七年级试卷错题集(grade 7)

七年级试卷错题集(grade 7)
七年级试卷错题集(grade 7)

1.Why not ______ us?

A.to joining B joining C to join D join

2. April Fool’s Day ____ hundreds of years ago in France.

A begins

B began

C has begun

D had began

3. The electric fan can hardly blow away the terrible smell in the hall, _______?

A can it

B can’t it

C does it

D doesn’t it?

4. The coffee is too hot. You’d better _____it right now.

A not to drink

B not drink

C not drinking

D to not drink

5. I prefer staying at home to _____outside on a wet day.

A go

B be

C going

D stay

6. Betty likes singing and she wants to ____the singing group of our school.

A take part in

B join in

C come into

D join

7. This story sounds very ___.

A excited

B wonderfully

C well

D interesting

8. I __ to be a lawyer when I ___ up.

A want, grow

B will want, will grow

C will want, grow

D want, will grow

9.Linda’s mother never nags at her about her study, _______?

A is

B doesn’t

C isn’t

D does

10. ___ surprising information we’ve just collected.

A How

B How an

C What a

D What

11.Where is Taiwan? It’s the southeast of China.

A in

B on

C to

D of

12.How much did you for the dictionary?

----50 yuan

A cost

B spend

C take

D pay

13. More than 11400 players _____ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

A take part in

B took a part in

C taken part in

D took part in

14. I _____ my maths. Could you help me with it?

A get on badly with

B get on well with

C get on with

D get along well with

15. Bi Shunmin is famous _____ a great writer and she is famous _____ her great work.

A as; as

B for; for

C as; for

D for; as

16. students will take part in the activities next Sunday.

A Two hundreds

B Hundred of

C Two hundred

D Two hundreds of

17.This pair of jeans me well. I will take it.

A fit

B fits

C don’t

D doesn’t

18.You ________ play football in the street. It’s dangerous.

A had not better

B had better not

C had better not to

D had no better to

19. Tom is a good boy and he works even ________ than before.

A hard

B harder

C hardly

D more hardly

20. Mike made model planes better than Lily _______.

A made

B is

C does

D did

21. Miss Green’s grandfather is a man of __________ words.

A a few

B few

C little

D a little

22. Lucy ran _______ to come in first at the sports meeting.

A so fast

B too fast

C enough fast

D fast enough

23. ——Help _______ to some fish, children.

——Thank you.

A yourself

B yourselves

C themselves

D herself

24. Did you follow what Mary said? The underlined word means “_____”.

A catch

B observe

C obey

D know

25. Don’t make ______ noise, your father is working now.

A so many

B so much

C a lot of

D so little

26. Do you often watch the ants ______ under the trees.

A works

B working

C to work

D worked

27. That old lady looked _______ at her sick son.

A sad

B more sad

C sadly

D sadness

28. Teachers often make some students _______ their exercises at school.

A to finish

B finishing

C finished

D finish

29. Now ________ people would like to live by the seaside than before because of tsunami.

A few

B many

C fewer

D more

30. This new kind of cars _________ petrol.

A don’t need

B doesn’t need

C need not to

D needn’t

31. _______ he hadn’t any letters from his son, Daddy was worried

A Because

B Although

C So

D But

32. Newton was always thinking ________ many problems _______ often absent-minded.

A such; that t

B very; that

C so; that

D enough; that

33. Marie didn’t use a chance ________ that for money.

A like

B as

C for

D so

34. I never had _______fun in music.

A many

B much

C few

D a few

35. Tom, do you know who _______ the radium?

The Curies. I think.

A found

B looked for

C found out

D discovered

36. Mr Smith has donated a lot of money ________ the poor.

A to

B with

C for

D of

37. Cutting down trees can _______ a lot of problems.

A make

B get

C take

D cause

38. I don’t think playing computer games is good for our health.

________ I .

A So do

B Neither do

C Also do

D Either do

39. Mrs Green is an ordinary lady. The underlined part means “ ________”.

A a usual

B a usually

C an unusual

D a good

40. Don’t take the presents away. I can tidy _______ up myself.

A it

B those

C the

D /

41. Do you often watch the ants _______ under the trees.

A works

B working

C to work

D worked

42. Don’t make ________ noise, your father is working now.

A so many

B so much

C a lot of

D so little

43. Teachers often make some students _______ their exercise at school.

A to finish

B finishing

C finished

D finish

44. This new kind of cars _______ petrol.

A don’t need

B doesn’t need

C need not to

D needn’t

45.______he hadn’t any letters from his son, Daddy was worried.

A Because

B Although

C So

D But

46. Our teachers ______ us to copy the homework from others.

A aren’t allowed

B don’t allowed

C don’t allow

D aren’t allow

47. I am good at making delicious fruit juice ________ different kinds of fruits.

A out of

B out

C by

D in

48. His father ________ Japan for quite a few months.

A has been to

B has been in

C has gone to

D has come to

49. Not only I but also my brother ________ how to make a water boat.

A know

B knows

C is known

D knowing

50. It’s _______ great fun to read some funny stories.

A an

B a

C /

D many

51. ________ exciting piece of advice the teacher has given us!

A What

B How

C What an

D How a

52. I lost the key _______the door. So I can’t enter.

A of

B for

C to

D on

Ⅱ.Fill in the correct forms of the verbs.

