
I、A节(Section A)





What is the man's answer?

What does the woman want for lunch? What are they talking about?

What kind of books does the man want to borrow?


What does the woman tell the man to do first? What are th e speakers doing now?

What will happen if John fails the exam?


What does the man mean (imply) ?

What does the woman's answer suggest?


What can we learn from the conversation?

What can be concluded from this conversation?


如:What does the man think of Miss Brown? What does th e woman think of the plan? B、A节中用提出的问题主要问"对话可能是在什么场所发生的",

即:Where does this conversation most probably take place? Where does this conversation most likely occur? Where are the man and woman?



Man (M): What time did yesterday's football match start?

Woman (W): It was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour. Question(Q): When did the game finally s tart?


W: I thought to go to town now. I have some shopping to do.

M: Don't spend too much, I won't get paid until next week.

Q: When will he be paid?

3)问日期,如:When will the winter vacation begin?

D、用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如:Why is the man late?

Why did the man repair the car by himself?


W: May I help you ,Sir?

M: I hope so. It's my watch. I brought it in to be repaired, but I've lost the Receipt. Q: Who is the man?



How did the teacher usually begin his class? How does the man usually go to work?


How does the man feel about the movie? How do you like th e film?


How many persons ...?

How many dozens of ... does ... want? How much does ...?

How old is ...?

How long does it take ... to ...? A节的问句根据疑问词划分,大致可以归为以上七类。A节中偶尔也有个别一般疑问句。但也可能出现其它类型的问句,(如以Whom,Whose,Which提问),或针对以上未归纳的内容进行提问。




W: Your library books are due on December 13th. If you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.

M: Thank you very much . I only need them for a few days.

Q: When must the man return his books to the library?


W: Do you live in a college dormitory?

M: Yes, I do. It's a sixman suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.

Q: How many people share the suite now?


M: I need to cash this check?

W: Will you step right over to the teller's window, please?

Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?

D、否定类:此类对话既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有but,although 等转折词,或由would rather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如:

M: Ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me?

W: I wish I could help you. I went shopping yesterday. Now I h ave only two dollars till the end of the week.

Q: Will the man borrow any money from the woman?

此题的答案肯定是No。听这段话时要抓住I wish I could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是肯定式,但却隐含着I'm sorry I can't help you.的意思。


M: Good evening, Madam. There is a table for two over there. Th is way, please.

W: Thank you. Could I see the menu, please?

Q: What's the relationship between the man and woman?

A) Husband and wife. B) Waiter and customer.

C) Salesman and customer. D) Host and guest.


如:W: Are you going to New York next weekend? M: Yes, I'm going to look up Bill while I'm there. Q: What's the ma n going to do?



A节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如"what does the man mean?"这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。


如:W: How do you like the play you saw last night?

M: Well, I should have stayed at home. Q: What does the man think of the play?

A) It is exciting. B) It is boring. C) He didn't see the pla y. D) He like it very much.

对话中"I should have stayed at home."(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something这种结构可用来表示"对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是"The play is boring."(演出令人厌烦),因而B是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。这一节属于此数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案。

II、B节(Section B)











A) At the airport. B) In a restaurant.

C) At the railway station. D) In a department store.



















