

The Cooperative Principle of Pragmatics:

An Analysis of the Verbal Humour in the Sitcom Home with Kids

Since the language was born, the research of it has never interrupted. Humor is the spice of our lives, leave it the life will be boring. Pragmatics is a main branch of Linguistics, with the development of pragmatic theory, linguists and hobbyists from many angles analysis on verbal humor and achieved fruitful results.While cooperative principle, as one of the most important pragmatic principle, makes a systemic study about language use and lays a solid foundation for later development of pragmatics. The violation of cooperative principle can often generate conversational implicature or achieve certain communicative effects. On the basis of previous humour and pragmatic theory research, I will analysis from the point of the cooperative principle of those verbal humour dialogue in the sitcom "Home with Kids", which reflects the daily life of a rebuilt family and attracts many Chinese audiences by its creating writing, good acting as well as its wonderful transcripts.

1. Four Maxims of the Cooperative Principle

In 1975, the language philosopher H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Cooperative Principle” which created quite a stir i n the linguistic world and generated a large number of linguistic publications that are built on Grice's postulates.

According to Grice, in conversational exchange, people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation. To achieve this, people need to cooperate with each other. Grice' theory of the cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than what is literally said and foe the hearer to understand.

The four maxims of CP are Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim. The maxim of quantity has two sub-maxims that require the cooperative speaker to say as much as but no more than is required for his particular purposes in the talk exchange. The maxim of quality also has two sub-maxims, which demands that the speaker say only what he believes to be true and for which he has sufficient evidence. The maxim of relation urges the speaker to make his contribution relevant to the communication context. The maxim of manner requires the speaker to be methodical and to avoid ambiguity, prolixity, and obscurity. In short, as Grice put it for the cooperative principle, "make your

conversational contribution such as is required,at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged". The cooperative principle is the foundation of pragmatic interpretation of humor, of which the flouting of maxims plays a very important role.

2. Floutings of CP Maxims and Humor Production

In actual conversation, a participant may deliberately flout CP maxims for some reason or special need. As an important category of non-observance of the conversational maxims, a flout is distinguished by deliberately triggering the hearer's search for an implicature. The speaker employs this way seemingly against the cooperative principle to reinforce the communicative effect. In this way the speaker can make his conversation humorous and thus produce the effect of humor. In fact, flouting of the CP is often seen in Chinese sitcoms. Of course, sitcom writers also deliberately flout the principle in order to achieve humorous effects.

2.1 Flouting the Quantity Maxim

When a speaker offers more or less information than is required by the situation with the intention of generating an implicature, he flouts the maxim of quantity. Look at the following example:

(1) (In Episode 093, Liu Xing goes to Internet café and Liu Mei keeps asking what he did there.)

Xing: You'd better not interfere with my business from now on!


Mei: What did you say? I don't interfere with your business? Why didn't you say it when I breast-fed you? Why didn't you say it when you were sick? Why didn't you say it when you fell to the ground?Why didn't you say it when you couldn't walk? You don't want me to interfere with you now, because you are grown up and can do whatever you want?

(你说什么呢?再说一遍!我少管?你小时候喝奶的时候怎么不说?小时候生病的时候怎么不说呀? 摔跟头时候怎么不说呀?学会走路时候怎么不说?这时候让我少管。你翅膀硬了,自个会飞了?)

In this episode, the mother is very angry about what Liu Xing did and said; she is so angry that she can’t help talking excessively about the matter, which sounds humorous. This obviously violates the second sub-maxim of quantity: Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

(2) Let's take another episode as an example:

Dad didn't get home on time, Liu Mei ask Xiao Yu to call his cell phone, after made the phone call

Mei: Who answered the phone? (谁接的电话?)

Yu: A woman. (一个女的。)

Mei: What? What did she say? (嗯? 说什么?)

Yu: She said," sorry, you dial telephone temporarily unable to get through." (“对不起,您拨打的电话暂时无法接通……”。)

In this dialogue, Xiao Yu intentionally did not say that it is the voice prompts but a woman to pick up the phone, she did not give enough information at the beginning, therefore, she violated the lacking of information criteria in order to create a tense atmosphere.

2.2 Flouting the Quality Maxim

The maxim of quality requires that one's verbal contribution to a conversation should be truthful.The theory also claims that you violate the quality maxim when you deliberately lie or communicate in a way that does not reflect an honest intention.The following are two examples drawn respectively from Home with Kids and Growing Pains which can explain how flouting the maxim of quality produces humor:

(1) (In Episode 101 of Home with Kids,the reorganized family just live together. Xia Yu and his mother Liu Mei have such a dialogue.)

