


●明星代言celebrity endorsement

●创业板Growth Enterprise Market

创业板GEM (Growth Enterprises Market )board 是地位次于主板市场的二板证券市场,以NASDAQ市场为代表,在中国特指深圳创业板。在上市门槛、监管制度、信息披露、交易者条件、投资风险等方面和主板市场有较大区别。其目的主要是扶持中小企业,尤其是高成长性企业,为风险投资和创投企业建立正常的退出机制,为自主创新国家战略提供融资平台,为多层次的资本市场体系建设添砖加瓦。


维基解密(Wikileaks)是一个专为揭露政府、企业腐败行为而成立的网站。该网站声称:在这里,检举人,新闻记者和博客可以揭发各种腐败行为,而不用担心雇主和政府的报复。2010年12月3日,由于维基解密网站频繁地遭受拒绝服务攻击,美国服务提供商https://www.360docs.net/doc/d39890247.html, 终止了维基解密网站的https://www.360docs.net/doc/d39890247.html, 域名。维基解密新开355个镜像网站,确保网站不消失。

●恶意营销smear campaign

●口水战war of words

●存款利率deposit rate


●草莓族Strawberry Generation


●碳足迹Carbon footprint

“碳足迹”来源于一个英语单词“Carbon Footprint”,是指一个人的能源意识和行为对自然界产生的影响,简单的将就是指个人或企业“碳耗用量”。其中“碳”,就是石油、煤炭、木材等由碳元素构成的自然资源;碳耗用得多,导致全球变暖的元凶二氧化碳也制造得多。制造企业的供应链一般包括了采购、生产、仓储和运输,其中仓储和运输会产生大量的二氧化碳。



●婚前协议prenuptial agreement

●网络议价师net bargainer

网络议价师在网购中帮助买家砍价,收取一定的“口舌费”,这种服务行业也就是net bargaining,收取的服务费也就是bargaining fee。

●裸婚naked wedding

●职业倦怠job burnout

指个体在工作重压下产生的身心疲劳与耗竭的状态,最早由F reudenberger 于1974 年提出。他认为职业倦怠是一种最容易在助人行业中出现的情绪性耗竭的症状。随后M aslach 等人把对工作上长期的情绪及人际应激源做出反应而产生的心理综合症称为职业倦怠。一般认为,职业倦怠是个体不能顺利应对工作压力时的一种极端反应,是个体伴随于长时期压力体验下而产生的情感、态度和行为的衰竭状态。



●票房毒药box office flop




●裸捐all-out donation


●伏天dog days


●航班延误flight delay




●整容手术plastic surgery


午间危机mid-day crisis


联合军演Joint military drill

大满贯grand slam






给力读音为,gěi lì,中国北方的土话,表示给劲、带劲的意思。所谓“不给力”就是形容和预想目标相差甚远,而“给力”一般理解为有帮助、有作用、给面子。在2010年世界杯期间,“给力”开始成为网络热门词汇。

住宅限购令house purchase restriction


反式脂肪酸trans fat


植入式广告Product placement

“植入式广告”(Product Placement),是指,把产品及其服务具有代表性的视听品牌符号融入影视或舞台产品中的一种广告方式,给观众留下相当的印象,以达到营销目的。经典的葛优电影《大腕》中有不少关于植入式广告的调侃。“雷阵雨”中更不乏让人哭笑不得的植入式广告。

