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目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以“Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?”为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。一些同学认为:网络语言生动、时尚,网络语言充满幽默与智慧,使网上聊天更快捷。



注意:1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2. 词数:100左右

3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid ;智慧intelligence

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?

At present, Internet Slang, such as “GG, MM, Xia Mi”,has become popular among the teenagers.

There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.

However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.

Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don ’t know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.

英语作文 英语利与弊 模版

英语作文英语利与弊模版 对比观点题型(1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。 1.有一些人认为。。。 2.另一些人认为。。。 3.我的看法。。。 The topic of ①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more, ③-------------理由二). Moreover, ④---------------(理由三). While others think that B is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一). Secondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二). Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三). From my point of view, I think ⑧----------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reasons to explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice . (2)给出一个观点,要求考生反对这一观点 Some people believe that ①----------------(观点一). For example, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will bring them ③-----------------(为他们带来的好处). In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing,④-------------(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thing, ⑤-----------------(反对的理由之二). Form all what I have said, I agree to the thought that ⑥------------------(我对文章所讨论主题的看法). net 阐述主题题型要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义. 2.分析并举例使其更充实. The good old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)reminds us that ----------------(释义). Indeed, we can learn many things form it. First of all,-----------------(理由一). For example, -------------------(举例说明). Secondly,----------------(理由二). Another case is that ---------------(举例说明). Furthermore , ------------------(理由三).


网络的好处和坏处高中英语作文网络的出现和普及,大大地方便了我们的生活,可是你知道网络有什么好处和坏处吗?下面,橙子帮你整理了网络的好处和坏处高中英语作文,希望你喜欢! 网络的好处和坏处高中英语作文篇1 Internet plays a very important role in everybody's life, It has made a huge difference in the world, But the Internet has some advantages and disadvantages. First of all, The World Wide Web contains huge amount of information. It is extensive, relatively easy to access, And provides virtually unlimited information. If we need some information, We can acquire information online. The Web provides us an excellent resource to gain knowledge, From this way we can gain current information we need it now. Online education is very important in our life, It can gives us excellent sources of information, saves our time, money and it is extremely convenient. In addition, we also can exchange thoughts, opinions and information with our classmates without leaving our house. Sometimes, If we feels very stressed and depressed, We can listen to songs, In order to have a 1 / 5


网络流行语翻译大全 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

网络流行语翻译大全:卖萌小清新英文逐个 说 网络流行语翻译大全:卖萌小清新英文逐个说:“坑爹”、“伤不起”、“吐槽”均是时下年轻人经常挂在嘴边的新鲜词。这些词无论生命力多强,都给我们的语汇带来一丝喜感,给我们的生活带来一份轻松。此外,这些流行语(如“富二代”、“剩女”)往往反应了许多现实的社会问题,是对这些问题凝练的调侃。 “坑爹”、“伤不起”、“吐槽”均是时下年轻人经常挂在嘴边的新鲜词。这些词无论生命力多强,都给我们的语汇带来一丝喜感,给我们的生活带来一份轻松。此外,这些流行语(如“富二代”、“剩女”)往往反应了许多现实的社会问题,是对这些问题凝练的调侃。 高中生可以通过熟悉这些新鲜词来让自己想起一些社会现象、社会事件,并将它们作为事例佐证自己的作文。哲学家维特根斯坦(LudwigWittgenstein)曾说:“我语言的极限就是我世界的极限。我所知道的东西仅是我可以用语言表述的。”(Thelimitsofmylan-guagearethelimitsofmyworld.AllIknowiswhatIhavewordsfor。)因此,当学生们常常抱怨举例困难时,不妨用这其中部分现成而短小精悍的词来提示自己,那么作文举例会变得左右逢源。 笔者罗列了近年来活跃于青少年唇间的中文新鲜词40例,并提供了它们的英语说法。这些译文有些来自权威英语媒体如《中国日报》、《上海日报》,有些来自于笔者对众多网络翻译的精心筛选,其余则是笔者自己的翻译如“纠结”、“忐忑”、“淡定”等。可以说,与其看着学生草率地将这些中文流行词翻译成英文并运用于作文中,还不如尊重他们的选择,并将标准的讲法告知他们。由于笔者水平有限,译文中有不妥之处,欢迎读者朋友不吝指正。 中文英文 1.神马都是浮云It’sallfleetingcloud。 2.山寨fake,counterfeit,copycat 3.宅男Otaku(“homebody”inEnglish);geek 4.被雷倒(到)了inshock 5.纠结ambivalent 6.忐忑anxious 7.悲催atear-inducingmisery 8.坑爹thereverseofone’sexpectation


