















美国著名管理学家、《基业长青》一书的作者吉姆?柯林斯从 400 多位声名显赫的美国企业巨头中评选出了美国有史以来最伟大的 10 位 CEO(见《财富》中文版 9 月刊)。令人意外的是,许多赫赫有名的人物并未入选,如世界首富微软总裁比尔?盖茨、通用电气公司前 CEO 杰克?韦尔奇等。

相反,上榜的 10 位企业家有人当初根本就没想到自己是当 CEO 的料,例如波音公司总裁比尔?艾伦。柯林斯指出,这十大 CEO 的伟大之处在于:他们建立了在自己卸任之后,公司依然能够长久兴旺发达的企业机制;他们专心致志地构建一种大而持久的制度,并不刻意成为伟大的领袖;他们奠定了企业长盛不衰的基础,使企业能够持续发展。



首先,执行作为一种制度和文化,最基本的内核是什么? 我总结了十六个字: 认真第一,聪明第二;制度第一,能人第二。这里强调的显然是不要过分信赖个人的“聪明”和“才智”,而是要依靠制度和全体员工的认真。这同时也意味,大凡伟大的公司,文化必定是单一的,而凡是平庸的公司,都有各色花样的“上司文化”、“部门文化”。

其次是执行的方针问题,我也总结了十六个字: 结果提前,自我退后,锁定目标,简单重复。在执行的时候,要将客户利益和公司利益放在第一位,将“自我”隐藏在程序与流程之后,围绕目标培养员工的职业化精神,由此才能保证执行的效果。


在执行进行的过程中,需要把握的要点是速度第一,完美第二。我们在执行中常常有这种现象,曾经为得不到 100 而放弃,结果却是 0,若干成功经验和挫折告诉我们:0.1>0!

在执行结束之后,需要把握的要点是胜利第一,理由第二。责任是通过对行动结果的奖罚建立起来的,在大多数情况下(像 SRRS 这种特殊情况需要列为例外),要




新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150 分) 姓名_____ 分数 一、英汉互译(30X1') 1. private ____ 2. conversation __ 3. repeat 4. museum ___ 5. decision ___ 6. public 7. __________ distanc _______ 8.valuabl 9. expect 10. competition _ 11.begga _____ 12.performa nee 13.聚集______ 14乐器_______ 15经理 16.允许______ 17抱怨________ 18立刻 19.场合______ 20.经历 _______ 21扔、抛 22.打断______ 23发疯________ 24.服从 25.舞台______ 26抓到________ 27.账单 28匆忙______ 29返回/归还______ 30负担得起 二?单项选择题(20X1.5') 1. --- ------------- terrible weather it is! ----- It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ L ucy ' s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can ' t be D. mustn ' t be 3. It _____ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spe nt B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has — to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. bee n 5. Three months— quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember — her before. A. have met B. hav ing met C. to hav ing met D. to meet 7. I ' ll go with you to the theater as soon_as my homework.


第二单元做情绪情感的主人 第四课《揭开情绪的面纱》 第一课时《青春的情绪》教学设计 一、教学目标: 1、情感、态度与价值观目标:体验情绪的多样性、复杂性,激发学生正面的情绪感受。 2、能力目标:能够认识和把握自己的情绪,学会积极面对自己的情绪。提高学生青春期情 绪的自我觉察能力。 3、知识目标:了解情绪的分类;了解影响情绪的因素和情绪对个人观念和行动带来的影响;认识青春期的情绪特点,积极面对自己的情绪。 二、教学重、难点: 1、重点:情绪的复杂性和多样性;青春期情绪的特点。 2、难点:影响情绪变化的因素,感受青春期情绪变化的影响。 三、教学准备: 1、教师根据教材“运用你的经验”、“探究与分享”制作课件;搜集发生在学生日常生活中常见的情绪难题。 2、学生回忆亲身经历,分享自己的情绪故事。 四、教学方法: 多媒体教学、情境演绎法、合作探究法、讨论法、案例分析法、讲授法等。 五、教学过程: 课前热身:播放歌曲,师生互动,分享听歌感受。

