?Can we try with real bullets now?
还不是时候 收拾走人了Not today. Let's pack up.
这里 接着是这样Like that.
不 谢了No, thanks.
没得商量No discussion.
那看起来 像是苏格拉底"It seemed to Socrates..."
让我来I'll do it.
里昂 我们整天都在工作Leon, all we do is work.
我们需要休息 来玩个游戏吧We need a break. Let's play a game.
什么样的游戏?What kind of game?
我知道一个很棒的游戏I have this great game.
它能让你思考并恢复你的记忆力It makes you think and helps your memory.
那正是你需要的It's exactly what you need.
来 猜猜看是谁Who is it?
我不知道I don't know.
我不知道I don't know.
金凯利?Gene Kelly?
轮到你了Your turn now.
好了 你们这些旅客Okay, pilgrim.
克林依斯威特?Clint Eastwood?
我不知道 我放弃I don't know. I give up.
约翰韦恩John Wayne.
我正要说是他I was just about to say that.
我发誓 真神奇 里昂 真的 你演的很棒I swear. It's amazing.Leon, really brilliant.

很爱你的盆栽 对吧?You love your plant, don't you?
它是我最要好的朋友It's my best friend.
它永远都很快乐 从不发问Always happy. No questions.
而且它很像我 你看看 它没有根It's like me, you see.No roots.
如果你真的爱它 你应该把它种在If you really love it, you should plant it
公园的中间 它就会长出根来了in a park so it can have roots.
如果你希望我长大 我才是最需要被灌溉的You should be watering me if you want me to grow.
你说的没错You're right.
它们一定得脱离盘子 才会有生机They gotta be jumping out of the plate. They gotta be alive.
好久不见了 里昂It's been a long time, Leon.
我很想你I missed you.
而你也错过了一些好工作And you missed some nice jobs too.
我在训练Been training.
训练是好事 但别过头了Training's good, but don't overdo it.
训练的报酬不如工作来的高 里昂Training don't pay as good as working, Leon.
那些我赚来存在你这边的钱all the money I make, that you keep for me...
你需要钱?You need some money?
不 我只是好奇Just curious.
因为我已经做很久了I've been working a long time...
却还没用我的钱做过什么and I haven't done anything with my money.
我在想有一天I thought maybe someday
我可能会需要用到这笔钱I could use it.
你有了女人?You met a woman.
里昂 你要小心女人You gotta be careful with women.
还记得你刚到这个国家Remember when you arrived in this country?
我刚带你入行时When I took you in,
你还是个乳臭未干的小鬼you were still wet behind the fuckin' ears...
而且你还深陷女人的泥沼里and, already, you were in deep shit because of a woman.
别忘了这件事 里昂Don't forget that, Leon.
有时我是希望能忘了它I wish I could sometimes.
你知道 有关我的钱You know, about my money...
也许我 也许我可以 把一小部分Maybe I could give a little
给某人to someone.
你知道的 去帮人脱困You know, to help out.
嘿 这是你的钱 我只是帮你保管It's your money. I'm just holding it for you, like a bank.
就像银行一样 甚至比银行更安全Except better than a bank
银行随时都会倒闭because banks always get knocked off.
没有人能打倒老东尼No one knocks off old Tony.
此外 在银行Besides, with a bank...
他们总有成吨的表格要填there's always tons of forms and all that shit.
但在老东尼这里 你什么规定也不用看But old Tony, nothin' to read,
什么表格也不用写nothin' to write.
全都记在我的脑子里It's all in his head.
我现在识字了I know how to read now.
那很好 里昂 很好That's good, Leon.
你的钱在我这儿 不论你什么时候要用Your money's here. Whenever you want it,
你只要跟我讲一声 好吗? 这里有一千块you just ask me.Here's a grand.
不 没关系 我不需要Come on.It's okay. I don't ne

ed it.
没关系 拿去 去找点乐子 拿去Take it. Have some fun. Go ahead.
谢谢Thank you.
好吧All right.
现在来谈正事吧 先别走Now let's talk business.Don't move.
