



Be quiet, dear ladies and gentlemen. Our debate is going to start. Please power off your mobile phone or turn it into mute mode. Thank you for your corporation. Good morning, boys and girls, dear judges and guests. Welcome to the debate competition of the issue “______?”We have 8 debaters today, 4 on each side. The positive side holding the idea that “_______” is leaded by XYZ, and the rest debaters are_________, while the negative side insisting the opinion that “__________” is leaded by________,and the other members are________. I’m the presider today, ZYX.

Now please let me introduce the special guests, on behalf of positive side, Miss LJW, and of negative side Mr LRL, and today's judges, all of our dear audience, let’s welcome.



·Next I would like to introduce the rules for the first round. Each leader on both sides will be given 2 minutes. In this two minutes, you make a general point on why you stick to your opinion. Let’s start with the positive side.

Sounds reasonable, isn’t it? Now let’s welcome the negative side.

·Thanks for the excellent statement. Here comes the second round. In this round, the second debater in pros will ask questions to the counterpart and the second debater in cons must answer it instantly. Vice versa. And then comes third pair of debaters. Each Q&A cost 2 minutes. Now let’s start with the Member of the Government.

Now, please, the Member of the Opposition.

Now, please, the third debater in cons.



英语辩论赛主持人串词 A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. B:Welcome to our English Debate Competition 合:We are honored to be the chairman for today's debating contest. A:I am Chen Fuquan. B:I am Zhai Wanyin. A:At first, let’s welcome our judges. Miss Zhong and Miss Sun. B:And also, let’s welcome our debaters from both sides come to this stage.We have 3 groups of tonight. A:I believe most of you want to know these debaters just as I do. So every debater, could you introduce yourself to the audience? Let’s start with debater number 1 from the affirmative side. (从正方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到正方四辩自我介绍结束。) B:Now it is time for the negative side to introduce yourselves. (从反方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到反方四辩自我介绍结束。) I think all of you have known the topic for this debate contest. (宣布辩题及相关背景材料, 介绍正反双方所持观点。) Now, I would like to introduce the rules for this debate contest. In order to ensure objectivity and impartiality, interrupting is not allowed. No controversial topics. Direct attacks are also prohibited. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。 A:We can see every debater of both sides is very confident; we are looking forward for your wonderful performance and hope you can give us an excellent debate contest. Score will be given according to your pronunciation, linguistic fluency and content. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。我们可以看到,每一个双方辩手是非常有信心的,我们期待着你的精彩表现,希望你能给我们一个很好的辩论大赛。分数将根据你的发音,语言的流畅性和内容。 As everyone is ready now, here starts the debate. (依照比赛程序进行比赛) B:Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement. During this stage, debater number 1of both sides should give an opening statement. Each debater has 2 minutes. When time is up, our fine-keeper will show you by a sign. Debater number 1of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.现在,让我们来的第一阶段,致开幕词。 在这个阶段,双方应致开幕词。每个的辩手有2分钟。当时间到了,我们的评委会举起一个牌子。正方1辯,你准备好了吗?开始时间。


辩论赛主持人的台词英文版 2019-01-01 beginning: good evening, ladies and gentlemen. good evening, boys and girls.this place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts. judge introduction: firstly, i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this debate contest. ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome mr. from... rule introduction: now i would like to introduce the rules for this contest. no.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of english major, and group of other majors. no.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. no.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 english major contestants and 3 from other majors. up to now, i think all of you have known the rules very well. and then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got. so first, lets welcome group one… ending: their views all sound very nice, right? and i think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side. all the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. i'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause. now it's time for the result. which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure


英文辩论赛主持词 四辨最好当,但是别人没法给你总结。全靠你在场上的听力集中抓对方的漏洞。你要总结一辨到三辨你方的观点,然后比赛中途找对方漏洞你方又没来得及辩驳的加进去。第二个陈述总结的占优势,你要把对方四辨最后的辩驳给驳回。还有给你一点最后一定要在要领准备结束的时候马上结束你的陈述,辩论赛最忌讳不管时间一个劲说的,还有结束的时候说:"最后我再一次陈述我方观点,合作比竞争更重要!"然后礼貌性的谢谢裁判。你就可以坐下了。出场要主动跟对方辩手握手,有礼貌对于赢得比赛有至关重要的作用. 英文辩论赛主持词 Beginning: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, boys and place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts. Judge Introduction: 在该环节中,双方依次轮流发言,首先每方累计用时不得超过5分钟。各队每次发言只能由一名辩手完成,任一辩手起立后视为由该辩手进行发言,坐下后视为发言结束,转由另一方开始发言。其次一方用时满后,另一方可继续发言