情境模拟:《情绪短程游》教师:导游学生:游客 教师:为什么要播放这首歌呢?最近有一位同学她不是很开心,她来找我了,向我诉说了她的烦恼。 多媒体展示:她爱好广泛,喜欢阅读、英语还有歌曲;她性格开朗,开心了会大笑,生气了会咆哮,委屈了也会哭闹。她喜欢开心的自己,郁闷会生气的自己,心疼委屈的自己。她很困惑,为什么会有多种多样的自己?她究竟该怎样保持良好的自己,改变不好的自己?《思思的困惑》 学生思思:老师好,同学们好,谢谢老师说出了我的心声,这的确是我的困惑。我发现我最近在面对不同事情时,心情总是起伏不定。 教师:人在面对不同的情境时,感受是不同的。为了解答你的困惑,今天我们就和现场所有的同学来一场短程旅游活动,而我就是你们的情绪导游,你们是我的游客。接下来就让我们一起来帮思思《揭开情绪的面纱》,共同探讨《青春的情绪》。 探究活动一:情境表演《你的心思我来猜》 教师:情绪导游为你们创设了四个情境,在遇到以下情境时,你会有怎样的感受? 多媒体展示: 情境一:英语课上老师临时检查抽背课文; 情境二:下课铃响,老师还在拖堂; 情境三:过生日收到好朋友的礼物; 情境四:晚上回家有许多作业要做却突然停电了。 学生思考讨论。 教师:综上所述,我们了解了面对不同的情境,我们会出现惊喜、担忧、焦虑或生气等不同情绪,而同一个情境,不同的人也会产生不同的情绪,这体现了情绪的复杂性和多样性。接下来我们将情绪进行一下分类: 教师总结:知识点一:情绪的种类(重点) 1、基本情绪:喜、怒、哀、惧 2、复杂情绪:害羞、焦虑、厌恶、内疚 教师过渡:那么我们这些情绪的产生受哪些因素影响呢?(难点) 探究活动二:生活情境讨论 多媒体展示:


新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150分) 姓名分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 9. expect 10. competition 13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理 16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻 19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛 22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从 25. 舞台26抓到27. 账单 28匆忙29返回/归还30负担得起 二.单项选择题(20×1. 5’) 1. —— _______ terrible weather it is! —— It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can’t be D. mustn’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem —_____. A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not afraid C. I’m no sure D. I’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house


新概念第二册第一单元测试 一、根据要求完成单词(10分) 1. friendly __________ (反义词) 2. decision __________(动词) 3. musical __________ (名词) 4. waiter __________(女服务员) 5. 对...的浪费____________ 6. r _________________ ad.无礼地,粗鲁地7、竞赛n. ________________ 8、发疯的adj. _______________ 9、和往常一样________________ 10、应得到,值得v. ______________ 二、找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(5分) 1. A. theatre B .those C. think D. thirsty 2. A.decision B.begin C desk D behind 3. A,postcard B.whole C. old D.box 4. A.excuse B.student C. duty D.business 5. A.private B. ring C. business D.until 三、写出下列单词的不规则变化(10分) 1. buy ________ ________ 2. draw ________ _________ 3. catch ________ ________ 4. teach ________ ________ 5. spend ________ ________ 6. eat ________ _________ 7. leave ________ ________ 8 put ________ ________ 9. forget ________ ________ 10. drink ________ ________ 四.单项选择(30分) 1. —I’m sorry sir. The tickets have been s old out. —___ A. What a pity! B. Certainly. C. May I have two tickets? D. You’re welcome. 2. Does John know any other language ______French. A. except B. but C. besides D. beside 3. When I reached home, my parents __________their supper. A. are having B.have already had C.have had D. had already had 4. Can you look yourself when I’m out? A. at B. for C. after D. up


