





























岗位说明书系列 亚马逊客服专员岗位职责(标准、完整、实用、可修改)

编号:FS-QG-43075亚马逊客服专员岗位职责 Amazon Customer Service Specialist Job Duties 说明:为规划化、统一化进行岗位管理,使岗位管理人员有章可循,提高工作效率与明确责任制,特此编写。 亚马逊客服专员(包住)深圳环金科技有限公司深圳环金科技有限公司,环金科技,环金亚马逊客服速卖通客服ebay客服亚马逊助理亚马逊运营 1、及时亚马逊平台回复用户的信息和邮件,向客户提供售前咨询、售后服务; 2、妥善处理客户投诉与纠纷及中差评; 3、LiveChat上处理客户的信息和及时解答客户问题; 4、了解产品信息,解答客户提出的相关问题; 5、完成上级领导交代的其他任务; 任职资格 1.大专或以上学历,英语专业优先; 2.CET-4以上水平,具有良好的英语读写能力; 3.熟悉外贸电子商务流程,对互联网和电子商务有浓厚

兴趣,热爱电子商务工作; 4.熟练操作办公软件,有良好的沟通和理解能力; 5.半年以上亚马逊/速卖通/ebay客服工作经验者; 6.工作积极主动,踏实负责有上进心,学习能力快。 公司福利: 1、年轻化团队,公司氛围轻松愉悦,平均年龄26岁的小鲜肉们充满活力,野蛮生长; 2、公寓式宿舍,临近公司并且配备空调,电视,洗衣机,冰箱等家电让员工享受家的温馨; 3、入职即按国家法规为员工购买购买五险一金,(养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险和住房公积金)保障每一位员工无忧无虑的工作; 4、每天7.5小时工作时长,加班提供补贴和丰盛的晚餐;依法享有国家规定的各种法定假日,入职满一年享有5天带薪年假,另外还有带薪婚假、产假、病假、丧假等; 5、只要你足够优秀,踏实肯干。各种优厚的奖金等你拿:销售精英奖、爆款奖、全勤奖、优秀团队外国旅游等; 请输入您公司的名字


英语版各类售后邮件模板 场景一、因节假日导致的物流延误,买家来信询问 Dear {$BuyerName}, Thank you for purchasing and prompt payment. However, we’ll have the {节日名称} from{时间区间}. During that time, all the shipping service will not be available, which may cause a delay of the shipment for seveal days. Thanks for your understanding and your patience is much appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.Keep in touch. Thanks. Sincerely yours, {$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services 场景二、因自然灾害导致的物流延误,买家来信询问 Dear {$BuyerName}, We’re sorry to inform of you that your item may be delayed for the {自然灾害}. Due to this {自然灾害}, airline/ocean shipping to {目的地} has been cancelled, which directly made your parcel was delayed. Your understanding and patience is much appreciated. We will keep tracking the shipping status, and try our best to resolve the problems that caused by this unexpected issue.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.Keep in touch. Thanks. Sincerely yours, {$ShopName} After-sales Customer Services


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除亚马逊客服邮件模板 篇一:亚马逊回信邮件模板 亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板dear---thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus. wehavereceivedyourorderof"把订单复制进去 ".wewillworkonyourorderasap,wejustwanttoconfirmthea mountofthecompass,didyouorder10pcsifnothingiswrong, wewillshipthemasap. bestregards 亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板 dear---thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.sosorr yfortheinconveniencethattheswimmingsuitdidnotfityou .willitbepossibletogiveothersasagiftorhowaboutwemak eyouapartialrefundasawaytomakeupforthisjustsuggesti on,ifyouinsistonreturningitback,wewillgotothefurthe rstep.waitingforyourreply. bestregards

亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板 dear---thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportonus.whatab igmistakewemade!sorry,butwillyoustillwanttheitemsif yes,wewillresendyouimmediately,ifnot,wewillmakeyout hefullrefund.waitingforyourreplyandhopeyourkindunde rstanding. bestregards 亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板,ual lyittakesabout7-12daysfortheitemtoreachyou.anyquest ion,feelfreetocontactusandwewillreachyouatthesoones t. bestregards 亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板dear----thankyouverymuchforyourorder!wehaveshippedt hegoodsanditwillarriveatyoursidesoon.hopeyoulikeit! andwearelookingforwardtoyourfeedback.haveaniceday! bestregards 亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板 dear--thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportandsorryfork eepingyouwaiting.wecheckedthetrackinginformationfou


亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板 Dear --- Thank you so much for your great support on us. We have received your order of "把订单复制进去". We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs? If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap. Best regards 亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板 Dear --- Thank you so much for your great support on us. So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you. Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this? Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step. Waiting for your reply. Best regards 亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板 Dear --- Thank you so much for your great support on us. What a big mistake we made! Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately, if not, we will make you the full refund. Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding. Best regards 亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板 Dear---- Thank you so much for your great support on us. Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you. Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest. Best regards 亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板 Dear---- Thank you very much for your order! We have shipped the goods and it will arrive at your side soon. Hope you like it! And we are looking forward to your feedback. Have a nice day! Best regards


