



Unit 7 Fads and Trends

●Teaching Material

Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 2, Unit 7

●Teaching Aims:

In this unit, students are supposed to

1.master the words and expressions often used to talk about Fads and trends

2.learn how to express complimenting and encouraging;

3.understand the listening information about fashion.

4.understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures

and words and expressions;

5.master phonetic skill: rhythm and intonation;

6.do some grammar practice– subjunctive mood

7.know about some writing strategies and learn how to write an argumentative essay.

●Teaching Emphasis

1.to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

2.to know how to write an argumentative essay.

●Teaching Difficulties

1.to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and

grammatical structures in the text.

2.to use the expressions learnt to talk about fashion freely.

3.to express one’s complimenting and encouraging..

●Teaching Approaches

Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction

●Teaching Aids

a projector

a multi-media computer system

●Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods)

Part A Lead in

Task 1Study the pictures and discuss the questions in small groups.

1.Do you think the dress in the first picture will be popular among

ordinary people?

2.What do you think of the blue jeans the girl is wearing in the second


3. 3. Do you like T-shirts with words?

Task 2 Listen to the short dialogues and fill in the blanks.

Task 4 Listen to the recording, and complete the passage.

Task 5Discuss the following questions with your partner about your understanding of fashion.

1. Do you think the dress in the first picture will be popular among ordinary


2.What do you think of the blue jeans the girl is wearing in the second picture? Text A

What Is Fashion?

Language and Cultural Points in the Text


v. to attack (a place) with bombs; to attack sb. with

questions, etc.

e.g. Enemy positions were bombarded before our army


炮轰敌军阵地之后, 我军开始进攻。

The mayor was bombarded with questions.



v. to make (facts, etc.) known; to cause or allow (sth.)

to be seen

e.g. I can’t reveal who told me.


The open door revealed an untidy kitchen.


react to

to behave differently or change as a result of sth.; to


e.g. How did she react to the news?


People can react badly to certain food additives.



a. not expressed in words

e.g. She showed her wordless sympathy by sending flowers

to her friend.


Watching the beautiful sunrise, the boy felt a kind of

wordless joy.


be/get involved in

to cause sb./sth. to take part in (an activity or a


e.g. He was involved in a heated argument.


Don’t get me involved in solving your problems!



ad. (of actions, feelings, etc.) realized by oneself; being awake

e.g. Fashion magazines give people ideas about the

latest fashion consciously.


He revealed the news to his colleague consciously.


ad. of or concerning the thoughts, instincts, fears, etc.

in the mind, of which one is not fully aware but

which influence one’s actions

e.g. Subconsciously, I was reacting against my unhappy



The mother was trying to protect her children




a. of art and artists

e.g. She comes from a very artistic family.


He was clear of the artistic value of his plays.



v. be successful or victorious

e.g. Common sense triumphed in the end.


The team may triumph at last and win the world



suit ... to ...

to make sth. appropriate for sth./sb.; to adapt sth.

to sth./sb.

e.g. The director changed the play to suit it to the



He is better suited to a job with older pupils.



a. hanging loosely

e.g. He prefers baggy trousers to tight ones.


The hip-hop dancers performed on the stage in their

baggy clothes.


Part B

Text B The Difference Between Trends and Fads

( home reading)

Part C Phonetics and Writing

Phonetics : Rhythm and Intonation

1. 节奏是指话语里重读音节和非重读音节的排列模式。而英语口语中的节奏基本体现在各个重读音节(用O表示)之间的时距大体相等。英语是一种以重音计时的语言,各个重音与它后面跟随的若干轻读音节(用o表示)构成一个节奏群。有时一个节奏群是以一个空拍(用^表示)开始的,空拍在英语中也叫做“silent stress”,每个节奏群之间用“/”来相隔。我们用大致相等的时间来朗读每个节奏群。这样为了赶节奏,碰到轻音少的节奏群就可以念的慢些,轻音较多的节奏群就必须念得快一些,例如下列四组节奏群:


One and/Two and/Three and /Four

One and then/Two and then/ Three and then/ Four

One and then a / Two and then a /Three and then a /Four


^ o o O o O O o ^ O o O

He is a / student. / Yes / Peter, / he was at / home.

