


1、Spread income利差收入


It should allow the depository institution to meet operating expenses and earn a fair profit on its capital

2、Regulatory risk监管风险

It is the risk that regulators will change the rules so as to adversely impact the earnings of the institution

3、Secondary reserves次级储备

Securities held for the purpose of satisfying net withdrawals and customer loan demands

4、Individual Banking个人银行业务

It encompasses residential mortgage lending, consumer installment loans, credit card financing, brokerage services, student loans,

5、Institutional banking企业银行业务

It includes commercial real estate financing, leasing activities, and factoring, etc.

5、Global banking国际业务

It includes corporate financing, capital market and foreign exchange products and services.

Most global banking activities generate fee income rather than interest income.

5、Demand deposits活期存款

Checking accounts

pay no interest and can be withdrawn upon demand

6、Savings deposits储蓄存款

pay interest, typically below market interest rates, do not

have a specific maturity, and usually can be withdrawn upon demand

7、Time deposits定期存款

also called certificates of deposit, have a fixed maturity date and pay either a fixed or floating interest rate

8、Reserve ratio准备金率

It is the specified percentage of deposits in a non-interest-bearing account at one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks that a bank must maintain

It is established by the Federal Reserve Board

9、Required reserve法定准备金

The dollar amount based on the reserve ratio that are required to be kept on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank

10、deposit computation period存款计算周期

To compute the required reserve, the Federal Reserve has established a two-week period

11、excess reserves超额准备金

The difference is that actual reserves exceed required reserves

12、Federal funds market联邦基金市场

Banks temporarily short of their required reserves can borrow reserves from banks that have excess reserves The market where banks can borrow or lend reserves is called the federal funds market

13、Federal funds rate联邦基金利率

The interest rate charged to borrow funds in the federal funds market

14、Discount window贴现窗口

The Federal Reserve Bank is the bank of last resort. Banks temporarily short of funds can borrow from the Fed at its

discount window.Collateral is necessary to borrow, but not just any collateral will do, and the Fed sets the criteria for collateral quality

15、Discount rate贴现率

The interest rate that the Fed charges to borrow funds at the discount window

16、Money center banks货币中央银行

The banks that raise most of their funds from the domestic and international money markets, relying less on depositors for funds

17、Regional bank区域性银行

It is one that relies primarily on deposits for funding, and makes les

s use of the money markets to obtain funds

18、Superregional banks超级区域性银行

Larger regional banks have been merging with other regional banks to form Superregional banks

19、Core Capital核心资本金

Tier 1 Capital

It consists of common stockholders’ eq uity, certain types of preferred stock, and minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries

20、Supplementary Capital补充资本金

Tier 2 capital

It includes loan-loss reserve, certain types of preferred stock, perpetual debt, hybrid capital instruments, equity contract notes, and subordinated debt

21、Natural person credit unions自然人信用合作社

Federal and state chartered credit unions are called natural person credit unions

Provide financial services to qualifying members of the general public

22、Corporate credit unions 公司信用合作社

Provide a variety of investment services, as well as payment systems, only to natural person credit unions


A ·account n.账户。缩写:a/c;joint account:联名账户(3~5人,一般在夫妻、合伙人、贸易、买卖双方中使用,在中国不普遍);account day/date:结算日,交割日,清算日(也可表示为settlement/delivery day) ·accountant n.会计。注会:CPA(=Certified Public Accountant);CA(=Charted Accountant)·across-the-board 全面地(overall,general)。例:an across-the-board price fall ·acquisition n.获得、收购。merger:兼并。M&A(Mergers and Acquisitions):兼并与收购。并购的三种形式:①控股的形式:A+B=A+B(acquisition);②吞并的形式:A+B=A(merger); ③合并的形式:A+B=C(consolidation,combination) ·advance ①n.预支,预付款。②v.(工资、物价)上涨;advance ratio:存货比/货存比·after-tax 税后。before-tax:税前 ·aggregate adj.总计的;v. & n.总计。aggregation:混业;segregation:分业 ·amortize v.分期偿还。installment:n.分期付款 ·antidumping n.反倾销。antidumping duty:反倾销税(和海关相关的一般用duty);征税的用法:①levy sb. tax;②levy tax on sb.反倾销手段:提高关税,控制进口,向对方倾销;·anti-laundering:反洗钱;anti-inflation:反通胀;anti-acquisition:反收购 ·appreciate v.增值(通常指货币)。例:currency appreciation ·appropriate v.拨款,挪用。 ·arbitrage n.套利(通过至少两个金融市场同一商品的价格、风险、汇率等不同来得利)。例:commodity arbitrage