一、关于听力!!! 第一招:相关保留原则 当选项中有两项表达意思相近时,那么正确答案必在这两项之中!这时只需稍微听一听对话,即可知答案,如果出现了双重相关,便可直接确认正确选项,只需听完对话加之认证一下即可! 典型例题: 4. A) V isiting the Browning. B) Writing a postcard. C) Looking for a postcard. D) Filling in a form. 例题分析:B、C两项均含有 a poscard ,B、D两项均含有写...之意,即B、C和B、D构成双重相关,即可得出B为正确选项! 本题听力原文: 4. M: What\'s the matter? Y ou\'ve been sitting there for ages, just staring into space. W: I told the Browning I\'d send them a postcard. Now I don\'t know what to say. Q: What\'s the woman doing? 第二招:异项保留原则 当选项中出现有意思明显相反的两项时,那么正确答案必在此二项中出现!如果出现双重异项,那么即可判断出正确答案,异项保留原则在六级考试听力短对话中应用广泛! 典型例题: 6. A) She can’t finish her assignment, either. B) She can’t afford a computer right now. C) The man can use her computer. D) The man should buy a computer right away. 例题分析:A、B异项,A项的意思是她现在有电脑,B项的意思则是她现在没有电脑。 B、D异项,B是说女方无电脑,而D是说男方无电脑,男女也是一种反意关系。所以根据双重异项原则可确定正确答案为B项! 本题听力原文: 6. M: I\'m frustrated. We\'re supposed to do our assignment on the computer, but I have difficulty getting access to the computers in the library. W: I understand the way you feel. I\'m looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my own. Q: What does the woman mean? 第三招:女士保留原则 做题做多了,我们应该了解西方人的思维方式,当对话中出现女士的建议和要求时,我们一定要注意,这时女士说出来的话很可能就是正确选项的异意!因为女士经常以女神的形象出面,她们代表的是美好、正面、阳光的信息! 典型例题: 9. A) The man should stick to what he’s doing. B) The man should take up a new hobby. C) The man should stop playing tennis. D) The man should find the cause for his failure.


2020年英语六级听力放音时不可不知的技巧 一、放音之前 要有效利用题目选项实行预判断,包括推测题目内容和考查内容。在看选项时,要做到以下三点。 一是竖看,确定相同之处。 二是横看,确定不同之处。 三是找出重复性高的词,这些词一般是与主题相关的词,具有路 标的功能。 例如: A)They might be stolen goods B)They might be fake products C)They might be faulty products D)They might be smuggled good 在这四个选项中,竖看相同点为they might be, 横看不同点为stolen goods, fake products, faulty products, smuggled goods. 重复性高的词语为goods,products(产品)。能够推断这道题是关于产 品的。在听的时候就需要注意产品是怎么样的。 二、放音之时 我们在听的时候要注意一下几个原则: 1.顺序原则:注意题目和文章的考点有先后顺序对应的关系。所 以我们能够边听边看选项,注意在相关选项后面作上笔记以供参考。 2. 注意表示逻辑关系的小词原则:

表示转折和对比的逻辑词: but,however,nevertheless,while,in fact,whereas,unexpectedly, unfortunately, yet, except, on the other hand, compared to,unlike,instead,in contrast to等等。 表示因果的逻辑词: as a result; since,due to; because of; therefore, thus, so 3.强调原则: (1)含义强调 specially,especially,indeed,certainly,only,certainly (2)解释原则: which is,that is,which means, that is to say, (3)举例强调: for example,for instance,such as,illustrate (4)结论强调 above all,in short,in a word, in conclusion,all in all,in brief (5)重复强调 短文中重复率极大的词或者概念往往就是该短文的主题。 4.开头原则:开头往往会引出话题,或是交代文章要论述的内容,这些句子需要仔细听并联系我们平时已有的相关话题信息实行推测文 章发生的场景或是文章接下来要谈论的要点,这样有利于提升我们对


