


Wuyishan city a developing tourist named after the famous mountain in Fujian province is located in the north of Fujian province bordering Jiangxi province. It covers an area of 2798 square kilometers with a population of 208000 administering 5 towns 5 townships and 6 tea farms. The area is endowed with unique tourist resources having mild climate beautiful sights and abundant local products along with a long history and a galaxy of talents and cream of local culture. It is also one of the country’s famous production regions of tea grain and timber and a cradle of Chinese revolution. The tide of reform and opening up in China has brought the city into the opening front. Established here successively are Wuyishan National Key Nature Reserve Wuyishan National Key Scenic Spot Wuyishan National Tourist Resort and Wuyishan National Airport. And Fujian provincial government has also approved the founding of Wuyishan Tourist Economic Development Zone. During the reform and opening up Wuyishan municipal government has put emphasis on building airport railway and other facilities to improve the infrastructure. Now the city has become the center of culture and communications and a hot spot for sightseeing and for investment. The strategies of developing the city through environmental protection tourist economy science and education have been implemented in an all-round sustainable way in the city with the grand goal of becoming an international tourist city in about 15 years.

武夷山市旅游武夷山市,位于福建北部的赣闽交界处,是福建省唯一以名山命名的新兴旅游城市。武夷山市面积2798 平方公里,人口20.8 万,辖5 镇、5 乡、6 个农茶场。境内气候宜人,风光奇秀,物产丰富,历史悠久,人文荟萃,旅游资源得天独厚。这里是全国著名的茶区、粮区、林区和革命老区。改革开放的大潮把这座古老而又年轻的城市推向对外开放前沿。国家先后在此设立重点自然保护区、重点风景名胜区、旅游度假区和航空口岸。福建省在此设立旅游经济开发区。改革期间,这里的市政府把重点放在建机场、设口岸、修铁路等基础设施上。现已逐渐成为文化与交流中心,旅游观光的胜地和投资兴业的热土。目前,武夷山市正全面实施―环保立市‖―科教强市‖ 、―旅游经济兴市‖的可持续发展战略,并确定了用十五年左右时间初步建成国际性旅游城市的宏伟目标。


Bristol is a truly beautiful, interesting and fascinating city. Beautiful parts and gardens leak onto interesting lanes and footpaths, while houses and buildings of old times stand magnificently on the hills of the city.// But Bristol is much more than this; it is a modern city where the latest works in contemporary arts can be found and where the night-life is interesting and varied.// Bristol is surrounded by beautiful countryside, rolling hills, and top class holiday resorts. Some of the country’s most fascinating tourist attractions—castles and palaces==are only a short drive away.// Bristol has always encouraged the tourist industry and welcomed tourists from all parts of the world. There is superb choice of accommodation available and the city is proud of its many restaurants and cafes.




East Lake,rated as one of the top national attractions,is the pride and joy of the People of Wuhan. Many of the residents enjoy walking along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, smelling the sweet laurels in autumn and admiring the plum trees in winter. The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches as far as the eye can see. Ancient pavilions and pagodas scattered throughout the 34 hills around the lake make this scenic spot historic and impressive. Due to abundant rainfall and sunshine as well as a humid climate, East Lake has rich botanical resources. There are 372 kinds of trees and over 390 varieties of flowers, of which plum blossom and lotus are the most famous. While wandering between the green hills, clear water and ancient architecture, one can easily feel the essence of ―Chu Culture‖.


4. 卡帕多西亚

The fairy chimneys of Cappadocia are spectacularly peculiar, a sight that needs to be shared. The region offers plenty of opportunities to explore on foot or by car, but the best way is to wake up before dawn for a balloon ride over the jagged landscape and fantastic dwellings. Post-afternoon-nap, climb the stairs up to Uchisar Castle to watch the sunset from the top of the area’s tallest fairy chimney, where Cappadocia mingles with the clouds and everything from Mt Erciyes to the Pigeon Valley is in view.

卡帕多西亚的精灵烟囱可以说是一个非常值得观赏的奇观。这个景点为人们提供了很多自驾游的机会,但最好的旅行方式是黎明前夕乘坐热气球俯瞰锯齿景观和梦幻住房。中午小憩过后,顺着阶梯登上乌希萨尔城堡,再看夕阳落下最高的精灵烟囱尖顶,卡帕多西亚城被云雾笼罩,从Mt Erciyes到鸽子谷的景色尽收眼底。


Two million international tourists visit New Zealand each year: that's one tourist for every two locals. Attracted by the country's natural beauty, they also find a thriving urban culture, and a society very much in touch with global trends. When we show our country to visitors, we are reminded of just how spectacular New Zealand is. Snow-capped mountains, golden beaches, shining lakes and ancient rainforests: it

really is just like the postcards. Because of our sparse population, it is always possible to find a peaceful spot to be alone with nature. One of the most popular holiday activities is camping: staying in tents or simple huts in the forest, or near a beach or river. Away from the noise and bustle of the city you can enjoy outdoor activities like fishing, walking and swimming.



Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries.


Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.



Juicy mangoes, technicolor sunsets, night-blooming jasmine: Bali is quite possibly the most seductive island on earth. This is a culture where days begin with offerings of flowers to Hindu deities at roadside temples and where every visitor is greeted with a smile, but sensual undercurrents flow. It’s also the place for indulgent spa treatments, like floral bath s and spice body scrubs, and of course couples’ massages.



Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being ―Heave nly Land of Plenty‖. It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it. In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time. Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: ―Wa lking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!‖ Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions. The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever.



In China, there has been a century-old popular saying praising the city: In Heaven there is Paradise; On earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. Hangzhou’s fame lies mainly in its picturesque West Lake. As it is beautiful all year round, the West lake was compared by Su Dongpo, a celebrated poet of Song Dynasty, to a beauty ―who is always charming in either light or heavy makeup. ―In Hangzhou, you will not only find the lake a perfect delight to the eye but also find it a joy to stroll along the busy streets, taste famous Hangzhou dishes and buy some special local products.