1.My hometown _________ a lot in the past three years. (change)

2.The headmaster has ________up three new teachers for the next year. (signature)

3.There will be a composition ________ the day after tomorrow. (compete)

4.Listen, who do you think __________ in the hall? ( sing)

5.The pupil solved the problem in _________. ( difficult)

6.To our _______, Tom won the first prize in the Chess match. (surprise)

7.What’s the matter? You look so ________. (sad)

8.Did you have an ________ (enjoy) trip during the summer holidays?

9.Would it be possible _______ ( take) pills for meals?

10.There’re sixty _________ in a minute. ( two)

11._________( act ) speaks louder than words.

12.Several ______ were caught by the policeman last night. (thief)

13.Look at the ______ ( content) page of the book.

14.Peter is making a note of her friends’ _______ (suggest).

15.She could not make a _______ about the dresses. ( decide)

Ⅱ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases below. Each one can only be used once.

A himself

B talk

C suddenly

D answer

E grew

F famous

G never H angrily I because

Mr Johnson was a rich old man. He lived in a beautiful house in the country with lots of servants, but his wife was dead, and he did not have any children. Then he died _____ and people said, “His servants killed him ____ they wanted his money. But the servants said,” No, he killed ___.”

The police came and asked a lot of questions, and after a few weeks, there was a big trial. There were two _____ lawyers and several important witnesses. “ Tell me,” one of the lawyers said to a witness, “ Did Mr Johnson often ____ to somebody when he was alone?”“I don’t know,”the witness _____ at once. “ You don’t know?” the lawyer repeated ______. “You don’t know? But you were his best friend, weren’t you? Why don’t you know?”“ But I was ____ with him when he was alone,” the witness answered.

1.Chengdu is one of the _____ (old) cities in China.

2.Would you like ______ ( go ) shopping with me?

3.Shall we _____ ( take) umbrellas with us?

4.What about _____ ( wash) the car on Sunday?

5.How can I ______ ( get) to the Science Museum?

6.Jim is one of the most careful _____ ( boy) in our class.

7.New York is _known_____ (know) as its tall buildings.

8.I think you should take an __active___ (activity) part in the sports meeting.

七年级期末试卷易错题(Word版 含答案)

七年级期末试卷易错题(Word 版 含答案) 一、选择题 1.下列计算正确的是( ) A .325a b ab += B .532y y -= C .277a a a += D .22232x y yx x y -= 2.下列说法中不正确的是( ) A .两点之间线段最短 B .过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与这条直线平行 C .直线外一点与直线上各点连接的所有线段中,垂线段最短 D .若 AC=BC ,则点 C 是线段 AB 的中点 3.如图,已知AOB ∠是直角,OM 平分AOC ∠,ON 平分BOC ∠,则MON ∠的度数是( ) A .30° B .45° C .50° D .60° 4.下列运算正确的是( ) A .332(2)-=- B .22(3)3-=- C .323233-?=-? D .2332-=- 5.如图,图1是AD ∥BC 的一张纸条,按图1→图2→图3,把这一纸条先沿EF 折叠并压平,再沿BF 折叠并压平,若图3中∠CFE=18°,则图2中∠AEF 的度数为( ) A .120° B .108° C .126° D .114° 6.如图是正方体的展开图,则原正方体相对两个面上的数字和最小是( ) A .8 B .7 C .6 D .4 7.如图是一个正方体的表面展开图,折叠成正方体后与“安”相对的一面字是( )

A .高 B .铁 C .开 D .通 8.如图,某同学用剪刀沿虚线将三角形剪掉一个角,发现四边形的周长比原三角形的周长要小,能正确解释这一现象的数学知识是( ) A .两点之间,线段最短 B .经过一点,有无数条直线 C .垂线段最短 D .经过两点,有且只有一条直线 9.下列算式中,运算结果为负数的是( ) A .()3-- B .()3 3-- C .()2 3- D .3-- 10.已知关于x 的方程250x a -+=的解是2x =-,则a 的值为( ) A .-2 B .-1 C .1 D .2 11.一5的绝对值是( ) A .5 B . 15 C .15 - D .-5 12.若1x =是方程260x m +-=的解,则m 的值是( ) A .﹣4 B .4 C .﹣8 D .8 13.一个几何体的侧面展开图如图所示,则该几何体的底面是( ) A . B . C . D . 14.单项式2 4x y 3 -的次数是( ) A .43 - B .1 C .2 D .3 15.在解方程 123 123 x x -+-=时,去分母正确的是( ) A .3(x -1)-2(2x +3)=6 B .3(x -1)-2(2x +3)=1 C .2(x -1)-3(2x +3)=6 D .3(x -1)-2(2x +3)=3 二、填空题 16.如图,已知∠AOB=75°,∠COD=35°,∠COD 在∠AOB 的内部绕着点O 旋转(OC 与OA


