


Wang yanna

To the best of my knowledge, business negotiation is an art more than a course for us. In the negotiation, there is something like your principle or your interests you must observe and there are something you should never violate and also there are some fact or customers you cannot deny. To some degree, I think, the art of negotiation is to do something diplomatic in order to avoid unnecessary disputes between the two sides.

Good skills of talks and good knowledge of the other side can evaporate the difference and assure you cannot be expelled by your company. After all, this is a society filled up with fierce competition. You know, having not only a good knowledge of opposite party , but also good skills in the negotiation fields, can easily explode the sense of distance and strange between the two parties. Today, our business life cannot go without negotiation. In other words, we can’t get out of it in our job now. You should never ignore small plots and don’t regard they are innocent in you talks or your meeting.

Although you have some principles to keep, decent behavior is important. Don’t leave a militant impression to the other side. Well, don’t assume a hearty manner, either. It is artificial behavior. The talks on the basis of one-side benefits bound to break up. Maybe you can do more propaganda of your plans and your consideration before the meeting or even to postpone it.

In respect to the person, who will represent the whole company to interview the other party, maybe hold a very responsible position within the company, but for the most part, he will be a man of great resource not merely good

at supervise a company. He can seize any opportunity to defend own interests. If not, it will become a torture for him to sit at the negotiation table. Negotiating business deals cannot be done properly if you don't choose the right people to do the same. It's very important you choose people who are articulate, intelligent and well informed. You need people with excellent communication skills and people who won't bend in front of the stress. If you choose people who can't communicate well, the parties dealing with you will think twice before forming the deal. Again, people who get easily stressed out are bound to end up compromising more than necessary.

One trick of successful talks is that you must learn to split yourself and standing on the position of opposite party to think about something and trying to anticipate the kind of question they are likely to ask at the meeting. And learn to explore some avenues to spy the “enemy”,it don’t mean some vicious way.

While, each coin has two sides. Sometimes withdraw your demand appropriately and make some concession as a gesture of friendship will relax the severe situation and accelerate the negotiations to seek for an adequate solution to the problems. Don’t let little interest make your friendship bridge collapse. You must consider the long-term sake but not confine to once trade. Nevertheless, please don’t always summarizes the concession with you have agreed to make during the bargaining process while omits to mention those offered by the other side. Because the most important principle in our business is to exchange of needed goods conform to the mutual benefit and cater each other’s needs. A transaction need both of the parties efforts to reach a consensus on the goods packing and shipment and something else.

However, sometimes the reasonable words to contradict their propose

beyond convention is necessary and maybe you should learn to conceal you anger at their behavior. The skills during the talks is to master the dimension to distribute the interests, so that it will not embarrass each side. Neither roundabout way nor rigid way nor humble way to express your party is a good choice. The negotiation is to coordinate requirements of both and cope with problems in the business in a way that both sides consent to and eliminate the difference and dispute, but not to overwhelm your opponent.

Negotiation describes any communication process between individuals that is intended to reach a compromise or agreement to the satisfaction of both parties. Negotiation involves examining the facts of a situation, exposing the both the common and opposing interests of the parties involved, and bargaining to resolve as many issues as possible. Negotiation takes place every day in nearly every facet of life—from national governments negotiating border disputes, to companies negotiating work agreements with labor unions, to real estate agents negotiating the sale of property, to former spouses negotiating the terms of a divorce. Small business owners are likely to face negotiations on a daily basis when dealing with customers, suppliers, employees, investors, creditors, government agencies, and even family members. Many companies train members of their sales forces in negotiation techniques, and many others hire professional negotiators to represent them in business dealings. Good negotiation requires advance preparation, a knowledge of negotiating techniques, and practice.

Regardless of the type of negotiation, experts recommend entering into it with a cooperative rather than a competitive attitude. They stress that the point of negotiating is to reach agreement rather than to achieve victory. “Any method of negotiation may be fairly judged by three

criteria,”Roger Fisher and William Ury wrote in their book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. “It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible. It should be efficient. And it should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties.” When one of the parties uses “hard”negotiating techniques—or bullies and intimidates the other side in order to obtain a more favorable arrangement—it only creates resentment and poisons future negotiations. Instead, the idea should be to find a win/win solution that satisfies the needs and interests of both parties.

Now that you know how to negotiate business deals, you're left with only one thing to do - referring to the minutes of the meeting and forming the agreement. This agreement will be a written form of what you've discussed and decided upon. At the end of it all, you just need to make sure you're gaining something out of this deal. Symbiotic relationships benefit everyone, only if they're maintained in the right manner. After the agreement has been signed by all the parties, you have legally negotiated the deal.