关于优缺点英语作文 对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。关于优缺点英语作文怎么写,你知道怎么写吗?如果不知道,就一起看看小编整理的内容吧! 关于优缺点英语作文1 My Strengths and Weaknesses It’s important to know our goodness and badness because it can help us to improve ourselves better. Therefore, we should know ourselves as much as we can. I think I have three main merits. They are filial piety, honest and hardworking. Filial piety and honesty are the two basic qualities that people should have. And working hard can help to get knowledge and improve myself. However, no one is perfect. I have some week points, too. For example, I never make plans for my life and study. As a result, sometimes I am a little laziness because I don’t have tasks that must be finished. I hope I can change and be better. 关于优缺点英语作文2 Everybody has strenghth and weakness.I am a friendly,warm-hearted,generous and easy going girl.I am always ready

网络的利弊 英语作文

随着科技的发展,电脑在二十一世纪成了人们必要的用品。随之而来,网络与我们的生活息息相关,给现代人的生活、工作带来了无与伦比的方便。 通过网络,我们能查寻有用的资料,了解时事动态等等.当你工作了很长时间后去玩电脑游戏,可以减缓你的精神压力,放松你的心情.并且,上网玩游戏也不完全是坏事,因为学生玩游戏可以锻炼手、脑的反应能力,满足学生娱乐需要。 但是网络也有弊。长时间的看电脑,电脑发出的辐射对人体有很大的害处。眼睛长期处于紧张状态容易造成近视。现在的电脑游戏众多,某些电脑游戏粗制滥造,甚至含有暴力等不健康内容。有的孩子由于对社会认识不足和自我保护意识缺乏,沉迷网络游戏,网络交友。 其实网络并不可怕,只要我们面对网络时多一些认识,网络就会成为我们学习上的有利助手。让我们一起创个干净的网络世界吧! With the development of the science and technology, the computer has been becmoing the necessity for people in the 21st Century. Following, network is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work. Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the current events.When you play computer games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides,playing online games is not all bad,for it can fulfil students' entertaining requests as well as practise their response ability. However,there still exists some disadvantages in the network.The radiation from the computer will do harm to people's health if you keep on watching the computer for a long time.And short sight may caused by it for your eyes stay tense.At present,there are too many games on the Internet,but some of them are not of good quality even contain some unhealthy content like violence and so on.Duo to the lack of recognizing society and self-protection awareness,some students get addicted in the games and online dating. In fact,network is not that horrible,as long as we know more about it,it will become our right hand on our studies.Let's build a clean network world together. 1)网络课堂教学的兴起,使传统的课堂教学受到了前所未有的挑战 2)网络课堂教学模式会完全取代传统课堂教学模式吗? 3)你的看法,理由是…… 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种新兴事物,提纲第2点针对该事物提出一个有争议的观点,提纲第3点要求表明“我”的看法,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。


英语作文—网络好处和 坏处 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

电脑利与弊 The computer plays the vital role in ours life, the computer may help us to handle very many matters: The data computation, the study entertainment, the office automation, the control production, draws money automatically, long-distance correspondence ...... The computer news fast development promoted its popularization. Now besides the personal computing which finds at everywhere, each kind of portable portable computer also arises at the historic moment. The computer is playing the very major role in ours life. Cannot have in us when question, we may access the net the consult material, some quite big data may use the computer to calculate ......We may learn very many knowledge in the computer The computer also has many is bad, if to the elementary student, I wants to say plays the computer the question. Now the family economical level enhanced, the elementary student vision dropped actually, this is plays the computer the fault. The advantage very are also many, for example chats, said the topic and so on some beneficial games can cause elementary student's after school life to be more interesting. But cannot sink confuses in the computer games. Some real matter meant, a child,For computer games in hypothesized duty battle, own jumped from an upper story. Therefore, plays the computer not to be able to fall, after on the one hand which falls to does not have the advantage. The high tech product increases day by day,Computer these high tech product,Has brought many conveniently to the people,Might also bring the misfortune to the I want to schoolmates said,That is regarding yours children just were giving birth to,Eye all well,May perhaps be because watches the television,Plays the computer,Each one has all taken to bring with the our class,Some 70% schoolmate are almost the nearsightedness,My eye also very is originally good,May march into the higher grades,Also starts to police has shown us,Plays the computer,May,Watches the television,No reason why ,If you want to have a pair of beautiful health eye,Anything must have a your eye for a long time in television and under computer accompanying,I believed,That cannot have the good result. 电脑在我们的生活中起着重要的作用,电脑可以帮我们做很多事情:数据计算,学习娱乐,办公自动化,控制生产,自动取款,远程通信…… 电脑的讯速发展促进了它的普及。现在除了随处可见的个人电脑外,各种便携式的手提电脑也应运而生。 电脑在我们的生活中起着很大的作用。在我们有不懂的问题时,我们可以上网查阅资料,一些比较大的数据可以用电脑计算……在电脑中我们可以学到很多知识。 电脑也有许多坏出,如果对小学生呢,我想说玩电脑的问题。现在家庭的经济水平提高了,小学生们的视力却下降了,这就是玩电脑的坏处。好处也很多,例如聊聊


