

城市规划专业英语词汇 1



·unban planning 城市规划

town planning 城镇规划

act of urban planning 城市规划法

urban comprehensive planning 城市总体规划

urban detailed planning 城市详细规划

Residentiral district detailed planning 修建性详规

regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规


reginal planning 区域规划

urban system planning 城镇体系规划

urban sociology 城市社会学

urban economic 城市经济学

urban geograghy 城市地理学

urban infrastructure planning 城市基础设施规划

(water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building)


urban road system and transportation planning 城市道路系统和交通规划

urban road cross-section 城市道路横断面

urban management information system 城市管理信息系统

GIS =geograghy information system 地理信息系统

RS=remote sensing 遥感

Gardening==Landscape architecture 园林=营造景观学

Urban landscape planning and design 城市景观规划和设计Urban green space system planning 城市绿地系统规划

Urban design 城市设计

·Land-use planning 土地利用规划

The cultural and historic planning 历史文化名城

Protection planning 保护规划

Urbanization 城市化

Suburbanization 郊区化

Public participation 公众参与

Sustainable development(sustainability) 可持续性发展(可持续性)Over-all urban layout 城市整体布局

Pedestrian crossing 人行横道

Human scale 人体尺寸

(sculpture fountain tea bar) (雕塑、喷泉、茶吧)

Traffic and parking 交通与停车

Landscape node 景观节点

·Brief history of urban planning Archaeological 考古学的

Habitat 住处

Aesthetics 美学

Geometrical 几何学的

Moat 护城河

Vehicles 车辆,交通工具

,mechanization 机械化

merchant-trader 商人阶级

urban elements 城市要素

plazas 广场

malls 林荫道

·The city and region

Adaptable 适应性强的

Organic entity 有机体

Department stores 百货商店

Opera 歌剧院

Symphony 交响乐团

Cathedrals 教堂

Density 密度

Circulation 循环

Elimination of water 水处理措施

In three dimensional form 三维的Condemn 谴责

Rural area 农村地区

Regional planning agencies 区域规划机构Service-oriented 以服务为宗旨的Frame of reference 参考标准Distribute 分类

Water area 水域

Alteration 变更

Inhabitants 居民

Motorway 高速公路

Update 改造


Abstract 摘要

Key words 关键词

Reference 参考资料

·Urban problem

Dimension 大小

Descendant 子孙,后代

Luxury 奢侈

Dwelling 住所

Edifices 建筑群


Residence 居住

Employment 工作

Recreation 休憩


Swallow 吞咽,燕子

Urban fringes 城市边缘

Anti- 前缀,反对……的;如:antinuclear反核的 anticlockwise逆时针的

Pro- 前缀,支持,同意……的;如:pro-American 亲美的pro-education 重教育的

Grant 助学金,基金

Sewage 污水

Sewer 污水管

Sewage treatment plant 污水处理厂

Brain drain 人才流失

Drainage area 汇水面积

Traffic flow 交通量

Traffic concentration 交通密度

Traffic control 交通管制

Traffic bottleneck 交通瓶颈地段Traffic island 交通岛(转盘)Traffic point city 交通枢纽城市

Train-make-up 编组站

Urban redevelopment 旧城改造

Urban revitalization 城市复苏

·Urban Function

Urban fabric 城市结构

Urban form 城市形体

Warehouse 仓库

Material processing center 原料加工中心Religious edifices 宗教建筑Correctional institution 教养院

Transportation interface 交通分界面

CBD=central business district 城市中心商业区Public agencies of parking 停车公共管理机构Energy conservation 节能