Yu: Mum,my hand was bitten by the insect.


Mei: Oh,what's the matter? Was it bitten by mosquito? Come on,let me scratch for you.


Yu: Why does the mosquito only bite me instead of Liu Xing? This isn' t my home?


Mei: Nonsense!Of course this is your home.Here are your dad and mum.Do you know why the mosquitoes only bite you instead of Liu Xing?


Yu: Why?

Mei: Because your blood is sweet while Liu Xing' s is stinking.


When a speaker says something that is false or for which he lacks adequate evidence, he flouts the maxim of quality. In this conversation, it is obvious that the mother tells a lie to

Xiao Yu. As a mother and an adult, she knows the reason well. In order to hoax Xiao Yu and make him feel good, she deliberately says something which is obviously false. In this way, Liu Mei doesn't observe the first sub-maxim of quality: Do not say what you believe to be false. But it is just her deliberate flouting of the maxim that makes her son(Xiao Yu)feel better and at the same time generates a humorous effect.

2.3 Flouting the Manner Maxim

"Avoiding obscurity" means what you say must be easily or clearly understood. "Avoiding ambiguity" means there should be no existence of more than one meaning in what you say. "Being brief" and "being orderly" mean what you say should be concise and well arranged. The maxim of manner is flouted by speaking redundantly, disorderly or unclearly. On this occasion the speaker seems very uncooperative, but actually he intends to produce an implicature to be deduced by the hearer. In verbal communication, people often misunderstand the ambiguous expressions, thus resulting in a humorous effect. The following dialogue between Liu Mei and her son Liu Xing is a case in point.

Mei: Why doesn't the gorilla evolve? (猩猩为什麽不进化啊?)

Xing: Give me a reason for its evolution. (给我一个进化的理由。)

Mei :Why doesn't it talk? (它为什麽不说话啊?)

Xing: What do you want me to say? (您让我说什麽呀?)

Mei: It lies in its defect in listening. (在于听力的缺陷。)

Xing: My ears are quite good. (我耳朵挺好哒!)

Mei: Go away. Don't bother me! (去!别在这儿捣乱。)

Xing: Aren't you talking about me?(您不是说我呢吗?)

Mei: I am talking about the gorilla.(我这儿说大猩猩呢。)

The pronunciation of gorilla(xingxing)in Chinese language is the same with Liu Xing's nickname. Liu Mei is talking something about the gorilla, but Liu Xing misunderstands the meaning of xingxing. Obviously, this misunderstanding comes from the two possibilities to interpret the sound xingxing("猩猩"and"星星"). The ambiguous use of the word(sound), which violates the maxim of manner, is the reason of humor production here.

2.4 Flouting the Relation Maxim

The maxim of relation tells us to make our contributions relevant. The demand for relevance simply means that the speaker should only convey information that is relevant to the topic being communicated. If one party wants to avoid the topic under discussion and starts another seemingly relevant topic, he will flout the maxim of relevance. And this

seemingly relevant answer often makes another party feel funny. The maxim of relation is flouted when a response is completely irrelevant to the subject or the goal of the conversation.Look at the following example:

(1) (After Xia Donghai comes back from the parents' meeting held in Liu Xing' s school, he has a dialogue with Liu Mei.)

Mei: Are you OK? There must be huge gap in your mind now. Do you have the thought to find a way to escape? (没受刺激吧,就你这种给小雪那种好学生开过家长会的你

肯定心理有巨大的落差, 想找个地缝转进去…)

Dong Hai: The meeting is quite well. (开的还算比较圆满。)

Mei: What did the teacher tell you about Liu Xing? (老师都给刘星告什么状了?)

(The grandma coughs, indicating Xia Donghai not to tell the truth)

Dong Hai: Err, I take some medicine for grandma. (啊,我给姥姥去拿点药去。)

Mei: Quickly, what did the teacher tell you? (你快说啊,老师都说刘星什么了?)

Dong Hai: Well,he said…nothing. (他说啊,没什么。)

In this episode, after the parents'meeting, from our basic understanding about Liu Xing and Xia Donghai's facial expressions, we know that Liu Xing must have done something wrong in school. If Xia Donghai told the truth to Liu Mei, she must punish her son. So Xia Donghai intends not to tell his wife the truth and avoids answering her inquiry. His answer is apparently irrelevant to his wife's question. In this light atmosphere, he has created humor by flouting the relevance maxim.

(2) Let's look at another dialogue.

Xin : Did you know, today the teacher found a genius, that's me.


Mei: Ha-ha, this peach is really sweet.