阅读题型一:中心主旨题 首先我们在拿到题目的时候要能够识别出来,什么样的题目才是中心主旨题。小伙伴们在题干中发现了subject、summarize、main idea、mainly about、best title、primarily about、main topic等表达方式的时候就可以断定为主旨题了。小伙伴们在遇到中心主旨题的时候,要注意找到文章的中心词和主旨句,注意文章的首段和尾段的首尾句,这四句话中很有可能会出现文章的主旨句。而中心词就更好找了,一般中心词就是在文章中出现频率最高的词汇,另外,一般中心主旨题的题干中也会出现中心词,小伙伴们在做题的时候可要擦亮自己火眼金睛啊! 阅读题型二:细节题 细节题是我们四六级阅读的一大题型,题干中出现了明显的词汇、因果关系、作者观点、具体事实的等能够直接对应到文章中的定位信息的题目,一般就可以判定为是细节题了。我们在做题的时候首先要找到定位到文章中的关键词,然后根据定位的位置浏览文章,从文章中找到题目的答案。在这里小伙伴们要注意了,一般来说我们四六级阅读命题的时候会遵循题文同序的原则,所以小伙伴们在做题的时候应该对题目对应的段落位置有一个大概的把握。 阅读题型三:态度题 做态度题的时候小伙伴们首先要明确态度题的答题三要素,分别是态度的主体、态度的对象和态度的表达。接下来要分清楚是全文态度题还是局部态度题,全文态度题一般以作者来作为态度的主体,以文章主题来作为对象进行考查;而局部态度题考查的则是某一部分或某一事件的态度,态度主体、对象和表达都是不一定的。小伙伴们在做这类题目的时候首先要分清态度的主体和对象,然后对应到文章中的相应段落,然后分析得出答案。 阅读题型四:词汇题 词汇题一般考查的是小伙伴们的词汇辨析能力,题干中会要求对某个单词或短语进行含义的推测,或者进行同义词替换。小伙伴们如果遇到不认识的单词的时候就要联系上下文来推测词汇的含义了;首先要根据词汇定位到文章的相应段落中,然后载根据上下文语境推测出含义。要留意的是,英语中很多词汇往往都不是字面上的意思,所以小伙伴们做完题之后一定要代入原文验证。 阅读题型五:推理题 题干中出现infer、learn、imply、conclude、suggest、indicate等词汇的时候就可以判定为推理题了。首先推理题分为三种类型,包含具体定位信息的细节推理题、包含具体段落信息的段落推理题以及全文推理题。一般来说,段落中的首尾句、中心句和观点句是出推理题的重灾区,同时出现转折关系的地方、包含强调和递进关系的地方也都是推理题经常光顾的地方。推理题在实质上还是一种同义词改写,小伙伴们要注意,推理题还是必须以原文为依据的。


改错: 历年全真试题及参考答案(00.1-06.12) 00.1 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he had the capability to leave that planet S1._______ and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. Men have explored S2._______ parts of the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another planet and possibly within the decade will land into another S3._______ planet and explore it. Can we be too

bold as to S4._______ suggest that we may be able to colonize other planet S5._______ within the not - too - distant future ? Some have advocated such a procedure as a solution to the population problem: ship the excess people off to the moon. But we must keep in head the billions of dollars we might S6._______ spend in carrying out the project. To maintain the earth's population at its present level, we would have to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of the year. Why are we spending so little


2019英语六级听力之长对话技巧(四) Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. A) She left her own car in Manchester. B) Something went wrong with her car. C) She wants to go traveling on the weekend. D) Her car won't be back in a week's time. 浏览各选项,在说一位女士以及她的车,所以该对话的大概内容 能够有所了解,在听的时候注意视听一致即可。原文为“I have to get to Manchester today and my own car has broken down.”是和 答案B同义替换的,而其他三个选项,其中的一些词汇都在原文中有 所涉及,是混淆视听的,大家一定要注意认真听。问题是:Why does the woman want to hire a car? 10. A) Safety. B) Comfort. C) Size. D) Cost. 四个词都是在描述性能方面,结合9题应该不难想到这是在说车,注意听原文中提到关于车的什么方面。原文“That depends a little bit on the price.”同义替换的是D。而问题问的是“What is the woman’s main consideration in hiring a car?” 11. A) Third-party insurance. B) Value-added tax.