2. 语调(intonation),即说话的腔调,就是一句话里声调(pitch)高低、抑扬、轻重的配制和变化。世界上没有一种语言是用单一的声调说出的,以英语为例,英语有五种基本语调:升调(↗)、降调(↙)、升降调(∧)、降升调(∨)以及平调(→)。一句话除了词汇意义(lexical meaning)还有语调意义(intonation meaning)。所谓词汇意义就是话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完全的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里。请看下例:

1)A: Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?

B: Sorry?(↗)

Jean用升调说“Sorry”,其意思是“I didn’t hear you. Could you say that again,please?”我们再看下句:

2)A: Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?

B: Sorry.(↙)



1. 重读一个句子中的每一个实词,形成一字一顿的现象,缺乏节奏感。实际上只需


younger brother wanted fifty chocolate peanuts. 如果重读这句话中的每


2. 不少初学者将句子的意群等同于节奏群。这样做是不恰当的。意群是以语义为划


节奏群中。在上一例句中,Mary’s younger brother是属于同一意群的短语,但它们分别位于两个节奏群中。



1.Writing for General Purposes: Writing for General Purposes:

2.Types of Writing (3): Argumentation

3.Writing Strategy

Writing Strategy

In an argumentative essay, you give your own opinion and then try to convince other people with reasons and examples. To write an argumentative essay, please follow the steps given below:

1. Begin by introducing the topic which may lead to different opinions.

2. Give your opinion about the topic.

3. Tell people why you hold that opinion and back up your opinion with examples

or supporting details. Give the most important idea or example first.

4. Think about why people might have a different opinion and try to show why they

are not important or true.

5. Conclude with a brief summary and try to make a strong last sentence that

people will remember. The rest of the article may be forgotten, but that strong sentence will be remembered.


Unit One A Teaching Objectives a. Contents of the text: Focus 1: Help the students learn a lesson from the story—Look beyond the obvious and allow miracles to be created in our life. Focus 2: The importance and necessity of crying. b. Key language points in the text: Focus 1: 1. Words such as graduate, purchase, hand,regret,desire may function both as a verb and a noun. 2. Present participle used as adverbials of time, cause and result, etc. 3. Absolute construction introduced by the preposition with. c. Vocabulary: Focus 1: 31 B-level words, 11 A-level words, and 4 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary.

Focus 2: 30 B-level words, 20 A-level words, and 8 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary. d. Comprehensive skills: Understand a passage at the pre-intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text. e. Functions: Focus 1: Expressing Thanks. Focus 2: Writing a Thank-you Letter. B Procedures and Methods Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit. 1. Period One and Period Two: Step One: a. Background information: Graduation Day in the West “There’s a time for joy/A time for tears/A time we’ll treasure through the years/We’ll remember always Graduati on


新目标初一英语unit7教案 一.学情分析:本课是一个实用性较强的课,又与学生的生活经验和认知水平紧密相连,学生对本课时的学习将会体现出浓厚的兴趣。另外本课时的新单词虽然很实用但却较多,学生在学习及使用单词的过程当中将会产生一些障碍。在教学过程中,应注意1,单词的读音及is 和has的区别;2,tall, short 和 medium height; thin,heavy和medium build的教学应注意其相对性。最后,任务的设置应有明确的目的并具有可操作性,这样才有利于提高实际语言的运用能力。二.教学目标:1.知识和能力目标:本课时的语言目标为描述人的外貌;学会谈论身高、体重、发型;围绕语言目标,学生应掌握“What does he/she look like? What do they/you look like? He is…He has…”等句型;学习并掌握“like, look like, curly,long, medium, build ”等重点词汇。2.过程和方法目标:学生通过看、听、说、写掌握并使用描绘人的外貌的句型和词汇。学生通过完成教材和教师设置的各项任务,使用这一课时的目标语言获取并分享信息,自由谈论他人的外貌特征。3.情感态度目标:学生讨论和完成任务的过程是学生合作与交流的过程。另外,在谈论他人的外貌是应注意使用委婉语,礼貌待人。不要以貌取人(We mustn’t judge people by appearance) 四,教学