Financial Markets and Institutions, 8e (Mishkin) Chapter 3 What Do Interest Rates Mean and What Is Their Role in Valuation? 3.1 Multiple Choice 1) A loan that requires the borrower to make the same payment every period until the maturity date is called a A) simple loan. B) fixed-payment loan. C) discount loan. D) same-payment loan. E) none of the above. Answer: B Topic: Chapter 3.1 Measuring Interest Rates Question Status: Previous Edition 2) A coupon bond pays the owner of the bond A) the same amount every month until the maturity date. B) a fixed interest payment every period, plus the face value of the bond at the maturity date. C) the face value of the bond plus an interest payment once the maturity date has been reached. D) the face value at the maturity date. E) none of the above. Answer: B Topic: Chapter 3.1 Measuring Interest Rates Question Status: Previous Edition 3) A bond's future payments are called its A) cash flows. B) maturity values. C) discounted present values. D) yields to maturity. Answer: A Topic: Chapter 3.1 Measuring Interest Rates Question Status: Previous Edition 4) A credit market instrument that pays the owner the face value of the security at the maturity date and nothing prior to then is called a A) simple loan. B) fixed-payment loan. C) coupon bond. D) discount bond.


金融外汇买卖相关英语词汇翻译 accepted 承兑 accrued interest累计利息 advance 放款 american style 美式选择权 appreciation 升值 arbitrage 套利交易 asset allocation 资产分配原则 asset swap 就持有的资产利息进行交换asset/liability management 资产负债管理assets liquidity 资产的流动性 assets safety 资产安全 assets yield 资产的获利性 at the money (atm) 价平 auction 标售 authority letter 授权书 banker’s acceptance银行承兑汇票 basis swap (floating -against floating irs) bear call spread 买权看空价差 bear put spread 卖权看空价差 bearer form 持有人形式 best order 最佳价格交易指示单 bid rate 借入利率(或买入价格,汇率) big figure 大数(交易时忽略不报的前几位数)book entry form 无实体形式 break-even exchange rate 两平点汇率bretton woods system 布莱登国际货币制度broken date 畸零天期(见odd date) bull call spread 买权看多价差

bull put spread 卖权看多价差 buy call 买入买权 buy or sell forward 买卖远期 buy or sell spot 买卖即期 buy put 买入卖权 buyer 买方 calendar spread 水平式价差策略 call option 买权 calling customer 询价者 calling party 询价者 cash flow book 现金流量登记薄 cash flow gap 现金流量缺口 cash flow gap 资金缺口 cash flow projection现金流量之预期 cash 当日交割 cd(certificate of deposit) 存单 chain method 联算法 chief money dealer首席货币交易员 clearing house 清算所 commercial hedge 进出口商避险 commercial paper商业本票 commodity futures trading commission 美国期货交易委员会competitive bid 竞标 contract date 定约日 contract limit 契约额度 contract risk 契约风险 counter party 交易对手 country limit 国家额度 coupon rate 票面利率 coupon swap (fixed-against floating irs)


Average Price Call平均价格买入期 权权 一种期权,其收益为零或相等于资产平均价格高于行使价格的金额 Average Price Put平均价格出售期 权 一种期权,其收益为零或相等于行使价格高于资产平均价格的金额Average Up 提高平均价格以比原先买入价格高的价格买入更多股票,从而提高所有股票的平均价格 Back Door Listing后门上市/借壳上 市未能符合股票交易所上市要求的企业采用的一种上市策略,公司通过收购一家已经上市的公司而达到上市的目的