初一地理上册期中易错题 地理学就是研究人与地理环境关系的学科,研究的目的是为了更好的开发和保护地球表面的自然资源,协调自然与人类的关系。查字典地理网小编为大家准备了这篇初一地理上册期中易错题。 1、从东西半球和南北半球看,中国位于 ( ) A.东半球和北半球 B .东半球和南半球 C.西半球和北半球 D.西半球和南半球 2、关于下图四个省的叙述,正确的是 ( ) A.①省是我国位置最偏南的省,曾母暗沙位于该省 B.②省是我国西南边疆省,主要的少数民族是壮族 C.③省是我国的湖北省,简称鄂,行政中心是武汉市 D.④省是我国的黑龙江省,同俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦两国相邻 3、某市面积为 2019平方千米,人口为 50万人,其人口密度为 ( ) A.25人/平方千米 B.2.5人/平方千米 C.2500人/平方千米 D.250人/平方千米 4、分布在第三级阶梯上的主要地形类型是 ( ) A.丘陵和平原 B.丘陵和盆地 C.山地和高原 D.平原和高原

5、绍兴砖墙斜顶房的形成主要是受什么的影响? ( ) A.气温 B.夏季风 C.冬季风 D.地形 6、属于我国内流河是: ( )【八年级地理期中试卷及答案】 A.长江和黄河 B.珠江 C.海河 D.塔里木河 7、影响我国气温分布的重要因素是: ( ) A.纬度因素 B.海陆因素 C.地形因素 D.洋流因素 8、下列叙述不是我国气候主要特征的是 ( ) A.季风气候显著 B.雨热同期 C.气候复杂多样 D.海洋性湿润气候显著 9、我国外流区和内流区河流丰水期都在夏季,原因是 ( ) A.都受夏季风影响,西部还受夏季增温的影响 B.都受冬季风的影响 C.外流区受夏季风影响,内流区受夏季气温高的影响 D.夏季普遍高温,降水较多 10、治理黄河的根本措施是 ( ) A.加固黄河大堤 B.在上游修筑水库 C.搞好中游的水土保持工作 D.多挖几条入海河道 11、关于我国年降水量分布总趋势的描述,最准确的一项是( ) A.自北向南递减 B.自西向东递减 C.自西北向东南递减 D.


七年级下学期英语试卷 第四单元错题汇总 一、单项选择。 ()1.There isn’t _______ bread at home . A.a B.an C.some D.any ()2. ________ will he stay in this city ?Two months. A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How far ()3. Hurry up, ________ You’ll be late. A. and B. so C. or D. if ()4. That boy is simon,and the girl next to________ is Amy . A. he B. his C. him D. she ()5. Is there a new book on the table . ________. A. Yes,it is B. No,it isn’t C. Yes,there is D.No,there isn’t ()6. ________ the second turning on the right . A.Turn B. Take C. Go D.Walk ()7.What do you think of________ film about Zhan Tianyou ? It’s ________good film. A.the;the B. a;the C. the;a D. a;a 二、填空。 1.The students stopped (laugh)when the came into the class. 2.The police (抓住)the robbers yesterday. 3. Li Le,our (班长)helped the police catch the robber. 4. Take the second __________(拐弯) on the left. 5.There is less t__________ in this area than in Nanjing. 6.There is a hospital (cross) the street. 7.Several men are standing at the c ,talking to some police officers. 三、句型转换。 1.All of us are teachers.(否定句) _________ _________ of us are teachers? 2.Is that their car?(同义句)

苏教版数学七年级上册 期末试卷易错题(Word版 含答案)

苏教版数学七年级上册 期末试卷易错题(Word 版 含答案) 一、选择题 1.下列各组单项式中,是同类项的一组是( ) A .3x 3y 与3xy 3 B .2ab 2与-3a 2b C .a 2与b 2 D .2xy 与3 yx 2.下列图形中,线段PQ 的长度表示点P 到直线L 的距离的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.某车间原计划用13小时生产一批零件,后来每小时多生产10件,用了12小时不但完成了任务,而且还多生产60件.设原计划每小时生产x 个零件,则所列方程为( ) A .1312(10)60x x =++ B .12(10)1360x x +=+ C . 60101312 x x +-= D . 60101213 x x +-= 4.用代数式表示“a 的2倍与b 的差的平方”,正确的是( ) A .22(a b)- B .22a b - C .2(2a b)- D .2(a 2b)- 5.无论x 取什么值,代数式的值一定是正数的是( ) A .(x +2)2 B .|x +2| C .x 2+2 D .x 2-2 6.如图,将长方形ABCD 沿线段OG 折叠到''OB C G 的位置,'OGC ∠等于100°,则 'DGC ∠的度数为( ) A .20° B .30° C .40° D .50° 7.如图由5个小正方形组成,只要再添加1个小正方形,拼接后就能使得整个图形能折叠成正方体纸盒,这种拼接的方式有( ) A .2种 B .3种 C .4种 D .5种 8.如图,某同学用剪刀沿虚线将三角形剪掉一个角,发现四边形的周长比原三角形的周长要小,能正确解释这一现象的数学知识是( )