买家投诉有问题,首先需要买家提供证据 Dear friend We are sorry to hear that. Could you please kindly take some pictures for our evaluation? We will double cheIf it is really our quality issue, the refund or new replacement will be availablLooking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards!walker 若是因为没达到买家期望值,不是质量问题 Dear friend Thanks for your pictures. After reviewing the pictures, we found that it is under our specifications. The swe are sorry that you don't like it, in order to showing my apologies, would we gBest regards!walker 若是质量问题,询盘客户要退款还是重新发送 Dear friend Thanks for your pictures. We are sorry that this is our quality issue. Would you like to refund or new replBest regards!walker 若是质量问题,需要重新发送 Dear friend Thanks for your pictures. We are sorry that this is our quality issue. Ok, we will send you a new one for rBest regards!walker 若是质量问题,需要退款 Dear friend Thanks for your pictures. We are sorry that this is our quality issue. Ok, we will issue the refund for youBest regards!walker 针对尺码的问题 Dear friend We are sorry to hear that. Could you please kindly take some pictures for our evaluation? We will double cheLooking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,walker 若是质量问题,不影响使用,刺绣问题(针对服装) Dear friend Thanks for your picutres. We are sorry that this is our quality issue, but could you please kindly help us If it is workable for you, we will give you the $$$ as the compensation.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,walker 若是质量问题,不影响使用 Thanks for your picutres. We are sorry that this is our issue, In order to showing my apologies, could we give you a good discount or send you aBest regards, 若是质量问题,不影响使用Thanks for your picutres. We are sorry that this is our issue, In order to showing my apologies, we glad to give you the $2 as the compensation.our product is so cheap that we really have no profit. hope you can understand usLooking forward to hearing from you soon.Best regards,walker 若是尺码大小差异Dear friend Thanks for your pictures. We are sorry that we do not find the size difference through the pictures. we did inspect your item that is the same as you ordered before shipment. We are In order to showing my apologies, could we give you a good discount or send you awalker 若是尺码大小差异Dear friend Thanks for your pictures. We are sorry that we do not find the size difference through the pictures. we did inspect your item that is the same as you ordered before shipment. We are Due to current situation, In order to showing my apologies, we are happy to offerHowever, some friends will accept the second plan that we send you a new one withHope you consider it .Please comment.Thank you!Best Regardswalker


亚马逊邮件必须在24小时内回复,否则会有可能被投诉,最终导致封号。每天需要登陆店铺页面,看是否有邮件需要回复,各个账号之间为了防止关联,每个电脑只能登陆对应的账号,不能在同一台电脑上同时登陆两个账号,这样会被亚马逊检测到违反相关的规定 售前邮件注意事项: 1.客户询问产品的价格,产品的相关信息,以及我们的最近的优惠活动,我们需要根据店 铺产品的信息回答。 For example, Customer: I want to know size of the shoes and do you have any promotion activities for the shoes? Please reply to my email. Customer service: Thank you for your email and I would like to answer your question. After check our item image, we have the size 34, size 35, size 36 and till to size 38. You could read the detail of the item information on our store and choose the suitable size as you wish. Recently, we have promotion activities such as 5% discounts if you are the new customer. Once you decide to buy it, please place the order. Thank you for your supporting. 2.产品的上传,整理产品的关键字,以及如何做好站内营销,产品的编辑,以及图片的大 小的处理。 售中工作 首先需要核对订单,看看客户下单的产品是否与我们仓库需要发货的产品一致,防止颜色,数量,型号发错货,其次需要看那些产品最近热销,需要加大投放广告的力度,那些产品需要下架,调整相应产品的价格。管理库存,处理关于投诉A-Z, 以及差评。 售后邮件回复 1.处理售中邮件的模板,我们需要注意的及时解决客户的问题,给予恰当的回复,避免客 户生气给我们投诉,变成A-Z, 以下是遇到各种情况的应对情况。 处理return request 客户想要退货,首先需要确认是否是产品问题,需要客户拍照,如果是产品本身的问题,可以询问客户能否赔付少量金额作为补偿,如果客户不同意,可以增加赔付金额,如果客户还是不同意,那就问客户选择退货重新发产品还是直接退货退款,这个过程中我们需要了解这个产品退货的运费多少,我们是否值得让他退货,退货之后,我们需要首先让客户把退货的快递单号给我们,等到产品退到仓库之后,我们可以根据客户的需要,给予他们退款或者重新发货。 具体模板如下: 让买家拍照片: Dear customer, I have received your email and you said the product has some problem. Sorry to hear about this thing. Could you please take the picture about it and we will contact our warehouse employee about your situation, and then give you a feedback soon. Thank you for your cooperation. 由于产品的质量问题,给买家部门补偿 Dear customer, I apologize for the quality problem of the product due to shipping carrier’s carefulness during the


