

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d712218550.html,ngue: refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the

members of a speech community

Langue: the linguistic competence of the speaker.

2.Design feature:are features that define our human languages, such as

arbitrariness, duality, creativity, displacement, cultural transmission, etc.

3.Synchronic: a kind of description which takes a fixed instant (usually,

but not necessarily, the present), as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind

4.Arbitrariness: one design feature of human language, which refers to

the face that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.

5.Duality: one design feature of human language, which refers to the

property of having two levels of are composed of elements of the secondary. Level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.

6.Displacement:one design feature of human language, which means human

language enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present c in time and space, at the moment of communication.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/d712218550.html,petence:language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of


8.Prescriptive: the study of a language is carried through the course

of its history.

9.Prescriptive:a kind of linguistic study in which things are prescribed

how ought to be, . laying down rules for language use.

10.Phoneme:the abstract element of sound, identified as being

distinctive in a particular language.

11.Assimilation: the change of a sound as a result of the influence of

an adjacent sound, which is more specifically called.”contact”or”contiguous”assimilation.

12.Connotation: a term in a contrast with denotation, meaning the

properties of the entity a word denotes.

13.Reference:the use of language to express a proposition, meaning the

properties of the entity a word denotes.

Reference:the use of language to express a proposition,. to talk about things in context.

14.Sense: the literal meaning of a word or an expression, independent

of situational context.

15.Linguistic determinism: one of the two points in Sapir-Whorf

hypothesis, . language determines thought.

16.Parole: the actual phenomena or data of linguistics (utterances).

17.Interlinguage:the type of language constructed by second or foreign

language learners who are still in the process of learning a language, language system between the target language and the learner’s native language.

18.Transfer: the influence of mother tongue upon the second language.

When structures of the two languages are similar, we can get positive transfer of facilitation; when the two languages are different in structures, negative transfer of inference occurs and results in errors.

19.Perlocutionary act: the act performed by or resulting from saying

something, it’s the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.

20.Hyponymy: a relation between tow words, in which the meaning of one

word (the superordinate) is included in the meaning of another word(the hyponym)

21.Allophone: any of the different forms of a phoneme (eg. is an

allophone of /t/in English. When /t/occurs in words like step, it is unaspirated.Bothand are allophones of the phoneme/t/.

22.Error analysis: is the process of determining the incidence, nature,

cause and consequence of unsuccessful language

23.Utterance: spoken word, statement, or vocal sound action of saying

or expressing something aloud the simple utterance of a few platitudes uninterrupted chain of spoken or written language

24.Interference: a process more commonly known as negative transfer,

which occurs when an L1 patter is different from the counterpart pattern of the target language.

25.Predication analysis: is a way to analyze the meaning of sentences.

A sentence, composed of a subject and predicate, is a basic unit for

meaning analysis is called predication, which is the abstraction of

the meaning of a sentence

26.Cohesion: refers to the way in which text “hang together”; to the

resources within language that help relate ideas and information and make links between different parts of a text

27.Polysemy: words have two or more than two senses

28.Speech act:refers to an action performed by the use of an utterance.

29.Linguistics: generally, it is defined as the scientific study of the


30.Phonetics: is the study of production of speech sounds

31.Semantics:is generally defined as the study of the meaning of

linguistic units. to be more specific, the meaning with which linguistists are concerned is defined as linguistic semantics


1. Does the traffic light have duality Explain the reasons.

2. IC analyzes the sentence structure with brackets or a tree diagram.

Lovely Jane ran away.

3.What are Leech’s seven types of meaning

Conceptual meaning. Connotative meaning. Social meaning.

Affective meaning. Reflected meaning. Collocative meaning.

Thematic meaning

4.What are the differences between modern linguistics and

traditional grammar

5.Explain surface structure and deep structure.

6.What are the major views concerning the study of meaning

7.What are the four maxims of the CP

8.Analyze the structure of a syllable. Give one example to


9.Explain the two terms “sense” and “reference” and what

is their relationship

10.What are the differences between errors and mistakes

What are the major views concerning the study of meaning

What are the major views concerning the study of meaning (1) The naming theory命名论----

One of the oldest notions converning meanings, and also a very primitive one, was the naming theory proposed by the ancient Greek scholar Plato. According to this theory, the linguistic

forms or symbols, in other words, the words used in a language are taken to be labels of the objects they stand for. So words are just names or label for things.命名论是最原始的语义理论,该理论是把词看作所指事物的名称。

The limitations of the naming theory:

First of all, the naming theory seems applicable to nouns only. Nouns can be considered as names or labels, but verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, such as “think” “hard”“slowly” are definitely not labels of objects.

b. Besides, within the category of nouns, there are nouns which denote things that do not exist in the real world at all such as “ghost” “dragon” “unicorn” and also nouns that do not denote concrete things, but abstract notions such as “joy” “impulse”.命名论只能适用于名词,对于动词、形容词、副词就无法解释了。即使是在爱名词范围内也无法解释世界上本不存在的东西,例如“ghost” “dragon” “unicorn”之类和一些抽象的概念,例如“高兴joy”“冲动impulse”等。

(2) the conceptualist view 意念论------

The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to ., between language and the real world); rather, in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in

the mind.意念论认为词汇与该词汇所指的事物之间的关系不是直接的,而是间接的,是靠人脑中的意念来连接的。词汇是通过意念来指称事物,意念便是词汇的意义。

The conceptualist view is best illustrated by the classic semantic triangle or triangle of significance suggested by Odgen and Richards.意念论可由著名的语义三角形来表述。语义三角形是论述和解释语义现象的一种经典理论。Semantic triangle Proposed by Ogden & Richards in their “The Meaning of Meaning”. They saw the relationship between the word and the thing it refers to is not dir ect. It’s mediated by concept. thought or reference symbol referent

In this diagram, the symbol or form refers to linguistic elements (words, phrases), the referent refers to the things in the real world, and thought or reference refers to “concept”.

