


Yang Liyuan (一)定语从句及相关术语



关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as 等;

关系副词有where, when, why等。


The students who/that asked the question was Jim.

Do you know the man that/who is talking with the teacher?

This is the book which I bought last Sunday.

The old man who/that is standing at the door is LiMing’s grandpa.

The student that/who spoke at the meeting knows three languages.

The dictionary which/that is lying on the desk is my brother’s.

Ex.1. 用who , that, which 填空

1.Do you know the boy______ is playing the ball under the tree?

2.This is the railway ______connects Kunming with Chengdu.

3.What has happened to the lady ____was run over by a car yesterday?

4. A friend of mine ______serves in the army will come to see me next week.

5.The car _____is to pick me up has broken down.

The man whom I took to the hospital is my neighbor.

I have lost the bike which I bought several weeks ago.

The letter that I received yesterday is from my sister.

Ex2. 用whom, who, which ,that 填空

1.She is wearing the new dress ______her boy friend has sent her.

2.The old woman _____ I greeted just now is my mother’s friend.

3.Do you know the girl _____the teacher just mentioned?

4.This is the present ____ I really like.

Whose 在定語從句中做定語

The boy whose leg is broken is a very good football player.

The girl whose mother works in your office won the first prize in the singing contest. The lady whose window my boy broke came to my house and asked me to pay for the damage.

Ex3. 把下面的兩個句子合併為一個定語從句

1.The young lady speaks English very well. Her hair is beautifully curled.

2.I am repairing my desk. Its leg has been broken by my son.

3.The students all did very well in the exam. Y ou know their math teacher.

4.who takes care of the children. Their parents died in the bus accident.

5.This is the doctor. I have often mentioned his name to you.

三.關係副詞:when, where, why , 分別在定語從句中做世界狀語,地點狀語,原因狀語。此外,關係副詞或者定语从句中有介词可以和动词拆开使用,就可換為介詞加關係代詞的結構,指人用介詞+whom, 指物用介詞+which

I’ll never forget the day when we first met.

對比:I’ll never forget the day (which/that)we spent in my hometown.

This picture reminded me of the years ( that/which) I spent in the countryside.

對比:It was 5 o’clock when we met yesterday.

It was at 5 o’clock that we met yesterday.

This is the city where I grew up.

對比:This is the city (which/that) I visited last year.

The places of interest (that/which) we visited last summer are all on the World Heritage List.

Do you know the reason why she left without saying good-by?

Do you know the street in which (where) John lives?

The day on which (when) he arrived was an exciting day.

The pen with which he was writing broke.

The man to whom I spoke just now is Jim’s brother.

Can you tell me the reason for which (why) you didn’t finish your homework?

注意:1.含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of

(1) This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (T)

(2) This is the watch for which I am looking. (F)

Ex4.用when, where, why填空

1.He will visit the mountain village _____his father lived thirty years ago.

2.October 1 is the day _____ the People’s Republic of China was founded.

3.Did she tell you the reason _____she refused?

4.The story reminded me of my childhood _____ I was freed from all worries.

5.The moon is a world _____ there is no life.


(1)先行詞為something, anything, nothing, few, everything, all, little, none, much 等時,關係代詞只能用that

There is nothing that really matters.

Everything that he cares about is his honor.

(2) 當先行詞有only, every, the very, the one, much, no, all, few, little, any ,some等修飾時,關係代詞只能用that

There is not much work that can be done,

She is the only person that I’m willing to see.

(3)先行詞有形容詞最高級或序數詞,如the best/fastest, the first/second/last 修飾時,關係代詞只能用that.

Today is one of the coldest day that I’ve ever known.

The last person that left the office was the manager.

(4). 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时

(1) Who is the man that is standing there?

(2) Which is the T-shirt that fits me most?

(5). 当先行词既有人,也有动物或者物体时

Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we have learned?

(6)当主句以there be 开头时

There is a seat in the corner that is still free.