重难点:描绘人的外貌句型和词汇;句型中is和have/has的区别。四:教学手段;多媒体图片五:教学方法:(Teaching Methods) 呈现,归纳,讨论等(Scene teaching method Oral practice method Pairwork)六:教学过程(Teaching Procedures) Step I: Lead-in (1 minute) Show 2 pictures to lead in today’s topic。Step II: Presentation (20 minutes) 1。 Show pictures to present one type of describing people’s looks (long hair)。2。 Present the new word (long hair) and the target language through the pictures: What does he look like? She has long hair。3。 Get Ss to drill the sentences by asking and answering the question: What does she/he look like? 4。 Use almost the same steps as above to present other types of describing people’s looks and make Ss drill the target language。Step III。Consolidation (8 minutes)。1。 Ask several Ss to read these words,target language and describe the people’s looks according to the pictures (3minutes) 2。 Listening practice with a game—Bingo (5 minutes) (1)。 Get the class to do 1a quickly, then check the answer with whole class。(2), Make sure Ss know what to do,

《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 7.

Unit Seven Entertainments and Tourist Attractions I. Aims and Requirements 1. Some entertainment and tourist ads 2. How to write entertainment and tourist ads 3. How to introduce entertainment and tourist attractions 4. Some knowledge about opera 5. Useful words, expressions and language points II. Introduction 1. Entertainments are popular for the public, such as film, opera and so on. The unit will discuss different kinds of entertainments. 2. Entertainment ads are an important source of information for people to find out what entertainments are currently available. Now this unit will begin with an entertainment ad. III. Teaching Plans

Task 1 Talking face to face: Entertainment aids L istening comprehension Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors. Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions Part 4 Practices Part 1 Read some entertainment and tourist ads Sample 1 What Shall We See This Evening Sample 2 Go to see Chinese Acrobatics. Part 2 Read some dialogues about entertainment and tourist attractions, and learn how to introduce them to the visitors Sample1. What Shall We See This Evening 1,Asking programs of this evening: What are we going to see this evening? 2,Giving some selections: There are Beijing opera, a concert and Chinese acrobatics (杂技). What do you prefer? 3,Recommending Beijing opera: I’d recommend Beijing opera. It’s something special you’ve probably never seen before. 4,Discussing Beijing opera: I know. It’s unique to Chinese culture. But I had the chance to enjoy it during my last visit. 5,Discussing the meeting time:When shall we meet? Part 3 Useful expressions and sentence patterns about introducing entertainment and tourist attractions (1) There is a … performance here on these days.


教案课程名称大学英语 1

教案书写规范与要求 一、以每次课为一个备课单元书写。 二、每一备课单元书写下列内容: 1.周次、课次、授课时间、章节名称; 2.简要说明:教学目的、重点、难点、教学方法和授课手段(包 括与课程相关的上机和实验、课件制作等); 3.教学主要内容(教案主体)及教学方法手段; 4.作业内容。 注:其余授课电子版文件待本课程结束后,交教务处统一刻成光盘存档。

