


Room Reservation


A:Advance Reservations.Can I help you?


B:Yes,I’d like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 20 to the morning of October 24.


A:Yes,we do have a single room available for those dates.好的,我们这几天里有空闲的单人间。

B:What is the rate,please?


A:The current rate is $90 per night.


B:What services come with that?


A:For $90 you’ll have a color television,a telephone,a major international newspaper delivered to your room everyday.90美元提供的服务包括彩电,电话和每天一份送到您房间的主要国际报纸。

B:That sounds not bad at all.I’ll take it.


A:Very good.Could you tell me your name,sir,please?


B:Yes,it is Moore.


A:How do you spell it,please?


B:It’s M-O-O-R-E.


A:M-O-O-R-E.And what is your address,please?


B:It is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississiippi39401 U.S.A..


A:Excuse me,sir,but could you speak a little more slowly,please?


B:Sure,no problem.Its 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 U.S.A..Have you got it?


A:Yes,so it is 3600 Montague Boulevard,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39401 U.S.A..


B:That’s right.


A:What about your telephone number?


B:123456789.By the way,I’d like a quiet room away from the street if that is possible.


A:A quiet room away from the street is preferred.OK.Well mail you a reservation card confirming your booking as soon as possible.We look forward to your visit.


B:Thank you and good-bye.





reservation [,rez?'vei??n]





1.I want to confirm my flight reservation.


2. Yet I have a last reservation.


3. Wind hurtles across the reservation, careening around houses and over hilltops.





合作合同 Cooperation Contract xx文化发展股份有限公司,一家根据中国法律规定有效注册和存续的公司,注册地址位于省xx室,由法定代表人xxxx先生代表其签署本合同(以下称“xx”); Zhejiang Xx Culture Development Co., a joint-stock company duly incorporated and existing under Chinese law, having its registered office in Room 327-330, Chuangye Mansion, No. 66 Yuanshi Road, High-tech Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China, represented for the purposes hereof by the legal representative Mr Li Yongping(hereinafter ”Xx“) -作为一方- - as one side - [ ] [ ], a [ ] company incorporated under the law of Spain, C.F. [ ], P.iva [ ], with legal address in [ ], Italy, represented for the purpose hereof by [ ] (hereinafter “[ ]”) -作为另一方- -as the other side- xx和MK Sport以下合称为“双方”,单独称为“一方“。 Xx and MK Sport are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”, and separately as “a Party”. 鉴于: Whereas: 1)xx文化发展股份有限公司是一家中国的上市公司,股票代码:xx,主要从事国际公关、跨境贸易、跨境并购、IP(知识产权)的打造和运营等业务。 1) Zhejiang Xx Culture Development Corporation is a company listed in China with stock number xx, engaged in international public relations, cross border trade, cross border Merger & Acquisition, creation and commercialization of IP (intellectual property). 2) MK Sport在西班牙拥有丰富的政治、商业网络和资源,能为xx在西班牙进行有效的资源对接,共同分享成长的收益。 2) MK Sport has an extensive network in Spain in business and political sectors, and is able to provide with Xx the resources it is seeking for, with the aim to achieve a common growth of both Parties. 3)双方有意开始友好合作,从而达成了如下协议。 3) The Parties intend to start a mutual cooperation and have agreed on the following agreement. 第一条 xx的业务范围 Art. 1 Activities of Xx 1.1xx的业务范围包括: -作为一个采购中心,寻找能够在中国市场销售的西班牙消费品; -为客户寻找特定领域(如医药产业和体育产业等)的并购项目与技术引进; - 提供国际公关咨询服务,包含旅游推广、文化、展览、活动、培训学校等;


编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载 中英文劳动合同范本 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

甲方: ______________________________ 地址:电话:电传: 法定代表人:职务:国籍: 乙方: ______________________________ 地址:电话:电传: 法定代表人:职务:国籍: 以公司为一方,甲、乙方代表通过友好协商于 年月日签订本合同法。商 第一条总则 1. 甲方负责实施本工程,乙方公司负责为本工程提供劳务法。商 2. 本合同自签字之日起生效,直至双方间全部遗留问题 ,包括财务问题处理完毕之日止法。商 第二条人员 1. 乙方公司应按本合同附件一“提供劳务明细表”和附件二中商定的工程、人数、技术条件、派遣日期和工作期限 ,为本工程派出其授权代表、各类技术人员、工人、管理和 服务人员法。商