1. I want to thank the doctor______ saved my life.

2. I’m reading the magazine______ I borrowed from my teacher.

3. He lives in the house _______windows open to the south.

4. Is this the student_______ worked out the difficult physics problem.

5. This is the place _______he gave his life for the people.

6. He didn’t tell me the time ______your train would leave.

7. Do you know the reason_____ he always keeps busy?

8. The watch______ I am wearing is made of Shanghai.

9. He often thinks of the four years _____he lived with the peasants in the country.

10. The man ______ is giving us a talk is a well-known writer.

11. Is there anything ______ I can do for you?

12. I love the song _____she sang at the party.

13. The first man _____got there was the doctor himself.

14. I told him all______ I knew.

15. The last thing _____you should do is to finish your homework

16. The friend ______letter I’m answering will come back from abroad.

17. The park ______we went the other day is famous for its beautiful flower.

18. This is the very man_____ you want to look for.

19. Who is the student _____is singing an English song over there?

20. As long as you stand up to the difficulties, there are none_____ ca nnot be overcome.

21. The book contains little _____ is useful.

22. I don’t think there’s much _____ can be done.

23. The person that is waving to me is the one _____ I don’t want to talk with.


Mr Smith, whom you met at my house, is going abroad.

He is from America, which I know from his accent.


(1) His brother who is now a doctor always encourages him to go to college.


(2) His brother, who is now a doctor, always encourages him to go to college.


Ex. 用關係代詞或關係副詞填空

1.Ten years ago, I went to Chicago, _____ I first met Mr. Smith.

2.He wants to read a book, _____is most unusual for him.

3.Sunday is a holiday, _____ people do not go to work.

4.The boys, _____ wanted to play football, were disappointed.

8. 关系代词as和which 引导的定语从句


(1) He married her, as/which was natural.

(2) He was honest, as/which we can see.

2. as引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前,或者主句之后,甚至可以切割一个主句;which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。另外,as有“正如…,正像…”的意思

(1) As is known to all, China is a developing country.

(2) He is from the south, as we can see from his accent.

(3) John, as you know, is a famous writer.

(4) He has been to Paris more than several times, which I don't believe. 注意:当主句和从句存在逻辑上的因果关系时,常用which (5) Tom was always late for school, which made his teacher angry. His father is an engineer , which makes him proud.

______ is known to us, the earth turns around the sun.

A .As B. which C It D That

——is known to us that the earth turns around the sun.

A It

B As

C That

D which

——is known to us is that the earth turns around the sun.

A It

B As

C What

D That

He married her, as/which is natural.

He was late for school, which/as is often the case.

As is often the case, he was late for school.

3. 先行詞有such 或the same 修飾時,關係代詞用as

He will repeat such points as are discussed in the book.

He is not the same playboy as we knew.

This book is not such as I expected.


对比:This is the same person that I met yesterday.


M1U1 定语从句之关系代词(学生版)

一、什么是定语 定语是对名词或者代词进行修饰或者限定的成分,定语一般可以翻译成“….的” 二、定语可以由什么充当。 the green team ______________ a girl in red _______________ a book written by Luxun _____________ the girl sitting next to me ______________ the work to be done __________________ a lady who sat next to a black man ______________________ 三、定语从句的三大要素 1. 定语从句______________________________________________ 2. 先行词__________________________________________________ 3. 关系词(关系代词、关系副词)_________________________________ 关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as 关系副词有when, where, why 四、判断下列复合句中的从句是否为定语从句。 1. The man that helped you is Mr. White. 2. Our teachers and parents hoped that we can enter a good university after graduating from Huairen high school three years later. 3. This is the school bag which my mother bought me yesterday. 4. The one who cleans the blackboard should be praised. 5. China is no longer what it used to be. 6. I don’t know the boy whom you gave the book to just now 五、关系词的三大功能 1. 引导定语从句 2. 在从句中替代先行词(从句中不能再出现先行词或代替先行词的代词) 3. 在定语从句中充当一定的成分 功能2讲解: 判断下列两组定语从句的正误 ①The student whom we saw just now is the best runner in our school. ②The student whom we saw him just now is the best runner in our school. ③The trees which are behind the office building have lost their leaves. ④The trees which they are behind the office building have lost their leaves. 功能3讲解见课本P8 六、关系代词的用法 1. 在定语从句中,当先行词为物时,关系代词可以用that 或which, 在从句中可以做主语或宾语,其中做宾语时可以被省略。 ?The earthquake which/that happened in 1906 was the biggest in American history. ?The train which/that h as just left is for Shanghai. ?He likes the birthday presents that/which/ his friends gave him.


