


Sample Writings

Task 1

The number of complaints increased in most of the sectors. In 1997, there were 18,000 complaints about package holidays abroad, 12.7% up on 1994, when the number was around 15,000. The number of complaints about electric goods went up by 9.2% from 65,000 in 1994 to 70,000 in 1997. Complaints about second-hand cars, financial services increased by 6.7% and 5.2% respectively. The former increased from 80,000 in 1994 to nearly 85,000 in 1997 and the latter rose from roughly 49,000 to above 50,000 over the three years.

Also obvious from the chart is that clothing is the only sector where the number of complaints dropped over the period. In 1994, there were around 45,000 co mplaints. However the number decreased to about 43,000 in 1997.

Task Two

To: Board of Directors

From: Marketing Department

Date: November 15, 2001

Re: An Increased Budget for Marketing

According to the overall plan of the company, our department has a budget of $50,000 for the next financial year. We find it hardly enough for us to expand our business and we think another $50,000 is needed for this purpose.

As is obvious to all, our company has had a very successful year, recording a sales figure of $2m in the last 12 months. And we are considering taking some measures to expand our market so as to stay competitive in the time to come.

First, we are in an urgent need of employing a few more sales people who have a good command of English. We are thinking of breaking into the European market and we find it necessary to have our sales reps in the European market if we are to secure any substantial order from the customers there. The problem we have now is that none of the present staff members can speak fluent English. That s why we need to recruit some staff members with fluency in English.

An expansion into such a market means more than just a few more sales people who can use English. We need to give our office space a facelift too because we have reason to expect more visitors to our company. Apart from that, the computers in our office need to be upgraded.

With these done, we can even try to enter the American market after our success in the Europe. At a rough estimate, our sales figure is likely to increase by around 20% in the next year if the proposed investment is approved.


Test2 Part one 这篇文章讲的是外购(outsourcing),分别有四位专家就这个问题给出了自己的看法。A段的专家强调建立合同的重要性,B段专家认为要派专人负责,C 段专家讲外派人员和本公司之间要有一个互动,D段专家讲如果与外包商(outsourcer)组成联合企业的话可能带来的一系列问题。如果对文章有个大概、基本的了解,很多题目不用细看就可以得出结论。 第一题的答案稍微有些隐晦,在B段的最后一句。“Because there is a new operation being carried out in a different way outside of the home business, this creates a training element.”因为新的操作是在本公司以外的地方以一种新的方式被执行,所以产生了培训成分。这里的training对应第一题的“teach skills to employees”。 第二题的答案在D段中间:companies should be careful not to lose sight of the original rationale for outsourcing.这里的rationale是基本原理、根本原因的意思。 第三题的答案在A段,非常明显的“establish contracts”。 第四段的答案是C段的最后一句话,outsourcing personnel have to talk to the home company's executives and users to understand their experiences.这里的talk to对应address,向....谈话。第四题的意思是“说明在远址工作的外购人员的事情”,也就是C段最后一句说的外购人员向公司汇报他们的经历。 第五段的答案在B段,相当明显:It is critical to have an individual in charge to check that the external and internal business operations work together。需要派专人负责integration。 第六题说“外派人员要熟悉自身工作的不同细节”,对应C段的“create a team where there is a clear unders tanding of objectives and incentives.”打造一个对目标和动机都有清晰理解的团队。 第七题稍微绕一点。题目里的“an alternative to outsourcing”指的是D 段里的“create a joint-venture company with the outsourcer”,建立一个联合企业。D段里的专家一直在强调联合企业的麻烦和复杂性(joint ventures bring potential troubles),所以是正确答案。 Part two 这篇文章的标题有些misleading,“The best people for the job”,还以为是招人 的标准。其实这篇文章是关于Human resource的,所以还是要适当关注文章前的说明:the article below about the changing role of human resources departments.


新剑桥商务英语高级习题 答案 Last revision date: 13 December 2020.