. The dog over there looks unfriendly.

The word “dog” is directly associated with a certain concept in our mind, . what a “dog” is like, but it is not directly linked to the referent (the particular dog) in this particular case. Thus, the symbol of a word signifies thing by virtue of the concept associated with the form of the word in the mind

of the speaker of a language, and the concept looked at from this point of view is the meaning of the word.

Ogden and Richards presented the classic “Semantic Triangle”as manifested in the following diagram, in which the “symbol” or “form” refers to the linguistic elements (word, sentence, etc.), the “referent” refers to the object in the world of experience, and “thought” or “reference” refers to concept or notion. Thu s, the symbol a word signifies “things” by virtue of the “concept”, associated with the form of the word in the mind of the speaker of the language. The “concept” thus considered is meaning of the word.语义三角形最大的问题在于词语与所指事物没有必然的联系。同一个事物可能或者可以用不同的词来表示。

(3) contextualism 语境论

What is contextualism “Contextualism” is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from, or reduce it to, observable context: the “situational context” and the “linguistic context”. 语境论认为语言的意义离不开使用语言的语境,语义存在与语境之中。语义不是抽象的,它是由语境所决定的。

Every utterance occurs in a particular spatial-temporal situation, as the following factors are related to the

situational context:它的前提是假设人们可以从语境中推知词义的意义,四个核心因素:

(1) the speaker and the hearer; 讲话人和听话人

(2) the actions they are performing at the time; 当时双方在做的事情

(3) various external objects and events; 其他外在的事件或事物

(4) Deictic features. 指示成分(语境中的代词)

The “linguistic context” is another aspect of contextualism. It considers the probability of one word’s co-occurrence or collocation with another, which forms part of the meaning, and an important factor in communication. Fox example: the meaning of the word “black” differ in the two collocations of “black hair”and “black coffee”

(4) Behaviorism 行为主义论

The behaviorism view is illustrated by Bloomfield. Behaviorism refers to the attempt to define the meaning of a language form as the “situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer”. Behaviorism somewhat close to contextualism emphasizes on the psychological response.行为主义论和语境论的相似之处,行为主义论也把语义放到语境中去研究,但它更注重人的心理活动,认为语



Morphology 形态学,研究词的内部结构和构造规则 如colorful,由color和-ful两部分构成,由此概括出一条规则:名词词尾加上-ful可构成形容词 Morpheme, 语素,不能再简化的有意义的语言单位。如boys,由boy和-s构成 Morph 语素的具体形态 Allomorph 语素变体 英文单词illogical,imbalance,irregular和inactive有着共同的语素in-。换句话说,im-,ir-是语素in-的变体。 Free morphemes 能单独出现,独立构词的语素称为自由语素。如work,boy Bound morphemes 不能独立出现,必须附着在其他语素后才能构词的语素。如distempered中,dis-和-ed是黏着语素,temper是自由语素 Bound roots 不能独立出现,只能被词缀附着后出现 如refer中的-fer,consist中的-sist Content morphemes 包含语义内容的语素(包含简单词和能改变词根意义的词缀),如名词、动词、形容词、副词。如work Function morphemes 通过联系一个句子中的其他词提供语法功能的语素 如介词、连词、冠词 at,for,a,but Inflectional 曲折,生成同一语素的不同形式 -s,-‘s,-ing,-en,-er,-est,-s Derivational 派生,生成新词,通常可以改变词汇意义 Cat,caty Compounding合成 如Girlfriend Reduplication 重复 Abbreviation or shortening 简写 Blending 混合 Motor+hotel=motel Breakfast+lunch=brunch Alternation Man men Suppletion不规则 Go went Syntax句法