网络语言大全 本文是关于经典句子的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 网络语言大全 1、几楼的:除楼主外,所有回复帖子的人,依次可称为“2楼的”、“3楼的”…… 2、打铁:写帖子,一般指有点儿重量的帖子。 3、寒:对某帖某人或某现象感到浑身发冷。 4、黑客:又称骇客,指在电脑领域有特殊才能或技巧的人。这类人运用自己的才能或技巧,要么是专门检测系统漏洞,要么有可能做有违道德或法律的事。 5、闪客:使用Flash软件做动画的人,我们看到的很多电子贺卡和网站MTV都是闪客的杰作。 6、找抽帖:楼主发的帖子内容特别找抽,让绝大多数人都不待见,也称找砖帖。 7、博客:一种网上共享空间,让人以日记的方式在网络上展现自己的形式。博客让两个女人飞速走红:木子美和芙蓉姐姐。 8、蛋白质:笨蛋+白痴+神经质。 9、红客:具有民族主义倾向的中国网络技术爱好者,与黑客相对。 10、水手:喜欢灌水的人。级别高的也称水桶、水鬼、水仙。

指女性灌水狂人时,还有个特定称呼:水母。 11、小强:《唐伯虎点秋香》中的那只蟑螂,泛指生命力特别顽强的人。 12、白骨精:白领+骨干+精英。 13、走召弓虽:超强,通常用于回帖时表示对主题帖的膜拜。 14、包子:形容某人笨,或者长相欠佳。 15、马甲:注册会员又注册了其他的名字,这些名字统称为马甲,与马甲相对的是主ID。例句:青眉建议斑竹进行版务管理时,不可以用马甲发言。 16、扫楼:也叫刷墙,打开一个论坛,所有主题帖的最后一个回复都是同一个ID的。 17、闪:离开。 18、地板:连板凳都没得坐的人。 19、朋客:起源于“朋克”。电脑朋客现在越来越多的被等同于电脑罪犯了。 20、拍砖:对某人某帖发表与其他人不同看法和理解的帖子。例句:侠友们拍砖请注意口气和态度,否则很容易转化为人参公鸡。 21、恐龙:长得不漂亮的女性网民,含贬义。与之相对的是“青蛙”,形容相貌抱歉的男性网民。 22、狼族:热爱美色,不过比犬科作风正派一点,不会纠缠。 23、犬科:喜欢追逐论坛里的女生的那种类型,尤其喜欢死缠烂打。


The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet 翻译:随着科技的发展,电脑在二十一世纪成了人们必要的用品。随之而来,网络与我们的生活息息相关,给现代人的生活、工作带来了无与伦比的方便。 With the development of the science and technology,the computer has become the necessity for people in the 21st Century. Following,network is of close link with our life,bringing us incomparable convenience on our life and work. necessity[n??ses?ti] n.必需品; 必要(性) incomparable[?n?k?mpr?bl] adj. 无与伦比; 无可比拟; 无双的; 无敌的,无比的 convenience[k?n?vi:ni?ns] n. 方便,便利; 便利设施; 补充:The Internet is becoming more and more important in our daily life.