The West Lake is like a mirror embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.


Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province. It is a world-famous tourist destination, a city with long history and profound culture, and also one of the seven ancient capitals in China.


Hangzhou is an important city in China's coastal areas, which are developed and wealthy in the country. Machinery, electronics, chemical, engineering, light industry and textiles are the backbone of Hangzhou’s industry. Hangzhou is also a famous tourist city in China. With its beautiful scenery, it shares with Suzhou the reputation of "the paradise of the world".


The West Lake is the most famous tourist spot in Hangzhou. Surrounded by graceful mountains on three sides, it has charming scenery and many cultural relics and historic sites. There are three stone pagodas in the middle of the lake. The main

body of the pagoda is the shape of a ball and hollow inside. At night, candles are lit in the pagodas, and their reflections on the lake look like many small moons, hence earning the name "Three Pools Mirroring the Moon".


The bore of the Qiantang River is the most powerful river bore in the world. It occurs in Haiyan County to the northeast of Hangzhou City. Every year from August 15 to 18 in the Lunar Calendar, the spectacular high tidal waves rush to the narrow estuary where the Qiantang River flows into the sea.



Mount Tai, called ―East Yue‖, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: ―as firm as Mount Tai‖ and ―as weighty as Mount Tai‖. Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.



Yellowstone National Park is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, although it also extends into Montana and Idaho. It was established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872. [5][6] Yellowstone, widely held to be the first national park in the world,[7] is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park.[8] It has many types of ecosystems, but the subalpine forest is most abundant. It is part of the South Central Rockies forests ecoregion. Yellowstone has numerous recreational opportunities, including hiking, camping, boating, fishing and sightseeing. Paved roads provide close access to the major geothermal areas as well as some of the lakes and waterfalls. During the winter, visitors often access the park by way of guided tours that use either snow coaches or snowmobiles.




The Summer Palace, located in the northwest Beijing Haidian District, 15 km from the Beijing City. Covering an area of about 290 hectares, the existing Summer Palace is China's largest, most complete preservation of the imperial garden. It was originally the palace and the garden of Qing Dynasty emperors.

The Summer Palace, dominated mainly by Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, covers an area of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is under water. Its 70,000 square meters of building space features a variety of palaces, gardens and other ancient-style architectural structures. Well known for its large and priceless collection of cultural relics, it was among the first group of historical and cultural heritage sites in China to be placed under special state protection.



The location of Suzhou Classical Gardens is diverse. In December f 1997, Wor ld Heritage Committee of UNESCO registered them in World Heritage list. In 1985, Suzhou Gardens were reputed as one of the top ten tour spots in China. It is said,

―One cannot think of gardens without thinking of the Jiangnan gardens, nor of Jiang nan gardens without the Suzhou classical gardens

―Among the gardens, the Humble Administrators Garden, the largest ancient g ardens in Suzhou with the coverage of 4 hectares, is deemed as the masterpiece of C hinese gardens.


Outside Suzhou Rivers lakes and artificial waterways spread all over the place. The canals are spanned with small bridges with distinct features. If you look round, you will enjoy the view of picturesque beauty. The quiet elegant waterside buildings have assumed the unique feature of a water city.



This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the world's top five palace. The Forbidden City was built begin in

1406 and it took 14 years to built it. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. North to south is 961 meters, and 753 meters from east to west. And the area of about 725,000 square meters. The Imperial Palace has 8704 rooms. In 1987 the Forbidden City was recognized a world cultural legacy.


Forbidden City building Classified as "outside in" and "inner court" two parts. Taihe palace, Zhonghe palace and Baohe palace are the center of the outside in, where the emperor would hold meeting and exercise of power. Qianqing palace, Jiaotai palace, Kunning palace are center of Inner court. Feudal emperors and princess lived here.

故宫的建筑分为―外朝‖与―内廷‖两大部分. 外朝以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿三大殿为中心,是皇帝举行朝会和行使权力的地方。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫后三宫为中心是封建帝王与后妃居住之所.


Egypt to a total of 96 pyramids, Cairo is the largest of the three pyramids of Giza on the outskirts. Pyramid is the king of ancient Egypt for the construction of his tomb. Great Pyramid is the second of the Fourth Dynasty King Khufu's tomb, was built in about 2690 BC, the original 146.5 meters high, as a result of long years of weathering, off the top 10 m, is 136.5 meters high; on each side of the base more than 230 meters long, Triangle face angle of 51 degrees, the bottom area of 52,900 square meters; 2,300,000 from the tower stone, each stone an average of 2.5 tons heavy. It is said that 100,000 people 20 years to be produced. The pyramid's internal channel to the outside world, access to the sophisticated design, calculation precision, is impressive.

Pyramid of Khufu is the second son of the king's tomb at Harvard and Latin America, was built in 2650 BC, 3 meters lower than the former, but building a more perfect form of a spectacular, pre-built tower of the temple, and other ancillary buildings and the famous lions of people who Like the surface.

Sphinx's face in the light of Harvard and Latin America, the body for the Lions, 22 meters high, 57 meters long, carved ears, as there is a 2 m high. In addition to the eagle as the entire claw lion, all from a natural rock Diaocheng. As the loose stone, and has gone through 4,000 years of time, the entire carving as a serious weathering. Another serious facial damage, it was said to be Mamuluke it as a practice target shooting caused some people said to be Napoleon's invasion of Egypt in the 18th century when the marks left by the shelling.Third of the Khufu pyramid is a grandson of King Kawu La doors, was built in about 2600 BC. It was the fourth decline of the dynasty period, the construction of the pyramid began to decline. Kawu La door of a high pyramid of a sudden down to 66 meters, the internal structure of the confusion.