也可以示意弃权。(如果出现一方一直和对方的辩手正面交锋时,且该方辩手一直处在起立状态,主持人应该提示说“辩论双方在进行正面交锋时,一方说完后必须坐下,待对方发言完后,该方辩手起立后再发言。”) 首先有请正方任意一名辩手开始(发言)。 Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from... Rule Introduction: 辩论赛一直是我们十分喜欢举办的一种大赛,而在这个比赛中怎么能少了我们的主持人的主持词呢?下面是小编搜集整理的大学生辩论赛主持词,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目! Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. , contest will be divided into two parts, group of English major, and group of other majors. , each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. , at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 English major contestants and 3 from other majors.


英文辩论赛主席稿(初稿) 各位同学,请入座,我们的辩论赛即将开始,请大家保持安静,并把手机调为关机或震动状态,在比赛过程中希望大家保持安静,谢谢! Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, the competition is going to begin, for your enjoyable environment,please make yourself seated as soon as possible, and switch off your cell phones and keep silence. Thanks for your cooperation. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shaoguan University the fourth session of English debating final competition. I’m the host Roxanne. Firstly, it’s my great honor to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher ( ), welcome! Our dear teacher ( ) welcome! Our dear teacher ( ), welcome! Welcome you all!! Then,let’s begin from the non-English major group. In modern society, men and women also have their own pressure, but who suffer more? Now, let’s begin a debating topic that in the modern world, men and women who would face greater pressure in life. And before listening their views, let me introduce the teams of the non-English major group.


辩论赛主持稿英文 1 .Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. We are at our class debate ..I’m ..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this youyou’re your participating. 2. Today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition our debaters need to listen carefully. 1 Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. On my right are 4 debaters representing the Student-centre,they are …………………………………….. We welcome the four debaters. 2 Likewise,we’d like to welcome the opposite on my left. The 4 debaters represent the are ………………………………. Welcome the eight debaters. 下面让我来介绍一下今晚参加决赛的两支队伍,他们分

别是:正方:化工学院代表队反方:人文学院代表队 1. Now that we’ve met the me introduce the four judges for are …………………. now it's time for the result. which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure it is going to be very close. and i think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts. 2. 这个地方适当的加一些话,关于主题的。Whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out. 大连翻译职业学院第二届辩论赛第一场半决赛到此结束,5分钟后,第二场辩论赛半决赛将同样在这里继续进行,感谢各位嘉宾的到来,感谢各位参赛选手的精彩表现,衷心的谢谢大家 1. I now declare open the Debate. We’ll begin with the first round-presenting of arguments. In this round, both teams can send any debater to establish its ’ll start with the student-centre,if you please. 2. Thank for your opening ’s listen to how the teather-center make their you please.


Beginning: 一Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and students. Welcome to the finals of the 16th “FL TRP Amazon Cup”National College Students Debating Competition of AYNV. This place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I am your chairman. 二Judge Introduction: First, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from... 三Rule Introduction: Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. 1First, each debater will be given 5 minutes,and the debater from the other side can question except for the first minute and the last minute . 2Second, the debater will be given 15 seconds to ask a question if the question is accepted. 3Third, the full mark is 100. The judges will give marks based on the debaters’ performance and team-work. Up to now, I think all of you have known the rules very well. And then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got. 四So first, lets welcome our debaters. Now, square debaters, it’s your


英语辩论赛常用语 A征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗? I was wondering where you stood on the question of …我想知道你对……问题怎么看。 B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that …另一点是…… Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是…… I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…... C就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。 Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said…像你所说的那样…… But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过……. E如何礼貌地反对对方某一观点 I’m not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends.

I’m not so certain. Well, I’m not so sure about that. I’m inclined to disagree with that. No, I don’t think so really. F如何强烈反对对方某一观点 I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. I’m afraid I don’t agree. I’m afraid you are wrong there. I wouldn’t accept that for one minute. You can't really mean that. You can’t be serious. 大学生英语辩论赛的比赛规则及具体流程 1、主席致辞:宣布辩题及辩题相关背景资料;介绍选手包括学院、专业、年级及正反方所持观点等;介绍评委及比赛规则。 2.、比赛阶段: 1)正方一辩发言(7分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第六分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时---举牌提示 2)反方一辩发言(8分钟) 第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第七分钟结束时--举牌提示,第八分钟结束时---举牌提示


