



After a long day at work, coming home is a breath of fresh air. Home is a comfortable place to sit back and relax. ________ Below are a number of things we can do to create a healthy home environment that will help to ease the workday stress and promote our physical and mental health.

Cleaning the house regularly is the first thing we should do. It may seem like a tiring thing to clean but there is a reason for doing so. We can remove dust by cleaning the house. Leaving layers of dust everywhere means that there is a build-up of dust. And where do these layers of dust go?________

Making sure the rooms are full of sunlight is also important. We may not realize it but sunlight is an important part of our growth. We all know that sunlight promotes better working conditions. ________ Think about using a Parans system where sunlight does not reach. This technology gathers the sunlight by using solar panels. It can send out sunlight wherever we are.

________ Going green will help to remove toxins(毒素)in the air. They also give off oxygen, which can lower stress and improve our moods.

Along the lines of being green, it can also be vital to think about what things we are bringing into the house. Try to avoid specific plastics that are harmful to health. ________ They may contain poisonous chemicals that can be breathed in, or simple absorbed through the skin.

A. However, is it as healthy as it can be?

B. Is our home as comfortable as it used to be?

C. Into our lungs.

D. The same thing applies to certain carpets and paint.

E. Besides, it can reduce both stress and high blood pressure.

F. It is also a good idea to add more plants in our house.

G. It is acknowledges that a greener lifestyle is linked to better health.

【答案】 A;C;E;F;D



(2)根据前一句And where do these layers of dust go?可知,这些灰尘去哪里了?本空是对上一句的回答,故C选项,这些灰尘进入了我们的肺部,切题,故选C。

(3)本段主要讲述阳光的重要性,以及前一句We all know that sunlight promotes better working conditions.,阳光可以改善我们工作条件,E选项,除此之外,还可以减轻压力和降低高血压,同样陈述阳光的好处,切题,故选E。

(4)本空是本段第一句,根据后一句Going green will help to remove toxins(毒素)in the air.


(5)根据前一句Try to avoid specific plastics that are harmful to health.可知,努力避免使用对身体有害的塑料制品,D选项,同样也适用某些地毯和涂料,都阐述避免进入家里的物品,切合主题,故选D。


1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。


Haze Mabry, who has worked as a school keeper for thirteen years, walks into the school building every day and empties garbage cans, wipes down bathrooms and mops wet messes in the hallways.

Last Friday, after he arrived at the school, instead of finding garbage to clean up, he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards, blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him. It was his 80th. As he walked the long hallway, some popped out of lime to hug him. They handed him so many cards that they filled several large boxes. Touched by their enthusiastic expression of affection. Mabry thanked them all. "They're like my children," Mabry said.

On a regular day, students at the school sometimes come up to him to say they're not feeling well or other times to tell him about something that happened at break. He knows most of the kids at the school, but can't name each one. Some of them make him know them. Like Faith, who often forgets her backpack in the cafeteria, and Lucy, who just wants a hug.

"He won't brag(夸耀)on himself, but it doesn't matter what he's doing or where he is, he will always stop what he's doing to take care of a child if that child is having a bad day. If a child approaches him, he will pause to give that child his undivided attention. He's the most loved one in this building," said Lori Gilreath, a reading teacher.

Mabry works circles around all the students, cleaning up messes others don't want to touch. He doesn't expect a lot. Mabry said he hadn't planned to do much for his milestone birthday, so he was happy the students had prepared the surprise celebration.

Over the weekend, he worked through the piles of handmade cards at his house. One card from a student stood out to him. It read: "Mr. Haze, you are my sunshine.”

(1)What is Mabry's daily work as a school keeper?(no more than 5 words)

(2)How did the students celebrate Mabry's birthday?(no more than 15 words)

(3)What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably mean?(1 word)

(4)Why is Mabry's presence at the school important?(no more than 10 words)

(5)Who is the "sunshine" in your life?Please explain. (no more than 20 words)

【答案】(1)Cleaning the(school)building.

Or: Doing(the)cleaning.

Or: He cleans the(school)building.

Or: He does(the)cleaning.

(2)By lining the hallways,blowing noisemakers,singing a song,handing him cards,and hugging him.

Or: By lining the hallways with(handmade)cards,blowing noisemakers,singing a song,and hugging him.

Or: They lined the hallways,blew noisemakers,sang a song,handed him cards,and hugged him.

Or: They lined the hallways with(handmade)cards,blew noisemakers,sang a song,and hugged him.


Or: Liking.

Or: Fondness.

(4)(Because)he loves/cares about(the)students and works hard.

Or: (Because)he loves(the)students and is devoted to his work.

Or: (Because)he is kind/caring/helpful to the students,and hard-working.

Or: (Because)he is regarded as a kind/warm-hearted/helpful/caring and hard-working man.

(5)My father/mother. (Because)he/she loves me and encourages me when I'm faced/confronted with difficulties.

Or: My teacher. (Because)he/she cares about me and prepares me for my future career.

Or: My friend. (Because)he/she brings me joy/happiness and gives me a lot of comfort/help/encouragement.

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,清洁工Mabry的日常工作就是清扫学校大楼。Mabry 爱学生,关心学生。学生们也尊敬他,喜欢他。在他80生日那天,学生们用自己的方式祝贺他的生日,表达了对Mabry的热爱。

(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Haze Mabry, who has works as a school ke eper for thirteen years, walks into the school building every day and empty garbage cans, wipes down bathrooms, and mops wet messes in the hallways.”可知Haze Mabry是一位清洁工,他的日常工作就是清扫学校大楼。因此本句的答案可为:Cleaning the (school) building. /Doing (the) cleaning. /He cleans the (school)building. /He does (the) cleaning.

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Last Friday,...he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards, blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him.和some popped out of line to hug h im.”可知,上个周五,他发现几乎有800名学生在走廊里排队,拿着手制卡片,吹口哨,为他唱了一首响亮的生日快乐歌,拥抱他。因此答

案为:By lining the hallways, blowing noisemakers, singing a song, handing him cards, and hugging him. /By lining the hallways with (handmade) cards, blowing noisemakers, singing a song, and hugging him. / They lined the hallways, blew noisemakers, sang a song, handed him cards, and hugged him. / They lined the hallways with (handmade) card, blew noisemakers, sang a song, handed him cards, and hugged him.

(3)考查词义猜测。根据第二段学生们为Mabry庆祝生日的方式和划线词后的内容“Mabry thanked them all,”以及“They're like my children.”可知 Mabry 爱学生,把学生当作自己的孩子。那么学生们也表达了他们对Mabry的热爱。因此Mabry被学生的爱所感动,故所以的“affection”相当于“Love”,故填love /Liking /Fondness.

(4)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“...he will always stop what he's doing to take care of a child if that child is having a bad day. If a child approaches him, he will pause to give that boy his undivided attention. He's the most loved one in this building.”以及最后一段中的“Mabry works circles around all the students, cleaning up messes others don't want to touch. He doesn't expect a lot.”可知,Mabry 关心爱护孩子,帮助孩子,是一个善良、热心的人。一个不怕脏不怕累、勤奋工作的人。因此答案为:(Because) he loves/cares about(the)students and works hard. / (Because) he loves the students and devoted to his work. /(Because) he is kind/caring /helping to the students , and hard-working. / (Because) he is regarded as a kind /warm-hearted /helpful/caring and hard-working man.