Khufu pyramid of the sun on the south side of the ship are well-known museums, the son of Khufu was used to ship Sun's mummy to the Khufu pyramid buried, and

then the ship will be open for the buried. The library was unearthed in the sun on the construction site of the ship's. Net for the hull structure of the wood, tied together with rope.







Australia is an exceptionally beautiful country. This is the world’s smallest continent and yet the largest island. Here the tourist will witness with admiration a variety of astonishing environments, from tropical beaches to white snow-covered field, from vast deserts to rain forests.

The tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing animals and plants, and a sunny and comfortable climate, and meet an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.



The spirit of medieval times might be noticed in historical center of Mechelen. In particular, it is an oval square, surrounded by city walls that were built in the 13th century and partially ruined in the 19th. The main attraction of Mechelen is St. Rumbold’s Cathedral, situated nearby. Its carillon is considered the best one in

Europe, so the city livelihood is almost under control of cathedral chime-balls. 49 tollers were casted since 1640.


While visiting Belgium, it is impossible not to taste a drink of a national importance. This clearly refers to a beer. It is hard to count and to name all the beer sorts and breweries, dispersed all over Belgium. In contrast, attending of some beer museums is a must thing to do. One of them is arranged in Brussels, specifically Gueuze Museum of Beer-Making. Here enthusiasts also can try Belgian champagne, made of old and new beer sorts.



Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center of Beijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of Heavenly Succession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war. When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’an men, and served as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative and residential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections of the Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at the top of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book of Changes, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supreme status of a sovereign.



Terracotta warriors and horses is the only imperial tombs from the mass grave, located on the eastern side of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum of about 1 kilometer and a half, was found in 1974, is the most important archaeological discoveries of. One pit was discovered when local farmers digging, drilling after another has found that two pit on the 3rd, one of which pits the largest, covering an area of 14,260 square meters.

A total of three pits excavated more than 700 pieces of pottery figurine, by more than 100 tanks, more than 400 horses Ma Tao, more than 100,000 pieces of weapons. Pottery figurine at the height of 1 meter 75-1 m 85, according to dress, look, the style, can be divided into general figurines, warrior figurines, figurines, and other vehicles

with disabilities. There are also excavated pit sword, spear, halberd, bronze weapons such as machetes, although buried in the soil in more than two thousand years, the blade is still sharp, sparkling, can be seen as a miracle in the history of metallurgy in the world. Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang large-scale, powerful scenes, with high artistic value.



Originally called Merchants Street, it was built in the style of South China towns during Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1736-1795). It was a street where emperors and empresses could pretend to go shopping as ordinary people and it was burned to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860 and restored in 1990. The 300-meter street is built over water with shops and stands on the bank. More than 60 businesses, including a teahouse, a restaurant, a pharmacy, a bank, a hat store, a jewelry store and a grocery store, operate on the bank, presenting a concentrated illustration of the commercialism in South China towns in the 18th century.



For most of us, Hawaii begins to weave her spell(魅力)with some little glimmer(微光)of awareness. Golden beaches and golden people, Sun, sand, sea, and surf……And somewhere between the blue skies and the palm trees(棕榈树)……we are hooked(吸引).



Unit 9 Text A Ever since its establishment in 1984, rainbow has develop from a single store into the leading chain enterprise in shenzhen’s retailing industry. Now rainbow is in the top 100 of retailing giants in China. In its 20 years of development, rainbow has won the trust from the government, business partners,suppliers and customers, by maintaining its corporate philosophy of “Authenticity,integrity, Enthusiasm and Credibility ’’. It has attained the support from the society and achieved excellent economic effects and social effects. Thought its scientific management technique and professional operative style ,Rainbow made a great-leap-forward development and achieved a splendid result .The annual sales steadily grew from RMB 323 million Yuan to RMB 2.82 billion Yuan .Rainbow has expended its business to new areas ;Nanchang, Xiamen, Dongguan and Huizhou. By now, the total of rainbow chain sore is seventeen. Rainbow formulated its management guideline of “Quality First, Customer Uppermost”. It has been providing various kinds of high quality commodities with reasonable price, and convenient services. Moreover it abides by the enterprise philosophy that “Authenticity, Integrity, Enthusiasm and Credibility”are the most important values. Rainbow strictly implements quality policies. Theirs policies guarantee that commodities are at genuinely fair prices in abundant variety and the shopping environment is clean, brightly illuminated, safe and comfortable. Moreover the policies ensure warm and sincere service at the customers’ convenience. We have always been providing satisfactory commodities and services to our customers. Text B A 杰克。萨里文在找到他梦想的工作后感到特别快乐。职位、薪金和津贴正是他所盼望的。但在最初的兴高采烈过后,他发现去上班成为每日重复的一项日常工作。虽然他并不能确切说出究竟是哪里出了问题,但是有一件事是肯定的:他在新工作中并不开心。 B what weng wrong? A 杰克没有适应公司的企业文化,这一点也不奇怪。因为一个公司的文化也就是通常把员工团结起来的信仰、态度和行为一般都没有明确的宣布或写出来。 B Does all the company have a stated set of cultural values? A 先进的公司都认识到企业文化的影响力并且也考虑过他们想要在企业中推广的价值观。吐过这个公司没有写下来的文化价值观,可要求看使命声明,这些声明也提供一些对该公司的文化的深入了解。 B what does it take for someone to be successful here? A 首先他们必须了解面试者正在寻找怎样的个性特征?爱冒风险?有企业家精神?有团队精神?然后留心在这个公司受到鼓励和奖赏的性格,并想一想该公司的企业文化。在面试前及早地问这个问题还可以把这些受欢迎的特征融入你的面

