

北京市日坛中学 2010—2011学年度第一学期






第一节洪5小题;每小题1 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每


例: What is the man going to read ?

A. A newspaper .

B. A magazine .

C. A book . 答案是A o 1. What is the man?

A. A taxi driver

B . A bus-driver .

2. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A film . B . A book . 3. What is the man doing? A. Asking for help .

B . Making suggestions 4 . What time does the last train start for Oxford? A . At 8 : 35 am B . At 8: 35 pm 5 . When do Jack and Alice want to leave?

A . This Friday

B . Next Friday .

第二节 洪10小题;每小题1 . 5分,共15分) 听下面4段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的

A 、

B 、

C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出




6 . What is the relatio nship betwee n the two speakers?

A . Doctor and patient .

B . Teacher and student .

C. Boss and employee

7 . Why won 'Mara go to work today?

A . She is busy with her work .

B . Her mother has got a headache .

C . She is not quite well today . 听第7段材料,回答第8至第9题。

8 . Which of the follow ing is not men ti oned in the passage?

A . Litteri ng .

B . Road-cross ing .

C . Drinking .

9 . Which of the following is true according to the talk?

A . If you need help , please tom to your teacher .

B . People drive on the left in this country .

C . It is against the law for anyone to buy cigarettes . 听第8段材料,回答第10至第12题。 10 . Where does the con versati on take place?

A . At the TV station .

B . At the school gate .

C. Over the telephone .

11 . What can we lear n about the man?

A . He does n'tcare too much about his stude nts

C . A cinema manager C . A record . C . Show ing the way C . At 7 : 25 pm . C . Next Mo nday or Tuesday

B . He is an average football player

C. He may be a teacher whom the students love most . 12 . Why does the woma n in terview the man?

A. To get some information about the teacher and his work .

B. To congratulate the teacher Oil his success

C. To get school flews for the TV station of the city 听第9段材料,回答第13至第15题。

13. What did the woman think of her trip to the West Coast?

A . It was wonderful .

B . It was terrible . C. It wasn ' t mentioned

14. What is the weather like in San Fran cisco accord ing to the woma n?

A . Warm and rainy .

B . Cool but comfortable .

C .Nice and windy .

15 . Why is it easy to get around in San Fran cisco?

A . Because it is smaller than Los Angeles and the transportation is good .

B . Because it has a un dergro und system while Los An geles does n't .

C . Because it has a small population and a small number of buildings 第三节(共5小题;每小题I 5分,共7 . 5分)

听下面一段对话,完成第 16题至20


你将有 钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有 60秒钟的作答时间。这段对话你将听两遍。请将答案写在答题纸上。

从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

22. —What about _____ lecture you atte nded yesterday?

—To tell the truth, it was too bori ng. I can

A. a; the

B. the; a

C. the; /

23. She tried two differe nt methods, yet ____ of them seemed to work very well.

A. n either

B. none

C. each 24. —Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?

—Why that early? I _____ . A. will be sleep ing

B. will sleep

C. have slept

第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 60分) 第一节:单项填空(共 20小题;每小题



21. He raised his voice, we still could n t hear anything.

A. so

B. or

C. but

D. as

t sta nd _____ lecture like that.

D. the; the

D. both D. have bee n sleep ing D. how

25. It is still unclear ____ the little boy got the CD player to work.

A. where

B. what

C. that

26. They made a great effort to prepare the exhibiti on, _____ to achieve a big success.

A. hop ed

B. hop ing

C. to hope

D. hope

27. My dog made a mess in the livi ng room, ____ really anno yed me.

A. who

B. whe n

C. that

D. which

28. You have a big mouth, Tom. You _____ have told everybody the secret. A. can ' t B. mustn ' t C. should n ' t D. mightn ' t 29. I ' ll try it again. Never in my life ______ such a particular difficulty. A. had I met

B. have I met

C. I had met

D. I have met

30. - Have you seen your aunt lately?