Xin: there are several kinds of genius, not just the one who makes the high score, dad, is that right?


Dong Hai: This peach let me remembered of the ginseng fruit in the Journey to the West.


Xin: Ah, you'd listen to me. Teacher lost her car key today and I found it.


Dong Hai: It seems that Sha Seng also love to eat.


Xin: Guess where did I find it? In the car's lock. She forgot to pull it down.


Dong Hai: Actually, Tang Monk is also love to eat, he is clever and don't want to say.


Xin: While others did not think of it, which suggested that I was a genius, really, just a little training, I will become a detective scientist, just like Sherlock Holmes.


Liu Xing was talking about what happened in the school, while his parents were paid their attention to the peach. Although in a same dialogue, they talk about their own topics and without relation. It is precisely this kind of irrelevant and the ignorance of Liu Xing's boast causes the humorous effect production.

3. Conclusion

A great number of samples selected from Home with Kids are used here to illustrate how verbal humor can be interpreted from pragmatic points of view. Based on the analysis and discussion, the major findings can be summarized as follows:

First, the pragmatic analysis of Home with Kids reveals that the intentional flouting of Grice’s CP can lead to humor generation.The humorous effect occurs when the speaker intentionally or unintentionally flouts one or more of CP maxims, it provide us with mechanisms of humor comprehension.

Second, pragmatic strategies applied in Chinese verbal humors are discussed from the micro- and macro-pragmatic levels. At micro-pragmatic level, humor is often generated by use of phonetic, lexical and rhetorical strategies. At macro-pragmatic level, solidarity, aggression and self-defense are often the motivations for the use of humour.

Third, from the study of the sitcom, it can be found that humor makes great contribution to our everyday communication and everyday life. Humour helps to create a relaxing conversational environment and a light and harmonious atmosphere in which both the speakers and addressees can get great enjoyment and relaxation. It makes our life colorful and more pleasant to live.


回顾一下我英语学习的历程,对我影响比较大的学习方法主要是李阳.克立兹的疯狂突破和钟道隆的逆向法.当然还有一些其他的方法,象翱翔英语,武藏式英语(以前看的一本日本人自学英语的书)等等,但都没有前两种来的深刻.所以我想这里和大家主要介绍一下这两种: 李阳老师的疯狂英语我想大家应该都已经比较熟悉了吧.我呢,自己就是亲善大使,所以对这套方法是比较了解的.应该说,在我接触李阳.克立兹之前,我的英语学习方法是出于一种完全混沌的状态,完全是学校里传统的学习方式,那时虽然我日夜苦读,可是总感觉英语水平没有什么实质性的突破,当时我还在考上外的英语自学考试,又不敢放松,就觉得阅读还过得去,口语和听力几乎是零.当时的确是处于一种极其痛苦的徘徊状态.有多少次要放弃学习英语的念头连我自己都数不清了.后来一次看报的时候读到了李阳.克立兹的介绍,大概是道出了我学习英语的痛苦吧,共鸣感极其强烈.当下就汇款邮了两本教材,当时收到教材后简直是如获至宝,把两本黑白小册子都快翻烂了,几乎每天都要读上一遍,18张卡片上的内容真的重复了有一百遍之多,当时每张卡片上的每一句话都能脱口而出,后来我在公司里第一次作翻译的时候,才真正感到卡片上句子看似简单,但在实际生活中出现的频率是很高的. 李阳.克立兹这两年的运作应该说是比较成功的,全国很多英语学习者都有所耳闻,很多人也从中受益不少.现在也有不少人指责李阳.克立兹是一种商业炒作,华而不实.我想作为一名使用者在这里谈谈我的一些看法: 首先我认为李阳.克立兹的疯狂英语并不能称之为一套绝对理想的,完整的学习方法.李阳在教材里的有些话的确是有些言过其实的.但我觉得我们并不能因为他的不甚完整就全盘否定,视而不见他优秀的,发光的地方.应该说每一种学习方法都有其优缺点,我们应该用自己的头脑取长补短,真对自己的实际情况对症下药.我觉得把李阳.克立兹理解成是一种突破口,一种突破方法是很合适的,尤其是在口语方面.李阳老师所提出的"三最口腔训练","一口气训练法"等等,我都进行了刻苦认真的练习,应该说效果还是很明显的,的确使自己在说英语时嘴巴顺溜多了.的确,一些基本句型的熟练掌握对自己英语的基本功和学习的信心都有很大的帮助.我希望想真正掌握英语的朋友们要下决心,下死心把这些基本句型倒背如流,这些句型其实拿起市面上随便一本口语教材就以足够了.很多朋友看不起这些简单的口语句型,总喜欢买些动辄五六十元的高级某某某教材,买好以后看了没几页又找个自我开脱的理由束之高阁.写到这里使我想起我一直想说出来的话,也许得罪了不少朋友:中国的学生学英语太急功近利了.在我以前的推广过程中,很多朋友问我的第一句话就是:要多长时间才能学会哪?我就告诉大家:One year is enough.可是现在我就不这么说了,我总是问他们:你的中文怎么样?回想一下,你的中文学了多少年?到了什么水平呢?我们绝大对数的中国人的汉语水平也就是看看报纸,交流交流,又有几个人能写出漂亮的文章呢?有时我看到邻家上一年级的小女孩在认真的一个字一个字的拼写,用每个生词造句联句,这么一干就是四五年的时间,到了小学毕业,好!总算可以写上一篇"小豆腐干"文章了,不知道现在读我这篇文章的朋友们是否还保存着自己那时的文章,有的话拿出来看看,一定会哑然失笑的.那不算!有的朋友说我们那时还是小孩吗!学习能力有限嘛!那好!在这以后的几年,几十年里我们和汉语朝夕相处,每天都在吸收新的信息,在座的各位又有几位敢拍拍胸脯说:我的中文成功了,我说的汉语漂亮极了.我能用中文随手写出漂亮的文章!至少我自己是绝不敢这么crazy的.另外可别忘了,所有这些都是我们在无比优越的纯中文环境下的学习成果.说到这里,我们再想一想英语的学习吧!我不是在给大家泼冷水,打击大家学习英语的冲天信心.我自己也一直在想:我们要有crazy的精神,crazy的方法,但我们不能有crazy的幻想.尤其是违背客观规律的crazy.所以我碰到的所有英语教授,讲师都在苦口婆心的告诉我:学好一门外语是一辈子的事情!这个道理我也是最近一两年才领