记者节Journalists' Day



惊天八卦striking gossip





Test of the 21st Century Newspaper Issue 576 挑战版 实战演练 1. I am going to _____ from my school soon, but I will be thankful to it forever. A. move B. graduate C. stay D. remain 2. Tom _____ in the exam again though he tried his best. A. passed B. failed C. crossed D. showed 3. Scientists and doctors are trying their best to come up with ways to treat the terrible _____. A. disease B. decision C. danger D. deal 4. – How can we protect ourselves _____ the earthquake?– We should stay calm first. (2014) A. with B. about C. for D. from 5. – What will the phone ____?– The same as you said, eight hundred dollars each. (2016 ) A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford 6. – It is reported that Chinese ____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat. – It is true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. (2015 襄阳) A. spend B. cost C. pay D. Take 7. – It is important for us to know _____ all the subjects.– Yeah, group work is my favorite. (2015 ) A. how to study B. when to study C. which to study D. what to study 8. Nowadays, each of the students ____ a new dictionary in the countryside. (2013 ) A. has B. had C. have 原版挑战Talking through your problems Yesterday, my 15-year-old brother Tommy had a fight with my 12- year-old broth er Kevin. I didn’t notice. I knocked on the door and asked, “Kevin, do you want to (1) ?”Later, as I was walking upstairs I heard Kevin crying in his room. No one (2) . I tried again. Still nothing happened. So, I took some cards an d wrote, “If you don’t, we can write notes.” An hour later I was still sitting on the floor outside his door with two pads of paper in my hands. One pad was new and the other was from Kevin. As I read one of Kevin’s notes, tears came to my eyes. It(3) , “Nobody in this family cares about me. Tommy thought I was too weak and Dad (4) me he wished he had the other Kevin as a kid because he’s better at basketball. You’re never around to even notice me.” He was right about my part. I wrote back, “Kevin, I do love you an d you know that. I’m here for you and you are loved in this family.” I wrote back “For what?” It returned to me with “Loving me” on it.He didn’t reply for a while, but then I heard he cried a little bit. Kevin ran out of cards and wrote “Thanks” on a p aper cup. Since then, I try my best to pay more attention to my family members. Kevin and I have a closer relationship now and when one of us notices that the other is unhappy, we’ll smile and say, “Write it on a paper cup.” Teens c ouldn’t contact the author of this story. The author can contact Teens if necessary. Task 1Discuss the questions: 1. Who is the closest member to you in your family? Please share one or two stories about you two. 2. If one of your family members has some trouble, what will you do?

心塞高冷 这些网络热词如何英语翻译

心塞高冷这些网络热词如何英语翻译 心塞高冷:这些网络热词如何英语翻译? 心塞、高冷、图样图破森等等想必都是大家耳熟能详的网络热词吧,那么它们的英语该怎么表达呢,一起来和小编学习一下吧~~ 心塞 含义:是心肌梗塞的简称。心肌梗塞是一种可怕的病症,但此处不是得了重病的意思,而是指心里堵得慌、难受,对周围发生的不顺心的事感到很不舒服,也可表示对某件事情很无语。 翻译: feel stifled,feel suffocated,have a tight feeling in the chest,或者feel very uncomfortable 例句:After hearing her telling the truth, I suddenly feelsuffocated. 听到她说了实话,我顿时感觉心塞。 图样图森破 含义:是英文 too young,too simple的谐音,是“太年轻、太天真”的意思,常用于鄙视对方水平太低。 例句:How can you believe in such gossip? You are really tooyoung, too simple. 这种谣言你都信,真是图样图森破。 高冷 含义:是高贵冷艳的缩写,形容心高气傲,很酷,自我感觉良好又对他人嗤之以鼻的姿态,通常用来形容女性。

翻译:cold and elegant,an icy beauty,a cold belle等。 例句:Escorted by a large crowd of people, the cold andelegant actress finally appeared. 在众人的簇拥下,表情高冷的女影星终于出现了。 脑残 含义:在网络用语中用于形容愚蠢,言语和行为举止逻辑不通而让人无法理解和不可接受,以及被认为大脑不正常的人。 翻译:brainless,brain-dead,brain-impaired,have a dysfunctional brain等。 例句:Do not talk with him again, he is virtually brainless! 别再跟他说了,他简直就是个脑残! 脑洞大开 含义:就是脑补的意思,指的是给大脑补充了新的知识,含有让人知识大涨、眼界大开等意思。 翻译:greatly enrich one's mind (brain), greatly open up one's eyes,greatly widen one's horizon等。 例句:This article greatly enriched my mind. 这篇文章让我脑洞大开。 伐开心 含义:就是很生气、很不高兴的意思。 翻译:in a bad mood,very unhappy,angry,moody等。 背景介绍:最近,西安一企业的商业活动邀请了山寨版“高晓松”站台出席,高晓松本人在微博上对此作出回应。他在微博中调侃说道:“3?15刚过,贵企业冒我名公开大办宣传活动,一个山寨高晓松堂而皇之也就算了。可我已经瘦身了好吧!山寨麻烦能不能更敬业一些!并且,本人身高1.78米有体检报告为证。你们为啥找个矮胖子破坏我在广大路人中的形象!无法忍!已经通知律师就身高体重问题严正交涉!最后我补充道:眼镜和靴子麻烦买正牌货好伐!” 例句:Gao Xiaosong was very unhappy to learn that a fake GaoXiaosong appeared in Xi'an and took part in commercial activities there. 山寨“高晓松”西安参加商业活动,高晓松本人回应伐开心。 节操 含义:指原则、正义感的意思。 翻译:moral integrity,moral principle等。该词来源于日本漫画《二色碟》,其中一个角色视钱如命,不择手段,故角色名被中译为“无节操”。“无节操”代表一个人做事没原则,毫无道德可言,为了达到目标可以毫无下限。