我去拿点资料I'll go get the file.
罗曼洛 倒杯牛奶给我的朋友里昂Manolo, a glass of milk for my friend Leon here.
听着玛婷达 你得小心点Listen, Mathilda, you better be careful.
你不可以随便跟街上的人说话You can't just speak to any guy off the street.
里昂 上道点 这他妈没什么大不了的Leon, get a grip. What's the big fucking deal?
我只是在等你的时候跟人家要根烟抽而己I was just smoking a butt while I was waiting.
我要你停止讲脏话I want you to stop cursing.
你不能一天到晚跟人讲脏话You can't talk to people like that all the time.
我要你学着嘴巴干净点I want you to make an effort to talk nice.
我要你戒烟 烟会害了你And I want you to stop smoking. It will kill you.
离那家伙远一点 他看起来很古怪Stay away from him. He looks like a weirdo.
我还要进去五分钟 站在我可以看见你的地方I'll be out in five minutes. Stand where I can see you.
里昂 我觉得我好像爱上你了Leon, I think I'm kinda falling in love with you.
这是我的初恋 你知道吗?It's the first time for me, you know.
你没有谈过恋爱你怎么知道这是爱How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?
因为我感觉到了'Cause I feel it.
在我的胃里In my stomach.
感觉很温暖It's all warm.
我以前总觉得胃里打结 现在不会了I always had a knot there, and now it's gone.
玛婷达 我很高兴你的胃病好了Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomachache anymore.
但我不认为那代表什么I don't think it means anything.
我要迟到了 我讨厌迟到I'm late for work. I hate being late for work.
嘿 练得怎么样了?How's the practicing going?
今天怎么样 小姑娘?How are we today, miss?
我厌倦练琴了A little sick of practicing.
我能理解I understand.
不过你应该拉的不错But you're doing all right.
我还没听过有人抱怨I haven't received any complaints.
我放了一块布在弦上面以防止发出噪音I put a cloth over the strings to lessen the noise.
噢 你真聪明That's very smart.
并不是每一个人都喜欢音乐Not everyone loves music.
我知道I know.
你爸爸是做什么的?What does your father do?
他是一个作曲家He's a composer.
那真是太棒了That's wonderful.
只可惜他不是我爸爸Except he's not really my father.
他是我的情人He's my lover.
我要去散散步Think I'll go for a walk.
你周六晚上有安排吗?What are you doing Saturday night?
一起吃晚餐怎么样?What about dinner?
喂 你要去哪?Where you goin'?
去J找朋友Visiting friends at J.
没事Go ahead.?
我们都知道你是大忙人We know you're a busy man.

想尽快了结这件事We'll make this short.
如果你愿意一步一步的If you'll just take us step-by-step
告诉我们事情是怎么发生的through exactly what happened.
那家伙当时在这里 他要去拿他的枪The guy was here. He went for his gun.
嘣!我们打中他Bang, we shot him.
小孩子当时在哪里?Where exactly were the kids?
我不知道I don't know!
你不认为他们当时应该在学校吗?They should have been at school, don't you think?
但你在笔录里说你是第一个进来的Your statement said you were the first man in.
你没看到孩子吗?Didn't you see any kids?
大门有被破坏的迹象 那是怎么回事?The door was broken. What happened?
你有按照程序来吗?Did you follow the procedure?
我在这里损失了一个人I lost a good man here.
你他妈的到底想要我怎样?What the fuck do you want with me?
我没时间跟你们在这里鬼扯I haven't got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit!
你要合作? 那就来我的办公室啊 You want cooperation? Come up in my office, room .
小孩应该待在学校里面Kids should be at school.
喂 拜托 那是我的球耶Come on, that's my ball!
喂 还我 拜托 你要去哪?Give that back. Where you goin'?
该死 你干什么 那是我的球Damn! Where you goin', man? That's my ball!
跟着那辆蓝色的车Follow the blue car.
你是要我在那辆鸣警笛的车面前闯红灯吗?You want me to blast the music and go through the lights?
不 开慢点No, drive slowly.
