



U3laden(loaded)fretful(anxious)disintegrated(broke up)quell (reduce)rudimentary (simple)eavesdropping (overhearing)leafing (skimming)materialistic (concerned with money)dumped (put down)melancholy (unhappy)U5cling to (hold tightly to)delicate (fragile)distant (remote) departs (leaves)distinction (difference)bond (tie)afflict (torture)vicinity (neighborhood)haunts (troubles)haze (mist)desolate (bleak)domestic (family)clasped (clutched) bound (likely)dwell on (think about)

U6abolished (ended)solemn (serious)observe (celebrate)quest (search)pledge (promise)heritage (inheritance)

commits (obligates)alliance (union) tempered(softened)converted(changed)subversion(sabotage)eradicate(get rid of)U7train (series)intricate(complicated)proposition(suggestion)surmounted (topped)disgraced (humiliated)debased(devalued)lamentable (disappointing)terminate (end)adjacent (next)endeavor (strive)

U8echoed (sounded repeatedly)contempt (scorn)deciphering (decoding)conviction (belief)turbulent (disorderly)

tumbled (fell)passing up (missing)mortal (deadly)perceived (viewed)requisite (necessity)

U9underscores (emphasizes)trivial (unimportant)peripheral (insignificant)credible (reliable)inherent (innate)

poses (causes)duplicate (reproduce)grant (consent to)funded (sponsored)encompassed (involved)U9.1collided with (clashed with)addressed (tackled)furnish (provide)conveyed (expressed)

to the core (totally)misshapen (deformed)catastrophe (failure)round-up (summary)deplete (exhaust)envision (foresee)完型填空

1What then is good mind? 1 searches 2 connections 3 inventive 4 discerning 5 anticipates 6 future 7 individual 8identifies 9 fallacy 10 self discipline

2Under what conditions 1 revenues 2 receipts 3 economic 4 rewards 5 athletes 6 sponsor 7 spectators 8maintain 9 availability 10 stadiums 11 anticipated 12 publicity

3Travelling provides tremendous 1 gain 2 similarities 3 diverse 4 enrich 5 perspective 6 discover 7challenging 8 specific 9 adventure 10 enlightens 11 opportunities 12 memories 13 joyful 14 outweighs 15 span 6On this day 1 remain 2 childish 3 reaffirm 4 precious 5 equal 6 measure 7 greatness 8 journey 9 leisure 10fame 11 obscure 12 prosperity 7Less than a century ago 1 alive 2 awakened 3 trip 4 stone 5 remains 6 beyond 7 records 8 social 9across 10 surrounding 11 mental 12 miracle 13 having 14 failure 15 participate

A wolf gives out a deep chesty 1 echoes 2 pays heed to 3 hidden 4 objectively 5 decipher 6 presence 7 conviction 8 shot 9 however 10 slaughter 11 bare 12 trim 13 are connected to 14 strive 15 yield

9.1"Mass media"is a deceptively 1 encompassing 2 standard 3 constraints 4 presented 5 resolution 6 constitute 79 distinction 10 fuzzy 11 technically 12 devote to 13 ranging 14 competing 15biases

9.2The mass media denote 1 coined 2 been in use 3 similar 4 entertainment 5 require 6 include 7 individuals 8 comparable 9 previously 10 viewed 11 forming 12 characteristics 13 susceptible 14 propaganda 15 widely

10The French are elegant people 1 exquisite 2 soothe 3 equivalent 4 literally 5 effective 6 havoc 7 posted 8 notify 9 clumsy 10 autonomously

10Throughout my life 1 continued his education 2 evaluating 3 with the objective of 4 introduction 5 worked on 6opportunities 7 tailoring 8 interacting with 9 an eye opener 10 witnessed 11 in addition to 12 sustaining business 13 exposure 14 requisite


U11.Positive responses (Anyone) 2.what doesn't(going through) 3.post traumatic(One ) 4.those who (Those who)

5.we need(Pleasure)

6.It dominated(A good life)

7.but this(the pain)

8.still (Changes)

9.what makes them(become special)10.the short term (Other)

U41.I feel as if (constantly) 2.I'm as likely(Chances) 3.the perfect (extraordinary) 4.what the net (My capacity)5.once I was (Once) 6.his thinking (The staccato)7.thanks to(We are likely)8.reading(Unlike speech)