六街中学七年级203班地理错题集 1、月食现象能够佐证( B) A、月球能够自发光 B、地球是个球体 C、地球围绕月亮旋转 D、太阳围绕地 球旋转 2、10月8日这天,北半球的昼夜长短的情况是(提示:秋分之后白天变短, 黑夜变长) (C) A、昼夜等长 B、昼长夜短 C、昼短夜长 D、以上皆有可能 3.本初子午线是( B) A、地球仪是的任意一条经线 B、是东、西经度的分界线 C、是地球仪上的任何一条纬线 D、是东、西半球的分界线 4.甲地海拔400米,乙地海拔200米,则甲乙两地相对高度:( B) A、400米 B、200米 C、600米 D、4000米 5.在等高线地形图中,如果等高线从低处向高处凸出,则是( A) A、山谷 B、陡崖 C、山脊 D、山顶 6.亚洲与非洲的分界线有( D ) A、乌拉尔河 B、基尔运河 C、巴拿马运河 D、苏伊士运河 7.世界最小的洲和最小的洋的组合是( A ) A、大洋洲、北冰洋 B、大洋洲、印度洋 C、欧洲、印度洋 D、南美洲、印度详 8. 一天中,陆地最高温一般出现在( B ) A、日出前后 B、午后2时 C、午后1时 D、中午12时 9.地球的自转和公转的方向( D ) A、自东向西转 B、逆时针转 C、顺时针转 D、自西向东转 10.北半球有极昼和极夜现象的范围是( C ) A、 0°--90°N B、0°---23.5°N C.、66.5°N—90 °N D、 0°---66.5°N 11. 喜马拉雅山位于哪两大板块交界地带(C) A 、亚欧板块与非洲板块 B 、亚欧板块与太平洋板块 C.、亚欧板块与印度洋板块 D、亚欧板块与美洲板块 12.世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰海拔8844米,我国陆地最低的地方吐鲁番盆地在海平面以下155米,两地相对高度是( C) A 、8679米 B 、9009米 C.、8999米 D、8689米 13.“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”是指( A) A 、天气 B、气候 C、温度 D、季节 14.被北美洲、亚洲和欧洲围绕的大洋是( C ) A、太平洋 B、印度洋 C、北冰洋 D、大西洋 15.下列比例尺中较大的是( A ) A、 1:2000 B、图上1厘米代表实地距离一千米 C、1:20000 D 、八十万分之一 15、毛泽东有句豪迈的诗句“坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河”,下面何地最有可能做到?


七年级上数学错题集 1.填空: (1)当a________时,a与-a必有一个就是负数; (2)在数轴上,与原点0相距5个单位长度得点所表示得数就是________; (3)在数轴上,A点表示+1,与A点距离3个单位长度得点所表示得数就是________; (4)在数轴得原点左侧且到原点得距离等于6个单位长度得点所表示得数得绝对值就是________. 2.用“有”、“没有”填空: 在有理数集合里,________最大得负数,________最小得正数,________绝对值最小得有理数. 3.用“都就是”、“都不就是”、“不都就是”填空: (1)所有得整数________负整数; (2)小学里学过得数________正数; (3)带有“+”号得数________正数; (4)有理数得绝对值________正数; (5)若|a|+|b|=0,则a,b________零; (6)比负数大得数________正数. 4.用“一定”、“不一定”、“一定不”填空: (1)-a________就是负数; (2)当a>b时,________有|a|>|b|; (3)在数轴上得任意两点,距原点较近得点所表示得数________大于距原点较远得点所表示得数; (4)|x|+|y|________就是正数; (5)一个数________大于它得相反数;

(6)一个数________小于或等于它得绝对值; 5.把下列各数从小到大,用“<”号连接: 并用“>”连接起来. 8.填空: (1)如果-x=-(-11),那么x=________; (2)绝对值不大于4得负整数就是________; (3)绝对值小于4、5而大于3得整数就是________.9.根据所给得条件列出代数式: (1)a,b两数之与除a,b两数绝对值之与; (2)a与b得相反数得与乘以a,b两数差得绝对值; (3)一个分数得分母就是x,分子比分母得相反数大6; (4)x,y两数与得相反数乘以x,y两数与得绝对值.10.代数式-|x|得意义就是什么? 11.用适当得符号(>、<、≥、≤)填空: (1)若a就是负数,则a________-a; (2)若a就是负数,则-a_______0; (3)如果a>0,且|a|>|b|,那么a________ b.12.写出绝对值不大于2得整数.


七年级下学期错题集(6) 词汇语法部分 ( )1.Shanghai is one of ______ in the world https://www.360docs.net/doc/dc4880168.html,rgest city B.the largest cities https://www.360docs.net/doc/dc4880168.html,rgest cities D. the large city ( )2.Shenzheng is ______ its beautiful views. A.known as B.famous for C.know as D.knew as ( )3.Tom never goes to the cinema on Sunday,_____? A.does he B.doesn’t he C.isn’t he D.is he ( )4.A:I’d like to see “Police Story”.I like action films B:______ A.So do I B.Neither do I C.So am I D.Neither am I ( )5.A:Where is Tom? B:He______ to the teachers’ office. A.have gone to B.has been to C.went to D.has gone ( )6.My brother has _______ books than I. A.fewer B.few C.little D.less ( )7The boy was born____ the afternoon of July 5th. A.in B.on C.at D.for ( )8.___do you _____the visit to the Bund? --It’s is wonderful. A.What like B.What think of C.How think of D.How think ( )9.Alice is good at_____.She wants _____ a singer in the future. A.singbe B.sing to be C.singing be D.singing to be ( )10.we______ anything there A.needn’t B.needn’t to buy C.don’t need buy D.don’t need to buy ( )11.It took him_____ to finish the hard job. A.two and a half days B.a half and two days C.two day and a half D.two and half days. ( )12.He_____ here since last year. A.has been in B.has been to C.was D.has been ( )13..The teacher told his students _______ because it was bad for their health A.didn’t smoke B.to not smoke C.not to smoke D.not smoke ( )14I don’t know if it will come back tomorrow。If he___ tomorrow. I____you. https://www.360docs.net/doc/dc4880168.html,es will call B.will come will call https://www.360docs.net/doc/dc4880168.html,es call D.will come call ( )15.What will you do if it_____ tomorrow. A.doesn’t rain B. not rain C.don’t rain D.not rains ( )16.How are you ______your tour guide? A.get on B.get on with C.getting on with D.getting on ( )17.____great fun it is to have a picnic in spring! A.How B.What C.What a D.How a ( )18.She usually prepares lessons very late_______ midnight A.at B.after C.before D.until ( )19._____ beautiful the flowers are! A.What B.What a C.How D.How a ( )20.Hiow much did every child ___________ for a film ticket? A. cost B.pay for C.paid D.spend ( )21.Take your glasses with you,_____you won’t enjoy the play. A.so B.or C.and D.therefore ( )22.Peter decides____to Beijing with his sister. A.go B.to go C.gone D.going ( )23.It’s fun____ a bicycle with my father in the park. A.to ride B.riding C.rides D. ride