Individual building 单一建筑

Mega-structures 大型建筑

Mega- 大,百万,强

Megalopolis 特大城市

Megaton 百万吨

R residence 居住用地黄色

C commercial 商业用地红色

M manufacture 工业用地紫褐色

W warehouse 仓储用地紫色

T transportation 交通用地蓝灰色

S square 道路广场用地留白处理

U utilities 市政公共设施用地接近蓝灰色G green space 绿地绿色

P particular 特殊用地

E 水域及其他用地

(除E外,其他合为城市建设用地)Corporate 公司的,法人的

Corporation 公司企业

Accessibility 可达性;易接近

Service radius 服务半径

城市规划专业词汇 2

Urban landscape

Topography 地形图

Well-matched 相匹配


Visual landscape 视觉景观

Visual environment 视觉环境

Visual landscape capacity 视觉景观容量Tour industry 旅游业

Service industry 服务业

Relief road 辅助道路

Rural population 城镇居民

Roofline 屋顶轮廓线

风景园林四大要素:landscape plant architecture/building



·Urban design

Nature reserve 自然保护区

Civic enterprise 市政企业

Artery 动脉,干道,大道

Land developer 土地开发商

Broad thorough-fare 主干道

·Water supply and drainage

A water supply for a town 城市给水系统Storage reservoir 水库,蓄水库Distribution reservoir 水库,配水库Distribution pipes 配水管网

Water engineer 给水工程师Distribution system 配水系统Catchment area 汇水面积

Open channel 明渠

Sewerage system 污水系统,排污体制Separate 分流制

Combined 合流制

Rainfall 降水

Domestic waste 生活污水Industrical waste 工业污水Stream flow 河流流量

Runoff 径流

Treatment plant 处理厂

Sub-main 次干管

Branch sewer 支管

City water department 城市供水部门


Spatial structure 空间转移

Labor force 劳动力

Renewable 可再生*

Biosphere 生物圈

Planned cities

Blueprints 蓝图

License 执照,许可证Minerals 矿物

Hydroelectric power source 水利资源

Monuments 纪念物

High-rise apartment 高层建筑物Lawn 草地

Pavement 人行道

Sidewalk 人行道

Winding street 曲折的路

·A view of Venice

Metropolis 都市

Construction work 市政建设

Slums 平民窟

Alleys 大街小巷

Populate 居住

Gothic 哥特式Renaissance 文艺复兴式Baroque 巴洛克式


问题: 1、你是那个学校毕业的?学的什么专业?为什么选择考这个学校? 2、研究生教育和本科教育有什么不同? 3、我是哪里人,父母是做什么的,家乡有什么风景名胜 4、自己的兴趣是什么,有什么爱好,以及我选择这所学校、这个专业的原因是什么 5、为什么报考本专业,读研后在相关领域的短期、长期规划是什么 6、英口问题的类型也很多,类似于“introduce yourself”、“what causes have you learned in your college”、“what have inpressed you most” 1.Why did you choose Nanjing university?(你为什么选择报考南京大学?) 2.Why did you choose MBA?(你为什么选择报考MBA专业?) 3.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(毕业5年后,你希望从事什么样的工作?) 4.What has been your greatest accomplishment?(你曾取得的最大成就是什么?) 5.Describe your greatest strengths and weaknesses. (请描述一下你最大的优点和缺点?) 6.What have you learned from the jobs you have held?(你从以往所从事的工作中学到了哪些东西?)  二、口试内容与结构 一般分为两部分,有两名教师参加口试工作,一名教师主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分;另一名教师专事评分,不参与交谈。两名口试教师所给的分数各占口试成绩的50%。 第一部分:考查学生理解并回答有关日常生活、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力(3分钟)。 第二部分:考查学生连续表达的能力。考生从所给你的问题中选择一个话题,就此话题表达自己的看法(3分钟)。口试用材料(部分,仅供参考) part A interlocutor(问话者): ------good morning. my name is ……,and this is my colleague…..he is just going to listening to us .are your name is…..? ------first of all, we’d like to know sth. about you, so i’m going to ask some questions about yourself。 (从以下各项问题中选择几个适当的问题提问考生) ------hometown where are you from? how long have you lived there? how do you like it? why? do you live near here? where about? what do you think are the good points about living in this city? ------family could you tell us sth. about you family? what does your family usually do for the weekend? what do you think about living together with your parents? ------leisure do you have any hobbies? how did you become interested in the hobbies? ------study/work why do you choose to study at our institute? why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job? what are your favorite subjects? what kind of job did you do?