2. 附件一和二为本合同的组成部分,其内容在本合同签 字生效后一般不得变更法。商在特殊情况下雇主要求变更时 ,经乙方公司同意应按下述规定办理: 人员离境之前如需变更时,甲方应将变更内容提前一个 月书面通知乙方,如甲方变更计划未能及时通知乙方公司, 而乙方公司已按计划集中人员和订购机票,甲方应负担因此 造成的损失法。商 人员工作期限期满之前,如需终止雇佣,甲方应在终止 雇佣之日前个月书面通知乙方法。商 人员工作期限如需延长,甲方应在期满之前个月书 面通知乙方法。商 3. 乙方授权代表负责组织人员在工地履行本合同规定 的中国公司的义务,并负责管理人员的内部事务法。商 第三条签证和其他证件 1. 乙方应按中国政府的有关规定办理人员出入中国国 境的一切必要手续,并承担其费用法。商 2. 甲方应按项目所在国政府的有关规定办理人员出入 项目所在国及居留、工作许可证、机动车驾驶执照等必要于 续,并承担费用法。商 甲方为人员办理上述手续,应向乙方具体明确提出由乙 方提供的全部必要的证件,如因甲方的要求不明确而引起证件不足


编号:BY-HT-01431 2020补充协议英文版(协议 示范文本) This agreement stipulates the obligations and rights that both parties should perform 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:_____年____月____日

2020补充协议英文版(协议示范文本) 补充租赁合同 Supplementary Lease Contact 订立本补充租赁合同(以下简称[补充合同])为双方:Both parties signing this Supplementary Lease Contact (hereinafter referred to as “Supplementary Contact): 出租方(以下简称[甲方]):潘欣欣 代理人: 身份证/ 护照号码: Lessor (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”): ID Card/ Passport No. _____ 承租方(以下简称[乙方]):马来西亚木材理事会 代理人:__________________ 身份证/护照号码:

Agent:_______________________________ ID Card/ Passport No. ________________ 甲方同意将下述物业出租给乙方,双方经过充分协商,特订立本补充合同,以便共同遵守。补充合同为甲乙双方签订的《广州市房屋租赁合同》(以下简称[主合同])不可分割的组成部分。 Party A agrees to rent out the property to Party B, whereby both parties, through full consultation, make and enter into this Supplementary Lease Contact to be faithfully observed by both parties. This Supplementary Lease Contact is an integral part of “Guangzhou City Property Lease Contract” (hereinafter referred to as “the Master Contract”). 第1条物业名称、地址及面积 广州市天河北路233号中信广场(以下简称[该广场])第22 层 17号单元(以下简称[该物业]) 建筑面积 112.36 平方米


VI设计合同 甲方: 乙方: ~ 甲乙双方经过友好协商,就甲方委托乙方进行“XXXXXX——VI系统”设计事宜达成如下之条款,以资双方共同遵守。 一、设计的具体内容 A.核心设计及基础设计规范 (一)标志提升美化(商标) (二)标志的意义 (三)基础项目 1.标志标准制图 2.[ 3.中文标准字 4.中文标准字标准制图 5.英文标准字 6.英文标准字标准制图 7.标志与中、英文标准字标准组合规范(横式) 8.标志与中、英文标准字标准组合规范(竖式) 9.中文标准字全称规范(简体) 10.英文标准字全称规范 11.) 12.标准色彩规范(包括专色色值规范) 13.辅助色彩规范 14.标志色彩规范 15.标志明度规范 16.标志与中、英文全称组合规范 17.标志与中、英文简称组合规范 18.标志与中文简称组合规范 19.标志与英文简称组合规范 20.& 21.中文专用字体规范 22.英文专用字体规范 23.标志形式禁止使用例 24.标志形式禁止组合使用例 25.标志色彩禁止使用例 26.标志色彩禁止组合使用例 27.专用字体规范 28.象征图形及色彩应用规范 29.#