六年级毕业前练习(易错题) 1. 学校食堂原有大米3.2吨,第一周用去了总数的4 1,第二周用去了107吨,还剩下多少吨? 2. 95与6 1的差除它们的和,商是多少? 一个数的40%比32少7,这个数是多少? 3.判断;1.6÷0.3=5……1( ) 4. 8个小正方体一定能拼成一个较大的正方体。( ) 5. 100增加20%后再减少20%得数与原来相同。( ) 6.如果m 、n 都是非0的自然数,m ÷7=n ,m 和n 的最大公因数是( )。 7.等底等高的圆锥体、圆柱体和长方体,圆柱体与圆锥体体积的比是( );圆锥体与长方体体积的比值是( )。 8..比80米多4 1是( )米; 12千克比15千克少( )%。 9.一班中女生和男生人数比是1∶3,这次期中考试的平均成绩是82分,其中男生的平均成绩是80分,女生的平均成绩是( )。 10.投掷3次硬币,有2次正面朝上,上次反面朝上。那么,投掷第4次硬币正面直、朝上的可能性( )。 11.在下面的方格图中先画出和长方形面积相等的平行四边形、三角形、梯形各一个,再在长方形中画出一个最大的圆。 12.汽车从学校出发到太湖玩, 76小时行 驶了全程的4 3,这时距太湖边还有4千米。 照这样的速度,行完全程共用多少小时? 13.某校六年级有120名师生去参观自然博物馆,某运输公司有两种车辆可供选择: (1)限坐40人的大客车,每人票价5元,如坐满票价可打八折; (2)限坐10的面包车,每人票价6元,如坐满票价可按75%优惠。 请根据以上信息为六年级师生设计一种最省钱的租车方案,并算出总租金。 14.如图,用篱笆围成一个梯形菜园,梯形一边是利用房 屋墙壁,篱笆总长75米,菜园的面积是( )平方米。 15.有一个等腰三角形,顶角和一个底角的度数比是2∶1 ,这个三角形的三条边分别是1分米、1分米、1.42分米, 这个三角形的面积是( )平方厘米。 16.有一个量杯,内有600毫升水,现把3个圆锥体铁块浸入其中但水未溢出,每个圆锥的底面积是10平方厘米,高是5厘米,现在水面的刻度是( )毫升。 17. 如左图,已知两边分别是6厘米和10厘米,其中一条底上的高是8厘米,这个平行四边 形的面积是( )平方厘米。


《一》 1、两架飞机,东西相距一万千米,同时从赤道起飞,以同样的速度、同样的高度一直向北飞行,其结果是() A.两架飞机各绕地球一周回到原地 B.两架飞机距离保持不变 C.两架飞机在北极上空相碰 D.两架飞机距离由远而近、又由近而远 2、一艘科学考察船计划9月份从A点(20°N、20°E)出发,到达与A点纬度相同,经线正好相对的B点进行科学考察,则B点的经度是() A.160W B.20W C.160E D.20°E 4、地球仪上,0°纬线和0°经线相比() A.两者等长B.0°纬线稍长C.0°经线稍长D.0°经线约为0°纬线的一半长 6、与80°E经线相对的经线是:() A、100°E B、100°W C、80°W D、0°经线 7、0o经线穿过下列哪个城市?() A、伦敦 B、悉尼 C、北京 D、纽约 12、读经纬网图,回答问题。 (1)写出A、C两点的经纬度:A._______ ;C.__________ (2)图中虚线表示的纬线名称是____________________。 (3)A、B、C、D四点中位于东半球的是__________,位于南半球的是__________;位于中纬度地区的是__________,位于高纬度地区的是__________。 (4)判断C点在D点的__________方向,D点在A点的__________方向。 13、读下图完成下列问题。

(1)写出图中A、B、C三点的经纬度: A.;B . ;C. (2)从东西半球看:B. 半球;C. 半球从南北半球看:A.半球;B. 半球14、读图填下表: 15、读经纬网图,回答下列问题。