English for Business Studies Key to Unit 01: The three sectors of the economy This unit covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed economies much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decline of manufacturing industry and its replacement by services. There is an extract from a magazine interview with an economist and an interview with a British Member of Parliament on this issue. 1a Vocabulary p09 Identify the most prominent features in this photograph, which illustrates various important elements of the infrastructure of a modern industrialized country. The photo clearly shows a large factory (the Unilever factory in Warrington, England) in the center, with more factories, industrial units, or warehouses in the top right-hand corner. The large factory seems to include some office buildings. Also visible are agricultural land (in the background; the land in the foreground doesn’t appear to be cultivated), a river, a railway and several roads, and housing, perhaps with a school in the center of the housing estate top left. 1b Reading p10 What is the key point that this extract is making about economies? The text suggests that most people take for granted the amazing complexity of the economic infrastructure. 1c Comprehension p11 lines 4-7, Robyn sees examples of all three. What are they? Tiny fields (the primary sector), factories (the secondary sector), and railways, motorways, shops, offices, and schools (the tertiary sector). long sentence from lines 12-28 lists a large number of operations belonging to the different sectors of the economy. Classify the 18 activities from the passage Primary sector: digging iron ore, mining coal. Secondary sector: assembling, building, cutting metal, laying cables, milling metal, smelting iron, welding metal. Tertiary sector: advertising products, calculating prices, distributing added value, maintenance, marketing products, packaging products, pumping oil, transportation. you think of three important activities to add to each list (not necessarily in relation to the kettle) Primary sector: farming (agriculture), fishing and forestry Secondary sector: manufacturing, transforming and processing Tertiary sector: financing, designing, retailing


最新商务英语(BEC)中级考试真题及答案 Issues in the recruitment world In the competitive world of investment banking, good senior executives are not easy to find. So what should the industry's hard-pressed directors do when they need to find senior staff? Increasingly, they decide to call in the headhunters. These are busy and profitable times for the recruitment agencies that dominate the world of executive search and selection. (0) .....They needed new people to revitalise their operations, and the result has been a boom in the recruitment market. Pinnacle, a leading recruitment agency, has helped various UK investment banks to rebuild their entire senior management teams. It is hard to overstate the significance of this. (8)............ But now everything has changed, and Pinnacle is not the only major player in the field. Some analysts believe that rival recruitment specialists ALT Associates has a larger share of the market. However, there is little doubt that over its 13-year history, Pinnacle and its chairman, Matthew Edwards, have built up an impressive reputation. Edwards estimates that his company controls between 10 and 15 per cent of the headhunting market for senior investment banking jobs in the UK. (9)............Rather, it is the high-calibre jobs and people


BEC商务英语高级真题及答案(5) In the last few years, managers throughout industry have seen more changes than many of them could have expected to see in their entire working lives having to communicate information which often leads to feelings of insecurity has become a key activity. From being regarded as relatively unimportant in many companies , management employee communication has become a central corporate need. Concordia International provides a good example of a company that has adjusted well to the changing needs for communication . since 1995 , Concordia has been turned inside-out and upside-down, to ensure that it is a marketing –led, customer-responsive business, one that looks outwards at customers and competitors, rather than inwards at its own processes and the way things were done in the past. In the last eight years, Concordia has reduced its workforce by more than 80.000 people - or 35% -on a voluntary basis, with further downsizing anticipated. From being an engineering company, Concordia is now remaking itself as a service company. The role of employee communication in such a context is to build people’s self-confidence, to persuade them that, although it is inevitable that the changes will go ahead, they also bring with them new opportunities for employees. However, this is not an easy task. People tend to be skeptical of these claims and to feel that they are losing touch with the company they have worked for over many years. This is understandable, since many of the old certainties are being swept away , including the core activities of the company they work for. Above all , they have had to face up to the fact that they no longer have a job for life. Research indicates that people respond to this predicament in a variety of ways. The bulk of employees fall into two main categories in terms of their response to the


真题3阅读和写作答案 VANTAGE3 KEY TO READING & WRITING TEST 1 Reading Part 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 A Part 2 8 B 9 A 10F 11 D 12 E Part 3 13 A 14 B 15 C 16 B 17 A 18 D Part 4 19 A 20 C 21 D 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 B 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 A 31 B 32 D 33 C Part 5 34 WITH 35 CORRECT 36 TO 37 CORRECT 38 SO 39 THESE 40 ABOUT 41 ALTHOUGH 42 HA VING 43 CORRECT 44 TOO 45 THAT Writing Part 1 From: Petar Koev T o: All Staff Date: 27 March 2004 Subject: Computer System I want to inform you that the computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock. The system will be down for at least two hours, please make sure that you have saved all your work. The whole system will ran on a new server which is faster. Thank vou. Band 5