Internatinal business negotiation

Negotiation: the bargaining process in which two or more players confer with each other to resolve conflicts,coordinate relations ,meet each other 's needs and maintain self-interests. Business negotiation: a process of conferring in which the participants of business activities communicate,discuss and adjust their views,resolve conflicts,and finally reach an acceptable satisfying agreement in order to close a deal or achieve a proposed financial goal. International business negotiation: the discussion process between different interest groups from different countries or regions to compete a cross-border transaction. 3.Horizontal negotiation: the conferring process in which all the issues concerned are presented first and the discussed one by one,and an issue which can not be settled at once may be skipped and settled later until all the issues are settled properly. 4.vertical negotiation: the conferring process in which all the issues to be discussed are listed according to their logical relations and then settled one by one in this logical order. 5.A simulated negotiation:


关于英语秘书求职信 第一段:表明写作目的/求职目的,获取信息的来源 I am writing to response to your advertisement in China Daily of Oct 30th for a secretary. I should be grateful if you consider me favorably as a candidate for the position. I am writing this letter to apply for the position of secretary which you have advertised in China Daily of Oct. 30th. Your advertised position of secretary interests me and I would like to apply for a chance to take a personal interview. I am interested in working with you. I wonder if there is any open vacancy for me. I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position as a secretary. I am writing to recommend myself as a qualified candidate for the open position advertised in China Daily of Oct 30th. 第二部分告诉对方与这份工作相关的教育背景,工作经历,甚至是以此有关的个人兴趣爱好等。为了字面的整洁和排版的清晰,通常分2-4段。


文化差异对商务谈判的影响 1、思维方式的差异对商务谈判行为的影响; 2、语言及非语言行为差异对商务谈判的影响; 3、价值观差异对商务谈判行为的影响; 4、风俗习惯对商务谈判行为的影响。 为什么需要谈判? 1、社会资源是有限的,不能满足每个人内心的所有需要; 2、市场经济的私有产权属性,有商品交换就有商务谈判。市场经济的产权属性决定了交换的平等互利及有偿性。 3、人有逐利最大化的需求(自私),但由于资源的有限性,利益冲突不可避免,需要谈判加以解决。 4、理念的差别性 谈判的动因是什么? 1、追求利益 2、谋求合作 3、寻求共识 商务谈判:是指企业为了实现自己的经济目标和满足对方的需要而进行相互协商和沟通的过程。 商务谈判的主要特征 1、商务谈判是一种协调过程 2、商务谈判是“合作”与“冲突”的对立统一 3、商务谈判是互惠的,但不是平等的 4、商务谈判是以经济利益为目的,以价格谈判为中心的 5、商务谈判是科学与艺术相结合的的有机整体 商务谈判的类型(重点背索赔谈判和让步型谈判) 索赔谈判:是指在合同义务不能或未能完全履行时,合同当事人双方进行的谈判。该谈判可分为直接索赔谈判和间接索赔谈判。 直接索赔谈判必须遵守“四重”原则——重合同、重证据、重时效、重关系。 间接索赔谈判的表现形式有三种:调解、仲裁、诉讼。 让步型谈判:(柔软型谈判)谈判者设法避免个人冲突,强调互相信任、互相让步,以达成互相满意的协议,为将来合作打好基础为目的。 为什么不要在立场上讨价还价 1、谈判者在要求上讨价还价,就把自己局限于这些要求之中,陷入到某种立场之中 2、在立场上讨价还价会降低谈判的效率

3、在立场上讨价还价会损害双方的关系 商务谈判的基本原则: 1、利益第一、立场第二 2、以人为本、人事两分 3、意愿不能成为谈判的基础,提出并使用客观标准(如何运用客观标准——重情理、顶住压力、不屈服于压力,屈服于原则) 商务谈判的基础理论包括: 博弈论:美籍匈牙利数学家冯·诺依曼和美籍奥地利经济学家摩根斯坦相识于普林斯顿大学,他们于1944年出版了经典著作《博弈论与经济行为》,为现代博弈论的发展奠定了基础; 公平理论; 控制论(黑箱理论); 信息论等。 技术贸易谈判的主要内容中的第8点 价格:通常由技术使用基本费、项目设计费、技术资料费、人员培训费等构成; 从转让方的角度,影响价格的因素还包括技术开发费、技术转让费、利 润损失补偿费。 “三来一补”,即指来料加工、来样加工、来件装配和补偿贸易。 博弈的分类 1、合作博弈与非合作博弈 2、零和博弈、常和博弈与变和博弈 3、静态博弈与动态博弈 4、完全信息博弈与不完全信息博弈 在博弈基础上的谈判程序 1、商务谈判的准备——建立风险价值。 风险价值是指打算合作的双方对所要进行的交易内容的评估确定。 2、确定合作剩余,合作剩余即合作比不合作增加的价值 3、达成分享剩余的协议 博弈论在商务谈判中的要素 1、博弈参加者 2、策略空间 3、博弈的次序 4、博弈的信息 在谈判中,需要的心理主要表现在以下几方面: 权利的需要、交际需要、成就需要、安全需要、尊重需要。