方案:Design, Scheme 初步设计:Primary Design 施工图CD: Construction Design Fuction 功能区 Light 灯具 Droplight 吊灯 吸顶灯 Entrance 入口 Living room 客厅 Sitting room 起居室 Embed light 嵌灯 Dinning room 餐厅 Daylight lamp 日光灯 Kitchen 厨房 Reflect down light 筒灯 Office 书房 Quartz down-light 石英灯Master bedroom 主卧房Votage track light 射灯 Quest bedroom 客卧 Track light 轨道灯 Children bedroom 儿童房Picture light 镜画灯 Hiding light 暗藏灯管Projection room 视听室

Dressing room 更衣室Wall lamp 壁灯Storeroom 储藏室Reading lamp 台灯Master bathroom 主卫Floor lamp 落地灯Bathroom 卫生间Bathroom fixture 卫生洁具Wash room 洗衣房Staircase 楼梯Washbowl 洗手台[台盆] Aisle 过道 Water faucet 水龙头Closestool 座便器Gazebe 阳台 Urinal 小便斗 Garden 花园 Bathtab 浴缸 Swimming pool 游泳池Shower bath 淋浴房Furniture 家具 Wiring 电器设备Cupboard 厨房橱柜Television 电视机


Lesson 1 Compression Members New Words 1. achieve achievement 2. eccentricity center, 中心; ec centric 偏心的;ec centricity 偏心,偏心距 3. inevitable evitable 可避免的avoidable; in evitable 不可避免的unavoidable 4. truss 桁架triangular truss, roof truss, truss bridge 5. bracing brace 支柱,支撑;bracing, 支撑,撑杆 6. slender 细长,苗条;stout; slenderness 7. buckle 压曲,屈曲;buckling load 8. stocky stout 9. convincingly convince, convincing, convincingly 10. stub 树桩,短而粗的东西;stub column 短柱 11. curvature 曲率;curve, curvature 12. detractor detract draw or take away; divert; belittle,贬低,诽谤; 13. convince 14. argument dispute, debate, quarrel, reason, 论据(理由) 15. crookedness crook 钩状物,v弯曲,crooked 弯曲的 16. provision 规定,条款 Phrases and Expressions 1. compression member 2. bending moment shear force, axial force 3. call upon (on) 要求,请求,需要 4. critical buckling load 临界屈曲荷载critical 关键的,临界的 5. cross-sectional area 6. radius of gyration 回转半径gyration 7. slenderness ratio 长细比 8. tangent modulus 切线模量 9. stub column 短柱 10. trial-and-error approach 试算法 11. empirical formula 经验公式empirical 经验的 12. residual stress 残余应力residual 13. hot-rolled shape 热轧型钢hot-rolled bar 14. lower bound 下限upper bound 上限 16. effective length 计算长度 Definition (定义) Compression members are those structural elements that are subjected only to axial compressive forces: that is, the loads are applied along a longitudinal axis through the centroid of the member cross section, and


提出问题——在面试快结束的时候,一般老师都会问,你有没有什么要问的(Do you have any questions to ask)。一般不适合说“I don’t have any question。”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题。 ARE U READY ……GO!!!!!! 问考官几个问题: 1、Could you give some advice about how to make self better and how to balance the daily life and the study 2、Could you recommend[,rek?'mend] some books for I can adapt to the study more easily 1英语面试准备的材料—自我介绍 morning ,dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here (个人简要信息)I am yanjinbin,21 years old,I am graduating from MIE this june,my major is biotechnology,Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you. (表明自己的兴趣)I am obsessed with the life and the science ,so I want to continue to explore it in the biology fields,and broaden my horizons[h?'raiz?n], % Morever,some famous people graduating from here,such as the founder,he is a man of great charm, xxxxx,he is one of the chinese academy of science, Both of them are the people who characterize the spirit of zhejiang unversity ---seek the truth, and that’s why I choose to pursue advanced studies in…..,…….. Well,the ………..is my favourite field,because it can make a big difference in our daily life,though we can not 性格适合搞研究(性格能力说明你适合搞研究) 独立I am an independent man,when I argue with others ,I will adhere to the truth under any condition 善于分析Morever,I am good at analysis,I will become better every times I failed to finish the experiment,I will find the error and make an adjustment in times 善于交际和团队工作My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirits will be appropriate for the future study, ) 在实验上的,My training in the experiment about ……..can polished my abilities, 毅力Most of important,my /………..and carefulness qualify me for advanced study and the scientific research Not only I like do researches,but also do some sports, In my lesuire time, (喜欢运动)I like to do some sports,for building my body and relaxing myself ,such as riding biycle, play badminton, watch movies and listen some light music, . seek the balance between the research and the life 追星 My admirable celebrity is the NBA player,Dwyane Wade,who is one of the Miami Heat team, He helped the Miami Heat win the first NBA Final champion in 2006, &