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2020年BEC剑桥商务英语高级阅读试题及答案(卷二) Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation . 1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities. 2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with 3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items 4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another 5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future 6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months 7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future 8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief A Chemical Company Masterson’s interim pre-tax profits growth of 20% was somewhat inflated as a result of the income received from the disposal of several of the company’s subsidiaries. The underlying 8% rise in operating profits is a more realistic gauge of the company’s true progress. However,


商务英语(BEC)考试高级阅读真题及答案题目 PART ONE Questions 1 – 8 Look at the statements below and at the five reports about companies onλ the opposite page from an article giving advice to self-employed consultants about negotiating fees for their services. Which book (A, B, C,D or E) dose each statement 1 –8 refer to ?λ For each statement ! – 8, make one letter (A, B, C,D or E) on your Answerλ Sheet . You will need to use some of these letters more than once .λ Example : 0 Lack of self-confidence will put you at a disadvantage in a negotiation . 0 A B C D E 1. This company has been involved in diversifying its business activities. 2. Although this company is doing well, it has a number of internal difficulties to deal with 3. This company has reduced the profits it makes on individual items 4. One statistic is a less accurate guide to this company’s performance than another 5. The conditions which have helped this company are likely to be less favourable in the future 6. This company’s share price has been extremely volatile over the last twelve months 7. This company is likely to be the subject of a takeover bid in the near future 8. This company’s performance exemplifies a widely held belief A


BEC阅读考试真题详解(5) There is a commonly held view that the only way toget (0) decent pay increase is to move on: to go out into thejob market and find someone (31) is prepared to pay you afigure more in line (32) the talents you can offer. Whilstchanging employers from time (33) time is something weprobably all need to do to advance our careers in the directionswe want them to take, it is nevertheless an activity that carriesquite definite risks. Irrespective of (34) well we researchprospective employers, a new job is still largely a step into the unknown . It may turn (35) to be agood move or it could prove to be a complete disaster : most of us (36) had experience of both.The point here, though, is that changing employers is not something we want to be doing all thetime and certainly not (37) time we feel the urge for better pay . We’d (38) taking more risks thanwe needed to just to achieve a pay rise. Getting a pay rise should always be viewed (39) a seriousbusiness.

新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版 第Module7-Module 8

7.1 Strengths and weaknesses (page 67) 1I admire my boss a lot. He’s very capable;he knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty,not like some managers who think they’re above it all. The one problem is that he takes on too much. I don’t think it’s because he doesn’t trust us to do a good job--it’s because he likes to be involved in everything. He ‘s a bit of control freak. The result is that he spreads himself very thin, when he could hand more work out to others, and he’s often overloaded and stressed. 2 Cheryl’s not particularly brilliant, but she knows that. She knows her own limitations, which is certainly one of her strengths. In fact, I don’t think you have to be particularly bright to be a manager-- that’s more a quality you need in a leader. A manager’s job is to bring order to the workplace and the team, so that people are clear about what they should be doing and when they should be doing it. Cheryl is very good at getting everyone working in the most efficient way and that makes our working environment much less stressful. 3 He’s not an easy guy to work for. He has very high expectations of his staff and he can be rude and too direct. Sensitivity is not his strong point. He often puts you on the spot: ‘What makes you think this will work?’‘Have you thought about the cost of this?’and so on . You have to be prepared to justify your actions a lot. Some people can’t stand being challenged like this all the time, but you can’t deny that he gets the most out of his staff. People do perform. 4 There are people who listen to what you are saying, and people who hear what you are saying. Paul is one of the former. He does try to listen to other people’s ideas, but his mind has often moved onto the next thing, and he doesn’t take on board what you’re saying. It’s the same thing when he’s expressing his own ideas and wishes. He kind of takes it for granted that everyone has reached the same point in their thinking that he has, when often they’re still two or three steps behind. Don’t get me wrong, he’s very nice guy--kind and clever, and he has lots of great ideas and vision for the company--but because of these communication difficulties, he can be very frustrating to work for. 5 The financial rewards in our company are not so huge, but in spite of that, in my team we all stay very motivated because our boss really appreciates our work. She’s actually very protective of her own people. She gives us a lot of praise. Other people in the company say she’s a maverick, a kind of a loner. They say she’s difficult to get on with and doesn’t really have the company’s interests at heart. But I wouldn’t known about that really, because it’s not the side of her that we see. What we get is 100% loyalty and encouragement.