Backlog订单积压等候完成的出售指示 Back Office后线金融服务公司的行政及支援人员,主要职能包括交易结算、清理、记录、合规监察 、会计等 Back Pricing往后定价某些期货合约采用的方法,期货商品的价格由买方在签署合约后特定日期决定Back-to-Back Loan背对背贷款两家位于不同国家的公司向对方借贷相同金额的对方国家货币贷款,目的在于对冲 货币波动的风险 Backstop最后担保为一项证券发行提供最终的保证或担保 Bad Debt不良贷款不能回收的债务,因此对债权人没有价值 Balanced Fund平衡基金将资产投资于货币市场、债券、优先股及普通股的共同基金,目的在于同时实现增 长及收益 Balanced Investment Strategy 平衡投资策略旨在平衡风险及回报的投资组合分配及管理方法 Balance Of Payments (BOP国际收支差额一个国家在特定期间进行的所有交易的纪录,可用作比较一个国家与其他国家的经济活动量 Balance Of Trade (BOT国际贸易差额一个国家收支差额的最大组成项目。指出口及进口的差额。减项包括进口、外国援


金融词汇英语翻译汇总(三) Callable Preferred Stock 可买回优先股 CAMELS Rating SystemCAMELS评级制度 Capital资本/资本金 Capital Account资本帐户 Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR)资本充足率 Capital Appreciation资本升值 Capital Asset资本资产 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)资本资产计价模型Capital Base资本金基础 Capital Budgeting资本预算 Capital Employed运用资本 Capital Expenditure资本开支 Capital Gain资本收益 Capital Goods 资本财货 Capital Guarantee Fund 资本保证基金 Capital Intensive资本密集 Capital Loss资本损失 Capital Lease资本化租赁 Capital Markets资本市场 Capital Note资本票据 Capitalism资本主义 Capitalization 总资本,总市值 Capitalize资本化 Capped Option有上限期权 Captive Fund专属基金 Carrying Cost Of Inventory库存置存成本 Carrying Value账面现行价值 Carveout 分拆上市 Cash现金 Cash And Cash Equivalents现金及现金等价物 Cash Balance Pension Plan现金余额养老金计划 Cash Budget现金预算 Cash Commodity现货 Cash Conversion Cycle 资金周转周期 Cash Dividend 现金股息 Cash EPS 现金每股盈利 Cash Flow现金流 Cash Flow After Taxes税后现金流 Cash Flow Per Share每股现金流 Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI)投资的现金流回报Cash Investment现金投资 Cash on Cash Return现金的现金回报率


conservation n.保存,保护;守恒, 保存,保护;守恒, 保存 不灭 audit vt.审计,检查(帐目 ;v.审计, 审计,检查 帐目 帐目); 审计 审计, 审计 查帐
on the average 一般来说;平均来 一般来说; 平均, 说;平均,一般说来 暂无 process n.工序 ;n.过程,进程;工 工序?; 过程 进程; 过程, 工序 加工, 序;制作法 v.加工,处理 加工 per cent n.百分之 百分之… 百分之
principal a. n.主要的;主要人物 主要的; 主要的 contain v.容纳;遏制 容纳; 容纳 await vt.等待;vt.等候,期待;(事 等待; 等候 期待; 事 等候, 等待 cash n.现金,现款,现钱 v.兑现,兑 现金,现款, 兑现, 现金 兑现 付 consignee n.收货人; 收货人; 收货人 承销人 情等)降临于 情等 降临于 product n.产品,产物,乘积;成果; 产品,产物,乘积;成果; 产品 作品 century n.世纪, 世纪, 一百个 世纪 百年; 百年; authorize vt.授权,委任;许可,批 授权,委任;许可, 授权 授权; 准;v.授权;核准,认可 授权 核准, content v.(使)满足 ( private a.私人的 非公开的 私人的,非公开的 私人的 badly ad.坏;恶劣地 坏 category n.种类;类目 种类; 种类 professional a.专业的 ;a.职业的, 专业的?; 职业的 职业的, 专业的 专业的 n.职业选手;专业人员 职业选手; 职业选手 constant a.坚定的, 坚定的, 坚定的 坚贞的 chain n.链,链条;一连串,连锁 vt. 链 链条;一连串, 用链条栓住 automobile n.汽车,机动车 汽车, 汽车 continent n.大陆,陆地,大洲;n. 大陆,陆地,大洲; 大陆 大陆, 不包括英国的)欧洲大陆 大陆,洲;(不包括英国的 欧洲大陆 不包括英国的 probable a.很可能的 大概的 有希望 很可能的,大概的 很可能的 大概的;有希望 的,可能的 可能的 banker n.银行家;n.银行主 银行家; 银行主 银行家 celebrate v.庆祝,赞颂;举行仪式 庆祝,赞颂; 庆祝 consume v.消费,消耗,耗尽;吃完, 消费,消耗,耗尽;吃完, 消费 喝光; 使着迷, 喝光;(with)使着迷,充满 使着迷 profit n.利润;收益;n.利益;利润; 利润;收益; 利益;利润; 利润 利益 有益于, 益处 v.有益于,得益 有益于