语用学课程论文:Positive Politeness Strategies in Oral Communication

Positive Politeness Strategies in the Communication Theory Introduction In this paper, I would like to focus on the usage of the positive politeness strategies in oral communication. Then what is positive politeness strategies? To clear up the theory, we should take the terms, such as face, politeness theory into consideration. Politeness theory, which is developed by Levinson and Brown, is based on the concept that people have a social self-image and meanwhile, people consciously project and try to protect it. This sense of self-image is referred to as “face.” And the theory holds that people use various politeness strategies to protect the face of others. Under politeness theory, there is a positive and a negative face. Positive face is the need to be concerned, reflecting the desire to have one’s self-image accepted by others. While negative face is the need to be independent, reflecting the desire not to be imposed on by others. According to a person is dealing with another’s positive or negative face, the politeness strategies will differ, that is positive politeness strategies and negative politeness strategies. As to positive politeness strategies, it leads the requester to appeal to a common goal, and even friendship, by orienting to preserving the positive face of other people, briefly, it emphasizes the closeness between speaker and hearer in the communication. Using Positive Politeness Strategies in Oral Communication In order to make sense of what is said in communication, take my word for it, the positive politeness strategies should be given priority for its potential benefits. On one hand, the usage of positive politeness strategies is a good way to avoid being refused. To a great extent, the positive politeness strategies orients to preserving the positive face of the listener in the communication. Since the self-image of listener is concerned, he is likely willing to cooperate with the speaker, thus making the communication continuous. For example:


英语语言学毕业论文(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语专业毕业论文:社会语言学the definition of sociolinguistics and its characteristic 外语系06接本6班尹珊珊24号 [abstract]sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. it ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another. sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language. [key words] sociolinguisticssociolinguistics variationsocial function [content]sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used. it also studies how lects differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individual socio-economic classes. as the usage of a language varies from place to place, and language usage varies among social classes. it is socialists that sociolinguistics studies.


The Cooperative Principle of Pragmatics: An Analysis of the Verbal Humour in the Sitcom Home with Kids Since the language was born, the research of it has never interrupted. Humor is the spice of our lives, leave it the life will be boring. Pragmatics is a main branch of Linguistics, with the development of pragmatic theory, linguists and hobbyists from many angles analysis on verbal humor and achieved fruitful results.While cooperative principle, as one of the most important pragmatic principle, makes a systemic study about language use and lays a solid foundation for later development of pragmatics. The violation of cooperative principle can often generate conversational implicature or achieve certain communicative effects. On the basis of previous humour and pragmatic theory research, I will analysis from the point of the cooperative principle of those verbal humour dialogue in the sitcom "Home with Kids", which reflects the daily life of a rebuilt family and attracts many Chinese audiences by its creating writing, good acting as well as its wonderful transcripts. 1. Four Maxims of the Cooperative Principle In 1975, the language philosopher H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Cooperative Principle” which created quite a stir in the linguis tic world and generated a large number of linguistic publications that are built on Grice's postulates. According to Grice, in conversational exchange, people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation. To achieve this, people need to cooperate with each other. Grice' theory of the cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than what is literally said and foe the hearer to understand. The four maxims of CP are Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim. The maxim of quantity has two sub-maxims that require the cooperative