拿了这一百块然后闭上你的鸟嘴Take the hundred bucks, and shut the fuck up.
我不想和你打 但你必须毫无选择地离开I do not want to fight you, but you leave me no choice.
好孩子 你的想法真妙!Boy, you just gave me a great idea!
真的是绝妙的想法!I mean a big one!
欢迎回到E频道! 每日新闻Welcome back to E! News Daily...
这里是分钟最新娱乐动态our -minute look at the latest in entertainment news.
我是 Bianca FerrarI'm Bianca Ferrar.
这是给你的 礼物It's for you. A present.
你要自己拆吗? 我来打开它Do you want me to open it? I'll open it.
喜欢吗? 不错吧?How do you like it? Nice, eh?
麦高芬先生?Mr. McGuffin?
我能跟你谈谈吗?Can I have a word with you?
拿去 这是合约金 两万块Here. It's for a contract. Twenty grand, right?
他的名字叫诺曼·史丹佛His name is Norman Stansfield, and he's in room ...
他在联邦广场号缉毒组大楼的号室in the D.E.A. Building, Federal Plaza.
我不会收的I'm not taking it.
为什么Why not?
太多了It's too heavy.Well.
那么你的枪可以租给我吗?Will you rent me your gear for the day?
我的枪从不出租的I never lend out my gear.
但你有你自己的枪 用它吧But you still have your gun. Use it.
帮个忙 别再打碎玻璃了 好吗?Just do me a favor. Don't shoot out the window.
你为什么对我这么吝啬?Why are you so mean

to me?
你成天在外杀一些和你鸟都不鸟的人Wildly killing people you don't give a shit about...
但你就是不肯帮我报仇but you won't get the bastards that killed my whole family?
以怨抱怨是不好的 玛婷达Revenge is not good once you're done.
相信我 最好是把它忘了Believe.It's better to forget.
忘了? 在我看到Forget? After I've seen the outline
地板上我弟的尸体轮廓之后?of my brother's body on the floor...
你要我忘了?you expect me to forget?
我要杀了那些狗娘养的杂碎I want to kill those sons of bitches.
我要打爆他们的头Blow their fucking heads off.
在你杀了人之后Nothing's the same
一切都会不一样了after you've killed someone.
你的生命会彻底的改变Your life is changed forever.
你的余生都将睁着一只眼睡觉You have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life.
我才不管他妈的以后睡的怎样 里昂I don't give a shit about sleeping, Leon.
我要爱 或是死I want love or death.
就这样That's it.
爱或死I want death.
放过我吧 玛婷达 我已经厌倦了你的游戏Get off my case, Mathilda. I'm tired of your games.
这是很棒的游戏There's this really great game, Leon.
它能让一个人变更好并使他学会思考Makes people nicer. Starts them thinking.
你喜欢的那种游戏The kind of game you love.
如果我赢了 你要让我一辈子待在你身边If I win you keep me with you for life.
如果你输了呢?And if you lose?
那你就可以像往常一样单独去购物Go shopping alone, like before.
你会输的 玛婷达You're gonna lose, Mathilda.
子弹上膛了 我听的出来There's a round in the chamber. I heard it.
那又怎样?So what?
如果子弹就在你面前贯穿我的头 你会怎样?What's it to you if I end up with a bullet in the head?
我希望你没说谎 里昂I hope you're not lying, Leon.
我希望在你内心深对我真的没有一丁点儿的爱I really hope that deep down inside there's no love in you.
因为只要有那么一点点的爱Because if there is just a little bit of love in there for me...
你将会后悔你什么都没对我说I think that in a few minutes you'll regret you never said anything.
我爱你 里昂I love you, Leon.
我赢了I win.
我受伤了 我需要一个助手I took a hit.I need a hand now.
我知道她还很年轻 但她学的很快I know she's young, but she learns fast.
必须从小就开始好好磨练 不是吗?Kids need to be shaped into something, right?
我记得我是这么教你的I know. I taught you that.
但我们不是有年龄限制吗?But ain't there an age limit?
她满十八岁了She's .
噢 真的吗?Really?