苏教版初一下学期英语错题集(二2) 2011.04.17 一、翻译词组(或写出单词)。 1. 许多不同的中餐馆 2. 运动中心 3. 很少的空气污染 4. 西餐馆 5. 像这样的高楼 6. 其他的什么 7.在……旁边 8. 了解不同国家的家 9. : the place you usually eat meals in (根据英文解释写相应英文单词) 10.获得第一 二、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 上个星期那些孩子在公园里玩得很开心。 Last week ,the children in the park. 2. 其他房间在底低楼和一楼。 The other rooms are . 3. 长途火车旅行之后他一定很累。 He after . 4. 你今天想去书店吗? you go to the bookshop today? 5. 二楼没有其他的房间。 There are on the floor. 6. 西蒙在三楼有一个电脑房。 Simon a computer room the floor. 7. 我理想的房子有60米长,40米宽。 My long and wide. 8. 一半以上的成员反对这个计划。 of the members are against the plane. 三、根据句意,首字母或中文提示完成单词。 1. Elephants are the biggest animals on l .

2. Are there any s for my uncle on the table? 3. We all like to go for a picnic in the open a . 4. I traveled in Beijing and bought many s . 5. There are two big s in the town. You can go shopping until ten o’clock at night. 6. The plane (离开) at 12:30. 7. Mr. Smith t us Maths last term. 8. John liked to w his hair very long. Some of his friends t it looked Like a girl’s hair. 9. The room is too small. We even don’t have enough space for a f . 四、用适当的介词或介词短语补全下面的句子。 1. Amy and I always walk home together because her home is mine. 2. It’s cold but warm in winter in Liaoning. 3. the car, there is a man lying on the road, so it can’t move. 4. — Can I take a message you? — Sure. 五、单项选择。 ()1. I’m sorry I can’t your name. A. think about B. think out C. think over D. think of ()2. Tony got up early get the first bus. A. so as that B. in order to C. in order that D. that ()3. — go fishing after we finish our homework? — Good idea. A. Why not you B. Why not to C. Why not we D. Why not ()4. The tunnel is already open to traffic, so it will take us time to go to Pudong International Airport. A. less B. a few C. a little D. fewer ()5. Last night, there was a food accident. Ten were ill but no were lost. A. children; lives B. children; life C. child; lives D. child; life


六年级期中复习卷 1、一种商品定价75元,售出后可获利50%,如果按定价的八折出售,可获利多少元? 解: 本:75÷(1+50%)= 50(元) 八折获利:75×0.8 – 50 = 10(元) 2、育才小学6年级原来体育达标人数与没达标人数的比为4:7,后来又有48名学生达标,现在没有达标的人数占总人数的五分之一,育才小学有几人? 解:)(110)5 1117(48人=-÷ 3、一根圆柱形木料的横截面积直径是20厘米,从它的一头斜着截去一段后,截 后的形体如右下图。求截后木料的体积。 解:20÷2=10(厘米) 3.14×10×10×(45+40)÷2=13345(立方厘米) 4、一个圆柱形水桶,底面半径21cm ,里面盛有30cm 深的水,将一个底面半径12cm 的圆锥铁块完全沉入水里,水面上升了2cm ,圆锥的高是多少cm ? 解:3.14×21×21×2=2769.48(cm ) 2769.48×3÷(3.14×12×12)=18.375(cm ) 5、一个圆柱高是4厘米,侧面积是125.6平方厘米,这个圆柱的表面积是多少平方厘米? 解:底面圆半径:125.6÷4÷3.14÷2=5(厘米) 3.14×5×5×2+125.6=282.6(平方厘米) 6、一个圆柱体汽油罐,底面周长是6.28m ,高10m 。如果每立方米汽油重0.7吨,这个油罐可装汽油多少吨? 解:底面半径:6.28÷3.14÷2=1(m ) 圆柱体积:3.14×1×1×10=31.4(m 3) 可装汽油:31.4×0.7=21.98(吨) 7、甲乙两个仓库原有水泥袋数的比是4:3,甲仓用去48袋后,两仓水泥袋数比是2:3,问甲乙两个仓库原有水泥各多少袋? 解:乙:72)3 234(48=-÷(袋) 甲:72÷3×4=96(袋) 8、给一间房子铺地,如果用边长3dm 的方砖,需要80块,如果改用边长4dm 的方砖,需要多少块? 解:(法一)设需要x 块。 x ??=??448033



《一》 1、两架飞机,东西相距一万千米,同时从赤道起飞,以同样的速度、同样的高度一直向北飞行,其结果是() A.两架飞机各绕地球一周回到原地 B.两架飞机距离保持不变 C.两架飞机在北极上空相碰 D.两架飞机距离由远而近、又由近而远 2、一艘科学考察船计划9月份从A点(20°N、20°E)出发,到达与A点纬度相同,经线正好相对的B点进行科学考察,则B点的经度是() A.160W B.20W C.160E D.20°E 4、地球仪上,0°纬线和0°经线相比() A.两者等长 B.0°纬线稍长 C.0°经线稍长 D.0°经线约为0°纬线的一半长 6、与80°E经线相对的经线是:() A、 100°E B、100°W C、80°W D、0°经线 7、0o经线穿过下列哪个城市( ) A、伦敦 B、悉尼 C、北京 D、纽约 12、读经纬网图,回答问题。 (1)写出A、C两点的经纬度:A._______ ; C.__________ (2)图中虚线表示的纬线名称是____________________。 (3)A、B、C、D四点中位于东半球的是__________,位于南半球的是__________;位于中纬度地区的是__________,位于高纬度地区的是__________。 (4)判断C点在D点的__________方向,D点在A点的__________方向。