大学英语四六级考试题型分析与答题方略 一、四六级考试历史演变 四六级考试是教育部组织的大学生英语等级考试,主要是考察学生的语言知识的储备能力及语言运用能力,(根据现代语言学理论,一个人的语言能力包括两部分:competence语言知识的储备能力和performence语言运用能力)它从产生到现在大致经历了三个阶段。 1.87年开始:听力(10题对话题,3篇文章)20分,阅读40分,词汇结构15分,cloze 10分,作文15分。以后无太大的变化,其间只曾反复出现英译汉代替cloze,复合式听写代替三篇听力文章,SAQ(简答)代替cloze等现象。 2.从04年6月起,四六级进行了教为大的改动,改革后的大学英语四六级试卷将分四大块,听力、阅读、综合、写作,阅卷后只向学生发放成绩单,给每个学生报总分和单项分,让考生了解自己能力的强弱所在。 3.2007年1月全面实施改革后的四级考试,2007年6月全面实施改革后的六级考试。 二、新四级考试"新"在何处 1.题型增加、难度增加———听力阅读变化最大从考核方向来看,新四级考试更注重考察考生实际运用英语的能力,具体体现在题型的改变上。新四级考试分4个部分:听力、阅读、综合运用和写作。变化最大的属听力部分和阅读部分。新四级的听力部分在原有的短对话、短文和复合式听写的基础上,又增加了长对话部分。整个听力的占分比重由原先的20%增加到35%。新旧题型的主要差别有两点。一是题量加大:旧题型只有两部分,而新题型有三部分;二是难度加大:新题型的对话部分由原来的10个短对话改为8个短对话和2个长对话。就中国学生相对比较强的阅读而言,考生比较擅长的是在相对长的时间里读相对短的文章,这恰恰是对旧四级的考察方式。而新四级阅读中加入快速阅读,对考生自然是一大挑战。阅读部分的占分比重虽然由原先的40%下降到35%,但是题型增加了,难度也相应增大了。旧四级中,阅读只考多项选择题,但是新四级考试中会增加快速阅读和选词填空两个题型。选词填空对于广大中国考生是比较陌生的题型,对考生提出了更高的要求。 综合运用部分占15%,基本是沿用了一些旧题型:完形填空或改错,简单回答或汉译英。基本没变的是写作部分,占分15%,仍然是写一篇议论文或应用文。 2.本次四级新题型的考试在题量上增幅较大,而且时间比旧题型考试仅仅多出了5分钟,所以考生面临的第一个问题是时间。在考前准备过程中,考生应根据题型的特点以及自身的水平合理分配各题型所需的时间。


Passage1 Reading leadership literature, you’d sometimes think that everyone has the potential to be an effective leader. 读领导文学,你有时会认为每个人都有可能成为一个有效的领导者。 I don’t believe that to be true. In fact, I see way fewer truly effective leaders than I see people stuck in positions of leadership who arc sadly incompetent and seriously misguided about their own abilities. 我不相信这是真的。事实上,我认为真正有效的领导者的方式比我看到的人都陷在领导的职位上,遗憾的是他们自己的能力不称职,严重误导了他们。 Part of the reason this happens is a lack of honest self-assessment by those who aspire to(追求)leadership in the first place. 对产生这种现象的原因一部分是由那些渴望缺乏诚实的自我评估(追求)放在首位的领导 We've all met the type of individual who simply must take charge. Whether it's a decision-making session, a basketball game, or a family outing, they can't help grabbing the lead dog position and clinging on to it for dear life. They believe they're natural born leaders. 我们都遇到了个人的类型,他们必须负责。无论是决策会议,篮球比赛,还是家庭外出,他们都不能不抓住领导的狗的地位,并紧紧抓住它,因为亲爱的生命。他们相信他们是天生的领袖。 Truth is, they're nothing of the sort. True leaders don't assume that it's their divine(神圣的)right to take charge every time two or more people get together. Quite the opposite. A great leader will assess each situation on its merits, and will only take charge when their position, the situation, and/or the needs of the moment demand it. 事实是,他们没有什么样的。真正的领导者不认为这是他们的神圣(神圣的)负责每次两个或两个以上的人在一起吧。恰恰相反。一个伟大的领导者会对每一个情况进行评估,并在他们的位置、情况和/或需要的情况下,只会负责。

大学英语四六级 考试真题及参考答案

之 2003年12月大学英语六级考试真题及参考答案

2003年12月英语六级考试真题及答案 一、单选题 第1题: I have had my eyes tested and the report says that my _______ is perfect. A) outlook C) horizon B) vision D) perspective 【正确答案】:B 【参考解析】:无 第2题: He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in _______ with the Imperial Museum. A) collection C) collaboration B) connection D) combination 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第3题: In those days, executives expected to spend most of their lives in the same firm and, unless they were dismissed for _______, to retire at the age of 65. A) integrity C) incompetence B) denial D) deduction 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无 第4题: Others viewed the findings with _______, noting that a. cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains to be shown. A) optimism C) caution B) passion D) deliberation 【正确答案】:C 【参考解析】:无