序论部分 语言学:是以语言作为专门研究对象的一门独立的科学;从方法上分为历史语言学、比较语言学、历史比较语言学、描写语言学;从研究对象上可分为个别语言学和普通语言学;19C 初的历史比较语言学标志着语言学的诞生。 历史语言学:用历史的方法来考察语言的历史演变、研究它的变化规律的语言学。 比较语言学:用比较的方法,对不同的语言进行对比研究,找出它们相异之处或共同规律的语言学。表层结构、深层结构:表层结构和深层结构相对,表层结构赋予句子以一定的语音形式,即通过语音形式所表达出来的那种结构,表层结构是由深层结构转换而显现的;深层结构是赋予句子以一定的语义解释的那种结构。 语言的社会功能语言的依存性(强制性):语言符号的音义结合是任意的,但一经社会约定俗成后,音义之间就具有互相依存的关系,不得任意更改。 语言层级性:语言是一种分层装置。语言结构要素的各个单位,在语言结构中,并非处在同一个平面上,而是分为不同的层和级。语言可分为二层——底层是一套音位和由音位组成的音节,为语言符号准备了形式部分;上层是音义结合的符号和符号的序列,分为三级:第一级是词素,是构词材料';第二级是词,是造句材料;第三级是句子,是交际的基本单位。语言发展的渐变性:指语言从旧质过渡到新质不是经过爆发,不是经过消灭现存的语言和创造新的语言,而是经过新质要素的逐渐积累,旧质要素的逐渐死亡来实现的。语言结构的体系的演变只能采取渐变,不能爆发突变。 语言发展的不平衡性:指语言结构体系发展变化是不平衡的,即词汇、语义、语音、语法的发展速度是不一样的。与社会联系最直接的词汇、语义变化最快,语音次之,语法最慢。组合关系:构成线性序列的语言成分之间前后相继的关系。语言单位顺着时间的线条前后相继,好像一根链条,一环扣着一环,处于这个组合链中的两个符号或符号序列之间的关系就叫组合关系。如:主谓、动宾等都是具体的组合关系类型。 聚合关系:在线性序列的某一结构位置上语言成分之间相互替换的关系。在同一位置上能够相互替换的语言单位具有相同的语法功能。在这个线性序列中,每一个语言单位都占有一个特定的位置,在这个位置上它可以被其他语言单位替换下来,犹如一根链条,某一环可以被另一环替换下来,从而形成一根新的链条。 语言习得性:是指虽然人类先天就具有潜在的语言能力,但要掌握一门语言,必须通过后天的学习,没有现实的语言环境,不能掌握任何一种语言。 语言能力:抽象思维能力和发音能力的结合,即,掌握语言需要有发达的大脑和灵活的发音器官。征候:是事物本身的特征,它代表着事物,可以让我们通过它来推知事物。如:炊烟代表人家。语音部分语音:即语言的声音,由人的发音器官发出,负载一定的意义,是语言的物质外壳,语言依靠语音来实现其社会交际功能。 音素:从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位,分为元音和辅音。 国际音标:由国际语音学会于1888年制定的一套记音符号,它根据“一个音素只用一个音标表示,一个音标只表示一个音素”的原则,主要使用拉丁字母和各种变形符号,是国际上通用的记音符号。语音的生理属性:指语音的动力、发音体和发音方法。 语音的物理属性:是指物体受到外力作用而发生振动,从而使周围的空气也发生振动,形成音波,音波传入人耳,使鼓膜发生振动,刺激听觉神经,于是人们产生了声音的感觉。语音的物理属性包括音高、音长、音重、音质。 语音的社会属性:指同一个音素在不同的语言或方言中具有不同的作用,执行不同的交际功能,是语音的本质属性。 音高:指声音的高低,取决于发音体振动的频率,具有区别意义的作用。如汉语的声调。音重:指声音的强弱,取决于振幅,具有区别意义的作用。语音的强弱与气流量的大小和发


语言学名词解释汇总 一、名词解释。 1、语言学:①~是以语言作为专门研究对象的一门独立的科学;②从方法上分为历史…、比较…、历史比较…、描写…;从研究对象上可分为个别…和普通…; ③19世纪初的历史比较学标志着语言学的诞生。 2、语文学:…是为给古代文化遗产——政治历史文学等方面的经典书面著作作注释,目的是使人们可以读懂古书的一门尚未独立的学科。 3、小学:指我国古代传统的文学学、音韵学和训诂学,虽然我国古代没有语文学,但一般认为…属于语文学的范围。 4、训诂:是解释字义和研究它的演变的一门学科,其目的是从词义方面来解释古书的文字。 5、专语语言学:以某种具体的语言为研究对象的语言学称为…。 *共时语言学和历时语言学:根据语言体系的稳固和变化,把语言研究分为共时的和历时的研究,共时…研究的是在特定时期内相对稳固的语言体系,如对现代汉语的研究;历时…研究的则是描写语言体系的历史演变,如对汉语发展史的研究。*普通语言学:是对人类语言从理论方面进行研究的一门学科,它探索各种语言所共有的规律以及各种语言在结构上的共同特点。 *历史语言学:用历史的方法来考察语言的历史演变、研究它的变化规律的语言学称为…。 *比较语言学:用比较的方法,对不同的语言进行对比研究,找出它们相异之处或共同规律的叫…。 6、表层结构和深层结构:表层结构和深层结构相对,表层结构赋予句子以一定的语音形式,即通过语音形式所表达出来的那种结构,表层结构是由深层结构转换而显现的;深层结构是赋予句子以一定的语义解释的那种结构。 7、语言:是从言语中概括出来的音义结合的词汇系统和语法系统。 *言语:是说的行为和结果。 *说话:是人们运用语言工具表达思想所产生的结果。 8、语言层级性(二层性):语言是一种分层装置。语言结构要素的各个单位,在语言结构中,并非处在同一个平面上,而是分为不同的层和级。语言可分为二层——底层是一套音位和由音位组成的音节;上层分为三级:第一级是词素,是构词材料';第二级是词,是造句材料;第三级是句子,是交际的基本单位。 *语言的线条性:是指在交际过程中,语言符号或者作为符号的形式的声音,只能一个跟着一个依次出现,随着时间的推移而逐渐延伸,绝不能在同一时间里说出两个符号或两个声音。 *任意性:语言符号的音义结合是任意的,音义之间交没有必然的、本质的联系,也就是它们之间的结合是不可论证的,是约定俗成的。 *依存性:语言符号的音义结合是任意的,但一经社会约定俗成后,音义之间就具有互相依存的关系,不得任意更改。 9、语言发展的渐变性:指语言从旧质过渡到新质不是经 过爆发,不是经过消灭现存的语言和创造新的语言,而是经过新质要素的逐渐积累,旧质要素的逐渐死亡来实现的。语言结构的体系的演变只能采取渐变,不能爆发突变。 *语言发展的不平衡性:指语言结构体系发展变化是不平衡的,即词汇、语义、


