

Chapter 1& Chapter 2

1) New England ()

2) the Appalachian()

3) the Great Lakes

4) the Great Plains

5) the Midwest

6) the Mississippi River

7) the Rocky Mountains

8) The Immigration and Nationality Act

9) WASPs

10) Indian Reservation

11) Model Minority

12) Indentured servant

Chapter 3

1) Mayflower Compact

2) Renaissance

3) Nathaniel Bacon

4) Pilgrim Fathers

Chapter 4

1) French and Indian war (the Seven Year’s War)

2) The American War of Independence

3) The First and Second Continental Congress

4) Declaration of Independence


1) A Confederation

2) Federalists

3) The Bill of Rights

4) The Louisiana Purchase

5) The war of 1812

Chapter 6

1) Homestead Act

2) Emancipation Proclamation

Chapter 7

1) Reconstruction Act

2) Open door Policy

Chapter 8

1) World War I

2) The Great Depression

3) Roosevelt and his New Deal

4) Roaring Twenties (the Jazz Age)


1) Three Neutrality Acts

2) “Cash-and-Carry ” Policy

3) Lend-Lease Act

4) Atlantic Charter

5) Cairo Conference

6) Teheran Conference

7) Yalta Conference

8) Cold War

9) Truman Doctrine

10) Marshall Plan

11) NATO

12) Civil Rights Movements

13) Watergate Scandal

14) Star Wars Program

15) New economy

Chapter 10

1) Federalism

2) Separation of Powers

3) Standing Committees

4) Select Committees

5) Conference Committees

6) Joint Committees

7) Filibuster

8) Lobbying

9) The third House

Chapter 11

1) Brain-trusters

2) NSC

3) CEA

4) OMB

5) Circuit

6) Judicial review

7) The Electoral College

Chapter 12

1) Federalists

2) Anti-federalists

3) Whig

4) Party of the rich

5) Party of the poor

6) Winner-take-all

Chapter 14

1) Publick Occurences, Both Foreign and Domestick

2) Pennsylvania Evening Post and Daily Advertiser

3) The Federalist Paper

4) Gazette of the United States

5) National Gazette

6) New York Journal

7) Los Angeles Times

8) Washington Post

9) Los Angeles Times

10) New York Daily News

11) Wall Street Journal

12)The Christian Science Monitor

13) The Chicago Tribune

14) USA Today

15)NRTA/AARP Bulletin

16)Modern Maturity

17)Reader’s Digest

18)TV Guide

19)National Geographic magazine Chapter 16

1) Jesus Christ

2) The Old Testament

3) The New Testament

4) John Wesley

5) Joseph Smith

6) Brigham Young

7) Book of Mormon