U5.11.John because(there was) 2.which of marriage (theoretically) 3.in the lives(they could not) 3.a couple could(criminal)4.which of life(murder) 5.John murder(mentally) 6.Mrs.Bodman(suffer)7.to the husband(picturesque)8.why didn't(In case)9.why did wife(chance)10.the wife killed(revenge)11.the wife said(more intense)

U5.21.Why did the man(To learn) 2.what was the result (He convinced) 3.what …exception(insulted)

3.what did the man(interesting)

4.what conclusion(enough evidence)

5.which of the following(He was thinking of)

6.What did the doctor(prescribed)

7.what was the advice(Live a physically)

U81.If a man must be(man needs) 2.if it happens(If by any) 3.it is small wonder(childhood) 4.along with my dream(several


boats) 5.my first encounter (experienced) 6.my sailing has(bring me pleasure)7.this is an intellectual(follow my compulsion)8.finally deciding that (deciding I could not sail anymore)

U9 1.A free speech society(A free-speech) 2.in a stimulating (Due to) 3.our basic biological(posed to human beings)4.similarly other forms (Like TV) 5.Osama Bin Laden(Before September 11, Osama bin Laden)

6.the several thousands(The pubic)

7.police and firefighters (After)

8.a nation already(People suffering)

9.Sunday morning political(The distinct)10.given such manipulative (What should)

U101.Cultural awareness(beyond mere) 2.our own culture (We usually) 3.price for the simplest(People can)4.the simplest cultural(Even the simplest) 5.beyond concrete(It ’s not)

6.in the US (we and companies)

7.when the couple(shocked)

8.each aspect of (have a big impact)

为在线服务开启新时代 define a new era for online services 对他来说事重要的 matter to him 可能会对产生微妙的影响 may have a subtle effect on 提供免费阅读电子书籍的机会 provide free access to e books 正发生巨变 is in the midst of a sea change 一直在哈佛任教 has been on the faculty of Harvard University 如饥似渴的读者 a voracious book reader 你就会把心思全花在这上了 you'll stay focused on it 信息传递者 the conduit for information 你的支票真是天赐之物 you check came as an absolute godsend 我弄不清故事的脉络了 lost the thread of the story 徜徉在优美的散文中stroll through elegant prose 水不是有效的遮挡物 water is not an effective shield 被火焰吞没 engulfed in flame 主权国家的权利 the rights of sovereign nations 在市场上胜过他的竞争者 outpaced its rivals in the market 没有必要唠叨这点 there is no need to belabor the point 她恳求几位有名的学者 she invoked several eminent scholars 从两个被围困的村庄 from two embattled villages 根据证人证词所示 according to the witness's testimony 虽然我们尽了最大努力 in spite of our best endeavors 经过了许多考验和磨难之后 after many trials and tribulations 极其令人兴奋的经历 a mind blowing experience 内置储存空间 built in storage space 自我保护措施self protection measres 短期工作 short term employment 歪曲的否定的自我观念 distorted and negative self perception 改变看生活的事件 life changing events 无所不包的细节 all encompassing details 一个好的自我形象 a good self image 超越国家或文化界限 transcend national or cultural boundaries 一些实际优惠 some tangible benefits 被无止休地争论 have been debated endlessly 以指出别人的错误为乐 delights in pointing out other people's mistakes 对于失败者的同情 sympathy with losers 因为几乎说不清楚的原因 for reasons that can be barely articulated 课文翻译

愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义。Pleasure only gets you so far,A rich,rewarding life often requires a messy battle with adversity.


To have a mind to do a thing is to foresee a future possibility ,it is to have a plan for its accomplishment,it is to note the means which make the plan capable of execution and the obstructions in the way,or if it is really a mind to do the thing and not a vague aspiration-it is to have a plan which takes account of resources and difficulties.U1


1.I have been spared a lot,one of the blessed of the earth,t least one of its lucky,that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering,the sort whose secrets are asked,like the hundred-year-old man.


2,And so Franklin Roosevelt found that he had,in effect,to recruit an entirely new and temporary government to be piled on top of the old one,the new government to get the tanks and airplanes built,the uniforms made,the men and women assembled and trained and shipped abroad,and the battles fought and won.


