

中考英语短文改错训练 3



A mother and her young son got i nto a bus in a small city but sat down.

The bus conductor (售票员)come to them for their tickets. The mother said,

will'Want one ticket to London.

” ahdrgawe


The con ductor looked like the small boy for a mome nt and said to him. “ Ho w ithdyou? ”

The mother bega n speak ing, and the con ductor stopped her, and the

boy said,

"I 'airsfoluirat the home, and two and a

half in buss and trains. ” The mother took one pound in_her bag and gave it to the con ductor. She gave she one and a half tickets.


Mark Twai n was an America n writer. One day he went into a city by train. He wan ted to see one of his friend there. He was a very busy man. He usually forgot anything.

When he is. in the train, the con ductor asked him

for his ticket (票).Mark Twain looked ai_it here and there (至U 处). And he could not find it . The con ductor knew Mark Twain.

She said. “ Show me your tickeh iorway back. And if (女口果) you can find

it, it doesn ' t matter. ” “Oh, itdo, ” said Mark Twain , "I must find it . If lean

it, how can I know why I ' m going? ”

1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6. _________

7. _________

8. _________

9. _________

10. _________

1. _________

2. _________ 3 _________ 4. _________ 5 _________ 6. __________

7. _________

8. _________

9. ' t find

10. _________


Tom is a schoolboy. He ofte n want to stay at home for few more days. After the summer holiday, he doesn ' t want to

go back to school aga in. Now he is call his teacher and tries to speak _as his father. 'gia'd tm say that Tom is

ill in bed and can goes to tschool for three or four days. ”

"I ' m sorryitrien that. But I want to know who is calling . ”1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6 __________

7 _________

8 _________


My father, sir. Tom says. The

teacheairigrVery 10. _________


Harris was look irg out of the win dow while 1. _________

he saw a woma r to come out of a house. 2.

The woma r walking to a car that was parked beside the house. She got on and started 3. _________

4. _________

to back the car(倒车).She had just began wher 5. _________

a small boy ran out. The woma n did not have a_ time stop the car. The boy turned and saw 6. __________

7. _________

the car, but it was very late. The woma n came out and walked for the boy. She helped 8. _________

9. _________

the boy get into a car and drove him to 10. _________ hospital right away.


One day a ill man went to see his doctor. After 1. ________ Examining (检查)him careful, the doctor said,"Well, 2. ________

there is nothing wrong for you. Your only trouble 3. ________

is that you worry too much. You see, I have a man with same trouble as you a few days ago. He was 4. ________

5. ________

worried because he could n't pay for his tailor's 6 _________

bills. I told him not worry about them any more, 7. _________ and two days ago, who told me that now he felt 8. ________

quite good again. ""Yes, I know all about it," answered the man, “ bujiJsarthat man tailor. 9. ________

10. ________


After supper Li Hua came and asked me go 1. ________

and see a film with him. In_our way to 2. ________

the cinema we saw thfi little girl sitting by 3. ________ the roadside cry. We bought her a cake to 4. ________

stop her crying. And whe n we asked where she 5. ________

had lived she said she did not know. So 6. __________ when we took her to the police station and 7. _________

asked the policeme n to take care for her. After 8. ________

this we went to the cin ema. But whe n we 9 _________

got there the movie was near at its end. 10 _________ We missed the movie, but we did a good deed.


One day last week I went a walk in the coun try.

In the morning the weather was well and the sun was shining. The sky was blue and there are no clouds. Soon a cool wind started blow a nd black clouds were covered the sun and then it started to rain. There were no houses in sight, but I got very wet. After a hour or so, I man aged to catch a bus which took me home. But whe n I arrived at_L was shiveri ng and I knew that I had had a bad cold. I must have take n my coat. I had nothing to do but to stay at home and wait for a doctor.


The village was always very quiet. The people lived there were busy with working in their fields during the day, and went to bed early at night, tiring after a long day's hard work. All of them had lived in a village for all the time and had ever left for more tha n one day at a time. On the days whe n they left, they got up early in morning. They filled their carts with fruit and vegetables and sheeps, and went on the market(市场)in the town beyond their valley. They come back in the evening with some money and perhaps a prese nt for their childre n. That was their life .hard but simple, but not un happy.



1.but f and.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/dc99085.html,e^ came.


4.like T at

5.with T are

6.and f but


& buss T buses

9.in T out



she T her


1.into T to

2.friend T friends

3.anything T someth ing 1. ________

2. ________

3. ________

4. ________

5. ________

6. ________

7. _________

8. ________

9. ________

10. ________

1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6. _________

7. _________

8. _________

9 _________

10. _________


4. is f was.时态不对

5. at f for."寻找”应说look for ,而look at 表示"看

6. And f But

7. his f your

& can f can '从文章意思可知

9. do f does

10. why f where.找不到票就不知道去什么地方


1. want f wants. 主语He是第三人称单数

2. few前加a

3. holiday f holidays.暑假中的holiday要用复数形式

4. call f calling

5. as f like,表示"像””"和” 一样”

6. glad f sorry.从文章意思可知

7. goes f go

& Iisten f hear. hear强调听的结果

9. calling f speaking.打电话时的习惯用法

10. angrily f angry


1. while f when.这里when表示"正在这时””

2. to去掉,see sb. do sth表示"看见某人做某事””

3. walking f walked

4. on f in. get in 表示"上车”

5. began f begun

6. a去掉,时间time是不可数名词

7. stop 前加to

& very f too. too表示"太””指时间太晚了

9. for f to.走向某人

10. a f the.表特指



1. ill f sick.这两个词都可表示“病的”,但ill只作表语,不作定语,作定语要用

2. careful f carefully. Carefully 修饰动词

3. for f with. 属习惯用法

4. have f had.时态错误

5. same前加the. same往往和定冠词the连用

6. for去掉,pay sb表示“付钱给某人”

7. not后加to. tell sb. not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要干某事”

8. who f he

9. good f well.指身体健康这时well是形容词

10. man f man's

11. me后加to. ask sb. to do sth.表示“要某人做某事”

2. In f on,短语on one ' s way表示"在去”的路上”

3. the f a

4. cry f crying

5. And f But

6. had去掉,时态错误

7. when去掉

& for f of, take care of表示"照顾”属固定用法

9. this f that,指帮助小女孩一事

10. near f nearly. nearly是一个副词,意思是“差不多”


1. went f took

2. well f fine.表"天气状况好”

3. are f were.时态错误

4. start 后加to 或blow f blowing. start to do sth 和start doing sth 均表示"开始做某事”

5. were去掉,cover指"遮着”,这里指乌云盖住了太阳

6. but f so.连词but表转折。用于此处,句意不通

7. a hour f an bour

& at去掉

9. must f should.这里should+have done,表示"过去应该做某事但没有做”,含有后悔之意

10. to去掉,but在此表示“除”夕卜”,后面常加动词原形


1. lived f living. 这里living there 作定语,修饰the people

2. with去掉be busy doing sth.属固定用法,而be busy with 后加名词

3. tiring f tired. Tiring只能做定语,tired意思是“累的,疲劳的”

4. a f the

5. ever f never文章意思,应该是“从未”离开过

6. in后加the. in the morning 属习惯用法

7. sheeps^sheep. sheep这一名词的单、复数同形

8. on f to

9. come f came.时态不对

10. but f and.指他们的生活不但艰苦,而且简单,and表并列关系.