The Internet is playing a more and more important part in modern society. Nowadays, Internet is becoming very popular in all walks of life. 通过网络,我们能查寻有用的资料,了解最新的新闻等等.当你工作了很长时间后去玩电脑游戏,可以减缓你的精神压力,放松你的心情... Through the network,we can search for useful datas and get to know the latest news.When you play computer games after a long-time work,it can relieve your pressure and make you feel relaxed.Besides... relieve[r??li:v] vt. 缓解; 解除; 补充: Internet brings us both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are as the following. Firstly, we can communicate with our friends more rapidly and quickly. Secondly, Internet brings us fun. For example, many websites open chatrooms where we can talk


英语作文网络好处和坏 处 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

电脑利与弊 The computer plays the vital role in ours life, the computer may help us to handle very many matters: The data computation, the study entertainment, the office automation, the control production, draws money automatically, long-distance correspondence ...... The computer news fast development promoted its popularization. Now besides the personal computing which finds at everywhere, each kind of portable portable computer also arises at the historic moment. The computer is playing the very major role in ours life. Cannot have in us when question, we may access the net the consult material, some quite big data may use the computer to calculate ......We may learn very many knowledge in the computer The computer also has many is bad, if to the elementary student, I wants to say plays the computer the question. Now the family economical level enhanced, the elementary student vision dropped actually, this is plays the computer the fault. The advantage very are also many, for example chats, said the topic and so on some beneficial games can cause elementary student's after school life to be more interesting. But cannot sink confuses in the computer games. Some real matter meant, a child,For computer games in hypothesized duty battle, own jumped from an upper story. Therefore, plays the computer not to be able to fall, after on the one hand which falls to does not have the advantage. The high tech product increases day by day,Computer these high tech product,Has brought many conveniently to the people,Might also bring the misfortune to the people.Today I want to schoolmates said,That is regarding yours vision.Many children just were giving birth to,Eye all well,May perhaps be because watches the television,Plays the computer,Each one has all taken to bring with the eyeglasses.On our class,Some 70% schoolmate are almost the nearsightedness,My eye also very is originally good,May march into the higher grades,Also starts to drop.This police has shown us,Plays the computer,May,Watches the television,No reason why not.However,If you want to have a pair of beautiful health eye,Anything must have a limit.If your eye for a long time in television and under computer accompanying,I believed,That cannot have the good result. 电脑在我们的生活中起着重要的作用,电脑可以帮我们做很多事情:数据计算,学习娱乐,办公自动化,控制生产,自动取款,远程通信…… 电脑的讯速发展促进了它的普及。现在除了随处可见的个人电脑外,各种便携式的手提电脑也应运而生。 电脑在我们的生活中起着很大的作用。在我们有不懂的问题时,我们可以上网查阅资料,一些比较大的数据可以用电脑计算……在电脑中我们可以学到很多知识。 电脑也有许多坏出,如果对小学生呢,我想说玩电脑的问题。现在家庭的经济水平提高了,小学生们的视力却下降了,这就是玩电脑的坏处。好处也很多,例如聊聊天、说说题等一些有益的游戏能使小学生的课余生活更加有趣。但不能沉迷于电


What are some major advantages and disadvantages of these modern i n v e n t i o n s—p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r a n d t h e I n t e r n e t? Our society is an informational one which is different from past. As human history developing, personal computer and the Internet come into being. They change our lives to a certain extent and they have some advantages and disadvantages for us. It has made our lives easier since personal computer and the Internet existed. Thanks to personal computer, we no longer have to compute complicated data using varieties of formulas because a computer could do all of these for us. I major in basic medicine and I need to handle data in processes of our experiments. Personal computer vastly saves my times and energies since I use professional software to work out complex data. Also, Internet helps us saving times. For example, if we don’t have leisure to go shopping out of our homes, we search the Internet. It presents us with desirable things and then we could buy them online. The couriers carry the goods we buy to where we live in, thus we can get what we buy without going out. Personal computer and the Internet shorten distance of people as well. For instance, one goes abroad contact his parents with long-distant video and it relieve the homesick he has. While they have many advantages, personal computer and the Internet also have some disadvantages. At first place, some people become reluctant to communicate with others due to addiction in computer games or Internet and they may be unsocial with their friends and their parents. Secondly, excessive enthrallment(沉迷) in computer and Internet could lead to unhealthy mental state. Fact shows that one may exist depression after long-term isolate with other people, thus cause some negative effects like suicide. Thirdly, if someone fixes his eyes on monitor too long, his eyesight will be impaired. This also hurt his health physiologically. Since personal computer and the Internet have advantages and disadvantages at the same time, the using of them has tow-side effects. We should take advantage the good side of them and avoid the bad side of them to the greatest extent.


