

Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news


Period 1 Words and expressions in Reading



1. Nouns related to newspaper:

an assistant __________; an _________to an experienced journalist;

a professional ____________;interviewee; a scoop

2. Verb phrases related to newspaper (v. +n.):

go out on a story;cover a story;______the article;

take ___________;______________ photography;

________ all the information;have a good nose for a story;________themselves of the missing parts of the story; get the facts straight;______your journalist of getting the wrong end of the stick; stop us __________;

3. Other useful expressions:

eager to ______you; take an ________ course; depend on ; _________damages; This is a trick of the trade.



教学目标(Teaching aims):

1.To learn the words related to newspaper;

2.To develop Ss’ strategies in learning vocabulary;

3.To motivate Ss to be active in learning English words

教学重难点(Teaching important and difficult points):

Develop Ss’ strategies in learning vocabulary and use the words and expressions in writing.

Teaching aids: Multi-media

Teaching time: 40 minutes

Teaching procedures:

Step one Lead in

Listen to a piece of news to present the topic—news. Ask the Ss for the words and expressions related to news or newspaper. Activate the Ss’ knowledge about the topic.



Step two Presentation

Divide the new words in Reading into three groups and ask the Ss to find all of them from the passage. Help the Ss to understand it will be easier to learn the new words if they relate them to a certain context. Use the sentences in the passage to present some important words. At the same time, draw the Ss’ attention to the strategies in learning new words.

Strategy 1: Use word formation to help you!

Strategy 2: Use the context to guess the meaning!

Strategy 3: Observe the language to find the usage from the examples!

Strategy 4: Use antonym(反义词) to help you!



Step Three Consolidation

In order to strengthen their understanding of the new words, ask the Ss to finish two kinds of exercises. One is to use a word or phrase which has the opposite meaning to the underlined word to complete sentences. The other is to listen to a passage created by the teacher herself and fill in the missing words.

E x. 1. Use a word or phrase which has the opposite meaning to the underlined word to complete Sentence B .

1. A. By accident she broke that beautiful bowl.

B. She ____________ broke that beautiful bowl.

2. A. She does not get absorbed in her studies for long.

B. She can ______________ her studies for a long time.

3. A. Chris is not interested in starting his new job.

B. Chris is ________ to start his new job.

4. A. I don’t mind losing that skill if it is not useful.

B. I don’t mind _________ that skill if it is useful.

Ex. 2. Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks.

Nowadays, people all _____________the issue of Diaoyu Islands. All the Chinese _________ Japan of attempting to occupy the islands illegally. We _________ that Japan ____________ the islands to our country. In the past few weeks, people have held different types of protests to ______ Japan of our determination to defend our territory. Luckily, with the __________ of the police, most people protested in a peaceful way, for which we ________ the praise from the international community. Anyway, all the people__________________. We believe , ______ our government, we are able to maintain our territorial integrity(领土完整).【设计说明】


Step Four Production Making the news

Create a situation for the Ss to use the new words to do things. Suppose they are the journalist of the school radio station. They are bringing the latest news of our school! Use at least three of the following words!

eager; inform; depend on; acquire; assist; demand; concentrate on; journalist; deliberately



Step Five Homework

1.Finish and polish your story in your exercise book (try to make it longer);

2.Read the passage and find more useful expressions!

评价与反思(Assessment and reflection)