来点喝的吧 东尼How about something to drink, Tony?
当然 曼罗洛 倒杯牛奶给里昂Sure. Manolo, glass of milk for Leon.
刺青很漂亮Nice tattoo.
曼罗洛 倒两杯Manolo, make that two.
那是干什么用的?What's tha

t for?
感冒了就不好了Can't afford to catch cold.
第一步先找出门链在哪里First you find out where the chain is.
你看不到 但你可以感觉的出来You can't see it, but you can feel it. Here.
这里 我按门铃你说话I'll ring, you start talking.
我要说什么?What do I say?
随你便Whatever you want.
嗨 我是苏珊It's Susan.
抱歉 你走错地方了 小女孩I'm sorry. You must have the wrong door, little girl.
我不认识叫苏珊的I don't know any Susan.
你可以站后面一点吗? 我什么都看不到Move back a little. I can't see anything.
灯坏了 这里好暗The light's out.It's all dark out here.
先生 我好害怕Mister, I'm scared.
你要干什么?What the fuck are you doing?
张开嘴Open up.
只要枪管离开你的嘴 我就会开枪If it leaves your mouth, I'll pull the trigger, capisce?
这里好了 放开 我说放开Here's okay. Let it go.I said, "Let it go."
过去 到那边去Move. Move over.
别开枪 别开枪Easy. Easy.
去吧 该你了Go ahead. Your turn.
别杀我 求你别杀我Help me. Please don't beat me.
喂 先生 先生?Sir?
先生 那不是我的毒品Sir, it's not my dope.
站左边一点 好吗A little left, please.Sir, look l...
为保险起见 再射一枪Now, the security shot.
第二枪要打在胸部上面一点No, the second goes higher on the chest.
瞄准心脏或是肺部Aim for the heart and lungs.
这里 就是这里 看到了吗?There. Right there. You see?
第一枪使他无法反抗The first shot takes him out of order.
第二枪再杀了他The second finishes him off.
不要打在脸上Never in the face.
如果雇主认不出他要杀的人 他们不会付钱If they can't recognize the client, you don't get paid.
因为你有可能随便杀一个人交差You could take out anybody and said you did the job.
明白了吗?Got it?
明白了 不要打在脸上Got it. Never in the face.
好了 你可以把你的东西收起来了Now you can put the tools away.
这到底是怎么回事?What the fuck is going on? Hey, mister!
嘿 先生What are you fuckin...
你看 当你消音器用得太久的时候You see, when you use the silencer a lot...
你要在上面放一块布you have to put a piece of cloth here...
因为它会过热 里面可能会烧起来because it gets very hot and could burn it inside.
用湿布 最好是黑色的A damp, black cloth is the best.
你干什么?What you doing?
你说不杀女人 不碰小孩We said no women, no kids.
你知道这东西会害死多少人吗?Who do you think this is gonna kill, junkies and monkeys?
这样就干净了Now it's clean.
走吧Let's get out of here.
我以为我们不能喝酒I thought we don't have the right to drink.
我知道 我们为了庆祝你第一份工作破例一次I know, but we're making an exception for your first time.
那么 如果我们可以为了工作顺利而破例Well, if

we're making exceptions for a job well-done...
那吻一下如何 就像电影一样how about a kiss, like in the movies?
你要干嘛?What you doing?
我要吻你I'm going to kiss you.
玛婷达 拜托你停下来I want you to stop, please.
又不会怎么样 就一个吻嘛Come on. Just a kiss.
停下来 大家都在看 笨蛋 坐下Stop. Everyone is watching us.Go sit down.
你不相信我 是吗?You don't believe me, do you?
什么事?How's that?
我说我爱你When I say I'm in love with you.
玛婷达 拜托你别再提了 换一话题好吗?Mathilda, please drop it.Just change the subject, okay?
好啦 好啦 抱歉Okay. Sorry.
你第一次杀人的时候几岁?So, how old were you when you made your first hit?
我赢你啦!Beat you.
你在干嘛?What you doing?
感冒了就不好了Can't afford to catch a cold.