提高四六级英语听力的六个方法 在扩充词汇时应注意对单词含义有一个较为全面的把握,其中有 个好方法就是通过做真题、分析真题来掌握词汇。这样便可有效避免 望文生义,还有助于考试时结合语境加以理解,从而避免可能的失误。 在阅读部分的材料,大都节选自《华盛顿邮报》、《时代周刊》 等的原文。所以建议大家今后多注重此类英美报刊杂志,以便在长期 阅读中熟悉外刊的行文风格,积累重复率高的单词。真题详解精讲版 里就曾多次提及四级考试中文章的来源和出处,在备考时根据其中的 建议实行广泛阅读,会有非常明显的效果。 首先我在这里告诉大家的是大家在练习口语和背诵的同时,每天 要抽出一定的时间(一般为2?3小时)来练习听力,时间能够按照这样 分配,30%的时间放在精听,你能够采用听写法,这样效果,也能够采 用边对照听力材料原文,仔仔细细逐字听懂攻破。70%的时间实行泛听,能够随心所欲地听一些歌曲,广播,影视,原声读物。我们的听力训 练学习法共有七大步骤,是“齐步走”的谐音。 第一步:要想听懂老外讲话,首先要Maintain your composure and your confidence , 就是说要保持冷静,千万不要因为一处没有 反应过来,就慌了手脚。 第二步:听的过程中要学会根据语言传达的信息Make pictures, 也就是说把抽象的语言变成形象的图画反映于脑海之中,国为相对于 汉语来说,英语表达更加形象化,这样有了图象的协助,就有利于抓 住主干而不是旁支末节,从而听懂重点;听过之后的巩固工作更加重要。 第三步:在听懂的基础上,要Model everything (pronunciation, intonation, tone, slang, idioms, patterns, etc),也就是说要认 真模仿听力中的各种语言点(包括语音、语调、语气、习语、俚语、句 式等),不能放过任何细节。


英语四级阅读真题练习附答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语四级阅读真题练习附答案》的内容,具体内容:大学英语四级考试倾向于测试学生的英语综合运用能力,其中阅读理解题的比重已经占到卷面总分值的35%,而选词填空题作为新型的阅读题,对大学生的英语综合运用能力提出了 更高的要求。接下来就一起分... 大学英语四级考试倾向于测试学生的英语综合运用能力,其中阅读 理解题的比重已经占到卷面总分值的35%,而选词填空题作为新型的 阅读题,对大学生的英语综合运用能力提出了更高的要求。接下来就 一起分享我为大家整理的吧! 练习一 In the United States, it is not customary to telephone somenone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention.The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m..If someone receives a call during sleeping hours , he assumes its a matter of life or death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the


大学英语四六级考试真题 Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices mark ed A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the correspondin g letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Unless we spend money to spot and prevent asteroids (小行 星) now, one might crash into Earth and destroy life as we know it, say some scientist s. Asteroids are bigger versions of the meteoroids (流 星) that race across the night sky. Most orbit the sun far from Earth and don’ t threaten us. But there are also thousands of asteroids whose orbits put them on a coll ision course with Earth. Buy $50 million worth of new telescopes right now. Then spe nd $10 million a year for the next 25 years to locate most of the space rocks. By the ti me we spot a fatal one, the scientists say, we’ll have a way to change its course. Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldn’t be cheap. Is it worth it? Two things experts consider when judging any risk re: 1) How likel y the event is; and 2) How bad the consequences if the event occurs. Experts think an asteroid big enough to destroy lots of life might strike Earth once every 500,000 years . Sounds pretty rare—but if one did fall, it would be the end of the world. “If we don’t take care of these big asteroids, they’ll take care of us,” says one scientist. “It’s that simple.” The cure, though, might be worse than the disease. Do we really want fleets of n uclear weapons sitting around on Earth? “The world has less to fear from doomsday (毁灭性


2018年12月大学英语四级阅读真题 选词填空 Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. Millions die early from air pollution each year. Air pollution costs the global economy more than $5 trillion annually in welfare costs, with the most serious 26 occurring in the developing world. The figures include a number of costs 27 with air pollution. Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year. The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor pollution, which includes 28 like home heating and cooking, has remained 29 over the past several decades despite