negotiation skills 谈判技巧

Negotiation Skills 1. Never negotiate if it’s not necessary Bargaining is not negotiating, nor complaining. Sometimes customers just want to express their feelings to us, we shouldn’t treat them as the beginning of negotiation. Try to solve the problem, but needn’t to negotiate. New salesmen tend to negotiate everything with the customers, but neglect some of them is not necessary. 2. Never negotiate with yourself Before negotiation, we should set up clear objectives in our minds. The target could be divided into several levels, but we shouldn’t hesitate or change them during the negotiation. If we find something wrong, then stop the negotiation or seek for a new round in future. “No deal” can mean a very good negotiation. If we need to go away from the table, just do it. 3. Never accept the first offer , and 4. Always ask for more People are used to keep some space to turn around. Both purchasers and sales will make some compromise during negotiation. The first offer usually gives a limit oranticipation for both sides to start with. For our sales, it is very important to provide the first offer higher than what we want. 5. Try not to be the one with the opening position


文秘英语情景对话 Scene one:Office reception Character:Mary(ABC company’s secretary) Cherry( XYZ company’s Deputy General Manager ) Place:Secretary's Office ,ABC company C:Hi,I 'm Cherry Stark, from China XYZ Company. We have an appointment with Mr. Thomas. M:Welcome to ABC Company. We have been expecting you, please have a seat. I will call him. C: Thank you. M: I 'm sorry . Mr. Thomas is making a long distance call. Please wait for a few minutes. C: OK. I would like to wait here. M:In the meantime, may I ask all of you to sign in so that I can issue your passes? C:Should each of us write separately? M: Yes, please. Please print your name and company name, and the person you are going to see. Mr. Thomas will be here very soon. Would you like some coffee or tea? C: Coffee would be fine. M: How would you like your coffee? C: I like it black.


第一章国际商务谈判概述 1.谈判:是指参与各方基于某种需要,彼此进行信息交流,磋商协议,旨在协调其相互关系,维护各自利益的行为过程。 2.商务谈判:商务谈判主要集中在经济领域,指参与各方为了协调、改善彼此的经济关系.满足贸易的需求,围绕标的物的交易条件,彼此通过信息交流、磋商协议达到交易目的的行为过程。 内容包括:商品买卖、投资、劳务输入输出、技术贸易、经济合作等领域 3国际商务谈判:对外贸易经济活动中,买卖双方为了达成某笔交易而就交易的各项条件进行协商的过程。 4.(1)具有一般贸易谈判的共性: ①以经济利益为谈判的目的 ②以经济利益作为谈判的主要评价指标 ③以价格作为谈判的核心 (2)国际商务谈判的特殊性: ④具有较强的政策性 ①应按国际惯例办事 ②谈判内容广泛 ③影响谈判的因素复杂多样。 5.国际商务谈判的种类: (1)按参加的人数规模来划分(分为个体谈判和集体谈判) (2)按参加的谈判的利益主体的数量来划分(双方谈判和多方谈判) (3)按双方接触的方式来划分(口头谈判和书面谈判) (4)按进行的地点来划分(主场谈判、客场谈判和中立地谈判2016.10) (5)按谈判中双方所采取的态度与方针来划分(让步型谈判、立场型谈判和原则型谈判) (6)按谈判的内容来划分(投资谈判、租凭及三来一补谈判、货物买卖谈判(最多的一种谈判)、劳务买卖谈判、技术贸易谈判、损害及违约赔偿谈判) 6.让步型谈判2015.4,2016.4(软式谈判):避免冲突,随时准备为了达成协议而让步,希望通过谈判签订一个皆大欢喜的协议。 立场型谈判2014.10,2017.4(硬式谈判2017.10):把任何情况都看做是一场意志力的竞争和搏斗,认为在这样的竞赛中,立场越强者,最后的收获也就越多。(没有真正的胜利者) 7.原则型谈判(价值型谈判)(2015.10):要求谈判双方首先将对方作为与自己并肩合作的同事对待,而不是作为敌人来对待。 8. 国际商务谈判的基本原则(2017.4): (1)平等互利原则(“重合同,守信用”) (2)灵活机动原则 (3)友好协商原则(“有理,有利,有节”) (4)依法办事原则 9.国际商务谈判的基本程序(2016.10) (1)准备阶段(①对环境因素的分析2信息的搜集②目标和对象的选择③谈判方案的制定④模拟谈判) (2)开局阶段