大学英语 1课程授课总体计划书 课程《新编大学实用英语英语教程》林立总主编教育科学出版社2011 年 7 月第一次出版 采用 教材 教本课程是学校每个专业的必修课,也是各个专业学生学习高等英语教育的必备。 本教材严格按照教育部颁布的《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》和《高职高 学专教育英语课程教学基本要求》进行编写。教学过程中,不仅要结合专业基础 目知识的增强,还需提高学生的实际应用能力。使学生得到听、说、读、写、译的提高。通过本教材的学习,学生们应该具备套用口语句型的基本口语交流; 的在工具书的辅助下翻译基本的英文句子和文段;基础日程英文写作的掌握等一系列基础英语应用能力,以适应未来社会发展和个人职业规划的需求。 教材共分为四册,对于内容的难度的梯度都进行了较为科学的设置。文章以一 般性阅读材料为主,在文章的长度和生词量的设计上梯次递进。在课文长度的 安排上,第一册分 8 个单元,每篇课文 300 字左右;第二册分 10 个单元,每篇 教课文 400 字左右;第三册分 10 个单元,每篇课文500 字左右;第四册分为 10 学个单元,每篇课文 600 字左右。难度也相应的由浅入深。在高中水平的基础上,(从第一册开始,逐步达到高度学校英语应用能力考试(Practical English Test for 包Colleges) B 级水平,从第二册第六单元开始逐步过渡到高等学校英语应用能力 括考试 A 级水平,第三册达到 A 级水平,第四册达到大学英语(非英语专业 )四级实水平。 践通过教学,提高学生基本的语言掌握和运用能力,尤其是实际运用的能力。随着教学的深入,学生需要达到的水平是: 环 ( 1)听:听懂基本的对话,和短的成段的文字。在整体理解听力材料的基础上, 节 提取特定信息完成练习和应对考试; ) ( 2)说:能应对基本的口语对话和交流,以应对最基本的日常生活或者工作的 基 要求。 本 ( 3)读:掌握基本的阅读技巧,在高中的基础上提高阅读水平。通过课文学习,要同时课后适当补充一定的课外阅读材料,可以完成日常基本的阅读训练,培养 求阅读兴趣,提高阅读能力。 (4)写:运用基本的词汇语法完成基本的英文写作,掌握基本的英文写作格式和 表达习惯,同时能够完成英文的基本情况的表格填写。能够表达清楚,语句 基本通顺,无重大语法错误,有恰当的格式。


I. Background information Student: Non-English Major Freshmen Textbook: Practical English Comprehensive Course 1, Unit 7, Text A II. Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1.Master new words and sentence patterns of Text A; 2.Read the text independently and express their thoughts in English fluently; 3.Learn some lessons from Michael Phelps, such as dreaming big, single-minded focus, perseverance and so on. III. Important and difficult points: V ocabulary: cheer, compete, circumstance, routine, apologize, judgment, demonstrate, worthy despite, promise. Phrases: be in the air, believe in, come down to, feel like, resort to, engage in, keep in mind, on track. IV. Teaching aids: PPT V. Teaching procedures: Step 1:warm-up 1.Display the theme song of 2008 Beijing Olympic games to students. 2.Students guess the name of the song. Step 2: pre-reading 1. Show students photos of some famous athletes and then ask them what they have known about them. 2. Show a picture of Phelps and give them some detailed information of him. 3. students do exercise 1; Step 3: while-reading 1.Global Reading (1) Give students 5-8 mins read the text quickly to get the main idea of the text. (2) Check the answer of exercise 1. (3) Lead students read and study new words. 2.Detailed Reading Explain important phrases and difficult sentences: (1) Michael Phelps — the name is now in the air. — A lot of people now are talking about Michael Phelps. be in the air 到处流传,某种感觉到处都有 Eg: Change is in the air. (2) dream big: to have a big dream; imagine something ambitious that you would like to happen; be very Ambitious(有雄心,有抱负) Eg:She had dreamed big and worked hard, and she was a winner in sports and in life. (3) tie v. if two players, teams, etc. tie or are tied in a game or competition, they finish it with an equal number of points(与…成平局) Eg: England tied 2-2 with Germany in the first round. The scores are tied at 3-3. (4) circumstance n. the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.(情形,情况,环境)


大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期: 2008-2009学年第一学期 学时 18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象 2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to: 1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding.

2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information should be collected before the class. (about 10 minutes)

新人教版七年级英语下册教案Unit 7 It’s raining.