英语语用学教程 English Pragmatics: A Coursebook 1. Background and definitions Warming up activity What does the boy still need to learn about using language? A little boy comes in the front door. Mother: Wipe your feet, please. He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feeton the doormat. 1.1Background of pragmatics 1.1Definitions of pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of how the speaker produces and how the hearerunderstands the peculiar uses of language. 1.2Component vs. perspective分相论与综观论 1.2.1Component view of pragmatics Davis points out in his book Pragmatics: A Reader(1991) that pragmatics,likephonetics,phonology,morphology,syntaxandsemantics,isacomponent of linguistics. 1.2.2Perspective view of pragmatics Verschueren(1999) proposes that pragmatics is not a component oflinguistics, but a new way of looking at language. Pragmaticsisspecifiedas“ageneralcognitive,social,andculturalperspective on linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in forms ofbehavior”(Verschueren,1999)


趣味方法教你更快学英语 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《趣味方法教你更快学英语》的内容,具体内容:同学们肯定对自己喜欢的东西会比较感兴趣,主动去学习它,所以,有趣的学习英语学习可以让你更快上手英语!下面是我为您收集整理的,供大家参考!找到英语广播台或播客。现在有... 同学们肯定对自己喜欢的东西会比较感兴趣,主动去学习它,所以,有趣的学习英语学习可以让你更快上手英语!下面是我为您收集整理的,供大家参考! 找到英语广播台或播客。现在有无数的播客提供各类话题:娱乐,政治,新闻。搜寻的最佳方式就是从你经常看的电视频道找一个出来。挑一个你感兴趣的,开车的时候听一听。耳朵的本事就这么慢慢锻炼出来啦. 找最热的视频至少看几分钟。大部分都非常搞笑!绝对值得一看。再试着看看下面的评论,找出你不是很熟悉的单词或者句子,但也别忘了底下的评论也有写恶搞。 用英语和自己对话唱歌。一个人在家,或洗澡的时候,和自己说话把!或是对自己唱一首英语歌,谈谈天气或其他的话题。经常这样做,你的发音绝对会有意想不到的提高的。 你有膜拜的英语大神么?去看看他所有的英文访谈吧!你可以花很多时 间来看这些访谈,绝对不会让你有学习的感觉,但这真的是一种学习哦!能大大帮助到你。

最有趣的英语学习 公车上或公园里,不妨坐的离老外近一点,听一听呀!放心这绝对不是偷听!但是看看你能听懂多上词语,听一下对话的进程。你能理解多少?他们大概在谈论什么话题?你听到什么有趣的词让你有回家翻字典的冲动么? 关注一些榜单,标识,广告,售报亭和企业名称。看看想想这些广告的含义。哪些词你是认识的?你还在哪里看到这个词?用看到的词造个句呗。爱音乐?研究下你喜欢歌曲的歌词。在You Tube上看看翻译版本能扩大词汇量。再听不带字幕的版本,试着找到被删掉的不文明词汇。哈哈,真的很有意思哦。 看英语原声的电视片段,剧集和肥皂剧。不明白他们在说什么其实没关系,看就是了!试着去理解什么搞笑什么煽情。如果这个笑话和单词有关,那么也许在你的母语中并没有那么好笑,。那怎么翻译才最到位呢? 和英语国家的朋友在社交网络上交谈。如果你的好友名单里有英语国家的朋友,你会看到他们每天的签名更新,更能了解用英语表达出他们国家的一些新闻和时事视频。朋友也可以是你的老师!他们的状态更新就是你最好的学习资料。 说出来说出来说出来。无论你多么内向,英语多烂,逼着自己去说。帮助看似迷路的外国游客。只要是在帮忙,他们不介意你英语的好坏!课后和老师谈谈近况,以及需要得到英语学习方面什么样的帮助。旅游的时候,用英语问一下路,哪怕并不需要!试试用英语网购,手机购物货使用客户服务!说的慢没关系,关键在于你是在学习!