(5)考查学生的观察综合表达能力。本题的题目:who is the "sunshine" in your life?”谁是你生活中的阳光?只要在生活或学习中帮助过你,关心你、爱护你的,鼓励你,安慰你的都可称为your sunshine。因此答案可为:My father/mother.(Because) he/she loves me and encouraged me when I'm faced/confronted with difficulties. Or: My teacher.(Because) he/she cares about me and prepares me for my future career. Or: My friend.(Because) he/she brings me joy/happiness and gives me a lot of comfort/ help/ encouragement.



Why not carry on her good work?

I enjoyed English, biology, and chemistry at school, but which one should I choose to study at university?I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China.

By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases. She lived from 1901 to 1983. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, traveling abroad to study as well as writing books and articles. One of them caught my eye. It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sicknees. Why did she write that?Who were the women that Lin Qiaozhi thought needed this advice?I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. Perhaps if

they had an emergency they could not reach a doctor.

Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. That was a generation when girls' education was always placed second to boys. Was she so much cleverer than anyone else? Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school. What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients. There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a day's work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.

By now I could not wait to find out more about her. I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own. Instead she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered. By this time I was very excited. Why not study at a medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?It was still not too late for me to improve my studies, prepare for the university entrance examinations, and ……

(1)When and where did the author read the article about Lin Qiaozhi?(no more than 5 words)

(2)For what purpose did Lin Qiao zhi write a little book about how to look after babies?(no more than 20 words)

(3)What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph mean?(no more than 10 words)

(4)What does the author think are the most important qualities that a successful doctor should have?(no more than 5 words)

(5)Do you think the author will study at a medical college?Why or why not?(no more than 20 words)

【答案】(1)On the Internet/computer one evening.

(2)To help the women in the countryside who could not reach a doctor if they had an emergency.

(3)Girls' education wasn't attached importance to compared with boys'.

OR: Boys always receive better education than girls.

(4)Kindness and consideration.


【解析】【分析】短文大意:文章主要讲了正在作者不知道如何选择大学专业时,偶然读到了一篇关于林巧稚的文章。作者深受感动和影响,决定继续林巧稚医生伟大的事业。(1)细节理解题。根据第一段I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China. (直到一天晚上,我坐在电脑前研究中国伟大的女性时,我才知道答案。)由此可知一天晚上,在电脑上,作者读到了一篇关于林巧稚的文章,所以填On the Internet/computer one evening。

(2)细节理解题。根据第二段I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. Perhaps if they had an emergency they could not reach a doctor. (我仔细看了这篇文章,意识到这是写给农村妇女的。可能如果她们遇到紧急情况,却找

不到医生。)由此可知林巧稚写《怎样照顾婴儿》一书的目的是帮助有紧急情况不能去看医生的农村妇女,所以填To help the women in the countryside who could not reach a doctor if they had an emergency。

(3)推理判断题。根据第三段Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. 意思是突然,我意识到当时一个女人接受医学培训是多么困难。由此推断出That was a generation when girls' education was always placed second to boys. 的意思是在那个年代,女孩的教育总是排在男孩之后,所以填Girls' education wasn't attached importance to compared with boys'. OR: Boys always receive better education than girls。

(4)细节理解题。根据第三段What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all her patients. 可知作者认为一位成功医生应该具有的最重要的品质是善良和关心,所以填Kindness and consideration。




Top 3 Self-Discipline Techniques

Self-discipline is the key to leading a healthier, happier and more successful life,________. We have shared some self-discipline techniques below. Follow these self-discipline techniques to start living a better life.

⑴Start small

The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step as the proverb goes.________. Instead, stamina (耐力) is built up by doing a little more than the previous day's target.

The same goes for discipline. Start by trying to carry out self-discipline techniques little by little every day for big results. Increase your goals over time.


Staying self-disciplined requires motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated if you feel like you haven't made any progress so far. Tracking progress makes you aware of how much you've done and encourages you to keep going.

⑶Exercise your willpower

________. Some days, sticking to the task is going to be difficult but by reminding yourself of the end in mind and how much the goal means to you, you will be able to ignore temporary temptations for long term gain.

The above-mentioned self-discipline techniques have been proven to be extremely effective.

________, and it is the key to living a happy and fulfilling life.

A. Build a support system

B. Measure your goals

C. Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand

D. Self-discipline is a feature found in many successful people

E. Self-discipline is linked to effective time management

F. However, it is easier said than done

G. You don't train for a marathon by running 10 kilometers on the first day

【答案】 F;G;B;C;D


A. Build a support system建立一个支持系统。

B. Measure your goals测评你的目标。

C. Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand意志力和自律相辅相成。

D. Self-discipline is a feature found in many successful people自律是在很多成功人士身上都能找到的特征。

E. Self-discipline is linked to effective time management自律和有效的时间管理有联系。

F. However, it is easier said than done然而说起来容易做起来难。

G. You don't train for a marathon by running 10 kilometers on the first day你不会在第一天跑10公里来训练马拉松。

(1)根据上文提示自律是通向更健康、更快乐、更成功生活的关键。下文提示我们在下面分享一些自律技巧。承接上下文,However, it is easier said than done切题,该项中的However表示该句与上文构成转折关系,故选F。

(2)根据上文提示千里之行,始于足下。下文说相反耐力是通过比前一天的目标多做一点来建立的。承接上下文You don't train for a marathon by running 10 Kilometers on the first day 切题,下文中的Instead表示前后句是一种转折关系,故选G。

(3)本题为标题选择。本段主要说保持自律需要动机,但是如果你很久没有取得进步你就很难保持动力。追踪系统让你知道你做了多少,鼓励你坚持下去。此处的tracking progress应该指的是对你目标的测评,故选B。

(4)根据本段小标题Exercise your willpower (锻炼你的意志力) ; 再根据下文提示有时候,坚持完成任务是很困难的,但是通过提醒自己目标的意义和目标对你的意义,你就可以忽略暂时的诱惑而获得长期的利益。可知C项Willpower and self-discipline go hand in hand.切题,故选C。

(5)上文提示上述自律技巧已被证明是非常有效的。再根据下文提示这是快乐充实生活的关键。承接上下文D项Self- discipline is a feature found in many succesful people. 切题,故选D。

【点评】在做七选五时一定要注意and/but/so/besides/however/furthermore/moreover/in addition/what's more等词汇、固定结构的运用。它们连接了上下文,起着承上起下的作用。像but(但是)、however (然而)表示转折,这说明前后的内容相反或相对。同时还要注意选项中代词的指代和小标题选择时是对段落的总结。


Lemon water is pretty popular. It's offered as a free upgrade to regular water at pretty many restaurants.________, others are devotees of the possible health benefits. Here's what may happen if you take up the lemon water habit.

Easier weight loss

Studies in mice indicate that the antioxidants(抗氧化剂) in lemons can reduce weight gain despite a high-fat diet. More studies are needed to determine if the results can be applied to humans, but anecdotal evidence is favorable. People who drink lemon water regularly report easier weight loss, though it is unclear if the combination of lemon and water is the fundamental driver.________.

Get enough vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that has a ton of health benefits. It can only be gotten from food as our bodies don't produce it alone. Getting your RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of vitamin C can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Vitamin C is good for your skin and bonds with free radicals (自由电子) that accelerate aging.________, but they're a great source nevertheless.