-Yes, in fact I saw her yesterday. I ______ her for several mon ths. A. haven ' t seen B. didn ' t see C. hadn ' t seen D. don ' t see 31. I m'afraid I ve little time to spare these days. I ve a pile of papers to ________ before the meeting. A . get through B . put on

C. set up

D . send for

32. ____ colorful charts and graphs, he loaded a new software to help him. A. Create B. Created C. Creat ing D. To create

33. Stude nts tak ing the course ____ to finish their homework with the help of computers. A. are en couraged B. have en couraged C. are en couragi ng D. had bee n en couraged

34. You should explore your tale nts so as to find out ____ your real in terests lie. A. what B. where C. which D. how

When high school started, Becky and I became best friends . We 41

many interests and quickly became

in separable . When high school en ded, we both cried 42 we would atte nd differe nt colleges in the fall .

Our first term of un iversity life was 43_ , We had a huge telepho ne bill and our e-mails were in credibly long . In the second term, I found some new friends with whom I felt very _44_

.These were frie nds with whom I could be myself and 45 out my feelings . I was eager to share my new friends with Becky .

When Becky fin ally visited me at my school, we were excited . She 46 _ a toy bear to me as a prese nt and told me about her college life . However, something unexpected happened when I 47 her to my new friends . Her eyes grew dark and I could see the 48 with in them . My new friends tried to share their frien dship, but Becky seemed 49__ to accept it . I did n't un dersta nd

50 the people 1 loved most could n't

love each other .

Becky left . I knew she was not happy . I thought long about what had happened . After many unanswered questi on s, I un derstood that she was 51 . She saw me with my new friends and 52 that we Ion ger shared the same experiences . She saw all she fun I was having 53 her and wished she could be a part of it . She wished she could be in their _54 _ .

I wrote a letter to Becky 55 she's always my best friend . I told her every one had friends from home and

have attracted the gover

nment D. to solve 35. The traffic problems we are look ing forward to see ing __ A. solvi ng B. solve C. solved

____ you wash your clothes .

B . unless C. since D . until

_ for home buildi ngs

C. to design D . designed

___ they thought was the place th ey had bee n dream ing of. C. which D . where

___ , I can 'speak too highly of him. In a word D . On the contrary B. solve Always read the label ____ A . before

Here are some new computer programs ___

A . designing

B . design

After driving for five hours, they arrived at _

A . what

B . that

Mike is han dsome, kind and full of en ergy _

A . As a result

B . By the way ---What do you think made Ceha so happy?

______ a prize in the rece nt competiti on.


B. As she won

D. 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1 . 5分,共30分)


A 、

B 、


D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上


36. 37. 38. 39. 40. A . C. 第二节: C. Won Because of winning.

friends from school, and all the friends were in deed life's greatest was in

57 and felt sorry about what she had done .

I thi nk Becky and I both lear n an importa nt less on from it . 58 ca n in flue nee our frien dship and cha nge the experiences we've shared . We are now walking on two different paths of 59 while new friends arc special and excit ing, old friends are always there, 60 to share their heart and soul, no matter how far apart .

41 . A. showed B. shared C . protected D . developed

42. A. although B . uni ess C. because D . while

43. A. hard B . peaceful C . moder n D . no rmal

44 . A. anxious B . stra nge C. familiar D .


45. A. pour B . make C . figure D . hold

46. A . don ated B . returned C . brought D . recomme nded

47 . A . admitted B . referred C . men tio ned D . in troduced

48 . A . concern B . hurt C . curiosity D . doubt

49 . A . un willi ng B . cautious C . ashamed D . calm

50. A . how B . whether C . that D . why

51 . A . aggressive B . jealous C . proud D . discouraged

52 . A . promised B . argued C . regretted D . proved

53 . A . without B . from C . for D . across

54 . A . expectati on B . relati on C. recepti on D . positi on

55 . A . recog nizing B . explai ning C. assu ming D . predicti ng

56 . A . achieveme nt B . spirit C . gift D . sig n

57 . A . sympathy B . con fusi on C . surprise D . agreemen t

58 . A . Somethi ng B . An yth ing C . Nothi ng D . Everythi ng

59 . A . success B . life C . research D . happ in ess

60 . A . wait ing B . pla nning C . choos ing D . dema nding




One warm May day, two eightee n -year -old stude nts from San Fran cisco State College decided to cool off with a swim at Bakers ' Beach. The two students were named Robert Kogler and Shirley O ' Neill. They

to sea for a dista nee of 50 metres. Robert was in front.

