


This Employment Contract (the “Contract”) is between:


Party A: [ BeiGene Co.,Ltd] (the “Company”)

甲方: [ xx(北京)生物科技有限公司](”公司”)

Legal Representative法定代表人: [ Mr.John V.Oyler ]

Registered Address注册地址: [ ]

Postal Code邮政编码: [ ]

Party B: [ Wendy Yan ] (the “Employee”)

乙方: [ xx ] (”员工”)

Chinese ID Card Number身份证号: [ ] Mailing Address通讯地址: [ ]

Postal Code邮政编码: [ ]

Contact Phone Number 电话号码: [ ]

I.General Provision总则

1.General Provision总则

Pursuant to the PRC Labor Law, the PRC Employment Contract Law and other relevant PRC laws and regulations, through mutual consultation and agreement on the basis of legality, fairness, equality, voluntariness, and good faith, the Company and Employee hereby enter into this Contract and abide by the terms hereof.


Appendix One, Confidentiality, Intellectual Property, Non-Solicitation and None-Compete Agreement, and Appendix Two, Job Duties and Recruitment Requirement, are components of this Contract.

附件一, 保密、知识产权、禁止招揽和竞业限制协议,以及


II.Term of the Contract合同期限

2.Term 合同期限

This Contract is a fixed term employment contract. The term of this Contract is three years, from [ Aug. 1, 2014 ] to [ Jul.31, 2017 ]. The probation period shall

be [ 6 ] months, from [ August 1, 2014 ] to [ Jan.31, 2015 ], and it is included in the term of this Contract. Prior to the expiration date of the contract term, the Company will notify the Employee in writing regarding its decision whether or not to extend or renew the contract term. If the Company decides to extend or renew the contract term, the Employee agrees to use his/her best efforts to assist with the completion of relevant extension or renewal procedures before the expiration date of the current contract term.

本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为三年,自[ ]年[ ]月 [ ]日起至[ ]年 [ ]月[ ]日止,其中试用期为[ ]月,自[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日起至[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日止。试用期应包括在本合同期限内。本合同期满前,公司将书面通知员工是否延长或续订本合同。若公司决定延长或续订本合同的,员工应在合同期限届满之前配合完成相关延长或续订手续。

III.Job Description and Workplace工作内容和工作地点

3.Job Position, Duties and Workplace 工作内容和工作地点

The Employee shall render services to the Company in the position of [ Head of Regulatory Affairs, VP ], and the Employee’s current workplace is in [ Beijing ] city. 员工的工作岗位为[ ],员工的工作地点为[ ]。

Employee shall perform job duties and responsibilities in accordance with the job duties specified in Appendix Two. 员工应根据附件二的内容履行工作职责。

4.Adjustment of the Position, Duties and Workplace 工作岗位、职责和地点的调整

The Employee agrees that the Company reserves the full discretion to adjust the Employee’s position, duties and workplace, according to its business needs and the Employee’s work performance.At the Company’s sole discretion, the Employee may be dispatched to work at the Company’s branch offices.


5.Standard of Work Performance 工作标准

The Company has a performance evaluation system. The Employee’s standard of work performance shall be determined according to this system and the employe e’s work duties. The Employee shall complete all work assigned by the Company and meet the stipulated working standard.


6.No Conflict of Interests 禁止利益冲突

During the term of this Contract, the Employee shall not take any other paid employment without prior written approval of the Company, and shall not provide any external consulting services to any third party without prior written approval of the Company.


IV.Working Hours, Rest and Vacations工作时间和休息休假

7.Working Hours 工作时间

Standard working hours system: The Employee generally works no more than 8 hours a day and no more than 40 hours a week. The Employe e’s office working hours are 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. (including one hour lunch time)from Monday to Friday. The Employee may be required to work overtime occasionally, depending on the actual conditions.

标准工时工作制:员工每日工作时间不超过八小时,每周工作时间不超过四十小时。员工具体工作时间为周一至周五上午9:00至下午6:00 (包括一小时午餐时间)。根据实际情况员工可能被要求加班。


For Employee subject to standard working hours system or cumulative working hours system, they shall get supervisor’s prior written approval in order to work

overtime. Company will act in accordance with national laws and regulations, workplace regulations, as well as company internal policy to provide alternative time off for accrued overtime, or provide overtime pay to the Employee.