Stabilized moods

Studies have found that smelling lemon scent reduces stress hormones that regulate mood. Drinking lemon water offers this benefit as well as the vitamins and potassium(钾) in the fruit. ________, and high blood pressure is related to stress, so not getting enough potassium can certainly affect your mood. All in all, lemon water can be a calming drink.

In the end, drinking water is never a bad call, and there is absolutely no reason not to add lemon to it. Drinking lemon water provides some helpful nutrients and antioxidants. Give it a try!________.

A. Lemon is a common smell in all manner of cleaning products

B. Potassium plays a huge part in regulating blood pressure

C. There is nothing to lose

D. Lemons aren't the highest in vitamin C

E. While some people drink it simply because of its taste

F. If adding lemon to water can encourage people to drink more

G. It could be that drinking more water helps dieters to feel full and avoid overeating

【答案】 E;G;D;B;C

【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。从三个方面说明了柠檬水能够有益健康的原因。(1)下文中的others可知此处表示的some people的看法,因此推断E项:而有些人仅仅因为它的味道而喝它,其他人则是健康益处的忠实信徒。符合语境,故答案选E。(2)本句位于段尾,有承接总结上文的作用。上文中提到经常喝柠檬水的人更容易减肥,段尾总结说明原因:这可能是因为多喝水有助于节食者感到饱腹感,避免暴饮暴食。G选项代入文中前后连贯通顺,故答案选G。

(3)本段主要说明了柠檬中富含维生素C,D选项中的vitamin C对应小标题,且与后文中的指代柠檬的代词they相对应,故D选项符合题意。

(4)首先本句位于段落中间,有承上启下的作用。且B选项中的Potassium 对应上文Drinking lemon water offers this benefit as well as the vitamins and potassium(钾) in the fruit.

(喝柠檬水提供了这种好处以及维生素和水果中的钾。),选项中的blood pressure 对应后文的 high blood pressure is related to stress(高血压与压力有关)。故B选项符合题意。(5)段尾综合上文提到了的柠檬水的好处,所以提出give it a try试一试的建议,因为喝柠檬水反正没有什么可失去的,是没有坏处的。故C选项符合题意。


1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。


Robert F. Kennedy once said that a country's GDP measures "everything except that which makes life worthwhile. "With Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment to assess what he was referring to.

The question of GDP and its usefulness has annoyed policymakers for over half a century. Many argue that it is a flawed(有缺陷的) concept. It measures things that do not matter and misses things that do. By most recent measures, the UK's GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record low unemployment and high growth figures. If everything was going so well, then why did over 17 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings about what it could do to their country's economic prospects.

A recent annual study of countries and their ability to convert growth into well-being sheds some light on that question. Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic growth is translated into meaningful improvements for its citizens. Rather than just focusing on GDP, over 40 different sets of criteria from health, education and civil society engagement have been measured to get a more rounded assessment of how countries are performing.

While all of these countries face their own challenges, there are a number of consistent themes. Yes, there has been a budding economic recovery since the 2008 global crash, but in key indicators in areas such as health and education, major economies have continued to decline. Yet this isn't the case with all countries. Some relatively poor European countries have seen huge improvements across measures including civil society, income equality and the environment.

This is a lesson that rich countries can learn: When GDP is no longer regarded as the sole measure of a country's success, the world looks very different.

So, what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough. It does not include important factors such as environmental quality or education outcomes all things that contribute to a person's sense of well-being.

The sharp hit to growth predicted around the world and in the UK could lead to a decline in the everyday services we depend on for our well-being and for growth. But policymakers who refocus efforts on improving well-being instead of simply worrying about GDP figures could avoid the forecasted doom and may even see progress.


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了据GDP显示,英国拥有令西方国家羡慕的低失业率和高增长数据,但英国民众的幸福感不强,这说明GDP不能真实地反映出民众的幸福指数,政策制定者应该将精力重新集中在改善民生上,而不仅仅是担心GDP数据。(1)考查形容词。根据第一段中的“If everything was going so well, then why did over 1 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings about what it could do to their country's economic prospects.”可知,如果英国真拥有令人羡慕的低失业率和高增长数据的话,为什么还有那么多英国民众不顾本国经济前景而支持英国脱欧呢?由此可知,英国虽然拥有高GDP,但是英国民众的幸福感不足,修饰名词well-being用形容词,故填Inadequate。(2)考查主语从句。根据第一段中的“Robert F. Kennedy once said that a country's GDP measures "everything except that which makes life worthwhile.”可知,Robert F. Kennedy认为,GDP衡量了除了让生活与意义以外的所有东西,从句中缺少主语,故填what。

(3)考查动词。根据第一段中的“It meas ures things that do not matter and misses things that do.”可知,GDP衡量的是无关紧要的东西,而忽略了真正重要的东西,故填counts/matters。

(4)考查名词。根据倒数第三段中的“When GDP is no longer regarded as the sole measure of a country's success, the world looks very different.”可知,GDP被视为衡量一个国家成功与否的唯一标准受到民众的广泛质疑,故填success。

(5)考查名词。根据第一段中的“If everything was going so well, then why did over 1 million people vote for Brexit, despite the warnings about what it could do to their country's economic prospects.”可知,如果英国真拥有令人羡慕的低失业率和高增长数据的话,为什么还有那么多英国民众不顾本国经济前景而支持英国脱欧呢?低失业率对应高就业率,故填employment。

(6)考查副词。根据第二段中的“Across the 163 countries measured, the UK is one of the poorest performers in ensuring that economic growth is translated into meaningful improvements for its citizens.”可知,在确保经济增长转化为对本国居民有意义的改善方面,英国是表现得最差的国家之一,修饰动词transformed用副词,故填poorly。

(7)考查名词。根据第二段中的“Rather than just focusing on GDP, over 40 different sets of criteria from health, education and civil society engagement have been measured to get a more rounded assessment of how countries are performing.”可知,人们不仅关注GDP,还衡量了来自卫生、教育和公民社会参与等40多套不同标准,以更全面地评估各国的表现,故填performance。

(8)考查名词。根据第二段中的“over 40 different sets of criteria from health, education and civil society engagement have been measured to get a more rounded assessment of how countries are performing.”可知,人们衡量了来自卫生、教育和公民社会参与等40多套不同标准,故填varieties/ranges。

(9)考查非谓语动词。根据倒数第二段中的“It does not include important factors such as environmental quality or education outcomes all things that contribute to a person's sense of well-being. ”可知,它不包括重要的因素,如环境质量或教育成果,所有有助于一个人的幸福感的事情,result in表示“导致”,things与result之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动,用现在分词作后置定语,故填resulting。

(10)考查副词。根据最后一段中的“But policymakers who refocus efforts on improving well-being instead of simply worrying about GDP figures could avoid the forecasted doom and may even see progress.”可知,如果政策制定者将精力重新集中在改善民生上,而不仅仅是担心GDP数据,就能避免预测中的厄运,甚至会看到进展,think highly/much of表示“重视、看重”,故填highly/much。



When was the last time you sat on a park bench(凳子)? Did you stay for long? A new kind of park benches will limit the amount of time you can sit there. If you don't get up in time, it could be very painful: there are many sharp spikes (钉子) on the part that you sit on!