Unit 7 It’s raining. 第一课时Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park, message, take a message, could, back, problem 能掌握以下句型: ①—How's the weather in Beijing? —It's sunny. ②—Can I take a message for him? —Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back? —Sure, no problem. 2) 能用所学的知识描述天气情况。 3)描述正在发生的动作。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 教育学生善于观察天气,善于调整自己的情绪;了解世界各地的天气情况,增加世界观念。知道大自然的力量是神奇而伟大的,我们应当好好学习,立志学好科学知识,为长大后探索神奇的大自然,打好基础。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) The vocabulary and useful expressions. 2) —How’s the weather? —It's raining/ windy. 3) —What are you doing? —I'm playing basketball. 2. 教学难点: 运用目标语言来对天气进行问答,并且会问答其他人正在进行的活动。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming-up and Lead in 1. Greet the Ss and check the homework. 2. Watch a video program about the weather. Ⅱ. Presentation 1. (Show some pictures of the weather) Let Ss look at the pictures and ask them how the weather is. Ss learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures. 2. Look at the pictures in 1a. Then read the new words on the right. Ask the Ss to match the words with pictures.


教案编号 3

Unit 3 Knowledge and skills ●Teaching Material Forward English for Practical Purposes, Book 2, Unit 3 ●Teaching Aims: In this unit, students are supposed to 1.master the words and expressions often used to talk about knowledge and skills; 2.learn how to express hopes and desires; 3.understand the listening information about knowledge and skills;; 4.understand the main idea of Text A, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions; 5.master phonetic skill: liaison; 6.do some grammar practice– attributive clause; 7.know about some writing strategies and learn how to write an Outline and fill out a form. ●Teaching Emphasis 1.to master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 2.to know how to write an outline and fill out a form. ●Teaching Difficulties 1.to understand the main idea of Text A, master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text. 2.to use the expressions learnt to talk about lifelong learning freely. 3.to express one’s hopes and desires. ●Teaching Approaches Communicative approach and Computer-Assisted Instruction ●Teaching Aids a projector a multi-media computer system ●Teaching Procedures and contents (8 periods) Part A Lead in Task 1Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. 1.What are the people in the first picture doing? 2.How do you understand the words in the second picture? 3.What is “stage fright”?


Unit 4 Punctuality and Culture I.Teaching objectives 1.Enlarge your vocabulary related to timetables and schedules. 2.Make an appointment according to the timetables. 3.Practice writing timetables and schedules . 4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. 5.Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. II. Key points 1. Master the vocabulary about timetables and schedules. 2. Understand the passages 3. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 4. Practice making an appointment according to the timetables. III. Difficult points 1. Get some tips about the use of verb tenses. 2. Practice writing timetables and schedules. 3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well. IV. Teaching methodology 1.Task-based language teaching 2.Direct method V. Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face

前景实用英语 教案 Unit 3 Learning

Unit 3 Learning 1. Topic: Learning 2. Teaching objectives: After the class, the students will be able to 1) Know the different styles of learning 2) Provide multiple opportunities for the students to practice interactive speaking and listening. 3) Focus on the correct pronunciation and intonation. 4) Master the key words and structures. 3. Difficulties and keys: 1) V ocabulary: (omitted) 2) Speaking: Making and Asking for suggestion 3) Grammar: Model verbs 4) Practical writing: How to write an invitation 4. Teaching Aids: (1) Blackboard, (2) Multimedia system, (3) PPT 6. Time Allotment: (1)Lead in and New Words (30mins) (2) Analysis of the Text (90mins) (3) Exercises (90mins) (4) Grammar Tips and Writing (60mins) (5) Listening (60mins) 7. Teaching methods and strategies (1)Practice speaking and listening (2)Discussion (3)Presentation and role play (4) Exercises 8. Teaching Process Period 1: Step 1. Lead-in (5 minutes) Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups.. Question:1. where are those people in the two pictures on the left? 2. Do you listen to MP3 or put a pen or a pencil in your mouth while you are studying? 3. Are pictures helpful to you in memorizing English words? Hint: Step 2. Listening exercise (10 minutes)