30.应用样本系统 a.标准色CMYK色票 b.标准色PANTONE色票 c.黑白标志形式各规格系列 d.彩色标志形式各规格系列 B.应用部分设计规范 (一)办公服务用品类 1、高管名片 2、员工名片 , 3、国内信封 4、国内信纸信笺形式规范 5、便笺纸 6、传真纸便笺纸形式规范 7、薪资袋8、档案袋资料袋形式规范 9、识别卡(工作证)10、临时工作证 11、出入证12、文件夹 13、文件袋14、公函信纸 15、直式、横式表格规范16、办公文具 17、烟灰缸、垃圾筒18、产品说明书封面及内页版式 \ 19、考勤卡20、请假单 21、及时贴标签22、意见箱 23、企业徽章24、纸杯、杯垫 25、笔记本26、桌旗 27、挂旗(推广)28、企业旗 29、聘书30、票据夹 (二)公共关系赠品类 31、贺卡32、专用请柬 ¥ 33、手提袋34、贵宾卡形式规范 35、礼赠用品36、广告伞 37、台历版式规范 (三)服饰类 38、管理人员男装(春秋)39、管理人员女装(春秋) 40、专营店员工男装(春秋)41、专营店员工女装(春秋) 42、运动服、运动帽、T恤(广告衫)43、外勤人员服装 44、安全盔45、工作帽 @ (四)车体类 46、公务车47、面包车 48、公交班车49、大型运输货车 50、小型运输货车51、特殊车型 (五)标识指示类 52、办公大楼示意效果图53、户外招牌 54、公司名称标识牌55、办公室内科室牌 56、公共区域标识牌57、布告栏 】 58、立地式标识牌59、户外立地式灯箱 60、生产车间门牌规范61、生产区平面指示图 62、接待台及背景板63、玻璃门窗醒示性装饰带


口立 万为 J 。 上细节。 ■ ■ ■ F F 4 ;.;.:1?八 20XX 年 R 匚包括

1.4 考核产品,指甲方用乙方提供的专有技术和专用设备所生产和制造的合同产品。该产品经过验证符合并且达到本合同附件一所规定的技术条件和技术标准。 1.5 工艺文件,指生产合同产品所需要的全部加工方法、加工手段、工艺过程卡片、工艺图纸、工序卡片等全套资料。具体内容详见本合同附件二。 1.6 工艺守则,指生产合同产品的全部生产和加工过程所必须遵循的原则。 第二条合同内容和范围 2.1 乙方同意向甲方转让,甲方同意从乙方取得合同产品的专有技术。甲方采用乙方的专有技术和主要设备,能够在甲方工厂生产出合格的合同产品。其产品规格、型号、产量及技术条件和技术标准详见本合同附件一。 2.2 乙方向甲方提供在甲方工厂生产合同产品的全部完整工艺文件和资料,能正确指导合同产品的生产。详见本合同附件二。 2.3 乙方在提供技术资料的同时,还要提供全部技术标准。 2.4 乙方向甲方提供用于在甲方工厂生产合同产品的全部专有技术资料必须是完整的技术资料。 2.5 乙方在向甲方提供技术的同时,并为甲方提供和选择生产合同产品所必须的关键设备。这些设备的具体要求和规格详见“设备引进合同”。设备合同的交付规定和交付办法,按设备合同的规定执行。详见“生产设备引进合同”。 2.6 为了保证合同产品的生产,乙方同意甲方采用部分中国国产设备,和乙方选择提供的设备配套共同生产合同产品。详见本合同附件三。 2.7 乙方按照本合同附件四所规定的条件和要求,在乙方工厂为甲方培训技术人员,以保证所培训的人员能够掌握这些专有技术,生产合同产品。 2.8 乙方按合同附件五所规定的条件,派遣称职的专家到甲方工厂进行技术指导、技术服务。 第三条价格 3.1 按第二条所规定的合同内容和范围,乙方所提供的合同产品的专有技术包括工厂设计图纸,全部制造图纸,工艺文件,技术服务和技术培训等的全部资料总价格为______________________________________ 美元。其中技术 转让费为___________ 美元,考察培训费为____________ 美元。