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除亚马逊客服回复模板 篇一:亚马逊各类邮件回复模板二 亚马逊各类邮件回复模板二 亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮 件模板 dear— thankyousomuchforyourgreatsupportandsorryforkeeping youwaiting. wecheckedthetrackinginformationfoundthereisnoupdate informationasyousaid. wewillcontactthepostofficetofindouttheproblem. wewonderwouldyoustillwanttheitem,ifyes,informusthes izeandwewillresendyouasap,ifnot,wewillmakeyoutheref und.

waitingforyourreply. anyinconveniencehopeyourkindunderstanding. bestregards 亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板 hello, wehavenoticedthatyouarenotauthorizedtosellthiscardk nifeandyouhavelistedthisparticularitem(asin:b00gicp zt0)whichissoldexclusivelybythebrandauthorizedselle rs.pleaserefertoourattachment.pleasesendtheconfirma tiontousafteryouremovetheproductasissuedfromyourlis ting. ifyoudonotcomplywiththesedemands,wewillhavenonotice,sellerperformancedepartment ,whichwillseriouslyimpactyouramazonsellingprivilege s. pleasehandleandreplyusassoonaspossible,otherwisewew illcomplaintsandamazon. 客户询问货物的trackingnumber或者有没有发货,给客户的回信邮件模板


亚马逊订单回信邮件模板大全 亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板 Dear Thank you so much for your great support on us. We have received your order of “把订单复制进去”. We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs? If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap. Best regards 亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板 Dear Thank you so much for your great support on us. So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you. Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this? Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step. Waiting for your reply. Best regards

亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板 Dear Thank you so much for your great support on us. What a big mistake we made! Sorry, but will you still want the items? If yes, we will resend you immediately, if not, we will make you the full refund. Waiting for your reply and hope your kind understanding. Best regards 亚马逊卖家发货到达时间邮件模板 Dear Thank you so much for your great support on us. Usually it takes about 7-12 days for the item to reach you. Any question, feel free to contact us and we will reach you at the soonest. Best regards 亚马逊卖家发货发货后要求买家写反馈的邮件模板 Dear Thank you very much for your order! We have shipped the goods and it will arrive at your side soon. Hope you like it! And we are looking forward to your feedback. Have a nice day! Best regards


1、亚马逊客户购买多种产品发邮件确认产品订单邮件模板 Dear --- Thank you so much for your great support on us. We have received your order of "把订单复制进去". We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs? If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap. Best regards 2、亚马逊客户因购买的商品大小不合适导致退货的邮件模板 Dear --- Thank you so much for your great support on us. So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you. Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this? Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step. Waiting for your reply. Best regards 3、亚马逊卖家发错地址邮件模板 Dear --- Thank you so much for your great support on us.


1、客户订购多种产品,卖家发邮件确认产品订单 Dear buyer, Thank you so much for your great support on us. We have received your order of “XXXXXX”. We will work on your order asap, we just want to confirm the amount of the compass, did you order 10 pcs? If nothing is wrong, we will ship them asap. Best Regards Seller’s name 译文:亲爱的顾客,非常感谢您对我们的大力支持!我们已经收到您的订单“XXXXXX”。我们会尽快跟进您的订单,现在我们先帮您确认指南针的数量,您是否订购10个指南针? 如果没什么问题,我们会尽快发货。 2、客户因订购的商品大小不合适导致退货 Dear buyer, Thank you so much for your great support on us. So sorry for the inconvenience that the swimming suit did not fit you. Will it be possible to give others as a gift? Or how about we make you a partial refund as a way to make up for this? Just suggestion, if you insist on returning it back, we will go to the further step. Waiting for your reply. Best Regards Seller’s name


様 ご注文いただきありがとうございます。 誠に申し訳ございませんが、中国から出発しますので、 ちょっと時間がかかります、もうちょっとお待ちいただけないでしょうか。 よろしくご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。 様 ご注文をありがとうございます。 Amazonからの「キャンセルリクエスト」がまだ届かないので、 誠に申し訳ございませんが、お客様はまだ「キャンセルリクエスト」を申請されないでしょうか。 お手数ですが、お客様の方もキャンセルをお願いいたします。 よろしくご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。 様 ご注文いただきありがとうございます。 かしこまりました、、Amazonからのキャンセルリクエストが届いたすぐ、 キャンセル致します、ご苦労様でした。 今後、また機会がございましたら、何卒、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 様 ご注文いただきありがとうございます。 誠に一方的勝手なお願いではございますが、 実物の写真を当店に拝見させてもいいでしょうか、 ご容認くださいますようお願い申し上げます? 宜しくお願いいたします? 様