求一篇英语作文关于网络的利弊提示词语:可以帮助我们更好地了解外面的世界开阔我们的视野 (一) Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages. For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies. However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can't put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can't live without Internet. So we must be careful when we use the Internet. 翻译:现在,我的很多同学都喜欢在闲暇的时间里上网,我认为网络既给我们带来了好处,又有不好的地方。 例如,如果我在学习上又困难,我就能上网搜索一些有帮助的信息。并且我还能够在网上交到更多的朋友。我有一些同学说,当他们找到了一些拥有相当兴趣的朋友来聊天时,会觉得开心 然而,网络同时也会造成一些问题。如果你花太多时间在上面,你就会变懒而且不能够专心学习。如果你觉得你的生活已经离不开它了那就更糟了所以,当我们在使用网络的时候一定要小心。


励志网络流行语大全 不同的时代有不同的流行语,网络风云瞬息万变,网络上的新兴词语也是层出不穷。快来看看这些热词你都知道吗?下面是给大家整理的励志网络流行语,供大家参阅! 励志网络流行语精选1. 对你微笑,纯属礼貌。 2. 明骚易躲,暗贱难防。 3. 我们要向前看,不错过些歪瓜劣枣不知道什么才是最好。 4. 别轻易的说爱,别固执的将ta心门打开,然后玩笑的离开。 5. 别到处嚷嚷世界抛弃了你,这个世界本来就不属于你。 6. 青春就是疯狂的奔跑,然后华丽的跌倒。 7. 这个世界本来就很脏,你有什么资格说悲伤。 8. 唾沫是用来数钞票的,而不是用来讲道理的。 9. 监狱不倒,我不学好,监狱不塌,我不回家,拘留算个毛,判刑算个鸟,无期当养老,枪毙当昏倒。 10. “特别能吃苦”这个字,我想了想,我做到了前个…… 11. 像你这种人,在连续剧里,最多只能活集。 12. 早上起床我以为我一夜之间长高了,结果才发现是我被子盖横了。 13. 每次考试我都好想在卷子上写满“百度一下,你就知道”,

气死阅卷老师。 14. 一女在路边摊买袜子,卫生巾从裙子里掉出来,那叫一个尴尬啊。女的急忙捡起来夹在咯吱窝里,让摊主看见了。摊主怒道你偷我袜子赶紧拿出来。女的说没拿,一来二去吵起来。摊主痛快儿的拿出来,女的怒了,扯起卫生巾甩在摊主头上,你妈的,给你。摊主摸头我草泥马,你把我脑袋都打出血了…… 15. 这年头,无论是做菜的还是做爱的,放心的肉是越来越少了;无论是婴儿喝的还是成人摸的,放心的奶是越来越少了;无论是家禽下的还是男人挂的,放心的蛋是越来越少了;无论是饲养的还是应招的,放心的鸡是越来越少了。 励志网络流行语经典1. 是你演技不好,还是我揭穿的太早? 2. 两个人吵架,先说对不起的人并不是认输了,并不是原谅了,他只是比对方,更珍惜这份感情。 3. 不要羡慕别人比你过的好,他们假装的。(这是真的) 4. 现在的孩子洗头发不是为了干净,而是为了发型。 5. 现在才明白,“算了”这两个字包含着很多失望。 6. 读书有风险,入学需谨慎。 7. 时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 8. 很多女孩都是得了韩红的病,没有韩红的命。 9. 一日不读书无人看得出,一周不读书说话会变粗,一月不读书智商输给猪。 10. 人要脸树要皮,电线杆子要水泥。


●Advantages: 1.Beginning: ●There are number of benefits. ●Clearly, the advantages include (but not limited to)… ●Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits. ●Clearly there are a number of obvious merits. ●Obviously, there are a number of positive features. 2.1st ●But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that…This is obviously favorable because… ●Although I guess that the most visible would be that … ●However, I guess that the most evident would be that… ●That’s beneficial primarily because… ●It is beneficial for a variety of reasons. ●Its most obvious advantage is… 3.2nd ●Supplementary to this, a second plus point maybe that… ●At the same time the second bonus might be… ●As well as this further favorable aspect would be that… ●This is definitely advantageous because… ●And it’s advantageous because …as well ●It’s valuable also because… ●And of course, it’s positive also due to the fact 4.End: ●Those are the main merits associated with… ●There are other benefits as well, but basically these are the main ones. ●I guess that’s it. ●Disadvantages:(shortcoming/ negative aspects/ drawbacks/ weakness/ weak point/ unfavorable quality/ limitation) 1.Beginning: ●There might be some risks involved. ●Apparently, some hazards may be involved. ●I think it’s fair to say that there are a few negative aspects. ●I’m sure most people would agree that there are some drawbacks. 2.1st ●One major concern about this is… ●I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that…