H: Thank you, and welcome. Good evening distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the grand final of the First “vou”House-of Business English talent contest. I am Jackie, and the lady besides me is Sheryl. Y: “” Good evening! Everyone! It’s our great honor to be the host and hostess tonight. H: Right, the final brings together 4 excellent teams from the super-competitive preliminary. Y: They are the best of the best. And ton ight’s contest is a stage for them to display their talents in business intelligence, language proficiency and debating ability. H: Exactly, I believe it will offer the audiences a magnifcant feast both to eyes and ears. And now I would like to introduce our honorable judges. They are XXX, warmly welcome! Y: thanks for your presence tonight! And also thanks for the Presence other representatives from our brother unions H: And the wormest welcome also goes to all the audience tonight. 介绍规则 H: Before the competition,each team has 5 minutes to introduce themselves to you. Including a 3minutes video and a 2 minutes talent show. Y: Now, let’s step into each team’s world by a short video clip.


校园辩论赛主持稿(中英文) 英语辩论赛主持稿 Beginning: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, boys and girls.This place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts. Judge Introduction: Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from... Rule Introduction: Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. No.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of English major, and group of other majors. No.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. No.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 English major contestants and 3 from other majors. Up to now, I think all of you have known the rules very well. And then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got. So first, lets welcome group one… Ending: Their views all sound very nice, right? And I think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side. All the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. I'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. Thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause. Now it's time for the result. Which contestants will win this wonderful debate? And who will be the best debater today? I am sure it is going to be very close. And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.


Dood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the debate in Class four Grade eight. 尊敬的评委、亲爱的同学们大家下午好!欢迎大家来到桥城中学初二四班举办的辩论赛。 从表面来看,辩论赛仿佛是一种高级的智力游戏,然而它所引发出来的智慧与思考,特别是辩手们表现出来的个性风采以及整体的青春魅力,那都是超越辩论本身的。 First, please allow me to introduce the judge of this debate. 首先,请允许我向大家介绍担任本次辩论赛的评委们,她是: Let's welcome her with a loud applause! 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎她的到来! The team which is sitting on my right is the affirmative side. And which is sitting on my left is the opposite side. It is time for them to introduce themselves. 本场比赛的辩题是:电脑能让我们的生活更美好吗?下面我将介绍今天比赛的辩论双方,坐在我右边的是正方代表队。而坐在我左边的是反方代表队。下面有请双方辩手做简单的自我介绍。 It seems everyone is confident. But who will be the winner? 看来双方辩手都已经是严正以待,信心十足。今天,究竟鹿死谁手、花落谁家还是要看每一位辩手的智慧和辩才了。 Before we start, we need to clear and definite the rules: 在开始之前,首先要明确以下游戏规则: 1. 对方选手提出问题时,被问一方必须回答,不得回避,也不的反问。 2. 自由辩论发言必须在两队之间交替进行,首先由正方一名队员发言,发言队员坐下后,由反方一名队员发言。双方轮流,直到时间用完为止。 3. 各队耗时累计,当一方发言结束即发言队员坐下后,即开始计算另一方用时。 4. 如果一队的时间已经用完,另一队可以继续发言,直到时间用完为止。也可以放弃发言,放弃发言不影响打分。 5. 比赛中,辩手不得离开座位,不得打扰对方或本方辩手发言,辩论时不得人身攻击。一旦违规,红牌出局,换后备队员上场,出局者不得再发言。 现在我宣布,辩论赛正式开始! The first part is opening statement. In this part, the first student of each team will tell us what do they think and what’s the reasons for. Each team have 2 minutes and 30 seconds. 第一环节为开篇陈词,有双方一辩进行发言阐述,明确观点,时间为2分30秒。首先有请正方一辩发言,计时开始! Well, the affirmative side have been told us their faith. And now it time for the opposite side to speak.


英语辩论主持人稿 Beginning: 开场 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 早上好,女士们,先生们 This class will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I'm your host. my name is xxx,Today, we’l l be witnessing a brilliant debate 这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人——,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛, I think you all have known the topic today" "众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:“” So first, it’s my honor to present today's chief judge: miss wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官吴小姐now , there are two sides ,the affirmative side and the negative side,the affirmative side’s opinion is we should make friend on line, the negative side’s opinion is we shouldn’t make friend on line. it’s the time for debaters’ sel f introduction.. affirmative first. it’s you turn negative side… First, please allow me to introduce the rules of debate. The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round beings will briefly introduce the competition rules. So our debaters