まずは、深くお詫び申し上げます。 ご迷惑をおかけいたしました、誠に申し訳ございません。 お客様に返金いたします、当商品はお礼としてお客様に差し上げます。 よろしくご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。 様 ご注文いただきありがとうございます。 当店の返金手続きは完了いたしました、後はAmazonと銀行の処理をお待ちだけです。2-3日かかるかもしれません、もしまだ届かない場合は、当店或いはAmazonにもう一度う連絡ください。 今後、また機会がございましたら、何卒、よろしくお願い申し上げます。 様 まずは、深くお詫び申し上げます。 ご迷惑をおかけいたしました、誠に申し訳ございません。 お客様に返金いたしてもよろしいでしょうか、 そして当商品が届く場合、当商品はお礼としてお客様に差し上げます。 今後はこのようなことでご迷惑をかけぬよう、十分に注意をいたす所存でございます。 折り返しのご返答をお待ちしております。 様 ご注文いただきありがとうございます。 お客様に価格をディスカウントいたします。 三割引でいかがでしょうか。 285円を返金いたします、ご意見はいかがでしょうか。 折り返しのご返答をお待ちしております。 様


十个常见的英文客服面试问题及答案示例 1. What does good customer service mean to you? According to me, good customer service means ensuring that my customer leaves my office (or ends the conversation over the phone) satisfied with my service, without escalating the problem to my seniors. 2. How would you deal with an extremely irate customer? I understand that the customer is irate because we didn't live up to our promise, so I would be very polite and ensure that he/she understands that I empathize with him/her, along with finding a quick solution to the problem. 3. Why do you think you are suitable for a customer service position? I am suitable for this post because I understand that at times we may go back on our word, either intentionally or unintentionally, leading to mass customer dissatisfaction. I have been a part of that crowd too, which is why I would like to deliver one hundred percent customer satisfaction to those who come with their woes. 4. What kind of customer would you like to approach? A satisfied customer, a doubtful customer, or an irate customer? I would like to approach the irate customer, because of the challenge the situation presents. Attending to a satisfied customer will not give me the chance to understand how good (or bad), I am at my job. 5. Under what circumstances would you escalate the customer's query or problem to your supervisor or boss? I don't think there would be a need to escalate a matter, but considering dire straits, then it would be only in the case where the customer out-rightly refuses to speak to me, due to a prior bad experience while he/she was lodging a complaint with us. 6. If a customer shows up with a complicated problem five minutes before you are to leave for the day, what would you do? I would politely tell the customer that we are closing for the day, and that he/she could visit/call us the next day. But if they insist on it being urgent, I would smile and say I am happy to help them, along with being firm with regard to the timings the next time they have a problem. 7. If you are faced with a technical product query or difficulty that you aren't well-versed with or confident about, what would you do? I would ask the customer if he/she would be kind enough to hold the line while I transfer their call to a technical expert, since they would be able to help the customer better. 8. Do you think you have the ability to maintain your cool during a call where the customer is firing you with abusive language? A customer chooses to abuse only when his/her needs have not been met by us, even after


Dear买家名, Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry. Your return request has been approved.You will be receiving a return shipping label and RMA instructions via Amazon.Please be advised that the return shipping cost is the responsibility of the buyer.The initial shipping cost cannot be refunded and a25%restocking fee may be applied if the merchandise is used or damaged visually. Also,please make sure that the correct merchandise is being shipped us,卖家名.We are a seller by the name of卖家名on Amazon and we will only accept returns of our merchandise.If merchandise purchased from a different seller is shipped to us,we will need to ship the merchandise back to you and we will also ask you for the shipping cost incurred. We appreciate your cooperation. Best regards, 卖家客服M.


亚马逊各类邮件回复模板二 亚马逊漏发货没有发货缺点击发货后客人需要运单的邮件模板 Dear — Thank you so much for your great support and sorry for keeping you waiting. We checked the tracking information found there is no update information as you said. We will contact the post office to find out the problem. We wonder would you still want the item, if yes, inform us the size and we will resend you asap, if not, we will make you the refund. Waiting for your reply. Any inconvenience hope your kind understanding. Best regards 亚马逊的商品被跟卖,发警告信的邮件模板 Hello, We have noticed that you are not authorized to sell this card knife and you have listed this particular item (ASIN:B00GICPZT0) which is sold exclusively by the brand authorized sellers. Please refer to our attachment. Please send the confirmation to us after you remove the product as issued from your listing. If you do not comply with these demands, we will have no notice but to claim with, seller performance department, which will seriously impact your Amazon selling privileges. Please handle and reply us as soon as possible, otherwise we will complaints and amazon. 客户询问货物的tracking number或者有没有发货,给客户的回信邮件模板 Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting us regarding your inquiry.