Commercial sports have become visible parts of many contemporary societies,They have also taken on a global character and will


continue to expand globally as economic interests extend across national boundaries.The following text focuses on how commercialization influences the way sports are played and organized.


Some people tell me that we professional players are soccer slaves.Well,if this is slavery,give me a life sentence.U2


1.Such is human nature in the west that a great many people ate often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.

2、1842年英国战舰尼米西斯号悄悄潜入长江口,击毁吴淞炮台,不费一枪一卒占据了上海,国际化的上海就此诞生了。Cosmopolitan Shanghai was born to the world in 1842 when the British man of war Nemesis, slipping unnoticed into the mouth of yangtze river, reduced the wu song fort and took the city without a fight.


3.A study of the letter leaves us in no doubt as to the motives behind it.


4.The happiness-the superior advantages of the young women round about her,gave Rebecca inexpressible pangs of envy.5、乔继续恐慌了两三天,其间这可怜虫都不肯回家

5,Poor Joe’s panic lasted for two or three days,during which he did not visit the house.U4

1、同年,一场严重的传染病暴发了‘,In the course of the same war,a serious epidemic broke out.2.受体的构造形状使得它只能接受某一类型的信使

A receptor is shaped in such a way that it can receive only a certain messenger.3、钢的结构和性质,视其加热程度和冷却快慢而定

The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled.4、积少成多,集腋成裘Take care of the pence,and the pounds will take care of

themselves.U5 1.The vainly tried to find out the stranger's name.我们想查出那陌生人的姓名,却徒劳无功。

2.The infinitesimal amount of nuclear fuel required makes it possible to build power reactors in that mountainous area.动力反应堆所需要的核燃料极少,因此可以把它建在那个山区。U7

1韩国制订目标,减少尾气排放S Korea sets emissions-cut target 2汽车公司争夺更大市场份额 Firms vie for bigger share of car market

3西班牙首相说:索马里海盗释放了渔民Spanish PM: Somali pirates free fishermen 4中国前三季度接待外国游客9,400万人,比去年同期下降3.45%China receives 94m overseas tourists in Jan-Sept,down 3.45%5美俄领导人说两国将达成协议,减少核武器

US, Russion leaders say nations closer to deal to cut nuclear arms


South African runner Caster Semenya will be allowed to keep the gold medal she won in the women ’s 800-meters at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin, Germany, in August, the country ’s sports ministry announced Thursday.


After complaining of feeling badly for days, Nicole Richie was hospitalized for pneumonia at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and was “doing well ”, her rep said Wednesday


As we know,nature is most important to human life,People depend on nature to live,and humans need fresh air,water and vegetables, which all came from nature.Industry needs fuel and other raw material,which also come from nature.What is more,humans also belongs to nature ,and are regarded as the highest natural form of life,As a consequence,if we destroy nature ,to some


extent, we diminish ourselves.U8


The heart is about the size of a fist,weighs about 9-11ounces and is placed snugly between the lungs ,a little more to the left than to the right.


The successful launch of china’s first experimental communication satellite,which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since,indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.3活塞与气缸的配合间隙,对于发动机的使用寿命有很大影响,影响配合间隙的主要因素是活塞在工作状态下的变形。真实反映活塞变形情况非常重要,国内已广泛采用有限元法进行数值分析。

Since the joint gap between a piston and a cylinder has great influence on the service life of an engine ,and the primary factor influencing the joint gap is the deformation of piston under working condition ,it is important to show up the actual deformation of piston and for this purpose the finite element has been widely applied to analyze it numerically in china.


Mass media is a deceptively simple term encompassing a countless array of institutions and individuals differing in purpose,scope,method,and cultural context.Mass media include all forms of information communicated to large groups of people ,from a handmade sign to an international news network,Being very pervasive in industrialized countries,they have a powerful impact on how those populations view the world,It is only the most local and personal events that are experienced first-hand,Those in the larger community ,the state ,the country, and the rest of the world are experienced through the eyes of journalists.5、在真正重要和看似重要的事情之间,我们熟知的世界如何做出明智的判断?

Between what matters and what seems to matter,how should the world we know judge wisely?

6、文化有点类似于把一片消食片丢进一个玻璃杯里—你无法看见,但因为它,总会有事情发生。Culture is a little like dropping an Alka-Seltzer into a glass-you don’t see it,but somehow it does something.你的优秀品牌最好有它的特别之处,否则它将无法成功。

1,Your premium brand had better be delivering something special,or it’s not going to get the business.