英语辩论赛主持词 英语辩论赛主持词,本篇范文整理英语辩论赛全场中主持人的台词,从辩论赛开场,到辩手自辩,辩手互相提问,到最后结辩宣布结果的主持串词,请欣赏! 英语辩论赛主持词 Beginning: 开场 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. 早上好,女士们,先生们 This class will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and Im your host.my name is ,Today,well be witnessing a brilliant debate 这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛, I think you all have known the topic today 众所周知,我们今天的辩题是: So first,its my honor to present todays chief judge:miss wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官吴小姐 now , there are two sides ,the affirmative side and the negative side,

the affirmative sides opinion is we should make friend on line, the negative sides opinion is we shouldnt make friend on line.its the time for debatersself introduction.. affirmative first..its you turn negative side first,please allow me to introduce the rules of debate. The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition rules.So our debatersneed to listen carefully. 本次比赛分五个板块,在每个部分开始之前,我都会简单的介绍比赛规则,所以辩论选手们可要认真 听哟! The first part is presentation time, first its the introduction of the first affirmative debater, within 5 minutessame to the negative The 2 part is free debating, first, affirmative presentation and questioning, then is the negative both of sides fifty minutes The 3 part is question time for the audience, there are six quotas, the debater answer each question shouldnt over 2mins The 4 part is conclusion time, first, affirmative


主席词 Good afternoon, Honorable judges , ladies and gentlemen.I’m the Chairman today. Our debate is going to start. Please power off your mobile phone or turn it into mute mode. Thank you for your cooperation. Now let’s welcome two debater with warm applause Sitting on my right hand side is positive side , they are: first debater: ---, second debater:---, Third debater:---; Their point of view is the family education is more important. Sitting on my left hand side is negative side , they are:first debater: ---, second debater: ---, Third debater: ---; Their point of view is the school education is more important. 一! Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement. please first debater of the positive side clarify his own point of view! 3 minutes. Please! Thank you ! next we please first debater of the negative side clarify his own point of view! 3 minutes. Please! hanks for both extraordinary points of view 二! It is time for us to enter the most exciting stage, free debate. During this stage, time is 10 minutes. Debaters of both sides can raise questions to the other’s statement. Each side has 5 minutes. If your time’s up, you can’t answer questions or ask questions any more. So, watch out for the clock! 是时候让我们进入最激动人心的阶段,自由辩论。在这个阶段,时间是10分钟。双方辩手们可以提出其他的声明。每一方都5分钟。如果你的时间到了, 你不能回答问题或提出问题。所以,小心时钟! Now, the negative side, please start. Time's up, please have a seat ! thank you for both performances.


辩论赛英文主持稿范文 1 .Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. We are at our class debate ..I’m ..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this youyou’re your participating. 2. Today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate 读万卷书,行万里路,演万种色,阅万人友,成就一个真自我。我希望咱们再这个辩论赛上都能辨出风度,辨出风采,辨出风格,收获知识,收获友谊,收获新的自我,预祝咱们本届的辩论赛圆满成功。谢谢大家! The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition our debaters need to listen carefully. 1 Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. On my right are 4 debaters representing the Student-centre,they are …………………………………….. 让我们所有光临宴会的朋友们堆积365天的想念,凝聚千丝万缕的柔情,献出春夏秋冬的爱恋,采撷夜空璀璨的星月,淘尽碧海千年的珍珠,只为传送给沈飞艳红最美好的祝愿:愿健康、平安、快乐、幸福永远伴随着你们全家,愿你们的女儿健康成长,光耀沈氏门庭!


Good morning,boys and girls. We are at our class debate of 尊敬的老师、敬爱的同学们,大家上午好!这里是英语班 by private car or by public transportation “乘私家车还是乘公交车”主题辩论赛的比赛现场。 I'm quyuanjing and it’s honored for me and my partner 我是XXX,非常的荣幸能与我的组员XXX XXX litingting taocailian zhengyuqi to be nominated the XXX一起成为此次辩论赛的主席 chairpersons of this debate.Thank youyou’re your participating. 2.Today,we’ll be witnessing['w?tn?s] a brilliant debate 今天将会呈现出一场激烈而又精彩的辩论 And the competition is divided into five rounds,before each 本次比赛共分为五个环节 round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition 因此也希望在每个环节开始前, rules.So our debaters need to listen carefully. 双方辩手能够仔细的听清各轮比赛的规则 1Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. On my 下面,就让我们一起来认识下本场辩论的双方同学,在我右手边的是right are 4 debaters ,they are yutian,qiuchuanqi chenjunjie 正方代表队,他们分别是一辩XX,二辩XXX,三遍XXX和四辨XXX