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


non-destructive test 非破损检验 non-load—bearingwall 非承重墙 non—uniform cross—section beam 变截面粱 non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement 纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数 normal concrete 普通混凝土 normal section 正截面 notch and tooth joint 齿连接 number of sampling 抽样数量 O obligue section 斜截面 oblique—angle fillet weld 斜角角焊缝 one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab “单向板” open web roof truss 空腹屋架, ordinary concrete 普通混凝土(28) ordinary steel bar 普通钢筋(29) orthogonal fillet weld 直角角焊缝(61) outstanding width of flange 翼缘板外伸宽度(57) outstanding width of stiffener 加劲肋外伸宽度(57) over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·钢梁整体稳定系数(58) overlap 焊瘤(62) overturning or slip resistance analysis 抗倾覆、滑移验算(10) P padding plate 垫板(52) partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝(61) partition 非承重墙(7) penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝(60) percentage of reinforcement 配筋率(34) perforated brick 多孔砖(43) pilastered wall 带壁柱墙(42) pit·凹坑(62) pith 髓心(?o) plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构(24) plane hypothesis 平截面假定(32) plane structure 平面结构(11) plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架(5) plank 板材(65) plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section 截面塑性发展系数(58) plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计(56) plastic hinge·塑性铰(13) plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone 受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数


在考研复试的面试环节中, “你为什么要考研”, “为什么选择本校” , “为什么选择本专业”通常是考官们非常感兴趣的话题。尤其对于跨校跨专业的考生来说,一定要充分准备这些问题。那么对于这些问题的回答来说,该注意什么,导师们不原意听到的原因有哪些,愿意听到的原因又有哪些,具体该如何作答,针对这些问题,为大家一一解答。 问题一:你为什么要考研?(why do you choose to further your study instead of going to work after graduation?) 关键点: 1) 导师们不愿听到的: ①不好就业; ②为了考公务员; ③为了有机会有户口; ④父母的意愿 2) 导师们希望听到的: ①对知识的追求; ②职业目标的需要 参考模板: Firstly, I have a profound love in my major, _______, which is very practical and useful. Through four ye ars’ study in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve some specific problems though I have

good academic records in all the subjects. So I decide to further my education and take the postgraduate entrance examination. Secondly, I want to take (专业相关职业)as my life long career so further study in this field is still necessary. In my opinion, I can broaden my horizon and enrich the knowledge in this field through the postgraduate education. It is an indispensable step for my self-development in the future as well. Last but not least, I have a long-lasting love of the atmosphere of campus. It is full of passion and youthful spirit. All the things can inspire me to form some fantastic thoughts and excellent ideas. This kind of atmosphere is very helpful for study. For all the reasons mentioned above, I choose to take part in this entrance exam. I would be very grateful if I could be given the opportunity to study in your university. Thank you. 问题二:你为什么选择本校?(why do you choose to further your study in our university?) 关键点: 1) 导师们不愿听到的: ①母校不好; ②本校好考; ③父母的意愿 2) 导师们能够接受的:


常用室内设计词汇-中英文对照 室内设计-interior design 室内设计师- interior designer 建筑-architecture 建筑师-architect 景观-landscape 家具-furniture 灯光-lighting 照明-illumination 家居设计-residential design 商业设计-commercial design 软装-FF&E(furniture fixture and equipment) 人体工程学-ergonomics 空间-space 精品酒店-boutique hotel 草图-draft or sketch 规格-specification 汇报或讲解-presentation 渲染或着色-rendering 透视-perspective 规范-code 对称-symmetry 不对称-asymmetry 轴线-axis 空间篇 住宅类 客厅,起居室—living room 餐厅-dinning room 玄关-foyer 卧室-bedroom 主卧-master bedroom 次卧-second bedroom 客卧-guest bedroom 厨房-Kitchen 厨岛kitchen island 书房-study room 衣帽间-cloakroom 卫生间-bathroom , toilet , bath 储藏室-storage 楼梯-stair 阳台-balcony 花园-garden 露台-patio 商业类 1办公类 接待处- reception 候客区-waiting Area or lounge 会议室(小型的)-meeting room or seminar 会议室(大型的)-conference room 办公室- office 经理办公室manager office 开放式的工作区-work area 多功能室-multi-function room 2酒店类 入口-entrance 出口-exit 大堂-lobby 前厅-vestibule 过道-corridor 休闲区,等候区-lounge 宴会厅-ballroom 客房-guestroom 套间-suite 行政套房-executive suite 总统套房-presidential suite 健身中心—fitness center or gym 瑜伽-yoga 泳池-swimming pool Spa 咖啡厅-cafe 酒吧-bar 餐厅-restaurant 备餐-pantry 电梯-elevation or lift 卫生间-restroom 男-men's 女women's 影院-cinema 商务中心-business center 行李间-luggage store 盥洗室-lavatory 3其他类 天花-ceiling 长廊-pavilion 零售店-retail store 大厅(堂)-hall 展览-gallery


Part IV:Commonly Used Professional Terms of Civil Engineering development organization 建设单位 design organization 设计单位 construction organization 施工单位 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 pile 桩 steel structure 钢结构 aluminium alloy 铝合金 masonry 砌体(工程)reinforced ~ 配筋砌体load-bearing ~ 承重砌体unreinforced ~非配筋砌体 permissible stress (allowable stress) 容许应力plywood 胶合板 retaining wall 挡土墙 finish 装修 finishing material装修材料 ventilation 通风 natural ~ 自然通风 mechanical ~ 机械通风 diaphragm wall (continuous concrete wall) 地下连续墙 villa 别墅 moment of inertia 惯性矩 torque 扭矩 stress 应力normal ~ 法向应力shear ~ 剪应力 strain 应变 age hardening 时效硬化 air-conditioning system空调系统 (air) void ration(土)空隙比 albery壁厨,壁龛 a l mery壁厨,贮藏室 anchorage length锚固长度 antiseismic joint 防震缝 architectural appearance 建筑外观 architectural area 建筑面积 architectural design 建筑设计 fiashing 泛水 workability (placeability) 和易性 safety glass安全玻璃 tempered glass (reinforced glass) 钢化玻璃foamed glass泡沫玻璃 asphalt沥青 felt (malthoid) 油毡 riveted connection 铆接 welding焊接 screwed connection 螺栓连接 oakum 麻刀,麻丝 tee三通管 tap存水弯 esthetics美学 formwork 模板(工程) shoring 支撑 batching 配料 slipform construction (slipforming) 滑模施工 lfit-slab construction 升板法施工 mass concrete 大体积混凝土 terrazzo水磨石 construction joint 施工缝 honeycomb蜂窝,空洞,麻面 piled foundation桩基 deep foundation 深基础 shallow foundation浅基础 foundation depth基础埋深 pad foundation独立基础 strip foundation 条形基础 raft foundation筏基 box foundation箱形基础 BSMT=basement 地下室 lift 电梯electric elevator lift well电梯井 escalator 自动扶梯 Poisson’s ratio 泊松比μ Young’s modulus , modulus of elasticity 杨氏模量,弹性模量E safety coefficient 安全系数 fatigue failure 疲劳破坏 bearing capacity of foundations 地基承载力bearing capacity of a pile 单桩承载力 two-way-reinforcement 双向配筋 reinforced concrete two-way slabs钢筋混凝土双向板 single way slab单向板 window blind 窗帘sun blind wind load 风荷载 curing 养护 watertight concrete 防水混凝土 white cement白水泥 separating of concrete混凝土离折segregation of concrete mortar 砂浆~ joint 灰缝 pilaster 壁柱 fire rating耐火等级 fire brick 耐火砖 standard brick标准砖