In accordance with the law of the People’s Republic of china on Joint Venture Using Chinese and Foreign Investment and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations ,both parties agree to set up a joint venture limited liability company .


A member shall,ex officio if its legislation so permits or at the request of an interested party,refuse or invalidate the registration of a trademark which contains or consists of a geographical indication with respect to goods not originating in the territory indicated, if use of the indication in the trademark for such goods in that Member is of such nature as to mislead the public as to the true place of origin.


1.Start ahead 成功之路,从头开始

2.Every time a good time 更过欢笑,更多快乐,就在麦当劳

3.Everyone ’s invited.三星数字欢迎你

4.The world ’s local bank.环球理财,当地智慧

5.Time is what you make of it.天长地久


2017年考研英语二真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different,with academics,writers,and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 .:A few wealthy people will own all the capital,and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 ,t oday’s unem ployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also,some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental-health problems,and addicting 9 poorly-educated,middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work,a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today,the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring,degrading,unhealthy,and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher,a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days,because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers,people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work,I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says,adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction 4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured 5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom 6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless 7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated 8. [A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute 9. [A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among 10. [A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside 11. [A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically 12. [A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles 13. [A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course 14. [A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield 15. [A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship 16. [A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce 17. [A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats 18. [A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved 19. [A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into 20. [A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonal


2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析 考研历年真题一定要用好,研究好。结合大纲和真题来选择辅导用书是最明智的。本文带大家回顾2019考研英语一真题翻译参考答案及解析: Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) It was only after I started to write a weekly column about the medical journals, and began to read scientific papers from beginning to end, that I realised just how bad much of the medical literature frequently was. I came to recognise various signs of a bad paper: the kind of paper that purports to show that people who eat more than one kilo of broccoli a week were 1.17 times more likely than those who eat less to suffer late in life from pernicious anaemia. (46) There is a great deal of this kind of nonsense in the medical journals which, when taken up by broadcasters and the lay press, generates both health scares and short-lived dietary enthusiasms. Why is so much bad science published? A recent paper, titled “The Natural Selection of Bad Science”, published on the Royal Society’s open science website, attempts to answer this intriguing and important question. It says that the problem is not merely that people do bad science, but that our current system of career advancement positively encourages it. What is important is not truth, but publication, which has become almost an end in itself. There has been a kind of inflationary process at work: (47) nowadays anyone applying for a research post has to have published twice the number of papers that would have been required for the same post only 10 years ago. Never mind the quality, then, count the number. (48) Attempts have been made to curb this tendency, for example, by trying to incorporate some measure of quality as well as quantity int o the assessment of an applicant’s papers. This is the famed citation index, that is to say the number of times a paper has been quoted elsewhere in the scientific literature, the assumption being that an important paper will be cited more often than one of small account. (49) This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favours. Boiling down an individual’s o utput to simple metrics, such as number of publications or journal impacts, entails considerable savings in time, energy and ambiguity. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great. (50) If we are serious about ensuring that our science is both meaningful and reproducible, we must ensure that our institutions encourage that kind of science. 46-50参考答案及解析:



1 第一单元 1. The tranquil atmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home. 2. Technological advances might ultimately lead to even more job losses. 3. In the aftermath of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership. 4. Her kindness and generosity cancel out her occasional flashes of temper. 5. He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the ordeal 6. Foreign food aid has led to a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation. 7. Perhaps her most important legacy was her program of educational reform. 8. There were food shortages and other deprivations during the Civil War. 9. The new economic policies could prove suicidal for the party. 10. The building will be completed around six months earlier than anticipated. 11. The experience was enough to keep him preoccupied for some time 12. The road to happiness is paved with adversities. 13. She aspires to nothing no less than the chairmanship of the company. 14. He might be influenced by nostalgia for the surroundings of hishappy youth. 15. In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action. 二、1. Watching your baby being born is a mind-blowing experience(极其令人兴 奋的经历). 2. There is built-in storage space(内置储藏空间) in all bedrooms. 3. This handout focuses on self-protection measures(自我保护措施) under difficult climatic conditions. 4. I’m sure we could offer you some short-term employment (短期的工作). 5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a distorted and negative self- perception(歪曲的、否定的自我观念)? 6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoing life-changing events(改变了生活的事件) in Then She Found Me. 7. She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honesty and the raw emotion that is portrayed in all-encompassing details(无所不包的细节). 8. Having a decent job contributes to a good self-image(一个好的自我形象). 三、What then is a good mind? It is the whole mental …… 1、searches 2、connections 3、inventive 4、discerning 5、anticipates 6、future 7、individual 8、identifies 9、fallacy 10、self-discipline 四、翻译1、I had so worked upon my imagination as really to believe that about the whole mansion and domain there hung 。。。。。。。the silent tarn-a pestilent and mystic vapor, dull, sluggish, faintly discernible, and leaden-hued. (Edgar Allan Poe: “The Fall of the House of Usher”) 译文: 我如此沉湎于自己的想象,以至于我实实在在地认为那宅院及其周围悬浮着一种它们所特有的空气。那种空气并非生发于天地自然,而是生发于那些枯树残枝、灰墙暗壁,生发于那一汪死气沉沉的湖水。那是一种神秘而致命的雾霭,阴晦,凝滞,朦胧,沉浊如铅。 2、She had a very thin face like the dial of a small clock seen faintly in a dark room in the middle of a 。。。。。。。。l of the night passing swiftly on toward further darkness but moving also toward a new sun. 译文:( 她的)容貌那么清秀,就像半夜里醒来时在黑暗中隐约可见的小小的钟面,报告时刻的钟面。它皎洁而安静,深知时间在飞驰,深信黑暗虽然越来越深沉,却也越来越接近新生的太阳。 2 1. I’ve been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically


General English Qualifying Test for Non-English Major Graduate Students 2008 (A 卷) ******************************考试注意事项*************************** 一.本考试由两部分组成:试卷一(Paper One)包括听力理解、词汇与结构、阅读理解三部分,共70题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二(Paper Two)包括改错、写作。 二.试卷一的答案请按要求在答题卡上填涂,否则无效。试卷二的改错、写作部分请直接在试卷二上答题. Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A., B., C. and D., and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A. At the office. B. In the waiting room. C. At the airport. D. In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A. "At the office" is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center. 1. A. The weather has been warm lately. B. The furnace has broken down. C. The building’s heating system dries the air. D. The woman should put medicine on her lips. 2. A. A furnished house. B. A recent book. C. A refinished cellar. D. A new record. 3. A. They need to turn up ahead. B. She doesn’t know where State Street is. C. There was no left turn at the last intersection. D. The man missed the turn.


2020年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析 2017年考研英语考试已经结束!出国留学考研网在考后第一时间 为大家提供2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析,更多考研资讯 请关注我们网站的更新! 2017年考研英语一翻译真题及答案解析 英语1文章明显偏学术,今年考察英语语言发展情况,文章选的英国文化教育协会,是雅思出题组织者。它的主席叫大卫格兰多的 一本书,叫《英语下一步》,他讲到整本书意思是英语将走向何处。 很有意思的是主席曾经这本书里说到了中文将以后成为世界语言。英语1考题作为序言部分作为考题。 今年英语1总体难度和去年相比,刚刚过去2016年考研题稳中 有一点点上升,没有任何难句出现,只是长句。我认为稳中上升。 第一句话有一个单词难一点,(英文),英语全球性主导地位。翻译里没有考过。(英文)主导地位考过,但是是阅读里经常出现,翻 译都是可以的。这句话基本意思说到了,说英语的人进一步扩大, 这是一个(英文)状语从句。后面跟着有迹象表明,是主句,表明的 迹象是什么呢?从句,英语全球性主导地位在可预见地位将减弱。 fade(英文)略微有难度。我对考研阅读没有那么熟,但是2000 年出现过。如果按照新东方老师关注的精读方法来学习有很好的效果。 第二句话讲到了大卫这个人分析,会终结一些人的(英文),他们或许会认为英语全球性地位是如此稳定。他们有一次词,是(英语) 如此稳定,英国年轻一代不需要额外学习其他的语言能力。但是会 终结年轻一代的能力。 但是组织的时候要注意一下,有些人认为英语语言地位如此稳定,英国年轻人没有必要学习什么,但是大卫的观点会终结这些人的想法。语序颠倒一下会更好。