Visitors who want a rest on the bench need to put a coin in a machine next to it. Once the money was accepted, the spikes disappear into the bench. Then visitors can sit down comfortably, but only for half an hour. When the time's up, the spikes slowly start moving up again. It doesn't hurt at first, but after a minute, they start coming up even more quickly. They aren't long enough

to cause serious hurt, but they do cause pain, as tests have shown. But why have they been installed (安装)?

"Our public park is very popular in summer," a spokesperson for the park explained. "But with all the thousands of people who visit the park, there aren't enough benches for everyone. We want to make sure that the benches are shared by more visitors, and to stop people taking a bench and staying there all day. Installing spikes seems to be the fairest way of stopping people doing this."

(1)How is the new kind of park bench different from other benches?

(2)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

(3)Why are the new benches installed?

(4)The passage says, "Installing spikes seems to be the fairest way of stopping people doing this." Do you agree with this? Please state your reasons.

【答案】(1)It can limit the amount of time people sit on it (with sharp spikes). / If you don't get up from it in limited time, it could make you painful./ There are many sharp spikes on it to limit the amount of time people sit on it.

(2)It's mainly about how the new kind of benches work.

(3)They're installed to solve the problem that some people take a bench too long and others can't share it.

(4)Yes. If people are asked to pay for benches, they will not take it too long when they don't really need it. Thus, every visitor will have the chance to share it. / No. Benches in parks should be free to visitors. The park can build more benches to solve its problem instead of limiting the time when visitors have a rest on benches.


(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“If you don’t get up in time, it could be very painful: there are many sharp spikes on the part that you sit on!”如果你没有及时起来,那将是非常痛苦的:你所坐的部位有许多锋利的刺!可知新型公园长椅与其他长椅的不同之处在于如果你不能在有限的时间内离开它,它可能会让你痛苦。故答案为:It can limit the amount of time people sit on it (with sharp spikes). / If you don’t get up from it in limited time, it could make you painful./There are many sharp spikes on it to limit the amount of time people sit on it.。

(2)考查段落大意。根据第二段中的“Visitors who want a rest on the bench need to put a coin in a machine next to it. Once the money was accepted, the spikes disappear into the bench. Then visitors can sit down comfortably, but only for half an hour. When the time’s up, the spikes slowly start moving up again.”想要在长椅上休息的游客需要在旁边的机器里放一枚硬币。一旦这笔钱被接受,钉子就会消失在板凳上。然后游客可以舒服地坐下来,但只能坐半个小时。当时间到了,尖峰又开始慢慢地向上移动。可知第二段主要介绍了这种新型长椅是如何工作的,故答案为It’s mainly about how the new kind of benches work.。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“We want to make sure that the benches are shared by more visitors, and to stop people taking a bench and staying there all day.”我们希望确保更多的

游客可以共享这些长椅,并阻止人们坐在长椅上一整天。可知安装它们是为了解决有些人坐了太长时间的板凳,而有些人却无法分享的问题。故答案为:They’re installed to solve the problem that some people take a bench too long and others can’t share it.。

(4)本题为开放性题目,言之有理即可。故答案为:Yes. If people are asked to pay for benches, they w ill not take it too long when they don’t really need it. Thus, every visitor will have the chance to share it. /No. Benches in parks should be free to visitors. The park can build more benches to solve its problem instead of limiting the time when visitors have a rest on benches.。【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,段落大意以及开放题型的考查,是一篇科研类阅读,要求考生准确掌握细节信息,根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行推理,概括归纳,从而写出正确答案。


Little Habits Make a Big Difference

Everything around us is changing at amazing speed, it seems ?but some things will always remain the same.________ Some of our daily habits have the power to always give us happiness and lead us toward success. Here are some little habits that can make a big difference:


Many studies have linked early rising with success. An early morning wake-up carries benefits including better planning and anticipation(预料)of problems, and more time to do the things that make you happy.

Happiness comes to those who are curious.

________ As long as you live, there will always be something to learn, and as long as you follow your heart and your passions, you won't miss out on learning.

Believe in yourself and all that your are.

________ Confidence is the key to success ?the thing that lets you look at the past without regret, stay grounded in the present, and prepare for the future without fear.

A day well spent gets you a good night sleep.

Enough sleep makes you feel healthier and happier, and it's more than lifting up your mood or removing exhaustion. Adequate sleep is a key part of your health and inner happiness. ________ It doesn't take a huge effort to make a significant change in your life-using one or two tiny habits may be all you need. Get started today and you'll soon be experiencing the rewards.

A. That's why habits are so powerful.

B. The ground work of all happiness is good health.

C. Early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.

D. The habit of respect means treating everyone with kindness.

E. Nothing will ever make you happier than having faith in yourself.

F. When you rest better, you can live better and achieve more happiness.

G. There is no stage in life when we can't be learning something valuable.

【答案】 A;C;G;E;F






(4)根据上下文可知,这一段讲述的是要相信自己,自信是成功的关键,E选项中的have faith in yourself正是此意,故选E。



1)分析选项,串联主题:了解文章的主题、大意,会让解题的方向更明确。 2)研究空格前后,对比选项,选择答案。3)复读短文,核对答案:为了保证答案的正确性,一定要把答案代入原文,进行核对检查。

9.任务型阅读How to Overcome Depression

Suffering from depression means more than just dealing with a bad week or even a bad month. Depression is a weakening condition that can make it impossible for you to enjoy your daily existence. To overcome your depression, you have to first determine if what you're feeling are the symptoms of depression.________While medications can help relieve symptoms, it is still important for depressed persons to understand the disorder and develop healthier strategies for coping with it.

Keep yourself busy. Fill your schedule with events and activities you love. Keeping a busy schedule will force you to stay active, focused, and thinking about the next thing on your plate. You can draw up a schedule for each day at the start of the week, or simply plan out each day the night before.________

Improve your diet________Even if you're losing your appetite, you need to be determined to eat three meals a day. You don't need to try to lose weight or be incredibly healthy-conscious when you're dealing with your depression, but eating healthier food regularly will improve your mental and physical state.

Think positively. Being a more positive thinker will help you look at your life and world in a way that fills you with hope instead of despair. To think more positively, you should learn how to recognize your negative thoughts and to fight them with stronger positive thoughts whenever you can. For a jump start, find at least five things to be grateful for________

________ Neglecting personal hygiene (卫生) is a common side effect of depression. While you will not beat your depression by transforming your looks, if you take time to maintain your appearance and hygiene every day, you will feel better about yourself. Shower daily, brush your teeth and wash your hair.

A. Control your emotions.

B. Improve your appearance.

C Most importantly be happy about every single day.

D. Whichever method you choose, make a goal of sticking to it.

E. However, not everyone knows depression has a positive side.

F. Eating a healthy, balanced diet can also help you beat depression.

G. If you are feeling sad, lonely, or worthless, you may be suffering from depression.



(1)根据前一句“To overcome your depression, you have to first determine if what you're feeling are the symptoms of depression.”可知,要克服抑郁症,首先你必须确定目前的情绪是抑郁的症状。按照文意,接下来应该是讲哪种情绪是抑郁的症状。选项G“如果你感到悲伤、孤独或毫无价值,你可能会患上抑郁症”是最切题的。所以答案选G。


(3)由第三段第一句也即主旨句“Improve your diet”可知,这一段主要讲如何改善饮食。只有选项F“吃健康、均衡的饮食也能帮助你战胜抑郁”切题。所以答案选F。

(4)根据前一句“For a jump start, find at least five things to be grateful for”可知,首先,你要找到至少5件事值得感激。选项A控制自己的情绪,选项B改善你的外表和选项E并不是每个人都知道抑郁有积极的一面,都不顺承句意。只有选项C“最重要的是每天都要快乐”最切题。所以答案选C。

(5)根据“While you will not beat your de pression by transforming your looks, if you take time to maintain your appearance and hygiene every day, you will feel better about yourself”可知,虽然你不会通过改变容貌来战胜抑郁,但如果你每天都花时间保持自己的外表和卫生,你就会感觉良好。所以这一段是关于改善外表的。只有选项B切题。所以答案选B。





Directions:Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you


Most parents know that they need life insurance. But many would rather have a root canal than shop for the best life insurance policy.