没有门铃There's no doorbell.
那就敲门So knock on the door.
嗨 我在找一位鲁宾森先生Hi.I'm looking for Mr. Reuben's apartment...
可是走廊里面很暗而且我迷路了but it's all dark out here in the hall, and I'm lost.
等一下Just a second.
你还要吗? 来呀 让我看看你的真面目You want more? Come on. Show your fucking face.
你以为那么容易抓住我?You think you're going to get me that easily?
遇到这种情况 就尽快地采取一些手段When it's tough like this, you know it's gonna be ugly.
除非你想整天站在这里听他鬼叫Better make it quick or else we'll be all day listening to his crap.
混蛋 来啊 让我看看你 他妈的Asshole! Come on, show me your fucking face, faggot!
来啊 "口香糖把戏"Come on, gum trick.
嘿 那"戒指把戏"怎么样 你听说过吗?What about the ring trick? You know that one?
"戒指把戏"? 来啊 混蛋Ring trick? Come on, asshole. I'm waiting.
给我看啊 你他妈的Show it to me, motherfucker.
这就是"戒指把戏"That's the ring trick.
玛力欧 回你的理发店 我一会就好Mario, go back to the barbershop. We'll finish later.
里昂 怎么了?Leon, what's up?
工作都完成了吗?All done already?
比人还友善 啊?Nicer than people, eh?
我说过了I told you that.
你遇到困难了?You got a problem?
拿把椅子 过来坐Get the chair. Sit down.
我在想I was thinking.
如果有一天我出事了If something happens to me someday...
嘿 里昂 你不会出事的Hey, Leon, nothing's gonna happen to you.
你是不死之身 子弹只会从你身上滑过去You're indestructible. Bullets slide off you.
它们是你养的You play with 'em.
东尼 我想过 我的钱Tony, I thought about my money.
你记得那天跟我一起来过的女孩子吗?You remember the girl who came here the other day?
她的名字叫 玛婷达Her name is Mathilda.
如果我出了什么意外If anything happens to me...
我 我希望你能给她I'd like yo

u to give her...
我的钱my money.
你要相信我 里昂You can count on me, Leon.
谢谢你 东尼Thank you, Tony.
我会不去太久I won't be long.
我做错了什么吗?Did I do something wrong?
没有 这个家伙比较难缠No.This one is too big.
是啊 我只是多余的 对吧Yeah, and I only get the leftovers, is that it?
玛婷达 自从我遇到你之后 很多事情都变了Mathilda, since I met you everything's been different.
有时候我需要独处So I just need some time alone.
而你需要时间让自己更成熟点You need some time to grow up a little.
我已经够成熟了 里昂 我现在只会变老I finished growing up, Leon.I just get older.
而我正好相反 我已经够老了For me it's the opposite. I'm old enough.
我需要时间让自己更成熟I need time to grow up.
快点!挤上去!Come on! Hustle!
-好球 -过来-Good shot. -Come on.
你是新来的 对吧 住在五楼的You're new, aren't you? Fifth floor, right?
你不能就这样坐在这里You can't sit here like that.
是吗? 为什么?Really, why not?
天下没有白吃的午餐 就像停车位Nothing's free. Like a parking meter.
你一停下来 它就开始计费When you stop, you pay.
这是法律规定的It's the law.
只有电视上才来这一套Only on T.V.
你说什么?What do you say?
算了 那你们怎么算?Forget it. How much is your meter?
十块钱 一个月Ten dollars a month.
有零钱找吗?Got change?
算了 就先这样Don't worry about it. We'll do ten for twelve.
我把剩下一年份的都付清 可以吗?I'll pay now for the rest of the year.
可以 一年份Okay, a year.
付钱把这个地方租下来是不是代表Does paying rent here mean
我还必须忍受你们的骚扰?I have to put up with you guys?
那就去别的地方玩吧So go play somewhere else.
我需要好好思考I need to think.
站好 你不喜欢你的工作吗?Stand up. Don't you like your job?
你要去哪里?Where you going?
外送的 我要送去号室Special delivery, room .