定语从句 一、基本概念 1.定语从句:在一个主从复合句中修饰某一个名词、代词或修饰整个主句的从句叫定语从句。换句话说,定语从句就是用来作定语的句子。 2.先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。先行词前一般用the ,但在指“一个”概念时可用 a , an 。 3.关系代词 / 关系副词:连接先行词和定语从句的词叫关系词,根据其在从句中作用分为关系代词或关系副词。若先行词在从句中作主语、宾语和定语等,应用关系代词引导定语从句;若先行词在从句中作时间状语、地点状语和原因状语等,应用关系副词引导定语从句。4.定语从句的位置:一般紧跟在先行词后面。但有时因句子结构的需要,定语从句和先行词被某些成分隔开。 5.引导定语从句的关系词分为二类: 关系代词:that, which ,who, whom ,whose , as 关系副词:when, where, why 二、基本用法 1.关系代词的基本用法(见下表):

2.使用关系代词时应注意的几个问题: a. 在以下几种情况下只使用that不用which。 1.先行词是不定代词时,如: all, anything, everything, nothing, something, little, few, much。 told him all (that) I know. gave her everything (that) he had. 2.先行词被all, every, any, the very, the only, the just等修饰时。 have read all the books (that) you gave me. can take any book (that) you like. 3.先行词被序数词和形容词的最高级修饰时。 1. This is the best book (that) I have ever read. 2. The second place (that) I want to visit is Shanghai. 4.先行词既有人又有物时。 talked about the persons and things (that) we remember in the school. people and the animals that were killed in the earthquake have all been found. 5.在Who, Which引起的疑问句中。 1. Who is the boy that helped you? 2. Which is the book (that) you bought yesterday? 6. 若有两个定语从句,一个用which引导,另一个须用that引导。 He bought a book which could give him knowledge and that could help to kill the time. 7.当先行词在定语从句中作表语时。 Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be. b.在以下几种情况下只使用which 不用that。 1. 引导非限制性定语从句时。 I have lost my pen, which I like very much. (which 作宾语,指代主句中的pen) New concept English is intended for foreign students, which is known to all of us. (which作主语,指代整个主句) 2. 若有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词是which,另一个须用that。 The book (that) he bought yesterday was the one (which) he liked best. 3. 先行词在句中作介词宾语且介词前置时。 This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived. c.当先行词为指人的关系代词时,引导词只用who 不用that。 1.先行词为all, anyone, one / ones, those, people 时,须用who。 1. Anyone who knows how to do it can do it now. 2. Those who want to see the film please put up your hands. 3. He, who does not reach the Great Wall, is not a true man. 2. 在非限制性定语从句中,须用who。 Tom’s father, who is over sixty, still works hard.


Exercises: 1.There are three bedrooms in the house,_____ is Mary's. A the smallest of which B the smaller of which C the smallest of them D the smallest one 2.The Greens will move into the new house next Monday,_____ it will be completely finished. A by the time B by which time C by that time D by this time 3.Alice has a large collection of phone,_____ was taken in london. A none of them B no one of which C all of which D none of which 4.With the fast development of agriculture, the people ____ village I taught before lived a happy life. A who B whose C in whose D in which 5.There is a moutain ____ the top is always covered with snow. A whose B of which C it's D that 6.She may have missed her train, in ____ case she won't arrive for another hour. A what B that C which D this 7.1)I have three children,and two of _____ are doctors. 2)I have three children, two of ____ are doctors. 8.There two thousand students in our school,____ are girls. A two-thirds in which B two-thirds in them C two-thirds of them D of whom two thirds 9.I have bought two ballpens,_____ writes well. A neither of them B none of them C neither of which D none of which (1---6ABDCBC 7----9B DDC) 特殊结构定语从句点击 1. These houses are sold at such a low price ________ people expected. A. like B. as C. that D. which 2. I've never heard so interesting a story ________ you told me. A. as B. that C. of which D. about which 3. I've seen the same film ________ you saw yesterday. A. that B. which C. as D. like 4. I'll buy the same coat ________ you wear. A. that B. which C. as D. like 5. He made another wonderful discovery, ________ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is 6. ________ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What 7. This is the first time ________ he has been here. A. that B. when C. at which D. which