女性读者向我问得最多的问题是──如何 能既拥有成功的事业又拥有幸福的家庭?她们中的很多人已经在事业上获得成功了,她们实际上要问的是如何同时获得一个幸福的家庭。 Here's the #1 question I get from women readers: How can I have a successful career and a happy family? Many of these readers already are successful in their careers. What they're really asking is how to also have a happy family. 对我们女性而言,这是一个非常新的问 题。许多世纪以来,女人的职业就是“照顾家人”。我们活着是为了取悦父亲、丈夫以及儿子。我们为他人服务,获得的回报是一生安稳的保障。 This is a very new question for us. For centuries, women's careers were our family. Our career was 'caregiver.' We lived to please our fathers, our husbands, our sons. In return for our service, we received a lifetime guarantee of stability and security. 然而,这种“交易”如今已经消失。虽然我 们依然在履行照顾家人的职责,但对许多人来说(如果不是大多数人的话),婚姻正成为巨大的不安全感的来源。 But today that bargain has vanished. We're still doing our part by serving our families. But for many if not most, marriage now is a source of deep insecurity. 大多数年轻人的婚姻如今以离婚告终 Most young marriages now end in divorce 在步入婚姻殿堂时,没有人会抱着这种 想法──“有一天我们会厌恶对方”,但这正是中国大多数80后一代的经历。根据民政部的统计,2005年时,80后的离婚率就已经达到了57%。 No one enters a marriage thinking, 'Someday we'll hate each other,' but that's been precisely the experience of most of China's born-post-1980 generation. The Ministry of Civil Affairs reports that by 2005, the divorce rate for this generation already had reached 57 percent. 中国历史上首次出现了在破碎家庭中长大的一代儿童。女性在离婚期间常常遭 受巨大的痛苦,但至少我们可以掌控自己的生活然后继续向前。然而,我们的孩子却不能。在离婚事件中,他们才是真正意义上的受害者。 For the first time in Chinese history, a generation of children now is growing up in broken households. Women often suffer greatly during divorce, but at least we can take charge of our lives and move on. Our children, on the other hand, cannot. When divorce occurs, they're victims in the truest sense. 离婚对孩子的影响可能会持续一生,我恰好对此有直接的了解。我1969年在美国出生,正如中国现在的情况一样,上世纪70年代正是离婚潮首次在美国爆发之时。我们那一代人是第一代成长在离异家庭的孩子。虽然我的父母一直都在 一起生活,但那些年我还是目睹了父母The impacts on children of divorce can last a lifetime. I happen to know this first-hand, since I was born in America in 1969, and it was in the 1970s that divorce first exploded in America as is happening now in China. My generation was the first to grow up as the children of divorce.


10-11学年度第426期7版Quiz time答案: 高二版 Reading D1 1-4 CDCB D2 1. The mobile phone/The cell phone/The mobile. 2. Russia and Singapore. 3. 1) One gives its user safety, security and instant access to information. 2) One changes the nature of a relationship. 3) One can be used as an alarm clock and a camera and to play games. 4. 很多人从未不带手机出门,而且如果让他们选择的话,他们宁愿丢掉钱包也不愿丢掉手机。 D3 1-5 DDCBA D4 1-4 CDBA D5 1-5 DCADA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 DAABA 16-20 BACDD 答案解析 D1 1. C. 根据文章最后一句If you push a kid to do well, and they’re good at it, they benefit. It’s good to have high expectations.”可知,Amy Chua 的支持者们认为父母对于孩子的期望高是又好处的。 2. D. sympathize是“表示同情”的意思。 3. C. 文中提到Children need parents who can guide them, not force them to do things they’re probably not interested in. 所以Jeffrey Seinfeld 认为父母在教育孩子的时候要认真考虑孩子的需求。 4. B. 纵观全文,主要讲述了Amy Chua的书所引发的关于严厉管教孩子的教育方式的激烈辩论。 D3 1. D. 文章开头列举了母女的事例,之后开始介绍深度阅读的内容,可见事例的使用是为了引出话题。 2. D. 文章提到Instant messages and 140-character tweets appear to be reducing our ability to concentrate on a single idea or theme in a book, 只供学习与交流