人教版思品七上第二单元第四课第二框感悟青春过关试题 一、单项选择题 1、对右面的漫画认识正确的是() A.青少年喜欢追求个性独立,是可取的 B.是自己的正常爱好,别人不能干涉 C.在服饰、头型上追求标新立异,不符合青少年的身心发展特点 D.体现了青少年对美的追求 答案:C 知识点:青春误读 解析:分析:本题考查对追求个性的认识。追求个性不一定要在装扮上标新立异,真正的个性是从内心深处散发的魅力,我们不应在一些外在的东西上追求特异,而应该在丰富自我内心世界上下功夫。选项A、B、D均对漫画做了肯定的解释,都是错误的。 点评:追求个性不一定要在装扮上标新立异,人格独立不是故作姿态。真正的个性在于从内心散发的魅力,真正的独立是逐渐摆脱依赖,勇于为自己行为负责的精神。 2、青春是一本无字的书,每个人都想让她灿烂,充实,你认为怎样才能做到这一点( ) A.及时行乐,沉湎于网吧 B.两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书 C.努力学习知识来丰富自己 D.标新立异 答案:C 知识点:青春误读感悟青春赞美青春 解析:分析:此题考查的是“青春误读”的内容,让我们明白真正的美是内在的美,真正的个性在于从内心深处散发出的以力。 点评:青春期是人生关键时期,是人生过渡时期,走好青春期,是未来成功的基石。

3、在中国1500万名青少年烟民中,多数是认为吸烟才有派,是有个性的表现。对于这种想法的认识不正确的是() A是对青春的误读,只会扭曲自己的世界观 B吸烟是体现男子汉气派的行为,是成熟的表现 C没认识到真正的个性是内心深处散发的魅力 D步入青春期,应该逐步培养正确的审美观 答案:B 知识点:青春误读感悟青春赞美青春 解析:分析:本题考查正确认识青春的知识,吸烟对身体危害严重,我们应该逐步培养自己的辨别能力与审美观,B项认识错误。 点评:注意本题是反向选择题,选出不对的选项。 4、“如何与异性同学健康交往?”2015年3月19日,湖南武陵源区天子山中心学校举行了一场青春期健康教育讲座。讲座引导学生正确处理男女生关系,大大方方与异性同学交往。这是因为( ) ①男女生交往可以解决青春期的各种困惑 ②只要坦诚相待,男女生可以成为真正的朋友 ③男女生交往只有好处,没有任何弊端 ④男女生正常交往是学校生活的一个重要方面 A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.②④ 答案:D 知识点:感悟青春赞美青春 解析:分析:正确认识男女生正常交往的意义,有助于建立良好的同学关系。男女生正常交往是学校生活的一个重要方面;只要坦诚相待,男女生可以成为真正的朋友。因此,我们要辩证地看待男女生交往,既要看到其益处,也要看到其弊端。①的说法太绝对,③的说法是错误的。 点评:恰当的男女生交往有利于智力上取长补短,有利于情感上的交流和互补,有利于个性的充分发展,有利于互相激励。 分析下面漫画,回答5-6题:


新概念英语第二册一单元(上) 教学知识点 一、重点短语 Lesson1: go to the theatre/movie Pay attention to=focus on=be concentrate on Take notice of get(be ) angry(with)/angrily turn round=turn around in the end=at last=finally none of one’s business make a conversation talk loudly/speak louder/read aloud Lesson2: get up/wake up/get down/get on Sit up/jump up Sometimes/sometime/some time/some times Out of the window/by the window/ Stay in bed/go to bed Not……until What a day! Just then/from then(now) on By+交通工具 Have breakfast(lunch/dinner)/a meal Lesson3: public gardens=park In public/in the public eye A single day Teach sb. sth. Lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb. Borrow sth from sb. Few/a few/little/a little A few words Think about/of/ Send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb. On the last day Make a decision=make up one’s mind Lesson4: receive sth. from sb. Work for/work with A great number of/ the number of Try to do sth.= take efforts to do sth. Fly to+地点 In the centre of ……/in the middle of Find sb. doing sth. A big firm(company) Lesson5: sp. +距离长度+from+ sp. In three minutes/after three minutes Cover/be covered with Up to now=up till now=until now=so far A great many One……the other…… From……to…… In the way/on the way/in this way/ by the way/in a way Spare parts/ a part of/ the portion of Carry the message to/ leave a message for Lesson6: move to/settle in/settle down Knock at/knock on/knock down/knock off Knock oer/knock out Ask/ ask for A glass of In return for/in return Stand on one’ head(hand) Go away/get away/ Tell sb. (about) sth. Call at+地点 Call on+人 Once/twice/three times a day/month/year Once upon a time/once more/once again/ Once in a while Lesson7:at the airport Expect sth./expect sb. to do sth. Wait on +地点 Wait for Take sth. off/take off Keep guard=stand guard=patrol To one’s surprise Be full of=be filled with Look at/for/after Put out/put……out Put on/put……on


新概念英语第二册测试卷 基础听力 一、本部分有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。(2*5) 1.Why doesn’t the man leave the house? A.His son will go abroad next year. B.He has not enough money. C.He likes the place. 2.What will be built in Peter’s village? A.An airport B.A train station C.A bus stop. 3.How does the man write the letters? A.He writes the letters on paper. B. He writes the letters by computer. C. He writes the letters in the book 4. What does Tom give Amy? A.Some food B.Some paper C.A letter 5.Who is Peter? A.The man’s father.. B. The woman’s father. C.The dog. 二、听对话或独白,选择最佳选项,每段对话或独白听两遍。(2*5) 听对话,回答第6至7题 6.How much is John’s house? A.50,000 yuan B.500,000 yuan C.5,000,000 yuan 7.What will the woman do if she has a large sum of money? A.She wants to build a beautiful garden. B. She wants to build a beautiful house C. She wants to build a shool. 听独白,回答第8至10题 8.Where are they? A.In a hostel B.In the street. C.At home. 9.Where did Milly lose her money? A.In a shop. B.On her way home C. In a hostel 10.How much did Milly lose last week? A.600 pounds. B.500 pounds. C.100 pounds. 词汇.语法 三. 从A.B.C.D中选出最佳选项。(1*20) 1.Is that a_____? ---Yes,There are kinds of beautiful shoes in it. Let’s go and have a look. A.fruit shop B.clothes store C.shoe store D. book shop 2. The cake______good. I can’t wait to eat it. A.feels B.sounds C.becomes D.smells 3.Mum, Mary bought a parrot yesterday.Could you please buy_____for me? ---Sure,but you must take good care of it. A.one B.this C.it D.that 4.The boy was so attracted by the computer games that he forgot______else. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 5.It is quite hot these days. And today is _______day. A.hot B.hotter C.as hot as D.the hottest 6.How long have you_____China? ——For three years. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d414434980.html,e back B.returned C.left D.been away from 7.Do you want to know_____in the future?A special mirror invented by the French scientists can help you. A.what you will look like B. what will you look like C. how do you look like D. how you look like 8.We_____talk loudly when we see the sign on the right. A.must B.mustn’t C.need D.needn’t 9.Please take the medicine three times a day,_____it won’t work well. A.and B.but C.or D.so 10.Your dress is so nice. ——Thanks! It___by my uncle as a birthday present. A.bought B.was bought C.has bought D.will buy 11.The noise made by the little boy every day drives me mad. He_____4 people _____. A.has drove;away B.has driven;in C. has driven; away D. has drove;in 12.Don’t accuse me____stealing from you, I never went to your house. A.of B.from C.on D.in 13.What ____sweet water! I have never drunk such water like this.. A.a B.an C.the D./ 14.Where is Johnson? I can’t find him anywhere. ——He____letters upstairs. A.might have written B.must have written C.must be writing D.must write 15. _____honest he was! He gave the money to the person who lost it yesterday. A.what B.which C.why D.how 16. Our party turned ugly when a drunk man started to throw bottles_____the window. A. on B. of C. through D. in 17.Many villages in the Third World______an acute (严重的) shortage of clean water. A. suffer from B. suffer in C. suffer over D. suffer of 18. I _____being a singer before I went to the university. But now I don’t want to be a singer,because I have no money to learn music. A.dreamed B. dreamed of C. had dreamed D. had dreamed of 19. Last year,when we_____the U.S.,my little girl became interested in the history of this country. A. were travelling across B. travel across C.were travelling through D. travel through 20. In this village, the villagers ____wheat. A. live B. live with C. live on D. live in 21.The wine can_____me_____my mind. A.drive;away B. drive;into C. drive;out of D. drive;over 22. What______trouble he caused! He is driving me mad now!.