英语口译 练习方法

英语口译的练习技巧 方法一:不断的自言自语 自言自语对于训练说外语的流利程度是很有帮助的。例如搭捷运时,看到什么就说什么,这样练习形容眼前的事物,不断自言自语,将搭车的过程说出来。藉由这种练习来形容眼前的每件事物,每天作十次以上这样的练习,将会发现,自己的外语流利了许多。一些专家建议:刚开始时,先用母语(中文)练习,再用外语来练习及组织。想到什么,就用一种语言说出来,为的是训练我们的敏感度。这种敏感度会在我们自言自语时,组织我们自己语言的语流(speech flow)。 目的:在想到什么讲什么,看到什么就说什么的情况下,磨练我们的语言表达力,跟时间的掌握齐头并进。在自言自语当中,控制自己的语流,让自己的脑神经细胞都能展开来,跟周遭的事物结合在一起。这个在实践中还是做得到的。我们做口译时会紧张,往往就是语流掌握得不好。在做这一行时,很多人会认为我们的正确度已经足够,但是流畅度还是不行,这就是我们对语流控制不够,造成在口译表达上有所挫折。这个在实践上比较多,而理论上比较少。 方法二:阅读口(传)译:(sight translation) 定义:一边看,一边翻译。一边看用甲文字所写出来的文字,用乙文字的语言讲出来。 练习步骤: 步骤一:看英文,译成中文 可先找语法和词汇浅显,内容比较简单且自己较熟悉内容的外文书,例如国中英语课本、儿童故事等等,一边看,一边用母语讲出来。习惯了这样的翻译后,再用硬纸板挖开两行字大小的横条状的洞,将纸从上往下慢慢移动,每次看两行字,口译出来,移动的速度不要太快。每本做三至四次的练习,就可以不用这本书了,再由浅入深。这种步骤的好处是可以掌握文字上的意义与语言上的口说能力等两者转换间的衔接能力。 步骤二:看中文,译成英文 和上个步骤差不多,但难度更大。先用程度较浅的内容如国语、国文课本,或中文的儿童故事,先看中文,再用外语(英语)说出来。接着以步骤一的方法练习。 我的建议:在进行阅读传译步骤一、二的时候,不妨把译文录下来。英译中的部分请没有学过英文的人来听,中译英的部分则请以英语为母语的人来鉴定其是否流畅正确。我们一定要做录音这个动作来确定口译的正确程度。 步骤三:可以用以英文撰写的文字(最好是专题演讲稿〉,因为口译一般不是口语的,而是比较书面的。先训练笔头的功夫,在原文的两行字之间写出摘要( target language ) ,再用母语把摘要讲出来,因为我们脑神经细胞里所接受的化石(fossile)比较接近母语的沉


最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 分析《女勇士》中的女性形象 2 模糊语在新闻报道中的语用研究 3 论《亚瑟王之死》中的骑士精神 4 简析商务沟通中的非语言沟通 5 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 6 论《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》的悲剧成因 7 激发幼儿学习英语兴趣 8 多媒体网络教学和传统教学对大学生情感的影响 9 探讨中英文化差异——以宗教习语翻译为案例 10 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动 11 撒旦和孙悟空的形象和文化内涵对比 12 《阿Q正传》中文化负载词的翻译 13 从生态视角解读《瓦尔登湖》 14 解读《最蓝的眼睛》中的姐妹情谊 15 On the Dramatic Conflicts Contributing to Eliza Doolittle’s Pursuit of Self-identity in Pygmalion 16 中美两国家庭文化差异 17 音意兼译—外来词中译之首选法 18 仿拟在商业广告中的应用 19 原创+⑧+ 0 +⑤+⑨+⑨+ 0+⑦+④+⑨ 20 An Analysis of the Characters in the Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Social Darwinism 21 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读 22 从关联理论的角度看英语广告中隐喻的翻译 23 战后美国对伊拉克娱乐文化的影响 24 论童话《小王子》的象征创作 25 从跨文化交际的角度看广告翻译 26 足球评论员的评论语气对球迷看球的影响 27 《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义 28 从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异 29 比较《西游记》与《哈利波特》中的英雄形象 30 《红字》中的圣经典故与象征意义 31 自然会话中会话结构的分析 32 网络语言风格的性别差异 33 中式英语的潜在价值 34 英语课堂中的非传统学习策略 35 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening 36 沃尔玛策略研究 37 浅析霍桑罪恶观在《拉帕西尼的女儿》中的体现 38 伦敦英语在英语标准化过程中的作用 39 论跨文化交际中的体态语


公司简介 红苹果家具有限公司于年成立于香港,年在深圳设立生产基地,专业从事高档板式家具、床褥及沙发的研发、生产及经营,注册资金万港元,资产总额亿千万元,是国内最具规模的家具生产企业之一。厂房面积超过万平方米。公司吸纳了大批专业设计、市场营销和企业管理人才,并有素质较高的熟练工人两千多人。我公司“红苹果”家具分割简约现代,产品种类齐全,材料精挑细选,工艺精益求精,多年来秉承质量至上和不断进取的理念为我们赢得了荣誉。“真材实料才是真诚所在”,致力于引领家具时尚,倡导健康生活的红苹果将一如既往地位打造健康、环保、个性、时尚的家居产品而不断开拓进取。 飞跃是中国十大照明灯具制造商之一。年月飞跃的全球销售额已高达万美元,其中有来自中国以外的国家。飞跃是照明产业的高科技公司,的销售额来自省电产品。公司雇佣超过位员工,为约个国家的客户供应产品,并在多个国家拥有销售代理。 酒店简介 白天鹅宾馆坐落在广州闹市中的“世外桃源”——榕荫如盖、