在这里签名Sign here.
周末愉快 姑娘们Have a nice weekend, girls.
送外卖的? 我猜猜看Special delivery? Let me guess.
还是泰式的?Thai, maybe?
我知道了? 意大利菜I've got it.Italian food.
小天使 你叫什么名字?What's your name, angel?
我要你把袋子放在地上I want you to put the sack on the floor.
然后我要你告诉我Now I want you to tell me
这个意大利菜的故事everything you know about Italian food.
还有特地为我准备这道菜的厨师是谁Don't forget the name of the chef who fixed it for me.
没有人派我来 是我自己要送来的Nobody sent me. I do business for myself.
所以这是我们的私人恩怨喽?So this is something personal, is it?
我做了什么该死的事惹到你了?What filthy piece of shit did I do now?

杀了我弟弟You killed my brother.
我很遗憾I'm sorry.
你想去找他吗?And you wanna join him?
事情总是这样的It's always the same thing.
只有当你真正感受到对死亡的恐惧It's when you start to become really afraid of death...
你才会学到要珍惜生命that you learn to appreciate life.
你珍惜你的生命吗? 亲爱的Do you like life, sweetheart?
很好That's good.
因为我没有兴趣Because I take no pleasure
去杀一个in taking a life
不珍惜生命的人if it's from a person who doesn't care about it.
妈的 史丹 我到底找你 还跑到楼上去找I've been looking all over for you.I checked upstairs...
干嘛? 我在忙What? I'm busy.
马其出事了 他死了It's Malky, man. He's dead.
马其当时正在跟中国佬进行交易Malky was makin' a buy for us from the Chinaman.
但与中国佬无关But they got nothin' to do with it.
他们告诉我 那家伙从外面进来They told me this guy came from the outside.
他很专业 动作很快 神出鬼没He was a pro.He was fast. He fuckin'came out of nowhere.
碰 两秒钟内就把中国佬干掉了Boom, shoots the Chinaman dead in two seconds.
轻松点 我是警察Easy, man. I'm a cop.
然后他转过头来 好像对马其说了Then turns around, says something to Malky like...
不杀女人 不碰小孩No women, no kids.
我想这可能是私人恩怨I think it was somethin' personal.
死神今天真是Death is
反复无常whimsical today.
你听见没?do you hear me?
有啊 我听到了 冷静点老兄Yeah, I hear you, Stan. Just chill out, man.
可以请你把她带去我的办公室吗?Would you take her up to my office?
没问题 当然All right.
妈的Jesus fucking Christ.
"里昂 吾爱 ""Leon, my love.
"我知道要去哪里找杀我弟弟的凶手"I know where to find the guys who killed my brother.
"他们的老大是诺曼·史丹佛"Their boss is Norman Stansfield.
"他在缉毒组大楼的号室"He's in the D.E.A. Building, room .
"我要亲手杀了他 如果我没成功"I'm gonna do them myself.If something goes wrong,
"我在桌上放了两万块 那是合约金"I left you grand on the table.
"一个人头五千 对吧? "It's for a contract. Five grand a head, right?
"杀了他们之后 我心里会好过一点"I know I'll feel better after I do this.
"我爱你─玛婷达"I love you."
等我一下 马上就回来Wait. I won't be long.
我不能停在这里 这是联邦大楼I can't park in front like this. It's a federal building!
他的反应就如我预料He's gonna do the same exact thing that I said.
九厘米A nine "millie."
子弹和另一把九厘米Bullets.Another nine "millie."
你带这些东西要干嘛?What'd you plan to do with all these guns?
也许她想要挟持整栋大楼Maybe she was planning on taking out the whole building.
哇塞 看我找到什么? 午餐Holy shit! What's this? Lunch.
小心 也

许下过毒了Careful, Blood, might be poisoned.
不会 上面没有鳀鱼There's no anchovies on this.
这就是你所谓的马上回来?Is that what you call "I won't be long"?
我已经在这附近绕了至少十分钟I been here for ten minutes.
我已经尽力了 走吧I did my best.