中国的创新正以前所未有的速度蓬勃发展。为了在科学技术上尽快赶超世界发达国家,中国近年来大幅度增加了研究开发资金。中国的大学和研究所正在积极开展创新研究,这些研究覆盖了从大数据到生物化学,从新能源到机器人等各类高科技领域。它们还与各地的科技园合作,使创新成果商业化。与此同时,无论在产品还是商业模式上,中国企业家也在努力争做创新的先锋,以适应国内外消费市场不断变化和增长的需求。 译文一 China's innovation is flourishing faster than ever before. In order to surpass developed countries on progressing and technology as soon as possible, China has sharply increased research and development fund. Chinese universities and institutes are actively doing innovative researches, covering various fields of high technology, from big data to biochemistry, and from new energy to robots. They are also cooperating with science and technology parks in different places, progressing commercialize their fruits of innovation.In the meantime , to adapt to the changing foreign and domestic market, and to satisfy the growing demand, Chinese entrepreneurs are also making pioneering efforts to innovate their products and business models(模式). 译文二(文都版) Innovation is progressing in an unprecedented speed in China. In order to catch up with those developed countries in the world as fast as it can in the science and technology field, China has increased funds for development research substantially in recent years. Universities and research institutions in China are actively carrying out innovation researches, which cover high-technology fields such as big data, biochemistry, new energy and robots, etc. They also cooperate with science park in various regions, commercializing the research results of innovation. Meanwhile, no matter in production and business model, entrepreneurs in China are


(1)推断题表现形式及应对方法 第一种:题干信息明示型 一般这类推断题题干中会包含: suggest,imply,indicate,conclude,infer,learn from等。出题形式: We can infer / assume that… It can be concluded from the passage that… The author of the passage would most likely imply… The passage suggests that… It c an be learned that… 应对方法:先看题干和选项,再回相应的原文,先理解后推理。 第二种:题干信息不明示型 应对方法:一定要再原文中找到依据,根据主题推理。 注意与整篇文章的思想、风格等保持一致。 选项设置往往是同义转化。 (2)真题示例: 例1:(题干明示型)

At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they're bad. Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net boost to the economy.Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little more money in their pockets. So why is there such a discrepancy between the perception of immigrants' impact on the economy and the reality? (2011.6, cet6) 52. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. Whether immigrants are good or bad for the economy has been puzzling economists. B. The American economy used to thrive on immigration but now it's a different story. C. The consensus among economists is that immigration should not be encouraged. D. The general public thinks differently from most economists on the impact of immigration. 【答案】D 【解析】这里指出,美国大众绝大多数认为移民对经济的影响是不好的。然而,大多数经济学家却一致认为,不管是合法还是非法移民,都为经济带来了小幅的净增长。由此可见,对于移民经济的影响问题,大众多多数经济学家存在分歧,故答案为D。 例2:(题干不明示型) Some analysts(分析师) are less sure. Among consumers, only 18%are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6% four years ago. Natalie Hormilla, a fashion writer, is an example of the unconverted consumer. When asked if she owned any sustainable clothes, she replied : ―Not that I’m aware of .‖ Like most consumers, she finds little time to shop, and when she does, she’s on the hunt for ―cute stuff that isn’t too expensive.‖ By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind. But –thanks to the combined efforts of designers, retailers and suppliers –one day it will be. (2009.6, cet4)


英语四级真题快速阅读题 Small Schools Rising This years list of the top 100 high schools shows that today, those with fewer students are flourishing. Fifty years ago, they were the latest thing in educational reform: big, modern, suburban high schools with students counted in the thousands. As baby boomers(二战后婴儿潮时期出生的人) came of high-school age, big schools promised economic efficiency. A greater choice of courses, and, of course, better football teams. Only years later did we understand the trade-offs this involved: the creation of excessive bureaucracies(官僚机构),the difficulty of forging personal connections between teachers and students.SAT scores began dropping in 1963;today,on average,30% of students do not complete high school in four years, a figure that rises to 50% in poor urban neighborhoods. While the emphasis on teaching to higher, test-driven standards as set in No Child Left Behind resulted in significantly better performance in elementary(and some middle)schools, high schools for a variety of reasons seemed to have made little progress. Size isnt everything, but it does matter, and the past decade has seen a noticeable countertrend toward smaller schools. This has been due ,in part ,to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has