Illocutionary act: The illocutionary act is the act performed in the performing of a locutionary act. When we speak we not only produce some units of language with certain meanings, but also make clear our purpose in producing them, the way we intend them to be understood, or they also have certain forces as Austin prefers to say. In the example of “Morning!” we can say it has the force of a greeting, or it ought to have been taken as a greeting. Cooperative principle: This is the principle suggested by Grice about the regularity in conversation, which reads “Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged”. There are four categories of maxims under it, namely, quantity maxims, quality maxims, relation maxim, and manner maxims. Conversational implicature: This is a type of implied meaning, which is deduced on the basis of the conventional meaning of words together with the context, under the guidance of the CP and its maxims. In this sense, implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning, or 言外之意in Chinese. Entailment: This is a logical relationship between two sentences in which the truth of the second necessarily follows from the truth of the first, while the falsity of the first follows from the falsity of the second. For example, when “I saw a boy” is true, “I saw a child” is necessarily true;and if “I saw a child” is not true, “I saw a boy” will not be true either. Ostensive communication: “Ostensive communication”, or “inferential communication”, is a shorthand for “ostensive-inferential communication”. That is, communication is not simply a matter of encoding and decoding, it also involves inference on the part of the hearer and ostension (making clear of one?s intention to express something) on the part of the speaker. Speech act theory: speech act theory is the first major in theory in the study of language in use which originated with J.L. Austin. In his opinion, to say something is to do something. He classified speech act into three kinds: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act. Image Schema意向图式: is a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience. Sociolinguistics: is the linguistic study of society or the social study of language. Transformation-generative grammar (TG)转换生成语法TG refers to any grammar in which different syntactic structures are related by transformations. Hend commonly, from the 1960s, of the theories of Chomsky, or of Chomsky?s school, in general. In a transformational grammar as Chomsky first proposed it, the main role of transformations was to relate the sentences of a language as a whole to a small set of kernel sentences. Functional sentence perspective (FSP)功能句子观is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances or texts in terms of the information they contain. The principle is that Stimulus-response: A learning theory associated particularly with the American psychologist Skinner, which describes learning as the formation of association between responses. Behaviorism in linguistics holds that children learn language through a chain of “stimulus-response reinforcement”, and the adult?s use of language is also a process of stimulus-response. A stimulus is the behavior


语言学概论名词解释 (一) 1、【语言学】语言学是把语言作为研究对象的科学,是关于语言的理论知识。+语言学是抽象应用性学科,语言学为语文教学服务,语言学为国家语文政策服务,语言学促进现代化建设 2、【具体语言学】以某一种或一些具体语言为研究对象的语言学叫做具体语言学+具体语言学都是研究有关个别语言(或语系、语族)的特殊规律的。 3、【理论语言学】把具体语言研究的成果总结起来,找出语言的一般规律的学科是理论语言学(或普通语言学)。+它在具体语言研究的基础上总结出一般规律,再用来指导具体语言的研究,理论语言学提供语言学的基本概念、有关语言的一般理论、模式和研究方法,通常包括语言结构的分析和描写的种种原则。它的内容应该适用于所有或多数语言。 4、【历时语言学】也叫历史语言学,研究语言在不同阶段的历史演变,研究它的语音、语义或词汇、语法等从古到今的发展。 5、【共时语言学】也叫断代语言学,它研究某一时期的具体语言的结构状况。 6、【应用语言学】应用语言学是应用语言学成果于各种有关语言文字实际运用的学科。+它包括语言教学、机器翻译、人机对话、情报检索、人工智能、词典编纂、文学创作技巧、失语症治疗等有关语言文字运用的研究。 7、【各种类型的语言学】研究语法构造的叫语法学;研究词汇的叫做词汇学;研究语音的语音学;研究语义的叫语义学;研究如何加强语言表现力的是修辞学;研究文字的是文字学。