新编实用英语综合教程2 -Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette教案

Unit 1 Invitation Etiquette Unit Goals What you should learn to do Make an oral invitation to: Invite people to join daily activities Invite people to formal occasions Make a written invitation (write an invitation card or a letter) for: Personal invitation Official occasions Give a reply to: An oral invitation A written invitation What you should know about Invitation culture: western and Chinese Word order in a subordinate clause Requirements: After learning this unit, students should grasp: 1.Read and understand the meaning of invitation cards and letters 2.How to write invitation cards and letters and remember the patterns of invitation cards and letters 3.How to invite people to party or dinner, and how to accept and decline invitations 4.The customs of inviting people in different countries 5.Important words, phrases and language points in the passage In our daily life, we need to invite others to dinner or take part in all kinds of parties, so we should know about western custom about invitation. Foreign custom is much stricter than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to

前景英语1UNIT 4教案

教案 2011 ~ 2012学年第一学期 专业: 课程名称高职英语1 班级 主讲教师

福州黎明职业技术学院 教案编写说明 教案是任课教师的教学实施方案。为搞好教学工作,任课教师应遵循专业教学计划制订的培养目标,以教学大纲为依据,在熟悉教材、了解学生的基础上,结合教学实践经验,提前编写教案,设计好每门课程的章、节、实验或主题的全部教学活动。每一次课(2-3节)设计1张教案首页,详案附后。 教案编写说明如下: 1、编号:按施教的顺序标明序号。 2、教学课型表示所授课程的类型,如理论课、实验课、习题课、实践课等。 3、日期的填写系指本次课授课的时间。 4、教学内容:是授课的核心。将授课的内容按逻辑层次,有序设计编排。 5、作业或思考题:提出若干问题供学生课后复习时思考,或要求以书面形式完成。 6、课后随记:要求适时记录下每次上课的成功点、不足之处、认真分析、反思。并遵循真实性、可行行、指导性的原则。

Unit 4 Sports Part A (Period 1-2) Teaching steps: Step 1: Learning Proverbs and Quotations Life lies in motion. 生命在于运动。 Sports do not build character. They reveal it. 运动揭示性格,而非铸造性格。 Step 2: Lead-in ( topic of sports of college) Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. Cues: 1. football, basketball, badminton 2. exciting, skills 3. player, place 1. What are they doing? 2. Which one of the sports below do you like most? Why? 3. What is the most popular sport in your college? Suggested answers: In our college, most of us play basketball, because it doesn’t need so many people or a special place for you to play it. Task 2 Listen to the following short dialogues and fill in the blanks. Step 3: speaking Dialogue 1 A: Hey, nice . B: Thanks. Y ou were the match just now? A: Y eah, I’m a big fan of yours. Y ou played pretty cool. B: Really? Thanks. I’m . But do I know you? A: I don’t think so. But you are Bruce, chairman of the , right? B: Y ou got it. And you are?


Unit 7 Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends(略) The First Period Section I Teaching time 第次/第周 日 3、4节/5、6节——浆24班/浆23班 日 1、2节热动班 Teaching aims: 1. Read and discuss announcements, notices and posters in English, 2. Learn some expressions used in making announcements, notices and posters , 3. Comprehend the two passages and master the useful expressions in them, and 4. Finish the exercises by themselves or with some help. Teaching important point: Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and make the students be free to talk about a poster. Teaching difficult point: Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class Teaching methods: 1.Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class 2.Task-based learning https://www.360docs.net/doc/d29608796.html,municative approach Teaching aids: 1.a radio player 2.the blackboard 3. Picture s Teaching procedures I. Lead-in Notices and posters are very common in our daily life, and they are often used to offer information about social functions. Therefore, we should not only learn to read them, but also learn to write them. It’s very important to know how to make announcements, notices and posters. The following samples make it clear that we should first tell the general information like how attractive or interesting the thing you want to make known, then give definite information about time, place and price etc. II. Presentation Section I Talking Face to Face Step1. Read and translate the two samples of posters Notes: 1) The poster gives us a clear idea of the sponsor, time and place. 2) The poster uses some parallel sentences to catch its audience’s eye. 3) The body of the poster is like a Christmas tree, and the fonts are different. It aims to highlight the effect of the poster. Step 2 Practice:
