



DP Drill pipe 钻杆

HWDP heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆

DC drill collar 钻铤

STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器

SMDC short magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤PDM positive displacement motor 螺杆

NMDC nonmagnetic drill collar 无磁钻铤(钻具)BOP blowout preventer 封井器

CSC casing 套管

JNT joint 单根

XO cross-over 配合接头

IF internal flush 内平

FH full hole 贯眼

REG regular 正规

IU internal upset 内加厚

EU external upset 外加厚

IEU internal & external upset 内外加厚

OH open hole 裸眼

WOB weight on bit 钻压

RPM revolutions per minute 转速分钟

SPM strokes per minute 冲程每分钟

ECD equivalent circulating density 当量泥浆密度MT metric ton 公制吨

BHA bottom hole assembly 底部钻具组合

DST drill stem test 钻具测试

KS key seat 键槽

STDS stands 立柱

VIS viscosity 粘度

WL water loss 失水

PV plastic viscosity 塑性粘度

YP yield point 屈服值

FL filtrate loss 滤失

TVD true vertical depth 垂深

MD measured depth 测量井深

TD total depth 总井深

KOP kick off point 造斜点

DIR direction 定向

AZM azimuth 方位

DEV deviation 井斜

ROP rate of penetration 机械钻速

ID inside-diameter 外径

FTG footage 进尺

PPG pounds per gallon (密度)每加仑磅

PSI pounds per square inch 每平方英寸磅

SGL single 单根

HTHP high temperature high pressure 高温高压

AD assistant driller 副司钻

LCM lost circulation material 堵漏剂

API American petroleum institute 美国石油协会

IADC International association drilling contractor 国际钻井承包商CNPC China national petroleum company 中国石油天然气总公司ASAP

P/N part number 零件型号

S/N serial number 系列号

N/W net weight 净重

G/W gross weight 毛重

P/U pick up 吊起

M/U make up 接上

L/D lay down 甩开

N/U nipple up 接上

N/D nipple down 卸开

R/U rig up 安装

WOC wait on cement 侯凝

RIH run in hole 下钻

WOO wait on order 等指令

POOH pull out of hole 起钻

DR drilling 钻进

RM reaming 扩眼(划眼)

WOW wait on water 等水

TOF top of fish 鱼顶

SX sacks

MW mud weight 泥浆密度

CBU circulate bottoms up 循环一周

TOH trip out of hole 起钻

MWD measurement while drilling 随钻测量

KSW key seat wiper 键槽清洁器

SCR silicon controled rectifier 可控硅房

PS power swivel=(top driver) 顶部驱动(顶驱)

YP yield point 屈服点

ID inside-diameter 内径

SMDC short magnetic drill collar 短有磁钻铤

BOP blowout preventer 防喷器

STB stabilizer稳定器

XO cross-over 转换接头

ECD equivalent circulating density 当量循环密度

C Capacitor 电容器

CB Circuit Breaker 断路器

CM Control Module 控制组件

CP Cement Pump 水泥泵

COM Common 公共的

CPC Cement Pump Conso1e 水泥泵控制台

CPT Control Power Trarisforme 控制电源变压器

CT Current transformer 电流互感器

C/O Chain Oiler 链条注油器

℃Degrees Centigrade 摄氏温度

D Diode 二极管

DB Dynamic Brake 能耗制动

DC Drille’s Console 司钻控制台

DIV Diverter 分流器

DP Distribution Panel 分配板

DW Drawworks 绞车

ERC Engine Room Console 柴油机房控台

F Farads 法拉

F Fuse 熔断器

FL Field 1oss 失磁

FS Fuse Swith 熔断器开关

FSD Full scale deflection 满刻度偏转

FVR FUll V1toage Reversing 满电压倒向

FVNR FUll Vo1tage Nonreversing 满电压不可倒向

GEN Generator 发电机

GND Ground 接地

H Henris 亨利

HED Hall EffeCct Device 霍尔效应元件

HOA Hand-Off—Auto 手动一关断一自动

HP Horsepower 马力

HS Heat sink 散热器

HSE House 房子

HTR Heater 加热器

HVR High Voltage Resistor 高压电阻

HZ Hertz(Cycles per second) 赫兹(周期/秒)

IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路

ID InSide Diameter 内径

IEEE Institute Of Electrical &E1ectronics Engineers 电气和电子工程师学会

ISO Iso1ater 绝缘体

I/O Input/Output 输入/输出

K Kilo(103) 千( )

KCMIL Thousand Circular Mils 千圆密耳

KV Kilovolts 千伏

KVA Kilovolt Amperes 千伏安

KVAR Reative Kilovolt-Amperes 千乏(无功功率)

KW Kilowatts 千瓦

L Light 灯

L Inductor 电感

LS Level Switch 电子开关

M Meter 表

MCC Motor Contro1 Center 电动机控制中心

MOV Metal Oxide VariSter 金属氧化物电阻

MP Mud Pumps 泥浆泵

MS Motor Starter 电动机启动器

MPC Mud Pumps Console 泥浆泵控制台

m Milli( ) 毫( )

mA Milu amperes 毫安

mH Milli Henries 毫亨

NEC National Eiectrical Code 国家电业标准

NEMA National E1ctrical Manufactirers Assoc 电气制造业协会NTL Neutral 中性

N/P Namcplate 铭牌

n Nano( ) 纳

nF Nano Farad(10F) 纳法

OD OutSide Diameter 外径

OL OverlOad Relay 过载继电器

PB PUSh Button 按钮

PBSS Push Button Start/Stop 启动/停止按钮

PC Printed Circuit 印刷电路

PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板

PF PiCO Faral 微法( F)

PFC Power Factcr Correctcr 功率因数补偿器

PL Lamp cr Pilot Light 灯或指示灯

PLC Programmable Logic Contro11er 可编程逻辑控制器

PM Prime Mover 原动机

POT POtentiometer 电位器

PP P1ug Panel 插头板

PS Pressure Switch 压力开关

PT Potentia1 Transfromer 电位变压器

R Resistor 电阻

REC Receptacle 插座或容器

RECT Rectifier 整流器

REF Reference 给定

RL Relay 继电器

RT Rtary Table 转盘

RHCC Ross Hill Controls Corporation ROSS Hill控制公司RTD Resistive Temperature Device 电阻式温度仪

SCR Silicon Contro11ed Rectifier 晶闸管整流器

SW or S Switch 开关

SH Shield 屏蔽

ST Shunt Trip 分励脱扣

SWGR Switchgear 开关装置

TB Terminal B1ock 接线板

TD Time Delay Relay Or Top Drive 延时继电器或顶驱TH Thruster 推进器

TS Temperature Switch 温度开关

USCG United States Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队

V Vo1ts 伏特

VA Vo1t Amperes 伏安

VAC Voltage A1ternating Current 电压(交流)

VAR Vo1ts Amp Reactive 乏

VDC Voltage Direct Current 电压(直流)

UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 不间断电源

UVR Undervo1tage Release 欠压释放

W Watts 瓦



氨基三乙酸(NTA) || aminotriacetic acid

胺基 || amino

铵基 || ammonium

安全地层 || safe formation

安全试破 || safe destruction

安全钻井 || safe drilling

坳陷 || down warping region

螯合 || chelation

凹陷 || sag

凹陷地层 || subsidence formation

奥陶系 || Ordovician system

API模拟法 || API recommened method


多靶点 || multiple target point

白沥青 || white asphalt

白油 || mineral oil

白云母 || white mica

半透膜 || semipermeable membrane

包被絮凝剂 || flocculant

包被 || envelop

包被抑制性 || encapsulating ability

饱和度 || saturation

饱和度剖面图 || pro of degree of saturation 饱和盐水 || saturated salt water

背斜 || anticlinal

钡 || barium

苯环 || benzene ring

苯酚 || phenyl hydroxide

本质区别 || essential difference

泵压过高 || overhigh pumping pressure

比表面积 || specific surface area

比吸水量 || specific absorption

比重瓶法 || density bottle method

避免 || avoid

蓖麻油 || ricinus oil

边界摩擦 || boundary friction

扁藻(浮游植物) || algae

变化趋势 || variation trend

标准化 || standardization

标准粘度测量 || standard visicosity measure

表面粗糙度 || roughness of the surface

表面电位 || surface electric potential

表面活性剂 || surfactant ,surface active agent

表面能 || interface energy

表面粘度 || surface viscosity

表面抛光 || sample surface

Aibbs表面弹性 || Aibbs surface elasticity

表面张力 || surface tension

表明 || verify /reveal

表皮系数(S) || skin coefficient

憋钻 || bit bouncing

宾汉方程 || bingham equation

丙三醇 || glycerine

丙烯情 || acrylonitrile

丙烯酸 || acrylic acid

丙烯酸盐 || acrylate

丙烯酰胺 || acrylamide

薄而韧的泥饼 || thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake ||

薄片 || flake

薄弱地层 || weak formation

泊松比|| poisson’s ratio

剥离 || peel off

补救 || remediation

不分散泥浆 || nondispersed mud

不干扰地质录井 || play no role in geological logging

不均质储层 || heterogeneous reservoir

不均匀 || uneven

不可逆 || irreversible

不同程度 || inordinately

部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) || partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide


参数优选 || parametric optimization

残酸 || reacted acid

残余饱和度 || residual staturation

残渣 || gel residue , solid residue

测量 || measure

侧链 || side chain

侧钻水平井 || sidetrack horizontal well

层间 || interlayer

层间距 || the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance 层理 || bedding

层流 || layer flow

差减法 || minusing

尝试 || trial

柴油 || diesel oil

长连缔合物 || long chain associated matter

操作方法 || operation method

超伸井 || high deep well

超深预探井 || ultradeep prospecting well

超声波 || ultrasonography

超高密度泥浆 || extremely high density mud

超细碳酸钙 || super-fine calcium carbonate

产层 || production/pay zone

产层亏空 || reservoir voidage

产量 || production ,output

沉淀 || precipitation

沉降 || subside

沉降速度 || settling rate

沉砂 || sand setting

衬套 || sleeve

程序 || program

成对水平井 || paired parallel horizontal wells

成分 || ingredient

成胶剂 || gelatinizing agent

成膜树脂 || film-forming resin

成岩性差 || poor diagenetic grade

承压 || bearing pressure

承压低 || lower pressure resistance

承压能力 || loading capacity

尺寸 || dimension

斥力 || repulsion

除硫效果 || sulfur limitation effect

除硫剂 || sulfur elimination

除砂器 || desander

触变性 || thixotropy

触变剂 || thixotropic agent

垂沉 || sag

垂直井 || vertical well

充气钻井液 || aerated drilling fluid

磁化 || magnetization

次生有机阳离子聚合物 || secondary organic cationic polymer 冲砂 || sand removal

冲蚀 || flush

冲刷 || washing out

冲洗 || clean

冲洗效率 || cleaning efficiency

冲洗液 || washing fluid

从…角度 || from the standpoint of

丛式井 || cluster well

稠化剂 || gelling agent

稠油区 || viscous oil area

稠油藏 || high oil reservoir

初步分析 || preliminary analysis

初始稠度 || initial consistency

初始粘度 || initial viscosity

初探 || primary investigation

处理剂 || additive ,treating-agent

粗分散泥浆 || coarse dispersed mud

粗泡沫堵漏工艺 || coarse-foam plugging technology

促凝剂 || accelerating agent

醋酸 || acetate

醋酸钠 || sodium acetate

窜流 || fluid channeling

脆裂 || embrittlement crack

脆性 || brittle/crisp ,fragility

催化剂 || accelerant , catalyst

萃取剂 || extracting agent


达西定律|| Darcy’s equation

大段水层 || thick aqueous formation

大分子氢键络合作用 || polycomplexation of hydrogen bond

大灰量 || mass slurry

大井斜角 || high deviation angle

大块岩样 || big rock sample

大块钻屑 || massive drilling cuttings

大类 || genera

大理石 || marble

大砾石层 || large gravel bed

大量分析 || quantitative analysis

大排量洗井 || high flow rate washover

大排量循环 || high flow rate circulation

大位移定向井 || extended-reach directional well

大斜度钻井 || big inclination/angle drilling

大直径井眼 || large hole

代表性岩心 || representive core sample

单宁酸 || tannate

单体 || monomer

单相关分析法 || analyzing method of single correlation

单相关系数加权 || coefficient weighted method of single correlation 单轴抗压强度 || uniaxial compressive strength