“People don't think about, What will my family do if I am gone and not earning a living?'” says Peter Katt, a fee-only life insurance adviser.“ The whole point of this kind of planning is to provide the family with maximum flexibility so they're not stuck.”

Planning for your death is not a cheerful topic. Too often, parents make a quick decision, ignoring important considerations. Among their mistakes one is that they do not buy enough life insurance. ________“They don't think that the person who is not bringing in an income needs life insurance,” says Greg Daugherty, executive editor of Consumers Union. But if that person dies, the other parent can't stop working and usually has to pay someone to help care for the family.

________ Katt recommended that one young couple should buy $3 million for the husband who earns $100,000 a year and $1 million for the stay-at-home wife.

At the same time, many families rely on employer-provided life insurance, but employer-provided coverage is rarely sufficient to support your family. Many employer-provided policies provide a death benefit of $10,000 to $25,000—barely enough to cover your funeral expense. Some employers provide a year's salary, but that may also fall well short of the amount your family would need to maintain its standard of living.

Some employers let workers buy group life insurance through payroll deductions. They may be a good deal for workers who have health problems that would disqualify them for an individual policy. But if you're young and healthy, you may be able to get a better rate on your own.

Another drawback is that if you leave your job, you may not be able to take your insurance.“ Given the job market, most of us are not absolutely certain that our jobs are secure,” Daugherty says.“________”

On the other hand, some families buy too much insurance. Not everyone needs life insurance. Some people buy life insurance for babies, which is unnecessary, unless the baby is a child model who is supporting the family, Daugherty says: The purpose of insurance is to replace the income that a family has been relying on. Single people and those who have no children to care for usually don't need life insurance.

Katt says a man with substantial savings in stocks and bonds and other sources of income recently asked him how much life insurance he needs.“ I said none,” Katt says. “________”

A. There are people who don't need life insurance but have it and many more people who need it but are woefully uninsured.

B. Families don't always insure a parent who is staying home to care for the children.

C. Most people put off buying life insurance for any number of reasons if they even understand it.

D. Even if you have a lot of insurance at work, it makes sense to have some more insurance on your own.

E. If you fall seriously ill of suffer significant injury later, it will make it tougher to get that kind of policy, if any at all.

F. To make insurance more affordable, you may not need to buy the same amount of insurance for both parents.

【答案】 B;F;D;A


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ They don't think that the person who is not bringing in an income needs life insurance ”因为他们不认为没有收入的人需要人身保险。可知前面说的是人们不会为在家照顾孩子的一个家长买保险。故选B。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ Katt recommended that one young couple should buy $3 million for the husband who earns $100,000 a year and $1 million for the stay-at-home wife. ”凯特建议一对年轻夫妇给每年收入10万美元的丈夫买300万美元保险,给当家庭主妇的妻子买1百万。可以得知夫妻双方购买的保险数目不用相同。故选F。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ Given the job market, most of us are not absolutely certain that our jobs are secure ”考虑到务工市场,多数人不能确定自己工作的保障性。因此即使你有工作保险,拥有一些保障自己的保险仍然是重要的。故选D。(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Katt says a man with substantial savings in stocks and bonds and other sources of income recently asked him how much life insurance he needs. ”卡特说,一个在股票、债券和其他来源上有大量储蓄的人咨询自己要买多少人寿保险,说明卡特想要指出有些人不需要保险却持有着保险,而许多需要保险的人不幸的是,没有保险。故选A。


11.Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.


Most people don't know that the anniversary of an important event in space exploration occurred last month. On March 18, 1965, spaceman Aleksi Leonov became the first human to complete an Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) or spacewalk. It marked the first time that a human was able to leave a spacecraft and operate in the emptiness of space. It is a dangerous procedure, but one that is vital for the success of manned space missions.

________ In space, a spacesuit must protect people from extreme cold and heat, provide air to breathe, and remove extra carbon dioxide. ________ Too much of it, and the spacesuit becomes firm and difficult to move in. Too little of it, and astronauts can become dangerously sick after returning to their spacecraft.

Astronauts now perform complex jobs in the emptiness of space in modern spacesuits. They have logged many hours repairing and upgrading equipment on satellites during EVAs. ________ On July 20th, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the

first time. There is no atmosphere on the moon, but there is gravity—about 17 percent of Earth's, which means Neil needed a special suit for walking on the moon's surface. Suits for the moon are equipped for exploration far from any vehicles, including tough boots that can resist cuts from the rough surface while walking. But sharp rocks weren't the only danger to astronauts.

The moon surface is covered with a fine and flour-like dust which consists of small particles (颗粒) left over from the numerous meteorite(陨石) strikes on the moon. ________ When astronauts would leave the moon's gravity, the dust on their suits began floating all over. It got into delicate equipment inside the spacecraft and the astronaut's eyes and lungs. As different space agencies plan for returning people to the moon, new EVA suit designs will have to take something else into account. Keeping astronauts safe also means keeping their suits clean.

A. However, EVAs don't just happen in empty space.

B. It sticks to everything, eventually causing joints and seals to fail.

C. Spacesuits also have to maintain ideal air pressure during a spacewalk.

D. Unfortunately, most people have no idea about space exploration or spacesuits.

E. Without the ability to work in space, we are unable to keep our space programs functional.

F. There are a few things that must be taken into account to make an EVA both safe and effective 【答案】 F;C;A;B


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后" In space, a spacesuit must protect people from extreme cold and heat, provide air to breathe, and remove extra carbon dioxide."可知宇航服必须保护人们免受极冷和极热的伤害,提供空气,并去除多余的二氧化碳。 F. There are a few things that must be taken into account to make an EVA both safe and effective“为了使舱外活动在太空中既安全又有效,有几件事必须被考虑进去”承接上文,a few things就是指后文的protect people from extreme cold and heat, provide air to breathe, and remove extra carbon dioxide. 故选F。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Too much of it, and the spacesuit becomes firm and difficult to move in. Too little of it, and astronauts can become dangerously sick after returning to their spacecraft.”可知(气压)太高的话,宇航服就会变硬,很难穿进去。如果(气压)过低,宇航员回到飞船后可能会生病。连接下文, C. Spacesuits also have to maintain ideal air pressure during a spacewalk.“宇航服还必须在(宇航员)太空行走时保持理想的气压。”切题。C项的air pressure与下文的代词it相呼应。故选C。(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前"Astronauts now perform complex jobs in the emptiness of space in modern spacesuits"可知宇航员现在穿着现代宇航服,在空旷的太空中从事复杂的工作;再根据空后“On July 20th, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon for the first time. There is no atmosphere on the moon, but there is gravity”可知除了在太空工作,1969年美国宇航员阿姆斯特朗第一次登上月球。承上启下,月球上没有大气,但有地球引力。A. However, EVAs don't just happen in empty space.“然而,舱外活动并不只是发生在广阔的太空中。”切题,故选A。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前"The moon surface is covered with a fine and flour-like dust which consists of small particles(颗粒) left over from the numerous meteorite (陨石) strikes on the moon"可知月球表面覆盖着一种灰尘,这种灰尘由撞上月亮的陨石留下的小颗粒组成的。承接上文,B. It sticks to everything, eventually causing joints and seals to fail.“它可以粘在任何东西上,最终导致连接和密封(的东西)没法用。”切题。B项的it代指前文的a fine and flour-like dust。选B。


12.Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Meal kits(餐具)cut food waste but packaging is a problem

Home delivery meal kits can slash(大幅消减)food waste by more than two-thirds, but suppliers need to switch to reusable packaging to make them environmentally friendly.