13、读下图完成下列问题。 (1)写出图中A、B、C三点的经纬度:A.;B . ;C. (2)从东西半球看:B. 半球;C. 半球从南北半球看:A.半球;B. 半球14、读图填下表: 15、读经纬网图,回答下列问题。

Unit 2 Neighbours-译林牛津版七年级英语下册单元错题集

Unit 2 Neighbours 一、根据中英文释义或首字母写出单词。 1.Amy lives next to me. We are n . 2.There are many interesting places in my hometown. Many v come here every year. 3.My mother (担心) about her granny’s health very much. 4.We often look for some (信息) on the Internet. 5.Which colour do you like b , blue or yellow? 6.You will feel (生病的) after having too much sea food with beer. 7.--How long does it take G44 to get to Xuzhou from Nanjing? --Let’s c it on the Internet. 8.Thousands of (游客) come to the Palace Museum every day. 9.There are a lot of (公司) in Sunshine Town. 10.I think different people have different (the ability to do something well). 11.The volunteers are going to work in two (社区) this Sunday. 12.Be careful! The window glass is (损坏的). 13.Jack has a dog just (像) yours. 14.There are supermarkets, r and a hospital around my school. 15.Is there any p talking in the house? Do you hear the voice? 二、选词填空。 1.--Does your father go to work by car? --No. He wants to live green life and always go to work on bus. (a, /) 2.The song great, let’s to it, can you it? (hear ,sound ,listen)

七年级上册数学 期末试卷易错题(Word版 含答案)

七年级上册数学 期末试卷易错题(Word 版 含答案) 一、选择题 1.下列说法错误的是( ) A .2的相反数是2- B .3的倒数是 13 C .3-的绝对值是3 D .11-,0,4这三个数中最小的数是0 2.已知23a +与5互为相反数,那么a 的值是( ) A .1 B .-3 C .-4 D .-1 3.在55?方格纸中将图(1)中的图形N 平移后的位置如图(2)中所示,那么正确的平 移方法是( ) (1)(2) A .先向下移动1格,再向左移动1格; B .先向下移动1格,再向左移动2格 C .先向下移动2格,再向左移动1格: D .先向下移动2格,再向左移动2格 4.如图,将长方形ABCD 沿线段OG 折叠到''OB C G 的位置,'OGC ∠等于100°,则 'DGC ∠的度数为( ) A .20° B .30° C .40° D .50° 5.如图所示的几何体的左视图是( ) A . B . C . D . 6.某数x 的43%比它的一半还少7,则列出的方程是( )

A .143%72x ??-= ??? B . 1 743%2 x x -= C .1 43%72 x x - = D .143%72 x - = 7.下列算式中,运算结果为负数的是( ) A .()3-- B .()3 3-- C .()2 3- D .3-- 8.由n 个相同的小正方体搭成的几何体,其主视图和俯视图如图所示,则n 的最小值为 ( ) A .10 B .11 C .12 D .13 9.如图所示的几何体的左视图是( ) A . B . C . D . 10.数轴上标出若干个点,每相邻两点相距一个单位长度,点A 、B ,C ,D 分别表示整数a ,b ,c ,d ,且a +b +c +d =6,则点D 表示的数为( ) A .﹣2 B .0 C .3 D .5 11.有轨电车深受淮安市民喜爱,客流量逐年递增.2018年,淮安有轨电车客流量再创新高:日最高客流48300人次,数字48300用科学计数法表示为( ) A .44.8310? B .54.8310? C .348.310? D .50.48310? 12.2020的相反数是( ) A .2020 B .﹣2020 C . 1 2020 D .﹣ 1 2020 13.下列说法正确的是( ) A .如果ab ac =,那么b c = B .如果22x a b =-,那么x a b =- C .如果a b = 那么23a b +=+ D .如果 b c a a =,那么b c = 14.下列说法正确的是( ) A .两点之间的距离是两点间的线段 B .与同一条直线垂直的两条直线也垂直 C .同一平面内,过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行


七年级上册地理100道选择题 单项选择题(以下每题只有一个正确答案) 1.地球的形状是:() A.两极部位略扁的不规则球体 B. 地球是圆的 C.赤道略扁的不规则球体 D.天圆地方 2.最先证明地球是球形的事件是() A.哥伦布到达美洲大陆 B.麦哲伦环球航行 C.人造地球卫星的发射和使用 D.大地测量技术的产生与进步 3.我们有时讽刺一个人浅薄无知时会说他“不知天高地厚”。你知道地有多厚吗?() A 6371千米 B 6731千米 C 5731千米 D 5371千米 4.下列有关纬线的说法正确的是() A 所有纬线长度都相等 B纬线是垂直于地轴并环绕地球一周的圆圈 C 纬线指示南北方向 D纬线的条数是有限的 5.下列有关经线的说法正确的是() A 两条正相对的经线可组成一个经线圈 B全球共有360条经线 C 经线都指示东西方向 D所有经线都相互平行,永不相交 6.地球上最长的纬线圈是() A.北纬90o B.赤道 C.北回归线 D.北极圈 7.南北半球的分界线是() A 南北回归线 B赤道 C南北极圈 D极点 8.纬度的变化规律是() A、从南向北逐渐增大 B、从东向西逐渐增大 C、从赤道向两极逐渐增大 D、从两极向赤道逐渐增大 9.下列对经线和纬线的描述中,正确的是() A.本初子午线是经线中最长的 B.纬度越高,纬线越短,纬度越低,纬线越长 C.最大的纬度是180° D.0°经线是划分东西两个半球的界线 10.在地球表面,纬度30°,经度110°的地方一共有() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 11.图1中A点的经纬度位置是() A.00、200E B.00、100E 图1 C.100 N 、00 D.100S 、200E 12.若右图2中有一N地,坐标是(500N,100W),则其位于M点的什么 方向() A.东北 B.正西 C.正东 D.西北图2 13.下列地点中, 位于“南半球、西半球、高纬度、有极昼极夜”现象的是()