金融行业常用英语词汇全解金融行业英语词汇 1.银行业务 储蓄账户 savings account 支票账户 checking account 定期存款 time deposit 活期存款 demand deposit 贷款 loan 信用卡 credit card 银行保证金 bank margin 银行短期利率 bank short rate 银行资本 bank capital 2. 证券交易 股票 stock 债券 bond 证券交易所 stock exchange 保证金交易 margin transaction 股票期权 stock option 市价委托 market order 止损委托 stop loss order 3. 期货和期权 期货 futures 期权 options 期货合约 futures contract 期权合约 options contract 交割 delivery

权利金 option premium 保证金 margin 4. 投资管理 投资组合 investment portfolio 资产配置 asset allocation 风险评估 risk assessment 投资收益 investment return 资本增值 capital appreciation 价值投资 value investing 成长投资 growth investing 5. 保险产品 人寿保险 life insurance 健康保险 health insurance 汽车保险 auto insurance 财产保险 property insurance 责任保险 liability insurance 保险单 insurance policy 保险费 insurance premium 6. 信贷与债务 信贷 credit 债务 debt 信用评级 credit rating 债务人 debtor 债权人 creditor 抵押贷款 mortgage loan 商业贷款 commercial loan 7. 宏观经济指标 国内生产总值 GDP


金融英语词汇解释第三章 第三章 1、Spread income利差收入 Margin It should allow the depository institution to meet operating expenses and earn a fair profit on its capital 2、Regulatory risk监管风险 It is the risk that regulators will change the rules so as to adversely impact the earnings of the institution 3、Secondary reserves次级储备 Securities held for the purpose of satisfying net withdrawals and customer loan demands 4、Individual Banking个人银行业务 It encompasses residential mortgage lending, consumer installment loans, credit card financing, brokerage services, student loans, 5、Institutional banking企业银行业务 It includes commercial real estate financing, leasing activities, and factoring, etc. 5、Global banking国际业务 It includes corporate financing, capital market and foreign exchange products and services. Most global banking activities generate fee income rather than interest income. 5、Demand deposits活期存款 Checking accounts pay no interest and can be withdrawn upon demand 6、Savings deposits储蓄存款 pay interest, typically below market interest rates, do not


金融英语词语解释全部版 第一章 1、Tangible Assets有形资产 Value is based on physical properties Intangible Assets无形资产 Claim to future income Issuer发行者 The one who makes future cash payments Investor 投资者 The owner of the financial asset Debt Instrument债务工具 Fixed dollar payments 6、Equity Instrument 权益工具 Dollar payment is based on earnings Fixed-income instruments 固定收益证券 an equity instrument that entitles the investor to receive a fixed dollar amount. . Both debt and preferred stock that pay fixed dollar amounts are called fixed-income instruments. Price discovery process价格发现过程 The interactions of buyers and sellers in a financial market determine the price of the traded asset. Liquidity 流动性 whether the circumstances either force or motivate an investor to sell in financial market. Spot market or cash market即期市场和现货市场 The market in which a financial asset trades for immediate delivery is called the spot market or cash market. Search costs搜索成本 e.g. the mone y spent to advertise one’s intention to sell or