青春的情绪 一、单选题 1.中央电视台《等着我》是帮助寻人的一档公益节目,当寻亲人讲述自己在寻亲时遭遇的苦难经过时,许多观众为之潸然泪下;当希望之门打开他们与亲人久别重逢时,很多观众又为之喜极而泣。这个材料说明() ①人的情绪具有多样性和丰富性②情绪犹如双刃剑,有积极和消极影响 ③人的情绪具有相通性和感染性④学会调节和控制情绪,保持乐观心态 A.①②③ B.②③ C.①③ D.②③④ 2.对下列名言或俗语分析有误的是() A.人逢喜事精神爽——积极的情绪可以使人精神焕发,干劲倍增 B.乐极生悲——情绪对人的正常才能的发挥有一定的影响 C.凡是有快乐的地方就有快乐和宝藏——以积极的情绪面对生活,则快乐和充实将伴随你 D.如果因为错过太阳而流泪,那么你又要错过群星了——要学会克服情绪的消极面,不因一次失败而气馁 3.一位女同学写了这样一首诗:我是深夜风浪里的一只小舟,任我在风浪里颠簸漂流,无情的风浪像要把我抛进旋涡。岸上沉睡的,听不见我的呼救,即使听见也不需要他们来救我,因为我永远是一只孤独的小舟。诗意所反映的情绪是() A.喜悦 B.恐惧 C.愤怒 D.孤独悲哀 4.“不同的情境下会产生不同的情绪”,下面能体现这一观点的是() A.在玫瑰园里,妹妹说,这是个坏地方,每朵花下面都有刺:姐姐说,这是个好地方,每根枝条上都有花 B.在运动会上,体验成功的兴奋;在劳动中,共同享受收获的喜悦 C.放学时。铃声是悦耳的;思考时,铃声是刺耳的 D.面对夕阳,小乐感叹,最美不过夕阳红;小辉感慨,夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏 5.面对同样美丽的风光,大诗人李白在流放途中写下了“楚江清若空,遥将碧海通……平生不下泪,于此泣无穷”的忧郁诗句。几年后,他遇到大赦,重获自由,路过此地欣喜提笔写道:“朝辞白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。”来反映自己愉悦之情。由此可见() ①人的情绪是复杂多样的②人的情绪反映着人对外界事物的态度