四川财经职业学院 《文秘英语》课程教学大纲 一、课程性质与任务 《文秘英语》是专科英语的选修课程,教学对象为我院08级各专业学生。本课程从培养岗位应用型人才的总体目标出发,结合学生毕业后的工作实际,力求向学生提供其工作岗位所需要的基本的英语知识和技能,培养学生使用涉外业务英语的能力, 提高文秘从业人员熟悉办公室中常见的涉外活动。 通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握相关行业实用写作文体、实用口语,提高和掌握文秘英语交流的基本技能和涉外英语交际能力等,其中包括专业文献阅读、翻译、写作和口头交际的能力,成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外工作者。 二、教学要求 通过本课程的教学,使学生能够掌握一定的相关行业实用写作文体、实用口语,提高和掌握文秘英语交流的基本技能和涉外英语交际能力。 1、听力能力要求:能基本听懂正常语速的一般旅游活动中的电话、对话等,并能结合具体语言环境,理解所听内容的深层含义。 2、阅读能力要求:能读懂一般难度的英语文章能够承担办公室中常见的涉外活动中的英语阅读和翻译工作。 3、口语能力要求:能够应付日常工作中的交流。语音、语调正确,语流基本连贯顺畅,表达基本得体。 4、英汉互译能力要求:能够翻译一般性办公室文秘方面的各种材料。能够承担办公室中常见的涉外活动中的英语翻译工作。 5、词汇要求:认知词汇达到3,000左右单词。 6、能够正确写出一般性办公室常见的涉外活动的材料。学习使用涉外业务英语的能力。 7、综合素质要求:要求学生具有乐观、积极、向上的心理素质和勇于创新、不断更新自身知识体系的精神。 三、教学内容 《文秘英语》课程共由5个章节组成: 第1章 第1节商务电话Business Calls 第2节留言Leaving and Taking Messages 第3节留言机留言Leaving Answering Machine Messages 第4节接待访客Dealing With Visitors 第5节约见客人Making Appointments 第6节拒见客人Declining Visitors 第2章 第1节鸡尾酒会Cocktail Party


1、谈判:谈判各方为了各自的目的,进行磋商,交换意见,消除分歧,改变关系,从而达成妥协或一致的社会交往活动。 2、当事人为了实现一定的目标,而与实现目标的影响者进行协商的过程。 2、讨价:讨价是指谈判中的一方首先报价之后,另一方认为离自己的期望目标太远,而要求报价方改善报价的行为。 3、纵向谈判:在确定主要问题后,逐个讨论每一问题和条款,讨论一个问题,解决一个问题,直至谈判结束。 4、横向谈判:在确定谈判的主要议题后,开始逐个讨论预先确定的问题。对于有分歧的问题暂时搁置,讨论其他问题,直至全部内容都确定下来。 5、谈判计划:谈判计划是谈判人员在谈判前对谈判目标、具体内容和步骤所做的安排。是谈判者的行动的指针、方向和纲领。 6、谈判策略:谈判者为达到某个目标采取的某些方法和行为。它是谈判实践的经验概括,规定着谈判者在一种能预见和可能发生的情况下,应该做什么,不能做什么。 7、原则性谈判:又称价值型谈判,谈判双方注意与对方的人际关系,尊重对方的基本需要,寻求双方利益上的共同点,积极寻求双方都能接受的方案。 8、立场型谈判:又称硬式谈判,谈判者将谈判看作是一场意志力的较量,认为态度越强硬最后的收获越多。 9、场外交易:在很多情况下,实质性谈判使在场外完成,即,在谈判桌之外对最重要的问题形成共识后,才会就相关的细节、技术问题进行正式的谈判。 二、简答题 1、货物买卖谈判的基本内容 1.品质条件 2.数量条件 3.包装条件 4.交货条件 5.货物的检验 6.产品的价格 7.支付 8.索赔与仲裁 2、加工贸易谈判的主要内容 1.数量、质量、包装和加工方法 2.原材料的使用与供应 3.检验监督 4.定价或酬金 5.完成期限 6.保密要求 3、如何确立谈判目标 1、谈判目标:谈判的方向和要达到的目的 2、谈判目标的层次 1)理想目标2)可接受目标3)最低目标 3、确定谈判目标的原则 1)实用性2)合理性3)合作性 4、如何报价(时机、起点、技巧) 一、何时报价利大于弊 1)如果己方处于有利地位,先报价将有利。特别是在对方对本次交易的情形不熟悉的情况下。2)双方实力接近时,可先报价争取主动。3)在己方缺乏谈判经验,事例弱于对方时,应让对方先报,根据对方报价,调整己方方案。 二、如何确定报价起点 首先,根据外部环境和企业本身情况,结合谈判意图,拟订价格区间,确定报价的上下限。其次,作为卖方时,要采取最高报价,作为买方则报最低价。 三、报价技巧 1)报最小单位价格2)报零头价格3)由低到高报价4)用比较法 对高价商品加以说明 5、如何对待对方的报价 1.对方报价时,认真倾听,并尽力完整、准确地把握对方报价的内容。 2.对方报价完毕后,正确的策略不急于还价,让对方作价格解释 3.在对方结束价格解释之后,可采取的策略讨价还价 6、如何做谈判总结 谈判结束后,不管成功还是失败,都要对去的谈判工作进行全面、系统的总结,对环节、过程都要回顾、检查、分析、评定,吸取经验教训,不断提高谈判水平。 一.商务谈判的价值评判标准 1.商务谈判目标的实现程度这是首要目标目标内容随不同的谈判项目而异 2.谈判的效率—谈判收获与所费成本的对比关系 3.谈判后的关系 企业关系人际关系 二.商务谈判总结的内容 1.与谈判的准备过程直接有关的方面 2.客户情况 3.其他情况三.商务谈判的总结步骤 1.回顾情况整理记录 2.分析和评定谈判情况 3.提出改进措施 和建议4.形成总结报告 7、如何对谈判队伍进行管理 8、如何制定谈判策略 1)现象分析2)寻找关键问题3)确定目标4)形成假设性解决方法5)对解决方法进行分析6)具体策略的生成7)拟订行动的草案 9、不同地位下的谈判策略导向(平等、主动、被动、买方市场、卖方市场) 1.平等地位的谈判策略 原则是平等互利,求同存异。 1)避免争论2)抛砖引玉3)留有余地4)避实就虚 2.被动地位的策略1)沉默2)忍耐3)多听少讲4)情感沟通 3.主动地位的谈判策略利用己方优势,形成压力,迫使对方让步,以谋取最大利益。 策略:最后通牒策略先苦后甜策略 4.买方在卖方市场条件时的策略 在卖方市场条件下,买方的策略主要集中在货源、数量、到货时间和商品质量上。 具体策略:1)先苦后甜。2)浅侵。3)合作。 5.买方在买方市场下的策略 1)货比三家。2)明知故问。3)半路出击。 6.卖方在卖方市场条件下的策略1)照章办事。2)厚利多销。3)居安思危。 7.卖方在买方市场条件下的策略1)引起兴趣。2)优惠攻势。3)轰动效应。4)“一揽子”交易。5)欲擒故纵。 10、谈判实力理论的十条原则 1.避免仓促参与谈判 2.注意信息的搜集与保密 3.目标要有余地 4.制造竞争气氛,让对手们之间去竞争 5.展示实力最好用暗示 6.不轻易给对方讨价还价的余地 7.要给对方心理上更多的满足感以增强谈判的吸引力 8.多听、多问、少说 9.与对方所希望的目标保持接触10.让对方一开始就习惯己方的大目标 11、如何做谈判准备(信息准备、人员准备) 信息准备 (一)市场调研运用科学的方法,有目的地,系统地收集、纪录、整理、分析和预测有关营销方面的各种信息资料,为企业制定和实施有效的营销战略提供依据。包括:营销环境,调研市场动态,调研营销,实务调研 (二)谈判对方的信息情况 谈判对方的个人情况,谈判对方组织情况,对谈判期限的了解(三)相关环境因素 1.政策法律 2.科技信息 3.价格信息 (四)谈判信息的收集与处理 1.信息收集方法:分析“公开情报”、设立情报网、公共场所寻求情报 2.情报处理1)对所得情报进行整理、分类、归纳、比较等2)情报的分析和筛选 人员准备 一.谈判人员的个体素质 1、思想意识:1)政治思想素质2)信誉意识3)合作意识4)团队意识5)效率意识 2、知识结构:1)商务知识2)技术知识3)人文知识 3、谈判经验:1)对市场形势分析判断的经验2)对谈判对手的分析判断经验 4、心理素质:1)自信心2)耐心和毅力3)创造性与灵活性 二.商务谈判人员的群体构成 1、谈判群体的配备原则:1)知识互补2)性格协调3)分工明确 2、谈判群体的配备规模:1)以项目的大小和难易来确定谈判小组的阵容。2)依据谈判所需的专业知识的复杂程度来确定。3)依据管理幅度的有效性来确定。(管理跨度) 3、谈判群体的人员构成:1)负责人或主谈人2)工程师3)会计师 4)律师5)翻译 4、商务谈判人员的职责:1)负责人或主谈人的职责2)专业人员的职责3)翻译的职责4)经济人员的职责5)律师的职责 5、谈判队伍的组织与管理:1)整体性2)纪律性3)积极性