8、【社会语言学】社会语言学是语言学同其他社会科学相交的边缘学科,建立于20世纪60年代。+社会语言学的根本目的是要研究人们使用着的活生生的语言是什么样子,随哪些因素而起变化,有什么规律,因此它的研究课题十分广泛,另一方面,还可以研究社会现象及其发展过程在语言中的反映。 9、【心理语言学】心理语言学是语言学和心理学相交的边缘学科,20世纪50年代既已建立。+心理语言学的研究内容主要是:语言的习得,语言的发生,语言的理解,语言与思维、智力的关系等。心理语言学还对大脑结构、思维和语言之间的制约关系进行探索,但目前有关的若干问题已成为又一门新的学科--神经语言学的研究对象。 10、【数理语言学】数理语言学是数学与语言学相交的边缘学科,是用数学方法研究自然语言及其运用的一门新兴学科。数理语言学因研究的目的、对象等的差异又分为代数语言学和统计语言学。 (二) 11、【语言】语言是人类最重要的交际工具,它以语音为表现形式,以语义为内容,是一个由词汇和语法构成的符号系统。+语言是社会的产物,语言受制于社会(具体语言中的语音和语义的结合是由社会决定的),又服从于社会需要。语言的活动范围最为宽广,能够满足社会全体成员各个方面的交际需要。语言具有基础性、广泛性、适应性、全民性、无阶级性。有声语言是划分人和动物的重要标志之一。语言是民主社会集体创造的最重要的交际工具,它本身是民族文化的组成部分,而且往往是文化的其他领域的载体和表现形式,也因此说语言是民族文化的标志。 12、【言语】言语是运用语言(说话)和运用语言的结果(说的话)。在运用文字的情况下,言语是写作和写下来的话。+平常听到的一句句话都是言语,言语是社会本质和个人本质的结合。


语言学概论名词解释 序论部分 语言学:是以语言作为专门研究对象的一门独立的科学;从方法上分为历史语言学、比较语言学、历史比较语言学、描写语言学;从研究对象上可分为个别语言学和普通语言学;19C初的历史比较语言学标志着语言学的诞生。 语文学:是为给古代文化遗产,即政治历史文学等方面的经典书面著作作注释,目的是使人们可以读懂古书的一门尚未独立的学科。“小学”:中国传统的语文学,围绕阐释和解读先秦典籍来展开研究,形成了文字学、音韵学、训诂学,分别探讨和研究汉字的字形、字音、字义。 专语语言学:以某种具体的语言为研究对象的语言学。 共时语言学、历时语言学:根据语言体系的稳固和变化,把语言研究分为共时的和历时的研究,。共时语言学研究的是在特定时期内相对稳固的语言体系,如对现代汉语的研究;历时语言学研究的则是描写语言体系的历史演变,如对汉语发展史的研究。 普通语言学:是对人类语言从理论方面进行研究的一门学科,它探索各种语言所共有的规律以及各种语言在结构上的共同特点。 历史语言学:用历史的方法来考察语言的历史演变、研究它的变化规律的语言学。 比较语言学:用比较的方法,对不同的语言进行对比研究,找出它们相异之处或共同规律的语言学。 表层结构、深层结构:表层结构和深层结构相对,表层结构赋予句子以一定的语音形式,即通过语音形式所表达出来的那种结构,表层结构是由深层结构转换而显现的;深层结构是赋予句子以一定的语义解释的那种结构。 索绪尔:现代语言学的创始人,代表著作是《普通语言学教程》。(简单要加补充) 语言的社会功能 语言:就其本质而言,语言是一种音义结合的符号系统;就其社会功能来说,语言是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类最重要的交际工具和必不可少的思维工具。 言语:是对语言的运用,是语言的行为和结果。 说话:是人们运用语言工具表达思想所产生的结果。 思维:是人脑能动地反映客观现实的机能和过程。根据思维活动的不同形态可分为三种类型:直观动作思维、形象思维、抽象思维。 社会:指生活在一个共同的地域中、说同一种语言、有共同的风俗习惯和文体传统的人类共同体,即一般所说的部落、部族和民族。 符号:是一个社会全体成员共同约定用来表示某种意义的记号、标记。 语言符号:是由音义结合构成的,代表或指称现实现象的符号。“音”是语言符号的物质表现形式,“义”是语言符号的内容,只有音义结合才能指称现实现象,构成语言符号。 语言的线条性:是指语言符号在交际过程中,其声音只能一个跟着一个依次出现,随着时间的推移而逐渐延伸,绝不能在同一时间里说出两个符号或两个声音。 语言的任意性:语言符号的音义结合是任意的,由社会约定俗成,没有什么必然的、本质的联系。 语言的依存性(强制性):语言符号的音义结合是任意的,但一经社会约定俗成后,音义之间就具有互相依存的关系,不得任意更改。 语言层级性:语言是一种分层装置。语言结构要素的各个单位,在语言结构中,并非处在同一个平面上,而是分为不同的层和级。语言可分为二层——底层是一套音位和由音位组成的音节,为语言符号准备了形式部分;上层是音义结合的符号和符号的序列,分为三级:第一级是词素,是构词材料';第二级是词,是造句材料;第三级是句子,是交际的基本单位。 语言发展的渐变性:指语言从旧质过渡到新质不是经过爆发,不是经过消灭现存的语言和创造新的语言,而是经过新质要素的逐渐积累,旧质要素的逐渐死亡来实现的。语言结构的体系的演变只能采取渐变,不能爆发突变。 语言发展的不平衡性:指语言结构体系发展变化是不平衡的,即词汇、语义、语音、语法的发展速度是不一样的。与社会联系最直接的词汇、语义变化最快,语音次之,语法最慢。 组合关系:构成线性序列的语言成分之间前后相继的关系。语言单位顺着时间的线条前后相继,好像一根链条,一环扣着一环,处于这个组合链中的两个符号或符号序列之间的关系就叫组合关系。如:主谓、动宾等都是具体的组合关系类型。 聚合关系:在线性序列的某一结构位置上语言成分之间相互替换的关系。在同一位置上能够相互替换的语言单位具有相同的语法功能。在这个线性序列中,每一个语言单位都占有一个特定的位置,在这个位置上它可以被其他语言单位替换下来,犹如一根链条,某一环可以被另一环替换下来,从而形成一根新的链条。 语言习得性:是指虽然人类先天就具有潜在的语言能力,但要掌握一门语言,必须通过后天的学习,没有现实的语言环境,不能掌握任何一种语言。 语言能力:抽象思维能力和发音能力的结合,即,掌握语言需要有发达的大脑和灵活的发音器官。 征候:是事物本身的特征,它代表着事物,可以让我们通过它来推知事物。如:炊烟代表人家。 语音部分 语音:即语言的声音,由人的发音器官发出,负载一定的意义,是语言的物质外壳,语言依靠语音来实现其社会交际功能。 音素:从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位,分为元音和辅音。 国际音标:由国际语音学会于1888年制定的一套记音符号,它根据“一个音素只用一个音标表示,一个音标只表示一个音素”的原则,主