金融专业英语Lesson3 金融市场

Lesson 3 Financial Market The word "finance" signifies capital in monetary form, that is, in the form of funds lent or borrowed, normally for capital purposes, through financial markets or financial institutions. When finance goes international, it is then an international finance. What is a financial market? It is a place where financial transactions take place. When a financial transaction takes place between a resident of a country and a non-resident, it is an international financial transaction, and the place where the transaction is traded is called an international financial market. A financial market consists of foreign exchange market, money market, capital market and gold market. The flow of funds through the financial markets may be divided into different segments, depending upon the characteristics of financial claims being traded and the needs of different groups. One of the most important divisions in the financial system is between the money market and the capital market. The money market is designed for the making of short-term loans. It is the institution through which individuals and institutions with temporary surpluses of funds meet borrowers who have temporary funds shortages. Thus, the money market enables economic units (principally business firms and governments) to manage liquidity. By convention, a security or loan maturing within one year or less is considered to be a money market instrument. One of the principal functions of the money market is to finance the working -capital needs of corporations and to provide governments with short-term funds in lieu of tax collections. The money market also supplies funds for speculative buying of securities and commodities. Because most loans and securities traded in the money market are large, typically in million dollar units, it is often called a wholesale market, catering to the largest borrowers. In contrast, the capital market is designed to finance long-term investments by businesses, governments, and households. Trading of funds in the capital market makes possible the construction of factories, office buildings, highways, bridges, etc. Financial instruments in the capital market have original maturities of more than one year and range in size from small loans to very large, multi-million dollar credits. Thus, the capital market trades in both wholesale (large) loans and securities and retail (small) loans and securities. In the followings, we shall focus our study on capital market. As mentioned above, capital market refers to the trading market with loan maturity over one year, it is also called medium and long-term capital market. There are two kinds of financing on the capital market, namely, medium and long-term loan of the bank and securities trading. Therefore, the capital market, to be specific, can be divided into medium and long-term credit market of the bank and securities market. 1. Medium and long-term credit market of the bank. This is where banks offer medium and long-term credit funds. Through the market, the supply and demand sides of medium and long-term capital realize financial accommodation. The demand side in the market is chiefly government, industrial and commercial enterprises. If the


常见金融词汇商务英语词汇 常见金融词汇商务英语词汇 常见金融词汇1 1.financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机 2.Federal Reserve 美联储 3.real estate 房地产 4.share 股票 5.valuation 股价 6.shareholder 股东 7.macroeconomic 宏观经济 saving account 储蓄帐户 8.go under 破产 9.take a nosedive (股市)大跌 10.tumble 下跌 11.big macs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股 12.offering,list 上市 13.bourse 证交所 Paris Bourse 巴黎证券交易所 Stock exchange (or market); securities house; Bourse 证券交易所 bourse transaction tax 有价证券交易税 14.corporate champion 龙头企业 15.Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所 16.pension fund 养老基金 17.mutual fund 共同基金 18.hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金 19.underwriter 保险商

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d319165517.html,ernment bond 政府债券 subscription to government bond 认购公债amortization of government bond 政府公债分期偿还fixed rate government bond 固定利率公债 21.budget 预算 常见金融词汇2 22.deficit 赤字 23.delist 摘牌 24.mongey-loser 亏损企业 25.inventory 存货 26.traded company,trading enterprise 上市公司state trading enterprise 国营贸易企业 27.stakeholder 利益相关者 28.transparency 透明度 29.market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则 30.damage-contral machinery 安全顾问 31.efficient market 有效市场 32.intellectual property 知识产权 33.opportunistic practice 投机行为 34.entrepreneur 企业家 35.cook the book 做假帐 36.regulatory system 监管体系 37.portfolio 投资组合 38.money-market 短期资本市场金融市场金融界 39.capital-market 长期资本市场 40.volatility 波动 41.diversification 多元化多样化经营多样化 42.option 期权 43.call option 看涨期权购买选择权