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A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A. To review the impact of women becoming high earners. B. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism. C. To examine the trend of young people living alone. D. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships. Passage Two American dramas and sitcoms would have been candidates for prime time several years ago. But those programs -though some remain popular -increasingly occupy fringe times slots on foreign networks. Instead, a growing number of shows produced by local broadcasters are on the air at the best times. The shift counters longstanding assumptions that TV shows produced in the United States would continue to overshadow locally produced shows from Singapore to Sicily. The changes are coming at a time when the influence of the United States on international affairs has annoyed friends and foes alike, and some people are expressing relief that at least on television American culture is no longer quite the force it once was. “There has always been a concern that the image of the world would be shaped too much by American culture,” said Dr. Jo Groebek, director general of the European Institu te for the Media, a non-profit group. Given the choice, he adds, foreign viewers often prefer homegrown shows that better reflect local tastes, cultures and historical events. Unlike in the United States, commercial broadcasting in most regions of the world -including Asia, Europe, and a lesser extent Latin America, which has a long history of commercial TV -is a relatively recent development. A majority of broadcasters in many countries were either state-owned or state-subsidized for much of the last century. Governments began to relax their control in the 1980’s by privatizing national broadcasters and granting licenses to dozens of new commercial networks. The rise of cable and satellite pay-television increased the spectrum of channels. Relatively inexperienced and often financed on a shoestring, these new commercial stations needed hours of programming fast. The cheapest and easiest way to fill airtime was to buy shows from American studios, and the bidding wars for popular shows were fierce. The big American studios took advantage of that demand by raising prices and forcing foreign broadcasters to buy less popular programs if they wanted access to the best-selling shows and movies. “The studio priced themselves out of prime time,” said Harry Evans Sloan, chairman of SBS Broadcasting, a Pan-European broadcaster. Mr. Sloan estimates that over the last decade, the price of American programs has increased fivefold even as the international ratings for these shows have declined. American broadcasters are still the biggest buyers of American-made television shows, accounting for 90% of the $25 billion in 2001 sales. But international sales which totaled $2.5 billion last year often make the difference between a profit and a loss on show. As the pace of foreign sales slows -the market is now growing at 5% a year, down from the double-digit growth of the 1990’s -studio executives are rethinking production costs. 6. Which of the following best characterizes the image embodied in American shows? A. Self-contradictory B. Prejudice-free C. Culture-loaded D. Audience-targeted 7. The intervention of governments in the 1980’s resulted in __________ . A. the patenting of domination shows and movies B. the emergence of new commercial networks C. the promotion of cable and satellite pay-television D. the intense competition coming from the outside 8. The phrase “on a shoestring” (Para. 6) most probably means __________. A. in need of capital B. after a fashion C. on second thoughts D. in the interests of themselves 9. The main reason why American dramas and sitcoms are driven out of prime time is that ____. A. they lose competitiveness B. they are not market-oriented C. they are too much priced D. they fall short of audience expectations 10. American studio producers will give thought to production costs __________. A. if they have no access to popular shows B. because their endeavors come to no avail C. since bidding wars are no longer fierce D. as international sales pace slows down Passage Three How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (th at is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.


2020年考研《英语一》翻译真题答案(跨考版) 文章来源于An Outline of American History,《美国历史纲要》,是一本历史学方面的专著。 46 We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy; it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone. 【句子结构】分号连接的两个并列句,第一个并列句主干是 We don’t have to learn ,how引导宾语从句做learn的宾语,第二个 并列句主干是it is built into us in the same way,that引导定 语从句修饰先行词way,that定语从句中主干是our bodies know,how引导宾语从句做know的宾语。 【参考译文】我们无需刻意去了解学习才能让心理更健康,它正 如我们的身体知道怎样让伤口愈合和修复骨折一样,是根植于我们体 内的/是我们与生俱来的水平。 47 Our mental health doesn’t really go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant. 【句子结构】分号连接的两个并列句, 第一个并列句主谓结构, 很简单,第二个并列句中,like the sun behind a cloud是状语, but 连接两个并列分句,包括短语be hidden from 和be capable of. 涉及被动语态的翻译方法。 【参考译文】我们的心理健康并不是真的消失不见,就像云朵背 后的太阳,它也许暂时被遮挡,但是它也能够在瞬间重焕光芒。 48 Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are.