历史悠久的沙面岛的南边,濒临三江汇聚的白鹅潭。宾馆独特的庭园式设计与周围优雅的环境融为一体,一条专用引桥把宾馆与市中心连接起来,实为商旅人士下榻的最佳之处。 白天鹅宾馆拥有间精心设计的客房,无论是标准房、豪华套房,还是商务楼层,室内装潢及设计都经过深思熟虑,设备齐全,舒适温馨,处处显示出以客为先的服务理念。您更可从客房饱览广州市容和珠江美景。别具特色的中西食府,为您提供中、法、日等精美菜肴。多功能国际会议中心是举办各类会议、中西式酒会、餐舞会的理想场所。另有健康中心、美容发型中心、商务中心、委托代办、票务中心、豪华车队等配套设施。今年来,白天鹅宾馆把经营管理的发展和高科技成果相结合,使宾馆的服务水平紧跟国际酒店发展的潮流。无论您是商务公干,还是旅游度假,在白天鹅宾馆都能感受到方便、舒适、自然的感觉。 白天鹅宾馆在实践中把国际先进酒店的管理经验与中国的国情相结合,走出一条融中西管理模式于一炉的酒店管理之路,不断追求卓越,以严谨、高效的管理和真诚的服务为海外宾客提供一个温馨的家外之家。 上海宾馆位于国际花园城市——深圳市中心繁华地段的深南中


各位大家好 我就是jacky,那个帖子《我如何用一年考上欧盟口译司》一文的作者。 我一直都想把这种系统的方法能够通过一个很好的方式传递给其他人,让更多的人找到梦想,发现真谛。 所以,我和朋友们一起集中智慧,起草了下面的这个操作的原则和程序,算作是一次大型的免费口译培训,希望你能够看懂,如果有什么问 题,可以回帖,如果没有,就可以直接开始了,一共六个月的进程,如果你能严格执行下来,考上二级口译应该没问题 1 分为6个不同的阶段,也就是6个月,到什么阶段,达到什么程度 2 在论坛上法帖,监督自己学习,也接受别人的监督, 3 完成了一个阶段,给负责人发邮件,才可以收到下一阶段的学习指示,所以大家必须要学习后在论坛上发帖,证明你每天都在学习,我们的 方法,只能提供给真正热爱的朋友。 4 办一个经验口译员解答专栏。稍候我们会开通这个服务 7 有关学习的具体进程: 第一个月: 模仿新闻1h + 新闻精听2h 基本上听新闻同类话题可以大致理解 第二个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约50-60%,语言能力得到增长,语音有所转变 第三个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力一次准确理解大约70-80%,基本上达到语言的运用有了一定积 累,新闻听力一次准确理解大约80-90%,语言运用比较正规,能够用新闻和标准的语言来表述一些复杂论点,开始笔记练习 第五个月: (该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力进入快速阶段,越来越好。语言能力继续提升,笔记基本上能够纪录短时间的文章 第六个月:(该月学习计划将在前一个计划结束后给你)新闻听力达到接


口译1卷 1)关于三峡旅游的咨询对话 你好请问你要去哪里旅游? Hi! I understand that your agency arranges trip to three gorges from here. 是的,我们每天都有游船从这里到三峡,分三峡一日游和两日游两种,请问你们准备选择哪种呢? What’s difference between these two tours? 一日游的话,我们就是早上8点从重庆出发,成快船游三峡,沿途参观张飞庙,白帝城,三峡等景点,晚上到宜昌住宿,两日游的是慢船,行程和景点都是一样的。 I see. How much does each cost? 一日游是960元一个人,两日游稍微贵一点,1100元一个人。 Ok. One day tour sounds good to me. By the way, are meals included in the price? 哦,这个价格包括了中文和晚上两顿饭,就是我们提供的简易套餐,不含饮料。当然,你也可以自己点菜,点饮料,但是要另外掏钱。 All right, I will go for the one day tour. 好的,这里是我们旅行社提供的旅行合同,一式两份,你看一下,没问题的话,签个字,到隔壁柜台交完钱就可以了,明天早上7点赶到这里,坐我们的大巴到码头。 2) Seek First to Understand What is the difference between a man and a beast? Sometimes it is hard to tell, but the most important characteristic that sets man apart from all other creatures is language. Through words we can touch one anther’s minds---and yet it is strange how seldom and how fleetingly our minds meet. Most of us do not learn to communicate very well. Most people don’t listen with the intention of understanding; they listen with the intention of replying. They are either speaking or preparing to speak. When each is struggling against the other to use the conversation for their own purposes, each feels frustrated by the other. Since both are struggling for the same thing, each is too tense to listen attentively to the other. If someone is to influence us, to receive our confidences or give helpful advice, we must first feel that he really understands us. We need to keep in mind that others have different experiences, different values and different ways of looking at things. They are even likely to use different word to say the same thing. We must seek first to understand the other person. Accept them from their viewpoint as we encourage them to express their ideas and feelings. If we do that, not only are our relationships likely to improve, but a lot more of what we say will get through. Seek first to understand, then maybe you will be understood. 3)工艺品公司介绍 各位来宾,各位朋友: 大家好!非常荣幸能通过这次会议停工的平台和大家相聚,并向大家介绍一下我们的公司。我们是一家专业设计、生产和销售工艺品的公司,从公司创立至今,我们已经走过了整整15年的历程。15年前,我们拥有员工50名,今天,拥有员工1,700名;15年前,我们租用厂房4,500平方米,今天自建厂房24,000平方米,这些数字,都清晰地记录了我们创造的辉煌。 在过去的一年中,我们通过积极推进制度改革,构建了和谐团队,使整个企业生产盈利并在行业内取得了大大的提高。在此,我代表公司销售经理向各位表示崇高的敬意、诚挚的感谢。在新的一年开启新的希望,新的启程承载新的梦想。