________ That means leftovers are minimized. But while the delivery services score well on reducing food waste, buying the same ingredients from the supermarket almost always saves energy overall simply because meal kits use so much single-use packaging. The good news is that if you have meals that are tailored for consumption, people won't over-buy and you have less food waste. You fine-tune the portions to what people will actually eat.

Beyond the cost of the waste itself, thrown-away food generates methane(甲烷)that contributes to climate change. ________ A 2018 report from the Boston Consulting Group found that the waste was set to soar by a third by 2030 when global food waste was estimated to reach 2.1 bn tonnes.

Meal kits can reduce transport emissions if they mean people take fewer trips to the supermarket. If people only went to buy goods that are unlikely to decay such as soap and toilet paper, they might only have to visit the supermarket once every couple of months. That delivery truck can carry meals for you and dozens of neighbors. ________

The study found that even if delivered meal kits reduced food waste to zero, they would still use up more energy overall than buying the same food from the supermarket unless the energy used for the meal kit packaging was cut by a fifth. ________ All the environmental benefits are lost. But if the packaging can be reused, you can get some benefits.

A. However, meal kits are likely heading for the mainstream.

B. If it's single-use and thrown away, the packaging is a killer.

C. In that case, you might replace dozens of car trips with one truck trip.

D. Meal knits arrive on your doorstep by truck filled with every ingredient you need.

E. Tailor-made meal kits save waste by providing precise quantities of fresh ingredients.

F. If food waste was a country, it would rank third in emissions behind the US and China.

【答案】 E;F;C;B


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ That means leftovers are

minimized.”这意味着剩菜要尽量减少。承接下文,E.Tailor-made meal kits save waste by providing precise quantities of fresh ingredients.“特制的餐盒提供精确数量的新鲜食材,节省浪费。”切题。下文中的that指该项的内容。故选E。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ A 2018 report from the Boston Consulting Group found that the waste was set to soar by a third by 2030 when global food waste was estimated to reach 2.1 bn tonnes.”"波士顿咨询集团2018年的一份报告发现,到2030年,全球食品浪费预计将达到21亿吨,预计垃圾将飙升三分之一。承接下文,F.If food waste was a country, it would rank third in emissions behind the US and China.“如果食品浪费是一个国家,它的排放量将排在美国和中国之后,位列第三。”切题。故选F。(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“ That delivery truck can carry meals for you and dozens of neighbors.”那辆送货卡车可以为你和几十个邻居送饭。承接上文,C.In that case, you might replace dozens of car trips with one truck trip.“在这种情况下,你可以用一次卡车旅行来代替几十次汽车旅行。”切题。故选C。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“ All the environmental benefits are lost. But if the packaging can be reused, you can get some benefits.”所有的环境效益都丧失了。但是如果包装可以重复使用,您可以获得一些好处。承接下文,B.If it's single-use and thrown away, the packagi ng is a killer.“如果一次性使用并被丢弃,包装就是一个杀手。”切题。故选B。


13.Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Reading the world in 195 books

In 2012, I set myself the challenge of trying to read a book from every country of all 195 UN-recognized states in a year. ________. I created a blog called A Year of Reading the World and put out an appeal for suggestions of titles that I could read in English.

The response was amazing. Before I knew it, people all over the planet were getting in touch with ideas and offers of help. Some posted me books. Others did hours of research on my behalf. ________. Even with such an extraordinary team behind me, however, sourcing books was no easy task.

But the effort was worth it. As I made my way through the planet's literary landscapes, extraordinary things started to happen. Far from simply armchair travelling, I found I was inhabiting the mental space of the storytellers. I discovered, bookpacking offered something that a physical traveller could hope to experience only rarely: it took me inside the thoughts of individuals living far away and showed me the world through their eyes. More powerful than a thousand news reports, these stories not only opened my mind to basic information of life in other places, but opened my heart to the way people there might feel. ________. Through


初中英语任务型阅读理解(七下) 1. If you go to , maybe some people can understand you. 2. Egyptians speak . 3. If you go to , you must learn Russian well. 4. The capital of Singapore is . 5. From the form(表格), we can see that is the most important language. 二 I’ve got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you’ll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现金) and about £200 in travelers cheques(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you’ll be met by our host(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I’ve told them to look out for the red shirts. You’ll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it’s very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I’ll give you her office phone number now: It’s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that’s B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She’s in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! That’s everything. Have a good trip. In the west, there can be some abbreviations(缩略词) in some advertisements(广告) of the newspaper. Here’s an advertisement for an apartment. Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt, i.e.(即) Large apartment; lrg. lvrm, i.e. Large living-room. Now, please read the advertisement carefully, and 2. If you rent(租用) the apartment, do(千万) remember not to bring any , like dogs, cats, birds and so on. 3. There is a large living-room and two in the apartment. 4. The location(位置) of the building is very . 5. If you rent the apartment, you must pay(付) dollars(美元) every month. 四 My name is Mary Connor. I’m American and I’m a nurse in Rosewood Hospital. I’m 20 and single(独身). My hobbies are tennis and computer games. My brother is also a nurse. Our parents are from the USA but we live in Brighton now. My mother is a painter(画家) and my father is a doctor. I like a penfriend from China or Japan. Please write to: 63 Lily Road, London SWL, England.


英语任务型阅读练习题含答案及解析 一、英语任务型阅读 1.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全短文,使文章内容完整、通顺。 Improving Listening Sills in the Classroom Listening is a skill that needs to be learned and used well to be able to succeed in any environment. In the classroom, great listening skills mean the difference between a successful student and one who struggles (挣扎) in school. Come to class rested. ________ When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的) focus will be much better. If you come to class sleepy or tired, it may be impossible for you to keep your eyes open and concentrate (集中) on what the teacher is saying. ________ Have everything you need at the start of the class. If you have homework, make sure you are ready to hand it in. Bring out your notebook and pen so you can start taking down notes Also, try to read your textbooks before coming into class. It will help you understand more easily what your teacher is talking about. ________ When you're in the front of the class, you'll have an easier time hearing what the teacher has to say you won't have a daydream when the teacher is near you. Take down notes. Write down what you hear in class. ________ It will also make you concentrate more on what is being said So you can properly take notes. Try to concentrate when you are in class so that you are able to get the key points during a lecture. ________ Once you learn techniques to help you with this skill, you should see an improvement in your listening. 【解析】【分析】主要讲了提高英语听力的技巧。 A. Be prepared.做好准备。 B. Sit near the teachers.坐在老师旁边。 C. Listening is a skill that is developed little by little.听力是一种逐渐发展起来的技能。 D. This makes it easier to remember what is being discussed.这使人们更容易记住正在讨论的内容。 E. Make sure you had a good night's sleep and had a good breakfast.确保你晚上睡得好,早餐吃得好。 (1)根据后句When your body is well taken care of, your mental (精神的)focus will be much better.当你的身体得到很好的照顾,你的精神集中会更好,可知前句讲得是睡好,故