语言学纲要名词解释 导言 1.语言学:以语言作为专门研究对象的一门独立学科,其主要任务是研究语言的性质、结构和功能,通过考察语言及其应用的现象,来解释语言存在和发展的规律。 2.语文学:指19世纪历史比较语言学之前的语言研究,这时的语言研究尚未独立,语言学作为其他学科的附庸而存在,语言研究的主要目的是为了阅读古籍和语言教学,从而为统治者治理国家或为其他学科的研究服务。 3.小学:中国传统的语文学,由于汉语书面语使用的文字——汉字的特点,中国传统语言研究抓住汉字,分析它的形体,探求它的古代读音和意义,形成了统称“小学”的文字、音韵、训诂之学,也就是中国传统的语文学。 4.理论语言学:也称普通语言学,是关于语言的一般规律的理论研究。理论语言学的水平在很大程度上决定于具体语言学的研究成果。 5.共时语言学:以同时的、静态的分析方法,研究语言相对静止的状态,描写分析语言在某一时期、某一阶段的状况,是从横的方面研究语言。 6.历时语言学:研究语言发展的历史,观察一种语言的各个结构要素在不同发展阶段的历史演变,是从纵向的方面研究语言的历史。涉及到一种语言的叫做历时语言学,如历史语音学,历史词汇学,历史语法学等;涉及到多种语言和方言的叫做历史比较语言学。 7.索绪尔:瑞士语言学家,现代语言学的奠基人,结构主义语言学的开创者,著有《普通语言学教程》,被人们誉为“现代语言学之父”。他提出语言是符号体系;符号由能指所指两部分构成,这两部分的关系是任意的,一旦形成以后又是约定性的;符号系统内部存在“组合关系”和“聚合关系”;区分了“语言”和“言语”;“内部语言学”和“外部语言学”;“历时语言学”和“共时语言学”。他的学说标志着现代语言学的开始,在不同的程度上影响着20世纪的各个语言学派。 8.布龙菲尔德:美国描写语言学派的代表人物,它的主要贡献是将语言学从哲学理念建设成为一门科学。早期的著作是出版于1914年的《语言研究导论》,立足于心理学来阐释语言、刺激—反应论来解释语言的产生和理解的过程。1933年他的最有影响的著作《语言论》出版。这时,他已经从构造心理学转到行为心理学。他在该书中提出了美国结构语言学派研究语言的基本原则和描写语言结构的总框架。 9.乔姆斯基:转换生成语法的创始人,著有《句法结构》。最出他用结构主义的方法研究希伯来语,后来发现这种方法有很大的局限性,转而探索新的方法,逐步建立了转换生成语法,1957年出版的《句法结构》就是这一新方法的标志。这种分析方法风靡全世界,冲垮了结构语言学的支配地位,因而被人们成为“乔姆斯基革命”,对语言学的发展方向产成了巨大影响。 10.韩礼德:英国语言学家,功能主义语言学派的代表人物,继承了以弗斯为首的伦敦学派的基本理论,并吸收布拉格学派和哥本哈根学派的某些观点的基础上发展起来和创立了系统功能语法,著有《普通语言学教程》《语法功能论》等著作。他从人类学和社会学的角度出发研究语言与社会的关系,把语言看做“社会符号”,其包括功能系统、层次和语境等概念,在语法中认为系统中存在连锁系统和选择系统,在功能语法中他用功能的配置来解释语法结构,提出了概念功能、人际功能、语篇功能。20世纪70年代后,他将注意力转移到语言与社会学、符号学的关系上,对社会语言学进行研究。 11.赵元任:字宣仲,江苏常州人,生于天津。赵元任是“中国语言学之父”。他将科学运用于语言学研究的结果:用自然科学中的基本概念说明语言问题;用自然科学的先进成果记录和分析语音;把自然科学中的研究方法引入语言学;引入科学的描述事物的方式以及解决问题的程序等等。中国的传统语言学在他和同时代的一批学者的努力下,逐步走向现代化。 12.历史比较语言学:出现于18世纪末19世纪初,中心在德国。该学派采用历史比较的方法,通过语音和词形的比较研究语言的发展和演变,发现了语言之间的亲缘关系并建立了语言的谱系分类。历史比较语言学的兴起,是语言学成为一门独立的学科。经过一个多世纪的探索研究,弄清了世界上很多语言的同源关系,建立了世界语言的谱系分类,为语言学的发展做了很大贡献。历史比较语言学也有局限:他强调了语言的历史比较,忽视了语言的共时研究;孤立地研究语言单位,缺乏对语言系统性的研究。 13.结构主义语言学:1916年索绪尔的《普通语言学教程》标志着结构主义语言学的诞生。索绪尔语言理论的核心是语言是符号系统,突破了历史比较语言学的局限,开拓了语言研究的新领域,给语言学带来革命性的变化。