情景:外国客户协同翻译来中国和一家外贸公司谈生意,中方公司派人接机。意外连连,外国客户行李丢失,心急如焚,在接待处向机场工作人员询问。 角色:A外国客户Miss.Brown B外国客户翻译C中方代表(会一点英语) D机场工作人员 A: Where can I get my baggage? I can'find my baggage. B我在何处可取得行李?我找不到我的行李。 D:我们正在调查,请稍等一下。 B: Please wait for a moment while we are investigating. A:Here is my claim tag. B :这是我的行李票。 A:We may have lost some baggage so we'd like to make a lost baggage report. B:我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告。 D:请和我到办公室。 B: Would you come with me to the office? A: Could you please check it urgently? B:是否可麻烦紧急查询? A: How soon will I find out? B:多快可找到? D:你总共遗失了几件行李?请描述你的行李。 B : How many pieces of baggage have you lost? Can you describe

your baggage? A:I have two pieces of luggage missing. One is a medium-sized Samsonite, and it's gray,and the other is a large leather suitcase with my name tag. It's dark blue. How can you help me if you can't find my baggage today? B:一个是中型的灰色绅耐特皮箱。另外一个是上面系有我名牌的大型皮制黑蓝色行李箱。 A: Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you've located it. B:一旦找到行李,请立即送到我停留的饭店。 A : I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. B:我想要购买过夜所需的用品。 D :我们会尽快处理好,把行李送到你的住处 B :they’ll try their best to find your luggage and send them to your hotel as soon as possible . A :OK .thanks! B :非常感谢! 突然,老外手中的电话响了 C:你好!我是代表我们公司来接你们的 A: oh,m y god ! I can’t understand what she is saying把电话给翻译 B喂,你好!我是Miss.Brown的翻译有什么事情跟我说好了我向Miss.Brown 转达。 C你好,我是公司派来接你们的,我已经在机场了,你们在哪里?


A方:H&M公司B方:达芙妮公司 观光人员:双方公司CEO 口译人员(4人) 过程:A方在B方上海总部谈判合作之余,B方带领A方观光上海景点。 A: Hi, I’m the chief executive officer of the H&M Company. I have heard ShangHai is a magnificent city in China. Can you introduce me some details about Shanghai 口译A:你好,我是H&M公司的执行总裁。我早就听说中国上海是一个美丽的城市。你能给我介绍一下有关上海的细节吗 B:你好,我是达芙妮上海总部的执行总裁。在我们谈判合作之余,好好欣赏上海美景。是的,上海位于中国东海海岸,北临长江口,南靠杭州湾。我敢说你此行一定很棒,因为上海真的是一个迷人的城市。它常被称为“东方明珠”。 口译B:Hi, I’m the chief executive officer of the Daphne company in Shanghai. In the remaining of our negotiations, just enjoy beautiful scenery in Shanghai. Surely, Shanghai is located on the coast of the East China Sea, between the mouth of the Yangtze River to the north and the bays of Hangzhou to the south. I bet you will have a wonderful visit there for Shanghai is truly a fascinating city. It is often nicknamed as “Oriental Pearl.” A: I heard that Shanghai was formerly and unimportant fishing village. But now it has grown into one of the world’s largest seaports and a major industrial and commercial center of China. Amazing changes! Would you please tell me more about it 口译A:我听说上海以前是个不起眼的小渔村。但现在它竟成了全世界最大的海港之一,还是中国的主要工商业中心。变化多大!你能不能再多说说上海 B:好的。现在上海已经成为中国最富活力的国际大都市。它不断吸引国内外的人们来到此处。作为旅游城市,上海因其商业活动和美丽景致吸引国内外游客。口译B:Ok. Now, Shanghai has become China’s most energetic and international city. It has attracted immigrants from within China as well as abroad. As a tourist city, Shanghai attracts travelers from home and abroad because of its commercial activity and its scenic beauty. A: I learned that from the secretary of our company:As you walk through Shanghai, it may feel as though you are entering a fair of world architecture or an art gallery of human civilization. Do you think the words are true 口译A:我从我们公司的秘书那里了解到:当你在上海观光,会感到好像走入了世界建筑博览会或是人类文明艺术馆。你认为这些话对吗 B:哦。我认为这些话是非常正确的。事实上,上海的建筑风格多种多样,在世界上独树一帜。这种多样性反映了国内外建筑师、工程师、工人们的智慧和努力。它是全世界的珍贵遗产。 口译B:Oh, I think they are true facts. In fact, Shanghai is unique among world cities in its variety of architectural styles. This variety reflects the wisdom and efforts of architects, engineers, and workers. It is a precious heritage to the world. A: I see. Would you recommend some scenic spots worth visiting in Shanghai 口译A:我知道了。你能不能向我介绍一下上海值得一去的景点 B:当然可以。首先,我要向你推荐外滩--亚洲最著名的一条街,现在它临着黄浦江,绿树成荫。外滩的壮观吸引着许多远东的大公司,他们纷纷在临江的建筑里设立总部。所以我们达芙妮公司总部也在附近。 口译B:Sure. First, I’d like to recommend you the Bund-once the most famous street in Asia, it is a tree-lined avenue along the Huangpu River. All attracted with its grandeur, the major firms of the Far


旅游英语翻译范文 很多老外来中国旅游,除了惊叹于中国的经济发展速度,现代化的城市建筑和日益发达的交通之外,经常吐槽中国的一件事情就是大街上的英文翻译,因为中国各个地方的标语翻译都是千奇百怪,令人啼笑皆非,很多老外来中国都看不懂这些英语,闹出了不少笑话。 首先,提到中国大街上英文标语翻译上的错误,最基本的就是把英文单词拼错,比如说:把警察POLICE拼成PLOICE,听起来打击效率好像没有那么高 还有这个,新华书店把BOOK STORE写成BOOK STORY! 但是大家看看这张照片,我说哥们儿,你怎么连自己国家的名字都能拼错! 其实在公共场所还有一个标语,也是非常重要的,对,就是厕所!大家可能想说,厕所这么简单、这么常见的一个单词,出错的机率应该非常低吧!不过好像也不能这么说! 比如这个小便间的标示,把空间的“间”翻译成了BETWEEN,之间的间,当然在你和尿之间只有厕所啦!