B E C高级全真试题及 答案详解

BEC高级全真试题及详解 目录 BEC Higher 全真试题一 (2) Test of Reading Test of Writing Test of Listening BEC Higher 全真试题二 (19) Test of Reading Test of Writing Test of Listening BEC Higher全真试题三 (35) Test of Reading Test of Writing Test of Listening BEC Higher 全真试题四 (52) Test of Reading Test of Writing Test of Listening BEC Higher 全真试题五 (71)

Test of Reading Test of Writing Test of Listening BEC Higher 全真试题六 (87) Test of Reading Test of Writing Test of Listening

BECH 全真试题一 TEST OF READING PART ONE Questions 1-8 ? Look at the sentences below and at the five short articles about people who run their own businesses on the opposite page. ? Which article does each sentence refer to? ? For each sentence 1-8, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E on your Answer sheet. 1 Cutting prices may increase income. 2 Education can be a source of profit. 3 This firm is planning for rapid expansion lf its market. 4 This idea is aimed mainly at children. 5 This product is connected with advertising. 6 Correspondence can be a key to success. 7 This business combines the old and the new. 8 A company ’ s situation can change in a day.


BEC-2 Test 1 Reading Part One Question 1-7 Look at the statements below and the information about training courses on the opposite paper. Which course (A, B, C, or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to? For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once. A Loans Administration This course looks at the administrative functions of a bank's loans department, e.g. dealing with credit applications and keeping records of loan transactions. We will use real application forms of the type that administrative staff in loans departments regularly handle. It will be particularly useful for experienced staff with day-to-day administrative responsibility for loan portfolios. Although most clients choose to enjoy our beautiful premises, the course can be run at the client company or elsewhere. B Cashflow Analysis On this advanced course you will build up a database of a company's cashflow over time and identify and interpret patterns of change. You will analyze the cashflow of a few sample companies and use your analysis to judge their ability to settle their debts. This course will help you perform an advanced cashflow analysis of your own company. C Loan Contracts Open to anyone who completed our introductory course to legal contracts in business, this course looks at the legal


?人邮第四辑真题TEST 2 READING PART 5 Lebrun Steel Facing up to Tough Times 0 After 98 years of trading, the steel manufacturer Lebrun knows from experience as how 00 difficult fluctuations in the economic cycle can be for suppliers such as themselves. 34 Since many of the nation's largest production companies which are its customers, 35 Lebrun is adversely affected by any change for the worse in the economy. Yet Lebrun 36 has managed to keep on sales steady (in the region of approximately $2.5 billion) 37 and has recorded only one annual loss during the difficulties of the past five 38 years, but despite the effects of the ongoing industrial slowdown. James Griffith, 39 president of Lebrun, now has the task of turning up survival into growth, and 40 his strategy is already becoming clear to those industry observers. In February of 41 this year, the company acquired Bronson pic, additionally a one-time competitor. 42 This merger will greatly expand the size of both Lebrun's labour force, and 43 Griffith estimates it will boost its revenue by nearly 50%, while too increasing 44 the number of plants and R&D centres in much a similar way. Griffith is 45 optimistic that while the steel industry is about to pull out of recession, and he wants Lebrun to be ready for this. 这篇文章是介绍一个生产商面临的困境及所采取的措施。 34题,这个句子并不是定语从句,主谓宾都很齐全,主语companies,谓语are,宾语its customers.所以which是多余的 35题,正确的 36题,keep on doing继续做什么,接名词的话直接用keep,keep sales steady保持销售平稳,on多余。The sales of a product are the quantity of it that is sold. 销售量 37题,正确的 38题,but和despite不能同时使用,必须去掉一个。but后面要接完整的句子,这个后面不是句子,是名词性成分,所以保留despite,去掉but。 39题,turn… into 变为,成为。固定词组。turning survival into growth变生存为增长。 Up多余。 40题,句子前后并没有指代的含义,代词those多余。 41题,a one-time competitor是修饰前面的Bronson pic ,additionally是另外的,附加的意思,用在这里意思和用法都不通,所以去掉。 42题,both表并列,而这个句子前后是没有并列的含义的,只说了扩展规模。所以both 多余。 43题,too是副词,在这里用法不对 44题,in a similar way按同样的方式固定用法,much多余 45题,while用来引导时间状语从句,而很明显这个句子并不是,只是由that引导的从句,句子成分很齐全。去掉while。 Summary of annual progress I am pleased to report another year of progress by the company. This performance has been achieved in the most toughest market conditions we have 1 seen for many years yet. It reflects the effort over the past five