新版简明英语语言学 Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学 知识点: 1.*Definition: pragmatics; context 2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning 3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory 4.Searle’s classification of speech acts 5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context 领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts 综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle 一、定义 1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。语用学也可以看作是一中意义研究。(它不是孤立地去研究语义,而是把语义置于使用语境中去研究的一门学科。) 2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。一般认为他是由言者和听者的共享知识所构成的。 二、知识点 6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantics语用学与语义学 二十世纪初,Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics 一书的出版标志着现代语言学研究的开始,同时也为现代语言学奠定了基础调,即语言应该作为一个独立的,内在的系统来加以研究。 语用学和语义学既有相关性又有相异性。两者都是对意义的研究。传统语义学把语义看成是抽象的,内在的,是语言本身的特性,不受语境的影响。因此传统语义学只研究语义的内在特征,不把语义研究置于语境中来考察。语用学研究的是交际过程中语言意义的表达和理解。语用学家认为不把意义放在语境中来考虑就不可能对语义进行充分的描述,因此在研究语义时是否考虑语境便成了传统语义学和语用学的根本区别所在。 Semantics 和Pragmatics的区分 Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication. The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation from the context of use.


2014-2015学年第一学期 语用学与英语教学课程考核 (研究报告) 题目:An analysis of Pragmatic Failure with Cross-cultural Communications 学号(准考证号):1230100054 姓名:焦凯丽 专业:英语(教法方向) 年级:2012级 学院:外国语学院 完成日期:2015年 1 月10日

Introduction The Cross-cultural Pragmatics is a relatively young linguistic branch compared with the Traditional Linguistics and Structural Modern Linguistics. It attaches great importance to the research of cross-cultural characteristics. And the cross-cultural pragmatic failure is a common phenomenon in cross-cultural communication process. This paper focus on the analyzing of different kinds of pragmatic failures in our cross-cultural communication, at the same time, giving reflections and feedbacks on our English learning and Language teaching. Being in the rapid developed century of our human society, we should heighten the awareness of appropriating use of pragmatic language in our cross-cultural communication.


语言学方向论文选题 1.浅谈英汉句子结构差异 2.诗意的美和喜剧性幽默 3.英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对比研究 4.英汉数字习语的对比研究 5.词义演变的原因与方式 6.名词化的语篇功能 7.诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响 8.浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能 9.隐喻与一词多义的关系 10.英汉被动句对比研究 11.英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因 12.英汉动词非谓语用法比较研究 13.英汉否定问句的答句对比研究 14.英汉合成词构词对比研究 15.英汉名词短语修饰模式比较 16.英汉拟声词异同探讨 17.英汉人称代词运用对比研究 18.英语复合词的语义分析及其类型 19.英语委婉语的使用原则与策略 20.语境对词义的制约作用 21.汉英色彩词汇的对比研究及其象征意义 22.中英恭维语对比研究 23.委婉语的礼貌原则研究及策略 24.汉英“山丘”对比研究 25.英汉颜色词跨域对比分析—以RED和红为例 26.英语道歉方式的策略及研究 27.英语拒绝言语行为研究 28.英语委婉语的寒暄功能 29.英语请求言语的策略研究

30.英语课堂教师提问的策略研究 31.会话得体:会话者的立场语境运用研究 32.英语课堂学生提问的策略研究 33.英语课堂的焦虑现象及策略研究 34.广告口号语的语言特点 35.从礼貌原则看短信语言 36.从合作原则看课堂师生互动 37.浅析中英言语行为中的礼貌原则 38.中英政治新闻报道中的模糊语言研究 39.言语错误分析理论在教学中的应用 40.英汉颜色词的引申义的文化差别 41.外语学习中应该重视中介语的作用 42.浅谈英汉句子结构差异 43.副词EVER的句法环境和语义特征 44.论文化差异与英语教学中的文化导入 45.学习者的动机因素对外语学习的影响 46.浅谈词汇搭配错误分析及其应对策略 47.浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象 48.礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的应用 49.中英文性别歧视习语的对比研究 50.称谓语使用中的性别差异 51.从认知角度看隐喻在经济语篇中的应用 52.浅析广告语言的特点 53.浅谈英语新词的产生、构成及翻译 54.浅谈网络英语中的缩略语。 55.论中英文化对隐喻的影响 56.礼貌原则在商务谈判中的作用 57.浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源 58.英诗中的常用修辞研究 59.英语词汇中的外来语单词