牛津高中英语 模块一 unit1 school life短语+知识点综合讲练

M1 Unit 1School life I.短语总结 1.be happy/satisfied with 对…满意;因为…开心 2.attend (an) assembly 参加集会 3.earn respect from sb. 赢得某人的尊重 earn a living by 靠...生活 4. have/ show respect for 对...尊敬的 5. devote oneself to doing sth投入于做某事 6. get /be interested in 对…产生兴趣 7. make a speech about 做关于…的演讲 8. miss a chance to do sth. 失去做某事的机会 9. leave out 省略,遗漏 10. regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事 regret doing/having done sth. 后悔做过某事 11. inform sb.of/about sth./inform sb.that… 通知某人某事 12. run a company/a school 管理公司/ 学校 13. require sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事 14. On/upon finishing his studies 学习一结束 15. for free/for nothing/free of charge 免费 16. all year round 一年到头 17. show respect for sb. 尊敬某人 18. prepare for 为…做准备 19. achieve high grades 获得高分 20. be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事 21. come up with 提出 22. on display 在展览中 23. be independent of 从...独立 24.the + 比较级..; the +比较级越...越... 25. spend 时间/ 钱(in)doing sth/ on sth 26.be available for 可被使用的/得到的 27.have much experience in 在某方面有经验的 28.select....from 从...中选择 29.be fluent in 在某方面流利的 30.be broadcast live 现场直播 31.It’s useless doing sth 做某事没有用


1.People spoke highly of the driver_____,in spite of the terrible weather, had saved his passengers from danger. A.which B.who C.whom D.as 2.The island_____he lived in his childhood is far from the town. A.which B.in which C.on which D.that 3.I hope to get_____a tool______he repaired this machine with. A.such;that B.so;that C.such;as D.as;as 4.The soldiers stopped at the edge of a wood,______was the right place for an ambush(埋伏). A.they thought where B.they thought which C.where they thought D.which they thought 5.The factory has 500 workers,40 percent_____are women. A.of which B.of whom C.of them D.of that 6.He often talked about the artists and paintings_______impressed him greatly. A.which B.who C.that D.不填 7.I will never forget the days_______we spent together and_____we made friends with some farmers. A.when;that B.that;when C.when;when D.which;which 8.His family,_______all music lovers,don't want to miss MTV programmes. A.who is B.which is C.who are D.which are 9.Who is the person_______asked for me just now? A.who B.that C.whose D.whom 10.He asked more than one elder for advice,_______he hoped to make a wiser decision. A.which B.by which C.by which means D.by that means 11.His technique has developed to the point_______he can repair many of the electrically powered farm machines. A.when B.that C.where D.which 12.The comrade I share the room________is a young teacher fresh from college. A.with him B.with whom C.with D.in 13.What do you think of the material_______the coat is made? A.which B.of which C.from which D.in which 14.The fire started on the first floor of the hospital,______patients were elderly people. A.many of whose B.whose many C.many whose D.many of whom 15.He was the only one of the boys who______willing to do the work. A.is B.was C.are D.were 16.He is not the man_______he used to be. A.who B.whom C.which D.that 17.I was very surprised at the way_____he spoke at the meeting. A.which B.by which C.where D.不填 18.Is this village______Chairman Mao once lived in? A.where B.which C.that D.the one 19.The doctor______is leaving for Africa next month. A.the nurse is talking to him B.whom the nurse is talking C.the nurse is talking to D.who the nurse is talking