单选题:1*20=20;简答题:2*5=10;论述题:2*15=30;案例分析:2*20=40; 商务谈判与礼仪知识点总结 简答题: 1、谈判及其特点? 答:(1)广义的谈判是泛指一切为寻求意见协调而进行的思想、意愿交流磋商的全过程。狭义的谈判是指有准备、有步骤地,为寻求意见协调,并用书面形式予以反映的磋商过程。 (2)特点:①谈判是一个通过不断调整各自需求,最终使各谈判方的需求相互得以调和,互相接近从而达成一致意见的过程。②谈判具有“合作”与“冲突”的二重性,是“合作”与“冲突”的对立统一。③对谈判的任何一方来讲,谈判都有一定的利益界限。④谈判既是一门科学,又是一门艺术,是科学与艺术的有机整体。 2、商务谈判及其特点? 答:(1)商务谈判是经济实体之间,或企业之间,在经济活动中,以经济利益为目的,因各种业务往来而进行的谈判。包括一切国经济组织间的商务谈判和国经济组织与国外经济组织间的涉外商务谈判。 (2)特征:I与谈判共有的特点:①是一个通过不断调整各自需求,最终使各谈判方的需求相互得以调和,互相接近从而达成一致意见的过程。②具有“合作”与“冲突”的二重性,是“合作”与“冲突”的对立统一。③对谈判的任何一方来讲,谈判都有一定的利益界限。④既是一门科学,又是一门艺术,是科学与艺术的有机整体。II独有的个性特征:①以经济利益为目的,是商务谈判的一个典型特征。②以价格作为谈判的核心。③讲求谈判的经济效益。III涉外经济谈判除有以上谈判,还有特有的特征:①洽谈双方的业务关系是两国或两

个地区之间经济关系的一部分,并且常常涉及到两国之间的政治关系和外交关系。②由于商讨的容是两国或两个地区的企业之间的业务关系,因此,在适用的法律方面是以国际经济法为准则的。③由于谈判者来自不同的国家和地区,有着不同的政治经济体制和社会文化背景,人们的价值观、思维方式、行为方式、语言及风俗习惯各不相同,从而使得影响谈判的因素大大增加。④由于洽谈的结果往往导致资产的跨国转移,因而要涉及到国际贸易、国际金融、国际保险、国际运输等一系列问题。 3、商务谈判的种类? 答:(1)按照参加谈判的利益主体分类:双边谈判和多边谈判。(2)按照参加谈判的人数规模可以将谈判分类:个体谈判和集体谈判。(3)根据谈判进行的地点来划分:主场谈判、客场谈判和中立地谈判。(4)据谈判者所采取的态度和方针可将谈判分为软型谈判、硬型谈判和价值型谈判。 4、商务谈判的基本原则? 答:客观真诚的原则、平等互惠的原则、求同存异的原则、公平竞争的原则、区分人与问题。 5、商务谈判的评价标准? 答:(1)首先,要看商务谈判目标的实现程度。(2)其次,要看谈判的效率如何。谈判成本是以下三个部分之和:①分成本是为了达成协议所做出的所有让步之和。其数值等于该次谈判预期谈判收益与实际谈判收益之差。②成本是指为洽谈而耗费的各种资源之和。其数值等于为该次谈判所付出的人力、物力、财力和时间的经济折算值之和。③分成本是指机会成本。所谓谈判效率是指谈判所获收益与所耗费谈判成本之间的对比关系。(3)再次,看谈判后两个组织之间合作关系如何。总之,我们认为一场成功的或理想的谈判应该是:通


2009级课程设计 任务:09级学生在12周内,完成一篇与自身专业方向相关的全英文作文。 要求: 1.选择与自身专业方向(如国际商务英语方向、旅游与酒店管理、 文秘方向)相关的话题,完成一篇作文。可以从自身的实践谈,但必须与英语相关。全文主要分成三部分:字数: 800-1200(即3-5页) a.介绍选题的原因,目的和意义。 b.正文部分进行详细阐述。 c.对全文进行总结,并得出相应的结论。 2.封面填写要求: a.字体:中文和数字三号宋体,不加粗;英文小三号Times New Roman b.系别专业: 外语系英语专业 c.实验课程:课程设计 d.班级: 填写方式与论文填写方式一样, 即:2009级英语(旅游与酒店方向)* 班 2009级英语(国际商务方向)* 班 2009级英语(文秘方向) e.可在模版上根据自己的信息进行修改,但注意下划线长度一致。 3.成绩填写: a. 百分制:100%

b. 成绩分布: 4.导师指导修改及评分参考: a. 是否出现语法错误。 b. 全文结构安排是否合理,衔接过渡是否合乎逻辑。 c. 是否具有实践经验总结或指导意义。 5.正文格式如下: a.题目:Times New Roman小二,加粗,居中。 b.空一行开始正文,段首缩进2个字符 c.全文分成三部分,每一部分不用小标题。正文字体为Times New Roman小四。 1.5倍行距。不加粗。 d.范文如下:

成都信息工程学院银杏酒店管理学院 实验报告 系别专业外语系英语专业 实验课程课程设计 指导教师谢璐 学生姓名陈宾力 班级2009级英语(旅游酒店与管理方向)1班学号2009511210

商务谈判 business negotiation

Business Negotiation Plan 课程代码 04C12 课程名称 商务谈判 专 业 商务英语 时 间 2016年6月 组 员崔梦瑶 0134286 杨霞 0134290 肖招兰 0134288 徐云娟 0136228 Business Negotiation Plan Party A (seller): Gree Electric Appliances Inc. Of Zhuhai Party B (buyer): Happiness Household Appliances Inc. of New York Date: June 6th,2016 Venue : meeting room of our company Negotiation team: Cui Mengyao Xiao Zhaolan Yang Ming Xu Feng Li Tian