外教教你学英语 寻找一个学习伙伴 学习英语还要有较大的动力。每次你坐下来学习,无论在家里还是在语言中心,都需要短期动力集中精力读和听。但更需要长期动力,保证每天经常做这样的事情———这是最难的。所以许多人开始学习英语,过一段时间很快就放弃了———我们学习英语不是一个持续的提高过程,而是通过一系列的突然提高以及间隔着似乎没有变化的阶段,这就是所谓“高原效应”。在几个月的学习中,你都可能注意不到英语的巨大提高,在这些时候,学习者最容易失去长期的动力并放弃学习。 Abc360的外教就是你很好的学习伙伴,和地道的外教学英语,怎么会错呢?每天和外教在线一对一上课,只要17分钟,花费也不多,就可以很轻松的提高英语,何乐而不为呢。 避免“高原效应”的好办法是,尽量不要完全一个人学习。如果你不能到语言中心学习,至少你应尝试找一个“学习伙伴”,这样,你们能够互相鼓励和支持。当然,如果能到一个好的语言中心学习就更不错了。 敢于开口 学英语很重要的一点是用来和他人交流,但开口难也是中国人学英语的一大特点。问题出在以下几点: 一是有些人把是否看懂当成学习的标准。拿到一本口语教材,翻开几页一看,都看懂了,就认为太简单了,对自己不合适。其实,练习口语的教材,内容肯定不会难,否则没法操练。看懂不等于会说,把这些你已经学会的东西流利地表达出来,才是口语教材最主要的目标。二是千万不要用汉字来记英语发音。学习一门外语如果发音不过关,始终不会真正掌握一门外语,而且最大的害处是不利于培养对外语的兴趣,影响下一步学习。现在有人把用汉语发音标注英语。 学口语最好的办法,不是做习题,不是背诵,也不是看语法书,而是反复高声朗读课文,这种做法的目的是培养自己的语感,只有具备了语感,才能在做习题时不假思索、下意识地写出正确答案。而且,当你熟练朗读几十篇课文后,很多常用句子会不自觉地脱口而出,所谓的“用外语思维阶段”就会悄然而至。 听不懂也要听 练习听力时,许多人抱怨听不懂,因而丧失了听的乐趣,往往半途而废。其实,即使听不懂也是一种学习,只不过你自己觉察不到而已。虽然暂时听不懂,但你的耳膜已经开始尝试着适应一种新的语言发音,你的大脑在调整频率,准备接受一种新的信息代码,这本身就是一次飞跃。 所以切记:听不懂时,你也在进步。 练习听力,要充分利用心理学上的无意注意,只要一有时间,就要打开录音机播放外语磁带,使自己处于外语的语言环境中,也许你没听清楚说些什么,这不要紧,你可以随便做其他事情,不用去有意听,只要你的周围有外语环境的发音,你的听力就会提高。


1.Pragmatics is the study of language in use. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. Pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. 2.Syntax is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence, and which sequences are well-formed. 3.Semantics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and entities in the world; that is, how words literally connect to things. 4.Deixis 指示语is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we do with utterances. It means ‘pointing’ via language.Any linguistic form used to accomplish this ‘pointing’ is called a deictic expression. Deictic expressions are also sometimes called indexicals. They are among the first forms to be spoken by very young children and can be used to indicate people via person deixis(such as, ‘me’, ‘you’), or location via spatial deixis(such as ‘here’, ‘there’), or time via temporal deixi s (such as ‘now’, ‘then’). 5.Proximal terms近指are typically interpreted in terms of the speaker’s location, or the deictic center指示中心.‘this’, ‘there’, ‘now’, ‘then’near speaker 6.Distal terms远指can simply indicate ‘away’ from speaker’, but, in some languages, can be used to distinguish between ‘near addres see’ and ‘away from both speaker and addressee’. 7.Person deixis人称指示语clearly operates on a basic three-part division, exemplified例证by the pronouns for first person, second person, and third person./ forms used to point to people, “me””you” 8.Expressions which indicate addressee higher status are described as honorifics敬语. 9.The discussion of the circumstances which lead to the choice of one of these forms rather than another is sometimes described as social deixis./forms used to indicate relative social status 10.A distinction between forms used for familiar versus a non-familiar addressee in some languages. This is known as the T/V distinction. 用复数形态来表示单数敬语,在语言中叫T-V distinction。此概念由1960 年的学者Brown 和Gilman 提出,他们将第二人称单数分为两种形态:T 形态(T-form)和V 形态(V-form),前者在非正式场合、尊称呼卑、关系亲密的人之间使用,后者在正式场合、下级称呼上级、称呼陌生人的时候使用 11.exclusive ‘we’ (speaker plus other(s), excluding addressee); inclusive ‘we’ (speaker and addressee included). 12.spatial deixis空间指示语- the relative location of people and things is being indicated. Eg, here, there/ forms used to point to location. 13.‘Yonder’那边(more distant from speaker) ‘hither’这边(to this place) ‘thence’从那里(from that place) 14.deictic projection指示投射manipulate speaker’s location eg: I am not here now./speakers acting as if they are somewhere else. 15.psychological distance心理距离I don’t like that. it is ‘invested’ with meaning in a context by a speaker./speaker’s marking of how close or distant something is perceived感知to be. 16.temporal deixis时间指示Back in an hour. the coming week./ forms used to point to location in time 17.It is clear that the present tense is the proximal form近端形式and the past tense is the distal form远端形式. if-clauses 18.In temporal deixis, the remote or distal form can be used to communicate not only distant from current time, but also distant from current reality or facts. 19.Discourse deixis/ textual deixis语篇指示语“the use of expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion 部分of the discourse that contains that utterance (i ncluding the utterance itself)”This is what he did to me. He ripped 撕扯my shirt and hit me on the nose