What’s the main idea of the passage? ________ A.John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. B.The cause of Cholera was polluted water. C.The source of all drinking water should be examined. D.How did John Snow collect, analyze data and find the cause of the disease and solved it . II.根据课文内容总结出各段段落大意并在空格处填上适当的单词,每空一词。

III.仔细阅读课文,找出下列句子并分析。 1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London— so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. ①划分句子成分:____________________;attend, join, join in和take part in 的区别: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ②此句中so…that 引导_______ 从句,仿写句子:她对这篇文章太熟

了,以至于能全文背诵。 ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. ①划分句子成分:______________________________________ ②此句中inspired 和exposed各在句中作_____ 和______(成分); expose to意思是__________, 其后常接________ 形式。翻译:我不想向任何人揭露他的恐惧。___________________________________________________________ __________________ 3. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. ①划分句子成分:______________________________________ ②句中absorb…into意思是__________, be absorbed in/ into本意是_________,还有使全神贯注的意思;例如:He was so absorbed into the novel that he couldn’t hear the door bell 。翻译:____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ③比较:Para7中suggest的用法与此句中的一样吗? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________


100个必会热词翻译 1、中国梦 the Chinese Dream 2、不忘初心 stay true to the mission 3、两个一百年 two centenary goals 4、新常态 new normal 5、中国制造 2025 Made in China 2015 6、“双一流”“ Double First-Class” initiative 7、工匠精神 craftsmanship spirit 8、中国天眼:500米口径球面射电望远镜 China’s Eye of Heaven: The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Tel escope (FAST) 9、歼 20隐形战机 J-20 stealth fighter 10、国产航母 domestically built aircraft carrier 11、国产客机 homemade passenger jet 12、可燃冰试采 sampling of combustible ice 13、量子卫星“墨子号” quantum satellite “Micius” 14、北斗卫星导航系统 Beidou navigation system 15、风云四号 A 星卫星 Fengyun-4A satellite 16、重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket 17、沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect 18、深港通 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect 19、京津冀一体化 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration


21世纪大学实用英语练习册答案 第一册 Unit1 Part 1 Text Exercises I. care─careful─carefully harm─harmful─harmfully help─helpful─helpfully hope─hopeful─hopefully pain─painful─painfully skill─skillful─skillfully success─successful─successfully thank─thankful─thankfully 1 carefully 2 harmful 3 successfully 4 thankful 5 hopeful 6 careful 7 hopefully 8 helpful 9 painfully 10 painful 11 skillful 12 successful II 1 do well in one’s studies 2 for the first time 3 away from one’s f amily 4 compete with sb. for sth. 5 set a study program 6 decide when to go to bed 7 go to class on time 8 pass one’s exams with good grades 9 share one’s fears with sb. 10 look upon oneself from a different perspective 11 a person responsible for oneself 12 handle what is ahead III. 1 F 2 C 3 J 4 D 5 E 6B 7G 8A 9I 10H IV. 1 how 2 making 3 chose 4 Shortly 5 under 6 on 7 hand 8 fairly 9 addition 10 with 11 share 12 own V. Passage 1:1B 2C 3A 4D 5C Passage 2:1C 2A 3C 4A 5D VI. 1ask questions early 2 eat right 3 difficult assignments 4 to sit 5 work hard Part2 I. 1A 2C 3D 4C 5 D 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 C 11important 12 pulled out 13 rushed 14 away from 15 in front of II. 1B 2A 3B 4D 5C 6C 7D 8C 9B 10 C 11A 12 D 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 A 17 D 18 A 19 B 20 D 21 emotion 22decisions 23 had studied 24 talking 25 assign 26 driving 27 more warmly 28 addition 29 ability 30 would have III. 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 B 6 All students 7 the Head Librarian 8 be repaired 9 the Reading Room 10 June 15th, August 15th IV. 1 A 0.5 B 2 C 0 D 1 2 A 0.5 B 2 C 1 D 0 3 A 0.5 B 0 C 1 D2 4 A 2 B 1 C 0. 5 D 0 5 明明: 今晚我不能和你去参加英语晚会,因为我要在家做功课,不然明天要被王先生批评的。 伟伟 August 5th, 2006 V. Dear Jiang Jun,