Labor Contract No. 乙方(劳动者)姓名:性别:民族:文化程度: Party B (laborer) Name: Gender: Nationality: Education degree: 户籍所在地:省县乡(镇)村组 Hukou: __________(provision) __________(county) ________township (town)___village _______group 乙方身份证号码:□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ ID No. of Party B: □□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□ 乙方通讯地址: Correspondence address of Party B: 为确立双方的劳动关系,明确双方的权利和义务,甲乙双方根据《劳动法》、《劳动合同法》等法律、法规、规章的规定,经双方平等协商,自愿同意签订本劳动合同,并共同遵守本合同所列条款: To establish the labor relationship between the parties and clarify the rights and obligations of the parties, Party A and Party B hereby enter into the labor contract pursuant to the rules of the law, regulatory rules and rules and regulations of the Labor Law and the Labor Contract Law through the equal and voluntariness consultations with the following terms and conditions for the parties to mutually abide by: 一、合同期限 I. Contract term 1、本合同为固定期限劳动合同,合同期限为年(自200 年月日起至20 年月日止),其中试用期为个月(自年月日起至年月日止)。


补充协议英文版 Supplementary agreement In order to guarantee the interests of the school and the foreign teacher and facilitate the smooth development of teaching and the foreign teacher's safe and orderly life, we clarify our respective responsibility further and add additional terms listed as follows: Party a: Party b: 1, the rented accommodation is only for the teacher. The foreign teacher shouldn't allow others to live in the apartment in order to avoid accidents. 2, during the work, the foreign teacher should have the civilized words and deeds and won't develop any improper friendship or relationship (such as love, etc.) with students. 3, the foreign teacher will bear the cost of utilities (such as water bill) and Internet flow fee (90yuan per month). The school is only responsible for the accommodation expenses, not including other living expenses. As the foreign teacher first comes to Beijing, he is not familiar with a lot of things. To show humanistic care, the school has paid the power bill (600 yuan for 1200 degrees). By November 30, if the actual consumption power number is more than 1200 degrees,


BUSINESS SERVICE CONTRACT 香港商务服务合同 Contract No. 合同号: ___ THIS SERVICE CONTRACT (“Contract”) is made on the __th day of ____. 本服务合同(以下简称“合同”)由下述双方____年___月___日签署: BETWEEN Party A (Client)甲方(客户) And Party B ( Supplier of Service) 乙方(服务方) services; 鉴于甲方根据自己的需要,委托乙方在中国香港和中国大陆区域提供商务服务且乙方具备提供相关服务的能力与资源; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing of mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows. 因此,双方兹以上述契约与条件为约因,约定如下: Article 1: Services第一条:服务内容 1. Administration Support - hotel reservation, transportation arrangement, air ticket booking, schedule arrangement, counsel etc.

行政支持:酒店预订、车辆安排、机票预订、行程安排、咨询服务等 2. Verbal translation service during business trip in Hong Kong or Mainland China (Chinese - English, Chinese – Hungarian). 口译:根据需要在商务考察(中国香港或大陆地区)行程中提供中英、中匈翻译。 3. Written translation service, incl. commercial documents and related product information (Chinese – English, English - Chinese) 笔译:商务信函、文件及产品相关信息的中英、英中翻译 4. Local market research and report市场调查与报告 5. Sourcing support, incl. sample collection and delivery 寻找供货商/货源并按照甲方要求收集、交付样品 6. Purchasing Support (if Party B receives the formal order from Party A) - production status track & update, quality inspection & acceptance, storage and shipping arrangement (incl. document preparation, custom clearance and other necessary support for both sea and air shipment.) A sales contract shall be entered between the Parties for such purchasing support and the sales contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancy. 采购支持(如乙方收到甲方的正式订单)跟踪并更新生产状况、验货、仓储以及发货 安排 (包括海运或空运的相关档准备、清关服务及其它支持)。针对采购支持服务,双方 需另行 签订销售合同,且如有差异,以销售合同为准。 Article 2: Service Rates & Adjustment 第二条:费率及调整 Party B shall charge for its services stipulated as above and the rates listed in Party B’s formal