Administrator - The Administrator is the head of the regulatory body in New Brunswick. Bank guarantee - A bank guarantee is the bank's promise to repay the debt of another person if that person does not pay the debt. Bonds - A bond is a certificate which shows a debt. The issuer of the bond promises to pay the holder a specific amount of interest for a specific length of time. On the maturity date, the loan is repaid. The assets of a corporation are pledged as security for the loan. Bonds are issued by corporations and federal, provincial and municipal governments. If a company is liquidated, bond holders can claim any company assets before shareholders. Capital market - Capital market is the broad term for the market where investment products such as stocks and bonds are bought and sold. It includes all the people and organizations which support the process. Cold-calling - Cold calling is a system of placing calls to people on a list taken from the telephone book or some other source. The caller is phoning people they don't know in the hopes of making a sale. Commissions - A commission is a fee charged by an investment advisor for buying or selling securities on behalf of a client. Company insider - An insider is a director, senior officer, lawyer, accountant, or any other person, who can be presumed to have access to private information about a company. It also includes anyone owning more than 10% of the voting shares in a corporation. Contracts - A contract is a written or spoken agreement between two or more parties. It is intended to be enforceable by law. Debenture - A debenture is a certificate that shows the debt of a government or company. It is backed only by the general credit of the issuer. It is not secured by the assets of the issuer. Discretionary exemption order - In certain specified circumstances, the Administrator can give permission to do something other than what the law requires. That permission will be in the form of a discretionary exemption order.


金融专业英语词汇大全(三) 小编为大家整理了金融专业英语词汇大全,希望对你有帮助哦! 金融专业英语词汇大全(三): 121. bill-paying services 代付帐款 122. black market 黑市 123. black market financing 黑市筹资 124. black money 黑钱 125. blanket mortgage 总括抵押 126. block positioner 大宗头寸商 127. blowout 畅销 128. blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股 129. board of arbitration 仲裁委员会 130. board of governors 理事会 131. bond fund 债券基金 132. borrowing from affiliates 向联营公司借款 133. borrowing power of securities 证券贷款能力 134. borrowing risks 借款风险 135. bought deal 包销 136. bread and butter business 基本业务 137. breadth index 宽度指数 138. break-even 不亏不盈,收支相抵 139. breakout 突破 140. bridging finance 过渡性融资 141. broker 经纪人,掮客 142. brokerage 经纪人佣金 143. brokerage 经纪业;付给经纪人的佣金 144. brokerage firm 经纪商(号) 145. broker's loan 经纪人贷款 146. broking house 经纪人事务所


常用的金融英语词汇(3) contingent risks 或有风险. contract money 合同保证金. contract size 合约容量. contracts of difference 差异合约. contractual value 合同价格. controlled rates 控制的汇率 converge 集聚,(为共同利益而)结合一起. conversion 汇兑,兑换 convertible currency 可兑换的货币 cooling-off period 等待期 cooperative financing 合作金融. cornering the market 操纵市场 corners 垄断. corporate deposits 法人存款 correspondent 代理行 cost of maintenance 维修费. counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 counter-inflation policy 反通货膨胀对策 cover 弥补,补进(卖完的商品等). cover 弥补(损失等);负担(开支);补进(商品或股票等);保险. coverage 承保险别;保险总额;范围保险. coverage ratio 偿债能力比率. cover-note 暂保单;投保通知单. credit 信用,信贷. credit account (C.A., C/A) 赊帐=open account2 credit agreement 信贷协定. credit amount 信贷金额;赊帐金额;信用证金额.