M1U1 Grammar and usages Attributive Clauses导学案 课时目标:回顾句子成分中的定语,及定语从句; 五个关系代词的用法 课时重难点:关系代词的指代及所做成分 一、回顾已知,引入课题。 观察下列短句,划出其中的名词、形容词、介词短语。并将它们译成中文。 1.an enjoyable experience 2.best friends 3.the rules of the school 阅读Point 1 on P8 模仿翻译:穿红衣服的女孩子们 二、自主学习,边学边导。 (一)定义、概念 1、定义:在复合句中,修饰或限定主句中某一个________或________,并充当定语的从句是定语从句 2、相关概念: ●被定语从句所修饰或限定的名词或代词称为__________ ●引导定语从句的词称为________, 可在句中作主语、宾语、定语、状语等Ex1 读下列小短文,并找出3个定语从句,完成下列表格。 Little Tom asked his mother for two dollars. "What did you do with the money that I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a woman who is poor and old" he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother happily. "Here are two dollars more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" Ex.2将下列定语从句拆分成两个简单句 1、Do you know the man who is talking with your mother? _____________________________________________________________________ 2、I like those books whose topics are about history. _____________________________________________________________________ 3、A plane is a machine that can fly. _____________________________________________________________________


初三定语从句专项练习题一 ( )1. They are talking about things and persons ___ they knew when they were young. A. that B. which C. who D. whom ( )2. This is the man ___ last night. A. whom I saw him B. whom I saw C. which I saw D. who I saw him ( )3. The seventeenth century was one ___ many advances were made in science. A. that B. which C. where D. when ( )4. We travelled together as far as Chicago, ___ we parted. A. when B. which C. why D. where ( )5. The reason ___ I’mwriting is to tell you about a party on Saturday. A. because B. why C. for D. as ( )6. Author Edith Wharton thoroughly understood the society ___. A. she had grown up in it B. which had she grown up in C. she had grown up D. in which she had grown up ( )7. This is one of the best books ___. A. that have ever been written B. that has ever been written C. that has written D. that have written ( )8. The first time ___ I saw Premier Zhou was in 1958. A. when B. where C. which D. that ( )9. Which of the two cows ___ you keep produces more milk? A. that B. which C. whom D. what ( )10. He met my brother, from ___ he got the news of my marriage. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose ( )11. Would you please put the book ___ it belongs? A. to whom B. to which C. into which D. where ( )12. Do you remember the name of the company ___? A. where she works at B. in which she works C. for which she works in D. in where she works ( )13. This is the most difficult book ___. A. what I have read it B. which I have read it C. I have read D. I have read it ( )14. The last place ___ was the Science Museum. A. we visited B. where we visited C. which we visited D. we went ( )15. All ___ you have to do is to press the button. A. what B. which C. for that D. that ( )16. Her opinion is the same ___ her mother’s. A. that B. as C. than D. like


定语从句 一、概述 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词,用作定语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause)。被定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词(antecedent)。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词who、whom、whose、which、that和关系副词when、where、why等。Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.最后,那个小偷向警察交出他偷的所有的东西。(引导词是关系代词that) His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone whose family was poor.他父母不让他和家庭困难的人结婚。(引导词是关系代词whose) In the dark street, there wasn't a single person to whom she could turn for help.在那个黑暗的街道上,没有她可以求助的人。(引导词是关系代词whom) In 1519 another traveller who went to America from Europe discovered the tomato. 1519年另一位从欧洲去美洲的旅行家发现了西红柿。(引导词是关系代词who) I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. 我仍然记得第一次去北京的那一天。(引导词是关系副词when) This is the house where we lived last year. 这就是我们去年住的房子。(引导词是关系副词where) 二、关系代词和关系副词的功用能 关系代词和关系副词用来引导定语从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,使二者联系起来。关系代词和关系副词可作定语从句的一个成分。关系代词可作主语、宾语、定语;关系副词可作状语。 1、作主语 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数应与先行词一致。 All that is needed is a supply of oil.所需要的是大量的油。(引导词that在句中作主语) A plane is a machine that can fly. 飞机是会飞的机器。(引导词that在句中作主语) The foreigner who visite d our class yesterday is from Canada.昨天到我班来访的外国人来自加拿大。(引导词who在句中作主语) They planted the trees which didn't need much water. 他们种植了需水不多的树木。(引导词which在句中作主语) 2、作宾语 在定语从句里作宾语的关系代词在口语中常被省去 The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious. 我煮的面条美味可口。(引导词that,可省略)The fish(which)we bought wes not fresh. 我们买的鱼不新鲜。(引导词which,可省略) The person to (whom) you just talked is Mr.Li. 刚才你与其交谈的人是李先生。(引导词whom,不可省略) 3、作定语 关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语用。