语用学 莱文逊 读书笔记

《语用学》读书笔记 法1401 赵涵 1404000116 莱文逊(Levinson)所著的《语用学》一书,由英国剑桥大学1983年出版,是英国剑桥大学出版社语言学教材系列中的一种。它是第一本比较全面地对语用学这一领域作出阐述的教科书和专著。这本书的价值除出版早外,更重要的是因为它写得好。作者对语用学研究的几个最基本、最重要的题目作了比较全面的归纳和比较深人的论述。 本书的第一章是导论,介绍了语用学的研究范围。作者在这一章里谈到了语用研究的起源、它的实质、它和语言学研究尤其是和语义学研究的关系等等。读者期待在这一章里能看到语用学的定义,但在这一节的开头,莱文逊却说道“给语用学下一个定义决非易事,我们将探讨一系列可能的定义,其中的每一种至多勾画出这一领域可能的研究范围。”直到这一章的结束,莱文逊确实没有给出一个语用学的定义,他只是对一系列可能的定义作了讨论。但我认为这样的讨论十分有益,这是十分值得细细一读的一节,读一下他对各种可能的定义发表的高见,远比仅仅看到一个很宽泛的定义有帮助。在对各种可能的定义进行讨论的过程中,莱文逊涉及到了语言学和语用学研究中一系列基本概念,基本范畴,和一些重要关系,例如语言的功能观、语境、语言和语境的关系及其语法化等等。其中特别值得注意的是对“语用学是对语义理论未能包含的那些意义侧面的研究”这一定义的讨论。莱文逊还谈到了语用研究和语义研究的关联和差别,谈到了句子和话语的区别,诸如格莱斯(Grice)的自然意义和非自然意义,句子意义和话语意义等各种类型的意义,以及相互知识在意义理解中的作用,所有这一些概念和关系十分有利于加深对语用和意义的理解。 第二章《指示》是在导论之后进行讨论的和话题,莱文逊把指示作为第一个题目的理由很明确同时也很充分:“语言和语境的关系通过指示这一现象在语言结构得到反映;”在已出版的多种语用学专著和教材中,大多数作者都把指示列为第一章或第一个论题,这是有道理的。指示这一现象是使语言哲学家和传统的语义学家感到头痛的问题,因为只从真实值这个角度无法解释指示词语的意义,指示词项的“编码”和“解码”都得依赖语言使用的语境,而语境正是语用研究的基础。传统对指示的研究包括人称指示、时间指示和空间指示三种,莱文逊在此基础上又加了篇章指示和社会指示两种。对各种指示的论述莱文逊大体上是对莱昂斯(Lyons)和菲尔莫(Fillmore)七十年代初有关指示的论文和专著中有关章节的综述,书中提到的“手势型指示”、“象征型指示”、“编码时间”、“解码时间”等概念均借自菲尔莫七十年代初所作的一系列关于指示的讲座。 在谈到指示时,重要的是对指示这一现象的语用性质的认识,然后才是对指示词语的意义的语用解释,在这个过程中有趣的是我们常常会遇到一些指示词语,尽管它们的意义是由语用决定的,如“来、去”之类,但在使用过程中却常常会出现语用反常的情况,如“我马上就来”这样的话,而这样的语用反常的情况则又只能从语用的角度加以解释。在人们充分认识到指示的语用本质,并从语用的角度对指示进行解释之前,指示这一现象和指示词语的使用和理解通常被作为篇章内部的语法—语义关系来解释,也就是认为