Unit 1-6 Translation Unit 1 1. 老伴六十多岁时中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依赖的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。 When his wife diedof a stroke in her sixtiesthe 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed with grief. Life would be hard for him without anyone to rely on. 2. 两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些有名的专业画家。 Two amateur painters held an exhibitionof their pictures last month in London. Many people went to see it including a few celebrated professionals. 3. 当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在"挑战者"号的灾害中遇难时,全世界一下子陷入了震动与悲痛中。 When seven astronauts died inthe Challenger disaster inthe mid-1980s it plungedthe whole world into shock and grief. 4. 在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府碰到困难时,她屡次前来帮忙。 After completing her second prime ministry she remained actively involved in political affairs. She came tothe rescue several times whenthe government was in difficulty. 5. 大选失败后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试耕作。 After his failure inthe election campaign Dr. Smith retired to a small village where he tried his hand at farming. 6. 只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆往事时就会感到心满足足的。 As long as you keep working hard all your life you will recall your past with a glowof satisfaction. 7.我们必须唤醒人们熟悉到环境保护的重要性。否则,就为时太晚了。 We must awaken people tothe importanceof environmental protection or it will be too late. 8. 那位官员因卷入一件政治丑闻而被撤职。假如早知会落到这般地步,他当初也许就会以


二十一世纪报纸高三版阅读文章 1. My Italian Treat (BCAD) Everyone has heard of the famous Italian dishes of pasta (面食) and pizza, far fewer have actually had the chance to taste them in Italy. But I was lucky enough to visit the country with my school and enjoyed my fill of these and other lively foods. We went to the town of Vietri, Salerno, in southern Italy. On the fist day, we were told that dinner would be at 7:30, but it actually began at 7:50. Our teachers had told us in advance about the relaxed pace of Italian life ! But still, we were starving (饥饿的). However, once it did, it was worth all the waiting. The sea-food salad was delicious, not too sour and not too salty. The cheeses were a different matter; I had heard they were famous, but it took me a while to get used to them. The fruits were excellent, so fresh they tasted as if they had just been picked. As we had been banned from drinking alcohol, we sipped (吮吸) water, instead of wine at meals. There were two types, one was ordinary, the other sparkling (发泡的) water. It tasted like a flavorless soda. During the visit, we discovered that real Italian pizza was very different from anything we had tasted before. It was cheap, savory(美味的) and had a soft texture (质地). My favorite was a plain one with just a cheese topping. Once I ate a whole one, almost 20cm in diameter (直径). I so stuffed (塞满) myself that I felt ill at the end of the meal. To be honest, unlike the other, I didn‘t much like the pasta. Perhaps I am too much in love with Chinese noodles to really take to them. My friend and I walked the whole of the town trying out different kinds of pastry (糕饼). The combination of sugar, cream and chocolate made them delicious. But if you hadn‘t had a sweet tongue, you would not have liked them, since they were very sweet. Every day, last thing in the evening, we had ice cream at a local store. We tried all the flavors ! It was so satisfying to go to bed on a full stomach with the memory of a whole day of eating fresh in your mind. Here‘s hoping that you too get to sample the wonderful food of Italy ! 1. In the article, the writer mainly tells us about _________. A. Italian pizza B. her experience of trying Italian foods C. the beautiful sights of Italy D. Italy‘s mysterious traditions 2. On the fist day in Italy, the dinner was delayed by 20 minutes probably because __________. A. the food they ordered was difficult to prepare B. waiting would give them a bigger appetite C. Italians have a relaxed attitude to life D. the Italians weren‘t very welcoming 3. During their stay in Italy, the writer enjoyed all of the following Italian foods EXCEPT____. A. pasta B. pizza C. sea-food salad D. pastries 4. The article tells us that the writer ___________. A. fell in love with Italian cheeses at her first bite B. felt ill after trying many flavors of ice cream C. doesn‘t have a sweet tongue D. was not allowed to drink alcohol in Italy 2. Hard Road to Success (BADC)