你喜欢吗?Do you like it?
那就说出来啊So say it.
我喜欢I like it.
不渴?Not thirsty?
你知道吗? 女孩子的第一次是最重要的You know, a girl's first time is very important.
那关系到她往后对性的态度It determines the rest of her life sexually.
这是我在我姐姐的杂志上看到的I read that once in one of my sister's magazines.
我的朋友告诉我她们的第一次都很不愉快My girlfriends told me they hated their first experience.
因为她们的对象并不是她们真正爱的人That's because they didn't love the guys.
她们只想炫耀自己的性经验They just did it to show off.
之后 做爱对她们来说就像抽烟一样Afterwards, they started liking it, like cigarettes.
我希望我的第一次是美好的Will I like it the first time?
玛婷达 不行Mathilda, no.
为什么?Why not?
就是不行I just can't.
你已经有心上人了?You love someone else?
不 我的意思是No.I mean...
很久以前我曾经爱过一个女人There was someone a long time ago.
那是我来到这里之前的事了Before I came to the States.
她的父亲不希望她跟我见面Her father didn't want her to see me.
她来自一个非常显赫的家族She was from a very respectable family.
而我家Mine was...
你知道you know...
并不怎么好not so respectable.
每次她偷偷跑出来见我 她父亲就会抓狂Her dad went nuts every time she'd take off to see me.
但她还是不顾一切的去见你 对吧?She still snuck off to see you, right?
你看 没有任何事物挡得住爱情 里昂See, nothing can stop love, Leon.
她父亲杀了她He killed her.
子弹贯穿了她的头部One shot through the head.
他只在牢里关了两天就被放出来了They kept him in jail for two days, and they let him go free.
他们说那只是一场意外They said it was an accident.
有一天晚上我等着他one night I waited for him.
在距离尺外透过望远镜Five hundred feet with a lens.
于是他也发生了意外He also had an accident.
同一天晚上我就搭着船The same night I took a boat and came here...
来到这个地方找为东尼工作的父亲to meet up with my father who was working for Tony.
我当时岁I was .
从那之后我就再也没离开过这座城市 而且Since then I've never left the city, and...
我也没再交过任何女朋友I've never had another girlfriend.
你看 玛婷达You see, Mathilda...
我不会是一个好情人的I wouldn't be a good lover.
只要答应我一件事Would you do me one favor?
我讨厌看你睡在你的椅子上I'm sick of watching y

ou sleep on your chair.
我们要睡在同一张床上We're gonna share the bed.
我不认为这是个好主意I don't think it's a good idea.
好 把你的腿放在床上It's okay.Put your legs up on the bed.Yeah.
没错 这样很好Yeah. That's nice.
把你的头放下来 好的 放松Put your head down. It's okay. Relax.
晚安 里昂Good night, Leon.
晚安Good night.
曼罗洛 把孩子带到厨房去Manolo, take the kids in the kitchen.
我很尊重你的事业 东尼I have a lot of respect for your business, Tony.
你过去也帮我们处理过不少人When you've killed for us in the past...
结果都令我们很满意we've always been satisfied.
那也是为什么今天That's exactly why today
会让我那么难做人is going to be very hard for me.
我希望你能体谅我的心情I hope you'll excuse my mood.
我的人在你的地盘被杀了My man was killed right here on your turf.
中国佬告诉我对方好像是The Chinks tell me that the hit man...
一个意大利裔杀手was kind of the Italian type.
于是我立刻想到东尼也许会知道什么So we figured that Tony might know something.
还有一件事我想你会有兴趣There's more.You're gonna love this.
几个小时之前 一个十二岁的小女孩A few hours later, a little -year-old girl
全副武装来到我的办公室comes into my office armed to the teeth,
抱着必死的决心with the firm intention
要把我送进停尸间of sending me to the morgue.
你知道是谁来把她带走的吗?Do you know who came and got her right there
就在我的地盘in my building?
又是那个意大利杀手The very same Italian hit man.
我快想死他了I'm dying to meet him.
放松点 没事的Relax. Everything's fine.
睡的好吗?Sleep well?