Division of work: Member Position Cui Mengyao The main negotiator the main representative of our negotiation team, who is this negotiation. Xiao Zhaolan The vice negotiator She’s responsible for giving suggestions to the main neg Yang Ming The recorder His task is to make written records during negotiation. Xu Feng The legal advise He is in charge of negotiation disciplines and legal code Li Tian The financial person He is in charge of clause on price and financial problem and purposes of the other party. Theme of negotiation : Party B would like to buy air conditioners from our company ,we will negotiate around the two main questions as following : 1. The price and the discount of air conditioners 2. The way of payment and the time for goods delivery Background: 1. It is the first time for us to cooperate with Happiness Household Appliances Inc. of New York which is a startup and want to buy 3000 sets of air conditioner from company , our party should not only sell our products and expand our market with reasonable price, but also build up long-time relationship with them. 2.Current market is buyer’s market, and competition on air conditioners are fierce ,which means that Happiness Household Appliances Inc. of New York enjoy more advantage during negotiation. 3. Both of two sides have relatively strong intention to cooperate with each other.

秘书英语 Key to Unit 1

Key to Unit 1 How Does One Become a Secretary? Section 1 Being Interviewed I. 1.personnel 2.manager 3. in 4.answer 6. qualifications 7.personal 8.interview 9. graduated 10.from 11. Secretarial 12.Management 13. office 15. main 16.duty 17. typing 18. bilingual 19. apply 20.for 21. enjoys 22. challenging 23. deal 24.with 25. position 26. routine 27. teaming 28.up 29.with 30. confident 31. maximize 32. folk 33.songs 34. be 35.married 36. salary 37. assignment 38. benefits 39. insurance 40. opportunity III. 2. (1)what has made you decide to apply for a position here? (2) My responsibilities include typing, filing, and answering telephone (3) you’re looking for an executive secretary (4) assist me in my daily routine, dealing with correspondence (5) I am more confident that I am able to handle the office routine. 5. 1)I am very happy that I have the chance for this personal interview. 2)I had a part-time job for three months at Far East Trade Company as a personnel assistant. 3)As a secretary I usually need to deal with people from other cultures. 4)My plan is to become a successful secretary because I have been well trained for this. 5)A secretary must team up with other colleagues for a smooth operation to maximize working efficiency. 6)I want to ask about the salary and benefits in the company. Section 2 Preparing an Interview I. 1.affair 2.employer 3.that 5.who 7.themselves 8.sector 9.ahead 10.advantage 11.capabilities 12.and 14.arrive 15.understand 16.and 17.Smile 18.or 19.remember 20.the 21.light 22.out 23.nature


名词解释: 谈判准备:商务谈判的准备全过程就是完成“十二个字”的内容,即知己知彼、知头知尾、通过预审。(遵守的五个原则:客观性、统一性、自我性、兼容性、行政性。) 重建谈判:重建谈判系指交易各方因某种契机或原因就已经终止、终结的谈判或执行中的合同重开的谈判。 谈判:谈判系为妥善解决某个问题或分歧,并力争达成协议,而彼此对话的行为或过程。商务谈判:为妥善解决国内及国际货物(商品)买卖(采购和销售)中的问题,并力争达成协议而彼此对话的行为或过程。 攻心战策略:攻心战的基本思想是从对手的个体和群体的心理活动出发,通过影响其情感或追求欲望,软化其对抗力量,增加亲和力,从而实现己方谈判目标。(常用的典型策略:满意感、头碰头、鸿门宴、借恻隐、奉送选择权。) 蘑菇战策略:蘑菇战以耐心、耐性和韧性为武器,在相持中拖垮对方的谈判意志,从而达到预期谈判目标的策略做法。该类策略以韧性考验意志,以时间换取时机,具有明显的特征和威力。(常用的策略:疲劳战、扮菩萨、挡箭牌、磨时间、车轮战。) 探询:商务谈判的探询系指谈判手依谈判任务(标的)寻找、了解交易对象的活动,也包括为之搜寻有关资料的工作。 谈判的管理:商务谈判的管理系为保证谈判的效率和效益,将与谈判相关联的各种资源进行优化配置的系列性工作,或称为有效组织谈判的艺术。 保证条件的解释:保证条件主要指交易人的履约保证、货物品质保证、技术水平保证。 谈判售的行为准则:谈判人的行为不应是自然的行为,而应是自在的、受一定制约的行为。这种自在的、制约性的行为是理智的、追求的产物,是以效果为目标的人为行动。 填空: 主持人的主要职责:纽带、指挥、接口、寻找妥协点。 谈判机构的设置形式:联合谈判办公室、谈判小组、单兵谈判。 谈判的终结方式:成交、破裂、中止。 按目标来分类谈判可以分成几种形式:不求交易结果的谈判、意向书与协议书的谈判、准合同与合同的谈判、索赔谈判。 谈判的当事人分为:谈判的台前当事人、后台的当事人。 谈判的语言分为几种:商务法律语汇、外交语汇、文学语汇、军事语汇。 问答题: 1.谈判中如何进行人事管理? 答:商业谈判中的人事管理系指配置人力资源的技巧。其内涵是使人才适合谈判任务要求,适合谈判机构的要求,并使人才在谈判中充分发挥作用。它涉及谈判人员的选配、分工、指导与激励等四方面的操作技巧。 2.与谈判有关的环境因素有哪些? 答:谈判的背景包括:政治背景、经济背景、人际关系。 政治背景包括①国内商务谈判,内容有全局状况、局部状况、中央政策、地方政策。②国际商务谈判,分为友好与敌对两种背景。 经济背景包括①宏观经济因素,内容有交易货币的汇率变化、交易人所在国通货膨胀、股市涨跌、经济发展快慢。②微观经济因素,包括标的物的市场状况和当事人企业状况。 人际关系分为直接与间接、友好与旧嫌、新朋与老友、上层与下层几种。 与谈判有关的环境因素主要包括谈判目标、谈判对手、谈判时间、谈判环境及投入谈判的人员。 3.谈判中论述的常用手法有哪些?