When I was preparing the postgraduate entrance examination of NNU(Nanjing Normal University),some of these following concepts had been tested,but there's no specific or clear explanation in the textbook required by the university.As in preparing the second-round examination I read them in other relevant books, I wrote down here for your reference.Hope they are useful to some of you. 1. Acculturation(同化过程)is a process in which members of one cultural group adopt the beliefs and behaviors of another group. 2. Adjacency pair(相邻语对);a sequence of two utterances by different speakers in conversation. The second is a response to the first, such as question/answer sequences and greeting/greeting exchange. 3. affix: a bound morpheme that is attached to a stem and modifies its meaning in some way. 4. agreement (concord)(一致): a grammatical phenomenon in which the form of one word in a sentence is determined by the form of another word which is grammatically linked to it. E.g. in the sentence The boy goes to school every day.There is an agreement in number between boy and goes. 5.articulators(发音器官): the tongue,lips,and velum, which change the shape of the vocal tract to produce different speech sounds. 6.aspect(体): the grammatical category representing distinction in the temporal structure of an event. English has two aspect construction---the perfect and the progressive.(完成体和进行体) 7.aspiration(吐气); the puff of air that sometimes follows the pronounciation of a stop consonant. E.g. /p/ in the word pit. 8.consonant(辅音); a speech sound produced by partial or complete closure of part of the vocal tract, thus obstructing the airflow and creating audible friction. Consonants are described in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation. 9. converstional implicature(会话含义):meanings that are explicable in the light of converational maxims. https://www.360docs.net/doc/d712218550.html,municative competence(交际能力); the ability to use language appropriately in social situations. 11. constituent(成分): a syntactic unit that functions as part of a large unit within a sentence; typical constituent types are verb phrase, noun phrase, prepositional phrase and clause. 12.case(格):the grammatical category in inflectional languages by which the form of a noun or noun phrase varies for grammatical or semantic reasons. English has only one case distinction in nouns—the genitive case(所有格), but English pronouns have three forms that correspond to three of the six cases in Latin. 13.clause(小句): a grammatical unit that contains a subject and a predicate. It may be a sentence or part of a sentence. 14.closed class(封闭词类): a group of words whose membership is small and does not readily accept new members. 15.coinage(创新词): the construction and addition of new words. 16.distribution(分布): the set of positions in which a given linguistic element or form can appear in a language. 17.duality(双重结构): a type of double-layer structure in which a small number of meaningless units are combined to produce a large number of meaningful units. 18.entailment(包含); the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one(the second)