我从来没有真正睡着过I never really sleep.
我一直睁着另一只眼Got one eye open always.
噢 我忘了Yeah, I forgot.
我从没见过有人I never saw someone
能睁只眼睛睡觉还能打鼾那么响with one eye open snore so much.
我打鼾?I snore?
像个婴儿Like a baby.
我要去买牛奶 马上就回来I'm gonna get some milk for breakfast. I won't be long.
回来的时候别忘了我们的暗号Don't forget the code when you come back.
先敲两下 再一下 再敲两下 对吧?Two knocks, then one, and two knocks again. Right?
先生你好 算一下这些多少钱 我还要去拿一些牛奶Ring these up. I'm gonna go get some milk.
从现在开始 不要发出任何声音From here on out, you don't make a sound.
回答我的问题 是就点头You answer my questions by nodding yes
不是就摇头 明白吗?or shaking your head no.
他是不是一个人?Is he alone?
他是不是在等你?Does he expect you?
你有房间的钥匙吗?Do you have keys to the apartment?
有没有暗号 像是敲几下门让他知道是你?Is there a code, a way of knocking, so he knows it's you?
Alpha小队Alpha team.

我们准备好了Final position. We're ready to go.
小心点Be careful.
快 快Move! Move!
Alpha小队 有人牺牲 有人牺牲Alpha team. Man down.
我早说过了I told you.
把每一个都找来Bring me everyone.
"每一个"是什么意思?What do you mean, "everyone"?
拿着Take this.
过去看看Go take a look.
别动Don't move.
你看到什么了吗?Do you see anything?
是那个家伙It's the guy.
他在这里 他拿枪指着我的头He's here. He's got a gun to my head.
所有人都不要动Nobody moves.
放那个女孩走Let the girl go.
别乱来 伙计Take it easy, man!
放了那个女孩Let the girl go.
那个女孩要出来了Okay, the girl's comin' out.
放那个女孩走Let the girl go.
去拿消防栓旁的斧子 在那边 快去Grab the axe off the wall. Over there. Go!
你跟我们一起走You're coming with us.
天啊 他居然开枪打他Christ, he shot him!
快闪 快闪 快闪Move!
把那该死的水关掉Shut the fucking water off!
知道了Got it.
我们在这里处境艰难We're in a bad way here.
把猫带过来 我再重复一遍 把猫带过来Send the cats.I repeat,sent the cats.
我不知道发生了什么事I don't know what happened.
我没有看到他们跟过来 我发誓I didn't see 'em coming, I swear!
我只是去买东西I just went shopping
当我回来的时候 这里到处都是他们的人and I came back, and they were everywhere.
离窗户远一点Stay away from the window.
过来Come here.
现在 把那个混蛋给我揪出来Okay, now, get this fucking asshole out of there.
我们要怎么出去?How are we gonna get outta here now?
交给我吧 我们要退房了Leave it to me. We're checking out.
但是这对你来说太窄了But it's not big enough for you.
我才勉强能挤进去It's barely big enough for me.
我说过没得商量We said no discussion.
不 我不要 我不走No, I'm not letting...
我不走 我不走I'm not going! I won't go!
听着 听我说Listen to me.
我们在一起没机会逃We have no chance together.
我要自己一个人才办的到But if I'm alone, I can do it.
相信我 我没事的 玛婷达Trust me. I'm in good shape.
我知道我在东尼那里有很多钱I know I've got a lot of money with Tony.
我们会带着那笔钱一起离开We'll take it and leave together,
就我们两个 好吗? 快走just the two of us.Okay? Go.
不 你只是在说安慰我的话You're saying that so I won't worry.
我不想失去你 里昂I don't wanna lose you.
你不会失去我的 玛婷达You're not gonna lose me.
你让我尝到人生的滋味You've given me a taste for life.
我开始想要过的快乐 睡在床上 有牵挂I wanna be happy, sleep in a bed, have roots.
你以后不会再觉得孤独了 玛婷达You'll never be alone again.
拜托 马上走 宝贝 走Please, go now, baby