第七课时第四课第二框感悟青春:青春畅想 一、教材分析 教学重点:从一种精神气质的角度全面认识青春的内涵,解读青春。 教学难点:本课教学主题带有丰害情感性。因此,如何保持课堂中轻松活跃的氛围,让学生亲身体会“欢快”是难点所在。 二、学生分析 资料收集、游戏活动、故事会以及诗歌朗诵,这些都是学生非常喜欢的学习活动,可以说学生的积极性就是一种很好的教学资源,教师要充分利用。但学生收集什么资料、怎样组织开展有序的教学活动还缺乏经验,因此,教师有必要对学生进行指导。使课堂做到活而不乱,使教学效果达到最优化。 三、综合设计思路: 帮助学生在青春期的一些观念及行为误区有所认识的基础上,引导学生对成长、对青春有更为全面的理解和把握,从关注自己的身心变化提升到一种精神上的追求。 课前搜集描写青春的诗歌、散文,或自己创作,课堂上进行朗诵表演。 通过学生的创作和表演,让学生领悟信心、爱与美丽的梦想将使青春永驻。青春将使我们对未来充满新奇,使我们有勇气去面对眼前的一切。 四、教学中存在的疑问: 本课的课堂气氛的调控是比较难以把握的,既要防止冷场;也要避免毫无效果“新闻发布会”即唱高调的局面出现。 第八课时第四课第三框祝福青春 一、教材分析 教学重点:1、解读青春:通过学生自己收集材料、讨论、并论证观点,从理性角度认识青春。 2、探讨、升华青春:通过学生自己对两段材料的分析,让他们逐步揭示青

春的含义是分两个层面的。探讨在这种情况下,我们怎样才能把握真正的青春,使学生明白珍惜美好青春的重要性。 教学难点:让学生理解,青春并不是由年龄决定的。拥有青春的体魄,并不意味着拥有真正的青春。要拥有并保持真正的青春是需要付出不断努力的。 二、学生分析 有句话叫“生在福中不知福”,如果把它用来形容此时的初中学生,那时最贴切的了。的确,现在的初中生在物质上得到极大的满足时,但由于年龄和学习上的压力而对自己所拥有的幸福没有更深刻的认识,因此,很多学生都认为其他人比自己更幸福,对青春缺乏一种渴望的热情。因此,科学引导学生的认识,引发学生深入思考就显得尤为必要。 三、综合设计思路: 本课通过学生的体验和行动祝福自己的青春,以积极乐观的心态迎接青春期的到来。 在教材处理上,我将《感悟青春》这一框的后半部分“青春畅想”与《祝福青春》这一框结合起来,把内容做了调整,做了一个课时。目的在于理清线索,前后连贯,以免类似的活动使学生产生重复感。 在课堂内容设计上,我采取“发现问题——认识问题——解决问题——提升思想认识——融入日常生活”的流程,首先用大量的材料(教师搜集、学生搜集)穿插在活动过程中,让学生在搜集、思考的过程中产生问题,并在讨论、论证过程中,自己慢慢理清思路,解决问题,并把问题的解决方法融入日常生活中去。 活动1:想象青春 每人准备一张纸,填写下表: 看到“青春”两字,你最先想到的是什么/ 哪一种(个)…… 1、颜色: 2、形状: 3、动物: 4、植物: 5、季节: 6、歌曲: 7、人物:8、服饰: 9、词语:10、体育运动: 分析:你所填的有没有什么共同或相似之处?是什么?


新概念英语第二册第一单元测试题(满分150 分) 姓名分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect 10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance 13. 聚集14.乐器15.经理 16. 允许17.抱怨18.立刻 19. 场合20. 经历21.扔、抛 22. 打断23.发疯24. 服从 25. 舞台26 抓到27. 账单 28 匆忙29 返回/ 归还30 负担得起 二.单项选择题(20× 1. 5’) 1. ——_______ terrible weather it is! ——It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy ’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can ’t be D. mustn ’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I ’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem? —_____. A. I ’m afraid not B. I ’m not afraid C. I ’m no sure D. I ’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house?