另外提醒大家上厕所的时候,也要特别看清楚再进去,比如这个厕所把女厕写成了男厕! 或者拼成奇奇怪怪的单词! 不过我觉得最霸气的还是这个女厕的标示,WOMAN KINGDOM,女人王国! 不讲厕所了,其实不管是哪种语言,因为文化还有一些其它因素的关系,菜单的翻译经常也很容易闹笑话! 牛油多士翻译成牛油很多士兵,拿破仑炒意粉翻译成拿破仑炒点子面粉! 其实这些我都觉得还好,至少不至于影响食欲,但是有一些菜本来是很好吃的,但是如果先看英文菜名,老外们可能会立刻夺门而出,像是这个宫保鸡丁,被翻译成PUBLIC EXPLOSION CHICKEDN,公开爆炸的鸡,这可能需要叫一下PLOICE来看看了。 还有这个炒拔烂子,翻译成炒拔出来的烂掉的孩子,实在是太吓人了。


P23页 1.我在上午说过,今天我们各国面临一个机会,可以分别和共同作出具体承诺和采取明确措施,确保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些无疑会利用它们的恐怖主义分子手中。 2.今晚,我可以这么说,我们成功地把握了这一机遇,作为具体的国家和国际社会,我们已经采取了措施,美国人民将因此更安全,世界将更稳定。 3.我谨在此感谢出席这一具有历史意义的峰会的全体代表,来自世界各地区的49位领导人。今天之所以能取得进展,是因为这些领导人不仅与会发言,而且采取行动;不是含糊地承诺在未来采取行动,而是承诺他们准备立即实施的有意义的步骤。 4.我还要感谢各位同仁在讨论中所表现的坦率与合作精神。今天并无冗长的讲话,亦无要求别国如何是从的训诫。我们互相倾听、互相尊重。我们认识到,虽然不同国家面临不同的挑战,但我们有着共同的利益,即确保这些危险核材料的安全。 P52页 1.在二十一世纪,你们必须承担不分国界的国际金融系统的重任。当香港和雅加达的股票市场下跌时,其影响再也不是局部性,而是全球性的。因此,贵国充满生机的经济成长同整个亚太地区恢复稳定和经济发展紧密相连。 2.在最近一次的金融危机中,中国坚定不移地承担了对本地区和全世界的责任,帮助避免了又一个危险的货币贬值周期。我们必须继续携手合作,对付全球金融系统面临的威胁以及对整个亚太地区本应有的发展和繁荣的威胁。 3.在我以上列举的每一个关键领域,显然,只要我们相互合作而不是互不往来,我们就能取得更大的成就。因此,我们应该努力,确保双方之间目前的建设性关系在下个世纪结出圆满的协作果实。 4.要做到这一点,我们就必须更好地相互了解,了解各自的共同利益、共有的期望和真诚的分歧。我相信这种公开直接的交流有助于澄清和缩小我们的分歧。更为重要的是,允许人们理解、辩论和探讨这些问题,能使他们对我们建设美好的未来更加充满信心。 P69页 1. Presenting gifts is one of the important contents of modern business activities, in order to establish friendly relations, progress friendship, and also can be applied to advertising and promoting. It’s important to select a gift, because it transmits the information of culture, economy, status, knowledge and other aspects. It’s probably both may improve the image of the company and may damage it. 2. Presenting gifts in business activities can generally divide into several conditions as following: (1) Presenting gifts for employees and rewarding their hard work. (2) Presenting gifts for enhancing the business connection with customers. (3) Presenting gifts for each other to build relationships with business counterparts. 3. Therefore, more and more companies realize that presenting gifts in business activities is not only advertising, but also a important tool


女士们、先生们、朋友们! 人类只有一个地球,各国共处一个世界。共同发展是持续发展的重要基础,符合各国人民长远利益和根本利益。我们生活在同一个地球村,应该牢固树立命运共同体意识,顺应时代潮流,把握正确方向,坚持同舟共济,推动亚洲和世界发展不断迈上新台阶。 第一,勇于变革创新,为促进共同发展提供不竭动力。长期以来,各国各地区在保持稳定、促进发展方面形成了很多好经验好做法。对这些好经验好做法,要继续发扬光大。同时,世间万物,变动不居。“明者因时而变,知者随事而制。”要摒弃不合时宜的旧观念,冲破制约发展的旧框框,让各种发展活力充分迸发出来。要加大转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构力度,更加注重发展质量,更加注重改善民生。要稳步推进国际经济金融体系改革,完善全球治理机制,为世界经济健康稳定增长提供保障。亚洲历来具有自我变革活力,要勇做时代的弄潮儿,使亚洲变革和世界发展相互促进、相得益彰。 第二,同心维护和平,为促进共同发展提供安全保障。和平是人民的永恒期望。和平犹如空气和阳光,受益而不觉,失之则难存。没有和平,发展就无从谈起。国家无论大小、强弱、贫富,都应该做和平的维护者和促进者,不能这边搭台、那边拆台,而应该相互补台、好戏连台。国际社会应该倡导综合安全、共同安全、合作安全的理念,使我们的地球村成为共谋发展的大舞台,而不是相互角力的竞技场,更不能为一己之私把一个地区乃至世界搞乱。各国交往频繁,磕磕碰碰在所难免,关键是要坚持通过对话协商与和平谈判,妥善解决矛盾分歧,维护相互关系发展大局。 第三,着力推进合作,为促进共同发展提供有效途径。“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”世界各国联系紧密、利益交融,要互通有无、优势互补,在追求本国利益时兼顾他国合理关切,在谋求自身发展中促进各国共同发展,不断扩大共同利益汇合点。要加强南南合作和南北对话,推动发展中国家和发达国家平衡发展,夯实世界经济长期稳定发展基础。要积极创造更多合作机遇,提高合作水平,让发展成果更好惠及各国人民,为促进世界经济增长多作贡献。 第四,坚持开放包容,为促进共同发展提供广阔空间。“海纳百川,有容乃大。”我们应该尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,消除疑虑和隔阂,把世界多样性和各国差异性转化为发展活力和动力。我们要秉持开放精神,积极借鉴其他地区发展经验,共享发展资源,推进区域合作。进入新世纪10多年来,亚洲地区内贸易额从8000亿美元增长到3万亿美元,亚洲同世界其他地区贸易额从1.5万亿美元增长到4.8万亿美元,这表明亚洲合作是开放的,区域内合作和同其他地区合作并行不悖,大家都从合作中得到了好处。亚洲应该欢迎域外国家为本地区稳定和发展发挥建设性作用,同时,域外国家也应该尊重亚洲的多样性特点和已经形成的合作传统,形成亚洲发展同其他地区发展良性互动、齐头并进的良好态势。 女士们、先生们、朋友们! 中国是亚洲和世界大家庭的重要成员。中国发展离不开亚洲和世界,亚洲和世界繁荣稳定也需要中国。 去年11月,中国共产党召开了第十八次全国代表大会,明确了中国今后一个时期的发展蓝图。我们的奋斗目标是,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入在2010年的基础上翻一番,全面建成小康社会;到本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。展望未来,我们充满信心。 我们也认识到,中国依然是世界上最大的发展中国家,中国发展仍面临着不少困难和挑战,要使全体中国人民都过上美好生活,还需要付出长期不懈的努力。我们将坚持改革开放不动摇,牢牢把握转变经济发展方式这条主线,集中精力把自己的事情办好,不断推进社会主义现代化建设。