自考语言学概论名词解释: 1、口语:口语是语言的有声客观存在形式,是书面语产生的基础,相对于书面语是第一性的。 2、书面语:书面语是语言的客观存在形式之一,在口语的基础上产生,相对于口语是第二性的,是经过加工、提炼和发展了的口语的书面形式。 3、语言:语言是从言语中概括出来的,为社会所公认的词语和规则的总和。 4、言语:是个人说的行为(说话)和结果(所说的话)。 5、符号:是根据社会的约定俗成使用某种特定的物质实体来表示某种特定的意义而形成的这种实体和意义的结合体。 6、能指:是语言符号的物质实体。 7、所指:是符号所指的意义内容。 8、语言符号的任意性:是指语言符号的物质实体和意义内容之间没有必然的理据关系。 9、语言符号的强制性:指语言符号在同一社会、同一时代,对使用同一种语言的每一个社会成员来说,是不能任意改变的。 10、聚合关系:在同一个位置上可以互相替换出现的各个语言单位处在互相可以联想起来的关系中,因而聚合成为一个类。 11、组合关系:在语言结构的同一层级上组合起来的各个单位之间所形成的关系。 12、普通语言学:指从理论上研究人类各种语言所共有的规律以及各种语言在结构上的共同特点的一门语言学分支学科。 13、理论语言学:指从理论上研究人类语言的性质、功能、结构等的语言学分支学科。以研究对象的不同,可分为个别语言学和一般语言学。 14、应用语言学:指运用语言学的理论知识来解决其他学科领域的各种问题的语言学分支学科,可分为狭义应用语言学和广义应用语言学。 15、传统语言学:一般泛指20世纪以前的语言学,特别是指索绪尔开创的结构主义语言学以前的语言学。 16、结构主义语言学:指索绪尔创立的语言学,它旨在语言系统本身的规律。 17、语音的生理属性:指发音器官发音动作、发音部位和发音方法。 18、语音的物理属性:指物体受外力的作用,发生振动,从而使周围的空气也发生震荡,形成一种音波。音波传到人的耳朵里,使鼓膜发生相应的振动,刺激听觉神经,于是人们就产生了声音的感觉。语音的物理属性可从音高、音长、音强、音质四个方面分析。 19、音位:就是从社会功能的角度划分出来的语音单位,它是特定语言或方言中具有区别意义作用的最小的语音单位。20、音质音位:以音素为材料,通过音质的差别来起辨义作用的音位。 21、非音质音位:通过音高、音强、音长的差别来起辨义作用的音位。 22、音位的条件变体:指出现的语音环境各不相同而又同属一个音位的两个或几个音素。 23、音位的自由变体:指可以在同一语音环境里出现而又不能区别意义的两个或几个音素。 24、区别特征:具有区别音位的作用的语音特征。 25、调位:利用音高差别来区别意义的非音质音位。 26、重位:利用音强等方面的差别来区别意义的非音质音位。 27、时位:利用发音长短来区别意义的非音质音位。 28、音渡:语音单元在前后过渡、相互联接时,会因为自身性质的不同而采取不同的过渡和联接方式,这些方式叫做音渡,又叫音联。 29、元辅音分析法:以元辅音为基本分析单位,如把以元音作为核心的音节他为V、C —V、V—C、C—V—C四种基本类型,所采用的就是这种分析方法。 30、声韵调分析法:以“声母”,“韵母”、“声调”为基本分析单位,按照这种分析法,汉语的音节可以分为声母、韵母、声调三个部分。 31、同化:语流里两个不同的音,其中一个因受另一个影响而变得跟它相同或相似的现象。 32、异化:语流中两个相同或相近的音,其中一个因受另一个的影响而变得不相同或不相近的现象。 33、语流音变:在连续的语流中,一个音可能由于邻近音的影响,或自身所处地位的不同,或说话的快慢、高低、强弱的不同而在发音上产生一些变化的现象。 34、韵律特征:又叫做“超音质特征”或“超音段特征”,指的是语音中除音质特征之外的音高、音长和音强方面的变化。 35、连续变调:声调语言的两个或两个以上的音节组合在一起时,音节的调值有时会发生变化而与单念时不同的现象。 36、语汇的任意性:指任何语言的词语,特别是意义单一的词,发什么音表什么义在初始阶段大多是任意的。如汉语管某一种东西叫“书”(shu),英语管书叫“book”这都是任意的。词语和命名的事物之间没有必然联系。 37、语汇的理据性:指语言中有相当多词语,其音义之间也有一定的联系,特别是“同源词”和“复合词”。同源词如“帐”“涨”“胀”等与“张”不但语音近似,且意义有某种联系。复合词如汉语的“雨衣”是“下雨时穿的衣服”,英语的“raincoat”就是“rain”“coat”组合的意义。它们都是可以论证的。


1、Descriptive: to make an objective and systematic account of the patterns and use of a language or variety. 2、Arbitrariness: the absence of any physical correspondence between linguistic signals and the entities to which they refer. 3、Duality: the structural organization of language into two abstract levels: meaningful units(e.g. words) and meaningless segments(e.g. sounds, letters). 4、Displacement: the ability of language to refer to contexts removed from the speaker's immediate situation. 5、Phatic communion: said of talk used to establish atmosphere or maintain social contact. 6、Langue: the language system shared by a "speech community". 7、allophone: variants of the same phoneme. If two or more phonetically different sounds do not make a contrast in meaning, they are said to be allophones of the same phoneme. To be allophones, they must be in complementary distribution and bear phonetic similarity. 8、morpheme: the smallest unit of language in terms of the relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical. 9、inflection: is the manifestation of grammatical relationship through the addition of inflectional affixes such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and cases to which they are attached. 10、endocentric: Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i. e., a word or a group of words, which serves as a definable Centre or Head. In the phrase two pretty girls, girls is the Centre or Head of this phrase or word group. 11、recursiveness: it mainly means that a constituent can be embedded within(i.e., be dominated by) another constituent having the same category, but it can be used to any means to any means to extend any constituent. Together with openness, recursiveness is the core of creativity of language. 12、cohesion: cohesion refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and that define it as a text. The cohesion devices usually include: conjunction, ellipsis, lexical collocation, lexical collocation, lexical repetition, reference, substitution, and so on. 13、conceptual meaning: this is the first type of meaning recognized by Leech, which he defined as the logical, cognitive, or denotative content. In other words, it overlaps to a large extent with the notion of reference. But Leech also used "sense" as a briefer term for this conceptual meaning. As a result, Leech's conceptual meaning has two sides: sense and reference.