SERVICE AGREEMENT OF ARCHITECT’S DESIGN, CONSULTANT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 建筑设计咨询及项目管理协议 美国建筑师事务所 / 业主 ARCHITECT / OWNER made as of the Twenty-ninth (29th) day of April in the year of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four BETWEEN the Owner:(Name and address) Cerner Properties, Inc. 2800 Rockcreek Parkway Kansas City, Missouri 64117-2551 and the Architect:(Name and address) The Hollis & Miller Group, Inc. 5000 West 95th Street, Suite 100, Prairie Village, Kansas 66207-3363 For the following Project: (Include detailed description of Project, location, address and scope.) Associate Center and Related Campus Improvements Rockcreek Office Park 2800 Rockcreek Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri 64117-2551 CONTENTS 目录 ARTICLE 1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES 建筑师的责任 1.1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES 建筑师的服务内容 ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES 建筑师的基本服务范围2.1 DEFINITION 定义


国际技术转让合同(中英文对照) 国际技术转让合同 (中英文对照) 合同目录(Contents) 第一章定义(Definition) 第二章合同范围(Object of the Contract) 第三章合同价格(Contract Price) 第四章支付条件(Terms of Payment) 第五章技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software)第六章技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service and Personnel Training) 第七章合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products) 第八章保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims)第九章侵权和保密 (Infringements and Confidentiality) 第十章税费 (Taxes and Duties) 第十一章履约保函 (Performance Bond) 第十二章不可抗力 (force Majeure) 第十三章争议的解决 (settlement of Disputes) 第十四章合同生效及其他

(Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous) 第十五章法定地址(Legal Addresses) 签字日期: _______年_______月_______日 签字地点: ____________________________ 合同号: __________________________________ 根据世界银行第_______号贷款项下第_______号招标,中国技术进出口总公司国际招标公司(以下简称“引进方”)为一方,德国_______公司(以下简称“让与方”)为另一方; 鉴于让与人拥有设计、制造、装配、安装、测试、检验、调试、运行、维修、管理及销售铁路_______产品的专有技术; 鉴于让与人有权并同意向引进方转让上述铁路_______产品的专有制造技术; 鉴于引进方希望利用让与人的专有技术设计、制造、维修、销售和出口铁路_______产品的专有技术; 鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴定的另一合同规定的设备、工具和必要备件以用于铁路_______产品的制造; 鉴于让与人同意向引进方提供并且引进方同意从让与人获得根据此合同及双方所鉴另一合同规定的一定数量的不见和零件以用于组装和制造铁路 _______产品; 双方授权代表通过友好协商,同意就以下条款签订本合同: 第一 章 定义


“此协议如有异议,以中文为准。” The Chinese version of this Contract shall prevail in case of dispute 编号: No. ____ _____ XXX职员合约 XXX Employee Contract 甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: _________________________________________ 签订日期:年月日 Signing Date:

甲方: Party A: 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 注册地址: Registered Address: 乙方:性别: Party B: _________________ Sex: ___________ 居民身份证(护照)号码: Identity Card (Passport) No.: 出生日期:年月日 Date of Birth: _________________ 在甲方工作起始时间:年月日 Start Time at Party A: _____________ 家庭住址: Family Address: __________________________ 邮政编码: Postal Code: _______________ 户籍所在地: Registered Residence: ______________________ 根据<<中华人民共和国劳动法>>和有关法规,甲方双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 Party A and Party B, upon equal consultation, hereby agree to conclude and enter into the terms and conditions as below for joint compliance in accordance with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant rules and regulations. 一、工作合同期限 Contract Term