举世闻名的九寨沟自然保护区位于我国四川省境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。人们常常将九寨沟比作世外桃源。// Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries. 九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。九寨沟风景区内有许多清澈的湖泊,它们或隐匿于峡谷,或镶嵌于原始森林。这些湖泊大小不一、形状各异,如同一面面镜子,闪耀着斑澜的光芒。 Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine. 四川素有“天府之国”的美称。这是个盆地,四周群山环绕。古时候,四川成为蜀国,交通十分不便。唐产著名诗人李白在他的诗中叹道:“蜀道难,难于上青天!”现在的四川水陆空交通四通八达,蜀道难的时代已经一去不复返了。Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of the being “Heavenly Land of Plenty”. It is a basin. There are a lot huge mountains around it. In ancient times, Sichuan was called Shu Kingdom, and the transportation wasn’t good at that time. Li Bai, one of the most famous poets in Tang dynasty exclaimed in his poem: “Walking on th e narrow paths of Shu Kingdom is more difficult than climbing up to Heaven!” Now the transportation by water, land and air in Sichuan leads in all directions. The times when walking on the narrow paths of Shu Kingdom are gone forever. 众所周知,北京是世界文化名城,有3000多年的历史,有着众多的名胜古迹和丰富的文化底蕴。北京保存着世界上最完整的宫殿群——故宫,以及被称为世界七大奇迹之一的长城。 Bejing is known as a famous historical and cultural city in the world. as a city with a history of 3000 years, Beijing has numerous sites of interest and a brilliant rich culture. It has preserved the Forbidden City, the most complete palace complex, and the Great Wall, which is known as one of the seven wonders in the world. 上海是旅游者的天地。上海有着众多的休闲度假胜地,如佘山国家自然保护区,淀山湖风景区,太阳岛度假区,环球乐园,梦幻乐园,以及野生动物园。上海作为中国的一座历史文化名城,有70余处国家级和市级重点历史文物保护单位,充分显示了特色鲜明的海派文化。 Shanghai is a paradise for tourists. Shanghai boasts a lot of tourist attractions and holiday resorts, including Sheshan Holiday Resort, Dianshan Lake Scenic Area, the Sun Island Holiday Resort, the World Garden, the Dreamland and the Wildlife Park. One of the noted historic and cultural cities in China, shanghai has over 70 cities under the protection of the state and the municipal governments, which best represent the distinctive characteristics of shanghai regional culture. 颐和园位于北京市西北郊,原名为清漪园,始建于公元1750年,是清朝乾隆皇帝为其母亲庆祝60寿辰而建造的一座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。1860年,清漪园被英法联军焚毁,1886年,慈禧太后挪用海军经费,在清漪园废墟的基础上重新修建并于1888年改名为颐和园。 The Summer Palace is located in the northwestern suburbs of Beijing. It was originally named Qingyi Garden. It was first constructed in 1750 by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty, to celebrate his mother’s 60th birthday. In 1860, Qingyi Garden was burnt down by the British and French Allied Forces. In 1886, it was reconstructed on orders of Empress Dowager Ci Xi with funds meant for the navy, and was renamed the Summer Palace in 1888. 万寿山北麓,山势起伏,花木扶疏,道路幽邃,松柏参天。重峦叠嶂上,仿西藏寺庙构筑的建筑群层台耸立,雄伟庄严。山脚下,清澈的湖水随山形地貌演变为一条宁静舒缓的河流,宛转而东去。 The northern part of the Longevity Hill features wavy terrain, well-spaced flowers and trees, winding paths and towering pines and cypresses. On the mountain ranges, building complex designed in the style of Tibetan temples look magnificent and dignified. At the foot of the mountain, limpid water of the lake follows the wavy terrain and becomes a serene river flowing east. 登上佛香阁,凭栏纵目,碧波荡漾的昆明湖上,仿杭州西湖苏堤建造的西堤,犹如一条绿色的飘带,蜿蜒曲折,纵贯南北。堤上六座桥,造型互异,婀娜多姿。浩淼烟波中,十七孔桥似长虹偃月横卧水面。 Viewed from the Pavilion of Buddhist Incense, West Causeway, which was constructed in imitation of Su Causeway on the West Lake, looks like a green ribbon winding from south to north on the green and rippling Kunming Lake. Each of the six bridges on the West Causeway has its own form and each is graceful in its own way. Like a rainbow, the Seventeen-arch Bridge is captivating, lying on the lake in the mists.