考研英语复试自我介绍注意事项: 1.考研英语复试自我介绍需要注意哪些? 基本上每个院校每个专业的口试中都会涉及这一方面。考官其实是要借此了解你的口头表达能力以及你的报名表之外的一些信息。自我介绍时间以2-3分钟为宜。思路要清楚,要突出重点,口语尽量流利(不要太流利了,有背诵之嫌)。 1) 考官要求你作自我介绍时,不要用…let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。 2) 自我介绍的主体内容。 ①姓名。介绍自己姓名时,发音一定要准。②年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am ***, ** years old)。 ③原来的院校、专业。注意:一定要把原来学校的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚(尤其是跨校、 跨专业的学生)。 ④性格、能力。可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。如果报考的是学术性的 专业,可以说自己细心(carefully,detail-oriented)、条理分明(logical)、踏实(steady)等;如果是研究性、应用性更强一点的专业,可以说自己负责(responsible)、可靠(dependable)、有效率(efficient)等。 其他的一些表示性格、能力的词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative, motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。 ⑤爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考 官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义(build my body, relax myself, open my mind…);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。 ⑥你对报考的专业有兴趣(be interested in/be fascinated with/be obsessed with…),可适当举出一些例 子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响:In my work, I find it nece ssary to broaden my horizons in communication. That?s why I long for entering your prestigious university. 3) 结束时可以用说:That?s all about me. / Well, that?s who I am. Thanks for your attention. 2.考研英语复试注意事项——家庭、家乡、学校篇。 考官其实是要通过你的家庭、家乡或学校来了解你的成长的环境。 1) 家庭。需要注意的是,考官并不是为了做人口调查而提出这个问题的,所以应该避免流水账似地 介绍家庭成员;要尽量说明家人(尤其是父母)对你造成哪些方面(性格、职业规划、做事风格等)良好的影响。可以参考以下句式结构:Just like my father, I am especially interested in history. / Though my father is an ordinary worker, his responsible attitude towards work has a great influence on me. 2) 家乡。正所谓“一方水土养育一方人”,考官实际上是想从你对家乡的介绍中找出有关你性格、志向 的线索。可以从历史、历史人物、著名景点、独特风俗或特产等方面来简单介绍,注意要表达热爱家乡的情感。 3) 学校。如果是本校考生的话,在自我介绍中就可以点到(拉近跟考官的关系)。如果是外校,考官通 常会问:Why did you choose our university? 那么我们就可以说说它与报考院校之间的异同,然后说明为什么你选择这个学校(I do love the atmosphere in your university. It is full of youthful spirits.);要注意的是:一定要说明你对在原来的院校接受教育心存感激之情appreciation(从好的方面说一说),着重强调希望能被录取,表达自己坚定的决心、展望一下未来。

室内设计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 自然 简约—对室内设计现象分析

室内设计外文翻译外文文献英文文献自然简约—对 室内设计现象分析 附件2:外文原文 Natural simplicity - on interior design Analysis Abstract: The natural, simple interior design show is a way of life, it allows us closer to nature, more emphasis on functionality, more concerned about life itself. create a poetic space. Keywords: minimalism; space; grade; interior design; feeling Ancient times, Chinese wooden framework architecture of ancient India, the Orient, Europe, building caves in ancient Greece, ancient Rome and so on decorative stone building closely integrated with the components, with the main building, however. dissolved into Europe in the early seventeenth century Baroque times and the mid-eighteenth century the Rococo era, began with the interior decoration of the main building separated from the main building external and internal fitting-out period in the use of the mismatch, thus leading to the main building and interior decoration of the separation, in the construction of the French court architecture and aristocratic mansion, the new occupation "decorative artisan" was born, the building's internal frequency continuous modification, fixed the main building, the replacement building, "clothing" the time has come. Baroque-style architecture of