“ Sudde nly, I heard him scream, irley rdcalSh "I looked round and saw this great grey thi ng going up in the

air. The water seemed to be alive. ”

Robert sereamed again. "It ' s a shark! Get out of here! ”

An eye -witness, Army Sergeant Leo P . Day was on guard at the nearby army post. He saw exactly what happened next. " I could see this boy struggling with the shark in the water, ” he said. " The s He was shout ing and sig nail ing some one to go back, go back. Then I saw the girl. She was swim ming towards him.

She completely ignored his warning. ”

Shirley reached Robert, and tried to take his hand.

"When I pulled, all I could see was his arm, handing by a thread, ” she said.

So she put her arm about Robert ' s back, and started to swim towards the shore. She kept praying

it attack again! ” That journey to the shore seemed to last for hours. At last, as they neared the shore, a fisherman threw them a line, and pulled them both the rest of the way.

The young man had lost a lot of blood, and died two and a half hours later, From the teeth marks, experts iden tified the attacker as a Great White Shark.

For what Sergea nt Day called " the greatest exhibiti on of bravery I have ever see n, ” the Pres

56 . Becky wrote me back soon . She

gave Shirley a medal for bravery.

61 . When Robert was attacked by a shark Shirley ________ .

A. was swimming in the sea

B. was watching him on the shore

C. was on guard at the nearby army post

D. was shouting and struggling with a shark, too

62. Choose the right time order of the following events in the story.

a. Army Sergeant saw the girl swimming to the boy.

b. Shirley saw a great grey thing.

c. They headed out to sea.

d. Robert died.

e. A fisherman threw them a line.

f. He saw a boy struggli ng with a shark.

A. b,c,e,d,f,a

B. c,a,f,d,e,b

C. b,c,f,a,d,e

D. c,b,f,a,e,d

63. We can learn from the passage that _________ .

A. the two stude nts were brave and con siderate

B. the fisherman was adventurous and helpful

C. the experts didn ' t do much research on sharks

D. the Sergeant cared too much about his own life


At the middle school level, there are many academic clubs in which students can participate. Students can choose clubs that focus on an area of in terest.

Mathcounts Club

Mathco unts tries to in crease exciteme nt towards mathematic achieveme nt. It hopes to provide stude nts with the foun datio n for success in scie nee, tech no logy, engin eeri ng and mathematics careers. Schools select individuals and teams to particip ate in competitions. Local competitions are held in February with winners progress ing to state competiti ons and the n on to the n ati on al level. Mathco unts works to challe nge stude nt math skills, develop self-c on fide nee and give rewards for their achieveme nts.


The Envirothon program focuses on natural resources knowledge and exposes students to diverse en viro nmen tal issues, ecosystems, and topography. The ecology field competiti on for five-member middle school teams offers competiti ons in wildlife, soils, forestry, curre nt environmen tal issues and aquatics. Stude nts work and learn in middle school clubs and can compete at the local and state level.

Future Problem Solvers

Future Problem Solvers is an academic club that uses a six-step process to solve problems that may happe n in the future. Stude nts who are in the tale nted and gifted program, who like to “ think out of the box, ” or enjoy thinking about futuristic problems may like this club. Teams comprised of four stude nts read future sce nes and write up solutio ns in a booklet using the six-step process. Teams that score high eno ugh can go to the state competiti on and the n to the intern atio nal competiti on.

Builders Club

Builders Club is open to any middle school student who wishes to perform community service. Each Builders Club is co-sp on sored by a Kiwa nis club and the middle school. The members lear n by doing, and they lear n organization, teamwork, and leadership. Builders Clubs can sponsor (赞助;倡议)a "Teacher of the Year" program, provide a recycli ng collect ion point, orga nize canned food and cloth ing drives to support local shelters, adopt a reside nt at a local senior citize ns home, adopt a highway, tutor, etc.

Middle school academic clubs offer stude nts a place to explore in terests or tale nts. The clubs they join in middle school can help guide choices in high school and bey ond.

64. The students who are not interested in competitions would like to choose __________