AMENDMENT TOTERM LOAN AGREEMENT This Amendment to Term Loan Agreement (the “Amendment”) is made and becomes effective as date of October 16th, 2015by and between Nissan (China) Investment Co., Ltd.(“Party A”) and XXXXXXXXXXXX(“Party B”). 1.Unless otherwise expressly provided for herein, the terms defined in the Term Loan Agreement which is made by Party A and Party B dated September 16th, 2015 (the “Agreement”) shall have the same meanings herein. 2.Party A and Party B hereto agree to replace the original provision in Article X.X of the Agreement as below: 3.Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, all the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect without any change. 4.This Amendment is done in duplicate and each party keeps one copy with the same legal effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Amendment to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as the date first written above. NISSAN (CHINA) INVESTMENT CO., LTD. By:___________________ Name: Title: Date: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX By:____________________ Name: Title: Date: 1


编号:_____________ 酒店订房协议 甲方:___________________________ 乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:_____ 年_____ 月_____ 日 甲方: 电话: 地址: 乙方:

电话: 地址: 陕西大秦王府酒店有限责任公司(以下简称甲方)与 ___________ (公司、单位、个人)(以下 简称乙方)就______ 年乙方在甲方酒店订房、安排客户住宿、结算等事宜达成如下协议,供双方 共同信守。 、甲方提供以下优惠房价作为乙方订房、结算房租的标准价格: 天)、五一节(3天)、端午节(3天)、中秋节(3天)、国庆节(7天)除外。 二、客房预订、变更与登记入住程序: 1、乙方负责人可通过电话方式向甲方预订房间。预订时,需提供单位名称或住客姓名、所需房型、房间数量、抵离时间、付款方式(前台付现)及其他附加要求,经甲方确认后预留房间。 2、预订房间时,针对某些特殊情况,甲方可要求乙方提供担保,若所订房间住客未支付相关费用,均由乙方承担。 3、乙方需变更或取消预订时,应当提前12小时通知甲方,若未及时告知,甲方_________ 点前为正 常保留时间,_______点以后甲方取消预订客房,并电话通知乙方。 4、预订客人入住时,乙方应向甲方以现金方式预交房款或房款押金;若办理会员,以充值方式缴纳房款。

三、甲乙双方的权利和义务 1、甲方应尽心尽力接待好乙方客人,为其提供优质的服务。 2、甲方若对门市价格调整或推岀优惠价格时,应及时以书面形式提前7天通知乙方,并要确认乙方已收到甲方调价通知。 3、甲方若有装修、停业等影响客人入住的情况,须提前通知乙方。 4、甲方签约人员如有离开原工作单位,应及时书面通知对方,原协议有效。 5、甲方签约负责人应对前台、财务、客房部等相关做好统筹安排,确保乙方客人顺利入住。 6、乙方客人有权使用甲方安排的客房及客房内的各类设施,客人在入住期间,如因人为损坏应 按实物的市场价格原价赔偿。 7、乙方客人享有本酒店为其他客人提供同等的各项服务设施,但乙方客人入住本酒店因其个人行为触犯法律的本酒店概不负责。 四、财务结算 1、凡经甲方销售的客房差价归甲方所得。(见第三条) 2、甲方在每月的5日前向乙方提供上月经订房核对后的客人入住详细资料。经双方核对后,差 价部分由乙方在每月的15日前以现金方式结算于甲方,甲方向乙方开具发票。 3、当双方的间夜数有岀入时,以甲方收银记录为准,如有跨月订房,计入下月。 五、其他 1、此协议一式两份,双方各执一份,盖章签字后生效。如有任何未尽事宜,须由双方协商后做 出补充,补充协议具有本协议同等效力 2、本协议有效期自_______ 年 _______ 月_______ 日至______ 年______ 月_______ 日止。 3、本协议之未尽事宜由双方应采取友好协商的方式解决,如不能协商解决,双方同意将双方之间的纠纷提交市相关部门裁决。 甲方:乙方: 代表签字:代表签字:



This agreement is made by and between: PARTY A, a company existing under the laws of People’s Republic of China, having its registered office in xxxxxxx (Hereafter refer red to as “PARTY A”) AND PARTY B, XXXXXXXXXX (H ereafter referred to as “PARTY B”) PROJECT: Projects signed with ********. (Hereinafter refered to as “the Project”) Whereas: 1.P arty A is desirous of cooperating with Party B to carry out the said Project ; 2.P arty B is agreeable to such cooperation; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: ARITCLE 1 – APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT AND SCOPE OF COOPERATION 1.1Party A hereby appoints Party B as its consultants for the Projects in XXXX (COUNTRY) for CLIENT, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The consultants accept such appointment and agree to keep, observe and perform the terms and conditions of the Agreement. 1.2Party B shall not provide third parties of a competitive nature the same service as provided to Party A, for the same project throughout the effective term of this Agreement. 1.3The service contemplated under this Agreement shall be restricted in XXXX(COUNTRY). ARTICLE 2 – SUBJECT MATTER OF THE AGREEMENT 2.1 The parties shall cooperate with each other in accordance with obligations and conditions contained herein the Agreement. ARTICLE 3 – OBLIGATION OF PARTY B


国际技术转让合同协议书中英文对照 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

国际技术转让合同 合同目录(Contents) 第一章??? ????定义(Definition) 第二章??? ????合同范围(Object of the Contract) 第三章??? ????合同价格? (Contract? Price) 第四章??? ????支付条件?? (Terms of Payment) 第五章??? ????技术资料和软件的交付(Delivery of the Technical Documentation???? and????????? Software) 第六章??? ????技术服务和人员培训(Technical Service and Personnel Training) 第七章??? ????合同产品的验收(Acceptance of the Contract Products) 第八章??? ????保证和索赔(Guarantees and Claims) 第九章??? ????侵权和保密 (Infringements and Confidentiality) 第十章??? ????税费 (Taxes and Duties) 第十一章????????????? 履约保函 (Performance Bond) 第十二章????????????? 不可抗力 (force Majeure) 第十三章????????????? 争议的解决 (settlement of Disputes) 第十四章????????????? 合同生效及其他 (Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous) 第十五章????????????? 法定地址(Legal Addresses) 签字日期:? _______年_______月_______日 签字地点:? ____________________________ 合同号:??? __________________________________ 根据世界银行第_______号贷款项下第_______号招标,中国技术进


合同协议书 公司劳动合同

Labor Contract 劳动合同 Date 甲方(用人单位):乙方(员工): Party A (Employer): Party B (Employee): 法定代表人:性别Gender:: Legal Representative: 出生年月 Birth Date:: 身份证号码 ID NO.: 联系方式 Contact Info.: 经营地址:家庭住址: Address: Address: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《北京市劳动合同条例》的有关规定,双方遵循公平合法、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用原则,订立本合同。 The contract is hereby concluded by both parties in accordance with Labor Law of the People's Republic of China,Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, and Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Labor Contract, in the principles of fairness, legitimacy, equality, voluntariness, consensus through negotiation and good faith. 一、合同期限 Contract Term 1. 甲方与乙方签订固定期限劳动合同。本劳动合同期限为年,自年月日起,至年月日止,其中试用期为个月,自年月日起,至年月日止。 Party A and Party B signs a fixed-term labor contract. The contract lasts for ___ year(s), from _________to ________. The probation is ____ month(s), from ________ to ________; 二、工作内容 Job Responsibilities 2. 甲方聘用乙方从事岗位工作。 Party A employs Party B to engage in ________ . 3. 工作地点: ___________ ,根据甲方工作需要,经甲乙双方协调一致,可 变更工作地点。 The workplace is __________________________________, which can be changed on the basis of mutual agreement as per Party A’s business requirements. 4. 乙方应积极遵守公司所有规章制度,按质、按量、按时完成其本职工作。 Party B shall fulfill his job in a high-quality, quantitative and time-efficient manner and abide by all the company rules. 5. 甲方可以根据实际工作需要,根据乙方的工作能力和表现,调整乙方工作岗位或安排乙方临时从事其他工作岗位,乙方应予以认可配合。