金融学专业术语 中英文

金融学专业术语中英文B 半强式效率semi-strong efficiency 指在证券价格充分反映了所有的公开信息(包括历史价格和交易情况,但不局限于此。)半通货膨胀Semi-inflation 当经济逐渐接近充分就业时,货币供给增加所形成的过度总需求一方面使产出增加,另一方面又使价格逐渐上升。保险合约insurance contract 是保险公司与被保险人之间签订的当某一事件发生时按约定的费率给予被保险人赔偿的合约。本金principal 本期收益率current yield 本位币standard money 按照国家规定的金属、单位货币的名称和重量铸造的货币。边际储蓄倾向Marginal Propensity to Save ,MPS 反映可支配收入每增加以单位时储蓄支出增加的数量。边际消费倾向Marginal Propensity to Concume ,MPC 反映可支配收入每增加一个单位时小分支出增加的数量。补偿性公共支出compensatory public spending 政府财政预算应于社会经济条件保持相同的步调,即政府应在萧条期间实施结构性预算赤字的政策,而在经济繁荣时,就要保持适当的盈余。不动产信用控制real estate credit control 指中央银行对商业银行等金融机构向客户提供不动产抵押贷款的管理https://www.360docs.net/doc/d319165517.html, 措施。 C 财富效应wealth effect 财富变动对消费和储蓄倾向的影响。财务担保guarantee 贷款人要求担保人为借款人的借款提供经济担保,当借款人无力偿还借款时,由担保人负责偿还的一种经济合同。财务公司financial company 通过发行商业票据、股票或从银行借款获得资金,再利用这些资金对个人或企业进行小额贷款。财政赤字论fiscal deficit theory 克鲁格曼(Krugman,1979)提出财政赤字导致货币危机的理论。财政性通货膨胀理论fiscal inflation theory 通过财政政策来鼓励通货膨胀的理论。财政政策fiscal policy 操作目标operating target 中央银行选定的一些既能被货币政策工具直接作用,又与中介目标联系紧密的变量。场外市场over-the-counter market 又称柜台交易,即证券经纪商通常在他们的办公室的柜台上完成证券交易手续的市场。超额准备金excess reserve 金融机构为应付临时性的资金需求而储备的。成本推动论cost-push theory 在总需求不变的情况下,由于生产要素价格上涨,致使产品成本上升,从而导致价https://www.360docs.net/doc/d319165517.html, 格总水平持续上涨的现象。持久收入permanent income 指消费者可以预见到的长久性的、带有规律性的收入。持有成本cost of carry 充分就业full employment 失业率在自然失业率的水平之下。初级证券primary security 产生于直接融资过程的索取权凭证。纯贴现债券pure discount bond 又称为零息债券zero-coupon bond 是一种承诺只在未来末期支付的一笔现金债券,即只有到期才一次性还本付息的债券。次级债券junior security 指某种证券在分红和公司破产清算时的剩余资产求偿方面的权利次于其他证券。存款型金融机构depository financial institutions 指通过吸收存款来获得资金,通过发放贷款来使用资金,通过赚取贷款利差获取利润的商业性金融机构。 D 贷款利率lending rate 贷款证券化loan securitization 指发行以抵押贷款为担保的证券并上市流通,从而解决具有较长固定期限的抵押贷款流动性差的问题。单本位制single standard 指只规定一种贵金属作为本位币的货币制度。单利simple interest 指存贷期的各期均只以其本金乘以利率计算的利息。到期期限term to maturity 指债权资产或股权资产按计https://www.360docs.net/doc/d319165517.html, 划进行最终支付或持有者要求清偿之间的时间间隔长度。到期收益率yield-to-maturity 道德风险moral hazard 信用风险发生在交易达成之后。道德风险理论moral hazard theory 由著名发展经济学家麦金农,提出。由于政府免费保险且又监管不严的情况下,金融中介机构具有很强的从事风险投资的欲望,而很少考虑投资项目的贷款风险。等价债券par bond 市场价格等于其面值的付息债券。抵押贷款mortagage loan 第三市场third market 也指影子市场shadow market 同交易所和场外交易市场平行运行的二级市场的另一个组成部分。定价效率efficiency of pricing 指市场价格在任何时候都能充分反映了与证券定价相关的所有可获得的信息。多要素资产定价模型multifactor CAPM 假设投资者只关心价格风险,,而现实中投资者不仅关心价格风险而且还关心其他风险等多种影响因素。 E 二板市场second board market 指那些在发行之初无