上海市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(附答案)

上海市中考英语英语任务型阅读理解专题练习(附答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,完成问题。 Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She has become the voice of girls throughout the world. Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a quiet life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班), an Islamic organization of violence(暴力) took control of her village. ① . They believed educating girls was against Islam. But Malala didn't agree. She wouldn't give up her education and kept going to school. ② "What is wrong with us girl students? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote. Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley. ③ On Oct.9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in his hand. A bullet immediately hit her in the face. Luckily, the shot didn't kill her. She was taken to a hospital in the UK. The shot didn't kill her courage, either. ④ Her courage made her famous. She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book named I Am Malala. OnOct.10, 2013, the EP awarded Malala the top human rights prize. They said," She is an icon(符号) of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望)." ①________②________③________④________ (2)What may be the best title for this passage? A. Dreans of peace B. A gun shot in Pakistan C. Voice of courage D. Education rights for girls 【答案】(1)B;D;A;C (2)C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了巴基斯坦女孩尤萨夫扎伊是有史以来获得诺贝尔和平奖最年轻的人。她不放弃教育,一直学习,她的艰辛工作鼓励着许多女孩,已成为全世界女孩勇气的声音。 (1)A. However, her actions also put her in danger.然而,她的行为也使她处于危险之中。 B. They stopped girls from getting an education.他们阻止女孩接受教育。 C. Now she is still calling for education rights for girls.现在她仍在呼吁女孩享有受教育的权利。 D. And she started to write a blog against the Taliban.她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。 ①根据后句They believed educating girls was against Islam.可知他们认为教育女孩是违背伊


任务型阅读理解专练 (3) A Page From Li Meng’s Diary Thursday, January 23 Sunny Today I was so happy to know that I did quite well in my last week’s science exam. Thanks to Daniel, he taught me a new way of going over lessons. It is called “map idea”. Because of the map idea, I’ve learned how to find out the main idea in every lesson. And in my mind I can draw a map of all the important knowledge I need to remember. It’s really good. I can remember so much in that way. I never thought of changing the way of my study before. I was always complaining about my poor memory, but now my memory has become good because of the map idea. It made my study much easier and more enjoyable. I realized learning how to learn well is the most important for us students. 96. There was a science exam in Li Meng’s class . 97. Daniel taught Li Meng a good way to study. That is . 98. Li Meng complain about his bad memory. 99. Li Meng has learned a new way of lessons. 100. It is the most important how to learn well. (4) Dear Miss Li, I’d like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”,an organization set up to help diabled people.For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have "Lucky", who has filed my life with pleasure. “Lucy” is a specialy trained dog for the disabled.It is a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face. "Lucky" helps me open and shut the doors,even answer the telephone.He cheers me up a lot. I’l send you a photo of him if you like,and Icould show you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for supporting "Animal Helpers". It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me. Best wishes, Liz Smith 71.Liz Smith is a__________man who is__________to see or hear. 72."Lucky" is the__________of a specialy__________dog. 73."Animal Helpers" is an organization that was__________up to__________the disabled. 74.Liz Smith will__________Miss Lia a photo of the dog and__________her how "Lucky" helps him. 75.LizSmith wrote this letter to__________Miss Li for her__________to Animal Helpers. (5)

上海市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解试题(含答案)

上海市中考英语英语任务型阅读理解试题(含答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,回答下列各题。 Do you obey the rules in your school? How do you like your school rules? A lot of school rules are similar around the world, but some are different. Every school has their own rules. There are some rules in Japanese schools. The students are not allowed to dye(染) their hair and should keep the hair Japanese black colour. They are not allowed to wear earrings, either. Almost all schools required students to wear uniforms in the past but now half of the schools require uniforms. The students feel happy to wear all kinds of clothes. The students mustn't be late for school. If they are late, they can't get into the school gate because the school gate is closed. In Japan, students are not allowed to have part-time jobs because they may not concentrate on their study. American schools have their own rules. For example, in Morton High School, students are not allowed to choose their own clothes. They must get to school and leave school on time. They must wear sports shoes in gym class. They should keep quiet in the school bus. In America, the students can have part- time jobs in their free time. (1)Why are the students not allowed to have part time jobs in Japan? (不超过8个词) (2)What must the students in Morton High School wear in gym class? (不超过5个词) (3)There must be some rules in your school. Give one example, please. (请自拟—句话作答) 【答案】(1)Because they may not concentrate on their study. (2)They must wear sports shoes. (3)You must be quiet if you enter the school building. (言之有理即可) 【解析】【分析】大意:世界上很多学校校规相似,但一些学校的校规却不相同,本文着重介绍日本学校一些校规和美国学校的一些校规的不同。 (1)根据In Japan, students are not allowed to have part-time jobs because they may not concentrate on their study.可知,日本学生不允许兼职因为他们可能不能专注于自己的学习,故填Because they may not concentrate on their study。 (2)根据They must wear sports shoes in gym class.可知,他们体育课必须穿运动鞋,故填They must wear sports shoes。 (3)在我们学校,学生要求进到教学楼必须保持安静,故填You must be quiet if you enter the school building。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意首先理解问题所问,带着问题从原文找到答案。 2.根据短文及表格内容列要点。 In order to learn how the students in our school spend money, we made a survey by asking them some questions. First, we asked them how much money they spent last month. And then we asked how much money they spent on snacks, books, movies, computer games, phones, transportation and other things last month. Our maths teacher helped us make a graph(图表) of their answers as follows.

任务型阅读试题及答案 百度文库

一、高中英语任务型阅读 1.任务型阅读 It is now mandatory(强制) for drivers or passengers to wear seatbelts while in a car in all states. In addition, it is also mandatory for kids of be in some kind of specialized car seat. Given the strict requirements in other vehicles, why don't buses have seatbelts? The main answer, at least for school buses, is that seatbelts do not make school buses safer. Overall, traveling on school buses is the safest way to travel—40 times safer than riding in a car—with only a handful of deaths occurring to passengers on school buses every year. The seats on the school bus are placed very close to each other and have high backs that are thickly padded. As a result, in an accident the students would be propelled forward a very short distance into a padded seatback that in a way is like an airbag. In addition, the fact that people sit high off the ground on school buses also makes it safer to travel on them. While school buses feature high backed seats and elevated seating locations, the same cannot be said of city buses. However, from a practical angle, there's little need to require seatbelts on city buses. Although the design of the modern low—floor city bus is less safe than the design of school buses, the fact that city buses rarely travel at speeds greater than 35 miles per hour means that any collision is likely to be small, Also, given that most trips on city buses are short and that many trips have standing passengers, the presence of seatbelts will make even less of a difference. Another answer why buses do not have seatbelts is cost. It is estimated that adding seatbelts to buses would add between $8,000 and $15,000 to the cost of each bus. In addition, seatbelts would take up room currently used as seats, meaning that each bus would have fewer seating places. The additional room in the bus taken up by seatbelts would mean that bus fleets would have to increase by as much as 15% just to carry the same number of people. Such an increase would be especially difficult in cities that experience overcrowding on their vehicles. Regardless of whether their passengers have seatbelts, all buses provide seatbelts for drivers and most bus companies make their drivers wear seatbelts in order not to be influenced by a collision.