第一单元测试(1-24课) 一.英汉互译20% 1. 私人谈话 2.无法忍受 3.不关你的事 4.几句话 5.在…中部 6.倒立 7.报名参加8.最佳花园竞赛9.市政厅 10.维持秩序11. on the way 12.apart from 13.ask for a lift 14.look up 15.Don’t interrupt 16.street signs 17.in spite of 18.grown up 19.pay the bill 20.on the stage 二.单项选择题30% 1.The money____ in his room. a. was b. were c. are d. has 2.He could do nothing. He couldn’t do_________. a. something b. nothing c. anything d. everything 3.The manager was sympathetic._____________. a. Everyone liked him b. He liked everyone c. He was sorry for the writer d. He liked the writer 4.The girl returned the money .She was very ______________. a. honourable b. honest c. honoured d. trusting 5.If she _________she will get a surprise. a. comes b. came c. has come d. will come 6.Work on it had begun before my sister left. My sister left _________it had begun. a. after b. without c. behind d. soon 7.They will travel faster. They will travel __________. a. sooner b. more quickly c .hurriedly d. shorter 8.She never thought ___________it again. a. for b. to c. at d. about 9.I have been offered some money. They want to ________me some money. a. serve b .give c. take d. make 10.I have been offered a large ____________of money. a. amount b. number c. some d. piece 11.I am determined to stay here. I _________ stay here. a. am will to b. want to c. may d. am going to 12. I am even less lucky. I am ________lucky. a. more b. as c. not so d. so 13.I am only interested in doing nothing. That’s________ I’m interested in . a. only b. the one c. all d. the only 14.He never _________any fish. a. holds b. takes hold of c .catches d. takes 15.You must give up fishing. You must ____________. a. stop b. begin c. surrender d. end 16.I might as well have them. I am ___________to have them.

新概念英语第二册 第一单元课文与笔记(打印版)

1 Lesson 1 - A private conversation Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. …I can?t hear a word!? I said angrily. …It?s none of your business,? the young man said rudely. …This is a private conversation!? New words and expressions 生词和短语 o private adj. 私人的o conversation n. 谈话o theatre n. 剧场,戏院 o seat n. 座位o play n. 戏o loudly adv. 大声地 o angry adj. 生气的o angrily adv. 生气地o attention n. 注意 o bear v. 容忍o business n. 事o rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”


新概念第二册第一单元测试 Name________ Marks________ Ⅰ单选: (18分) 1.The movie was very___ she was really ___ in it. A. interest; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interest; interests 2. The play ____ finish ____ nine last night. A. not, until B. didn’t, until C. doesn’t until D. not, until 3. Sherry didn’t know what to do at the beginning; but she made her _____ at last. A. decide B. decides C. deciding D. decision 4. Jean spent fifty hours ___ the book. A. reading B. to read C. in read D. read 5.Planning so far ahead ____ no sense(意义)--- so many things will have changed by next year. A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made 6.I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ____ polite(礼貌的). A. was just being B. will just be C . had just been D. would just be 7. There is ____ milk in the bottle, but there is ______ fly in it. A. a; a B. some, a C. some, a D. any, a 8.The number of the foreign students attending Chinese universities ____ rising since 1990. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been 9. Tony runs fast; Jack runs ____ ; Tim runs ____. A. faster, fastest B. fast, fast C. fast, faster D. faster, faster 10. Helen arrived ___ London airport ____ the morning of June 7. A. in, on B. at, on C. at, at D. at, in 11. Don’t ____ other people’s mistakes. A. laugh B. laugh at C. laugh on D. laugh in 12.My parents ___ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. A. live B. lived C. were living D. will live 13. To _______, he won the match at last. A. my surprised B. my surprising C. my surprise D. my surprises 14. If you ____ the book tomorrow, you will be very happy. A. will read B. will reading C. will be reading D. read 15. He ___ football regularly for many years when he was young. A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played 16.I not only ____ spoke English very carefully , ____ very carefully _____. Abut also; too B. and; either C. but; as well D. and; so well 17. Y ou can stay here tonight . We can put you _____ in the spare room. A. away B. up C. in D. out 18.______, have you seem Tom _______? A.By the way; lately B. In the way; recently C. On the way ; lately D. In a way; recently