A Type Wooden Ladder A字木梯 A-frame A型骨架 A-truss A型构架 Abandon 废弃 Abandoned well 废井 Aberration of needle 磁针偏差Abnormal pressure 异常压力abnormally high pressure 异常高压Abort 中止 abrasion 磨损 Abrasion surface 浪蚀面 abrasive cut-off machine 磨切机Abrasive Cutting Wheel 拮碟abrasive grinding machine 研磨机Abrasive Grinding Wheel 磨碟abrasive particle 磨料颗粒 Absolute address 绝对地址Absolute altitude 绝对高度Absolute damping 绝对阻尼Absolute deviation 绝对偏差Absolute flying height 绝对航高Absolute gravity 绝对重力 absolute permeability 绝对渗透率absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率absolute temperature 绝对温度absorbability 吸收性;吸附性absorption 吸收 abutment 桥墩 abutting end 邻接端 acceleration 加速 acceleration lane 加速车道Acceleration of gravity 重力加速度acceleration pedal 加速器踏板accelerator 催凝剂;加速器;催化剂acceptance criteria 接受准则 access 通路;通道 access door 检修门;通道门access lane 进出路径 access panel 检修门 access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜通道access road 通路;通道 access shaft 竖井通道 access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯 access step 出入口踏步 access tunnel 隧道通道 accessible roof 可到达的屋顶accessory 附件;配件accident 事故;意外 accidental collapse 意外坍塌 accommodate 装设;容纳 accredited private laboratory 认可的私 人实验室 accumulator 储压器;蓄电池 accuracy limit 精度限制 acetylene cylinder 乙炔圆筒 Acetylene Hose 煤喉 Acetylene Regulator 煤表 acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机 acid pump 酸液泵 acid tank 酸液缸 acidic rock 酸性岩 acoustic couplant 声耦合剂 acoustic coupler 声音藕合器;音效藕 合器 acoustic lining 隔音板 acoustic screen 隔声屏 Acoustic wave 声波 acrylic paint 丙烯漆料(压克力的油漆) acrylic sheet 丙烯胶片(压克力的胶片) active corrosion 活性腐蚀 active earth pressure 主动土压力 active fault 活断层 active oxidation 活性氧化 actual plot ratio 实际地积比率 actuator 促动器;唧筒;激发器 adapt 改装 adaptor 适配器;承接器;转接器; addition 增设;加建 additional building works 增补建筑工 程 additional horizontal force 额外横向力 additional plan 增补图则(附加的平面 图) additional vent 加设通风口 additive 添加剂 Address 地址 adhesive 黏结剂;胶黏剂 adhesive force 附着力 Adhesive Glue 万能胶 Adhesive Reflective Warning Tape 反 光警告贴纸 adit 入口;通路;坑道口 adjacent construction 相邻建造物 adjacent level 相邻水平 adjacent site 相邻基地 adjacent street 相邻街道 adjoining area 毗邻地区 adjoining building 毗邻建筑物 adjoining land 毗邻土地 adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物 adjustable 可调校 Adjustable Wrench Spanner 昔士 adjuster 调节器 adjustment 调校;调整 Administrative Lawsuit 行政诉讼 Administrative Remedy 行政救济 admixture 掺合剂;外加剂 advance directional sign 前置指路标 志;方向预告标志 advance earthworks 前期土方工程 advance warning sign 前置警告标志 advance works 前期工程 aeration 曝气 aeration tank 曝气池 aerial 天线 Aerial mapping 航空测图 aerial photograph 航测照片 Aerial photography 航照定位 aerial rapid transit system 高架快速运 输系统 aerial ropeway 高架缆车系统 aerial view 鸟瞰图 aerofoil 翼型 aerosol 悬浮微粒;喷雾 aerosphere 大气圈 affix 贴附 aftercooler 后冷却器 afterfilter 后过滤器 aftershock 余震 agent 作用剂;代理人 aggradation 堆积 aggregate 骨材;集料;碎石 aggregate area 总面积 aggregate grading 骨材级配 aggregate superficial area 表面总面积 aggregate usable floor space 总楼地板 空间 agitator 搅拌器;搅动机 air bleeding 放气(空气渗出) air blower 鼓风机 air brake 气压制动器 Air chambor 气室 air circuit 空气回路 air circuit breaker 空气断路器 air cleaner 空气滤清器