21世纪英文报小学版391期 Magic world

We love mothers! 本文作者: 21st 期号:391 阅读数:404 评论(1) 打印 收藏 妈妈,我爱你! May 12 is Mother’s Day this year. It’s a great day to show how much you love her. Making a Mother’s Day breakfast 做一顿美味早餐 Every day, mother cooks tasty1 food for us. But do you know what your mother’s favorite breakfast is? Today, let’s surprise2 her with a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast. Here is an easy menu (菜单) for you. You can cook with the help of your father: A glass of milk, a fried (油炸的) egg, a piece of bread and some fresh fruit. Spending the day with mother 陪伴妈妈一整天 The best Mother’s Day gift is to spend3 time with her. What does your mom usually like to do? Go shopping, watch movies or do other things? Accompany (陪伴) her to do whatever (无论什么) she likes. When you and Mom stay together, you can also talk about your school life and share4 your little secrets with her. Most importantly, tell her “Mom, I love you!” Making a special gift 亲手制作小礼物 If you are creative (有创意的), you can make special5 things for her. Here are some ideas for you. A Mother’s Day card: draw beautiful pictures and write some words to thank your mother. Mother’s Day collage (剪贴画): use your family photos to make a storybook for your mother. Being a helper 做个勤劳的小帮手 TEXT BY 21ST PHOTOS FROM AP AND XINHUA


Winnie the Witch and her big black cat Wilbur love to visit the museum. It’s full of fascinating (迷人的) things. But best of all is the dinosaur room. Winnie and Wilbur like to look at the bones (骨头), the footprints (脚印) and the models. One day Winnie has an idea. She takes out her Big Book of Spells. She shuts her eyes, stamps (跺) her foot and shouts:“ABRACADABRA!” And Winnie and Wilbur are back in the time of the dinosaurs. Winnie looks around carefully. “There it is!” she shouts. “It’s a triceratops (三角恐龙). Look at its three horns (角), Wilbur.” Winnie wants to take the dinosaur home for tea. She picks Wilbur up, jumps onto the dinosaur’s back. She waves her magic wand (魔棒) and shouts: “ABRACADABRA!” They go back to Winnie’s garden. The dinosaur doesn’t l ike sandwiches or muffins(松饼) or cakes. He enjoys eating Winnie’s trees and her roses. “Oh dear, he’ll eat my whole garden!“Winnie says. “It’s a pity he’s so big, Wilbur.” She has a wonderful idea. She waves her magic wand and shouts: “ABRACADABRA!” The huge dinosaur becomes a tiny dinosaur. And Wilbur has a playmate that is just the right size.温妮女巫和她的大黑猫威尔伯喜欢参观博物馆。它充满了迷人的(迷人的)事情。但最重要的是恐龙的房间。温妮和威尔伯想看看骨(骨头),脚印(脚印)和模型。 有一天温妮有想法。她拿出大法术书。她关上眼睛,邮票(跺)她的脚,大喊:“胡言乱语!“温妮和威尔伯的恐龙时代。 温妮仔细环顾四周。“有啊!”她喊道。“这是一个三角龙(三角恐龙)。看它的三个角(角),威尔伯。“维尼想把恐龙带回家喝茶。她选择威尔伯,跳跃到恐龙的背上。她波浪魔杖(魔棒),大喊:“胡言乱语!“他们回到温妮的花园。 恐龙不喜欢三明治或松饼(松饼)或蛋糕。他喜欢吃温妮的树木和她的玫瑰。“哦,亲爱的,他会吃我的整个花园!” 维尼说。“可惜他太大,威尔伯。“她有一个很棒的主意。她波浪魔杖,大喊:“胡言乱语!“巨大的恐龙变成一个小恐龙。和威尔伯有一个玩伴,只是合适的大小。