必备英语英语定语从句易错题精选 一、定语从句 1.The girl catches the flowers on a wedding will be the next to get married. A.whom B.which C.who D.whose 【答案】C 【解析】 考查定语从句的用法。Whom指人,作从句的宾语;which指物,作从句的主语或宾语;who指人,作从句的主语或宾语;whose即指人也指物,作从句的定语,后跟名词。根据动词“catches”可推断关系词作从句的主语,而“the girl”指人,故选C。 2.—Have you ever heard of Langlang? —Sure. He is one of ______ pianists ______ I have even seen. A.good; that B.much better; who C.the best; which D.the best; that 【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 句意:——你有没有听说朗朗?——当然听说了。他是我见过的最好的钢琴家之一。Good 好的,better更好的;best最好的。形容词的比较级前可用much修饰,表示程度;形容词的最高级前通常要加定冠词。one of……之一,其后面的中心名词用复数形式,该名词前的形容词用最高级形式。先行词pianists在宾语从句中作宾语,他的前面有最高级修饰,该用关系代词that代替。所以选D。 3.Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place ________ we'll visit next week. A.that B.who C.where D.whom 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:阳新的仙岛湖是我们下周要参观的著名的地方。本句考查定语从句,先行词是place,从句意来看,其在定语从句中作visit的宾语,指事物,因此关系词用that。故选A。 考点:考查定语从句。 4.Yesterday Li Ming went to the village ______ his family lived ten years ago. A.when B.which C.where D.that


定语从句I 关系代词 定义:在复合句中修饰主句中某一名词或代词的从句,叫做定语从句。 基本构成:先行词+关系间+定语从句。 先行词:它所修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。 关系词:连接先行同和定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系词的主要作用是连接主句和从句,同时指代先行词,并在定语从句中充当一定的句子成分。 分类:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种。 引导定语从句的关系词有两类:关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose等,关系副词有when, where, why等。 关系代词的具体用法见下表: 一、关系代词的用法

指人,在定语从句中可以充当主语、宾语或表语。 Here comes the girl who wants to see you. 想见你的那个女孩过来了。(作主语) Danny was a man who we rescued from the ruins. 丹尼是我们从废墟中救出来的一个人。(作宾语) 指人,在定语从句中作宾语,可省略,也可用who代替。 Rose is the person (who/whom) you should care about. 罗丝是你应该关心的人。(作宾语) 可修饰人,也可修饰物,表"所属"关系,whose在定语从句中作定语。 I know the person whose house was destroyed in the earthquake. 我认识那个人,他的房子在地震中被摧毁了。(作定语) 指事物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时可省略。 China is a country which has a long history. 中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。 既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时可省略。习惯上指人多用who, whom,指物多用which. The number of people that come to visit this city each year reaches one million. 每年来参观这座城市的人数达100万。(that指人,作主语)


改错 1.Altogether I had five roommates, two of which arrived later. 2.I will say something about a foreign place that I want to stay for a leisure time. 3.First, the place where we’ve decided to visit---the Forest Park is not far away from the city. 4.People’s healt h is harmed once they take in these gases, what may cause a series of diseases like lung cancer. 5.The day before yesterday, I went to the largest bookstore where is near our school to buy a reference book. 6.Yang Ling, which is an expert from a health center, said students should try to use their mobile phones less, especially at school. 7.The products are provided for the school canteen, which we enjoy a healthy diet. 8.In their spare time, they are interested in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. 9.Around me in the picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments. 10.The dishes what I cooked were Mom's favorite. 填空 11.But Sarah, _______ has taken part in shows along with top models, wants to prove that she has brains as well as beauty.


定语从句练习题 1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2.Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3.This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4.Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5.That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6.The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8.This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 14.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I don't like ______ as you read. A. the novels B. the such novels C. such novels D. same novels 20.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women. A. them B. which C. whom D. who 23.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it. A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who 24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now. A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that https://www.360docs.net/doc/d16064599.html,st summer we visited the West Lake, ______Hangzhou is famous in the world. A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what 26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV. A. that B. which C. as D. it