人教版八年级上册数学 全册全套试卷易错题(Word版 含答案)

人教版八年级上册数学全册全套试卷易错题(Word版含答案) 一、八年级数学三角形填空题(难) 1.一个等腰三角形的两边长分别为4cm和9cm,则它的周长为__cm. 【答案】22 【解析】 【分析】 底边可能是4,也可能是9,分类讨论,去掉不合条件的,然后可求周长. 【详解】 试题解析:①当腰是4cm,底边是9cm时:不满足三角形的三边关系,因此舍去. ②当底边是4cm,腰长是9cm时,能构成三角形,则其周长=4+9+9=22cm. 故填22. 【点睛】 本题考查了等腰三角形的性质和三角形的三边关系;已知没有明确腰和底边的题目一定要想到两种情况,分类进行讨论,还应验证各种情况是否能构成三角形进行解答. 2.等腰三角形一边长是10cm,一边长是6cm,则它的周长是_____cm或_____cm. 【答案】22cm,26cm 【解析】 【分析】 题目给出等腰三角形有两条边长为10cm和6cm,而没有明确腰、底分别是多少,所以要进行讨论,还要应用三角形的三边关系验证能否组成三角形. 【详解】 (1)当腰是6cm时,周长=6+6+10=22cm; (2)当腰长为10cm时,周长=10+10+6=26cm, 所以其周长是22cm或26cm. 故答案为:22,26. 【点睛】 本题考查了等腰三角形的性质和三角形的三边关系;已知没有明确腰和底边的题目一定要想到两种情况,分类进行讨论,还应验证各种情况是否能构成三角形进行解答,这点非常重要,也是解题的关键. 3.三角形的三个内角度数比为1:2:3,则三个外角的度数比为_____. 【答案】5:4:3 【解析】 试题解析:设此三角形三个内角的比为x,2x,3x, 则x+2x+3x=180, 6x=180, x=30, ∴三个内角分别为30°、60°、90°,


七年级数学上学期错题集 1下表中有两种移动电话计费方式: 请思考并完成下列问题: (1)设一个月内移动电话主叫tmin(t是正整数),根据上表,列表说明:当t 在不同时间范围内取值时,按方式一和方式二如何计费? (2)观察你的列表,你能从中发现如何根据主叫时间选择省钱的计费方式吗?通过计算验证你的看法。 2 已知|a|=3,|b|=2,且a<b,则a+b=______. 3 已知:|x-2|与|y-5|互为相反数,求x和y的值。 理数A:B:;

⑵观察数轴,与点A的距离为4的点表示的数是:; ⑶若将数轴折叠,使得A点与-2表示的点重合,则B点与数表示的点重合; ⑷若数轴上M、N两点之间的距离为2010(M在N的左侧),且M、N两点经过(3)中折叠后互相重合,则M、N两点表示的数分别是:M: N: . 5求|x-3|+|x+4|的最小值,并说明此时有理数x的取值范围。 6 知识链接:对于关于x的方程ax=b,(a、b为常数) ⑴当a≠0时,此方程是一元一次方程,方程有唯一解x=b/a; ⑵当a=0,b≠0时,没有任何实数x能满足方程使等式成立,此时,我们说方程无解; ⑶当a=0,b=0时,所有实数x都能使方程成立,也就是说方程的解为全体实数,所以我们说方程有无数个解。 问题解决: ⑴解关于x的方程:(m-1)x=2 ⑵解关于x的方程:mx-4=2x+n

7 (2011?宜昌)随着经济的发展,尹进所在的公司每年都在元月一次性的提高员工当年的月工资.尹进2008年的月工资为2000元,在2010年时他的月工资增加到2420元,他2011年的月工资按2008到2010年的月工资的平均增长率继续增长. (1)尹进2011年的月工资为多少? (2)尹进看了甲、乙两种工具书的单价,认为用自己2011年6月份的月工资刚好购买若干本甲种工具书和一些乙种工具书,当他拿着选定的这些工具书去付书款时,发现自己计算书款时把这两种工具书的单价弄对换了,故实际付款比2011年6月份的月工资少了242元,于是他用这242元又购买了甲、乙两种工具书各一本,并把购买的这两种工具书全部捐献给西部山区的学校.请问,尹进总共捐献了多少本工具书? 8如图,M是线段AB上一点,且AB=10cm,C,D两点分别从M,B同时出发时1cm/s,3cm/s的速度沿直线BA向左运动, (1)当点C,D运动了2s,求这时AC+MD的值. (2)若点C,D运动时,总有MD=3AC,求AM的长.