Negotiation report

Table of Contents 1.BRIEF INRODUCTION OG THE CASE (2) 2.BACKGROUND OF THE PARTENER (2) 3. PREPARATION (3) 4. THE PROCEDURE OF THE NEGOTIATION (4) 4.1 main content of negotiation (4) 4.2 Purpose (4) 4.3 Structure and sequence of the negotiation (5) 5.CONCLUSION (8)

Brief introduction of the case The case is a business between Lexing Website and Eton Forest Kindergarten. It is a deal on the advertisement. We are divided into A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6. One main spokesman and 4 or 5 negotiators each party. Firstly, the main spokesman will make a brief introduction to its own company and the negotiators of each party. Then, the negotiators of the both parties will begin the negotiation concentrating on the technology, payment, price and copyright in turn. Finally, the main spokesman will make a conclusion about the negotiation and claim that the agreements are reached after a fierce negotiation. Moreover, he will express the wish to establish long-term cooperation relationship as well. Background of the partener Lexiang website focuses on sharing high-quality Chinese courses for free. The courses will be from domestic colleges, high schools, and even primary schools covering almost every subject student’s learning right now. The famous uni & academic celebrities will be our highlights to attract customers. Customers can also vote for the teaching and make comment on it; on the discussion column, customers can discuss what


Business Negotiation Skills in English (商务英语谈判技巧) Phases of Negotiation According to Robert Maddux, author of Successful Negotiation, negotiation is the process we use to satisfy our needs when someone else controls what we want、In business negotiations, the two parties endeavor to obtain their business goals through bargaining with their counterparts、Business negotiations are conducted in the following four phases: the preparation phase, opening phase, bargaining phase and closing phase、 Preparation phase 1.Choosing your team The negotiation team should include members in the following areas: ?mercial: responsible for the negotiation on price, delivery terms, and mercial policy of risk taking、 ?Technical: responsible for specifications, programs, and methods of work、 ?Financial: terms of payment, credit insurance and financial guarantees、 ?Legal: contract documents, terms and conditions of contract, insurance and legal interpretation、 ?Interpreter: familiar with the foreign language needed as well as the negotiationrelated knowledge, and having certain munication skills、 The most important role in the team is the chief negotiator (CN), who is supposed to possess the following qualities: sociability, shrewdness, adaptability, patience, endurance、Other than that, extensive knowledge, clear oral expression as well as strong leadership are also important for a CN、 2、Gathering and analyzing information Valuable information covers the areas in political, legal as well as business system, market research, financial policies, infrastructure and logistics、The knowledge on the counterpart is also necessary、With the information at hand, it is time do a feasibility study to adjust our goals to be achieved、 3、The negotiation plan The plan defines the negotiating objectives, sets the minimum acceptable level for each term, and states the time control, initial strategy, the tactics and others including the location, personnel and facilities needed、A welldesigned plan allows more flexibility in different situations and guides the negotiators through the negotiation process without getting off track、 The opening phase It is mon that the seller submits proposals、Then the buyer confronts with three options: outright acceptance, outright rejection, and qualified rejection, the last of which is usually the most choice、Once the positions and objectives of both parties are revealed, the negotiators begin to reflect both on the loss they will suffer if they would concede and on the loss they will receive if they would refuse to concede、 The bargaining phase At this stage, concessions are made and advantages are gained, thus an agreement is to be achieved、Necessarily the team should make a reappraisal of the other party’s concession factor、