外研社初一(下)任务型阅读理解专项练习 一 A few years ago, an Englishman __(1)____(call)Roy Jones went on holiday to a small seaside town in the west of England. He swam in the sea one day. But when he opened his mouth, his false teeth were in the sea water and he _______( can not find) them. The next year, Mr. Jones returned to the same town on holiday. One day he drank coffee in a coffee shop;he told the story of his lost teeth to the manager. The manager looked very surprised. He said that he found a set of false teeth on the beach last month. Then he asked Roy Jones to try it on. “OK”, said Mr. Jones. “I think it may be mine.” When Mr. Jones put the false teeth into his mouth.He was happy. They were really his lost false teeth. 1. 在(1)(2)处用所给词的适当形式填空. (1) (2) 2.在短文中找出went back 的同义词。________________ 3.Where did Mr.Jones lose his false teeth? _____________________________ 4.Who found his false teeth? _________________________ 5.Which is the best title of the passage? ______ A. A coffee shop B.A good holiday C. A set of false teath D. It may be yours 二 One afternoon Mrs.Green’s husband wanted to catch the 3:30 flight to London to have (1) important meeting. She was very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 o’clock and said that he was still at the airport. “What happened to you?”asked Mrs Green. “Well,” said Mr. Green, “Everything was going fine. I got my ticket, checked my luggage and waited (2)( 排队) at the gate. I walked across the runway to the airplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott, who was an airplane engineer. I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.” “Why did he catch you?” “I don’t know(3),”said Mr.Green, “As soon as he heard my shout, he ran towards me and caught me.”“What did you shout to your friend?” “All I said was ‘Hi, Jack’.(4) You know that’s the usual way we say hello to our friends.” “But you don’t know the sentence ‘Hi,Jack’ also means to take control of a plane by force(武力).” 1. 在(1)处填上适当的冠词:_________ 2.根据括号的汉语提示在(2)处写出单词或短语:_________ 3.对(3)部分进行改写,并保持句意不变。 I_____ ______ _____. 4.根据文章的内容判断正(T)误(F)。 () Mr. Green would take control of a plane by force. 5.请把(4)翻译成汉语.__________________________________ 三 My name is Daisy. Let me tell you something about my family. I live w______ my mother and father in a flat. The flat is on the fifth floor of a tall building. There are 14 f______ and a parking garage(车库) in the basement(地下室). My father parks his car there. Our flat is not in the center of the city. It is 2 miles from the center. My father works in the city, so he goes to work by bus every day. He doesn’t drive his car. He uses his car only on weekends. He takes us to the country or to the beach. Our flat has three bedrooms. There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my brother. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. 我们没有花园,但有一个小阳台。There are some plants on the balcony. In summer we often sit out on the balcony because it gets very hot inside the flat. Our flat is small, but we are very happy in it.


任务型阅读的常见类型及解题技巧 完成这一题型应非常细致,应认真地到原材料中收集有用的信息,并且经过整理输出信息。根据已有各地试题可把大体分成三类题型:问答问题型、应用文型和综合型(把两种类型综合在一起)。 回答问题型也就是给出一篇短文,题后设计几个问题(一般五个题)。这种题型既考查学生的阅读理解的能力,又考查学生的在文章中提取信息的能力。要求学生根据问题在文章中找出能回答问题的关键句子,或者需要自己组织语言回答问题;有的题目设计出一两个翻译题等。细读问题要求,完成任务。在明白题意和文意的基础上,仔细阅读后面的题目要求,根据实际情况去完成所要求的任务。总之,这类题型要求学生要有很好的阅读理解和归纳总结的能力。 应用文型的任务阅读它往往与生活实际挂钩,涉及天气预报、电视节目、预定购各类物品,海报广告、确定路线方位、留言口信电话记录等生活实例和有关日常生活话题的简短文字材料等。内容比较简单,有时图文并茂,符合不同学生层次的心理爱好。体现了运用语言完成实际任务的目的。题目设计一般为表格形式较多,学生可先看题目要求,大致明白所要完成的任务,直接从材料中找到相关信息,从而完成所给的任务。 综合类型的任务阅读一般是在问题设计上兼顾了前两种类型,既有根据短文设计的问答题和相应的翻译题、连词成句等,又有根据内容完成表格或图表信息,完成这一题型应非常细致,应认真地到原材料中收集有用的信息,并且经过整理输出信息。在明白题意和文意的基础上,仔细阅读后面的题目要求,根据实际情况去完成所要求的任务。 另外,任务型阅读题型涉及到写,应特别注意大小写及书写规范问题,做到每个细节都能万无一失,保证做题的准确性和得分率。 2007山东淄博中考题阅读短文,根据任务要求完成下面各小题


最新高考英语任务型阅读试题(含答案) 一、高中英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The Panda Ant is a most unusual species with a lovely appearance. ________ They look like ants but actually they belong to the wasp(黄蜂)family. The differences between the two sexes of the species are also very pronounced in both appearance and behavior. When fully grown, the male, possibly attaining a length of approximately 0. 8 centimeters, is several times larger than the female. ________ Cute as panda ants may look, they are dangerous and capable of knocking out an animal much larger than they are with a few stings(刺). Panda ants primarily depend on flowers sweet liquid as their food. ________ The female panda ant often lays its eggs in a bee or wasp nest. When the young ones. hatch, they will eat their pupa (蛹)hosts. ________ So although a female panda ant lays approximately 2, 000 eggs a year, a considerable amount of eggs to support their survival, this species is still on the edge of dying out. This species was first discovered in the coastal region of Central Chile in 1938. ________ Today, they are likely to be found in dry desert and sandy areas such as Southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. A. It's a new fashion to raise panda ants as pets. B. The name comes from their colors as pandas. C. Yet young panda ants are meat-eaters. D. No one believes the panda ant is the relative of bees. E. Besides, the males are active at night while the females opposite. F. Unfortunately, many panda ants are eaten for their bright colors. G. Then little attention was given to it until recently. 【答案】 B;E;C;F;G 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇科普类短文阅读。文章主要介绍了一种非常不寻常的物种——熊猫蚂蚁。 A. It's a new fashion to raise panda ants as pets.把熊猫作为宠物饲养是一种新的时尚。 B. The name comes from their colors as pandas.这个名字来自熊猫的颜色。 C. Yet young panda ants are meat-eaters.然而,年轻的熊猫蚂蚁是食肉动物。 D. No one believes the panda ant is the relative of bees.没有人相信熊猫蚂蚁是蜜蜂的亲戚。 E. Besides, the males are active at night while the females opposite.此外,雄性在夜间活动,而雌性则相反。 F. Unfortunately, many panda ants are eaten for their bright colors.不幸的是,许多熊猫蚂蚁因为鲜艳的颜色而被吃掉。 G. Then little attention was given to it until recently.直到最近,对它的关注很少。 (1)根据前句The Panda Ant is a most unusual species with a lovely appearance.可知这里来解释熊猫蚂蚁名字的由来。故选B。
